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Dadonghai Bay (China) - reviews from tourists. Negative, neutral and positive feedback. Hainan Dadonghai China - is it worth visiting? Hainan reviews. Places around Sanya

One of the most popular holiday destinations in China is Hainan Island. There are hotels of the highest international category, magnificent beaches, many restaurants, cafes and entertainment centers.

Dadonghai Bay is a beach resort with well-developed infrastructure

For tourists who want to go on holiday to China, one of the most attractive places is the island Hainan Dadonghai in particular, which is considered to be the best beach in the country today. And the point is not even that Dadonghai You can vacation without a visa. Tourists from all over the world are attracted here by the amazing tropical nature and a lot of entertainment that this area of ​​the island is rich in.

Beach Dadonghai is the territory of the city of Sanya, the largest in Hainan. This area, like the island as a whole, has a well-developed infrastructure. Thanks to modern roads, getting to any part of Hainan is not difficult. Directly from herself Dadonghai Bay the center of Sanya can be reached in just a few minutes, since the distance between them does not exceed three kilometers. Therefore, tourists who want to relax on Hainan to Dadonghai, will not be cut off from the nightlife of this Chinese island and other entertainment.

main feature Dadonghai- this, of course, is its amazing location. The bay with a huge sandy beach is located in a picturesque location, which is bordered by two mountains. Translated from Chinese, their names mean “Turned Deer” and “Hare’s Tail.” From other popular resorts in the country Dadonghai Bay distinguished by the quality of the beach, which meets the highest standards. Transparent clean water, fine white sand, tropical palm trees and flowers. Relaxing on the beach in such an environment is a pleasure.

Diving and other entertainment in Dadonghai

Hainan Island is located in the tropics, so the sea is home to a huge number of exotic fish and corals. All this diversity of the underwater world attracts people to relax in Hainan to Dadonghai diving enthusiasts. There are several diving centers open on the coast, where you can take a scuba diving course or rent the necessary equipment for diving.

Fishing is also a traditional activity on this Chinese island. The bay is home to a huge amount of fish, so even a novice fisherman’s catch is guaranteed to be large. Returning to shore after swimming, you can order dinner from freshly caught fish at the hotel restaurant.

Entertainment in Hainan

Chinese Dadonghai Bay Not so long ago it became a tourist area, so hotels were built here only 8-10 years ago. Local restaurants that specialize in seafood are also located along the shore. Here you will be served fresh fish, freshly caught shrimp, squid and other equally delicious dishes of Chinese, Japanese and European cuisines.

Dadonghai Bay has the busiest and most equipped beach in Sanya. It is here that the tourist infrastructure of the resort arose and continues to develop intensively. Dadonghai Bay has become a popular holiday destination on Hainan, an island dubbed the "Hawaii of China" by foreign tourists and locals.

The beach line, about 3 km long, is flanked by two mountains: Luhuitou and Tuiziwei, which translates to “Turning Deer” and “Hare’s Tail.” The coast is covered with fine golden sand mixed with shell rock. The water is clean, but due to the sandy suspension it seems cloudy. The entrance to the sea is gentle, the depth increases gradually. There are no stones, holes or corals at the bottom. After a storm, algae may appear. It is safe for children and people who cannot swim to swim in shallow water. At high tide, the width of the coastline is 20-30 m; at low tide, the surf edge retreats several tens of meters.

Dadonghai Bay Hotels

On the first line there are respectable hotel complexes with swimming pools, well-kept gardens and a wide range of services provided. Such resorts have rooms overlooking the bay; umbrellas and sunbeds are placed on the coast for guests. The use of equipment is included in the price of accommodation and is not available for rent to other vacationers. Security guards usually distinguish between “us” and “foreign” guests by towels with logos.

In addition to luxury accommodation facilities with a high level of service, the hotel sector also offers options for budget travelers. To relax comfortably and on a budget, you can find accommodation a little further from the coast, but also within walking distance from the sea.

Popular accommodation options in Dadonghai:


In Dadonghai Bay, summer reigns all year round. The high holiday season lasts from November to May. At this time, the likelihood of experiencing bad weather conditions is extremely low. In the winter months there is practically no precipitation, the air temperature fluctuates between +20 °C...+25 °C, and it can be cool at night: the thermometer sometimes drops to +15 °C. The summer period is characterized by rain and constant heat - up to +35 °C and above, the sea warms up to +30 °C.

