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Winter jigs. Fishing with a jig in winter The most catchy jigs

There are many varieties of winter jigs, which come in a variety of shapes, colors and sizes; it can be difficult for a novice winter angler to understand this variety. In order to decide on the choice of a particular jig, you need to know by what basic parameters they are selected.

The jig is a separate topic for a big conversation. Now there are several directions in the development of this universal bait, and there are two main ones: in some cases, jigs work with an attachment, in others - without an attachment. Each direction involves its own fishing technique and tactics.

What is a jig?

A jig is an artificial bait for fish, which is a hook soldered into a lead or tungsten sinker (there are also copper and silver models). We can say that a jig is a type of spinner.

According to the method of fishing, jigs can be divided into two categories:

  1. jigs for fishing with attachments;
  2. jigs for baitless fishing, the so-called “reelless”.

It is almost impossible to talk about all the types and forms of modern jigs, due to the fact that they are constantly being improved. Perhaps the most common, classic form of jigs is a ball (“pellet”) and a drop (“droplet”). Of course, there are a huge variety of other forms: various “ants”, “devils”, “goats”, but a novice fisherman first needs to master simpler models.

Jigs for fishing with attachments

Jigs "pellets" They are mainly used for fishing with bait and come in two types: with a through hole and with a loop. These jigs are made from lead or tungsten (there are copper and silver models). Recently, tungsten jigs have become more popular because they weigh more than lead jigs, although they are more expensive.

For fishing at shallow depths there is no fundamental difference, what lead or tungsten jigs to use. If fishing takes place at great depths, and there is also a current, then tungsten jigs are often more effective. On the other hand, when fishing without bait, lead jigs often work much better than tungsten jigs.

Choosing tungsten jigs with a hole, it is better to choose those with a cambric inserted into the hole, since tungsten is much harder than lead and the cambric will protect the line from rubbing against the edges of the hole. Another important point is the size of the jig. For most reservoirs and fishing conditions, pellets with a diameter of 2.5-3 mm are suitable. Larger jigs may be needed for fishing at depths of more than 5 m or in currents. Miniature jigs with a diameter of 1.5-2.2 mm. used mainly for sport fishing.

The second popular form of jig is the drop
, the so-called drop jig. Tungsten drop jigs are used both when fishing with bait and in fishing without bait. The criteria for choosing a “droplet” jig are similar to the selection of spherical “pellet” jigs. You just have to take into account that a “droplet” of the same diameter as a “pellet” has more weight, so under the same conditions you need to use droplet jigs of a smaller size than “pellets”. Otherwise, these jigs are very similar, and they can be used with approximately equal success for fishing with bait for various types of fish in different conditions.

Regarding color when choosing a jig, then for fishing with bait, the color of the jig is rarely a determining factor. Under certain conditions, dark jigs of a natural color are more catchy; sometimes jigs with a shiny surface bring success. Therefore, it’s a good idea to have jigs of different colors in stock and directly experiment while fishing which jig and what color will be more catchy.

Nozzle-less jigs or “reelless jigs”

These jigs are significantly different from the models used for fishing with bloodworms or other natural baits. The main thing in fishing with baitless jigs is- this is the game of bait, which is noticeably influenced by cambrics, beads, chains and other “decorations” placed on the hook. As a matter of fact, the attractiveness of bait for fish largely depends on them. Nevertheless, the size, shape and color of the body of a nozzle jig often play an equally important role, and the variety of options here is very large.

Most reelless jigs are designed for gliding play: the role of a kind of wing is played by the flattened front part of the body of the jig. This bait has its own game, which complements the vibrations set by the guard. For fishing without bait, lead jigs are traditionally used: “ant”, “devil”, “uralka”.

Usually nozzle jigs are made of lead: In this case, the high specific gravity of tungsten becomes a disadvantage. True, tungsten models with an enlarged flat also appeared, but their performance depends more on the round plates placed on the hook. Moreover, you must constantly ensure that the cambric that holds the records in place does not limit their freedom of movement, otherwise the game will be lost. Most of these baits have a soldered hook, to the eye of which the fishing line is tied. This type of fastening is more reliable than the traditional one where the fishing line is passed through a hole in the body of the bait.

Usually, “reelless” jigs are larger than “regular” jigs and are designed for catching more marketable fish.“Reelless” baits work well on large roach, perch, and bream. Since these baits largely imitate aquatic insects and their larvae, main colors of jigs- These are dark green, purple, brown and black. Copper-plated and gold-plated rewinders also work well.

Much more varied than the colors of nozzle jigs, various refills- beads, beads, cambrics and others. Often the final result of fishing depends on the color or even their shade. Often two-colored, striped and asymmetrical beads are used, which play when wired. According to the experience of many anglers, cognac colors, dark brown and purple, clear or yellow striped, work well on a reelless bait. In general, contrast often gives results.

The classic colors of beads on reelless fish are white, yellow, red and their combinations, sometimes with the addition of green: this range works on most bodies of water. In general, many variations have been invented, and although they, first of all, “catch,” of course, the buyer, this variety still makes sense.

