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Nizhny Novgorod River School. How to get to Nizhny Novgorod River School named after. I.P. Kulibina (NRU) in Nizhny Novgorod by bus, minibus, tram or trolleybus? The life of the school and the glorious names of its graduates

Are you thinking of a trip from the Nizhny Novgorod River School named after. I.P. Kulibin (NRU) in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia?

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You can take a bus, minibus, tram or trolleybus to get to your destination. Next to the Nizhny Novgorod River School named after. I.P. Kulibin (NRU) are served by these routes: (Bus) Bus - 1, Bus - 4, Bus - 40, Bus - 52, Bus - 58; (Trolleybus) Trolleybus - 1; (Minibus) Minibus - T-97.

Looking for a stop near your destination? Try one of these options: River School; Nizhegorodsky supermarket; Water Academy; Semashko Street; Ulyanov street.

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In the history of Volga shipping and shipbuilding, in the development of technical progress of river transport, the Nizhny Novgorod River School named after I.P. Kulibin occupies a prominent place. This first Russian river educational institution was created in 1872, it trained tens of thousands of highly qualified specialists and continues to operate successfully to this day.

Two schools: vocational and river

In 1868, in the year of the 50th anniversary of the death of Ivan Petrovich Kulibin, the public of Nizhny Novgorod decided to perpetuate the memory of the great mechanic. On April 1, 1872, the Nizhny Novgorod Vocational School was opened. I.P. Kulibin, which was supposed to train artisans from orphans and children of poor parents. First, the specialty of woodcarvers opened. Then carpenters, joiners, and blacksmiths were added.

But what does the river have to do with it, you ask? Graduates of the carpentry and blacksmith department repaired steam engines. Steamship workers contacted the school and gave orders to repair external combustion engines. The school had models of these same engines. Graduates sometimes went to the navy, where specialist ship mechanics were needed.

Initially, the school did not have its own premises and for classes they rented a private apartment with donations from the provincial zemstvo, the city duma, the Nizhny Novgorod city public bank and private individuals. The school did not receive a penny from the treasury. Later, the school occupied the house of Verderevsky, who was convicted in the high-profile salt case and his property was confiscated. The mansion was rented out to the Kulibinsky School, and then it went into “perpetual use.” Until 1919, the school trained carpenters, blacksmiths, and mechanics, including for the needs of the river fleet.

There were no other educational institutions for the fleet at that time. But in 1887, after the tragedy on the steamship "Vera", when more than 200 people died in a fire on the ship due to the inept actions of the crew, through the efforts of Governor Baranov and thanks to donations from the merchant steamship-owning community of Nizhny Novgorod, a River School appeared in the city. It was already a specialized river educational institution. The first in Russia. Initially, it did not have its own premises. We rented apartments and moved. There were two departments - skipper and steamship mechanics. After 3 years, we found opportunities to build our own building. The school bought Peter's House and the plot behind it on Pochainskaya Street, hired the fair architect Ivanov, he restored Peter's House itself and built a building behind it for the River School. In 1890 the building was ready. And at the moment when they started studying in a new place, they realized that the department of steamship mechanics was not in demand, because there was a Kulibinsky vocational school, which over 15 years had a much better material base. And so many people went to the skipper’s department that there wasn’t enough room for everyone in the new building. Therefore, the mechanical department at the river school was closed; since 1890, the training of mechanics for the Volga fleet was transferred entirely to the Kulibinsky vocational school.

Following the example of the Nizhny Novgorod River School, river schools were opened in Kazan, Rybinsk, Perm and other cities of the Volga region.

Thus, from 1990 to 1919, two educational institutions were engaged in training personnel for the river fleet - the Kulibinsky vocational school on Bolshaya Pecherskaya Street and the Nizhny Novgorod River School, which graduated future navigators, fleet commanders, skippers, located next to Peter’s House - on Pochainskaya Street. These two educational institutions, opened before the October Revolution of 1917, are considered predecessors and are the basis of today's Nizhny Novgorod River School named after I.P. Kulibin, known for its long history and traditions in the training of river specialists.

Early 20th century

In 1919, the merger of two schools took place - Rechnoy and Kulibinsky. They were transformed into a technical school of water transport, later renamed the Polytechnic of Waterways. V.M. Zaitseva.

At the beginning of the 1920s, the Makaryevskaya almshouse with an orphanage and two house churches was closed, and all these buildings were given to the technical school, which had already become the Polytechnic, since many new specialties had opened, the premises were needed. And already at the end of 1920-1930, from all these three buildings at the beginning of Bolshaya Pecherskaya, the very “Stalinist” building that we have now was rebuilt.

