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Registration and receipt of citizenship of Saint Kitts and Nevis. Nevis Map of Saint Kitts and Nevis in Russian

St. Kitts is an island about which the average Russian tourist knows little. Or rather, he’s unlikely to say where he is. Some will suggest that somewhere in the tropics. And they will be right. But this island is not just paradise. Unlike Eden, from which a person was once expelled, one can live in St. Kitts forever. For a certain bribe, of course. In this article we will tell you about the economic citizenship program operating in this country. Yes, small Saint Kitts with the even smaller island of Nevis is an independent state that is part of the British Commonwealth, headed by the Queen of Great Britain. It is not difficult to guess that the official language here is English, which simplifies communication between tourists and the local population. The currency is the East Caribbean dollar, which is divided into one hundred cents.

Where is it located?

The main island of Saint Kitts and Nevis, photographed from the air, looks like two pearls on the endless expanse of the ocean. Two pieces of sushi form a federation. Moreover, Nevis has the right to freely withdraw from it. St. Kitts was until recently called St. Christopher. Because of this, on old maps you can find a different name for the state. Saint Christopher and Nevis is the smallest state in the Western Hemisphere. And its population is the smallest - fifty thousand people. Below we will talk about the original method that the confederation government used to raise this figure. Where is the state of Saint Kitts and Nevis located? On the world map you need to look for it in the Caribbean Sea. It is part of the archipelago of the Lesser Antilles (Windward) Islands. All borders of this state are maritime. Saint Kitts and Nevis neighbors similar dwarf powers. In the east, the islands are bordered in the north by the French overseas territory of Saint Barthelemy, in the northwest by the special municipality of the Kingdom of the Netherlands of Sint Eustatius, and finally in the southeast by Montserrat.


The main island, St. Kitts, is located north of Nevis and is separated from it by the three-kilometer Strait of the Narrows. The state can be called mountainous. St. Kitts stretches from southeast to northwest for thirty-seven kilometers. Its entire area is dissected by mountain ranges. The highest point of the island (and the entire dwarf country) is the extinct Lamiuga volcano (one thousand one hundred and fifty-five meters above sea level). In the southeastern extremity, the relief decreases and forms a flat plain occupied by salt lakes. The coastline here is uneven, replete with coves and sandy beaches. The neighboring island of Nevis has an almost circular outline. It is composed of rocks from ancient eruptions. The highest point of this island is the Nevis volcano (almost a thousand meters above sea level). The state is surrounded on all sides by coral reefs. Therefore, tourists on the beaches can enjoy the tranquility of the turquoise lagoons.


It is determined by the tropical latitudes in which the island of St. Kitts is located. The weather here is wonderful and practically does not change at any time of the year. The islands can confidently be called the dream of Eden come true. The night temperature never drops below eighteen degrees, and on summer days it never rises above thirty. These are the most comfortable conditions for relaxation. But we should not forget about the second name that the Lesser Antilles have - the Windward Islands. The dwarf state lies in the path of tropical hurricanes. They do not happen every year and are most likely from August to October. The rest of the time, warm trade winds blow over St. Kitts and Nevis. The amount of precipitation depends not on the season, but on the altitudinal zone. In the mountains, rain falls from 2000 to 3700 millimeters per year. On the coastal plains the amount of precipitation is half as much. There is no “wet season” as such. But most tourists prefer to come on vacation to tropical islands in the winter - from November to April.

Brief history of the state

The island of St. Kitts, like neighboring Nevis, was discovered in 1493 by Christopher Columbus. However, his expedition, busy searching for India, did not colonize these islands. England did it for them. In 1623 she founded the first colonial settlement in the West Indies at St. Christopher. The French also tried to "stake out" no-man's territory and founded their own fort. None of the Europeans asked the opinion of the local population: in 1626, English and French troops carried out a joint massacre, killing about four thousand Indians. In this regard, the river, on the banks of which the massacre took place, now bears the name Bloody. In the north-west of St. Kitts, Fort Brimstone has been preserved, from where the British seized lands in the Caribbean. This fortress is called the Gibraltar of the tropical seas. In 1783, France, according to the Treaty of Versailles, ceded all rights to the islands of St. Kitts and Nevis to Great Britain. The state gained independence in September 1983. But the Queen of Great Britain continues to be the nominal head of the country.

How to come to the dwarf Caribbean state

In old directories you can read that tourists from the CIS need a visa to be admitted to the island of St. Kitts. This information is outdated. In June two thousand and thirteen, the Russian Foreign Ministry announced a diplomatic achievement. From now on, Russian citizens can visit tropical islands without a visa. However, the total travel time should not exceed three months. However, you can extend your stay on site. A Russian tourist must have a set of documents with him: a foreign passport that will not expire in the next six months, a bank card account statement that indicates your solvency, and return tickets. The lion's share of tourists arrive and leave the island by plane. It is necessary to pay a certain amount in order to leave the hospitable dwarf state without any problems. When departing from Golden Rock International Hub, you will be required to pay an airport tax (forty-one Caribbean dollars for each person over twelve years of age) and an environmental tax (EC$4).


