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Survival in the forest with nothing. How to survive in the forest without food in spring, summer, autumn. Video: How to survive in the forest in winter

The other day we met with our old traveler friend. He himself is from Finland and came to Russia to get acquainted with the local beauty and landscapes. And he told us in broken Russian-Finnish about how he got lost in the forest and miraculously escaped, and if he had not been saved, then this story would not have existed.

Having set out to hitchhike, he ended up in one of the quiet cities of which there are a great many in our country. Not finding anything interesting in the city, our friend decided to go to a more green and natural place. In general, he headed into the forest and walked there for several hours until it began to get dark. When our hero realized that it was time to leave, he discovered that he had been passing by the same tree several times already. It was obvious that he was lost and would not have time to get out before nightfall.

We will share with you the tips that a wandering friend told us; he tried all this on himself and survived in the forest, and now these tricks will help you too. Although we were all taught a lot of this in childhood, with the flow of new information, the old one is sometimes removed from memory, so it won’t hurt to refresh it.

1. Stay calm

If you realize that you have been walking past the same bush more than once, then stop wandering and stop. There is no need to panic. Be a man and stay calm.
Try to restore the route. If you don’t have a compass, then take a closer look at natural landmarks. For example, moss on a stone grows on the north side. Look at a tree trunk: on the south side its bark is always whiter and cleaner than on the north. The branches of a free-standing tree are thicker and longer on the south side. Lichens and mosses grow on the north side of the trunk.
If you find yourself in the forest in winter, then follow the same main rule: the south side is heated more by the sun, so the snow melts faster south of a tree or stone.
Also try not to move and remain quiet, there is a chance that you will hear the noise of a train or cars from the highway.

2. Build a suitable overnight shelter

It’s already dark and you should postpone searching for the road to the city until tomorrow. While you still have the opportunity to see something, start arranging your overnight stay, at least for the next night. Try to find a place with dry soil. Find 2 long stakes with branches at the end, drive them into the ground, at a distance of about 2 meters from each other. Insert a strong stick into the branches from above, and then place poles on it, the branches will be held on them. The poles are attached to the stick with soft branches or rope if you have one. Place branches with dense foliage on the poles, this will save you from rain and wind.

3.Light a fire

After you have arranged a place to stay for the night, start making a fire. Fire is not only a great way to keep warm, but also an opportunity to send a signal. The flame can be noticed from afar, and this is a chance for salvation. We have already talked about various without matches. Read them, such information will be useful to everyone.

4. Get water

To stay alive you definitely need water, here are a couple of ways to get it in the forest: take off your T-shirt and wrap it around a tree trunk. Fallen dew will be absorbed into the fabric. Then you can squeeze the water out of the T-shirt and drink it; Dig a small hole and cover its bottom tightly with leaves or polyethylene. If you're lucky and it rains, you'll be able to drink the collected liquid.
After you have managed to obtain water, it is advisable to disinfect it before use; to do this, the liquid must be boiled.

5. Who can you eat in the forest?

Don’t forget that in the summer the forest is full of berries, but don’t rush to eat anything, the fruits may be poisonous. Be careful with brightly colored and strongly scented plants. The easiest way to find out if a berry is poisonous is by observation. You probably know that birds and animals will not eat poisonous berries. Watch what the bird eats, eat what it eats. By the way, the bird itself is also a good option for a snack if it’s really hot. Moreover, you already know how to properly build a fire.

6. Know for the future

The most important advice! If you are going to the forest, take with you everything you need: a backpack, a sleeping bag, a mug, a spoon, a bowl, a knife, a pot, matches, a first aid kit, a flashlight, a rope, a compass, and personal hygiene products. Remember that the forest is a habitat for various biting creatures such as mosquitoes and ticks. Consider this too, take with you means of protection against them: spray, lotion, spirals. choose comfortable and sports clothes and shoes. Take a warm blanket with you, even if you go to the forest in the summer, it’s still cool at night.
And grab a couple of steel eggs, they will come in handy if you get lost in the dark forest, from which you can expect anything.

Hello, dear readers! Vladimir Raichev is with you again, and today I have prepared a lot of interesting things for you. Today’s article will answer the question of how to survive in the forest alone and without special means.

Survival in the forest is a reality! Anyone who reads such advice never imagines that such a situation could happen to them. But such is the irony of fate that it is not those who are prepared who are left alone with nature, but people who do not allow the thought of such a turn of events.