From July to September, tropical downpours or a typhoon can ruin your vacation. It is recommended not to plan a trip in February, when China celebrates the Lunar New Year and the country begins a long weekend, much like in Russia during the New Year holidays. Hoteliers, shops, food outlets and taxi drivers are raising prices, and the beach area is becoming like a human anthill.


A palm alley is planted along the coastal area, providing abundant natural shade. The embankment is lined with paving slabs and is supplemented on the sides with boardwalks and terraces. In the center of the square at the main entrance to the beach there is a sculptural composition depicting swimming girls. To the right of the stairs leading to the sea, there are showers and toilets, nearby there are washbasins and a mirror on the street, and there are also taps for washing feet.

Swimming areas are fenced with buoys, swimming beyond which is strictly prohibited. If someone violates the ban, the rescuers on the towers launch a quadcopter with a red flag, and the drone hovers over the swimmer until he returns from the danger zone. Precautionary measures are taken due to the fact that rip currents occur in the water area, when the outflow of a tidal wave can quickly drag a person far from the shore. Rip comes suddenly, and to avoid tragic incidents, you should not ignore signs that say “Rip Current.”

On the coastal area there are tables with warnings and a map of the beach, as well as light boards with information about water temperature. An announcer's voice can be heard from the loudspeakers, reading warning announcements in Chinese, Russian and English. The looped recording is broadcast all day, which, judging by the reviews of Dadonghai, annoys many tourists. If you move under the palm trees, you will hear pleasant music from the speakers with the melodic sounds of the Chinese kunhou harp accompanied by other instruments.

Remember to use repellent to avoid sand flea bites. After sunset, access to the sea is blocked by a ribbon. Cleaners maintain cleanliness from early morning until dusk, collecting household and organic waste not only on land, but also catching it from the water with nets.

At night, the arched corridor at the Pearl River Garden Hotel, which is one of the exits to the beach, becomes a favorite backdrop for vacation photo sessions. The lighting of the structure flickers with all the colors of the rainbow. The festive atmosphere is created by multi-colored garlands entwined around tree trunks. With the onset of darkness, bright illumination also turns on on the facades of numerous restaurants and cafes, including those aimed at guests from Russia (“Moscow”, “Slavyanka”, “USSR”). Cheap, tasty and satisfying food will be served in catering establishments, so-called “chifanki” (from “chi fan” - “to eat”). Noodles with egg cost 11 yuan, rice with seafood - 25, meat with sweet and sour sauce - 28, steamed dumplings - 7. As a rule, the names of dishes on the menu are written in hieroglyphs without translation, photographs will help you make a choice. “Food Square” is located near the “Winter-Summer” shopping complex. Portions are large everywhere, you can order one for two. It is not customary to leave a tip.

A wide range of goods and products is offered by the Pineapple shopping center, which is considered the best place for shopping in Sanya.

All typical water activities are available in the water area: banana boat rides and jet skis, snorkeling and diving, boat trips and fishing. The catch can be taken to any of the restaurants and asked to be cooked. Diving centers organize dives for both beginners and experienced divers. Schools of fish scurry about in the coral reefs, and you can come across turtles, shellfish and other representatives of marine fauna. For lovers of active leisure, volleyball courts are equipped. Group gymnastics classes are offered.

There are several traditional medicine centers in Dadonghai: the Garden of Longevity, the Taiji Clinic, the Do Wen Tian Medical Center and others. The range of treatment procedures includes massage, breathing exercises, herbal infusions, acupuncture and reflexology.

It is important to stock up on cash, as some stores do not accept cards for payment. At an ATM, it is better to immediately withdraw a large amount from your account for expenses, so as not to pay a commission for each transaction.

The Chinese resort island of Hainan is known throughout the world as the “Hawaii of the East”. This name suits him perfectly. Hainan is filled with greenery, picturesque scenery, and is warm all year round. The island has several bays that attract tourists with white sand and clear water, and one of the visiting cards is Dadonghai Bay, where surfing, diving and beach lovers come every year.

Map of Sanya Dadonghai in Russian

Dadonghai is extremely rarely marked on the map of the People's Republic of China; it can only be found on detailed maps of Hainan Province. Therefore, a tourist who is traveling to this resort for the first time should keep Hainan Island as a landmark, because... Dadonghai Bay is located a few kilometers from it.