The island state, located on just two hundred and sixty square kilometers, contains everything that a tourist dreams of in his dreams of the tropics. On the slopes of the mountains there are cotton and sugar cane plantations. Even higher is a virgin jungle with vines, cinnamon and breadfruit, mango, tamarind, bananas, papaya, and avocado. In some places the mountain tops are covered with meadows. The island of St. Kitts to the north is a rolling plain of farmland. There are many coconut groves on Nevis, especially in its western part. The rain forests of the two islands are inhabited by monkeys, but there are no dangerous predators. The silence of the jungle is filled with the cries of tropical birds, and huge butterflies flutter everywhere. The water area, owned by the state, will certainly be of interest to divers and fishing enthusiasts. Although the coastal areas seem arid and covered with bushes, the islands have many rivers and streams.


St. Kitts is an island whose coastline is covered in an interesting black color. But on its southeastern edge there is a flat peninsula composed of ocean sediments. That's why the beaches here are golden. The coast of the island of Nevis is the embodiment of dreams of a vacation by the tropical sea. The resort areas of the dwarf state satisfy all needs. St. Christopher (St. Kitts Island) has a lot of entertainment - golf clubs, nightlife, casinos. The capital of the state, the city of Basseterre, is especially famous for its evening life. The island of Nevis has all the conditions for a measured and relaxing holiday. It's a good place to spend a romantic evening, walking along the promenade and sunbathing in the shade of palm trees. But if you wish, you can find entertainment in Nevis. Entertainment establishments are concentrated in the main city and administrative center of the island - Charlestown. The sea near the beaches is always calm and serene, because the shores are protected from storms by a wall of coral reefs. The entry into the water is gentle, which is safe for children to swim in.

Tourist infrastructure

The backbone of the economy of the dwarf state has long been the export of sugar cane. But in recent years, tourism has pushed this industry away from first place. All conditions have been created here for foreign travelers. The island of St. Kitts has especially succeeded in pleasing vacationers. Reviews from tourists claim that its entire coastline is occupied by luxury hotels and expensive, magnificent villas. Buying real estate in is easy. There are no restrictions for foreigners here, as in some countries. The staff of hotel complexes and restaurants is very kind and strives to fulfill any wish of the clients. As the reviews say, you need to get used to their dialect of English. Even the British don't always understand the locals. The chefs of St. Kitts have fully mastered European cuisine, and the culinary school of Nevis gravitates towards traditional local recipes. The number of serious crimes on the islands is quite low. But, tourists warn, pickpocketing is common, so it is better to keep valuables in a room safe.

St. Kitts Island Tours

Of course, the sea and the beach are the main attractions of the dwarf state. But there are others. If you are vacationing on the island of Nevis, do not be lazy to climb the peak of the same name. The height of this volcano is nine hundred and eighty-five meters above sea level. Your reward for your hard work will be an unparalleled view of the two islands. And you can go down through the side vents of the Hurricane Hill or Saddle Hill volcano. Transport links in the country are well developed. There is even a narrow-gauge railway here. There is also an airport on Nevis - Newcastle.

The island of St. Kitts is of interest to ecotourists. Its attractions are not only natural. Traveling through the Golden Rock Plantation Nature Reserve and Brimestone Hill Fortress Park, you can see an ancient British fort. In its barracks there is a museum whose exhibition tells about the colonial history and the traditional way of life of the islanders. On Nevis, you should visit the Historical Museum and the House. Entertainment on the islands includes leisurely sailing on yachts along the strait and lagoons, cycling, and horseback riding. The country has casinos and many golf clubs.


The population of the dwarf state is the descendants of African slaves who settled the islands after the almost total extermination of the indigenous inhabitants - the Indians. Therefore, the main religion is Christianity. The colonial period made its own adjustments to the religion of local residents. Most are Anglicans or Methodist Protestants. But the number of Catholics is also large. The main colorful events are also associated with religion. Reviews recommend visiting the island of St. Kitts during the Christmas season. The twenty-fifth of December is celebrated very beautifully here. And on the second of January, a colorful festival takes place on the island. The beginning of Lent, Good Friday, the Resurrection of the Lord and Pentecost are also celebrated on a large scale. Of the secular holidays, special mention should be made of the British Queen's birthday, which falls on June 12, Emancipation from Slavery (the first Monday in August) and Independence Day (the nineteenth of September).

Saint Kitts: Citizenship

Many tourists, having arrived in this paradise country, simply fall in love with it. But you can stay forever, adding fifty thousand to the population of the dwarf state. When global demand for cane sugar fell, the government of St. Kitts and Nevis launched a program with the eloquent name “Citizenship by Investment”. Anyone who makes a voluntary contribution to the country's Sugar Fund receives a passport from the island power without any problems. The amount of investment donations depends on the number of dependents in the applicant’s family and ranges from two hundred fifty to four hundred fifty thousand US dollars. Another amount (but not more than ten percent of the main contribution) will be required to pay various government fees and notary acts. What does citizenship of Saint Kitts and Nevis give? Firstly, it is visa-free entry into one hundred and twenty countries. Citizenship is inherited by children from their parents. You do not have to renounce your country of birth.

