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Corsairs: city of lost ships: merchants - game tactics and tips from the masters. Corsairs: City of Lost Ships (GPC) Quest ships in CPC 1.3 2

The Spanish squadron is directly ahead, captain!

Thousand devils! All hands on deck! Guns for battle! Prepare grappling hooks and muskets! I will personally feed the cowards to the fish, and the rest will receive gold from the hold of that fat Spanish galleon! Starboard, fire!

More than six months after Return of the Legend, the Seaward team pleased us with an addition (which, by the way, was talked about back then, in February last year). Frankly, after the success of “Legends,” there were a lot of thoughts about a new game. What kind of game will it be? What will change? What will remain the same? However, there was no doubt that the addition would be no worse than the original. Are you ready to return to the Caribbean Sea, to the archipelago of new secrets and mysteries? Then we catch the wind - and full speed ahead!

The recipe is simple

To make a good expansion, you need to replicate the success of the original game. In other words, to do everything the same, but even better, even bigger, more exciting, and in our case, even more mysterious. In essence, “City of Lost Ships” is still the same “Legend”, but with a large chunk of new opportunities. For example, a whole bunch of new items have appeared - these are not just magic pots, but idols of very real Indian gods. Add new unique ships, a new storyline for pirates and a lot of mini-quests. All the innovations can’t be counted; I even doubt that I studied the original game one hundred percent. Well, what’s not a reason to find answers to “old” mysteries along with new adventures?

The Peter Blood storyline is worth mentioning separately. The similarity with Sabatini's creation is so great that you can find the solution to some game problems right in the book! But these are just the beginnings, because there is also a main character - the City of Lost Ships. However, I’m not going to reveal all my cards yet, otherwise the intricate puzzles in the spirit of the first “Corsairs” will lose their unique charm.

"Stormy" sea

As an unknown player said: “the graphics don’t bother veterans.” No matter how wonderfully Storm draws the sea, sun and sky, ships, characters and landscapes come out disgusting. Judge for yourself, for the first time we saw a gaming heart in “Pirates of the Caribbean,” and that was almost five years ago. On the other hand, the poor capabilities of the engine force us to find another way out of the situation. Instead of rich detail and shaders, the player is encouraged to use his own imagination. Look at a pirate in a tavern or a simple passerby. Yes, for the most part they are of no play interest, but at the same time they are not “furniture”. This thug doesn’t just walk around the city (although in fact he’s just walking), but lives his own life. Maybe he just got off the ship after a long hunt at sea? However, what exactly he did depends only on you. Whether a pirate, a merchant, a money lender or a governor, they are all in your hands, like the entire archipelago.

Let's get back to specifics

The evaluation part ends here, let's now look at the goodies. To begin with, I think it’s worth understanding the main thing: what has changed? The English line was removed so that there would be no conflicts with the new pirate line. A new playable character has appeared, Peter Blood. The main difference from the others is that the game starts differently, that is, in England. If you remember, Blood was not immediately exiled to Barbados, so first you will have to deal with matters at Lord Gilroy's estate.

I have already spoken about a whole set of idols and statues, we will look at them in more detail later.

New tasks are everywhere: searching for the captain, catching pirates and much more. These tasks are generated randomly, but are well written, so they don’t become boring.

Be sure to check out the shipyard; almost all the vessels have been rebuilt, and new vessels have appeared - unique ones. You cannot buy them, you can only receive them for a task or take them away in battle.

And, perhaps, the main change is that artificial intelligence has become much smarter. Local grunts no longer rush at you like a herd of zerglings, interfering with each other. No, fighting one enemy is already a challenge, fighting two is a difficult task, and three or more is certain death! And if it is relatively easy to defeat a simple sailor, then it is much more difficult to defeat a captain or officer. Usually, for a novice adventurer, two or three blows are enough to give up the ghost, and one bullet is enough! Frankly, starting the game on the “Lieutenant” difficulty (this is a little easier than “average”), I did not expect such agility from the enemy, because last time everything was completely different. Be that as it may, the work on the AI ​​was not in vain, the game became more interesting and more realistic. The bulletproof hero from “Return of the Legend” has already become somewhat boring.

Pantheon of Indian Gods

Totem Xochiquetzal- goddess of flowers and love. It is not clear what love and flowers have to do with luck, but a good idol adds as much as twenty units to luck and does not require anything in return. In addition, you can get a tidy sum for it on the market.

Mictlantecuhtli totem- the god of the kingdom of the dead with a completely unpronounceable name. Adds twenty to stealth. Indispensable for the British and French if they desperately need to enter a hostile port. It costs even more than the Shochiquetzal idol. If you can’t disguise yourself, you can get a good price in the store.

Quetzalcoatl totem- God of the morning star and lord of the elements. His image adds twenty units of protection to the owner. It won’t be superfluous, because it’s quite difficult to develop defense.

This is interesting: Quetzalcoatl is one of the most famous Indian gods. He is one of the main deities of ancient Mexico - “the serpent with precious feathers.” In mythology, he goes by many names, for example: Tezcatlipoca white, Eectal, Chopotl.

Mixcoatl totem- god of the hunt. His totem gives the owner a keen eye and a steady hand. In digital equivalent, this is twenty accuracy points. Mixcoatl literally means "Cloud Serpent". In mythology, he personifies the Milky Way, and especially the North Star.

Tezcatlipoca totem- the patron god of priests, punishing criminals. The totem adds twenty points to your pistol proficiency.

This is interesting: According to the Aztecs, Tezcatlipoca symbolized winter, cold and the night sky. Therefore, to be honest, it is not very clear why the totem improves the use of pistols.

Chalchihuitlicue totem- goddess of fresh water, rivers, seas and lakes. A totem depicting a goddess adds twenty authority points. Now try to pronounce her name without hesitation, which, by the way, translates as “she is dressed in jade clothes.”

Huitzilopochtli totem- god of the blue clear sky, sun, war and hunting. The owner of the totem receives an increase of twenty units to the proficiency of medium weapons.

This is interesting: Huitzilopochtli is one of the sons of Mixcoatl. His name roughly translates to “left-handed hummingbird.” It is curious that the hummingbird often personified the sun among many Central American tribes.

Tlaloc Totem- the god of rain and thunder, ruler of all edible plants. The totem adds twenty points to your light weapon proficiency.

This is interesting: Tlaloc was primarily a beneficent god, but could cause deadly hail, floods, droughts, and lightning strikes.

Totem Mayahuel- the goddess of fertility who gave people an alcoholic drink. The totem adds twenty points to the Heavy Weapon skill. Apparently, alcoholic beverages led to brawls involving heavy clubs.

Tonacatecuhtli Totem- God the creator, who gives food to people. The totem adds twenty trade points. Useful, not worth selling.

This is interesting: Tonacatecuhtli and his wife Tonacacihual are considered the creators of the world and the first human couple. Moreover, they were considered the lords of Omeyokan - the uppermost sky.

Camashtli totem- god of hunting, stars, war and fate. It does not add any skills, so it is only suitable for sale.

Sinteotl's Totem- god of young corn. The totem adds twenty navigation points. A very useful totem, as it allows you to control ships a couple of ranks higher than the character’s skill.

This is interesting: Sinteotl was considered the patron saint of farmers and goldsmiths.

Totem Tonatiuh- god of the sky and sun. In the game it acts as a commodity, such as tablets, precious stones and gold bars.

This is interesting: Tanatiu means "Sun" in Aztec.

Totem Xipe Toteku- god of sowing and harvest. Adds twenty to the ability to repair a ship at sea.

This is interesting: All the peoples of Central America had a holiday during which sacrifices were made to Xipe Totec. The priests dressed themselves in the skin of the sacrificed people and danced solemnly with the warriors.

Tlazolteotl totem- goddess-eater of dirt, cleanses from illicit passions. It does not add any characteristics, so it is only suitable for sale.

What do we have at the shipyard?

    Barquentine- when Spanish merchants realized that they were becoming easy prey for pirates, they began to massively convert their clumsy galleons into barquentines. Thanks to the mixed sailing rig, the barquentine can move quite quickly in any direction. Although the transatlantic voyage takes longer, the barquentine is sure to escape the pirate. A good, and most importantly, cheap alternative to the brigantine. An expanded hold and excellent maneuverability - what more does a merchant need?

    Royal Manowar- an improved version of the “floating fort”. Even more guns, even thicker armor, luxurious hull finish. The price of the vessel is such that hardly any country can afford more than one such beauty.

    Flying Dutchman- You cannot buy this vessel, but you can receive it as a reward. It cannot be said that the Dutchman is very strong, but compared to other ships of its class it has excellent maneuverability and performance.

    Sea wolf— a unique brig, handmade by master Alexus. High speed and excellent maneuverability make this brig a pirate's dream, and excellent close-hauled sailing guarantees a safe retreat. Nine cannons on each side will help in destroying the enemy team.

    Arabella- former frigate Cinco Llagas. It was he who was taken away from the port of Bridgetown by Peter Blood right from under the noses of the Spaniards. An excellent ship, you just need to find a very good navigator.

    Corvette- a ship whose equal cannot be found. An outstanding work of shipbuilding. Sturdy hull, large hold, thirty-two pound guns. Add to this excellent sailing rig and excellent close-hauled performance. Don't forget about the four dozen cannons on board. This Corvette is the best in its class.

    Blue bird- this bird terrorizes the merchants of the Caribbean. It is not surprising - thanks to the fully oblique sailing rig, this xebek develops very high speed, and also goes very well in close-hauled mode. Add to this fantastic maneuverability, and you get the perfect sailboat for fast boarding.

Captain Blood

I already mentioned that one of the starting characters is Peter Blood. He's got a starting quest line, and if you're going to play as England, there's no better candidate.

Oglethorpe Manor

On the threshold you will meet Jeremy Pitt. He will say that the lord is seriously injured and you urgently need to give him first aid. Go up to the second floor, the bedroom will be on your left.

This is interesting: Peter Blood - doctor, bachelor of medicine. In response to a call for help, he rushed to the Oglethorpe estate, and was then captured by Colonel Kirk's dragoons. Gilroy assisted the rebel Monmouth, and Blood was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Some dragoons are invulnerable, so there is no point in running from them.

And here is the key, lying quietly on the table.

Now you need to take the saber, it is on the balcony in the chest. But the chest is locked, and first you need to find the key. While exploring the City of Lost Ships forums, I noticed that the key is usually the first major obstacle. Go down to the first floor and turn right. There is a table next to the stairs, and you will find the key on it. The humor is that when you first enter the house, the key is not yet on the table, and Pitt does not say where it is.

We open the chest and arm ourselves; in a few seconds the dragoons will arrive at the estate. No matter what you say, you will still be accused of aiding the rebels. And when they find Pitt in the fireplace... In general, a fight cannot be avoided.

This is interesting: At Sabatini's, Jeremy was hiding in the linen closet.

No matter how masterly you wield a sword, the dragoons will still prevail (some of them are immortal), but do not rush to load up, this is how it should be. Peter Blood will wake up in prison, and after a short trial he and Jeremy Pitt will be sent to “His Majesty’s Southern Colonies,” or rather, to the island of Barbados.


Feel free to rummage through the chests on the plantation and in the city, later you can sell the goods.

Welcome to His Majesty's Southern Colonies!

Welcome to Barbados. Peter Blood is a slave and a sugar cane miner, but he is no ordinary slave. Whatever one may say, he is a qualified doctor, and you can count the smart doctors on the archipelago on one hand. Therefore, Blood is allowed to move freely around the island and the city. Except that trading is prohibited, as is carrying weapons, of course.

It is important: if the guard sees you have a weapon, he will ask you to hand it over. Do not resist, since fighting with an entire island is a disastrous task.

The first task is to help Mrs. Steed, the governor's wife. By the way, this is one of the opportunities to earn some money. Chat with her, and then ask the governor for two and a half thousand to buy a “very expensive medicine.” He will promise to check everything, but in reality he will forget about the money as soon as you leave his residence. Migraine medicine can be found in the house of Mr. Dan, the pharmacist, on the second floor.

A little later, Dr. Wacker, one of the other two doctors on the island, will approach you and suggest... you run away. Peter Blood is the only slave who can leave the plantation and calmly wander around the city, so he can prepare an escape without difficulty or special suspicion. Just first you need to assemble a team, get weapons and buy a ship. Vacker promises to help with the ship, everything else will have to be obtained personally. Well, Pitt will run away with us of his own free will, and three other officers still need to be recruited.

Preparing to escape

Wacker wants to get rid of Blood so much that he is ready to help him escape.

Outside the city, Winterwood is the easiest to defeat, the main thing is to dodge the shot.

So, we have three officers, and each of them is held by something on the island. Hagthorpe, who served in the Royal Navy, demands the death of a certain Stuart Winterwood. This man took him and sold him into slavery. Hagthorpe does not disclose details, but he is not going to leave without proof of Winterwood’s death. Junior officer Nicholas Dake agrees to escape, but right before his escape, Bishop sells him. Slaves are living goods; What can you do, you’ll have to help Dake out somehow. The last one is artilleryman Ogle. He owes a decent amount of money to the moneylender and is not going to leave until he pays it back.


Let's start in order. Stuart Winterwood can be found in the tavern, sitting at one of the tables. Invite him to meet outside the city; he will agree and will also give you a weapon. If you run into him in a tavern, you will most likely die. Unless you hid a dusak somewhere...

After an hour, go out into the jungle (there is a second exit from the city, to the right of the residence) and wait for the enemy. Please note that he is quite strong, so I recommend saving before the fight. After winning, do not forget to remove the ring (along with your finger) and a thousand piastres from your body. The ring must be presented to Hagthorp, and a thousand gold pieces will still come in handy.

Nicholas Dake

As I already said, they want to buy Dyke, we need to break the deal. Visit the merchant and the bartender, go to the port office, and you will learn that a merchant from Jamaica recently arrived in town. He is located in one of the houses of the city (his abode is next to the tavern), let's visit him.

