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Where is Pereslavl located? Rest in Pereslavl-Zalessky. See what "Pereslavl-Zalessky" is in other dictionaries

Pereslavl-Zalessky– city in Yaroslavl region, still retaining the attractiveness and charm of the ancient city Rus'. Numerous monastery and church buildings, as well as Lake Pleshcheyevo National Park form the valuable core of the route "Gold ring of Russia".

History of the city of Pereslavl-Zalessky

Pereslavl-Zalessky was founded in 1152 year prince Yuri Dolgoruky who is behind 5 founded years before Moscow. As you know, nicknames are not given just like that, and a nickname "dolgoruky", obviously, also for a reason. Long or, in other words, long arms can tell a lot about their owner. Apparently, the son of the Kyiv prince Vladimir Monomakh Yuri loved to stretch out his hands to everything he saw. He really wanted to rule Kyiv, like his father, but, unfortunately, he was not the eldest son, and he had to be content with the principalities in the central part of the modern Russia. He regularly tried to take the Kiev throne by force, and sometimes succeeded, but soon he lost it again - those who wanted to reign in Kyiv There was always more than enough (as there is now 😉).

In between trips to Kyiv Yuri Dolgoruky formed defensive fortresses in the most favorable places for this. This is how the cities appeared: Moscow, Yuriev-Polsky, Dmitrov, and of course, the culprit of our today "tea parties"Pereslavl-Zalessky.

Free advice:

Located in the very center Russia, close to Moscow, Pereslavl-Zalessky, certainly actively participated in the life of our unstable and always cheerful state. In the era of so-called feudal fragmentation, when the principalities Rus' lived on their own, and even actively fought among themselves, Pereslavl acted in collaboration with Moscow. And in the dark times of the Mongol yoke, precisely in Pereslavl a congress of boyars and princes was held, at which a fundamental decision was made to begin liberation Rus' from the tenacious grip of the hated enemy. This event became a turning point in the life of our state.

Another important thing for Rus' the event took place in 1220 year. IN Pereslavl-Zalessky was born Alexander Nevskiy. Then, of course, he had nothing to do with this city, but what the Pereslavl land gave Rus' such a person already means a lot.

Sights of Pereslavl-Zalessky

Main attractions Pereslavl-Zalessky are, of course, five monasteries that in ancient times attracted Orthodox pilgrims, among whom were Russian tsars. The most famous among them are Ivan groznyj, Boris Godunov And Peter the First. After Petra the emphasis in the Russian state has shifted slightly to the west, and in the cities of central Russia there was a certain decline.

Peculiar sad dates for all these monasteries Pereslavl became the days of the locust invasion of the Polish-Lithuanian troops in Time of Troubles, who burned, destroyed and robbed almost everything around, as well as our local "Time of Troubles"20 years XX centuries when "valiant" the power of the Land of Soviets furiously destroyed everything that had been accumulated over the centuries.

At the moment, four of the five monasteries are active.

Nikitsky Monastery

Founded in XII century, named after Nikita the Great Martyr, thanks to whose actions he gained fame. The main building of the monastery is Nikitsky Cathedral (1561-1564), erected by order Ivan the Terrible. IN 1918 year, the monastery was stripped away for the private collections of party leaders, and in 1923 and completely closed. Only rediscovered in 1993 year.

Nikolsky Monastery

Founded in 1350 year, named after Nicholas the Wonderworker. Initially it was a monastery, but over time the number of male monks dried up, and in 1899 year, it was decided to change course. So Nikolsky Monastery became female.

The main temple of the monastery was Cathedral of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker (1680-1721). But, with the coming to power of his comrades, he was 1923 year, they blew up in a comradely manner, and the monastery was closed, soon setting up a livestock base there. Not a bad evolution for a religious building. IN 1999-2003 years, a new one was erected on the foundation of the old cathedral, which had nothing in common with the previous one except the foundation.

Main shrine – Korsun cross with particles of the relics of many saints. There were only such crosses 10 , and they date X century.

Holy Trinity Danilov Monastery

Founded in 1508 year as a monk Daniil, who later became the godfather of the newborn Ivan the Terrible. It is in honor of the birth Ivan the Terrible The main cathedral of the monastery is being built - Trinity Cathedral (1530-1532).

The monastery was closed in 1923 year, and reopened in 1995 .