Citizenship through real estate

There is another way to obtain the coveted state passport. The islands of Saint Kitts and Nevis have been acquiring luxury housing over the last decade. On the shores and even on the shallow bottom of lagoons, luxury villas are being built on stilts, just waiting for their buyers. Haven't you dreamed of your own house by the sea? And not just any Barents or Laptev, but the Caribbean? If you purchase real estate for an amount not less than four hundred thousand US dollars, citizenship of Saint Kitts and Nevis will be a pleasant bonus for you. This method, reviews say, is more profitable if you want to live on the islands. After five years, you can sell your property without losing your citizenship. But there is a great danger of losing money due to online scams. The government of the country, in order to prevent this, published on its website an official list of all dealers who have the right to purchase real estate in St. Kitts and Nevis.

Saint Kitts and Nevis

(Saint Kitts and Nevis), Saint Christopher and Nevis , state on the islands of the same name in the east. part of the Caribbean Sea; are part of the group Leeward Islands (Lesser Antilles). Pl. 261 km². Capital – Buster . The islands were discovered by X. Columbus in 1493. In 1623, an English settlement was founded on St. Christopher (the first in West Indies); in 1624 - French. Since 1625, together with Fr. Anguilla is a colony of Great Britain, which became the base for its conquest of other islands in the region, for which it is called the “cradle of the Caribbean.” Since September 19 (national holiday) 1983 - independent state Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis . Member of the British Commonwealth. The head of state is the Queen of Great Britain, represented by the Governor General; Legislative power belongs to the National meetings.
The islands are of volcanic origin, mountainous (the highest point is the Miseri volcano, 1155 m). The climate is tropical trade wind; humid and hot. Wed.-Mon. temperatures 18–32 °C, precipitation from 1500 mm per year at low elevations. up to 3700 mm in the mountains. Hurricanes are frequent. The mountain slopes are occupied by sah plantations. reed and cotton, higher - shrubs and small mountain tropical forests.
Population 39 thousand people. (2001), Ch. arr. blacks (descendants of slaves brought from Africa) and mulattoes. Official English language. B.h. believers - Protestants. The economy is based on rural areas. food and services for foreign tourists (magnificent beaches, sometimes with black volcanic sand). A third of cultivated land is occupied by agricultural land. reed; cotton, coconut palms, and pineapples are grown on Nevis. Production of raw sugar, molasses, cottonseed and coconut oil, copra, small light production, pharmaceuticals. prom-sti. Intl. airport. A fortress in which in the 18th–19th centuries. there was an English garrison and where Thomas Warner, the founder of the British West Indies, is buried; the underwater ringing of church bells in Jamestown, which was flooded by the 1960 earthquake; remains of Indian settlements. Cash unit – East Caribbean dollar.

Dictionary of modern geographical names. - Ekaterinburg: U-Factoria. Under the general editorship of academician. V. M. Kotlyakova. 2006 .

The Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis, or the Federation of Saint Christopher and Nevis, is an island state in the West Indies, in the northern part of the Lesser Antilles. Includes the islands of Saint Kitts (or Saint Christopher, area 168 sq. km) and Nevis (93 sq. km). The capital is Basseterre (18 thousand people, 1999).
Nature. The islands are of volcanic origin. The island of St. Kitts stretches for 37 km from northwest to southeast. In the same direction along its central axis stretch strongly dissected peaked mountains with the highest point of the country - the extinct volcano Liamuiga (formerly Misery, 1156 m) in the north, in the crater of which there is a lake. The southeastern tip of the island of St. Kitts is formed by a peninsula, which is a flat plain. Its coastline is rugged, forming many bays with sandy beaches. The island of Nevis, separated from the island of St. Kitts by the Narrows Strait, approx. wide. 3 km, has a round shape and is a mountain with the peak of Nevis (985 m), above which fog constantly rises. A strip of sandy beaches stretches along the coast. The island is surrounded by coral reefs. Both islands are cut through by numerous watercourses.
The tropical climate of the islands of Saint Kitts and Nevis is formed under the influence of trade winds and is characterized by average monthly temperatures of approx. 26° C. In rare cases, the temperature drops to 18° C and rises to 32° C. Ocean breezes moderate the heat. There is no rainy season. Precipitation is distributed fairly evenly throughout the year. The average annual precipitation is 700–1400 mm, with more of it falling in the mountains. The islands are in the zone of tropical typhoons, which sometimes cause significant damage.
The mountain slopes in the interior of the islands are covered with dense, intertwined lianas, tropical rain forests, which in the upper parts of the slopes are replaced by meadow vegetation, and in their lower parts they are reduced and replaced by plantations. The forests contain many brightly flowering and fruiting plants (mango, tamarind, avocado, bananas, papaya, breadfruit, etc.). There are groves of cinnamon trees and coconut palms. Plantations of sugar cane and other agricultural crops are common on the fertile soils of the lower slopes and plains. Numerous tropical birds and butterflies have found shelter in the forests, and there are monkeys. Many seabirds, including pelicans, nest on the coast. The waters abound with fish.
In general, natural and climatic conditions are favorable for the creation of resorts and the development of tourism business.
Population. In 2004, 38.8 thousand people lived in the country, with approx. 80% on St. Kitts. Children and adolescents under the age of 15 make up 30% of the island's population, the age group from 15 to 65 years old - 61%, over 65 years old - 9%. The birth rate is estimated at 19.06 per 1000 population, mortality - 9.38 per 1000, emigration - 11.85 per 1000, population decline - 0.22%. The population is dominated by descendants of African slaves brought to work on plantations at the dawn of the colonial period. Among the believers, Protestants (Anglicans and Methodists) predominate, with some Catholics. The official language is English.
State structure. The Federation of Saint Christopher and Nevis is a constitutional monarchy. The head of state is the Queen of Great Britain, who is represented by the Governor General. Legislative power is exercised by a unicameral parliament (National Assembly with a term of office of 5 years) consisting of 14 members (11 are elected by the population: 8 from St. Kitts and 3 from Nevis; 3 are appointed by the Governor General: 1 on the recommendation of the leader of the opposition, 2 - on the recommendation of the Prime Minister). All citizens of the country who have reached the age of 18 have the right to vote. The executive branch is represented by the government headed by the Prime Minister, a member of the People's Assembly who has the support of a majority in Parliament and is appointed by the Governor-General. Cabinet ministers are appointed by the Governor-General on the recommendation of the Prime Minister. The government is responsible to parliament.
Nevis has a legislative body - the Assembly of the Island of Nevis. Five deputies are elected by the population, and three are appointed. According to the constitution, Nevis has the right to separate from St. Kitts.
The main political parties are Labor, Concerned Citizens Movement (on Nevis), Nevis Reform Party, People's Action Movement (on St. Kitts), United National Movement (on Nevis, advocates separation from St. Kitts). In the March 2000 elections, the Labor Party won a majority of seats in parliament and formed a government.
Economy. Traditionally, the main sectors of the economy have been agriculture (focused mainly on sugarcane growing) and serving foreign tourists. Due to the decline in world sugar prices in recent years, tourism has begun to play a large role in the country’s economy (about 250 thousand tourists visit the country annually), the production of some export industrial goods and offshore banking. According to estimates, the total GDP in 1998 amounted to 244 million dollars, and per capita - 6000 thousand dollars. The structure of GDP is dominated by the service sector (more than 70%), the share of industry is more than 20%, agriculture - approx. 6%.
The main crops on the island of St. Kitts are sugar cane and cotton, on the island of Nevis - cotton, coconut palm and sugar cane. They also cultivate coffee trees, bananas, pineapples, peanuts, yams, and rice. Livestock farming is developed - goats and sheep are raised. Fishing is also one of the traditional industries. However, agricultural production provides no more than half of domestic food needs.
The manufacturing industry is poorly developed and is represented mainly by small enterprises producing raw sugar, copra, cottonseed and coconut oil, alcoholic beverages, textiles, footwear, medicines, electrical equipment, and, in recent years, electronics.
Transport links on the islands are well developed and support the tourism business and the needs of sugar production. The length of roads is more than 300 km, of which about a third are paved. Narrow gauge railway on the island of St. Kitts with a length of approx. 60 km connects sugar cane plantations with a sugar processing plant. The main seaports are Basseterre on the island of St. Kitts and Charlestown on the island of Nevis. It does not have its own merchant fleet. There are two airports in the country: Golden Rock International in the vicinity of the capital and Newcastle on the island of Nevis.
Imports are almost four times higher in value than exports. The trade deficit is covered by income from tourism and remittances from citizens working abroad. They export sugar, molasses, cotton, cottonseed and coconut oil, drinks, tobacco products, and fruits. They import equipment, petroleum products, food, and industrial products. The main foreign trade partners are the USA, Great Britain and the countries of the Caribbean Community.
There is a government radio and television service. The weekly journal of the People's Action Movement party "Democrat" (3 thousand copies) and the newspaper of the Trade Union and Labor Union of St. Kitts and Nevis "Labor Spokesman" (6 thousand, published twice a week) are published.
Education system. School education is free and compulsory for children aged 5 to 16 years. In the early 1990s, there were 10.3 thousand students in public schools (23 primary and 7 secondary). In addition, 1.3 thousand studied in private schools. The country has a branch of the University of the West Indies, technical and teacher training colleges.
Story. The original inhabitants of St. Kitts were Caribbean Indians. Christopher Columbus landed on this island during his second voyage to the New World in 1493 and named it “San Cristobal” (English name “St. Christopher”), but Europeans settled there only in the early 17th century. The first English settlement in the West Indies appeared in 1623 on the island of St. Kitts, and the French founded a settlement on this island the following year. Soon the local population was forced out of the island.
Initially, tobacco plantations were created on the island of St. Kitts, but later their owners switched to growing high-quality sugar cane, which brings large profits. Throughout the 17th–18th centuries. Between Great Britain and France there was a struggle for possession of the islands of Saint Kitts and Nevis. From 1625 they were part of the English colony, but in 1664–1689 and 1782–1783 they came under the control of France. However, according to the Treaty of Versailles in 1783, the French had to cede these islands to the British. Since 1871, they were part of the English colony of the Leeward Islands (in 1882 the island of Anguilla, or Anguilla, was annexed to them), and in 1958–1967 - the West Indies Federation. In 1967, Saint Kitts, Nevis and Anguilla received the status of a “state associated with Great Britain” with internal self-government. Issues of foreign policy and defense remained within the competence of Great Britain. In 1980, Anguilla left the three-island federation. On September 19, 1983, the independent state of Saint Kitts and Nevis was proclaimed as part of the Commonwealth, led by Great Britain. Nevis has the constitutional right to secede from St. Kitts if more than two-thirds of the island's population agrees to this act. However, in a referendum in 1998, only 62% of Nevis residents voted for independence.
The Labor Party was the leading party in the country until 1980, when a coalition of the People's Action Movement and the Nevis Reform Party won a majority of seats in parliament. They held power until July 1995, when the Labor Party again won the elections. The government she formed set a course to stop the transit of drugs and prevent related crime. In addition, the revival of the sugar industry, the development of tourism and the growth of export manufacturing industries were envisaged. The Labor Party retained its influence after the 2000 parliamentary elections.