So Weston decided to buy Dake on the cheap. Bishop is an old friend of his and wants to give him a discount. To break the deal, you need to rob a Jamaican merchant. Wait until he turns away and rummage through his chest. There you will find six thousand piastres, an idol and a letter of marque. Now Weston will have nothing to buy Dake with, which means he can run away with us. And a large sum of money, no doubt, will be useful to you.


The last one on our team is the one-eyed artilleryman Ogle. He owes a lot to the moneylender, and we need to pay for it. The moneylender gave Oglu five thousand piastres. If you have already robbed Weston, it will not be difficult for you to pay.


If you don't have enough cash, you can try to get weapons with the help of a smuggler, but this is much more dangerous.

The team has been assembled. Now you need to take care of the weapons and the ship. Go to the tavern and chat with the bartender; he will tell you that Mr. Griffin is dealing with weapons in the city. Let's go to him.

This is the guideline: Griffin lives in a white stone house next to the residence, on the left.

Griffin got robbed! Some Spanish thug ordered weapons from him, but without waiting for the order, he tore the collection sabers from the wall. Everything would be fine, but they are engraved by a master, which means that if the Spaniard is caught, both will be hanged. We cannot allow this, so we set off in pursuit of the Spaniard - he went to the fisherman Hells (his house to the right of the residence).

Entering the house, we will see that the stern fisherman has already dealt with the invader himself. All that remains is to pick up the “marked” weapon and take it to Griffin. By nightfall he will have made the required number of sabers and pistols without any markings.

This is the advice: bargain. Reduce the price for the work to a thousand piastres, the money will still come in handy.


The basic preparations are complete, all that remains is to get the ship. Wacker gave out only eighteen thousand instead of the required twenty-five. Nothing can be done, we need to get another seven thousand.

It is important: you can't sell anything, so you can only earn money. If you strictly followed the guide, you need to find not seven thousand, but less.

Let's go to the city. The moneylender will be the first - he will ask you to extract money from the scammer. He is sure that the debtor has not yet left the island, because no one has sailed today.

Don't forget that Blood is a slave. You will have to return to the plantation every day.

Buddy! Let's have a glass... and then you can tell me where you fish.

Visit the innkeeper - he knows exactly where to find the debtor, but you will have to pay five hundred gold pieces for the information. The bartender will tell you that Rafael Guinness got money for a ship somewhere and went to the shipyard to finalize the deal. This is our “client”, you just need to catch him and threaten him with the gallows to get the money. Minus the innkeeper's remuneration, the reward is two and a half thousand.

The next opportunity to make money is to find out where Hells' competitor is fishing. The fact is that Summerlight has found a fishing spot, but, naturally, is in no hurry to share information. It should be noted that Summerlight loves to drink, you might have seen him in the tavern. He hasn’t gone anywhere, he’s still fermenting in the corner. We sit down next to him and carefully elicit information. I don’t recommend asking direct questions, otherwise Summerlight will suspect something is wrong and won’t say anything.

As a reward you will receive two thousand piastres. Total four and a half thousand.

Last day in captivity, we need to rest before escaping.

The last opportunity to get money is a meeting with Jacques Sparrow.

This is interesting: in fact, there are plenty of opportunities to get money, and that’s not all. However, if you followed the guide exactly, then after completing at least these three quests you will have enough money for a ship.

When you enter a store, instead of a seller you will see a pirate. He will introduce himself " Captain Jacques Sparrow,” and then... However, I won’t spoil the fun. Agree to help Jacques sail to Tortuga and go to the shipyard. The shipbuilder will tell you about a captain who just bought a corvette. Oh, and don't forget that you must keep Jacques's identity a secret. Find John Miner on the streets of the city, he will agree to deliver Jacques to Tortuga. We take one and a half thousand piastres and go to Vacker. The job is done, there should be enough money to buy the ship.

Now you need to transfer the money to James Nuttal so that he can buy the ship without suspicion. By evening you will find out that Nattal deceived you, and Bishop figured out Pitt.

Escape and the Spaniards

The large ship that was allowed to enter Carlisle Bay so calmly under a false flag turned out to be a Spanish privateer. He chose the time for the raid when there was not a single warship in Carlisle Bay.

His cunning remained so undetected that, without arousing suspicion, he calmly entered the bay and saluted the fort with a point-blank broadside from twenty guns. Just a few moments later, two hundred and fifty Spaniards landed on the shore and took possession of the city.

The weapon lies in this chest, next to the woodpile.

Come in from the rear. While the Spaniards are fighting with your team, you can tickle them with your saber with almost impunity.

And first we need to free Jeremy Pitt. Beware of patrols. If it is quite easy to defeat one Englishman, then it is almost impossible to defeat two or three. I advise you to avoid meeting with soldiers; first you need to get a more solid weapon.

Right at the entrance to Bridgetown you will meet a Spanish officer. I recommend saving before the fight, since he has a pistol, and his fencing skills are also excellent. After defeating him, you will be able to remove a good saber and a long-barreled pistol from his body.

Our team is waiting at the shipyard, there is nothing else to do in the city, so go to the beach and enter the water. The door is barricaded, and you can only get inside through the slipway. You will also have to swim to get to the frigate; there is a gangway on the sea side.

The fight with the soldiers will be relatively easy, but with the captain you will have to work hard. Perhaps, after the key in the estate, this is one of the most “dead-end” moments. The point here is this: the captain kills our hero with one pistol shot. Therefore, do not rush to grab your saber, but run up close. In this case, the captain will not shoot, but will immediately go into close combat. Then everything depends on you.

Sea battle

All that remains is to break away from this lugger, and that’s all - freedom!

The frigate is captured. It would seem that this is freedom. But it was not there. To begin with, you naturally have a low “navigation” score. Pitt, of course, is a navigator, but his skill level is only 50. And to control a frigate without penalties you need at least 80 points. Receive penalties to all stats (-4 each), with all skills dropping to 1.

Now comes the surprise. There are two Spanish luggers in the roadstead. I think there is no need to explain that with such skill indicators you will not be able to shoot accurately, and the boarding will end in failure. Therefore, immediately throw everything you can overboard and keep your nose strictly to the wind. Luggers, of course, are fast ships, but they cannot catch up with the frigate. Remember, you have no chance in battle.

This is where the game actually begins. Instead of a small barque or brig, Blood immediately has a frigate. Carry out trade orders - you have a large hold, and they will give you a lot of money for transporting goods. By the way, don’t forget to fire the entire team, they are simply not needed. First you need to save up for a fourth-class ship so that there are no fines, and deposit the frigate in the first friendly port.

This concludes the introductory part. I deliberately did not give away all the secrets of the game, but next time I will tell you where to find the City of Lost Ships and how to capture Panama together with Henry Morgan. In addition, I would like to give a glass to Andrei Larionov, who, like an old sailor, led me through the underwater rocks and reefs of this wonderful game.

City of Lost Ships is the strongest game with many gaming opportunities and development paths. Dozens of tasks, both random, generated during the game, and fixed - national lines or single tasks, for example, the City of Lost Ships task. This huge variety of possibilities, among other things, beckons with the fact that universal character development is simply No.

That’s why I say in advance that everything written here is just advice. The choice is still yours.

Shall we begin?

About the place of action and nations

The 17th-century Caribbean was primarily a battleground for the great European powers for great colonial wealth. Having discovered America in 1493, Columbus simply had no idea what kind of time bomb he was placing under the world order. The first, with full rights (in 1493, Pope Alexander VI signed a decree, the main content of which was the division of the undeveloped world between Portugal and Spain, America almost entirely went to Spain), the Spaniards developed the Caribbean, monopolizing the production of sugar, coffee and gold. It is not surprising that such wealth attracted the attention of other European powers - England, France, and later, Holland, which became independent. However, the fight against Spain, which owns almost all of the Caribbean, is not an easy task. As a result, in total, England, France and Holland accounted for approximately a third of the West Indies (as the Caribbean islands were called).

So, 4 nations are available for the game: England, France, Holland, Spain.

Shall we begin?

Shall we begin?

The choice of nation is one of the key aspects influencing the beginning of the game. This particular choice will have a different number of ports available, which can make traveling around the Caribbean very difficult. Therefore, I built a kind of scale on the attractiveness of nations, on the principle of the comfort of the game for a beginner or a trader.

The best choice for a novice player or a merchant player will undoubtedly be Holland. A peaceful nation made rich by trade. At the start of the game, Holland is at peace with France and Spain - and this is the whole of Maine (the continental part of the game world), Cuba, Hispaniolla and several other islands. The richest scope for trade or exploration of the game world.

In second place in terms of convenience for starting the game is Spain. Spain is at peace only with Holland, which, compared to the latter, reduces the number of islands to which one can sail to a small fraction of the French colonies. Being a Spaniard, you can feel like the master of the Caribbean, making raids along the coast of southern Maine or Hispaniolla (on which there is also a French colony).

Will take third place France, which is at peace with Holland and England. The French get a third of the Caribbean to explore.

Well, apparently it’s becoming the best country for privateers England. The British have enemies in Spain and Holland. All of Maine is up for grabs.

Shall we begin?


The game's role-playing system has 7 main characteristics, 14 skills and 4 dozen personal and ship skills of the hero. Let's start in order.

First - in general. Each characteristic affects the initial value of the skill and the threshold of experience that must be overcome in order to move to a new level in the skill. In addition, the learning skill affects the experience threshold for increasing rank and gaining skills, as well as the experience threshold for each skill. It follows that in general all the characteristics are needed, is this true?

Shall we begin?

Shall we begin?

Strength (P) – affects the initial health of the character, as well as the maximum allowable weight, and hence the conclusion that it should not be thrown away under any circumstances. Each point of strength adds 10 feet to the weight carried. And if you are not going to carry all the weapons in the game with you, then 5-6 units of strength will be more than enough for a comfortable game.

Shall we begin?

Perception (I) – affects... but it doesn’t affect anything except the growth of navigation. And hence the very simple conclusion. 3 units in perception will be enough. It is better to use the freed up points as a valuable reaction or luck.

Shall we begin?

Reaction (R) is the main skill for any fencer, because it is this skill that directly determines the character’s energy level. Each reaction point adds 10 units to energy. And here what you use to fence is decisive. Light weapons require less energy, but they cannot kill the enemy in two hits (medium weapons, in my opinion, are not worth attention at all, either energy or damage). So, for fencing with light weapons, 5 units in reaction are enough, but for heavy weapons you will need at least 8 (and even then, I would not say that with 8 it is comfortable to fencing with heavy weapons).

Shall we begin?

Leadership(A) – determines the number of officers a character can hire. According to the formula n=A*2, where n is the number of officers. In this case, officers located on ships in port departments, or who are governors in colonies, do not participate in the calculation. Free privateers who can be found in taverns are also not taken into account. And hence the question, why a lot of leadership if a good third of all officers can be hired with any number of officers? 4-5 units, no more.

Shall we begin?

Trainability (T) is a key skill that determines the speed of character development in this game. With maximum learning ability, to gain a rank you need to raise your skills a total of 25 times, to get the hero’s personal or naval skills, you need to raise your personal and naval skills 30 times, respectively. For a fairly comfortable game (for me personally), 7-8 units of learning ability are enough.

Shall we begin?

Endurance (E) – determines the initial number of hit points and their increase per level. It also affects the maximum allowable weight for the character to carry. Accordingly, keep in mind that you should only take odd stamina values. Otherwise you will lose more than you gain.

Shall we begin?

Luck(S) – any gentleman of luck needs luck. The most important thing is that luck, like luck, affects the likelihood of finding useful things in chests and treasures. Walking with little luck? Collect a collection of cormorants. But maximum luck is also not needed, because at high levels luck still matters more than luck. 6-7 units is enough.

Shall we begin?

How to develop skills and what do they give?

Shall we begin?

Personal skills relate directly to the character, and accordingly, gaps in them can only be filled with the help of artifacts. Don't rely on officers, pump yourself.

Shall we begin?

Authority, as it should be, affects respect for the character. The higher the authority, the more sailors you can hire in a tavern, the less you can pay officers and the higher the chance of capturing the captain of an enemy ship.

Authority develops in several ways. Firstly, these are the tasks of governors. Secondly, your authority grows when you hire sailors in a tavern or kill your opponent or win a naval battle, i.e. There is no point in thinking about increasing your authority while playing actively. He will grow up on his own.

Shall we begin?

In general, fencing in this game should probably be given a separate post. Above in the text I have already spoken about different types of weapons. It's time to paint everything in detail. In fact, a weapon has 3 characteristics: minimum damage, maximum damage - which can be seen in its description - and energy consumption per strike (generally speaking, strikes are different, but I am generalizing), which is hidden in the type of weapon. However, even weapons of the same type have different energy consumption per strike (compare the strike of a dagger and a rapier - both belong to the class of light weapons). You can fencing with light weapons for the longest time, but its main problem is that you cannot kill the enemy with a couple of swings of the blade, and the enemy can also be healed. This is why the battles are dragging on. The fastest way to cut an enemy is with heavy blades; finishing off is especially good after firing a pistol. And the average between this... In general, this is only for those who do not have enough reaction points for heavy weapons. Either fight for a long time or quickly, but of course everything is to your taste.

The easiest way to destroy weapons is in taverns in duels - 1-2 opponents, not very strong. True, fame creeps in quickly and after the second tavern there will be no one to fight with. Everyone is afraid.

You can go to the nearest cave, but as soon as you run into high-level skeletons, run, plus there is a very high chance of getting poisoned. And of course, any fight is always at your service.

Shall we begin?

Everything depends on pistols if reloading is turned on and a lot if it is not. A sharp shooter is able to kill an enemy with one shot. This also applies to opponents. Run in circles - wait for the enemy to shoot, and only then engage in a fencing match. The higher the skill, the greater the damage and accuracy.

It develops very simply. - shots.

Shall we begin?

As already mentioned - what is a pirate without luck? Needed everywhere and always. The bullet will fly past, the enemy's ship will shatter into pieces from a critical hit, there will be no cormorants in the treasure...

It grows always and everywhere. But purposefully play dice, you can earn money... (namely dice, the chance of winning in them depends not only on the computer - but also on you personally, and cards are pure luck).

Shall we begin?