But does this happen to anyone? Isn’t it better to worry in advance and spend a little time studying survival techniques in the wild? It's about survival in the forest, where you can end up completely by accident, going for mushrooms or taking a shortcut by car and getting stuck with a broken tire.
People with extensive experience of living in deep forests know that the forest is a living, huge organism, with its own laws and rules, which does not forgive mistakes, but provides shelter and food for a prepared person.

It’s good if we are talking about spending one day in the forest, but what if, by chance, fate throws you into the endless wilds and you have to live for a month or two? No matter how fantastic this situation may seem, anything can happen in life.

Start with something. As quickly as possible, get into your head the idea that this has already happened to you and sooner or later you need to stop screaming and calling for help (although this is not bad).

You should immediately cope with panic, provide first aid to your companions, invent or build shelter from bad weather, take care of food and water, and finally prepare all kinds of distress signals that will help search groups find you as quickly as possible.

Now, in order, let's start with point number one - victory over fear. Panic is the worst of helpers, and first you need to extinguish this terrible feeling. To do this, you should stop moving through the forest and simply look around.

Following this advice will help you learn more about the place you are in and create the feeling that you now have at least one area under control. It is victory over panic that will help you make the right decisions in the future.

Location orientation

If you are lucky and have a compass, it will not be difficult to find your way around, but you are not always so lucky.

The cardinal directions can also be determined by “indicators” of nature, such as the location of moss or the number of branches on the side of a tree.

If you decide to move, then, if possible, mark your path with notches on the tree or stones in visible places.

How to determine where north is using the polar star?

For those who understand at least a little about astronomy, a hint for determining north by the polar star will be useful. This landmark has been used by sailors since time immemorial and was often the only “compass”.

To locate the polar star, you should find the constellation Ursa Major. Next, draw an imaginary line through the two “bucket handle” stars, lengthening it five times, taking the distance between these two stars as one reference unit.

The line will point to the polar star, which always points north. This method is more accurate than determining cardinal directions by the sun.

How to determine where north is by looking at the moss?

Moss is mainly located on stones and trees on the side facing north. But do not rely on observations from one tree, compare readings on several trunks.

In addition, the bark of trees facing the north side is often darker and rougher than on the south side.

Providing first aid to an injured companion or yourself

Of course, ideally, no matter where you are, have a first aid kit in your briefcase, bag, backpack, in which you need to have a bandage, iodine, plaster, tourniquet, etc.

But if it is not there, then you should use available means. A tourniquet can be replaced with a rope or intertwined willow twigs; a neckerchief, belt, or shirt sleeve are also suitable to stop bleeding.

Ideally, have at least some understanding of medicinal plants.

For example, sphagnum moss, which grows in abundance in peat bogs, perfectly stops blood and is also an excellent bactericidal agent.

Bird cherry leaves, brewed instead of tea, will help with loose stools or intestinal colic. Cranberries and raspberries have the ability to lower temperatures. There are a lot of similar examples, and this is another reason to devote some time to studying natural healers.

How to build a shelter from bad weather?

This point is one of the most important, since it is shelter from bad weather and overnight accommodation that will become one of the first points of semblance of comfort and coziness. The ability to build a semblance of a “house” from available materials is, first of all, limited by imagination.

Any device is good here: a canopy, a hole in the snow, a hut and much more. If you are lucky enough to find a low horizontal branch growing straight from the tree, you can use it as a base.

In this way, the “structure” will also be strengthened. Relying on such a branch, straight poles are laid on both sides, onto which spruce branches can already be attached. You can secure the branches using willow twigs or bark, but you need to knit them immediately before the bark begins to dry out and break.

Getting food and water

If there is no emergency supply of water and food at hand, then a resourceful and at least slightly prepared traveler will not have any difficulty finding food in the forest.

The forests are rich in berries, roots, mushrooms, nuts, and there is also a chance that a stream flows nearby. If you do not understand mushrooms, then it is better not to risk it.

You can replenish the protein supply in the body with the help of insects, earthworms, frogs, snakes, birds and other living creatures.

Distress signals

The most reliable means is a fire. It should be planted in an open place so that the smoke is not blocked by tree branches. The amount of smoke determines the distance from which you can be seen.

Therefore, add moss, pine needles and half-damp straw to the fire. If you are waiting for rescuers in one place, then find a clearing where you can lay out an arrow with stones or any objects that will indicate the direction in which you are located to passing rescue teams.