Encyclopedia Around the World. 2008 .


A country in the eastern Caribbean Sea, consisting of two islands in the Leeward Islands group: Saint Kitts (Saint Christopher) and Nevis. The island of St. Kitts is crossed by a mountain range, the highest point of which is Mount Lamiuga (1315 m). The country's area is about 267 km2.
The country's population (estimated for 1998) is about 42,300 people. Ethnic groups: Africans - 90%, Europeans. Language: English (state), Patois (local dialect based on French). Religion: Anglicans, Catholics. The capital is Basseterre. Largest cities: Basseterre (18,500 people), Chalston (1,250 people). The government structure is a constitutional monarchy. The head of state is Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain, represented by Governor General Sir Clement Athelston Errindell (in office since September 19, 1983). The head of government is Prime Minister D. Dugdas (in office since 1995). The currency is the East Caribbean dollar. Average life expectancy (as of 1998): 64 years for men, 70 years for women. The birth rate (per 1000 people) is 22.9. The mortality rate (per 1000 people) is 8.5.
Christopher Columbus landed on the islands in 1493 and named one of them Saint Christopher - in honor of his patron saint. In 1623 and 1628 the islands came into the possession of Great Britain. Several times in the 17th and 18th centuries, the island of St. Kitts was captured by France and only in 1783, according to the Treaty of Paris, came into full possession of Great Britain. In 1967, the state received the right to self-government in the Commonwealth of Nations. On September 19, 1983, the country's independence was proclaimed. Saint Kitts and Nevis is a member of the UN, IMF, FAO, WHO, UNESCO, Organization of American States, British Commonwealth of Nations.
Tourists are attracted by the picturesque nature of the islands and beaches of the Caribbean coast.

Encyclopedia: cities and countries. 2008 .

The Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis or the Federation of Saint Christopher and Nevis is a state in the West Indies located on the islands of Saint Kitts (Saint Christopher) and Nevis. The total area of ​​the state is 261.6 sq. km, including the area of ​​the island of St. Kitts (St. Christopher) 168.4 sq. km. The country's population is 42.3 thousand people, mainly of African origin (86%). The official language is English. The islands are dominated by Protestantism (Anglicanism and Methodism). The capital is the city of Basseterre on the island of St. Kitts.
Saint Kitts and Nevis is part of the British Commonwealth. According to the 1982 constitution, the Queen of Great Britain is considered the head of state. (cm. Great Britain) Elizabeth the Second, represented by the Governor General. Legislative power in the country is exercised by the National Assembly, consisting of 11 deputies elected for a period of five years. Residents of the island of Nevis elect their local government, the Nevis Island Assembly. Executive power in the state is exercised by the government, which has been headed by Prime Minister D. Douglas since 1995.
The islands of Saint Kitts and Nevis are of volcanic origin, mountainous (height up to 1155 m). The climate is tropical and hot. Fluctuations in average monthly temperatures are insignificant - 18-24 °C. Precipitation will range from 700 to 1200 mm per year. The islands were discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1493. Since the beginning of the seventeenth century, France and England tried to take possession of St. Kitts and Nevis. In 1623, the first English settlement in the West Indies was founded on St. Kitts, and in 1624 a French outpost appeared on the island. For the British and French, this island became a base for the colonization of the West Indies, for which it is called the cradle of the Caribbean. Formally, in 1625, St. Kitts was annexed to the British crown. In 1628, the British captured Nevis. The Indians were driven out of the islands by 1629, and the colonialists began to import blacks from Africa to work on the plantations. France twice established its control over St. Kitts, and only in 1783 the islands were finally assigned to Great Britain. Since September 19, 1983, Saint Kitts and Nevis has been an independent state.
The basis of the islands' economy is agriculture and serving foreign tourists. The area of ​​cultivated land is 8 thousand hectares. A third of the cultivated land is occupied by sugar cane; on the island of Nevis, cotton, coconut palms, and pineapples are grown. The population traditionally engages in fishing. Saint Kitts and Nevis is only half provided with its own food. Industry is represented by small enterprises processing agricultural products, producing alcoholic beverages, textiles, footwear, clothing, medicines, and assembling electrical equipment. Ten percent of the working population is unemployed. The length of roads on the islands is 198 km; on St. Kitts, a narrow-gauge railway 58 km long was built to serve sugar cane plantations. Golden Rock International Airport is located three kilometers from Basseterre. The country exports sugar and molasses (40% of exports, mainly to the UK and Canada (cm.

The Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis, also known as the Federation of Saint Christopher and Nevis, is a fairly small state located in the Caribbean Sea. This country is located on two islands: Saint Kitts and Nevis, which are part of the Lesser Antilles.

In contact with

Columbus gave the name to St. Kitts as a sign of respect to Saint Christopher- patron saint of sailors and travelers. Over time, the name of the saint was shortened by seafarers to “Keats” for ease of speech.

But “our snow lord,” as the island of Nevis is literally translated, got its name thanks to the mountain peaks wrapped in snow-white clouds.

Climate and weather

Saint Kitts and Nevis has a tropical climate, which is formed under the influence of trade winds. These Caribbean islands experience hot and humid weather with an average temperature of 26 degrees, which can fluctuate slightly.

There is no clear rainy season here. Precipitation falls relatively evenly throughout the year.

Severe tropical hurricanes, especially from the end of the summer season until October, is a common occurrence here. Such natural disasters sometimes cause significant damage and inconvenience to the islanders.


Both islands are of volcanic origin, dominated by mountainous terrain.

Saint Kitts is located directly on the slopes of the Liamuiga volcanic formation. From the southeast it is joined by a flat peninsula with an abundance of salt lakes.

The central mountainous part of St. Kitts is covered with dense tropical forest. Plantations of sugar cane and other crops have taken root in the foothills of the north. The steeper southern slopes are covered with orchards. Numerous raging rivers flowing from the mountain slopes moisten the central part of this island.

In the south, the peninsula is quite dry with sandy shores and numerous bays. The vegetation is dominated by herbs and shrubs.

The island of Nevis, which is almost half the size of St. Kitts, is easily accessible via the Narrows. Here, right in its central part, is located dormant volcano of the same name. Therefore, Nevis was formed by volcanic rocks. The eastern slopes “sink” in tropical forests, and in the west they are covered with an abundance of palm trees, forming coconut groves.

The forests are filled with exotic birds, butterflies and various species of monkeys. Pelicans nestled comfortably along the banks. The picturesque shallow lagoons, fenced by coral reefs near the coast, are home to a variety of fish species.

The capital is Basseterre Saint Kitts and Nevis. Attractions

Many historical buildings of Basseterre (the capital of the country) died in 1867 in a fire. However, some Victorian buildings with excellent stucco and wooden second floors still survive.

Fort Street with interesting architecture, where old fortification walls are included in the design of houses - simply unique.

On the main city square of Basseterre there is another attraction - maiden statue, crowning the central fountain. This statue was presented to the city by Queen Elizabeth on the country's memorable Independence Day. This square used to house a slave market, but now it has become a beautiful historical place that recalls the country's colonial past.

A few kilometers from Basseterre to the west is an ancient seaside village Old Road Town, which arose at the site of the landing of the first colonialists in the 17th century. At one time there was even the capital of Saint Kitts and Nevis.

Currently, it is a beautiful and quiet town, where the Government House, built of red brick, has even been preserved. The tomb of Sir Warner, the founder of this town, is also located here.

In the vicinity of the village on the rocks you can find Indian petroglyphs- Caribs who were the first inhabitants of St. Kitts.

The adobe tree grows in the botanical garden located here. It is the oldest on the island and is more than 350 years old.

City of Charlestown very famous on the island of Nevis. This is a kind of open-air museum of architecture in the colonial style. In the central part of the city there are buildings from the 17th–19th centuries.

Among other things, Charlestown is home to the Nevis Historical Museum, built in Georgian style in the very place where the great Hamilton was born. In the museum, in addition to historical exhibitions of the island, you can also see a collection of portraits of Hamilton.