There are quite a few models of jigs for baitless fishing with flies tied to a hook. But this is exactly the case when the bait is more designed for the attention of the angler, rather than the fish. The exception, perhaps, is the only jigs made by fly fishermen and subtly imitating some kind of aquatic insect. Such jigs catch very well, but are extremely rare and, as a rule, are made only to order.

Hooks on a jig

And, of course, the closest attention should be paid to the hooks with which any jig is equipped. Very often on sale there are jigs with terrible thick and dull hooks, which are absolutely unsuitable for normal fishing. ABOUT The quality of any jig largely depends on the size of the hook.

It is quite difficult to evaluate a hook on a finished bait. The easiest way: do not buy products from dubious manufacturers. Good, say, Tula jigs are equipped with hooks from Owner or other well-known Japanese companies - there are no problems with them. Salmo products have Kamasan hooks. But there are problems with jigs equipped with hooks from European manufacturers. And the point, in general, is not even in the brand name, but in the fact that the hook is thin and sharp, so that it minimally damages the bloodworm and reliably hooks the fish when hooking.

The most reliable way to check the sharpness of a jig hook- try to see the end of the hook tip through a magnifying glass. If it didn’t work, everything is fine, but if you can see a point at the tip of the sting, it means you need to either sharpen or change the hook. All methods of checking sharpness on a nail or skin are very unreliable, since even a hook that is not sharp can cling to the nail and cut the skin.

Storing jigs

To store jigs, it is best to use flat boxes with an insert made of cork or polyurethane foam, from which travel rugs are made. Foam rubber is not suitable for sticking and storing jigs: it is a very hygroscopic material and the hooks in it quickly rust. By the way, the remains of bloodworms or any other attachment also quickly lead to the appearance of rust on the hooks, and hence the loss of the jig.

How to tie a jig

If there is a hole in the jig, then the fishing line is threaded through it and tied on the fore-end with the same knot as the hooks with a spatula. If the jig has a loop, the line can be knitted with any familiar and reliable knot, for example, an improved clinch. Any knot must be “wet”.

Fishing from ice with a winter jig

You should switch to baitless fishing only after having accumulated sufficient experience in fishing with bait, since the first requires a filigree technique in using a winter fishing rod, and the second requires both failures and flaws. I advise a beginner to start stocking up with two dozen pellets and droplets, different in weight and color, the diameter of which can vary from 1.5 to 6 mm (jigs are conventionally divided into light ones, 1.5-3 mm, and heavy ones, 3-6 mm mm). The most versatile jigs are black, gray, silver, and copper.

When choosing a weight, be guided by the depth at which you are going to fish: You can also lower a small jig to a depth of 10 meters, but this will take a lot of time, especially on a frosty, windy day, when the fishing line will freeze to the ice. And fish in the depths - bream, bream or large perch - are not as whimsical as in shallow water, and it often happens that the larger the jig you use, the larger the fish. But there is no need to make rules out of this. Particular attention should be paid to the hooks - for jigs for coastal fishing, they should be thin. The bloodworm or burdock moth larva will be injured by a thick hook and will lose its attractiveness to fish.

The diameter of the fishing line is selected according to the weight of the jig: the smaller the jig, the thinner the line should be and the more balanced the whole winter gear becomes.

To begin with, it is worth using a fishing line of 0.1 mm for light jigs and shallow places and 0.12-0.14 mm for heavy ones, at depths of 7-12 meters. Such fishing lines will at first smooth out mistakes when hooking fish: most often, jigs are lost precisely during inept hooking or when landing fish, when a beginner sharply drags the prey and at the same time touches the lower edge of the hole with the jig.

After some experience comes and you gain enough composure, you can move on to thinner fishing lines. In recent years, we have increasingly seen how amateurs fish with thin equipment adopted from athletes, especially in the dead of winter, when the fish are very capricious and react sensitively to the roughness of the gear.

Of course, these tips are by no means universal, because my experience is based mainly on fishing in the Moscow region and nearby areas. There are places where more powerful tackle and heavier jigs are required. In the Khabarovsk Territory, you are unlikely to be able to produce a four-kilogram lenok on a fishing line of 0.1 mm, and you need a larger jig, and it should imitate not a caddisfly or a whitefly, but, for example, the eggs of salmon fish.

Winter fishing also has its own specifics on deep-sea lakes or in coastal areas of the seas, where gear of other designs is used.

Roach is found in almost every body of water, and it bites well in any season, except severe frosts. Fishermen prefer to catch it with a regular donka and a jig. Winter roach fishing with a jig is suitable for both beginners and amateurs, and the effectiveness of such bait provides good results in fishing. With it, the fisherman will have interesting and exciting fishing, and he must have skill in this matter. In any case, you can enjoy fishing.

Specifics of catching roach with a jig in winter

Catching roach in winter with a reelless bait makes the angler actively involved in the game. This tackle does not require attaching a bloodworm, and when fishing you will not just have to sit with it, but move, thereby attracting the attention of the fish. Its positive aspects include the following features:

  • the likelihood of catching a big fish;
  • with skillful play, a constant bite will be observed;
  • the fish is interested in the reelless, so it tries to attack an unknown structure;
  • the angler does not have to waste time attaching bloodworms.