Feodorovsky Convent

Founded in 1304 year in honor of the great martyr Theodore Stratelates. The dominant feature of the monastery is Feodorovsky Cathedral, built in 1556 year Ivan the Terrible in honor of the birth of a son Fedora.

Before 1667 years, the monastery was for men, but the plague epidemic that swept through many places Rus', mowed down almost all the novices. Since there are only women left Pereslavl much more, it was decided to convert the monastery into a women's monastery.

IN 1923 year the monastery was closed. Services resumed only 1998 year. At the moment it is an active convent.

Goritsky Monastery

Founded in XIV century under Ivan Kalita. The name comes from the word “mountain”, as it is located on a hill. IN 1744 year the monastery was closed due to Pereslavl became the center of the diocese. Goritsky Monastery It was the largest of all the nearby complexes, and therefore it had to become the residence of the head of the diocese. Soon the diocese was disbanded, but they did not revive monastic activities. The monastery was empty and fell into disrepair over time.

But unexpectedly, salvation came from unexpected places. IN 1917 year, the complex of monastery buildings was nationalized, and in 1919 a museum is being organized there. And this protected it from demolition and further destruction by time.

Still in place today Goritsky Monastery valid Pereslavl-Zalessky State Historical, Architectural and Art Museum-Reserve, which is one of the largest museums Russia. In the collection of the Museum of Order 95 thousands of exhibits.

Pereslavl Kremlin

Pawned Yuri Dolgoruky V 1152 year. From this time the life of the city begins Pereslavl-Zalessky. Pereslavl Kremlin had some similarities with the Moscow one, since it was built almost at the same time by one person. Pereslavsky The “brother” is much larger than the Moscow one, but much less has survived to this day than that of its competitor. The walls did not reach us, only the embankments remained. Has its own Red Square, but now it looks more like a park with paths, trees and a small clearing.

In the same 1152 construction began in the year Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral. This is the only cathedral North-Eastern Rus' pre-Mongol times, which has come down to us almost unchanged. During his life he underwent a number of reconstructions, but all of them were primarily cosmetic. Therefore, historians consider it the most authentic cathedral of that time.

Nowadays there is a museum in it, and sometimes services are held. Nearby is a monument Alexander Nevsky who was baptized in Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral.

IN 1659 founded within the walls of the Kremlin Sretensky Novodevichy Convent, which did not exist for long - until 1764 of the year. Then it was disbanded, leaving behind two churches.

Also within the Kremlin is Peter the Metropolitan Church, built in 1585 year, but at the moment it is in very poor condition. However, services are held there several times a year.

Pleshcheyevo Lake National Park

Lake Pleshcheyevo– one of the main attractions Pereslavl-Zalessky. It was here that it was organized "amusing" flotilla of Peter I. The entire Russian navy began from this event. On the shore of the lake there is museum-estate "Boat of Peter I", dedicated "amusing" flotilla.

It features a wooden boot "Fortune", which has survived to this day.

On the shore of the lake you can find a huge stone weighing 12 tons, called Blue stone. He was worshiped by local Slavic tribes who lived before Christianization Rus'. Even in our time, many neo-pagans come to Pereslavl-Zalessky To blue stone to bow.

In the Middle Ages Lake Pleshcheyevo was famous for the presence of a special type of fish, vendace, which was found only in it. That's what it's called Pereslavl vendace. At one time, it was served on the table of kings, and was a kind of local delicacy. Now there is very little of it left, and it is included in Red Book.

On the city's coat of arms Pereslavl-Zalessky our beloved observant reader may notice this fish. Two whole copies.

Alexandrova mountain on Lake Pleshcheevo provides an opportunity to enjoy excellent scenery of the area

Pereslavl-Zalessky– included in the route "Small Golden Ring" of Russia. A small city full of attractions is worthy of your attention.

Pereslavl-Zalessky is a city in the Yaroslavl region, located 140 kilometers from Moscow, on the M8 Kholmogory highway Moscow - Arkhangelsk, on the shore of Lake Pleshcheevo, at the confluence of the Trubezh River. Center of the Pleshcheyevo Lake National Park. The kilometer sign “140 km” is located in the city center at the turn from Svoboda Street to Rostovskaya Street. The final railway station on the freight line from Berendeevo (Moscow - Yaroslavl line).

The city is part of the Golden Ring of Russia.


The city was founded in 1152 by Prince Yuri Dolgoruky as Pereyaslavl.

