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I visited a transvestite show or “be careful – these are not girls.” Thailand, Pattaya. Transvestite show in Sin City Where is it located and opening hours

February 16th, 2016 , 01:38 pm

First, some photos of the facade of the building itself.
The building is old, but it is maintained in fair condition. After all, there is a show every evening...

Sign on the building.

Statues in the fountain at the entrance to the building, there are two such “monuments”.

The entrance to the toilet is decorated in an original way.

Some people think that this is an erotic show and there is a lot of obscenity...
But that's not true. The show is quite decent, you can even go to it with children.

The important thing about this whole show is that there are no women born there. None.
Only men (still explicitly) and those who have transformed into women, or in the process.
This adds piquancy, all the time you try to understand - is it not a deception, maybe it’s women?
There are not only female-looking bodies, but also purely feminine movements, the ability to walk in heels and much more...

Our guide, who has lived in Pattaya for several years, said that he personally knew one of the stars of this scene and she shared some secrets with him...

Many people know that in Thailand, gender reassignment operations have become common and are quite inexpensive compared to Europe and America. It is very popular there, and there is a great demand for transvestites (shows, sex industry).
But few people know that the mortality rate of transgender people after sex reassignment surgery has dropped significantly. Now they do not die en masse after a few years, but live into old age. The female hormones that they take before and after the operation so that the body is rebuilt cease to act in old age and the body again takes on masculine features, gradually turning into masculine women...

Gender reassignment operations take place in several stages and depend on how far each of them is ready or able to go. Faces, breasts, butts, legs, ribs, genitals are subject to correction...

There is an opinion that the most beautiful Thai women are Thai transvestites.

One of the show's scenes is performed by two plump "ladies". The scene is humorous :)

During the show there is a change of several dances from different cultures.
Probably to please the audience, the second part of the show consists of dancing to modern songs from China, Korea, and Russia. It's interesting to watch the audience's reaction when the songs from their home countries come on - the audience claps and cheers depending on the line-up.

The show participants sing to soundtracks.

Alcazar show - Alcazar show.
Price: 700 ฿ delux, 800 ฿ VIP,
Departure daily: 17:30, 19:00, 20:30.
Show starts: 18:30, 20:00, 21:30.

Tiffany's show - Tiffany's show.
Price: 1100 ฿ delux, 1250 ฿ VIP, 1350 ฿ VIP Gold.
Show starts: 18:00, 19:30, 21:00.
The performance lasts: 1 hour 15 minutes.

Coliseum show - Coliseum show.
Price: 500 ฿ Delux, 600 ฿ VIP
Departure daily: 17:00, 18:30, 20:00.
Show starts at: 18:00, 19:30, 21:00.
The performance lasts 1 hour 15 minutes.

At the price of everyone transvestite show included: transport from the hotel and back, entrance ticket, viewing of the show.
Take with you: photos, videos, children (all shows are decent).
It is not necessary to wear evening dresses.

Alcazar show - Alcazar show

Alcazar Show a bright cabaret performance, there will be nothing harsh here. Those viewers who expect something brutally frank, in the spirit of or, from the travesty show Alcazar or Tiffany are mistaken. Don't be afraid to take your children with you. They will be delighted

Here they simply sing to a soundtrack and dance in various outfits. It is worth noting that the scenery, sound and quality of the production are at a very high level. Everything is beautiful and colorful. All performances have a theme. There are many performances where the artists are dressed in national costumes. Some performances to Russian pop songs.

After the performance, they go out into the public and take pictures with those who wish for money, but you can also take photos during the performance.

Tiffany's show

Tiffany, as the ancestor of all such transvestite show in Pattaya, set the ticket price slightly higher and filming on video and cameras is strictly prohibited! But, at the end of the performance, the actors in colorful outfits pose on the site in front of the theater building and take pictures with everyone for ฿ 100.

Along with your ticket to the show, you will be given a ticket for a free soft drink, which you can exchange in the lobby for a glass of lemonade or orange juice.
The hall where the show takes place is very comfortable. Large chairs, excellent cooling air conditioning - everything for comfortable viewing.

Transvestite show numbers consist of male actors, ideally transformed into women, performing collective incendiary numbers to the accompaniment of dance music. One or more issues are dedicated to Russia. In Russian national costumes against the backdrop of the Kremlin decor, Thai trannies dance in circles

Excellent sound design, delightful, exclusive costumes, chic scenery, amazing numbers, all this turns Tiffany's show into an extravaganza!

Coliseum show

The show can be filmed and photographed.
The building in which the whole spectacle takes place is created in the form of a real Colosseum. There is amazing architecture here, huge columns and statues, as if you are in Rome itself.

They dance very professionally, there are some active numbers, with energetic dances, and there are also calmer ones, but no less exciting. With each performance you feel as if you are in a different country of the world, the performance is perfectly executed, the scenery, special effects and costumes: everything is top notch.