Stealth is needed when smuggling (there are no patrols and ships in the bay) and when penetrating an enemy city. Under a flag friendly to the nation, you can sail directly into the port.

It swings in the same cases as needed.

Shall we begin?

The main difference between naval skills and personal ones is that the imbalance in their development can and should be corrected by good officers. There is not enough navigation level for the frigate - they hired a navigator! We want to make money by trading - the treasurer is at your service! And hence another conclusion - in the initial stages of the game without officers it is very, very difficult.

Shall we begin?

Shall we begin?

Navigation is the most important skill for any pirate. If the navigation level is too low to control your ship, your character will receive significant penalties to his characteristics and skills. If the level is high, then the ship can survive with more speed and maneuverability.

A pirate, a free privateer, even an officer in the service of His Majesty is always thinking about how to sell something. I don’t know if this actually happened (it is doubtful that the captains of the royal ships carried goods for their own benefit), but I can say with confidence that the most profitable business in the Corsairs was trade. You can sink hundreds of ships, but you will not earn even a tenth of one successful transaction of a true merchant. We will talk about speculation in exotic (and not so exotic) goods in the vast Caribbean Sea.

From sloop to galleon and warship

Choosing a ship (or ships) for trading operations is a very responsible matter. In fact, the style of the entire game depends on it. You can choose a small ship and win due to speed, or you can equip a whole squadron. Of course, the difference in net profit will be very significant, but there is another side to the coin. It’s easier to evade pirates on a small ship, but a “heavy” squadron is clumsy and vulnerable. The impact of cargo on huge ships, such as the Manovar, is especially felt. It’s impossible to escape pursuit on a loaded trough to capacity, and a tactical maneuver is unlikely to succeed. And a pirate on a light corvette (brig, sloop, frigate) will have time to change sides ten times.

How to solve these problems? First, you need to choose a route. Secondly, evaluate your budget and figure out what style of play will suit you best. Decide in advance whether you will fight or run away when meeting ill-wishers. The fact is that there is no point in equipping one, but a heavy ship. You will take up precious space in the hold with cannonballs, gunpowder, provisions and other goods. On the other hand, many small pelvises will be able to escape prosecution, and sometimes the price will be lower. And thirdly, you should select a product group. Some are cheaper, some are more expensive, but only you will lose money from rats, not buyers (and sellers).

On a note: There's a whole bunch of "Rat Gods" to be found in Tenochtitlan. If you are going to get serious about trading, it makes sense to complete this task first.

Depending on the strategy, you need to choose ships. In this chapter, we will look at each vehicle in turn, assessing their effectiveness in relation to cost and other parameters. Money is the main thing you need to pay attention to. How well this or that ship behaves in battle is of secondary importance, because for military raids a successful merchant can easily form a separate squadron.

Let's divide the ships into three groups: small, large and huge. Everything below third grade will go to the first. In the second - third and second grade. Huge ships - all first class.

So, after purchasing a ship of any group, the first thing you should do is decide on equipment and tactics.

It is important: Equipment tips apply to all ships within the group.

With all my might

If you decide to cut through the sea with great speed (and maneuverability) on a small ship, the first thing you need to do is sell the guns. Yes, you won’t be able to do anything against the pirates, but you don’t need that! The main thing is to leave, to break away, and for this you need to lighten the ship. In addition, guns take up space for cargo. The guns are great for dropping in battle, but they cost so much that it’s better to sell them anyway.

This is interesting: In Corsairs Online, dropping cannons is a common occurrence for merchants. True, the guns there are restored on their own, and there is no need to buy them again.

The next category is people. This includes the team itself (and its salary), its provisions (provisions) and rum (for morale). Since you will not participate in battles, you can immediately forget about weapons and medicine. Weapons are needed during boarding, and medicine - after. If there is no cause, then there will be no consequences.

Sell ​​cannonballs, buckshot, nipples and bombs after the cannons (or throw them away, they are still cheap). Gunpowder goes there - all this is not needed. True, it doesn’t take up much space, so you can, in principle, leave the grips and just a few guns to fire at the pursuers, and then make your legs.

To summarize: a light ship strategy requires maximum movement speed, which means you need to provide the best captain (with maximum navigation) and a full crew so that the ship does not drag along like a lame turtle.

Better not come near

This strategy is valid for any variant of ships. However, its trading efficiency is slightly lower than that of all the others. The point is this: you equip the ship to its fullest extent (except perhaps without boarding materials) and give battle to anyone who decides to attack you. For ships of the first group (small ones), this strategy is only useful if you are only afraid of pirates. Otherwise, the very first punitive squadron will send you to the bottom. No options.

Owners of large and huge ships will feel somewhat more confident. Heavy warships almost always have the best hold volume. Therefore, the fact that you are carrying cargo imposes only one limitation - mobility. It is much more difficult for a galleon loaded with the most “I don’t want to” to pick up speed, turn around, and trim. Please note that you will have nowhere to put loot from other ships, so you don’t have to take anyone on board.

Combat merchant squadron in all its glory.

This strategy reaches its maximum effectiveness (in terms of defense) when controlling manovars (and ships of similar class). We buy the heaviest guns and bombs, and if someone attacks, it’s worse for him. But there is one very serious nuance - you will have to look for captains with maximum navigation skills. Otherwise, instead of fighting vehicles, you will get useless piles of wood and metal. As you know, the level of a mercenary depends on yours, and jacks of all trades are found only at the highest (fortieth and beyond) levels. Another argument against is the volume of cargo transported.

Let's calculate how much is needed for the combat capability of the ship. First, of course, the guns. A set of 32 pound guns for the royal manowar (112 guns) weighs 1,700 units. Five thousand bombs - another 300. Provisions - about a thousand, no less. Don’t forget gunpowder - at least 250. Rum is optional, but 500 barrels will weigh 500. In other words, goods for combat require two and a half, or even three thousand volumes. With a total carrying capacity of seven thousand (sometimes a little more), this is almost half. That is, you can earn half as much. In addition, do not forget about the costs of repairs, and the team needs to be paid and maintain its morale. Officers also regularly demand wages, and the higher the level of the mercenary, the more money you will have to pay.

Despite all the disadvantages of the strategy, it has one advantage - you can follow the plot and make trades along the way to maintain the budget. You won’t really earn money, but the costs of maintaining the squadron will not be so noticeable (which is no less important).

This is interesting: maintaining a thousand people costs almost two hundred thousand every month. Calculate how much money is needed to maintain a full squadron.

Classic scheme

Being a Rogue Trader is, of course, good and romantic. Here you have a chase, and responsibility only for yourself and your actions, and real money in your hands. Besides, you can do whatever you want at any time, no one will force you to do it. But the profit in this case is not so impressive. A large merchant, managing an entire squadron, turns millions, and in some cases - tens of millions. He can sell (and buy) the entire Caribbean, but the level of preparation (and costs) are completely different. The highest level in the trade business, in my opinion, is occupied by a warrior-merchant.

This is what a trade screen should look like for a self-respecting merchant. Information about the quantity of goods in all stores in the archipelago is purchased from the bartender.

What does this mean? It's simple - you don't run from the enemy, but drown him, but you don't spend half your cargo on weapons. The key is specialization. Each ship must perform a specific function. Only those who are suitable for this should fight. Naturally, the role of an escort should be played by the player, since the allies, although not stupid as traffic jams, cannot boast of complete adequacy. Practice shows that one single manovar with maximum caliber guns and full equipment can easily cope with a serious squadron.

In addition, do not forget that you have a huge advantage in the form of critical shots, skills that improve reloading and other goodies. And if you manage to fire from both sides at once, there is no doubt about victory. I remember that when I ran into a punitive squadron of five Spaniards, I sank their manovar in three salvos. Two of them, however, were critical, but even without them fifty guns cause significant damage.

Do not forget that the squadrons of other powers never consist of only manovars. Yes, only first class ships can meet, but so what? Warships and warships are no match for you. As for pirates, everything is even easier with them. You will rarely see even the simplest battleship among them (they are not in this category), and no matter how maneuverable corvettes, frigates and others are, several powerful salvos will still send them to the bottom.

The rest of the ships with this style are completely unnecessary in battle. They can simply be turned into “trucks”. Fire the entire crew, hire the cheapest officers, remove the guns and throw shells, provisions, weapons and medicine overboard. This way you can achieve maximum efficiency when trading. Count for yourself: four completely empty ships (from 6500 to 8000 holds) and no payments to the team, because there is none at all! The huge total size of the hold will allow you to extract tangible benefits even from relatively cheap goods. In addition, you will be able to earn fabulous money from smuggling, and to accumulate starting capital, complete tasks from merchants in cities. Don't forget that any merchant wants to fill out All space available on your ships. And the more goods, the greater the reward.

Advice: merchants offer different goods for transportation, but try to choose ones that are not chewed by rats. For example, cannonballs, nipples, buckshot and bombs. Try not to take expensive items unless you have Rat Gods. Rats can easily eat all the fat. Because of these rodents, I have had to pay a fine out of my own pocket more than once.


Until now, there has not been a single intelligible analysis of the ships. There are several reasons for this: ships of the same type (frigates, for example) can differ significantly from each other. The caliber of the guns, the volume of the hold, the thickness of the armor - everything is different, but the ships were not built on machines, and each had its own characteristics. Naturally, all this affects the price (sometimes quite significantly). In this chapter we will analyze the ships in order and in detail. Since different strategies involve fundamentally different playstyles, a comprehensive assessment of the characteristics will be very useful.

Ship characteristics

Not all ship parameters in Corsairs have a designation. Eg, number of permissible team measured by “seats”, and gun caliber- pounds. However, nothing is said about speed, maneuverability, or hold volume. In fact, everything is very simple. The developers most likely decided not to overload the player with unnecessary data (nodes, degrees and rolls), so they introduced abstract values ​​for some indicators. Hold capacity, for example, is measured in units of "net load". “Net cargo” is the multiplied weight and volume, expressed in abstract game units. So the fruit basket occupies the “1” positions, and the ebony package occupies the “5” positions. The remaining characteristics are calculated using the same principle. Hull strength- these are the same virtual hits. If the mark reaches zero, you drown. Speed created to compare ships with each other, because you can only sail to another island on a global map. In the heat of battle, the one with the higher indicator will be faster. Maneuverability is calculated according to the same scheme. Whoever has a higher score is better. Only close-hauled calculated differently. The higher the number, the steeper you can go into the wind.

"Small" class

Tartan (grade 7)

Tartan first appeared in the Mediterranean Sea. Initially, it was a small fishing boat with a triangular sail, but its good performance made it a very popular ship for coastal voyages and trade between neighboring settlements.

A Tartana is essentially an ordinary boat, but with a sail. Its size does not allow it to travel long distances (although this is possible in the game), and general indicators say that if you sail on it, things are very bad for you. Fishing is not allowed in the game, and the tartan is only suitable for this. It is not suitable for anything and is only present in the game for decoration.

Average parameters
price, gold350

Longboat (class 7)

A longboat is a large boat on which small cannons are mounted. It will never become a serious ship, but it is used for pirate or smuggling operations all over the world.

This is the same tartan, but slightly larger in size. The hold is usually three times larger, but the guns take up the lion's share of its volume. “Dead” armor and general uselessness are compensated by maneuverability and speed. An experienced captain will be saved on this vessel from any persecution. Just save something?

Average parameters
guns (caliber 12 pounds)8
price, gold2500

Lugger (Class 6)

A lugger is a small ship designed to transport cargo and guard small convoys. Although the lugger is poorly armed and has a small crew, it is specially designed for both trade and battle. Many captains value the lugger for its speed and maneuverability, and its small size allows it to make long sea voyages.

The first more or less serious ship, which, in principle, is perfect for a free trader. With this you can sink a pirate and transport something. Another thing is that the lugger is a small ship and not very strong, and only 12 guns are not at all impressive. In addition, combat equipment takes up almost half of the hold. The only undeniable advantage is that oblique sails allow you to sail steeply into the wind.

Average parameters
guns (caliber 12 pounds)12
price, gold14500

Sloop (Class 6)

With a shallow draft and excellent sailing performance, the sloop is a highly effective reconnaissance ship suitable for coastal patrol and trade.

However, the hold is too small, and at a comparable price the sloop is completely inferior to the lugger in terms of performance. Improved weapons do not change the situation. In my opinion, additional guns only take up precious space in the hold. It’s not worth buying a sloop; it’s better to wait for the next ship - a schooner.

Average parameters
guns (caliber 12 pounds)16
price, gold18000

Schooner (class 5)

The good performance of this ship, coupled with a spacious hold, made the schooner one of the most attractive ships as a merchant vessel for middle-class merchants who cannot afford something better.

The schooner is the first worthy ship for trade. Its hold is usually twice as large as that of a sloop, and its performance is almost identical. The schooner's armament, like its armor, is also at an appropriate level - twenty guns will allow it to fight off small pirates. The only complaint is the price.

Average parameters
guns (caliber 16 pounds)20
price, gold32500

Bark (class 5)

A bark is essentially a converted longboat. The bark is better suited for long voyages. With a spacious hold and sufficient firepower, the barque is considered one of the best ships in its class. However, the design does not allow it to reach high speeds, and maneuverability fails. In terms of performance, the barque is losing. On the other hand, a small crew and a spacious hold will allow you to transport goods with little cost. In addition, a barque is somewhat cheaper than a schooner.

Average parameters
guns (caliber 12 pounds)16
price, gold30500

Caravel (class 5)

The unusual formula of the caravel's deck makes it easy to identify this ship from a great distance by its outline. It is advantageous to use caravels for transporting large loads, especially since they have proven to be unimportant as warships.

Excellent hold and weak combat characteristics. This is due to low speed and poor maneuverability. On the other hand, there are thirty guns (13 per side and two each at the front and rear), and the caliber is not bad - up to twenty-four pounds. One of the disadvantages is the poor close-hauled sail, since all the sails of the caravel are straight. The caravel works well as a “truck”, but military cover is required. Another plus is that a caravel is only slightly more expensive than a barque, and the hold is almost one and a half times larger.