It received its name in honor of an older city - Pereyaslavl-Russky (today's Pereyaslavl-Khmelnitsky in Ukraine). In turn, the latter was founded and named so by Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich.

Founded by Yuri Dolgoruky, the city was located behind the forests in Zalesye - an area of ​​fields and agriculture; therefore, an additional definition was added to the name of the city: Pereyaslavl-Zalessky. Since the 15th century, the pronunciation has changed to Pereslavl-Zalessky.

Around 1220, Prince Alexander Nevsky was born in Pereyaslavl.

In 1276-1294 (with a break), Dmitry Alexandrovich Pereyaslavsky, son of Alexander Nevsky, who reigned in Pereyaslavl, was the Grand Duke of Vladimir, although his residence was still in Pereyaslavl. Thus, at this time Pereyaslavl-Zalessky was the actual capital of northeastern Rus'. In 1302, after the death of Prince Ivan Dmitrievich, the city, according to his will, went to the Moscow principality. Grand Duke Andrei Alexandrovich tried to annex Pereyaslavl to his possessions, but a charter from the Horde Khan in 1303 confirmed the rights of the Moscow princes. In 1304, near Pereyaslavl, the Tver detachment that besieged the city under the command of the boyar Akinfa was completely defeated by the united Moscow-Pereyaslavl army.

In 1238 (after a five-day siege), 1252, 1281, 1282, 1294 (the city was burned by the Yaroslavl prince Fyodor Cherny), 1382, 1408 and 1419 the city was taken and plundered by the Horde. In 1372, the city settlement was burned out by the raid of Prince Keistut. Beginning in 1302, it was governed by Moscow governors, and was sometimes given out as food to visiting princes. In the 15th and 16th centuries, Pereyaslavl was the patrimony of the princes of Moscow and was obliged to deliver fish to the court, which was reflected in the city’s coat of arms. This fish - Pereslavl vendace - is a delicious subspecies with a special taste, living only in Lake Pleshcheyevo, and is currently listed in the Red Books of Russia and the Yaroslavl region.

In the fall of 1374, Moscow Prince Dmitry Ivanovich organized a meeting of Russian princes and boyars in Pereyaslavl, at which he first discussed the issue of ridding the country of the Mongol-Tatar yoke.

In 1608, the fortress was destroyed by Polish-Lithuanian invaders. The city suffered greatly during the Time of Troubles.

In 1688, Tsar Peter I began the construction of an amusing flotilla on Lake Pleshcheyevo, which was the beginning of the Russian navy. In 1692, the construction of the flotilla was completed and a ceremonial review was held.

In 1708 the city was assigned to the Moscow province. Since 1719 - the center of the Pereslavl province of the Moscow province. Since 1778 - a district town of the Vladimir governorship, and then of the province. Since 1929 - the center of the Pereslavl district of the Ivanovo industrial region. Since 1936, part of the Yaroslavl region.

In 1884, a water supply system was built in the city.

From 1872 to 1917 the city was governed by the city council. In 1994 it was recreated.


Monuments of church architecture: five architectural complexes of monasteries and nine churches (For more details, see the “Religion” section).

On the territory of the Goritsky Assumption Monastery of Pereslavl-Zalessky, located at the entrance to the city from Moscow, there is a bust of the city’s founder, Yuri Dolgoruky, by Sergei Orlov (1949). The bust was cast from bronze by G. Savinsky in 1950. The bust is, in fact, a sketch of the monument to Yuri Dolgoruky in Moscow, the design competition of which Sergei Orlov won in 1946.

In the center of Pereslavl, the city rampart surrounding the historical center of the city has been preserved. Rybnaya Sloboda stretches along the Trubezh River.

Museums and exhibitions:

  • Pereslavl-Zalessky Historical, Architectural and Art Museum-Reserve
  • Museum-estate "Boat of Peter I" (since 1803, the first provincial museum in Russia), where the boat "Fortune" is preserved
  • Pereslavl Dendrological Garden
  • Iron Museum
  • Teapot House Museum
  • Steam Locomotive Museum
  • Museum of Cunning and Ingenuity
  • Teapot Museum
  • Crafts Museum
  • Center for the Preservation and Development of Folk Traditions "Berendey's House"

2 km northwest of the city there is an archaeological monument “Kleshchinsky complex”; the center of the complex is the ancient city of Kleshchin, from which the ramparts of the 12th century have been preserved. The object of pagan worship has been preserved - the Blue Stone, a huge dark blue boulder weighing 12 tons. A few kilometers from Pereslavl-Zalessky, in the village of Talitsy, there is the Pereslavl Railway Museum.