To summarize, it is worth noting that during such a forced journey, your body and resourcefulness themselves will make every effort to survive, you just need to stock up on at least a small amount of knowledge.

Such knowledge will be useful on a picnic or on a hike, and will definitely help you out in the most extreme situations.

That’s all I have for today, I told you everything I knew. Did you like the article? Share it with your friends on social networks. Subscribe to blog updates - there is still a lot of interesting and useful things to come. Until we meet again, bye-bye.

Have you ever been on a hike, admiring the forest flowers, looking at the treetops - and suddenly realizing that you are completely alone and lost? What would have happened to you if you had not found your way back and returned safe and sound? While getting lost in the woods can be a terrifying experience, surviving alone in the wild is generally a matter of common sense, patience and wise use of nature's bounty. If you want to learn how to survive in the forest, follow these instructions.


Preparing for the hike

    Do your research first. Don't rush headlong into the wilderness; Scout your environment thoroughly. Study the map of the territory where you will go, and be sure to take it with you - all this will significantly reduce the risk of losing your way. Familiarize yourself with the flora and fauna of the area you are exploring. Knowing about local plants and animals can save your life.

    • One of the most accurate books on this topic is “Bushcraft – Wilderness Survival Course and Skills” by Morse Kochansky.
  1. Make sure someone in your family knows where you are going and for how long. Don't make the mistake of James Franco on 127, the survival film is based on a true story - make sure someone knows exactly where you're going and when. This way, this person will understand that you are missing, quickly call rescuers and tell you where to start the search.

    Bring rescue gear with you. Basic safety equipment is: knife, flint (metal match), regular matches (in a waterproof box), rope (550 paracord is the best), whistle, spare blanket, signal mirror, water purification tablets and a compass, which can be critical. If you are going on a day hike, take everything you need with you.

    • Having all this equipment means absolutely nothing if you don’t know how to use it for its intended purpose. Practice repeatedly in a safe environment before you venture into the wilderness.
    • Don't forget to take a first aid kit. It should contain an adhesive plaster, an antiseptic, and tweezers to remove debris that could cause infection.
    • If you need any medicine or injections, put them in your first aid kit, even if you won't be leaving for a long time.
    • Before setting off, learn how to use a compass. If you have a map and can recognize known landscapes on it, you can use a compass to compare your location and decide where to go next.
    • When you choose a replacement cover (made from lightweight, thin, reflective Mylar fabric), spend a little more money to purchase a wider, more durable model. The blanket protects from wind, rain and hypothermia. If there is a fire burning behind you, cover your back with a blanket - it will reflect the heat of the fire. However, if the fabric is too small or breaks as soon as you unpack it, you won't expect the same protective properties from the cover.
  2. Bring communications equipment with you. A cell phone with a spare battery or a portable CB radio are the quickest ways to escape if you are lost or injured. Cellular signal is only available from a hill or a tree, but it's still better than nothing. Experienced backpackers purchase personal location-finding beacons such as SPOT Messenger for long, dangerous and long-distance travel.

    • SPOT Messenger is a satellite communicator that lets you contact emergency services, maintain personal contact for help in non-emergency situations, or simply check that your friends and family are okay while you're on a hike. Maintenance is paid and is not cheap.

    Survival in the forest

    1. Don't panic if you get lost. Panic is far more dangerous than anything else, because it obscures reason, which is the single best, most useful and universal means of salvation. The moment you realize you are lost, stop. Take a deep breath and remain calm. Before you act, follow the tenet of the STOP acronym:

      • S = sit down
      • T = now think
      • O = Look around the area
      • P = prepare for rescue by gathering materials
    2. Get your bearings. The place where you are will become your “zero point”. Mark this area with a piece of clothing, a pile of rocks, a piece of paper, or anything else visible from a distance. Decide on the cardinal directions - the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Use these directions by adjusting your compass (clockwise from the 12:00 apex) to north, east, south, west.

      • For example, if it is late afternoon and the sun is to the right, then you are facing north.
      • If you know how to find the North Star in the night sky in your backyard, this skill will prove invaluable.
    3. Stay in one place. Not only does this increase your chances of being found, but it also conserves your body's energy by consuming less of the water and food you need to maintain it. Squat down and stay still. There is a chance that they have already started looking for you, especially if you told someone about your plans. Also, if you are with someone else, don't separate. Your strength is in numbers.