In the warm season, roach swims in any body of water where the water is fresh and warm, and when there is a strong current, it tries not to appear in such a place. With the arrival of winter, the fish descend to the depths and can be found in holes and pools. Although anglers are accustomed to using jigs with attachments, winter fishing for roach with a reelless bait is increasingly becoming popular among fans of such fishing.

Features of equipment for catching roach in winter with a jig

Although roach using a jig in winter is a classic, fishermen consider a reelless method to be a more effective method. It is convenient to use both at the beginning of winter and in the dead of winter.

Based on the characteristics of the equipment, the following components are distinguished:

Fishing rod. It is selected from a material that does not freeze in the cold, and it is important that it fits comfortably in the hand. In fishing stores you can find many sports fishing rods, which are called “balalaikas”. Their weight is small, and with a certain game they attract fish. When choosing a fishing rod for catching roach in winter with a stand-up jig, the shape does not matter. The main thing is that it is a properly working coil.

Fishing line. Fishermen have noted that roach is considered a capricious fish, and the use of thick fishing lines will adversely affect fishing. Therefore, they try to use one whose thickness will be 0.12 mm in the first ice, and in the dead winter - 0.08 mm. The fisherman will only have to make sure that there are no sharp hooks, which could lead to the breakage of the jig.

Coil. There are no special requirements for it, and you can fish with a regular reel.

Hooks. They should be with a sharp fore-end and small in size, number 4 or 5. Their color should be black so that they can be seen in the water.

Sinker. Typically, fishermen select a sinker weighing 15 g and attach it to the end of the fishing line, after which they mount a leash up to 20 cm.

Nod. The tackle should be about 7 cm long and sensitive. The rigidity will depend on the weight of the nozzle.

Float. Its carrying capacity in water should be approximately half a gram.

There are many jigs, and the choice of colors and sizes is different. Fishermen are even inclined to believe that the most catchy jig for roach in winter is "Ant". In their opinion, it attracts fish and works in various conditions. Even if the bite is not observed, they still try to look for a way out of the situation and use different forms of jigs in the form drops or crystals.

By the way! Some fishermen are being picked up color jigs based on weather conditions Therefore, on a clear day they use lead tackle, and on a cloudy day they use bright colors.

Weight The jig should be determined by the size of the fish and where it is caught. For a lake, river or pond you need to select a specific model. If there is a current, it is better to use a heavy jig.

Note! From the observations of anglers, it was noted that curved, flat or convex tackle is excellent for fishing. On top of that, if you fix it at an angle, it will swing in the water around its axis.

For winter roach fishing with reelless reels, amateurs use the following gear:

  • "Devil", which is equipped with a tee;
  • "Mini devil" - arouses interest in the fish because of its shape and provokes it to attack;
  • "Ant" - performs well in currents in shallow areas of the reservoir;
  • "Goat" it is equipped with a double, and is shaped like a goat’s head and has many variations of playing with fish;
  • "Jellyfish" used not only for catching roach, but also for bream;
  • "Butterfly" is a small jig that uses one hook.

Important! The angler should remember that fishing with a reelless bait using a “Devil” or “Jellyfish” will require good skill during retrieval in order to catch a big trophy.

In addition to color and weight, it is important material jigs. The body of such a bait is made of:

  • medium weight lead;
  • tungsten, as the most weighted, and is suitable for deep reservoirs;
  • A tin jig is considered the most weightless.

You need to know all this so that at the moment of fishing a strong current may begin or, conversely, stop, and then such jigs will be needed.

To improve the bite, fishermen often undertake experiments such as decoration lures using various beads, cambrics, threads, chains. By combining combinations, you can significantly increase interest in the bait due to attractive vibrations and additional sounds, thereby increasing the catchability of the jig.

During the cold season, roaches are accustomed to looking for high-calorie food. The main ingredients for preparing complementary foods for winter roach fishing with a jig may include:

  • powdered milk;
  • roasted sunflower seeds;
  • tangerine peel;
  • cookie;
  • breadcrumbs;
  • millet, corn or other types of cereals.

There are several types of recipes for preparing complementary food for roaches in winter from the above ingredients, see more details about them in the following videos.

However, when creating winter bait for roaches, you should follow the following recommendations:

  • The color of the complementary food should match the color of the pond environment. If the bottom is dark, then the color of the complementary food should be dark.
  • The feed mixture should disintegrate not at the bottom, but in the upper layers of the water, forming a kind of cloud of bait, therefore, at shallow depths, the bait is thrown above the hole.
  • If the depth of the reservoir exceeds 5 m, then special feeders should be used.

Video: bait for winter roach

In addition to bait, catching roach in winter with a jig (not without a reel) cannot be done without bait, which includes the following:

  • bloodworm;
  • worm;
  • mormysh;
  • maggot;
  • burdock moth larva;
  • caddisfly;
  • dough;
  • Rye bread.