There are six monasteries in the city, four of which are active:

  • Goritsky Monastery (closed in 1744, museum)
  • Nikitsky Monastery
  • Nikolsky Monastery
  • Sretensky Novodevichy Convent (closed in 1764)
  • Holy Trinity Danilov Monastery
  • Feodorovsky Monastery

In the 18th-19th centuries it was the center of the Pereslavl diocese. Later, the Pereslavl Theological School operated in the city.

There are nine churches in the city, of which notable ones are:

  • Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral of the 12th century, the oldest architectural monument of North-Eastern Rus';
  • tented church of Metropolitan Peter (1585).

Sights of the Golden Ring of Russia. A brief history of Pereslavl-Zalessky. What to see in Pereslavl in 1-2 days. The main attractions of Pereslavl-Zalessky. Photo. Description. Addresses. Museums, churches, monasteries of Pereslavl-Zalessky. Boat of Peter the Great.

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Pereslavl-Zalessky. Brief history and main attractions of Pereslavl.

Yaroslavl region | Population: 48 thousand people. | From Moscow: 142 km

Pereslavl-Zalessky- an ancient Russian city located on the shore Lake Pleshcheyevo. The names of Yuri Dolgoruky, Alexander Nevsky, Ivan the Terrible, and Peter I are associated with these regions. coat of arms The city depicts a vendace fish; since the 15th century the city was supposed to supply it to the court of the Moscow princes.

In the year of Pereslavl’s founding, a white stone Spaso-Preobrazhensky
- the main attraction of the city. This is one of the oldest churches in Russia,
it served as a tomb for the Pereslavl princes. In the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral,
in 1220 the prince was baptized Alexander Nevskiy- a native of Pereslavl.

The city has preserved many ancient buildings: churches,
five active monasteries, ramparts. Pereslavl
-Zalessky is one of the 8 cities that was included in
1960s in route " Golden ring».

Finno-Ugric tribes lived on the shores of Lake Pleshcheevo.
In the 8th century, the Slavs appeared here and founded a settlement
Kleschin. IN 1152 Yuri Dolgoruky pawned Pereyaslavl
(precisely with the letter “I”, over time it was “lost”), called
in honor of the city of the same name in what is now Ukraine. Zalessky meant - in the lands beyond the forests, now these areas are exactly covered by the Golden Ring route.

Over the years, about 50 monasteries existed in Pereslavl and around it. Has survived to this day five monasteries. The most ancient - Nikitsky, in honor of the great martyr Nikita, was founded in the 11th century. And he became famous thanks to the hermit St. Nikita the Stylite, who spent his life in a stone pillar, chained in chains. Before the relics of St. Nikita, Ivan the Terrible prayed for an heir, and when his son was born
Ivan, he ordered the construction of a new Nikitsky Cathedral and walls.

IN 1238 Pereslavl-Zalessky was devastated by the Golden Horde. In total, during the Tatar-Mongol yoke the city was destroyed eight times. In 1302, Pereslavl became an ally of the rising Moscow, and later became part of the Moscow principality.

Dormition Goritsky Monastery was founded on a low mountain (goritsa). In 1382, the monastery was destroyed by Khan Tokhtamysh. Miraculously, Princess Evdokia, the wife of Dmitry Donskoy, who was then in the monastery, managed to avoid death. She and several townspeople escaped on rafts, floating to the middle of the lake. Works on the territory of the monastery Pereslavl Museum-Reserve- one of the largest provincial museums in Russia.

There is an opinion that Ivan the Terrible considered the Nikitsky Monastery as a place where he was going to move along with the oprichnina court, but in the end he chose Alexandrov. Among the guardsmen there were many people from Pereslavl, one of them, known for his cruelty, Malyuta Skuratov.

Feodorovsky Monastery was founded in 1304. The Fedorovsky Cathedral of the monastery was built in honor of the birth of the son of Ivan the Terrible - Fedor. At the entrance, from Moscow, stands the Fedorovskaya Chapel (“ Cross"), according to legend, Fyodor was born in this place.

Many private themed events are open for guests of Pereslavl. museums with original exhibitions. There are museums here dedicated to sewing machines, gramophones, radios, irons, the history of money, Russian ingenuity, etc. In the village. Talitsa is a museum,
where a section of a narrow-gauge railway with a collection of railway and automobile equipment has been preserved.