The local cuisine is quite diverse and chefs constantly apply their imagination to it, trying to add something new. There are culinary notes from Creole, Chinese, Indian, Continental, Mediterranean and French cuisines. This is a kind of cocktail of various dishes, where the bright shades of local cuisine can be traced.

A little tour of the kitchen:

  • Seafood in its variety is a traditional dish here.
  • Meats include pork, lamb, poultry and even turtle meat.
  • Local paella made from peas, rice and pigeon meat will appeal to many.
  • The suckling pigs here are baked in a rather unusual way, which gives the meat a unique taste.
  • Vegetables or rice are usually served as a side dish, although potatoes and peas are also appreciated.
  • For desserts, preference is given to aromatic fruit pies.

A meal at a fairly decent restaurant will cost you $25. Although it is not difficult to find modest restaurants with seafood cuisine, where the prices are correspondingly lower.


Local resorts here are quite expensive. Prices for accommodation in a good hotel start at $225, and a full package of services at a fashionable resort on the islands will cost tens of thousands of dollars.

Old plantation estates converted into hotels will also cost you a lot. Such hotels charge up to several thousand dollars per night.

Recreation and entertainment

In the sea around the islands there is a large number of sunken ships (about 400), which attract divers from almost all over the world. And an incredible variety of exotic fish also attract with their mesmerizing beauty.

But not only fish, ships and reefs attract the attention of divers. The underwater caves on the western coast of Nevis seem to be specially created by nature for speleosorkeling.

Golfing, horseback riding and tennis courts will complement any active holiday on these Caribbean islands.

Various festivals are held in St. Christopher, one of which is the colorful and large-scale Carnival. It is held from the end of December to the beginning of January. It hosts colorful costume parades, a calypso music festival, and various dance competitions.

In honor of Hamilton's birthday, Nevis hosts some interesting events in January.

In June, horse racing is held, as well as a Music Festival, where you can hear the best salsa and jazz performers from all the sunny islands of the Caribbean. Fans of active nightlife can have a great time in the local nightclubs.


Tourists always bring all kinds of memorable gifts and sea souvenirs from Saint Kitts and Nevis. Often purchased crafts made from coral, handmade boats and, of course, beautiful shells. Pirate-themed souvenirs are also very popular.

Many people bring home a piece of the romantic atmosphere by purchasing items made by local craftsmen: bright fabrics, exotic jewelry, crafts made from coconuts and wood.

Hand painted fabric (batik) It will be a great reminder of your trip. Batik is sometimes used to make paintings that look very elegant and beautiful.


Transport to Saint Christopher and Nevis not developed at the proper level. The railway along the coast serves cane and cotton plantations. Highways with a total length of just over 300 kilometers are only one-third paved.

There are ports on city coasts. Some of the largest are in Charlestown on Nevis and Basseterre on St. Kitts. There are no airlines on the islands, but the airports operate properly. Flights to Nevis are served by Newcastle, and to St. Kitts by Golden Rock. Car rental and public transport are almost undeveloped.


Mobile communications on the islands work as expected. Roaming is available to subscribers of major Russian operators. Payphones are installed everywhere, and calls can be paid with local coins, as well as cards sold in hotels, shops, post offices and pharmacies. International calls can be made from your hotel room. The call quality here is excellent. There are many internet cafes on the islands, which are located on central city streets and in large hotels.


The Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis is characterized as a country with a very low crime rate. Although there are scammers and pickpockets here too. It is enough to be vigilant to protect yourself. You can usually become a victim of pickpockets at airports, ports and other crowded places. You should also not take night walks along the deserted coast alone.

Before visiting Saint Kitts and Nevis, it is advisable to do vaccinations against hepatitis A and dengue. Unlike large cities, drinking water in small settlements is not chlorinated, so in the “provinces” it is better to drink clean, purchased water.

The currents off the coast can be very strong, so you need to swim very carefully and carefully.


Saint Kitts and Nevis- a federation with a stable and strong economy, where the business climate is characterized as very reliable for investment.

A stable political system, low taxes and openness of the economy are very favorable “soil” for budding businessmen.

When registering companies and firms founders can choose a regular tax rate of 35 percent or obtain offshore status, which will exempt them from paying taxes.

When you invest in the Saint Kitts and Nevis public economic structure, you will receive a second citizenship in the shortest possible time.

Real estate

Real estate in Saint Kitts and Nevis cheaper compared to other Caribbean islands, although life here is quite expensive.

The minimum cost of a one-room apartment here is 120 thousand dollars. A small villa with a wonderful view from the windows and two bedrooms will cost 230 thousand dollars. Accordingly, luxury houses on the coast will be several times more expensive.

By paying from 340 thousand dollars, you can buy an old villa with a large plantation. Although you will probably still need to spend money on its repair.

Feature of Saint Kitts and Nevis(Wikipedia confirms this) is that when purchasing real estate, foreigners are granted a second citizenship within just four months. And all family members and even elderly relatives receive it.