Video: catching roach in winter using a jig with bait

How to choose jigs for catching roach in winter

When fishing for roach, a jig with bait or without a bait is used. Based on color preferences, anglers often use dark shades. But it’s best to have jigs with you for any weather and time of year. If a fisherman cannot decide when he should go out on the ice, then it is worth noting some features for each winter month.

December When going winter fishing for roach, you should take jigs with you "Ant" and "Devil". The colors are black or purple, sometimes green. Amateurs carry about three mothless baits with them, and use a worm or maggot as bait. During this period, the fish are active and bite on various baits.

In January roach, like other fish, stops feeding and becomes lethargic. To provoke this fish to bite, you should use jigs small sizes.

In February when the ice begins to melt, the roach jigs should remain small or medium size. In this case, the most catchy jigs for roach in winter are considered to be those made of tungsten. That's why fishermen use "Devil", and of the nozzleless options, the best option would be "Goat" or "Ant".

Since the jig is an artificial bait, it consists of a body and a soldered hook. They are divided into:

mothless when a fish bites a hook without bait;

with refill when using bait.

  • the color of the jig should not differ from the color of the food;
  • for depths of 5 m or more, light-colored nozzles are used;
  • At great depths, a bait with a bright coating is suitable.

There are many catchy jigs for roach for winter fishing. However, you need to choose the best ones. Using the recommendations of experienced fishermen or simply learning about them in stores, the following are most often used:

  • "Salmo Drop" (Salmo Drop). It is one of the most catchy jigs for winter fishing for roach. For design purposes, the developers soldered a hook, which is located on the side of the bait, to a standard drop shape (sometimes with a hole and a loop). That is why it clings well to fish, and the number of bites increases. It includes a cambric, thanks to which the line does not fray. The cost of this jig is about 50 rubles.

Where and when to catch roach with a jig in winter

Roaches, like any other fish, change their behavior depending on the season. Once you find the right time to go fishing, you can have a great time. If we consider fishing in winter, then depending on the season, you should look for roach in certain places:

  • During the first ice season (December). After ice has formed on the reservoir, the fish moves to various dumps, where the depth is no more than 2 m, looking for thickets with vegetation, snags and river beds.
  • In the dead of winter (January-February). When the air and water temperatures drop even more, the fish tries to find places enriched with oxygen. Therefore, fish move into holes and places with the current.
  • At the end of winter (February-March). Before spring, the fish begins to eat, and it begins to prepare for spawning. The roach begins to emerge from the depths and appears near the shore, in places with melt water and in streams.

During severe frosts, fish stay where there is a concentration of oxygen. When catching it, you need to make about 10 holes, and check for the presence of fish in each. The distance between each bow should not exceed 10 m. If game and bait do not work in one place, you should find another place. The many years of experience of good fishermen on how to catch roach in winter using a jig will be described below.

  • In the pits There are all conditions for fish to overwinter. On any body of water you can meet fishermen who sit en masse in certain places. Regardless of the season, the roach loves this place and tries to occupy it in the center of the reservoir.
  • Bays They are quite curious for roaches, especially if there is good relief there. However, only small roach are found here. The positive thing is that this place is easier to find, and the fish there are not picky. Mostly beginners fish in the bays.
  • Pisces prefer river beds But it is worth noting that fishing in such places is not allowed everywhere. Therefore, before you go fishing with friends, you should first find out whether this place is prohibited.
  • Roaches can be found in inconspicuous pits. Probably, many anglers have noticed that when one angler is fishing and cannot find a fish, another, sitting nearby, pulls and pulls it. Most likely, he found that very pit.

Worth knowing! When going fishing, you need to take into account the weather conditions.

The best time for fishing is when it is a cloudy day with wind. Given that when the wind stops, the beak also ends.

Good winter roach fishing with a jig starts in the morning and continues until lunch. After a short stop, the bites continue in the evening.

Anglers who bait their fish before fishing can expect bites throughout the day. And already at the end of winter, the roach begins a period of activity and hunger, and it rushes to any bait.

Video: catching roach in winter with a jig

How to fish with a jig: tactics and techniques for catching roach with a jig in winter

Winter fishing is considered the most interesting, especially if the fishing is done with a jig. But unlike other baits, the main thing here is the active participation of the angler, to whose movements the fish reacts under water, seeing how the bait twitches. By attracting fish with your playing technique, you can catch both small and large specimens.

  • Lower the bait to the bottom and gently raise it 10 cm without sudden movements, then lower it again. Repeat the number of actions within 5 minutes.
  • Since the roach reacts to the falling bait, you need to lower it as if it were a bloodworm falling. During lowering, we must not forget about pauses and make oscillations so that an imitation of the larva is created, which the fish should soon attack.
  • You can alternate short rises with tapping the bait on the bottom of the reservoir.
  • By doing all kinds of experiments with the game of the jig and changing the length of pauses, you can achieve certain results.
  • If there is a concentration of fishermen on a reservoir, it means they have found a fishing spot.
  • It is better to fish different parts of the reservoir, since the fish can be at any depth.
  • Some fishermen, using a reelless reel, attach antennae to the shank of the hook, which begin to move as they move in the water, thereby attracting curious fish.
  • It would be a good idea to take colored markers when fishing so that if there is no bite, you can change the color of the bait.
  • For beginners, it is better to use jigs with maggots.
  • When fishing with a reelless bait, a small hook with bait is tied just above the jig, thereby forcing the fish to attack the bait.
  • A large number of jigs provide the angler with a choice when fishing in a given situation, regardless of the reservoir.
  • Hooks must be done quickly, and the fish must be landed smoothly, keeping the monofilament tensioned.