      • If it is sunny, try to search in the shade - this will reduce the risk of dehydration and burns. Don't be tempted to take off your clothes because doing so will actually increase the risk.
    4. Light a fire. Build a fire pit with enough coal to keep it warm for a few hours, and make sure you have plenty of firewood. Start a fire before you need it, even if it's warm in the woods. It is better to start a fire in a calm state, not in a panicked state when the sun goes down. Not to mention, you will feel comfortable and safe when you are near a fire that identifies your location.

      • An excellent rule of thumb is to collect wood until you are sure you have enough for the night. Then collect three more identical piles of wood, which may be enough for the night.
      • You must retrieve brushwood from the underbrush under the forest canopy. You can also use bark or dry droppings. If your fire does not heat up enough, throw fresh branches, bushes or tree branches into it so that the resulting smoke will serve as a fire signal.
      • The best wood for making a fire is dead wood. You can pull it away from a healthy tree. No matter what type of forest you are in, there is dry brush everywhere.
      • Remember: a small fire is easier to maintain than a large one, if only because it requires less fuel. When you have enough glowing coals, keep the fire at a moderate size so you don't have to waste time searching for fuel.
      • Do not light fires in dangerous places. Your fire should be far from flammable trees and bushes, preferably in a clearing. Be careful with fire. When you want to add fuel to it, don't overdo it. Consider the weather and other factors, and remember that escaping a forest fire is much more difficult than getting out of the forest when you're lost!
    5. Mark your location. Whistle, shout, sing, or bang rocks to create noise. If possible, highlight your location so that it can be seen from above. If you're in a mountain meadow, arrange three piles of dark leaves and twigs in a triangle shape. In sandy areas, make a triangle in the sand. Such a triangle is considered a standard distress signal in the wild.

      • You can use a fire to send a distress signal. The universal distress signal is a straight line of three fires or three fires forming a triangle.
      • You can also blow three whistles, or fire three shots into the air from a gun, if you have one, or signal three times with a mirror, catching the sun's rays.
    6. Scout your area. Although you can't go too far, you should explore the surrounding areas to find anything useful. You may find items left behind by someone, be it a tin can or a pocket lighter, which can be useful for signaling. Make sure you can always find your way to your zero point while you're looking for water, shelter, or your way home.

    7. Find a good source of water. In a survival situation, you can go three days without water, but by the end of the second day you will be out of shape, so you need to quickly find a body of water. The best source of water is a spring, but the chances of finding one are slim. Also pay attention to birds because they often fly over fresh bodies of water. Drink the remaining water, but in portions, not all at once.

      • A running stream is also a great option. The flow of water reduces sediment. Be aware that stream water can be dangerous due to the presence of disease-causing bacteria. But when it’s a matter of life or death, the risk of getting sick should fade into the background, because you will then be cured.
      • If you're desperate and there's dew on the grass, collect it in your clothes and then suck the moisture out of the fabric.
      • You can also look for water in rock crevices.
    8. Purify your water. One of the crude ways to purify water is to boil it in a handy kettle. To kill bacteria, the water must boil for at least three minutes. You can also put water in a clean plastic bottle and leave it in a sunny place for six hours to kill most microorganisms.

      • But if there is a lot of sediment in the water, the sun's rays will not be able to penetrate through it, so this method will not work. Add a pinch of salt to the water so that the sediment sinks to the bottom.
    9. Find or make shelter. Without proper shelter, you will be exposed to the elements, subject to hypothermia or heatstroke, depending on the weather. If you are not dressed appropriately for the conditions, you should definitely find shelter. Luckily, the forest is full of tools and resources to start a fire and build shelter (for warmth, safety, and signaling). Below is a list of things you can use:

      • Look for a fallen or leaning tree. You can create an A-frame shelter by placing branches on either side of a downed tree and then covering it with shrubs, fronds, leaves or other plants.
      • Use shrubs and fresh branches with leaves to protect your home from water, wind and snow, as well as to provide shade. Lock yourself in your shelter from every possible angle.
      • A cave can be an excellent shelter, but you need to check that it is not occupied by bears, large cats, snakes or other animals. Undoubtedly, they know that caves are an excellent refuge, since they are constantly searching, unlike you.
      • If it snows, build a snow shelter. Snow is an excellent material in which you will feel comfortable.
      • Make sure your place is not too hidden, otherwise you will spend all your time there and no one will find you.
      • Don't waste all your energy on building the perfect shelter, otherwise you will exhaust yourself.
    • Pay attention to even the smallest cut, as it can lead to infection and death.
    • An equally important part of your rescue gear is having two large, lightweight garbage bags. They take up little space but are useful for many purposes. Fill one of them with water and hide it in your shelter. And use the other one differently. Make a small hole in its corner for the head, and put the rest of it on yourself (and tie it up if necessary). (You should cover your hands if it snows/rains, or if you lose heat and your clothes get wet quickly). Place one bag inside another and fill the space between them with leaves, grass and pine needles and you have a temporary sleeping bag. Orange packages with contactors are the best (they can also be used to signal).
    • If you're going fishing, make a fishing rod out of a stick that's 2 meters (6 feet) long and 2-5 centimeters thick (just bring some fishing hooks). Cut the bark from the stick with a knife or an ax, make a notch 5-7 centimeters from the top of the fishing rod. Tie one end of any rope or line to this mark, and then attach a hook to the other end of the rope or line. Make a bait - attach a small piece of meat to the hook, for example, an insect or something else.
    • The sleeves of a waterproof jacket can be used to store water if you tie the ends at one end.
    • At night, you are at greatest risk of freezing to death. So don't get wet. Wrap yourself up. Don't sit on the ground. Make a “bed” from a layer of branches, leaves, twigs - from anything - and cover yourself with the same on top. To stay warm at night, you can heat rocks in a fire, cover them with your makeshift bed and sleep on top of them, but this is a very painstaking process; it is much easier to lie down near the fire under a massive object, such as a fallen log, boulder or spare blanket.
    • If you are going on a long journey through difficult and unfamiliar terrain, always have a backup plan. Detailed maps/guides, extra food and water, and signaling devices such as a mirror, flare, or even (depending on the length and location of the hike) a satellite beacon (PLB) can save your life.
    • You can survive several weeks without food, but only a couple of days without water, and in bad weather conditions, without shelter at all, perhaps only a couple of hours. Keep your priorities straight.
    • You can use moss as a dressing. It is easy to find and will help stop bleeding. Basically, it is located near rivers.
    • If you're not entirely sure where you are or how to get back to familiar territory, don't say "I think this is the right way." The more you move around once you realize you're lost, the less likely you are to find your way back.
    • One of the most important survival items that most people don't consider is a metal mug. It is difficult to prepare any food without a metal mug.
    • Do not feed wild animals, it can be deadly. Even a small rabbit can attract other animals to your hiding place.
    • Don't waste water.
    • It is very important to remember the acronym "STOP", which means "sit down, now think, look around, prepare for rescue."
    • Attach clothing (jackets, bandanas and even underwear) to the top of the tree to attract attention.
    • Trust your instincts.
    • Rain, snow or dew can be an excellent source of clean water. You can use anything to catch the water, from a cup and waterproof cloth to a large sheet of wood.
    • Do not panic! Try to calm down as quickly as possible, you shouldn't worry too much.
    • If you can't stay put until someone finds you, don't try to just go anywhere, even if you have plenty of supplies. Instead, try going either uphill or downhill. Once you climb the mountain, you will have a good chance of determining your location. Going down, accordingly, you can find water and then follow the flow; in most cases this will lead you to civilization. But you should not travel downstream at night, as this can lead to falling off a cliff. Never go down into the canyon. Even if there is no risk of flooding, the canyon walls may be so steep that the only way out is to follow it all the way to the end. Even worse, if there is a channel in the canyon, it can later turn into a river, which will force you to return back.
    • It's no safer than hiking alone in the desert.
    • For serious wounds, you can cut off the sleeve of your shirt and use it as a bandage. Just remember to tie it around the wound so that one or two fingers can be squeezed between the bandage and the body.
    • Your primary survival knife should be a fixed blade with a solid, sturdy handle; A folding knife should only be used as a backup tool, although it is better than nothing.
    • If it's cold and you're close to hypothermia, make sure you don't fall asleep, it could lead to death.
    • Consider bringing a cane with you. If you don't have one, any suitable stick can replace it. Any mark on the dirt can mark your path no worse than Hansel and Gretel.
    • Firearms have always been an important tool for the forest. A .22 caliber rifle or pistol can serve as a means of obtaining food and protection from people and animals, as well as a signal device.
    • If you don't have a lighter or matches, you'll have to start the fire by hand. If you find enough tinder (a small amount of dry grass, feathers, bark that burns easily) you can usually harness the sun's energy using a magnifying lens, eyeglass lens, a piece of broken glass, the top of a compass or watch, or other focusing devices. It is very difficult to produce fire by friction; It is best to make fire barriers.