Geographical location

The territory of this tourist town is located in the southwest of Sanya, about 3 kilometers from the city. Despite the short distance, the atmosphere in these resorts is very different. Supporters of tourism in conditions of developed infrastructure choose, and for relaxation on the beach it is worth going to Dadonghai. A separate advantage of the latter is lower prices for housing, food and entertainment.

How to get to the resort?

Phoenix International Airport is 15 km away. from Sanya. There are several ways to get there:

  • By bus. Flight No. 8 operates daily from 10 am to 8 pm, and the cost of the trip will cost 15 yuan per person. It's about 2-3 dollars.
  • By taxi. Taxi drivers offer their services right at the airport, but often overprice the trip. The taxi fare according to the meter will be 60 yuan (i.e. about 8 dollars), but drivers can quote the amount 2-3 times more, so it’s worth bargaining.
  • Hotel transfer. This option is a common practice in 4-5 star hotels and is included in travel packages.


Hainan Province is located in southern China and is famous for its tropical climate. There are up to 300 sunny days here per year, and the thermometer, even in winter, rarely drops below 20 degrees. However, the island has separate concepts of high and low tourist seasons. In the first case, the distinctive feature of the weather conditions is consistently hot and sunny weather, and in the second case, the rainy season, which lasts from April to November. At this time, the island is very humid, there are strong winds, showers, typhoons and even tornadoes are possible.

The average air temperature per year varies between 24-26 degrees Celsius, and the water temperature is about +22, so you can meet a large number of tourists in Hainan all year round. The greatest tourist influx to the resort towns of Hainan usually occurs during the New Year and Christmas holidays in December-January, and the most favorable and comfortable conditions for a beach holiday occur in November, spring and early summer. In early and mid-autumn, the island is filled with Chinese holidaymakers.


The coastal area in Dadonghai Bay is shaped like a crescent. The total length of the beaches is about 2 km. The shore is distinguished by fine white sand, and in some places you can find small islands of greenery with palm trees, in the shade of which you can relax and unwind. But the abundance of algae does not always allow you to enjoy all the beauty of the local nature.

Due to the favorable location of the bay and regularly arriving waves, surfers love to come to the coast. The water is quite clean, so tourists are invited to become divers and appreciate the local fauna from the inside. It is especially beautiful on the territory of coral reefs, inhabited by a huge number of unique species of fish.

The beaches of Dadonghai Bay and neighboring Sanya are divided into municipal and private, directly related to hotels in the coastal zone. There are always a large number of tourists in public areas, however, as many travelers note in reviews, the Chinese rarely sunbathe, preferring beach sports or creating sand castles to lying on a towel, so you can always find a comfortable place on the coast.


The developed infrastructure of Dadonghai Bay on Hainan Island allows you to find entertainment to suit almost any traveler. Vacationers are invited to ride ATVs, yachts, learn diving or surfing, go fishing in the open sea, and in the evening go to a cozy coastal cafe, bar, club. Many souvenir shops, shopping centers, and flea markets provide the opportunity to purchase any item, from branded clothing to black pearls.


The gastronomic offerings of Dadonghai Harbor are quite varied. Here you can find cuisines from different countries:

  • Chinese;
  • Indian;
  • Thai;
  • Italian;
  • Japanese;
  • Russian.

The local cuisine menu includes many unique fruits and vegetables, as well as seafood, which can only be found here. Thus, gourmets should try freshly squeezed juices and fresh juices, shark fin soup, Dongshan lamb, and hele crab meat. In many traditional dishes you can find soybeans and rice, seasoned with an abundance of local spices.

An unusual feature of Dadonghai Bay and Sanya is that a large number of signs for shops and cafes are in Russian, so even an inexperienced tourist will find it easy to navigate.

Dadonghai Bay Hotels

The harbor area is considered an inexpensive resort area, but most hotels on the coast have 4 or 5 star status due to high-quality service, convenient location and a wide range of services provided. Based on reviews, photos on the Internet and recommendations from experienced travelers, several hotels are worth noting:

  • Sanya Marriott Hotel Dadonghai Bay (5 stars);
  • Marina Spa Hotel (5 stars);
  • Shanhaitian Hotel Sanya (5 stars);
  • Royal Garden Resort (4 stars);
  • Linda Seaview Hotel (4 stars).