Typical mistakes when catching roach with a jig in winter

Recently, jig tackle has been gaining more and more anglers who use it in winter. But this type of fishing requires patience and skill, which everyone should have. Without the necessary preparation and the ability to play the game, the entire fishing trip can have a negative impact on the unlucky fisherman. And in order to avoid such mistakes, you need to analyze them in detail.

  1. You should not skimp on food, nor should you overdo it, otherwise the roach will leave the chosen fishing spot.
  2. It makes no sense to fish near one hole.
  3. Patience and calm make for good fishing.
  4. A sharp hook can cause the line to break.
  5. Stomping on ice is contraindicated, as it can fall under an unlucky fisherman.
  6. You shouldn’t go out on the ice alone; you definitely need a partner who will come to the rescue in case of trouble.
  7. Despite the fact that the game is played with a jig, we must not forget about feeding.

Many anglers have already become convinced that jig tackle is best suited for winter fishing. It combines excitement and sport, and given that roaches like to gather in schools, a well-chosen place guarantees a good catch from which you can make fish soup. Guided by fishing techniques and experimenting with different jigs for roach in winter, as well as making retrieves, fishing during this period will bring positive emotions and a good mood.

Video: lessons on catching roach in winter with a jig

In contact with

Which jig is better? The one that catches better. It's obvious! We are publishing a list of the best catchy jigs for winter fishing for perch, roach, bream and white bream, silver bream and other fish. See also fresh - the best balancers among the catchy ones, as well as the rating of the best and.

The best jigs for perch

Fishing in winter is much more interesting than in the open water season, because the angler gets the most complete tactile contact with the fish resisting the hook. Various winter baits are used - jigs, spinners and balancers.

We have compiled a fresh list of the best jigs for winter fishing, all or some of which should definitely be in your arsenal. All the jigs on the list have been repeatedly tested for winter fishing, each has its own advantages and disadvantages, some are better at catching perch, others are better at catching roach, but all of them are 100% catchable for any winter fish.

Jigs in the list are not arranged in order of catchability, since this is impossible, but in order of popularity among winter anglers.

#1 Mormyshka Gvozdik


The Gvozdik jig is a very simple jig in shape that is easy to make yourself. Many anglers consider it the best jig for winter fishing and only have it in their arsenal. Pinks in different sizes, colors and modifications catch any winter fish.

The most popular and catchy modernization of the regular “Gvozdik” is the so-called jig with a metal ball or cube (Gvozdekubik) on the shank of the hook.

It is believed that these modifications increase the catchability of a regular Gvozdik several times. This is supposedly achieved due to the sound emitted in the water, which occurs when a ball or cube hits the body of the jig during play. Whether this is true or not, it works - the nail ball and nail cube are really very effective when catching perch and other fish.

The devil jig (devil, devil) is one of the most popular and catchy jigs for fishing in winter. The devil is a reelless jig. This means that you can fish with it without any bait, but not necessarily.

The devils are different:

  • Hooks - with soldered hooks or hanging hooks;
  • Attachment to the fishing line - with a through hole or with a ring;
  • Shape – oblong and round;
  • Color – painted and metallic.

The classic devil is a dark-colored jig with three soldered hooks. A devil with two hooks is called a Goat, and one with a hanging hook is called a Grader. True, such jigs as Goat, Witch, Grader and the like are most often classified as independent species, and not as devils.

With devils, you can catch not only perch, but also any other winter fish.

The technique of playing with a devil is a slow, uniform retrieve with swaying, bottom-up, sometimes with variations and inclusions of stops and freezing along the path of the bait. Fishing a hole with a devil usually starts from the bottom, exploring the upper horizons of the water.

Perch, roach, bream and silver bream are used to catch perch. A large devil can be cut off by a pike or caught by a small pike perch. This jig should definitely be in the arsenal of every winter angler.

Short Uralochka

Uralochka, or Uralka, is a classic among jigs for winter fishing. Used for catching perch, roach and other fish. The most commonly used Uralochka is black, but it can also be unpainted and can have many different shapes and sizes.

Despite the fact that the Uralka is a very catchy jig, it will not catch fish on its own - in each specific case, depending on the fishing conditions, you need to be able to select the weight of the jig and the action. If everything is done correctly and there is a fish in the hole, it will definitely bite. If there is normal fish activity, you can catch perch from one hole until the school is almost completely exterminated.