    What you will need

      • Whistle with built-in compass (they are sometimes sold on the parachute ring, if you need it, you can take the cord too)
      • Water container
      • Kindling: matches, lighter, flint/magnesium and iron, magnifying glass or lenses (sometimes on compass cord)
      • Kettle for boiling water/cooking
      • Multi-tool/Swiss army knife
      • Territorial map
      • Fishing hooks and long fishing line. Roll it up and put it in your pocket. Hooks weigh almost nothing and are useful not only in fishing, but in other activities. Tie them together, put them in your wallet, and put them in your back pocket.
      • Three or four protein bars or small multivitamins
      • Spare blanket or tent (made of reflective fabric, visible from afar)
      • First aid kit
      • Extra water bottles (don't unseal them before you get lost)
      • Compass
      • Water purification tablets
      • Spare clothes
      • Cotton pads and Vaseline. Vaseline is applied to chapped lips, but more importantly, cotton wool mixed with Vaseline ignites and burns evenly and for a long time. This makes it great for creating torches and starting fires. Do not use Vaseline on burn areas!
      • Rope rope
      • Sewing kit/thread (for repair work and fishing)
      • Olive oil (calories and fire fuel)
      • Ax (to cut down trees and for defensive purposes)

How to survive in the forest?

Every year in the summer, lovers of mushrooms, berries, hunting, and fishing go out into the forest, some for pleasure, some to prepare food for the winter, but most people do not think about the fact that they might get lost. Some have a navigator with them, others simply know the forest well. But what if you've been wandering for hours? Our article will be about how to survive in the forest in winter and summer.

So, the first thing to do is calm down, most likely you will have to spend the night in the open air. What should you take care of?


First of all, you need to find a place to stay for the night. It must be dry, although this will be very difficult to do. Moss and leaves absorb water very well, so rest assured that the ground will be wet almost everywhere, even if it rained a few days ago, morning dew will also settle in the soil. When you have found a suitable location, you can begin construction. In the warm season, a canopy or hut is suitable. The canopy is made simply: you need to stick 2 one and a half meter stakes, with branches at the end, and drive them into the ground, at a distance of about 2 meters (the length of the bed). A thick stick is inserted into the branches from above, and poles are laid on it, on the leeward side. The more, the better, but you can limit yourself to 4-5 poles. The poles are secured to the stick with soft branches or rope. Branches with dense foliage, spruce branches, and tree bark are laid on them like tiles, starting from the bottom up, so that each subsequent row overlaps the previous one. You can also make a gable hut by adding another slope on the second side and covering one of the entrances with spruce branches. To prevent water from pouring into the hut, a small ditch is dug around to drain the water.


It is necessary for warming up, signaling to rescuers, drying clothes, preparing food, boiling water. If you know how to start a fire, then your chances of survival will increase significantly, but if not, take care of matches, a lighter, and flammable mixtures as long as possible. It is better not to let the fire go out than to have to relight it again. Prepare other branches and wood in advance so as not to lose the fire. Wood shavings, dried wood rot, and the resin of fir cones will make your work much easier. Protect the fire from the wind: cover it with stones; if the soil is wet, make a platform. In wet weather you will find dry fuel under fallen trees.

How to make a fire without matches

First of all, it is necessary to prepare dry flammable materials and protect them from wind and moisture. Suitable items may be pieces of clothing, rope, paper, shavings, sawdust, bird feathers, animal hair, animal fat, and you can also immediately stock up on them for the future and put everything in a waterproof bag.

  • Lens and Sun. Glasses, a magnifying glass, a camera lens, a telescope or binocular lens, or several mirrors can all be used to focus sunlight on flammable materials.
  • Flint and flint. As a rule, the easiest way is to take a solid piece of stone and some kind of steel plate. Select the desired force and angle so that the sparks fly onto the tinder. If that doesn't work, try changing the stone.
  • Powder. It is very possible that you have some ammunition left over from a hunt. It is necessary to arrange the gunpowder and tinder so that after the gunpowder ignites, the tinder immediately ignites. Also take 2 stones and pour gunpowder on them, and then hit each other. The sparks will ignite the gunpowder and, as a result, the tinder.
  • Friction. Making fire by rubbing wood is very labor-intensive, so use this method if there are no others left. To make the task easier, you can make a bow from a rope or cord, and use it to twist the shaft inserted into the hole.