They are distinguished by their own beach area, varied cuisine, comfortable rooms and an interesting entertainment program for children and adults. Sanya Maritt Dadonghai Bay stands out among other hotels on the first coastline with its luxurious rooms with a magical view of the sea surface and rocks, so if you are going to the bay for the first time, it is better to opt for this place, proven by many travelers. On the Internet you can find many reviews with photos about Dadonghai Bay, giving a high rating to this particular hotel.

For tourists on a limited budget, the bay offers a large number of inexpensive hotels with a smaller range of additional services, located some distance from the coastline.


The harbor is located in an incredibly picturesque place. It is surrounded on two sides by mountain ranges that have poetic names: the Turning Deer and the Hare's Tail. The first peak is also considered one of the main attractions on the island. There is a protected park there, where during a walk you can meet a monkey or a deer, and also take a lot of beautiful photos as a souvenir.

Locals associate the name of this mountain with an ancient legend about a young man who hunted a beautiful golden deer in these forests for 9 days and 9 nights. When he was already close to catching the animal, the deer suddenly turned into a beautiful girl. The hunter was so amazed by the beauty of the stranger that at that very moment he fell in love with her with all his heart, and later married her. And they lived happily until old age in peace, love and harmony, and the mountain got its name.

The area around Dadonghai is home to many ancient museums, traditional Chinese temples such as the Nanshan Buddhist Religious Complex, a pearl factory and several nature reserves. It is better to go there in cool weather, accompanied by a guide, to fully enjoy the trip.

Health improvement

Many travelers come to Dadonghai Bay for a wellness holiday. There are several treatment and health centers that incorporate the best of traditional Chinese medicine: massage, breathing and health exercises, acupuncture and reflexology, as well as many recipes for medicinal herbal infusions. Thanks to this course of procedures, many diseases against which modern medicine is powerless recede.

Family resort

The comfortable environment on the island, mild climate, abundance of fruits and plenty of greenery provide a wonderful family holiday with children. There are many children's and sports grounds in the bay, and most hotels provide an entertainment program for children of all ages.


There are a number of gifts that you should buy for yourself and your loved ones when traveling to the southernmost province of China:

  • . It is here that you will first be taught how to brew tea leaves correctly, and then how to enjoy every sip of the traditional Chinese drink. In the harbor you can find a huge variety of teas with all sorts of additives, but when buying you should be careful and not take it by weight, because... the seller may turn out to be a fraud, and the tea may be mixed with ordinary herbs.

  • Pearl jewelry. Hainan is famous for the abundance of different varieties of pearls. Here you can find river, sea and even black. The latter is the most revered among jewelers. To distinguish real pearls from fake ones, simply rub them together. If scuffs and scratches remain, then the pearls are real.

  • Silk. Many shops in Dadonghai sell all kinds of products made from natural silk fabric: scarves, dresses, blouses, skirts. The uniqueness of silk lies in the fact that products made from it do not wrinkle and do not burn in fire.

  • Fruits. While on vacation in the bay, it is worth trying unique ones that grow in the mild tropics: papaya, guava, coconuts, passion fruit, lychee, mango or durian. The latter has a rather specific taste, but many people like it.

  • Traditional umbrellas. Umbrellas in China are a work of art. They can be found in all sorts of colors and textures, and each product is created by hand, so such a purchase will be a wonderful souvenir of your trip to China.

  • Souvenir alcohol. The uniqueness of local alcoholic drinks lies in their design: usually these are small transparent bottles in which a snake and all kinds of spices are placed, from chili peppers to anise stars.

  • Cloth. Chinese markets and shopping malls are filled with inexpensive clothes, shoes and good quality accessories. Here you can purchase high-quality copies of famous brands at affordable prices.

In private shops, it is customary to bargain with sellers, so you can get a good discount on many goods by threatening to go to the merchant next door. Widespread sales are held on the local New Year (which falls in late January-early February), May 1 and October 1, the Founding Day of the People's Republic of China.

Which is better Dadonghai or Sanya

If you choose a holiday destination from two towns, Sanya and Dadonghai, then you should focus on your own preferences: Sanya has a more developed infrastructure, the city is clean and well-groomed in the hotel area, outside of it the beauty ends, widespread dirt and desolation appear. Dadonghai has a more relaxed atmosphere, there are significantly fewer cafes and restaurants, and the beach area is well-groomed and has white sand. Both cities are surrounded by greenery, and clear water and sea breezes perfectly complement the idyll. However, the bay area is not an elite recreation area; housing prices are low here, so you shouldn’t count on a picture of paradise. Yalongwan is considered the most prestigious resort in Hainan, but the prices there are appropriate, so if the requirements for the beach and hotel are high, then it is better to choose this town.