You can catch perch, bream and roach in the Uralka with or without bait. In case of baitless fishing, it is very advisable to decorate the shank of the hook with a colored bead or PVC cambric.

#4 Jig Goat

Goat and Devil

Koza is a type of reelless jig, a subspecies of devils with two soldered hooks. This is a very catchy jig for winter fishing, which can be used to catch perch, bream and roach without a bait. If the fish is very capricious, replanting with bloodworms or maggots is used.

A miniature “Goat”, suspended as a second top jig, in tandem with any other jig, can help out at the moment of “fatal lack of bite” - get away from zero, understand that there is a fish here and catch it. The roach really likes the combined rig with a “goat”. She most often takes the goat if it is suspended above the main jig.

The Nymph jig is one of the most catchy jigs for winter fishing. It works well on any fish. Outwardly, Nympha looks a little like Uralochka, but has a different method of attachment - not in a hole, but by a ring. Can have many different colors and sizes.

You can catch perch or roach with this jig with or without an attachment. As in other cases, if fishing is carried out without using live bait, a bead or other decoration is placed on the shank of the hook.

Banana jig - similar in shape to the Nymph jig. Despite the simplicity of its form, the bait has proven itself well in winter fishing for perch and other fish. The bright colors of this jig are a must-have in your winter lure arsenal.

#7 Mormyshka Sharaga

(Cone) - a no-attachment jig for winter fishing, cone-shaped with a center of gravity at the bottom, with three or four soldered hooks. This is, as a rule, a heavy jig, and it is designed for catching perch on the first ice at depth and current. In terms of catchability and scope of application, jigs of the Cone type.

#8 Mormyshka Medusa

Medusa or Witch

Medusa or Witch, has an original design with the center of gravity at the top and belongs to the nozzle-less jig. The hooks on the Medusa are fixed in such a way that during retrieving, they can move freely, hitting the body of the jig.

This is a very catchy jig for fishing in winter, for perch or other fish, but is not suitable for high-speed fishing due to free-hanging hooks.

Jigs like “Belt” or “Ball”, in themselves, do not imitate any living creatures, but are very popular and catchy. Fishermen of the “old school” began to fish in winter from it.

The pellet is the simplest, most common, and one of the most effective jigs for winter fishing, however, the effectiveness of this jig greatly depends on the correct selection of size and other parameters for the fishing conditions, skills and personal playing technique. Perch and other winter fish are caught using shotguns.

A cat's eye or CG is not even a jig, but a bead with a “cat's eye” effect - a stripe that appears when light is refracted, similar to the pupil of a cat. The bead is mounted on the hook of any jig. It is important that it is suspended on the shank of the hook and moves freely when playing with a jig.

“Cat's eye” on a jig like “Gvozdik” can give an unrivaled effect when catching perch or roach without a nozzle.

The best jigs for winter fishing

The list of “The best jigs for winter fishing” contains jigs that can be used both with attachments and without attachments (reelless). When fishing for perch without bait, jigs should be equipped with beads or cambrics. You can fish with artificial bloodworms. When fishing without a bait, the jig's retrieval (game) should become more active.

Tungsten jigs have an advantage over those made from lead-tin alloys. Tungsten is heavier, therefore, you can use smaller jigs or fish at greater depths. During the period of no biting, reducing the size of the jig is the main technique to get the fish to bite.

The jigs listed are 100% catchable for perch and other fish, but this does not mean that the fish will definitely bite. A jig is just an element of gear that you need to be able to control. However, you can be sure that these are proven and fully working baits that are successfully used by most experienced fishermen.

Some recent videos on our topic:

It’s easy to order jigs for winter fishing from professionals, but in some cases their cost will be much higher than factory products. Therefore, only a few do this; the vast majority of fishermen try to make their own baits.

Winter fishing, jigs - these concepts begin to excite the minds of fishermen long before the onset of frost, so on warm summer evenings, taking out their fishing accessories from the box, they begin to sort out the elements of equipment, and clone the best baits in various ways.

The first ice is an event that jig fishermen look forward to with great impatience. Under favorable conditions, this is the time of active fish biting. Until severe frosts set in, flocks can be found in shallow water, next to reeds, in areas that were marked by abundant aquatic vegetation in warm times.

Let's look at the circumstances that can make fishing successful:

As the ice thickens, the perch migrates throughout the reservoir, trying to find food. Frequent bites will be ensured by light equipment and a sensitive guard. For example, winter fishing on the Volga with a jig is carried out with a small fishing rod with a comfortable handle and equipped with a reel.

The scattering of the cross-section of the line is quite noticeable, since at this time, along with a small sailor fish, a large specimen can also be caught, as we wrote about in the article “ Guarantee of success: jigs for perch" Based on this, the diameter of the scaffold varies from 0.1 mm to 0.2 mm, its tensile strength should be within 2-3 kg.

At this time, baitless jigs for winter fishing are quite appropriate. The devil and goat, painted black, are considered the most catchy. An active fish will happily attack the bait even if the angler plays ineptly, since it will attack everything that moves across the pond.