The costumes are simply amazing, very bright, with different themes, with huge crowns on their heads, decorated with shiny stones. The seemingly expensive jewelry is individually matched to each look. Everything is thought out to the smallest detail.

The performance is simply mesmerizing, the festive atmosphere is present throughout the entire time. During the breaks between performances, while the scenery is being changed, tourists are also not allowed to get bored; they organize mini performances, musical and comic ones.

There are a lot of Chinese on this show, be careful, they might trample you.
We recommend going to this bright, fabulous, colorful and interesting, original, sometimes funny and high-quality transvestite show.

Drag queen shows in Phuket are bright, colorful musical performances where all the actors playing women are actually men. Or former men who turned into women through plastic surgery.

Travesty show in Phukta. How to find?

There are four places in Phuket where you can watch a drag queen show. Of these, two places are decent, such as Simon Cabaret and Aphrodite Cabaret Show. Despite the fact that ladyboys participate in the show, nothing indecent or erotic happens on stage - in fact, it is just a concert or a costume ball. Therefore, you can come with children.

The other two shows are called Room 88 and the Wake Up show. These two clubs are not pure trance shows. Nevertheless, we also added them because among their participants there are travesties.

Simon Cabare and Aphrodite Show

Both of these shows are similar to each other in quality and performance. The numbers between them are repeated, often simply copied from each other. In general, it is believed that in the Simon show the cast is a little more professional, since the show appeared much earlier - in 1991 and during this time gained a lot of experience. But the Aphrodite show has a larger stage and a more pleasant atmosphere. Personally, the employees of our company did not notice a big fundamental difference.

Therefore, we advise you to choose a show based on convenient logistics from your hotel. Since the Simon show is located in Patong, it makes sense to go there if your hotel is close to this beach. These include beaches such as Kata, Karon, Kamala, Bang Tao. Below this article we have attached a map with all the transvestite shows in Phuket, select what you need and build a route to each, compare the distances. Both shows have very inexpensive transfers, so there's no need to take a taxi. To get to these shows, pay for tickets on our website, you will receive a voucher, after which our operator will contact you, who will tell you the exact time at which you need to be at the reception of your hotel.

Wake Up Show, Big Eye or Room 88.

All shows are beyond the bounds of decency, so do not come here with children. The difference between them is that Room 88 has sex scenes between men. It’s also easy to get to them by building a route using Google map. There are no wake-up transfers, but Room 88 does.

Transvestism in Italian means “to change clothes.” That is, transvestites are people who dress in clothes of the opposite sex. In most cases, for the purpose of making money.

Transvestites in Thailand.

In Thailand, transvestite shows are well-known and very popular. The thing is that in such families, from birth, parents do not instill in the child any gender identity. And if a boy believes that he is a girl, his parents allow him to wear women's clothes and take female hormones.

Some of them are saving money for gender reassignment surgery. The competition is very high, you not only have to pump silicone into the chest, do plastic surgery on the face, but also remove the lower ribs for a beautiful waist. Nowadays, according to unofficial data, up to 25% of Thai men have changed their gender, but this information, of course, is greatly exaggerated. As you know, Thailand is a very poor country, and only those involved in the tourism sector and entertaining tourists have good money. This is how Lady Boys feed their families by participating in the show.

Transvestite show in Pattaya.

is one of the most famous resort cities in Thailand, located on the coast of the Gulf of Thailand. It is in Pattaya that the two most famous transvestite shows “Alcazar” and “Tiffany” take place. A transvestite show in Pattaya is a theatrical show in which only men take part. But what do you actually see? Beautiful girls with polished figures and luxurious hair take the stage in incredible outfits. There is nothing indecent here, and you can easily take your children with you.

"Alcazar" and "Tiffany" shows are located at opposite ends of Second road. You can get there either on foot or by tuk-tuk. For those who don't know, tuk-tuk or auto-rickshaw are a common form of transport in many Asian countries. It is a covered motorcycle and is very popular among tourists. The show takes place three times a day. You can purchase tickets at the ticket office in front of the entrance, from your tour operator or in excursion shops in the city.

For those who want to save money, it is better not to contact a tour operator; they inflate prices significantly. The cost of a show with a tour operator can cost up to $100, depending on your operator, this is approximately 2800 baht. The price also includes a round-trip transfer, and on the way to your place of stay, the guide will tell you in more detail about who transvestites are, how and why they become one. But you can spend only 700-800 baht if you are not lazy and get there, or even better, walk to the place yourself and buy a ticket on the spot. And in office prices will be 100 baht more expensive than at the entrance. Both shows are held 3 times a day, with a duration of one and a half hours. But the halls are always full, so you need to arrive about two hours in advance.