The "youngest" - Trinity-Danilov Monastery was founded by the monk Daniel in 1506. It was built with the money of Prince Vasily III. Daniel baptized the children of the Grand Duke, including Ivan, the future Terrible.

Pereslavl is the cradle of the Russian fleet. In 1689, with the direct participation of young Peter I, the first ships were launched onto the waters of Lake Pleshcheevo " funny flotilla" Three years later, the “amusing fleet” consisted of about a hundred ships, the largest “Mars” had more than 30 guns.

The boot has survived to this day "Fortune". Rest
the ships (more than 80) were burned in a fire in 1783. "Fortune"
survived because it was stored separately. For the 7-meter boat, through the efforts of the local nobility, it was built
building - it has survived to this day. The boat is the main exhibition museum-estate "Boat of Peter I".
(Veskovo village,

In the 18th century, Pereslavl became a district town of the Moscow province. Further
it was part of the Vladimir province and the Ivanovo region, and since 1936 became
one of the cities of the Yaroslavl region.

For the defense of the city they were poured earthworks, which have survived to this day. Their length is more than
2 km, the height of the shafts is about 10-12 m. Pereslavl was the most
a large city in North-Eastern Rus' at that time.

Yury Dolgoruky

Nikolsky Monastery was founded in 1350 by Dmitry Prilutsky, a student of Sergius of Radonezh. The two main buildings of the monastery - St. Nicholas Cathedral and the bell tower were destroyed; the existing ones were erected today. The main shrine of the monastery is the Korsun Cross. One of the ten crosses that Prince Vladimir brought to Rus' from Korsun.

Monasteries of Pereslavl-Zalessky

Nikitsky Monastery


"Boat of Peter I"

Dormition Goritsky Monastery / Museum-Reserve

Holy Trinity Danilov Monastery

St. Nicholas Convent

Fedorovskaya Chapel ("Cross")

Map of Pereslavl-Zalessky with the main attractions

Church of the Forty Martyrs

Feodorovsky Convent

It is famous throughout Russia for its beautiful sights: monasteries, churches, temples, as well as unique natural places. It is not for nothing that a visit to this ancient city is included in the most popular tourist route in Russia - the “Golden Ring”. We will tell you about the most significant sights of the city of Pereslavl-Zalessky in this article.

The city of Pereslavl-Zalessky is located one hundred and forty kilometers from the capital of Russia, in the Yaroslavl region, right on the shore of Lake Pleshcheevo. About the city, we can say with confidence that it, one of the few, has preserved the unique atmosphere of medieval Rus': quiet and provincially calm, which attracts numerous tourists from Russia and European countries to Pereslavl-Zalessky.

– is located in the historical center of the city, which was moved here in the twelfth century by Yuri Dolgoruky. The Kremlin is surrounded by a ring of earthen ramparts, eight meters high. The length of the Kremlin structure is eight hundred meters, and the width is six hundred meters. On the territory there are several temples, ancient buildings, as well as modern one-story buildings.

- the most significant ancient building located on the territory of the Kremlin and a decoration of the Red Square of Pereslavl-Zalessky. The white stone temple was erected on the site where the famous commander Alexander Nevsky was born on May 30, 1220, who later became famous for his successful military campaigns to the Baltic Sea, as well as for his triumphant victory in the Battle of the Ice. The cathedral is a rare example of ancient Russian stone architecture. Despite the fact that the cathedral is currently undergoing restoration, entry for visitors is allowed, although it is paid.

- was founded at the beginning of the fourteenth century by Ivan Kalita, but in 1744 for an unknown reason it was abolished. Today there is the Pereslavl-Zalessky State Historical, Architectural and Art Museum-Reserve - one of the main attractions of the city of Pereslavl-Zalessky. On the large territory of the museum, visitors get acquainted with the interiors of majestic churches, and from the bell tower, admire the views of the ancient city and its surroundings. Entrance to the territory is carried out using a ticket purchased at the box office. It is worth immediately warning that the churches are already in need of restoration, but visitors can admire the ancient buildings, with the original wall paintings, monastery and church utensils, in their present form, not changed or distorted during restoration. By the way, the cathedral was built in a very unusual style for our country - Italian Baroque.