Unfortunately, fishing with a jig on the first ice is not marked by frantic activity of fish for long, for just a few days. It is much longer on large bodies of water - rivers and reservoirs. And if earlier it was possible to get by without reels, now fishing with a jig in winter is more effective with bait.

Often the success of bites is affected by changes in the frequency of oscillatory movements. To increase them, it is enough to shorten the length of the gatehouse. The size of the bait can play a decisive role. A small weight is not always able to increase the number of bites; sometimes a medium weight becomes more effective.

This is due to the fact that the lateral line of the fish perceives the propagated vibrations better from large baits. In addition, they sink faster, play more believably, and are more convenient to hold when threading the bait and releasing the hook from the prey.

The tactics of fishing with a winter sports jig, which is quite small, brings success in the dead of winter, when aquatic inhabitants become passive. At this time, biting can begin even by simply turning the nod over, which allows you to change its bend and, accordingly, the frequency of vibrations.

In the same hole, if there is no bite, even replacing the nozzle can work. For example, instead of a bloodworm, they plant a burdock, make a sandwich, or even catch it without a worm. You also need to be able to string bloodworms. To train oysters and roaches, the bloodworm is attached with a half ring so that it moves seductively.

When using three larvae, two are strung at the tip, the third must be a half-ring, which will reduce the number of idle hooks. You shouldn’t stay in one place; after unsuccessful experiments, it’s better to choose another area for fishing. In a new place, a minke whale often bites only after being thoroughly teased.

The set of jigs for winter fishing should be quite diverse, since not only the number of fish caught, but also their size depends on this. And playing with bait is not a mechanical twitching, but a whole art, which is impossible to master in one day.

Fishing with a winter fishing rod using a jig begins with a uniform rise with a high frequency of oscillations of the bait. It is important to hold the fishing rod in your hand correctly. By the way, such wiring is more attractive for a predator, for example, perch, but for bream a smooth game is necessary.

In most cases, the fishing rod is held with the thumb, middle and index fingers, resting the butt against the palm. The girth is loose, without straining, to reduce accumulated fatigue. Only at the moment of biting does some tension arise. During wiring, you should not touch the edges of the hole, as the scaffold immediately clings to the chips and freezes.

Winter fishing with jigs occurs in several ways:

The faster the equipment works, the more bites you can count on, although it becomes difficult to notice them. External signs that a fish has been spotted are very insignificant, so hooking is done at the slightest hint of a change in the behavior of the nod.

There are many ways to make the bait yourself, here, as they say, whoever has enough skills, tools and available materials. And no matter how the homemade product is made, sometimes it can bring the most unexpected results, as we wrote about in the article “ Methods for successful fishing: fishing with a jig in the summer».

The most difficult material to work with is tungsten. It is very difficult to machine and cannot be soldered. However, the most advanced kulibins are capable of this. Tungsten jigs for winter fishing are made from scraps of electrodes that remain after argon welding.

All you need for the job is a file and a drill. The segment is clamped into the chuck. This mini-machine is turned on and the product is given the required shape using a file. After the sinker is fully prepared, a cut is made in it along its entire length. In order for the solder to grab onto the weight, it must be copper plated using a gas torch or electroplating. The hook is inserted into the slot, letting the ring out, and soldered thoroughly.

Jigs for winter fishing from copper-plated balls are not so difficult to make if you use bullets from an air pistol. A cut is made in it, which is tinned using acid, and a hook is soldered in. To shift the center of gravity, you can do without a groove.

Thus, it is easy to make jigs for winter fishing from balls made of various metals. The easiest way in this regard is to work with hunting pellets of various diameters, which you just need to cut in half, insert a hook and crimp with pliers.

You can easily make jigs for winter fishing with your own hands from ordinary wire - copper or even tungsten. To do this, you will need a hook with a curved shank, on which the wire is laid turn to turn. At the ring itself, several turns of the second layer are made, which forms the head.

As you can see, making baitless jigs for winter fishing is not so problematic. The following method: apply solder to the acid-treated and tinned hook shank using a soldering iron until the required size is obtained. Then a file is used to give it any shape, even the most intricate.

Having set the goal of how to make a jig for winter fishing, you should not lose sight of another method - casting. The mold is prepared from plaster, wood, aluminum and other materials available for processing. The advantage of this method is the ability to clone a successful mothless moth.

Reelless jigs for bream are used as widely as regular jigs. The fact is that this fish can be successfully caught all year round, since in winter it does not hibernate, like some of its relatives, but continues to actively obtain food for itself.

Every angler is familiar with winter fishing gear. One of the main elements on which the catch depends is jig. This is a bait of purely Russian origin. Back in the 19th century, a sinker with a hook attached to it was mentioned, which can be considered the prototype of a modern jig.

The variety of jigs on the shelves of fishing stores makes the fisherman's eyes run in different directions. Along with the old, proven jigs, many new ones have appeared. Which ones should you choose? How will they affect the bite? There are a lot of questions.

In today's episode you will learn what types of jigs are divided into and how best to fish with them.

Let’s immediately make a reservation that the jig is on 90% used for winter fishing. In summer, its use is quite rare, since a long rod cannot give this bait normal action.