Average parameters
guns (caliber 24 pounds)30
price, gold38500

Barquentine (class 4)

When Spanish merchants realized that they were becoming easy prey for pirates in the Caribbean, they began to massively convert their galleons into barquentines. Thanks to the mixed sailing rig, the barquentine can move quite quickly in any direction. And although the transatlantic journey lasts a little longer, the Barquentine will certainly escape the pirates.

Excellent running characteristics and good hold. An excellent ship for the “all-out” scheme. The hold, however, is not as spacious as that of a caravel, but the barquentine sails well against the wind. Among the shortcomings, only weak weapons can be noted, but the price does not bite. The maximum crew reaches two hundred people, which means that you can safely board an impudent pirate.

Average parameters
guns (caliber 12 pounds)16
price, gold33500

Brigantine (class 4)

Legendary type of sailing ships. Fast and maneuverable, like a swallow, the brigantine soars over the endless expanses of seas and oceans.

The brigantine has excellent driving characteristics, although the price is only slightly more expensive than the barquentine. The hold, however, is very small, so the brigantine is hardly suitable for trading operations. The choice of a pirate or privateer, not a merchant.

Average parameters
guns (caliber 16 pounds)20
price, gold32500

Flute (class 4)

Flute is a fairly strong and large ship. It is excellent for long-distance voyages, but it is unwise to use it for military purposes. The flute is good as a merchant ship, since in terms of the size of the hold and the strength of the hull it is very difficult to find a rival to the flute in its class. The flute first appeared in Holland. They were built from soft wood to make the ship as cheap as possible.

The first ship for large merchants. Excellent hold capacity and good performance characteristics, a fairly strong hull and a large crew. Yes, it is difficult for him to find a rival in the class (only a galleon), but, as you remember, flutes were built from the cheapest types of wood. They were originally conceived as workhorses, and guns were installed on them more for show. Flute is a true merchant ship, but it is also suitable for the “all-out” scheme, although it works best in guarded merchant squadrons.

Average parameters
guns (caliber 24 pounds)18
price, gold50000

Brig (class 4)

The brig is often used as a merchant ship, but even more often as a warship. High speed and excellent maneuverability make it one of the most harmonious ships. However, the straight sail rig limits its close-hauled capabilities.

The brig is good for the “all-out” scheme. Still, it is rather weak in battle (only 16 guns). On the other hand, even a small number of guns can pay off due to maneuverability and speed, but there are pitfalls here too. The fact is that the straight sail rig does not allow the brig to sail steeply into the wind. The only reasonable use is to load up and run.

Average parameters
guns (caliber 24 pounds)16
price, gold41500

Galleon (class 4)

This is undoubtedly the most famous type of ship in history. A close relative of the caravel, the galleon is a clumsy but reliable ship that has served sailors for two hundred years. Easy prey for a real pirate.

Everyone used them, but most often the Spaniards. It was on galleons that gold (as well as other goods) was exported from the colonies. The galleon is an excellent merchant ship, but unimportant in battle. It's all about poor maneuverability and low speed. With such indicators, only the battle line is suitable for battle, but the relatively thin armor puts an end to this idea. The galleon is perfect for the merchant, and if he has a ship (or ships) for protection, the legendary ship will pay for itself in one voyage.

Average parameters
guns (caliber 12 pounds)20
price, gold53500

"Big" class

Corvette (Class 3)

The corvette was designed to be powerfully armed, but at the same time as fast and light as possible. As a result, corvettes have a weak hull, but are able to catch up with lighter ships and conduct successful battles with heavier ones. Typically, the corvette was used as a patrol vessel and also as an auxiliary warship.

The corvette has the thinnest armor in its class, but in terms of speed only a frigate can compare with it, and in terms of maneuverability it has no equal at all. However, a corvette is not at all suitable for trade, because a loaded ship is not so fast, and this is its main advantage. Each ship must be used in accordance with its specialization. A corvette is a fast, nimble and relatively powerful ship. You can’t take a fort on it, but on the open sea it has no equal.

Average parameters
guns (caliber 32 pounds)32
price, gold73500

Heavy Galleon (Class 3)

A heavy galleon is a powerful warship. Large caliber guns, a durable hull and a large crew provide reliable protection for any cargo. Unfortunately, the strong armor resulted in an even greater reduction in performance.

Heavy galleons eventually replace flutes (due to the hold) and regular galleons. Yes, in terms of performance, heavy galleons lag behind (quite noticeably) other ships in their class, but the huge hold more than makes up for all the shortcomings. Due to its low top speed, a heavy galleon is not suitable for a full-on strategy. The ideal application is “better stay away” or “classic scheme”. The armor is strong, and there are fifteen cannons on each side, and the caliber is decent. Verdict - a heavy galleon is excellent for armed squadrons, but only opens up under escort.

Average parameters
guns (caliber 32 pounds)36
price, gold100000

Pinas (class 3)

This ship is large and strong enough for long sea voyages. The capacity of its hold allows it to transport a large amount of cargo, and its weapons allow it to ward off pirates. However, in combat it sorely lacks the maneuverability and speed of a real warship.

A pinas is simply an improved version of a flute. Its hold is spacious, there are few guns, but it is cheap and fast. The cheapness makes the pinnace a workhorse, but there is no point in buying it - it’s better to save up for a galleon.

Average parameters
guns (caliber 16 pounds)18
price, gold62500

Frigate (class 2)

Fast and maneuverable frigates are very popular with many captains for their good performance and firepower. A squadron of frigates may well destroy the fort and plunder the city.

In fact, a frigate is the first heavily armed ship (twenty guns on board), and anything heavier plays the role of a floating fort. Meanwhile, a frigate’s hold is not as small as a corvette’s, so you can both protect the squadron and carry additional cargo. Keep in mind that frigates have straight sails, so you won’t be able to sail steeply into the wind.

Average parameters
guns (caliber 32 pounds)46
price, gold150000

Warship (Class 2)

A warship, although superior in number of guns to a frigate, is inferior to it in speed and maneuverability. However, by strengthening the hull and increasing the size, some warships can be equipped with the heaviest guns.

A warship is simply a weighted frigate. To tell the truth, the armor and additional guns backfired on him - his maneuverability and speed dropped significantly. There is no point in using a warship as a “truck,” since there is a heavy galleon one class lower, which is equal in armor, and you can carry more cargo. In addition, a galleon is much cheaper, and speed is not so important in the presence of a military escort.

Average parameters
guns (caliber 24 pounds)56
price, gold170000

"Huge" class

Ship of the line (class 1)

A battleship is a formidable force. Armed with the most powerful and long-range guns, with a very strong hull, it is capable of successfully confronting any ship at sea and destroying coastal fortifications.

An excellent ship for the “better stay away” scheme. Lots of guns, a strong hull, a large crew and a spacious hold. Unfortunately, it is hardly suitable for other schemes - it is too expensive, and in terms of the volume of the hold it is not far from a heavy galleon. On the other hand, good speed allows you to apply the scheme “with all your might.”

Average parameters
guns (caliber 32 pounds)66
price, gold250000

Gunship (Class 1)

Warship - development of a warship (essentially a frigate) by increasing the size and strengthening the hull. Huge and unwieldy, it carries several batteries of heavy guns and is served by a large crew.

Only good for combat. Its hold is not much larger than that of a battleship or a heavy galleon, but the armor is much thicker, and there are as many as thirty-six guns on each side. Suitable for the “better stay away” scheme, but that’s all. “At full speed” will not work, since the warship does not shine with speed, and the “classical scheme” is of no use. Why guard an expensive ship if you can buy three heavy galleons for the same money?

Average parameters
guns (caliber 32 pounds)80
price, gold345000

Manowar (class 1)

Man-of-war is the most powerful ship in history. It carries up to a hundred cannons on three gun decks, and its hull is practically impenetrable for cannonballs. Unfortunately, the ship's enormous size and displacement limit its use to naval battles and sieges of forts.

The largest ship of the line is perfect for a merchant. Surprised? The manovar has the most voluminous hold, and the level of armor allows you to wait until the military escort deals with the enemy. Also great for the “don’t come near” scheme. There is nothing more terrible than five manovars. I remember how the Spanish punitive squadron ran into me at sea... With the first salvo we sent the Spanish flagship to the bottom. Two and a half hundred cores are no joke. Especially when the caliber is forty-two pounds.

Average parameters
guns (caliber 32-42 pounds)102
price, gold525000

Royal Manowar (Class 1)

Royal first class ship of the line. Terrifying firepower is combined with exquisite hull finish and impressive performance. This is the greatest ship of all time.

Only suitable for war. To be honest, its usual modification has a much more spacious hold, and additional guns are not as important as the cargo. Ideally, you can make the royal manovar the flagship, and let the “trucks” be ordinary ones. The same squadron configuration is also suitable for the “better stay away” scheme.

The Royal Manowar is the pinnacle of shipbuilding. However, it is only suitable as a flagship warship. For trading, it is better to use ordinary manovars, they are cheaper.

Trade routes

In the Return of the Legend guide, we have compiled a table of export and import of goods for all stores in the archipelago. Since then, the economic system has been slightly modified, and some goods have changed status. The new version takes into account all the changes since “Return of the Legend” and the latest patches. Based on the table nearby, we will look at the optimal trade routes.

Types of trade

Of course, the economic system in the Corsairs is far from ideal; it lacks changes in prices, demand, supply, and much more. The economy is simple and just begs to be made money. The game is kind to the player who can evaluate his strength. Let's look at a few trading techniques that have been common to the Corsairs (since time immemorial).

This is interesting: in fact prices change. If you buy a lot of a certain type of product, its price rises (scarcity), and if you sell a lot, it falls (supply). But if something is exported somewhere, even the end of the world will not force the merchant to import this product.

Direct flight

By direct flight we mean a regular trip from point A to point B and back. We buy the product we need, sell it and come back for the next portion. For direct flights, goods from the highest price category (black and mahogany, silk, gold) are best suited. Why? It's simple: you make a huge profit, and the faster you transport all the goods, the sooner it runs out and the sooner you can switch to another product. During this time, stores will be restocked. A distinctive feature is that the method is only suitable if you have money for an expensive product. This is true, for example, for a squadron of manovars. You need to invest an unimaginable amount of money, but the return exceeds all expectations. The best use of the scheme is smuggling.


The essence of the chain is to select a group of goods that you will trade. For example, you buy ebony at the lowest price and take it to where they buy it the most. At this port you buy another export product and take it to the next port. And so on. The scheme is difficult to implement as you need to be aware of quotes in all stores Use the table and plan the best route.

Circular flight

This method is essentially a mixture of the first two. You choose a starting port and transport the best goods to another city. There you buy another product and take it somewhere else. Eventually you should return to the first port you selected. This scheme is the most difficult to implement, but it is also the most profitable - your ships will not be idle. Pure profit, complete confidence and accuracy. The point of the scheme is that when you return to the starting city, there will already be enough goods there. In addition, you can change the round trip as much as you like, simply by choosing a different product.

Caribbean Products
Cores - - - - - E E - - - - AND AND AND
Buckshot - - E - - AND - - AND - - AND AND -
Knippel - - - - E - - E - - E - - E
Bombs - - - - - - - E - - - - - -
Powder TO - E E - E - - - AND - - - -
Provisions E - TO AND E - - TO AND - E E E -
Weapon AND - AND E - - E - TO AND - AND AND AND
Canvas AND E - TO - - - AND AND AND - AND AND -
Boards - AND - AND TO AND - - E E TO - - -
Coffee - E - E - - TO - - E - - - E
Tobacco TO - E - E - - AND TO AND E AND AND AND
Sugar AND - - E E - AND AND TO E E - - -
Wheat - E E - E - TO AND AND TO E - - E
Rum - AND - - AND - E E - - AND E E -
El E - TO AND - - E E - E - E E E
Cotton E - E - E - TO AND - TO E - - -
Canvas E E - TO AND - E - E E AND - - E
Leather - - AND - AND TO AND - E E AND - - E
Silk - TO TO - - E - AND - TO - - - AND
Cloth - - - TO AND AND - - AND - AND - - -
Ebony - E - - TO AND AND TO - - TO TO TO TO
Red tree E - TO - TO AND - - E - TO - - AND
Sandalwood E E E E - AND - TO - - - E E -
Cinnamon TO TO AND AND - E - - - E - E E -
Copra - - AND AND - TO AND - AND TO - TO TO TO
Paprika AND AND - E - E - E - - - - - E
Oil E E - E - AND TO - E - - TO TO TO
Gold - AND - - AND - E - - - AND - - -
Silver - AND - - - E E - - - - - - AND
Cores - AND AND - - - - E AND - - AND -
Buckshot TO AND AND AND - - - E - E - AND -
Knippel - - - - - - - E - - - AND -
Bombs E - - - - - - E - - - AND E
Powder AND TO TO TO - E E E - - TO AND AND
Provisions E - - E - - - - - - TO - -
Weapon - TO TO TO AND TO TO E - - TO AND -
Medicines AND - - E - AND AND - E AND AND AND -
Boards - E E - AND TO TO - - E E E -
Cocoa - E E - AND TO TO - - E - - -
Coffee - E E - TO E E - - AND - E -
Tobacco - TO TO TO AND - - AND - AND - TO -
Sugar E - - E - E E - E - E E -
Wheat - E E - E - - - - E AND - -
Wine E - - E E - - E E - AND TO -
Rum E - - - E E E - AND AND AND TO E
El - - - - - E E - E - - E AND
Cotton AND TO TO TO E - - AND - E - E -
Canvas E E E - AND - - - E - - - -
Leather - - - E TO AND AND TO AND AND TO TO -
Silk AND - - AND - - - AND AND TO - - -
Cloth E - - - - E E AND TO AND AND E -
Ebony TO AND AND - E AND AND - - E E - -
Red tree - - - E - AND AND - - - E - -
Sandalwood - E E - AND AND AND TO AND - E - -
Cinnamon - - - - E - - - E - - - -
Copra TO - - AND - - - TO TO - - E -
Paprika - - - E AND - - TO AND TO - - -
Fruits AND E E - - - - - TO AND AND - -
Bricks TO AND AND AND - E E - TO TO AND - -
Silver - - - AND E - - AND - - E - AND

* K - smuggling, E - export, I - import, dash - regular price.