IN " Alcazar" the show consists of several performances, they last about ten minutes, about 12-15 numbers in total. The main theme of the show is the history of Thailand and China. There are also humorous performances. The last performance is dedicated to Russia. To the accompaniment of a Russian song, the artists take to the stage, which is decorated in the shape of Red Square. The show is an unforgettable mix of colorful performances by drag queens in lush sequined costumes and feathered crowns. It all looks like a Brazilian carnival. Dance numbers are also part of the program, but don't expect professional dancing - the artists try their best. In addition, it is necessary to appreciate that dancing with such outfits is simply very difficult. Vocals are completely absent. The artists sing to the soundtrack, keeping in time well.

After the performance, all the artists go out onto the street to take photos with you for a fee. Most often, a photo with an artist costs 100 baht, but often other artists, seeing that you are taking a photo with someone, also join in. In this case, everyone who managed to fit into the frame will have to pay.

For a long time, Alcazar’s competitor is “ Tiffany" This show has been around since 1974 and is the longest running drag queen show. The first shows featured 3 actors, now their number has increased to 100. The show consists of 4 parts. The first part is the history of the Kingdom of Siam, then comes the legend about the Chinese Emperor, and the program ends with the last two parts, based on the film “Funny Girl”. It is a musical comedy written by William Wyler. The film is about the famous actress Fanny Brice and tells how a simpleton from the suburbs achieved popular recognition and popularity. The music played is mostly jazz, but there are also a few Russian songs. Photo and video shooting is prohibited here; security monitors this. A flashlight is pointed at particularly slow-witted tourists to stop filming.

Next to both cabarets there are souvenir shops where you can buy something for yourself or your friends as a souvenir. These stores also sell DVDs of the best performances, but they sell out quite quickly.

So, if you decide to buy one of these drives, you better hurry. If you want to take something with you to the show (water or chips), it is better to buy everything on the way to the show, as prices at the buffet have been raised several times. So, prepare for the show carefully, and enjoy your holiday!

The saying that the East is a very subtle and ambiguous entity is most clearly manifested in Thailand. For some reason, in this country there is the largest number per capita of males who have decided to completely or partially change their natural nature and become. Often the reason for such a transformation is “intimate business and nothing personal.” Isn't this a way to make money on tourists who are greedy for piquant entertainment? For example, transvestite show in Pattaya (you might also be interested in) enjoys simply stunning success. People strive to attend it in much the same way as to attend a ballet at the Moscow Bolshoi Theater. In this tourist Mecca there are two cabarets that stage a bright, colorful, piquant show of this kind - Tiffany and Alcazar show, located not far from.

The Tiffany transvestite show (office site) takes place three times a week and exclusively at night. The action begins right at the entrance, in the huge marble foyer. Visitors are greeted by charming, luxuriously dressed and half-naked Thai women, decorated with feathers, sparkles, and rhinestones.

Just don’t delude yourself by attending Tiffany show in Pattaya. Be sure to follow the principle: “check what gender your neighbor is.” Although you are unlikely to succeed - transvestite actors not only look alike, but also behave like women. So: “...How do you check, reach under the dress? So you’ll get it in the brains!..” – is also quite relevant.

The whole action is well staged. On one day there is a comedy, on another there is a tragedy, on the third there is a sparkling sketch. If you don't get hung up on the fact that there are transvestites in front of you at Tiffany's show, you can have a lot of fun and relaxation. After the performance, those who wish can take a souvenir photo with representatives of the third gender, who look so sexy that even straight ladies will envy their charm.

The price of entrance tickets to the Tiffany show in Pattaya is quite high. Depending on the row in the auditorium, it ranges from 600 to 800 baht.

In this establishment, unlike Tiffany's, where they adhere to classical theatrical traditions, the action in the Alcazar show (office site) takes place in an enchanting style typical of a cabaret. It is considered the most vibrant and expressive in all of Southeast Asia.

Throughout the entire performance, the audience is haunted by a whirlwind of skillfully selected music, exotic costumes, and the play of light and shadows. On Alcazar show in Pattaya the actors take some liberties, subtly demonstrating that they are still men. Thanks to skillful direction, such escapades do not look provocative, but intriguing, provoking additional interest from the audience.

A regular entrance ticket to the Alcazar costs a little less than to Tiffany - from 500 baht, for a seat in the VIP box they ask from 700 to 800 baht.

Is it all worth the visit?

Transvestite shows such as Tiffany and Alcazar are, of course, not a spectacle for children. And even adults with very strict moral principles may find it shocking. Unlike, you will not see any perversions or pornography during the entire performance. Singing, dancing, well-chosen music, stunningly beautiful and exotic costumes, light show. Take your mind off the idea that these are converted men, and you will get great pleasure from the masterful performances of actors who are almost indistinguishable from real women in appearance.

Video: what is a drag queen show?