To cook food, one fire is not enough; you need to adapt a place where you can put the cooking pot: a ditch, a stand made of logs. The fire doesn't have to be big. Much more important is uniform combustion and heat savings. You can use a large tin can or a metal case for something as a pot. To bake, start a fire in a small hole.

Where to get water

A person needs 1.5-2.5 liters of water per day for normal existence. But not everywhere there are natural sources of drinking water (lakes, ponds, rivers). Natural sources of water can be divided into groups: groundwater (springs, springs), open sources (lakes, rivers), plants that accumulate water, precipitation (dew, rain, ice, snow).

  1. Rain. Dig a hole and line it with leaves to prevent water from soaking into the ground.
  2. Dew. Wrap the fabric around the tree. Dew flowing down the trunk will linger in the fabric or flow into a vessel placed below. Also, dew will collect on large leaves.
  3. Streams, springs, springs, mountain rivers. This water can be drunk raw, but if the water stagnates, it should be boiled.

Try to stock up on water in advance. Reduce physical activity and stay out of the sun to reduce sweating.

If you want to know how to survive in the forest, you can watch the video attached to the article.

Remember, the basis of your survival is water, fire and composure. Be careful, reasonable and don’t lose your composure, sooner or later they will find you. If you manage to find a river, do not leave it, but go to its mouth. You will be provided with water, and this is the main thing. The chances of bumping into someone will increase, be it fishermen, tourists, bridges, ships. And on the shore it will be much better to see you from a helicopter or plane than in a dense thicket. We hope our tips will help you understand how to survive in the forest.

Modern humanity is spoiled by all the delights of civilization. Therefore, in those rare cases when people find themselves in an extreme situation and are left alone with wild nature, they are usually seized with panic. Such a reaction would have been extremely surprising for our ancestors, for whom the question of how to survive in the forest without anything would have seemed simply ridiculous. After all, the forest has always been a home and a rich storehouse for people. In the modern world, there are also people who are able to survive in the most hostile conditions.

For many it is work related, others just want to challenge themselves. Daredevils gather like-minded people and conquer new undeveloped areas of the planet where no one has set foot before. There are clubs and survival camps where instructors simulate extreme situations and teach modern people long-lost methods, without anything. Each instructor has his own methods, but, in essence, all science comes down to one thing - staying alive. Of course, it’s better to see everything once than to hear a hundred times, but not everyone will voluntarily agree to such adventures. Therefore, this information may never be useful in its entirety. But even for an ordinary hike, some nuances will be useful.

without everything: what is needed?

The most common situation is when, after going on a hike, one of the participants breaks away from the group. Therefore, before going out, all travelers, in addition to the necessary general equipment, are recommended to have a certain set of things.

It includes: matches, a knife, a flashlight, a paper map of the area, a compass, a chocolate bar, a flask of water, a bag of nuts and dried fruits, a thin protective blanket screen, spare thermal underwear and socks, a minimal first aid kit with antiseptics, antipyretics, pain relievers and a tourniquet . The entire set should be packed in polyethylene to prevent getting wet in wet weather. Those who find themselves in such a situation are advised to stay in place; it will be easier for an experienced instructor to find the lost one if he does not change the route. If help does not come immediately, you need to choose a parking spot. You need to look around and find a piece of terrain close to the water, build a hut from branches, bark and spruce paws, build a fire and wait for help.

Survival in the forest in summer

It happens that for some reason a person gets lost and does not have the necessary tourist kit with him, then, depending on the time of year, the following knowledge will come in handy. How to survive in the forest without anything in the summer? Finding himself alone with nature in the forest in the warm season, the lost person has a fairly high chance of waiting for help or remaining unharmed until he gets out of the current situation. If you can’t wait for help, then you need to find the way yourself. You should look around and try to find your tracks. And using them you can return to the starting point. If such actions do not bring the desired result, you need to calm down and think through your further actions.


How to survive in the forest without anything? Now we'll tell you. The first thing a person needs is water. This means that you need to find a parking place near the source; if one is not found, you can use the collection of dew on the large foliage of plants.

Making fire

Fire will be needed for warmth at night and as a deterrent against predators. Without matches, lighting it will be difficult. If you have glasses with magnifying glasses with you, you can collect dry moss or grass and use the glass to direct the ray of the sun onto this dry substrate. When it lights up, you should add small dry wood chips, and then larger firewood. Without glass, the options for making fire that ancient people used will help out.