In the final chapter, we'll look at goods and ports, as well as some illustrative examples of trade routes.

First, keep in mind that cities that are nearby have almost the same trade policies. In other words, if Havana imports canvas, Puerto Principe imports it too. There are no short but profitable routes in Corsairs. Or rather, they were, but with the release of the patches, the easy life ended. Let's consider several routes for each type of trade.

Direct flight

The simplest and most expensive at the same time. For direct flights it is better to choose the most expensive goods: gold, silver, silk, ebony, mahogany and sandalwood. For a time, smuggling was one of the most profitable voyages, but recently a smuggler went missing in a pirate town near Curacao (Mahogany). Although store data indicates that the goods are smuggled, no one will buy it from you. And for the better. To be honest, having found one single route with enormous profitability, I abandoned all the others. Why waste time when you can earn phenomenal amounts in just a few flights?

Direct trade scheme for mahogany. The final destination is Fort-de-France.

Let's look at expensive products one by one. Mahogany is sold at reasonable prices only in four colonies: Havana, Maracaibo, Marigot and Willemstad. The noble type of wood is considered smuggled only in Port of Spain and Fort-de-France. There are only two cities, and they belong to the French and the British. The shortest route for mahogany is from Curaçao to Martinique. Just remember to settle relations with other nations and take the appropriate flag in your skills. Unfortunately, you cannot do without trade patents (unless you play for Holland). The second good route is from Marigot to Martinique. Use it if the mahogany stock in Willemstad runs out. Havana is unsuitable for profitable trade. There are no ports nearby with sufficiently high purchase prices, and the nearest “smuggling” cities Very far.

Another viable option is a flight from Maracaibo to Martinique. This option is also suitable for starting a “half chain”. Let's say you have a squadron of five manovars and you can easily buy up the entire stock of goods in the store. It turns out that you are wasting your time because you are leaving the hold empty. To make the most of it, you need to start in Maracaibo, then look at Curacao and only then sail to Martinique. If things don't work out with the smugglers, you can simply sell the goods at a high price. Mahogany is imported, for example, to Basse-Terre. However, the difference in profit is very significant.

Let's do the math. With a store stock of 10,000, you can buy mahogany for an average of 250 gold. You can sell it to a store marked “import” for a price of 400 gold. If you don’t have “Rat Gods”, we’ll write off another 10% for losses from rodents. We multiply 150 by 10,000, and subtract 10% of the average losses from rats from the final profit. In total you will receive 1,350,000 net profit. Not bad? Now let’s do the math for smuggling. A unit of mahogany in Fort-de-France costs 700 gold. We multiply 450 by 10,000, subtract the losses from rats, for a total of 4,005,000 gold. The difference is obvious.

On a note:“Corsairs” is partly a role-playing game. Try to play the role to the end. In particular, you can play without the save-load link. If something happens, continue the game no matter what. With this style, selling goods to “import” is perhaps the safest option.

Redwood is the best product for a direct flight, especially if you haven't gotten rid of rats. Gray robbers consume silk in obscene quantities. True, they don’t touch the gold, but there is no smuggling of it either. If you choose between gold, silver and ebony, choose wood. Firstly, even with a larger volume, the final profit will be greater. Secondly, only a few colonies are “rich” in gold, and even then there is so little of it that the game is not worth the candle. In a successful situation, ebony can be bought at an average price of 100 coins and sold for 550. Gold, with its ratio of 650-820 (170 income per unit), cannot compete with noble wood. Best routes: Cumana, Maracaibo, Cartagena - Fort-de-France.

We did not consider two products from the upper price range - slaves and sandalwood. It is impossible to make money on the former, because they are sold (and then with “import”) only in Bermuda, and they can only be obtained by boarding (you leave the survivors as slaves). But this income cannot be called permanent, besides, slaves can start a rebellion, and when the rebellion is suppressed, someone will inevitably die.

Sandalwood, on the other hand, is a good choice for trading, but only if the supply of wood has completely dried up. Sandalwood is considered smuggled in Charlestown and Santa Catalina. It's a pity, but these cities are too far from the main trade routes, so, in essence, you have two options: take sandalwood from Willemstad to Charlestown, and then stock up on mahogany in Marigot, or not trade sandalwood at all.


For the chain, the best goods are in the middle and low price categories, since the “export-import-smuggling” schemes for them are much more diverse. Judge for yourself, for example, we transport mahogany to Martinique (or St. John's), since the prices are best there. Ebony - right there. But you can sell and buy bricks, wheat, rum, ale and other inexpensive goods wherever you want, since the ratio of the purchase price of one unit of goods to the selling price is not so high. The benefit here is achieved by the large quantity, and not by the cost of a single bag of wheat.

Chain starting in Cartagena. The final destination is Fort-de-France.

This is interesting: the difference in purchase and sale prices for goods of the lowest category is no more than ten doubloons and rarely reaches at least two times the excess.

The first thing to do is to create a good route. For a novice trader, purchasing trade licenses is a very burdensome matter, so you need to trade only with those ports where they don’t dream of letting you go to the bottom. The Spaniards and the Dutch have the easiest life. Many ports are open to them, which means you can trade anything. The question "where?" does not matter, except that the distance between cities can somehow affect the choice of product (route). Otherwise everything is the same. Unfortunately, in Corsairs there are no NPCs tied to any specific islands, ports or areas of the sea. You can, deep in the rear of the Spaniards, on the Maine, meet a huge punitive squadron of, say, the British. This is unfortunate, since the chance of evading pursuit depends only on the course relative to the wind. Blowing in the back? Have a blast. No? So they will catch up.

It is important: Don't rely too much on the Skilled Sailor ability. Yes, it allows you to escape from a meeting on the high seas, but this does not mean that you will hide from any pursuers. In the worst cases, the menu will pop up every split second. In other words, after refusing, you will immediately be offered to enter the battle - and so on until you agree. Or don't load the nearest save.

Let's consider an illustrative diagram using the example of the main character from Spain. The choice is not accidental. Spanish traders have the easiest life. Let's say you start a chain in Cartagena. The nearest city is Maracaibo. We take a load of wheat, and in Maracaibo we buy a shipment of sugar to bring it to Curacao. In addition, we fill the holds with gold and silver. Having sold sugar in Willemstad, we fill the hold with mahogany and sail to Cumana. There we will sell gold and silver, and fill the empty space with ebony, which can be sold to smugglers in Fort-de-France. Starting with simple goods, at the finish line you will trade the most expensive ones. The chain should be replenished exactly by the time you return to the starting point. If upon return the goods have not yet appeared, extend the chain.

In the resource-rich Caribbean, there are many different trade chains, because the route is determined only by the opportunity to buy or sell a certain product.

Circular flight

Round trip starting in Cartagena. Please note that our beloved Fort-de-France is not included in the circle.

Any merchant should have a good map - as well as a whole bunch of more detailed ones. For dark things, you know...

The example of a round trip is simple. Let's take the route given in the “Chain” chapter as a basis and modify it a little. The last city in the chain is Fort-de-France. To get a round trip we need to change Fort de France to Basse Terre. Of course, you will have to buy a trade license, but the profits are worth it. Looking at the table "Products of the Caribbean", we see that the French in Basse-Terre import ebony and mahogany, and export silk. Now you have a choice: either sail to Porto Bello and sell the silk you bought honestly, or hand it over to smugglers in Cartagena. To be honest, the second option is much preferable. Using this principle, you can build a chain of such size that you will literally buy and sell the entire Caribbean Sea.

So, we figured out the trade. Of course, no article is enough for a comparative analysis of profits from the sale of different products, but we have “built a foundation” on which you can create schemes yourself. Whether they are profitable or not - only a test flight will tell. I wish you successful voyages and profitable transactions. You will especially need luck!

A light morning breeze fills the sails of a small xebec heading to Bermuda. There, they say, Henry Morgan is recruiting dashing guys to get easy money. A young captain named Andrew Frost, impressed by pirate romance, is ready to enter Morgan's service and raise the Jolly Roger...

This time we will rush through the lines of the French and pirates like a whirlwind. Why them? Firstly, the French line has not changed since “Return of the Legend”, and in the guide we somehow bypassed it. Secondly, the pirate storyline appeared in the add-on. Thus, we kill two birds with one stone - or, if you prefer, sink two ships with one shot.

Ship's log

“Do you need a worthy person who does not disdain to cut, chop and burn, who owns a fast sailboat and desperate guys? In that case, I am at your service, Mr. Morgan." About these words began my career in the service of the famous pirate admiral.

This is how the Coastal Brotherhood recruits. Who wouldn't want to earn extra money?

But you can’t just get Morgan’s favor; I was sent to him by Captain Goodley, whom I met in Puerto Principe. In turn, Goodley asked Henry Morgan to provide a favor - to deliver a certain John Bolton to Jamaica. For me, this is just a gift of fate - I met Bolton in the bay, and we headed for Jamaica.

They were already waiting for us at the port. No, not Morgan, but English soldiers. It turns out that Jack Bolton is a fugitive, and I am his accomplice. I did not resist, there were too many soldiers, and my ship would have been immediately turned into splinters. Rumor has it that Morgan has great influence in Jamaica, maybe the commandant won’t have to figure out who is a criminal and who is not?

I was not too surprised when Henry Morgan himself came to the fort prison. He freed both Bolton and me, but in return he offered us a job that we couldn’t refuse. Apparently, my new employer was framed by someone. But now I have a task - to give a certain Edward Lowe a black mark. I don’t know why this Lowe didn’t please Morgan, but I wouldn’t want to be in his place...

I decided to give the team a rest, and in the morning we set sail for Martinique: Lowe lives somewhere there, but where exactly?..

Black Mark

I arrived in Martinique twenty days later. It could have been faster, but at sea we met a Spanish punitive squadron, and we had to run away from it with full sail. The wind was blowing to the east, so we had to make a good detour, but at Antigua we broke away from our pursuers.

First, I decided to look into Fort-de-France - I still need to replenish supplies and patch up the sails. If Lowe lives here, I'll give him a package from Morgan. However, the innkeeper immediately dashed my hopes - there is no Lowe in Fort-de-France, and he had never heard of such a person. This means that Edward lives in a pirate settlement - Le Francois, all that remains is to go around the island and visit him.

Henry Morgan himself.

And sure enough, Lowe lives in Le François; moreover, he’s not even hiding! But what surprised me most was that his face didn’t change one bit when I handed him the tag. He just grinned and said that he and Morgan had worked out everything, so I should return the mark and tell him “that everything is going according to plan.” With these words he kicked me out of the house. There is nothing to do, we will have to return to Jamaica.

The way back was not easy. The sea was calm, only a light breeze created a small ripple, but even this breeze was enough to push our vessel along. The navigator assured me that the weather would not change, but three days later a storm broke out, the likes of which I had not seen for a very long time. The navigator should be thrown overboard, but where can one find a good navigator? Our troubles did not end there; two days from Jamaica we met an English privateer who saluted with a broadside and changed his flag to a pirate one. The xebek, battered by the storm, could no longer give a head start in speed, so it had to be fought. A short shootout ended in a fireball that consumed the pirate brig, and we are forced to get to Jamaica almost by oars. The damned pirate had blown off one of the masts and apparently damaged the hull below the waterline. The ship tilted to the left, and every day the roll is increasing. Morgan promised me a reward, now it will be very useful.

After listening to my story, Morgan called me a blind puppy - he did not settle anything, and Lowe simply deceived me. Naturally, I didn’t receive any money, but Morgan gave me one more chance - I had to find Lowe myself and put an end to him.

Naturally, Lowe was not at home. The innkeeper said that he urgently sold everything and disappeared, but dropped that he wanted to buy a ship. As far as I know, there is only one shipyard in Martinique, and it is in Fort-de-France. I made some inquiries and learned that Lowe had gone to Bermuda, although he never bought a ship. Raise the sails! We're going in pursuit!

When I got to Bermuda, Lowe was no longer here, although I was able to get a lot of valuable information from the shipyard, and the innkeeper shared something. It turns out that Lowe deceived the brig “Sea Wolf,” which was being built for Jackman himself. In addition, I learned from an old friend of Goodley that Lowe was interested in Koumana. I don’t know what this scoundrel is thinking, because now all the pirates of the archipelago are hunting for him. His way to the English colonies is also barred, and something tells me that he is not looking for shelter on Maine. Anyway, if Koumana still has Lowe, I'll get him.

The brig “Sea Wolf” is a masterpiece of shipbuilding. Already under the command of Andrew Frost.

It is important: to find Lowe at Cumana you need to be on good terms with the Spaniards. If you play as England, like me, you will have to buy a trade license.

I arrived in Cumana and immediately asked the innkeeper about the news. For a thousand piastres, his tongue loosened so much that I found out who his sister was having an affair with, where to buy good tobacco, how wonderful Jamaican rum is and that courier ships disappear near Cumana. Mostly luggers and sloops, larger ships calmly cruise through these waters, but they can’t find anyone. They say that some survivor spoke of a brig as nimble as the sea devil himself. There is no doubt that Edward Lowe has found a warm place. It's time to ruin his life...

It is important: Lowe will not appear in the "sail to" menu until you change to a low-class ship: sloop, lugger, and the like. The difficulty here is that Lowe is a skilled fighter, and he has a larger team. I advise you to get a cuirass before the battle.

As I expected, Lowe showed up near Cumana when I put to sea in the lugger. This rat can only attack those who are weaker, but we are not cut out for it. After a volley of buckshot and boarding, Lowe was in for an unpleasant surprise.

I took the ship and killed Lowe. Morgan's task is completed, and I think I'll keep Jackman's ship for myself. Let the old pirate sulk all he wants, I already spent a lot hunting Lowe. All that remains is to tell Morgan the good news and receive the reward.


It's not easy to rob tartans. You need a light, maneuverable ship, otherwise you will simply crush small boats.