Photos and reviews

Most travelers who chose Dadonghai Bay in China for their holiday were satisfied. Many positive reviews describe the comfortable hotel rooms, the beauty of the local nature, the abundance of monuments, temples and attractions, as well as the developed entertainment industry, which allows “not only to sunbathe by the sea and eat in a coastal cafe, but also to engage in active sports.” In vacation photos, tourists note the abundance of algae after a storm, cloudy water and some dirt as the main drawback, but the budget cost of housing helps one come to terms with these nuances.


The resort town of Dadonghai on Hainan Island is one of the most popular holiday destinations in southern China. The unique tropical climate, abundance of greenery, beautiful nature, white sand and clear sea annually attract travelers from all over the world. Every tourist will be able to find something to their liking in the bay, and the local flavor, delicious cuisine and interesting sights will leave vivid memories.

Today the resort is the most dynamic in terms of entertainment: there are many bars, restaurants, shops, and shopping malls nearby. A promenade stretches along the entire coast.

Dadonghai Resort is ideal for those who want to take a break from the bustle of the city and at the same time enjoy a fun pastime.

The bay is located three kilometers from the city of Sanya, and the Phoenix International Airport in the resort city of Sanya is 30 minutes away.

The best thing is that the resort is located on a wide beautiful beach with fine white sand with a gentle entry into the sea.

The water in the bay is usually clear, but if there is a slight storm, then, as in any resort with a sandy bottom, the water near the shore becomes cloudy. Tropical palm trees and flowers growing along the entire coast allow you to get as far away from the bustle of the city as possible and enjoy your vacation.

The Dadonghai resort has a well-developed infrastructure: there are many medical centers, huge selection shopping centers and shops. Dadonghai Bay has a huge number of restaurants serving Chinese, European and even Russian cuisine. Many restaurants in the city have menus in Russian, and there are also restaurants serving Russian cuisine.

Lovers of active recreation are welcome here: diving, entertainment venues, restaurants and bars that are open all night.

Dadonghai, unlike the Yalongwan resort, is more affordable, prices for food and accommodation are lower here.

Hotels in Dadonghai Resort

The bay contains hotels of various categories, from economical 3* hotels to the highest international category. The hotels in Dadonghai Bay are good in their own way and attractive to tourists.

Most budget hotels are located in the center of the resort on the second line or across the promenade. All hotels presented below have their own sun loungers and umbrellas on the beach. The South China 4* hotel has no road between the hotel and the beach.

Upscale 5* hotels of famous world brands are located some distance from the central part of the resort; this fact allows you to be away from the general crowd of vacationers and enjoy your holiday on the hotels’ own secluded sandy beaches.


Attention! In our tour search system you can see an interactive map of the location of each hotel. Check out the location of the hotel and nearby infrastructure on the map and satellite.


Air. International flights are carried out directly to Hainan Island.

There are two airports on Hainan Island: in the capital - Haikou, Meilan Airport and in the resort city in the south, closest to Dadonghai Bay - Sanya Phoenix Airport.

You can get to the resort from Phoenix Airport by taxi or bus. When purchasing a group tour, transfer to and from the hotel is included.

Buses. From the resort to the city center of Sanya you can walk, take bus No. 2 and 8 in 15 minutes (fare costs 1 yuan) or take a taxi for 10-15 yuan. Buses run every five minutes, service starts at seven in the morning and ends at six in the evening.

Climate and weather in Dadonghai Bay

Weather in Dadonghai Bay excellent all year round. The water temperature, even in winter, never drops below 20 C. Therefore, Dadonghai Bay is an ideal place for winter holidays..

Average monthly temperature, °C

during the day

at night



Beaches of Dadonghai

Dadonghai Bay, with its huge sandy beach, is located in a picturesque crescent-shaped bay.

Besides the pure white sand, clear sea and tropical trees, Dadonghai has a favorable wind rose. Therefore, the bay is popular among surfers.

The only drawback of Dadonghai Bay- sometimes after a strong storm the water becomes polluted with algae.

Dadonghai Resort is the busiest, so the beach is crowded. Municipal beaches with designated areas for hotel beaches.