In 1930, the Institute of Water Transport Engineers (GIIVT) was created. Due to the lack of its own building and material base, the new institute was included in the Nizhny Novgorod (Gorky since 1933) educational plant named after. V.M. Zaitseva. After the transfer of GIIVT to its own building in 1933, the Polytechnic of Water Transport retained the name of V.M. Zaitsev until 1938.

Years of the Great Patriotic War

In 1941, 18 cadets volunteered to go to the front; in total, 798 students and teachers fought at the front. Of these, 143 people did not return from the battlefields. Three graduates of the technical school were awarded the title of Heroes of the Soviet Union: Nikolai Vilkov, Ivan Petrov and Mikhail Stupishin. The title of Hero of Russia was awarded to A.M. Fadin for his military feat during the Battle of Stalingrad.

The polytechnic students who remained in the rear worked on the construction of a defensive line, on the construction of the Gorky-Kerzhenets railway line or telegraph line, participated in collecting warm clothes for the front, and organized concerts for wounded soldiers. The cadets replaced rivermen who had gone to the front, which was a very difficult and responsible task.

In 1944, the Gorky River Technical School was reorganized into the River School. The students began to be called cadets. A military department was opened, and the cadets were transferred to barracks status. At that moment, the admission of girls to all specialties was stopped, although in the pre-war period the Polytechnic graduated the first two female captains on the Volga (Lisina, Popova).

The life of the school and the glorious names of its graduates

The post-war years were a difficult time as the country's economy recovered. In 1953, the construction of the first building of the “Cadet House” building was completed - a dormitory, which is still located near Sennaya Square. Students of the school took an active part in its construction. Until this moment, the cadets lived in the area beyond the river, moving daily to study in columns on foot.

In 1958 - the year of the 140th anniversary of the death of I.P. Kulibin - his name was returned to the school.

The life of the school has always been very full. The cadets participated in various sports and creative events, often took prizes in competitions, and visited theaters and cinema together.

The glorious traditions of the school are preserved to this day. Today, one of the most important tasks is not only the training of technically competent specialists, but also the education of morality, ethics and civic responsibility of cadets. The educational work of this educational institution is set at a high level, which is important. Maybe that’s why the school’s graduates have always been in demand by society in various fields. They were and are the main core among the command staff of the Volga basin and other basins of the Russian Federation; they occupy high positions in the country’s water transport system.

Here future scientists received a start in life - Professor Olshamovsky S.B., Professor Andryutin G.I., Honorary Academician Bogdanov B.V., Doctor of Medical Sciences Ryzhakov D.I. Among the former students there are poets and writers - Viktor Ilyin, Vyacheslav Gorbachev, composer V.A. Zabyvaev, editors, artists. Graduates of the Nizhny Novgorod River School work both in the field of astronautics and in business. The Lenin Prize was awarded to the work of the discoverer of the Volga highways V.G. Poluektova. It was he who tested the hydrofoil motor ships “Raketa”, “Meteor”, “Sputnik”, and the gas turbine ship “Burevestnik”.

For its success in training personnel for the river fleet, the school was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor.

Over the history of its existence, the school has trained over 50 thousand competent specialists.

Today, the Nizhny Novgorod River School is a structural subdivision of the Volga State University of Water Transport and is headed by D.N. Kostyunichev.

For the 145th anniversary of the school, a huge amount of work has been done to improve the material base and condition of the school’s premises, a major renovation of the building is being carried out, which also affects the quality of education, reinforces positive motivation and attitude towards productive joint work of cadets and teachers in the future.

And we, from the editors, wish the Nizhny Novgorod River School further development, may a fair wind accompany you. And as Lao Tzu said: “ To be strong, you must be like water. There are no obstacles - it flows; dam - it will stop; if the dam breaks, it will flow again; in a quadrangular vessel it is quadrangular; in the round - round. Because she is so compliant, she is needed most and most powerfully».

Nizhny Novgorod River School named after I. P. Kylibin is a source of water transport personnel. Founded in 1872, it consistently prepares its graduates with high quality. Thousands of graduates of this educational institution have forever written themselves into the history of Russian shipping. The school has laboratories for electrical engineering, radio engineering, radio receivers, geodesy and water surveys.

The school has an excellent library. The material equipment of the classrooms makes the learning process fun and exciting, because real instruments and natural models are used as aids.

The school also has its own training center for training captains and navigators of ships. The school's cadets successfully take first places in various competitions and competitions. The school also has a museum that tells about the glorious past of the school and its graduates. The cadets undergo practical training on active fleet vessels, which allows the cadets to quickly become acquainted with the harsh realities of their future work.

The school actively participates in all events held by the fleet, conferences, ceremonial rallies and the opening of memorial plaques are held.

Address: N. Novgorod, st. Bolshaya Pecherskaya, 2.

Director: Kostyunichev Denis Nikolaevich