Morgan's third task is to get pearls. He got information about where fishermen are looking for pearls this month - near Turks. Since this is a “sail and do it” style task and it’s difficult to call it an adventure (Morgan himself says so), we will look at it from a purely technical point of view. It’s not easy to accomplish; there are several pitfalls that will lead to the failure of the entire line. So, first, select a maneuverable ship. I performed this mission on the Blue Bird and had no problems.

So, let’s sail to Turks and first of all, if you have companions, give them the command to “lower the sails.” The Tartans of the pearl fishers will be hostile to you, and if you can avoid “pulling the trigger,” the allies will not fail to fire one or two volleys from their cannons, and the Tartans don’t need more. The highlight of this task is that there is no need to board, let alone sink, enemy ships. You just need to swim as close as possible, and then they will voluntarily give you the pearls. Morgan needs to bring at least 1000 small and 500 large pearls. Having robbed all the tartans, I was able to collect almost one and a half times as much and earned about one hundred and twenty thousand piastres.

This is a bug: you must bring the pearls to Morgan without placing them anywhere. Yes, the character will be overloaded, and it will take longer to get to his house, but otherwise the task will fail!

Head hunter

My old acquaintance, Goodley, waylaid me near Morgan's house. Of course, he wasn't waiting for me just to say hello. It turns out that old Goodley is not at all simple, he is a professional bounty hunter, and he kills people to order secretly from Morgan. Now Goodley must kill a certain John Avory, but Morgan is keeping him in Jamaica, and the task must be completed at all costs. Having estimated the possible profit, I agreed and went to Willemstad - according to Goodley, Avory lives there.

It is important: in Willemstad you will learn that Avory has sailed away somewhere. Where exactly is determined by chance. For example, I had it in Antigua, and you will have it, for example, in Navis.

Damn that Goodley! It seems that in my search for this Avory, I talked to all the moneylenders in the archipelago! The fact is that John Avory shakes money out of debtors, and if it runs out, he heads to the next city. A pawnbroker on Marigot Island said he was robbed, and Avory followed the robber to Bermuda. This happened quite recently, which means I have a chance to catch up with both the target and, possibly, the robber.

As I expected, Avory is here. The bartender said that he had just, literally a couple of minutes ago, left the tavern and headed towards Orry Bruce. Apparently, this is the robber. I followed him and met both the robber and John. Having learned that I was going to kill both of them, they forgot about their enmity for a while and the two of them attacked me. Needless to say, I had to kill them. Be that as it may, I completed the tasks of both Goodley and the moneylender and Marigo. All that's left is to get the reward...

Instead of a reward, I almost lost my head! Goodley, the dog, set me up! Avory was a confidant of Morgan himself, and I killed a member of the Coastal Brotherhood for money! Fortunately, Morgan did not kill me, but decided to look into the matter. He called Goodley, and we resolved the issue in the only possible way - I killed him. What can you do, with pirates everything is simple - when both tell the truth, only one survives.

Poor Goodley. Since you are starting dark games, practice fencing more often!

I need to go back to Bermuda and tell Jackman what happened here.

It turns out there are rumors that someone handed Sid Bonnet over to the Spaniards. But the most unpleasant thing is that they whispered to Jackman that I did it. He sent me to meet John Leeds and find out what was going on. He, in turn, said that he let my double’s ship sink, but he was able to escape by swimming to the shore. Leeds does not want to land, because Bonnet is already dead, and there is nothing to profit from those guys. I need to punish my double at all costs - his actions have already caused a lot of problems.

I went ashore with the crew and went deeper into the jungle. However, old Leeds did not warn me that more than half the crew had escaped from the corvette. The fight was hot, but we dealt with both the double and his team. Surprisingly, the one who called himself Andrew Frost actually looked a lot like me. He was even dressed exactly like me!

It is important: stock up on healing potions. This fight is one of the hardest! For example, the fight with Lowe and the assault on the forts will seem like a walk in the park compared to the battle on the shore.

Steve Liney

I went to Morgan and told him what happened. But news flies faster than the wind, and by the time I arrived he already knew about the double and about the fight in the jungle. Morgan thinks there's something fishy here. And my double wanted to tell me something in exchange for life. I probably shouldn't have refused. Be that as it may, Steve Liney set out to pull the strings of this incomprehensible tangle. On Morgan's instructions, he must visit all the pirate settlements and sniff out what's what. In order not to start the search from scratch, I will go to Hispaniola, to the small pirate settlement of La Vega.

This fight is one of the most difficult. While the pirates are fighting with the crew, Frost cuts everyone at once with a circular blow.

Quest ships are highlighted on the global map with purple sails.

Steve's tracks lead to Santo Domingo, where, as his friend told me, the sailboat Linea was sold. Steve loved his ship very much and would never sell it. I decided to talk to the owner of the shipyard, and for good reason. I learned that “Swallow” was sold to him by some slippery guy, possibly one of the pirates. Luckily for me, he just recently went to sea, and we can still catch up with him. His frigate is called "Lyon" and is equipped with purple sails. Yes, you definitely can’t confuse this one with anything else!

I caught up and boarded the Lyon and killed the entire crew. Driven into a corner, the captain invited me to join the service of his admiral, Richard Sawkins. The fool never realized that he had given me exactly what I was looking for. I killed him and sank the frigate. There is only one pirate admiral - Henry Morgan!

After telling Morgan about the current situation, we decided to intervene in Sawkins' affairs. They say he decided to pinch the Spaniards, and if so, we need to somehow spoil his affairs. I set course for Puerto Principe, Cuba.

Under the cover of darkness, I managed to steal Soukins's logbook. To do this, however, I had to borrow a staircase that stood behind one of the houses, but I think it will be returned to the owner when they find out that I was at Richard’s residence. As Morgan expected, Sawkins set out to rob the Spaniards once again. They planned to transport a cargo of precious stones around the Caribbean Sea, but a single battleship would still pass from its eastern side. Sawkins expects to ambush him near San Martin. However, it also says that the ship will pass near Trinidad and Tobago and sail north to San Martin. Somewhere along the way I must intercept the precious ship. But we need to hurry - according to the plan, the Spaniards should reach San Martin in two weeks, which means even less time for interception.

It's best to steal Soukins' journal at night, you'll be safe.

It’s a pity that it’s impossible to take all the treasures from the Spanish ship...

It is important: you can write papers with Sawkins' plans whenever you want. But during the day there are a lot of guards there, and the governor of the pirate settlement himself is immortal for the sake of the plot.

I managed to intercept the battleship Elusive on its way to San Martin, near Antigua. The information was accurate, the Spanish battleship was literally filled with precious stones. I took what I could, but some still had to be sent to the bottom. So Sawkins will be surprised when, even after a month, the Spanish ship still does not appear. Have fun in the sun, Richard!

It is important: purple sails are a sign of quest ships. The desired vessel is marked on the map, like the Lyon. The ship is really full of precious stones and jewelry, but you are unlikely to be able to carry away even a third - this is what the developers intended. One can only guess what kind of money the Spaniard was transporting, because I sold three hundred diamonds for two hundred thousand.

Legendary trip to Panama

Assault on Fort Porto Bello. Apparently, during the bombing one of the cannonballs hit this weapon directly.

The next time I arrived in Jamaica, having spent my money, Morgan informed me of his plans for the capture of Panama. I think he's gone crazy, but it's not for nothing that he's considered a pirate admiral! We will attack Porto Bello, and then move along the isthmus, rather than through Cape Horn. The Spaniards least of all expect such a daring attack from us and probably do not guard the “back entrance” to the city so well. Besides, along the way I have to give a bullet to our companion Soukins. We need to handle the matter in such a way that suspicion does not arise.

I equipped the largest ship I could find especially for the trip to Porto Bello. No, not a corvette or even a frigate, but a whole manovar. This floating fortress will show the Spaniards who is the most important pirate in these waters...

It is important: leave all the ships in storage, because Morgan will entrust you with the command of an entire squadron of battleships. Each ship will be controlled by a pirate governor: Jackman, Sawkins, Morris and, of course, Morgan.

The Spaniards are depressed and scattered, in a second the pirate army will burst into Panama.

We stormed Porto Bello and interrogated the governor. It turns out that the Spaniards know about our enterprise. Isn't this the tricks of Sawkins?.. It's high time to get rid of him, so according to Morgan's plan we will split up. He, Jackman and Morris will go to Panama from Porto Bello, and I will meet Sawkins in Darna Bay and move from there.

Having broken through three Spanish ambushes, we finally reached Panama. I didn’t have to kill Sawkins, some Spanish musketeer did it for me, and I’m grateful to him - I really didn’t want to shoot in the back, and I couldn’t kill the pirate leader in front of my eyes.

The battle at Panama was terrible, but the Spaniards scattered their troops throughout the jungle, and we were able to defeat them due to our numerical superiority. We plundered Panama, and then dragged all the loot into one pile to divide it according to the laws of brotherhood. But while everyone was minding their own business, the vile Morgan stole absolutely all the gold and sailed on a captured galleon. He abandoned everyone in Panama, and somewhere in the jungle the Spaniards are still waiting. But what’s even worse is that I’m considered his henchman, and if I even hint at returning to the ships, my throat will be cut. I decided to try my luck and get to the ship alone.

The jungle almost killed me, Spanish bullets whistled overhead... But with God's help I was able to get to the ship and headed for Jamaica. In Henry’s house I found only his secretary, who told me that the traitor-admiral had gone to the Old World and would return no earlier than in a year...

French ruler

This is one of the national lines that is required to receive the City of Lost Ships quests. It has nothing to do with the adventures of Andrew Frost. Let me remind you that in order to receive tasks from the Governor General, you need to obtain a patent. This document, in turn, is obtained in at least two ways. First, complete the tasks of the governors, and after a while you will be awarded a patent. Second, buy it from a diplomat in any pirate city. I note that the first method is much more profitable, but if you already have everything in order with your money, the second method will save time.

Mission 1: Pierre Legrand

Monsieur Legrand is already waiting on the ship, it's time to go!

So what if my boat is small. But manovar covers with fire!

The successful filibuster Pierre Legrand wants to leave the Caribbean. He recently robbed a Spanish galleon and is now literally sitting on a pile of gold. Unfortunately, too many people know about this, so Legrand is unlikely to be able to reach his homeland alive. D'Ogeron asks us to escort the poor fellow to Martinique, from where he can safely sail to France.

Bandits will be waiting for you in La Maren Bay. I advise you to prepare for the fight and take with you three well-armed boarders. Otherwise, the enemies will fall in a crowd and kill first Legrand, and then you. After interrupting them, talk to Pierre, and the task will be completed. You can return to Tortuga.

Mission 2: Messenger

One Spaniard is dead, and the second will now go after him, you just need to parry this blow.

If you remember, playing for Spain, we intercepted the messenger to obtain evidence of the Dutch conspiracy. Following the storyline of France, you will be the messenger. This is no ordinary mail assignment. Bring the envelope and give it to Stevezan - he will suspect you of being a pirate and put you in prison. Then, however, during a search of your ship, they will find papers confirming your status as a French privateer, and you will be released. Stevezan, by the way, will refuse to tell you what the matter is and why he immediately declared you a pirate. However, the innkeeper will be happy to share information. We question him and find out that Stevezan looks at all captains like a wolf, because lately some galleon has sunk as many as nineteen ships! In addition, he will point out two suspicious comrades at the table and advise you to question them - they say that they are not local and in general the devil knows who they are. The wanderers at the table will immediately leave the tavern as soon as you offer to keep them company. Run after them and eventually you will reach the Palm Coast and there you will cut down... the Spaniards. It is the Spanish heavy galleon that patrols the waters of Curacao, and, moreover, it should moor in the bay any minute. We return to the ship, and here we are given a choice: sail to Tortuga (or somewhere else) or sink the Spanish ship. Personally, I chose the second option, since there is no such thing as extra money, and heavy galleons are also very spacious and can be used as merchant ships. In the galleon captain's inventory you can find a tanat and a mortar. If you board the galleon, you can get another 20,000 piastres from Stavesan, and if you just sink it, he won’t say a word to you, since there is no evidence that this is exactly “that” ship.

Mission 3: Anna

D "Ogeron will ask you to carry out a very delicate task. You see, our highly respected Governor-General fell in love... And not with anyone, but with the wife of the commandant of Havana. Not only are France and Spain at war, but Donna Anna’s husband is very jealous and does not let her out of the house.We are invited to kidnap the young lady and take her to Tortuga.

Let's go to Havana; d "Ogeron will issue a trade license so that the Spaniards do not tear you to shreds the first time you appear in the city.

Look how the commandant dressed up. I even put on a ceremonial cuirass!

It is important: To be honest, there are several ways to get to Havana. The best way is to moor somewhere in a bay on the island and come to the city on foot. As soon as you kidnap Anna, the Spaniards will become hostile, and if the ship is left in the roadstead, it will be destroyed by the fort.

You will find the commandant's house immediately; it catches your eye from behind the columns. But it is closed, what to do?.. We go to the tavern for information. The bartender doesn't know anything, but what about the waitress? No, but she is ready to give Anna the ring for a modest fee of a thousand coins. Go to the room and rest for a couple of days, then talk to the waitress. She will say that Anna is waiting for you at midnight at her house, and the door will be open. We wait for midnight and go to her, but we don’t meet Donna Anna, but guess who? Her husband, and at the parade. He found a letter and a ring, locked his wife and is calmly waiting for the envoy d'Ogeron, and on the second floor four Spaniards are sitting in ambush, and when the battle begins, they will rush to the aid of their commander. Try to get to the stairs leading to the second floor. It’s crowded there. , and only one soldier can beat you, besides, all the Spaniards are armed with pistols, so fighting them in a large room is useless - they will kill you immediately.

Mission 4: Soleil Royale

It's funny, my personal ship is in no way inferior to the flagship of the French fleet...

D'Ogeron's new task is to escort the French flagship Soleil Royal to the shores of Dominica to meet the squadron from Guadeloupe there. Why does the royal manovar need security? The fact is that the Spaniards started hunting for this ship, and no matter how powerful it was, three -four galleons can easily board him.