Photo of Dadonghai Beach

In the photo: promenade in Dadonghai

In the photo: the beach along the boardwalk in the other direction

In the photo: numerous vacationers on the beach in Dadonghai

Diving and other marine activities in Dadonghai

Hainan Island is located in the tropics, so the sea is home to a huge number of exotic fish.

The coral reefs of the coastal waters contain more than 100 species of coral, are home to more than 300 species of fish, and visibility reaches 20 meters, ideal for diving.

There are several diving centers open on the coast, where you can take a scuba diving course or rent the necessary equipment for diving.

In addition, at the resort you can go fishing, underwater photography and, of course, boat trips.

Cuisine and restaurants in Dadonghai Bay

The Dadonghai resort has a huge number of bars and restaurants located along the beach line.

The assortment of dishes includes: a variety of meat dishes, vegetables, and seafood dishes from lobsters, shrimp, squid.

In addition to Chinese cuisine, in restaurants you can taste Brazilian, Thai, Korean, Japanese and, of course, Russian cuisine.

A pleasant moment: the ability to choose dishes in restaurants according to the Russian menu.

Excursions and attractions

Located in Dadonghain Bay Mountain Turned Deer(Luhuitou), in ancient times it served as a gathering place for shamans of Hainan Island.

Now on the slopes of the mountain it is broken landscape park, in which tropical plants of the island grow. In the park you can visit Monkey Mountain, a deer nursery, and ethnographic buildings of the Li people.

You can get to the park by auto-rickshaw (5 yuan for three passengers).

The entrance fee to the park is 30 yuan.


Buddhist temple complex of Nanshan

World's End Park

Monkey Island

Peaks of Wu Zhishan (Five Finger Mountain)

Rafting on the mountain river “10 thousand springs”

Butterfly Gorge

Pirate Island

Yanoda - tropical rain forest

Best hotel deals in Dadonghai Resort

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There is a small bay on Dadonghai Island that resembles a resort town. There are low prices in cafes and supermarkets, an excellent beach, various types of active recreation available, and there are also establishments with different cuisines from around the world.

Tourists from Russia come here every year to get better acquainted with Chinese culture, relax, but at the same time be surrounded by compatriots. Russian speech can be heard from the beach, establishments, even many local residents know this language. The establishments not only have menus in Russian, but also names: “Lena’s”, “USSR” and others. Hotels in Dadonghai Bay are some of the best, according to reviews from vacationers. Also, many note that this is an excellent option for those who prefer a relaxing holiday.

The Dadonghai resort is very rarely indicated on the map of China or Hainan Island. But you need to remember that you can get to Dadonghai from Sanya by covering only a few kilometers. The city of Sanya is marked on the map of China.

How to get there?

Dadonghai Bay is located near the airport, so you can get there by bus or taxi, and many tourists also order a transfer from the hotel. Airplanes from China, Germany, Russia, Spain, Kazakhstan and other countries land at the airport.

  1. By bus

Bus No. 8 departs from Sanya to Dadonghai Bay from 10:00 to 20:00. The ticket price is about 3 euros.

  1. Taxi

At the airport, taxi drivers are waiting for travelers to take them to their destination. The cost of a trip to Dadonghai Bay is on average about 8 euros. Many taxi drivers do not turn on the meter and immediately set the price, so you can bargain.

When is the best time to go?

Tourists can come to Hainan Island at any time of the year and will have many positive experiences. Most tourists come from December to March. The air temperature this season is about +25 degrees. Fewer tourists come from May to September because the island is very hot. At this time, the air temperature rises to +35 degrees, but prices are much lower. Dadonghai Bay is surrounded by mountains, so the water temperature even in winter is higher than in other bays.

Beaches of Dadonghai Bay

All the beaches of the bay form a small crescent, their total length is about two kilometers. There are not only clean white sands, clear water and tropical trees, but also a wind rose, so the place is suitable for surfing. The water temperature does not drop below +20 degrees, so it is comfortable to relax even in winter.

Along with all the advantages, there are several disadvantages:

  • after a strong storm a lot of algae washes up on the shore;
  • the beaches are crowded;
  • Sunbeds and umbrellas need to be rented.

Where to stay: choose a hotel

There are budget hotels and more expensive ones in Dadonghai Bay; on average, prices are high compared to other resorts on the island. But here any tourist will be able to choose the best option for himself.