What is the secret of the jig's catchability?

The jig itself serves as a weight, so the line is always taut. This allows, with some experience, to give the jig any game. It compares favorably with the hook-and-weight rig, as it transmits any vibrations of the nod directly to the bait. Due to the peculiarities of the shape and fastening of the hook, the jig can make a variety of vibrations in the water.

For jig fishing, a winter nodding rod is used, the design of which depends on its type.

Jigs differ from each other in the material from which they are made, shape, size, number of hooks and the use of different attachments. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Nozzle jigs for winter fishing

The name comes from the fact that they are caught without bait, using “bare hooks.” But there are exceptions. Such jigs well imitate the underwater creatures that fish feed on.

The fishing rod used is a “balalaika”; it immediately transmits the slightest movement of the hand to the bait. Nod, not suitable due to great rigidity.

Sometimes the reeler can be extremely effective, especially with active fish and requires active behavior from the angler.

Basic reelless jigs:

It is a slightly elongated drop, equipped with a soldered tee. Its hooks are usually additionally equipped with pieces of cambric or small beads. The devil in the water takes a vertical position and moves up and down when oscillating. Fishing with it requires high-frequency fishing, this is the only way it can attract fish. Reelless jig equipped with a single hook. There is a bead attached to it and it can have different colors. The body shape of the uralka is elongated, slightly curved, and in the water it is located at an angle of 45 degrees. With high-frequency wiring, in addition to vertical movements, it also makes horizontal movements.

Reminiscent of the Uralka, but equipped with two hooks. Beads can also be attached to them.

Micro bastard

A very interesting jig. Two or three single hooks equipped with beads or cambrics are loosely attached to the weight. Or two single hooks are attached to the weight on the fishing line. When retrieving, the hooks make additional movements that attract fish.

In this video you can see how they imitate the technique of fishing with a cannon in a bank and you can see how it behaves:

This slightly curved jig, reminiscent of an ant, is equipped with a soldered single hook.

The jig has an elongated shape. There is a brass ball on the hook, which moves freely along the hook and attracts fish by knocking.

cat eye

This jig is new, but it is beginning to gain popularity among anglers. About it is posted on our website.

There is also a droplet, oatmeal, banana, dracena and others; it is simply not possible to describe all the models of mothless ones. According to anglers, these are the most catchy reelless jigs.

What should you remember when fishing for them? Their purpose is to imitate the movement of various insects that fish feed on. Therefore, their color is not as important as the shape and method of wiring. All " beauty"They are designed for the angler, not the fish. When fishing with them, the retrieve should be fast, aggressive, and with high frequency.

As already mentioned, nozzles are sometimes used on the goat, goat and some other jigs.

You can catch almost all the fish that are found in a pond using reelless baits. Peaceful fish bite well, bream, roach, dace, grayling, ruff and perch do not bypass them; cases of catching small pike perch are not uncommon. And the grass pike can grab this “decoration”. They also catch smelt and navaga.

Jigs using a nozzle

The main task of such jigs is to deliver the bait to the bottom. They are used exclusively with any attachment on the hook and are most often equipped with a single hook. The manufacturer installs beads, threads, and cambrics of various colors on their hooks.

Wiring when fishing fishing on them is somewhat different from fishing with reelless baits. It should be smooth, the range of movement is wider.

Often active fish also bite on a “standing” jig, tempted by the bait. There are a great many types of such jigs, but shot jigs are considered the most popular among fishermen.

The color of such jigs does not matter much, but often the fish are not active prefers dark colors.

The same fish are caught with these jigs as with reelless jigs. For fishing, use ordinary winter fishing rods with a nod.

Some more differences between jigs

The choice depends on the fishing conditions, the depth, current and the fish being caught.

Jigs also differ in shape. All the variety can be seen on the shelves of fishing stores.

Jig fishing technique

In terms of technology, no one can give recommendations that will suit all cases. Each fishing trip has its own personality. We have already mentioned fishing methods, but only searching for fish, changing jigs and fishing in case of sluggish bite can bring results.

We present to your attention a video about winter fishing - fishing with a jig, filmed with an underwater camera.

Search for fish

Beginner fisherman's mistake is that when he sees a crowd of fishermen, he thinks that there is a bite there and joins them. Most likely, several people are caught, the rest watch them with black envy.

If you are planning to catch perch, then finding it will require some effort. Having drilled a hole, you should not linger on it for a long time if there are no bites. You should move around and look for the flock.

When catching peaceful fish, it makes sense to wait for their approach.

During the deep winter period, fish will most often stick to those places where the water is more oxygenated. These are underwater springs, mouths of streams and rivers. You should not pass by edges, sudden changes in the bottom and places with aquatic vegetation.

It’s not worth talking about the first and last ice. The fish are active at this time, moving and feeding; finding them is not so difficult.

There are a lot of ice fishing enthusiasts in our country. We are reaching out to you with a request to tell about the most catchy jigs and methods of fishing with them. We are waiting for your comments and little professional secrets.