The task is quite simple, because with such a ship as companions you don’t need to do anything. We sail to Dominica and go “out to sea” not far from the island. I advise you to save in advance, because four galleons will be waiting for you at once. They are unlikely to sink the Soleil Royale, but they can easily turn your ship into pieces if it is of a low class. The optimal course of action is this: one ship needs to be boarded personally, and I recommend sinking the remaining three with the help of a manovar. Just give him the order to attack a ship, and let him board the other two.

This is interesting: While going through this line, I had already sailed on a manovar, so I had absolutely no problems with this task. Any galleon needs a salvo from the side.

Note that there is no squadron from Guadeloupe, so you need to go to Basse-Terre and find out what's going on. The governor will say that he received news of the campaign only yesterday (the post office is working badly, it’s very bad) and did not have time to equip the ships. Well, one way or another, everything ended well. You can return to Tortuga for a reward and a new title.

Mission 5: Revenge

It’s not fate for the Leyva brothers to take revenge on Anna, oh, it’s not fate...

The governor of Havana has decided to conduct an investigation into the death of the commandant, and all the threads lead to Donna Anna. The lady is afraid that the Spaniards will want to take revenge on her - kidnap or kill her. We need, firstly, to find out how serious this is, and secondly, to somehow resolve the situation.

It is best to land at the lighthouse. From here it’s easiest to get to the city (only one location), it’s impossible to get lost here, and the fort won’t shoot at you. We need to get information from the city; You can do this by talking to Iness de Silierras. She is an old friend of Donna Anna and will be happy to help her (and you). Don't go into the tavern, there's a whole squad of Spaniards lying in ambush there, and the waitress will immediately recognize you.

From Iness we learn that the cousins ​​of the murdered commandant arrived in Havana and planned to move to Tortuga with the help of smugglers. We need to intercept them, but where do smugglers usually appear? That's right, in the bays. Search the jungle and finish off the Avengers. Now you can return to Tortuga with a clear conscience. Donna Anna is no longer in danger.

It is important: My brothers appeared in the Lighthouse location, right next to the ship. The second time they appeared there, but I'm not sure if they always look for smugglers at the lighthouse. Maybe you will meet them somewhere else?

Mission 6: Francois Ohlone

D'Ogeron will give you a package that needs to be delivered to Guadeloupe to a certain Jean David, but you need to look not for him, but for François Olone, a famous filibuster. His house, by the way, is located directly opposite the residence. But first you need to sail to Guadeloupe. On the approach to the island I advise you to save, as you will be met by a Spanish warship. Here you have several options. First: capture the ship (the captain has good things, plus the hold, and the ship itself is not cheap), second: sink it. If you are not confident in your abilities , on the global map, sail straight to the city - then you will appear not far from the fort, and your enemy will be right next to you. Thus, you will receive the support of the fort. Having finished with the Spaniard, we disembark.

Olone will read the letter and offer to join him in attacking Cumana and plundering it. You can refuse - receive 10,000 piastres and complete the task. I chose the first option. Storming a city requires considerable investment and a large team. And the loot - 200,000 piastres - will have to be divided among four. Even according to the most conservative estimates, only the loss of the team, weapons and medicine will cost more. Of course, you can deceive Ohlone and take all the money for yourself, but you will have to fight him and his friends.

Mission 7: Rock Brazilian

The entrance to the Inquisition's lair can be found under the stairs. Here he is.

The famous filibuster was caught by the Spaniards and transported to Cuba to calmly extract all his secrets. D'Ogeron is afraid that under torture the Brazilian will tell not only about hidden treasures, but also personal letters with small requests. Well, we need to save Rock before he splits. Besides, we can’t raise the alarm, we’ll have to act secretly. To do this, d'Ogeron will issue a trade license to Spain, you just need to raise the correct flag.

We go to the tavern and ask the bartender about the Inquisition. He will say that she is somewhere in the city, but he will be afraid to indicate the exact location (not surprising). We go to the church, we learn from the priest that the Inquisition is located under the church, and the entrance can be found under the stairs on the street. We go inside, choose a place convenient for battle and kill all the guards. By the way, in order to successfully complete this task, it is better to moor in some bay, otherwise, after freeing the prisoner, you will be attacked by the fort.

Upon arrival in Tortuga, Rock will tell you where he hid “a little thing that is irreplaceable for a corsair,” and which one you will have to find out.

Mission 8: Bribery

In this mission, d'Ogeron will transfer you under the command of the Marquis Bonrepo. He lives in Basse-Terre, in Guadeloupe. What Bonrepo has prepared is unknown and can only be found out by asking him himself.

We sail to Basse-Terre and immediately go to the residence. Bonrepo stands to the right of the governor. He will tell you that France has started a devolution war with Spain, and for this it needs Dutch money. The situation is complicated by the fact that England declared war on Holland, but the British have nowhere to get reinforcements. Unless you hire local pirates as privateers. Bonrepo wants to prevent this, so we need to talk to three pirate captains: Morgan, Jackman and Morris. The naval commandant does not give out money; you will have to pay all the expenses yourself.

I suggest starting with the closest pirate - Morris. Trinidad and Tobago is located not far from Maine, in the easternmost corner, so you need to sail there first, so as not to wind countless circles around the Caribbean. Morris does not like the war with Holland, but, on the other hand, he needs to restore relations with England. A certain Captain Gay framed him, but we need to find this captain’s logbook to justify Morris. You can find Gay in Jamaica, but at the same time it’s worth visiting Morgan.

Morgan is not in Jamaica, he is at his residence in Antigua. Then we'll visit Jackman first, and then Morgan. But first you need to find Captain Gay and get his ship's log. You need to start your search from the tavern, and there the bartender will immediately say that Gay rented a room and still hasn’t left. He will not give up the magazine voluntarily; he will have to be forced. In addition, you can get almost a hundred thousand piastres, silver bars, a pistol and one of the Toltec skulls from him. Now you can sail to Bermuda.

In Bermuda, Jackman will tell you that he had no intention of fighting against the Dutch anyway, so there is no need to bribe him. Well, then we'll visit Morgan, and then we'll give Morris the ship's log.

We are sailing to Antigua. Morgan's house is locked. Try to stick to the right wall and you will find a passage to the basement. Morgan, in principle, agrees not to attack the Dutch, but his guys squandered all their money on rum and to continue the fun they need no less than two hundred and fifty thousand piastres! Give the money and the task will be completed.

Mission 9: Defend Port-au-Prince

In this mission you will be given the Soleil Royale and sent to defend Port-au-Prince from the Spaniards. For this battle, I advise you to acquire a ship no less than first class. Six Spanish ships will be waiting for you at Port-au-Prince, with Manovar as the flagship. Naturally, it is better to board him and destroy the rest. The peculiarity of this mission is that the Soleil Royal must remain afloat at any cost. Upon your return, you will be given a generous reward. I bet you'll even be surprised by the Sun King's generosity...

The fort is practically destroyed, although some guns are still intact and continue to fire uselessly.

Together with the Soleil Royale, we smashed the Spanish fleet to pieces. The enemy didn't even have time to react.

Missions 10 and 11: Capture cities

Like other lines, the final missions involve capturing cities and handing them over to the French crown. We need to capture the cities of Santo Domingo and Santa Catalina. I advise you to prepare a squadron of first-class ships for these missions; Moreover, it is worth buying a trade license and carefully examining the forts of these cities under the Spanish flag. A direct attack on the fortifications is lethal, so it is better to enter from the side where there are fewer guns and destroy them as quickly as possible. Don't forget to hire the best possible team as well. Storming a city is a very difficult task.

The treacherous Morgan deceived Andrew Frost and left him penniless, but that's okay! Ahead is still the mysterious City of Lost Ships, Tenochtitlan and the Pearl Shoals. This means that the adventures of our brave captain are still far from over!

The Spanish squadron is directly ahead, captain!

Thousand devils! All hands on deck! Guns for battle! Prepare grappling hooks and muskets! I will personally feed the cowards to the fish, and the rest will receive gold from the hold of that fat Spanish galleon! Starboard, fire!

More than six months after Return of the Legend, the Seaward team pleased us with an addition (which, by the way, was talked about back then, in February last year). Frankly, after the success of “Legends,” there were a lot of thoughts about a new game. What kind of game will it be? What will change? What will remain the same? However, there was no doubt that the addition would be no worse than the original. Are you ready to return to the Caribbean Sea, to the archipelago of new secrets and mysteries? Then we catch the wind - and full speed ahead!

The recipe is simple

To make a good expansion, you need to replicate the success of the original game. In other words, to do everything the same, but even better, even bigger, more exciting, and in our case, even more mysterious. In essence, “City of Lost Ships” is still the same “Legend”, but with a large chunk of new opportunities. For example, a whole bunch of new items have appeared - these are not just magic pots, but idols of very real Indian gods. Add new unique ships, a new storyline for pirates and a lot of mini-quests. All the innovations can’t be counted; I even doubt that I studied the original game one hundred percent. Well, what’s not a reason to find answers to “old” mysteries along with new adventures?

The Peter Blood storyline is worth mentioning separately. The similarity with Sabatini's creation is so great that you can find the solution to some game problems right in the book! But these are just the beginnings, because there is also a main character - the City of Lost Ships. However, I’m not going to reveal all my cards yet, otherwise the intricate puzzles in the spirit of the first “Corsairs” will lose their unique charm.

"Stormy" sea

As an unknown player said: “the graphics don’t bother veterans.” No matter how wonderfully Storm draws the sea, sun and sky, ships, characters and landscapes come out disgusting. Judge for yourself, for the first time we saw a gaming heart in “Pirates of the Caribbean,” and that was almost five years ago. On the other hand, the poor capabilities of the engine force us to find another way out of the situation. Instead of rich detail and shaders, the player is encouraged to use his own imagination. Look at a pirate in a tavern or a simple passerby. Yes, for the most part they are of no play interest, but at the same time they are not “furniture”. This thug doesn’t just walk around the city (although in fact he’s just walking), but lives his own life. Maybe he just got off the ship after a long hunt at sea? However, what exactly he did depends only on you. Whether a pirate, a merchant, a money lender or a governor, they are all in your hands, like the entire archipelago.

Let's get back to specifics

The evaluation part ends here, let's now look at the goodies. To begin with, I think it’s worth understanding the main thing: what has changed? The English line was removed so that there would be no conflicts with the new pirate line. A new playable character has appeared, Peter Blood. The main difference from the others is that the game starts differently, that is, in England. If you remember, Blood was not immediately exiled to Barbados, so first you will have to deal with matters at Lord Gilroy's estate.

I have already spoken about a whole set of idols and statues, we will look at them in more detail later.

New tasks are everywhere: searching for the captain, catching pirates and much more. These tasks are generated randomly, but are well written, so they don’t become boring.

Be sure to check out the shipyard; almost all the vessels have been rebuilt, and new vessels have appeared - unique ones. You cannot buy them, you can only receive them for a task or take them away in battle.

And, perhaps, the main change is that artificial intelligence has become much smarter. Local grunts no longer rush at you like a herd of zerglings, interfering with each other. No, fighting one enemy is already a challenge, fighting two is a difficult task, and three or more is certain death! And if it is relatively easy to defeat a simple sailor, then it is much more difficult to defeat a captain or officer. Usually, for a novice adventurer, two or three blows are enough to give up the ghost, and one bullet is enough! Frankly, starting the game on the “Lieutenant” difficulty (this is a little easier than “average”), I did not expect such agility from the enemy, because last time everything was completely different. Be that as it may, the work on the AI ​​was not in vain, the game became more interesting and more realistic. The bulletproof hero from “Return of the Legend” has already become somewhat boring.

Pantheon of Indian Gods

Totem Xochiquetzal- goddess of flowers and love. It is not clear what love and flowers have to do with luck, but a good idol adds as much as twenty units to luck and does not require anything in return. In addition, you can get a tidy sum for it on the market.

Mictlantecuhtli totem- the god of the kingdom of the dead with a completely unpronounceable name. Adds twenty to stealth. Indispensable for the British and French if they desperately need to enter a hostile port. It costs even more than the Shochiquetzal idol. If you can’t disguise yourself, you can get a good price in the store.

Quetzalcoatl totem- God of the morning star and lord of the elements. His image adds twenty units of protection to the owner. It won’t be superfluous, because it’s quite difficult to develop defense.

This is interesting: Quetzalcoatl is one of the most famous Indian gods. He is one of the main deities of ancient Mexico - “the serpent with precious feathers.” In mythology, he goes by many names, for example: Tezcatlipoca white, Eectal, Chopotl.

Mixcoatl totem- god of the hunt. His totem gives the owner a keen eye and a steady hand. In digital equivalent, this is twenty accuracy points. Mixcoatl literally means "Cloud Serpent". In mythology, he personifies the Milky Way, and especially the North Star.

Tezcatlipoca totem- the patron god of priests, punishing criminals. The totem adds twenty points to your pistol proficiency.

This is interesting: According to the Aztecs, Tezcatlipoca symbolized winter, cold and the night sky. Therefore, to be honest, it is not very clear why the totem improves the use of pistols.

Chalchihuitlicue totem- goddess of fresh water, rivers, seas and lakes. A totem depicting a goddess adds twenty authority points. Now try to pronounce her name without hesitation, which, by the way, translates as “she is dressed in jade clothes.”

Huitzilopochtli totem- god of the blue clear sky, sun, war and hunting. The owner of the totem receives an increase of twenty units to the proficiency of medium weapons.

This is interesting: Huitzilopochtli is one of the sons of Mixcoatl. His name roughly translates to “left-handed hummingbird.” It is curious that the hummingbird often personified the sun among many Central American tribes.

Tlaloc Totem- the god of rain and thunder, ruler of all edible plants. The totem adds twenty points to your light weapon proficiency.

This is interesting: Tlaloc was primarily a beneficent god, but could cause deadly hail, floods, droughts, and lightning strikes.

Totem Mayahuel- the goddess of fertility who gave people an alcoholic drink. The totem adds twenty points to the Heavy Weapon skill. Apparently, alcoholic beverages led to brawls involving heavy clubs.

Tonacatecuhtli Totem- God the creator, who gives food to people. The totem adds twenty trade points. Useful, not worth selling.