- was founded in 1010, at a time when the city of Pereslavl-Zalessky was located near Alexander Mountain. As you already understand, this monastery has already passed a thousand years, and it is one of the most ancient monasteries in Russia. The foundation of this monastery is stated in the “Book of Degrees”: Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich gave the Rostov-Suzdal region to his son Boris, and he, together with Bishop Hilarion, founded the first church buildings on Lake Pleshcheyevo in order to establish Christianity in the then pagan lands . The monastery was often rebuilt and supplemented with various buildings: thanks to the powerful walls, this monastery became a real fortress, where local residents escaped from enemy raids. Today, this is the most beautiful monastery in Pereslavl, included in the compulsory visit program of many excursion tours.

- arose in 1764, on the site of the Borisoglebsky monastery, which is on the Sands, which in turn was founded in 1252, after the Tatar invasion of the city of Pereslavl-Zalessky and the burial here of the local governor Zhidislav. The main period of prosperity of the monastery was in the sixteenth century, but already from the beginning of the seventeenth century, it was plundered by the Poles, according to the chronicles of that time, “ruining the monastery beyond recognition.” After which it was desolate for some time and began to be restored in 1642, thanks to Hieromonk Adrian, who managed this monastery.

The Boris and Gleb Monastery is associated with the name revered in the city of Pereslavl - St. Cornelius the Silent, who left his father's house, settled in the Lucian Hermitage, and then moved to this monastery, taking a lifelong vow of silence. He died in 1693, having previously donned the schema. Now, only one church has survived from the monastery, built between 1694 and 1705.

This historical landmark of the city of Pereslavl-Zalessky is located to the left of the highway leading from Moscow. This beautiful snow-white patterned tent chapel, dedicated to the Great Martyr Fyodor Stratelates, is a wonderful monument of Russian architecture of the seventeenth century, was built on the birthplace of the youngest son of Tsar Ivan the Terrible - Tsarevich Fyodor - the future Russian Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich the Blessed, who became the last representative of the Rurik dynasty. It was like this: Tsar Ivan the Terrible was very fond of visiting ancient Pereslavl, coming here on pilgrimage or hunting. In 1557, he took his wife with him on a trip, Anastasia Romanovna Zakharyina-Yuryeva, who was in her last month of pregnancy. On May eleventh, in the suburbs of the city of Pereslavl, in the village of Sobilovo, she gave birth to a son. By decree of the tsar, an Orthodox cross was placed at the birthplace of his last son, which was to be looked after by the monks of the Fedorovsky monastery located nearby.

When Polish troops invaded Russian lands during the Time of Troubles, the memorial royal cross was destroyed. And today's stone chapel was built in the seventeenth century. Time passed, and by the beginning of the nineteenth century, the chapel had become noticeably old and dilapidated, requiring restoration work, which was done in 1889. Today the building attracts many tourists with its romantic appearance, including newlyweds who take pictures against its background.

– this complex was erected in place of the former royal estate, which has not survived to this day. Now there is a museum with a rich exhibition of objects from the Peter the Great era, as well as an art gallery. It is worth saying that the most famous exhibit of the museum is “Botik” - the only perfectly preserved ship from the Amusement Flotilla of Peter the Great; the rest were destroyed by a strong fire that engulfed Pereslavl-Zalessky at the end of the eighteenth century. By the way, it was from this ship that the creation of the museum began two hundred years ago.

The boat, which was part of the “Amusement Flotilla” - Peter’s training fleet, located on Lake Pleshcheyevo, is already three centuries old, but it is perfectly preserved. The fleet consisted of thirty ships of various sizes, including several flagships, up to forty meters long, a small copy of which is in the White Palace, near the Botik Museum. During the early reign of the Tsar, Lake Pleshcheyevo was a kind of training ground where sailors were trained and training battles were held. The lake got its name for its interesting property - splashing out and throwing away all objects thrown into the water.

Located next to the Kremlin, in a small room. Here visitors have the opportunity to take an excursion into the past, where it is easy to get acquainted with peasant life, their household items and tools, which were created by the hands of talented craftsmen of the city of Pereslavl-Zalessky.

It is located in a bright and elegant wooden mansion, with traditional carved frames and a beautiful porch. The name of the center “Berendey's House” was not chosen by chance: according to ancient legends, Tsar Berendey, a character in Russian fairy tales who was also a sorcerer, lived in the vicinity of Pereslavl. In the mansion you can see the talented works of Pereslavl craftsmen specializing in wood painting: various nesting dolls, figures of people and animals, whistles. Merry Russian holidays are often held here. Visitors can purchase souvenirs in a local shop, and in the refectory, taste dishes of original Russian cuisine. In the neighboring courtyard there is an art gallery “House of the Artist”, where you can get acquainted with an interesting collection of paintings.