You will need a large, dry log and a straight stick that can be conveniently rotated between your palms. You will also need dry moss or grass and a stone with a sharp edge. What to do with such elements? You need to make a hole in the log with a stone, place a stick there and cover it with dry moss, turn it with your palms until smoke comes out of the log from friction, then add moss and fan the fire. However, wounds may appear on the palms from such an activity. Therefore, they should be protected with something, for example, tear off a piece of fabric from their clothes and wrap their hands with it.

How to survive in the forest without anything in the fall? During this period it is very difficult to make fire. If the branches are wet and the weather is rainy, then this is a very difficult mission. You'll have to look for dry wood among the fallen leaves.

Making a hut

When there is a fire, you can think about spending the night. A hut can be built from large branches, placing them in a cone. It is better if a large tree trunk or a large stone is used for the back side.

Spruce paws or pine branches will help cover the structure. If you take a thorough approach to installing a hut, you can seal the cracks with moss. However, if so, the spruce itself can become a good canopy. Dry grass and moss are useful for bedding.


How to survive in the forest without food? Without the skills of a hunter, it will be extremely difficult to kill game using improvised means. But you can always use berries and mushrooms in the summer, but how do you know which ones are edible? Many people know what strawberries, raspberries and blackberries look like, but with other forest products you need to be careful; observation is useful here. Having found a bush with fruits, you need to pay attention to the birds; if they peck at the berries, it means the fruits are edible.

Choosing mushrooms

Plants and protein foods

Suitable for food at the roots of plants. For example, burdock or dandelion are quite suitable, but the latter will have to be soaked in water. Young shoots of reeds and its roots will also help to satisfy your hunger at least a little. But you won’t last long on such a plant-based diet. Therefore, the favorite delicacy of many animals will come to the rescue - larvae, which abound in the forest.

You can find them under the bark of rotten trees. Earthworms will become a supplier of necessary protein and microelements. Of course, the food is not rich, but it will help you survive. The collected worms need to be kept in water and washed well, and then eaten. You can build a kind of fort from a branch and try to get yourself a fish or, at worst, a frog for lunch. When there is fire, you can cook your catch. For example, a frog cooked over a fire can be quite tasty and nutritious. After all, its meat is similar to chicken; you just need to remove the skin and remove the insides.

A stream or river will help in finding a way out to people; if you walk along their bed, you can get to their homes. Trails made by animals will help you find a river or stream. When searching, you should arm yourself with a long stick. The trails may pass through marshy areas. Therefore, you first need to check the ground under your feet with a stick.

What to do in winter?

How to survive in a winter forest without anything during the winter season? Cold will become the main enemy for humans. Therefore, the main task will be to light a fire. If you find dry branches, you can dilute it using the method described above. You can make fire by hitting stones against each other. A spark from them will fall on a dry substrate of moss or grass, thus igniting a fire. There will be no problems with water in a snowy forest. But you can’t eat snow, there’s a high risk of getting sick. And heat and fever will immediately reduce the chances of salvation. Therefore, the snow will need to be melted.

The question arises of how to survive in the forest in winter without everything, because even in order to heat water or melt snow, you will need a container. If there is a river with clay banks in the area, you can consider yourself lucky. Then it becomes possible to fashion a vessel and burn it on fire. Otherwise, you need to hollow out a kind of container from a large log with a stone; you won’t be able to cook anything in it, but you can melt snow or heat the water a little.

Food will be more difficult in the winter forest. In deciduous trees, acorns may remain on the bark and on the ground. Acorns can be shelled and crushed and used for food. In coniferous trees you will have to look for cones. You'll be lucky if you find cedar ones. Using a stick, you can dig out worms in the soil, and find larvae in rotten stumps under the bark. It is unlikely that it will be possible to hunt large game, but man is resourceful, so the option of catching a small artiodactyl is not excluded. But, most likely, an inexperienced hunter will have to be content with mice and gophers. The latter make their homes in open clearings in burrows. They can be recognized by their characteristic mounds of earth. In times of famine, our ancestors hunted for these animals using water or smoke. Water was poured into the hole, and the frightened animal jumped out of its hiding place. Smoke affects them in a similar way. A fire was lit in front of the hole and smoke was directed into it. Of course, the winter forest will be much harsher to humans. But on the other hand, in the snow or frost it will be easier to find your tracks along which you can return. It will also be easier to find animal paw prints and follow them to the trails.


Now you know how to survive in the forest without anything. We hope that the information was useful to you. And the recommendations given above will help if necessary.