This is interesting: Tonacatecuhtli and his wife Tonacacihual are considered the creators of the world and the first human couple. Moreover, they were considered the lords of Omeyokan - the uppermost sky.

Camashtli totem- god of hunting, stars, war and fate. It does not add any skills, so it is only suitable for sale.

Sinteotl's Totem- god of young corn. The totem adds twenty navigation points. A very useful totem, as it allows you to control ships a couple of ranks higher than the character’s skill.

This is interesting: Sinteotl was considered the patron saint of farmers and goldsmiths.

Totem Tonatiuh- god of the sky and sun. In the game it acts as a commodity, such as tablets, precious stones and gold bars.

This is interesting: Tanatiu means "Sun" in Aztec.

Totem Xipe Toteku- god of sowing and harvest. Adds twenty to the ability to repair a ship at sea.

This is interesting: All the peoples of Central America had a holiday during which sacrifices were made to Xipe Totec. The priests dressed themselves in the skin of the sacrificed people and danced solemnly with the warriors.

Tlazolteotl totem- goddess-eater of dirt, cleanses from illicit passions. It does not add any characteristics, so it is only suitable for sale.

What do we have at the shipyard?

Barquentine- when Spanish merchants realized that they were becoming easy prey for pirates, they began to massively convert their clumsy galleons into barquentines. Thanks to the mixed sailing rig, the barquentine can move quite quickly in any direction. Although the transatlantic voyage takes longer, the barquentine is sure to escape the pirate. A good, and most importantly, cheap alternative to the brigantine. An expanded hold and excellent maneuverability - what more does a merchant need?

Royal Manowar- an improved version of the “floating fort”. Even more guns, even thicker armor, luxurious hull finish. The price of the vessel is such that hardly any country can afford more than one such beauty.

Flying Dutchman- You cannot buy this vessel, but you can receive it as a reward. It cannot be said that the Dutchman is very strong, but compared to other ships of its class it has excellent maneuverability and performance.

Sea wolf— a unique brig, handmade by master Alexus. High speed and excellent maneuverability make this brig a pirate's dream, and excellent close-hauled sailing guarantees a safe retreat. Nine cannons on each side will help in destroying the enemy team.

Arabella- former frigate Cinco Llagas. It was he who was taken away from the port of Bridgetown by Peter Blood right from under the noses of the Spaniards. An excellent ship, you just need to find a very good navigator.

Corvette- a ship whose equal cannot be found. An outstanding work of shipbuilding. Sturdy hull, large hold, thirty-two pound guns. Add to this excellent sailing rig and excellent close-hauled performance. Don't forget about the four dozen cannons on board. This Corvette is the best in its class.

Blue bird- this bird terrorizes the merchants of the Caribbean. It is not surprising - thanks to the fully oblique sailing rig, this xebek develops very high speed, and also goes very well in close-hauled mode. Add to this fantastic maneuverability, and you get the perfect sailboat for fast boarding.

Captain Blood

I already mentioned that one of the starting characters is Peter Blood. He's got a starting quest line, and if you're going to play as England, there's no better candidate.

Oglethorpe Manor

On the threshold you will meet Jeremy Pitt. He will say that the lord is seriously injured and you urgently need to give him first aid. Go up to the second floor, the bedroom will be on your left.

This is interesting: Peter Blood - doctor, bachelor of medicine. In response to a call for help, he rushed to the Oglethorpe estate, and was then captured by Colonel Kirk's dragoons. Gilroy assisted the rebel Monmouth, and Blood was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Some dragoons are invulnerable, so there is no point in running from them.

And here is the key, lying quietly on the table.

Now you need to take the saber, it is on the balcony in the chest. But the chest is locked, and first you need to find the key. While exploring the City of Lost Ships forums, I noticed that the key is usually the first major obstacle. Go down to the first floor and turn right. There is a table next to the stairs, and you will find the key on it. The humor is that when you first enter the house, the key is not yet on the table, and Pitt does not say where it is.

We open the chest and arm ourselves; in a few seconds the dragoons will arrive at the estate. No matter what you say, you will still be accused of aiding the rebels. And when they find Pitt in the fireplace... In general, a fight cannot be avoided.

This is interesting: At Sabatini's, Jeremy was hiding in the linen closet.

No matter how masterly you wield a sword, the dragoons will still prevail (some of them are immortal), but do not rush to load up, this is how it should be. Peter Blood will wake up in prison, and after a short trial he and Jeremy Pitt will be sent to “His Majesty’s Southern Colonies,” or rather, to the island of Barbados.


Feel free to rummage through the chests on the plantation and in the city, later you can sell the goods.

Welcome to His Majesty's Southern Colonies!

Welcome to Barbados. Peter Blood is a slave and a sugar cane miner, but he is no ordinary slave. Whatever one may say, he is a qualified doctor, and you can count the smart doctors on the archipelago on one hand. Therefore, Blood is allowed to move freely around the island and the city. Except that trading is prohibited, as is carrying weapons, of course.

It is important: if the guard sees you have a weapon, he will ask you to hand it over. Do not resist, since fighting with an entire island is a disastrous task.

The first task is to help Mrs. Steed, the governor's wife. By the way, this is one of the opportunities to earn some money. Chat with her, and then ask the governor for two and a half thousand to buy a “very expensive medicine.” He will promise to check everything, but in reality he will forget about the money as soon as you leave his residence. Migraine medicine can be found in the house of Mr. Dan, the pharmacist, on the second floor.

A little later, Dr. Wacker, one of the other two doctors on the island, will approach you and suggest... you run away. Peter Blood is the only slave who can leave the plantation and calmly wander around the city, so he can prepare an escape without difficulty or special suspicion. Just first you need to assemble a team, get weapons and buy a ship. Vacker promises to help with the ship, everything else will have to be obtained personally. Well, Pitt will run away with us of his own free will, and three other officers still need to be recruited.

Preparing to escape

Wacker wants to get rid of Blood so much that he is ready to help him escape.

Outside the city, Winterwood is the easiest to defeat, the main thing is to dodge the shot.

So, we have three officers, and each of them is held by something on the island. Hagthorpe, who served in the Royal Navy, demands the death of a certain Stuart Winterwood. This man took him and sold him into slavery. Hagthorpe does not disclose details, but he is not going to leave without proof of Winterwood’s death. Junior officer Nicholas Dake agrees to escape, but right before his escape, Bishop sells him. Slaves are living goods; What can you do, you’ll have to help Dake out somehow. The last one is artilleryman Ogle. He owes a decent amount of money to the moneylender and is not going to leave until he pays it back.


Let's start in order. Stuart Winterwood can be found in the tavern, sitting at one of the tables. Invite him to meet outside the city; he will agree and will also give you a weapon. If you run into him in a tavern, you will most likely die. Unless you hid a dusak somewhere...

After an hour, go out into the jungle (there is a second exit from the city, to the right of the residence) and wait for the enemy. Please note that he is quite strong, so I recommend saving before the fight. After winning, do not forget to remove the ring (along with your finger) and a thousand piastres from your body. The ring must be presented to Hagthorp, and a thousand gold pieces will still come in handy.

Nicholas Dake

As I already said, they want to buy Dyke, we need to break the deal. Visit the merchant and the bartender, go to the port office, and you will learn that a merchant from Jamaica recently arrived in town. He is located in one of the houses of the city (his abode is next to the tavern), let's visit him.

So Weston decided to buy Dake on the cheap. Bishop is an old friend of his and wants to give him a discount. To break the deal, you need to rob a Jamaican merchant. Wait until he turns away and rummage through his chest. There you will find six thousand piastres, an idol and a letter of marque. Now Weston will have nothing to buy Dake with, which means he can run away with us. And a large sum of money, no doubt, will be useful to you.


The last one on our team is the one-eyed artilleryman Ogle. He owes a lot to the moneylender, and we need to pay for it. The moneylender gave Oglu five thousand piastres. If you have already robbed Weston, it will not be difficult for you to pay.


If you don't have enough cash, you can try to get weapons with the help of a smuggler, but this is much more dangerous.

The team has been assembled. Now you need to take care of the weapons and the ship. Go to the tavern and chat with the bartender; he will tell you that Mr. Griffin is dealing with weapons in the city. Let's go to him.

This is the guideline: Griffin lives in a white stone house next to the residence, on the left.

Griffin got robbed! Some Spanish thug ordered weapons from him, but without waiting for the order, he tore the collection sabers from the wall. Everything would be fine, but they are engraved by a master, which means that if the Spaniard is caught, both will be hanged. We cannot allow this, so we set off in pursuit of the Spaniard - he went to the fisherman Hells (his house to the right of the residence).

Entering the house, we will see that the stern fisherman has already dealt with the invader himself. All that remains is to pick up the “marked” weapon and take it to Griffin. By nightfall he will have made the required number of sabers and pistols without any markings.

This is the advice: bargain. Reduce the price for the work to a thousand piastres, the money will still come in handy.


The basic preparations are complete, all that remains is to get the ship. Wacker gave out only eighteen thousand instead of the required twenty-five. Nothing can be done, we need to get another seven thousand.

It is important: you can't sell anything, so you can only earn money. If you strictly followed the guide, you need to find not seven thousand, but less.

Let's go to the city. The moneylender will be the first - he will ask you to extract money from the scammer. He is sure that the debtor has not yet left the island, because no one has sailed today.

Don't forget that Blood is a slave. You will have to return to the plantation every day.

Buddy! Let's have a glass... and then you can tell me where you fish.

Visit the innkeeper - he knows exactly where to find the debtor, but you will have to pay five hundred gold pieces for the information. The bartender will tell you that Rafael Guinness got money for a ship somewhere and went to the shipyard to finalize the deal. This is our “client”, you just need to catch him and threaten him with the gallows to get the money. Minus the innkeeper's remuneration, the reward is two and a half thousand.

The next opportunity to make money is to find out where Hells' competitor is fishing. The fact is that Summerlight has found a fishing spot, but, naturally, is in no hurry to share information. It should be noted that Summerlight loves to drink, you might have seen him in the tavern. He hasn’t gone anywhere, he’s still fermenting in the corner. We sit down next to him and carefully elicit information. I don’t recommend asking direct questions, otherwise Summerlight will suspect something is wrong and won’t say anything.

As a reward you will receive two thousand piastres. Total four and a half thousand.

Last day in captivity, we need to rest before escaping.

The last opportunity to get money is a meeting with Jacques Sparrow.

This is interesting: in fact, there are plenty of opportunities to get money, and that’s not all. However, if you followed the guide exactly, then after completing at least these three quests you will have enough money for a ship.

When you enter a store, instead of a seller you will see a pirate. He will introduce himself " Captain Jacques Sparrow,” and then... However, I won’t spoil the fun. Agree to help Jacques sail to Tortuga and go to the shipyard. The shipbuilder will tell you about a captain who just bought a corvette. Oh, and don't forget that you must keep Jacques's identity a secret. Find John Miner on the streets of the city, he will agree to deliver Jacques to Tortuga. We take one and a half thousand piastres and go to Vacker. The job is done, there should be enough money to buy the ship.

Now you need to transfer the money to James Nuttal so that he can buy the ship without suspicion. By evening you will find out that Nattal deceived you, and Bishop figured out Pitt.

Escape and the Spaniards

The large ship that was allowed to enter Carlisle Bay so calmly under a false flag turned out to be a Spanish privateer. He chose the time for the raid when there was not a single warship in Carlisle Bay.

His cunning remained so undetected that, without arousing suspicion, he calmly entered the bay and saluted the fort with a point-blank broadside from twenty guns. Just a few moments later, two hundred and fifty Spaniards landed on the shore and took possession of the city.

The weapon lies in this chest, next to the woodpile.

Come in from the rear. While the Spaniards are fighting with your team, you can tickle them with your saber with almost impunity.

And first we need to free Jeremy Pitt. Beware of patrols. If it is quite easy to defeat one Englishman, then it is almost impossible to defeat two or three. I advise you to avoid meeting with soldiers; first you need to get a more solid weapon.

Right at the entrance to Bridgetown you will meet a Spanish officer. I recommend saving before the fight, since he has a pistol, and his fencing skills are also excellent. After defeating him, you will be able to remove a good saber and a long-barreled pistol from his body.

Our team is waiting at the shipyard, there is nothing else to do in the city, so go to the beach and enter the water. The door is barricaded, and you can only get inside through the slipway. You will also have to swim to get to the frigate; there is a gangway on the sea side.

The fight with the soldiers will be relatively easy, but with the captain you will have to work hard. Perhaps, after the key in the estate, this is one of the most “dead-end” moments. The point here is this: the captain kills our hero with one pistol shot. Therefore, do not rush to grab your saber, but run up close. In this case, the captain will not shoot, but will immediately go into close combat. Then everything depends on you.

Sea battle

All that remains is to break away from this lugger, and that’s all - freedom!

The frigate is captured. It would seem that this is freedom. But it was not there. To begin with, you naturally have a low “navigation” score. Pitt, of course, is a navigator, but his skill level is only 50. And to control a frigate without penalties you need at least 80 points. Receive penalties to all stats (-4 each), with all skills dropping to 1.

Now comes the surprise. There are two Spanish luggers in the roadstead. I think there is no need to explain that with such skill indicators you will not be able to shoot accurately, and the boarding will end in failure. Therefore, immediately throw everything you can overboard and keep your nose strictly to the wind. Luggers, of course, are fast ships, but they cannot catch up with the frigate. Remember, you have no chance in battle.

This is where the game actually begins. Instead of a small barque or brig, Blood immediately has a frigate. Carry out trade orders - you have a large hold, and they will give you a lot of money for transporting goods. By the way, don’t forget to fire the entire team, they are simply not needed. First you need to save up for a fourth-class ship so that there are no fines, and deposit the frigate in the first friendly port.

This concludes the introductory part. I deliberately did not give away all the secrets of the game, but next time I will tell you where to find the City of Lost Ships and how to capture Panama together with Henry Morgan. In addition, I would like to give a glass to Andrei Larionov, who, like an old sailor, led me through the underwater rocks and reefs of this wonderful game.

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