It is located northwest of Pereslavl. The center of the complex is the ancient settlement “Kleshchin”, with ramparts from the twelfth century. Initially, the city stood on the northeastern shore of Lake Pleshcheevo, and its center was on Alexander Mountain, but in the twelfth century, Yuri Dolgoruky, the founder of not only Moscow, but also Pereslavl-Zalessky, moved it to its present location. But scientists claim that the city appeared much earlier than the arrival of Russian statehood in these parts, which confirms the presence of an ancient pagan sanctuary here - the “Blue Stone” or “Blue Stone”. This is a completely unique object of worship of the ancient pagans, which is a huge boulder, the color of which changes from gray to blue when the surface of the stone gets wet. The stone weighs twelve tons, its length is three meters, and its width is two and a half.

According to an old legend, in ancient times, this stone stood on the top of Alexander Mountain, but was subsequently thrown down. It is not known whether this really happened, but some scientists suggest that the boulder was brought by a glacier from the mountains of Scandinavia. Others say that this is a meteorite that fell on these lands in ancient years. Local residents and many visitors believe that the “Blue Stone” can heal many diseases and charge any object with positive energy. So they try to break off a small piece from this stone as a souvenir, and numerous merchants sell near the stone, according to them, objects charged from it. Next to the stone there is a spring, the water of which in winter half floods the stone, and the ice that binds it forms unusual, mysterious influxes. Alexandrova Mountain is part of the Kleshchinsky archaeological complex, where the center of the ancient city was originally located; it is endlessly studied by archaeologists who have furrowed the surface up and down. Bolshaya Pesoshnitsa is another “Mecca” of archaeologists, which is the ruins of an ancient Neolithic settlement located on the left bank of the Trubezh River. Part of the ancient settlement is hidden under city buildings and hidden under water, where fragments and shards of ancient dishes with the pitted pattern traditional in these lands are often found.

The most interesting attraction of the city of Pereslavl-Zalessky, where unique examples of Russian cultural heritage from the period from the nineteenth to the twentieth centuries are collected in one place. Only here is a unique Russian museum located - “What the Russians were the first to invent in the world”, presenting to visitors the important world discoveries of our compatriots: the light bulb, radio, Tetris, gypsum, the Pentium processor, the hydrogen bomb, and so on. The Russian Park ICC is particularly proud of its original Russian wooden tower houses with original interior paintings, which you can visit. The country house of the nineteenth century is especially interesting to tourists; its design was created by the architect Kuzmin; it houses the Museum of Russian Fashion, Style and Atmosphere of the Nineteenth Century. The Ural house is also very attractive, decorated with copied interior paintings from the late nineteenth century, with strange flowers and animals. The Petrushka Museum will introduce children and adults to the mysterious world of theater and Russian proverbs and sayings. On the territory of the center you can take a master class on making ancient amulets, clay modeling, artistic painting of wooden toys, and so on. You can simply stroll along the beautiful alleys of the park, where city festivals and historical reconstructions are often held. People often come to Russian Park on gastronomic tours. There is a “Museum of Kvass”, where guests have the opportunity to taste twelve types of the original Russian drink, prepared according to ancient recipes. If you like the drink, you can purchase it. Interesting tastings are taking place at the Museum of Russian Tea. Visitors will be able to try three types of teas that have been undeservedly forgotten, but are very useful, including: “Ivan - tea” and “Kuril tea” - they can be bought for future use for yourself and friends. For tea you will be offered jam and Guryev porridge. If you are interested in traditional Russian cuisine, then check out the Ryapushka tavern, which specializes in preparing dishes according to old recipes in a real Russian oven. The culinary masterpieces of this tavern are dishes from the “royal” menu: “royal” borscht made from five types of meat, which was the favorite dish of Emperor Alexander the First, smoked vendace, fried vendace and baked vendace. A visit to the park will delight both children and adults, because it is an absolutely ideal place for a fun family holiday. Only here can you relax, feel the power and greatness of Russia, see all its versatility and originality, especially by participating in folk festivals held according to ancient Russian customs and traditions.

Pereslavl-Zalessky is an ancient city of the “Golden Ring of Russia”, a small but very interesting independent route to visit, with a huge number of ancient sights and interesting natural places.