Some of the best hotels in terms of price and quality:

This is the best hotel for tourists who value a comfortable and luxurious stay. The hotel has a private beach and also provides many additional services.

This hotel opened recently, but has already received good reviews from tourists. The hotel has a small garden with scenic mountain views.

The hotel is located in the center of the bay, close to restaurants and cafes with different cuisines.

The hotel is well known on Hainan Island for its rich breakfast and excellent service.

This hotel is cheaper than previous ones and is suitable for tourists who want to combine city life with a beach holiday on the island.

The hotel is close to the beach and local shops, making it suitable for tourists who want to experience Chinese culture.

The hotel is located in a sparsely populated part of the beach, so the atmosphere here is calm and peaceful. The hotel rooms are small, but you can book a multi-bedroom villa near the beach.

Prices for holidays in Dadonghai Bay

One of the most budget options for Russian tourists is Dadonghai Bay. Here you can save on hotel and food costs to enjoy other activities. In neighboring Sanya Bay, hotels are more expensive, but the level of comfort is approximately the same. The average cost of accommodation per night in a hotel for two is from 70 euros.

The bay has expensive establishments with chefs from Italy or France, as well as street food stalls and fruit markets. The average bill for dinner for two at the inexpensive cafe "USSR" is 50 euros. There are many cafes and small restaurants on the pedestrian streets and shopping centers, so tourists will be able to find something for themselves.

All hotels have guides and tour guides who offer their services. To get to know Dadonghai Bay better, it is not necessary to use the services of a guide. But to get to remote points, such as Monkey Island or Diaoloshan Nature Reserve, you can take a guide. These places are far away, and getting there with a group of tourists is much cheaper.

It’s better to get to the thermal springs, the park with an observation deck and the tropical garden on your own, because everything is nearby. And also the excursion program does not limit the time of stay. The thermal springs and garden can be reached by bus, and the park is a 20-minute walk away.

What to see and do?

In addition to relaxing on the beach, Dadonghai offers interesting activities and several interesting attractions to visit.

In this bay there is the highest mountain on the island - “The Deer Turned its Head”. Now this is an excellent observation deck from which a stunning view of the nature of the Chinese province opens. The park is looked after by gardeners, so it is always green, there are many paths, as well as secret places for lovers. Tourists travel both on foot and in electric vehicles. In the park you can feed the birds and also take a break from noisy China.

There are also several entertainment options in the bay:

  1. Visit to the water park

All three water parks are located in Sanya. The cost of visiting the water park at the Mangrove Tree Resort for an adult is 208 ¥, for a child it is 166 ¥. The cost of a ticket to Sanya Water Park for an adult is 150 ¥, for a child – 100 ¥. The third water park is located in Romantic Park and the entrance fee is ¥180.

  1. Shopping

You can buy souvenirs or gifts in one of the large shopping centers. Hotels will provide transfer to the desired location. There is no Duty Free in Dadonghai, but you can take a bus to Hentai Bay.

Many tourists buy here Chinese tea of ​​the “Milk Oolong” and “Scarlet East” varieties, as well as shark oil. Here you can buy pearls at low prices and silk, but you need to beware of fakes.

  1. In the bay you can go surfing, diving, spearfishing or golf.

How to get around the city?

You can get around the city by taxi or bus, but each type of transport has its own characteristics.


You cannot call a taxi on Hainan Island, but you can hail one on the street. Depending on the color of the hieroglyph on the windshield, you can determine the presence of a passenger. If the color is green, the taxi is free, so you need to wave your hand to stop.

The cost of the trip depends on the mileage, because taxis have meters. The cost of landing is 1 euro, each subsequent kilometer is 0.3 euros. Many taxi drivers immediately name the cost of the trip and do not turn on the meter, so you can reduce the price a little.

There are very few taxi drivers on the island who speak English. It needs to be explained in Chinese, but can be shown on the map. The taxi driver will show the price of the trip on his fingers or on a calculator.


Traveling by bus is very popular on the island due to its accessibility, as well as the low cost of the ticket. The fare does not exceed 5 yuan, and within the bay - 2 yuan. You can get from one bay to another for 5 yuan. These are very low prices for public transport in China, so you can visit several bays in one holiday.

There is a special excursion bus No. 25, which takes you to the most interesting places on the island.

The Chinese very rarely use public transport at night, so there are no night buses on the island, but you can use taxis.