  • June - August is the best time to visit the islands. It is also called the summer low season. It is cool and dry here at this time, and prices are not so high compared to the peak winter period.
  • The usual working hours for the offices of companies and government agencies are from eight in the morning until five in the evening, and at noon there is an hour-long lunch break.
  • Shops are open from eight in the morning to four in the evening, only large supermarkets close at 18:00.
  • Photography is permitted everywhere except on private property. Although, if the owner gives his permission, then there will be no problems with this either.
  • Hotels prefer to pay for services in US dollars; East Caribbean dollars are reluctantly accepted here.
  • Restaurant staff are paid 10 to 15 percent in tips.
  • Payment for their services is negotiated in advance with taxi drivers and boat owners, since they do not have meters.

It’s not enough to decide which part of the world is desirable for a vacation; you need to think about what exactly you want to do during your vacation. If your plans include nirvana in the coastal waves, activity alternating with resort laziness, excursions and entertainment, then why not Nevis? This Caribbean island does not disappoint!

Nevis on the world map

Nevis Island on the world map or a detailed map of the island can be viewed using the navigation buttons (+/-). Caribbean islands on the map

The West Indian paradise is located in the Caribbean Sea, in a series of Windward Islands. Most often, the short Nevis sounds in combination with St. Kitts. That's right - these two islands form a state Saint Kitts and Nevis. The described land is located three kilometers from its “relative”, separated by the Narrows Strait. The closest neighboring states are a short distance from Nevis: 350 km to Puerto Rico, approximately 80 km to Antigua.

Nevis is smaller in size than the larger Saint Kitts; its entire area does not exceed 93 km². The highest point is the dormant volcano of the same name (985 m). The island is divided into five districts, the status of a commercial and educational center belongs to the city of Charlestown.

Life on Nevis is relatively quiet and unhurried - the island does not have impressive shopping centers or stadiums that can accommodate tens of thousands of spectators. However, this does not mean that guests will be left without a luxurious holiday; the tourism industry here is well developed. Therefore, the offers are varied for family vacations and solo trips, for trips with a large group and a wonderful honeymoon.

Back in the 18th century, people traveled to Nevis to improve their health in the thermal waters. And today, those who care about the condition of their body can experience the rejuvenating therapeutic effect of diving. The streets are clean and well-groomed, comfortable hotel rooms are equipped with everything necessary, guests can expect hotel complexes from fashionable two-story buildings (all buildings on the island, by special decree, are no taller than trees) to cozy bungalows.

Horse promenades, active recreation, sea activities, stunning beaches, professional diving equipment, excellent cuisine - everything has been thoroughly thought out for the convenience of guests. If you add to this treasure trove of Nevis’s advantages the fantastic nature for which the Caribbean is famous, unusual music and tasting evenings, and exotic shopping, then life under the southern sky will seem like a real fairy tale.

Nature of Nevis

The name Nevis comes from the Spanish "snow". Of course, nothing like this was seen in the southern region, it’s just that the discoverer Columbus was left with a wonderful picture: sandy ribbons of the coast, green slopes and a majestic volcano in a white sheepskin coat of clouds... The beauty of the island still amazes guests today. The land is round and neat in shape, created by the activity of volcanoes millions of years ago, fringed with coral reefs and crystal blue waters, beautiful!

On the mountainous outer slopes there are strips of cotton, sugar cane, and low shrub layers - forest thickets are not typical for this area. In the interior of Nevis, the fauna is more diverse: vines, bread and mango trees, papaya, tamarind, banana groves, avocados. The territory is rich in freshwater reservoirs and rain forests, butterflies flutter, birds sing and the cries of monkeys are heard. To say that the Caribbean Sea off the coast of Nevis abounds in fish is to remain modestly silent!

The island has many attractions. First, it is the birthplace of Admiral Nelson and Secretary Hamilton. Therefore, visiting the exhibitions and examining things belonging to the two great islanders will be of interest.

Secondly, Nevis is often compared to a Caribbean open-air museum - the examples of colonial architecture are so well preserved. Moreover, it is possible to combine the study of ancient buildings with shopping, since most of these buildings in Charlestown are grouped in its central part near the shopping district. Excursions to two historical sites are very popular: the oldest synagogue in the Caribbean and a resort complex for the elite, opened in 1778. The island is also famous for its philatelic bureau, whose postage stamps are coveted in the collections of connoisseurs around the world.

Thirdly, the promenade to any corner is a super impression from the natural resources of the West Indian pearl.

When is the best time to go to Nevis?

The climate on the island is hot and humid, with an average monthly temperature of about 26˚. It is noteworthy that there is no rainy season here as such. However, in order to avoid personal acquaintance with tropical hurricanes, it is advisable not to plan a voyage for August-October.

Every day of your holiday in Nevis you can come up with new entertainment, descending to the seabed, climbing to the clouds, touching history, plunging into the original fun of exotic parties. And at sunset, sit at the edge of the surf, enjoying the inexplicably enchanting harmony of the eternal elements.

Saint Kitts and Nevis is a federation consisting of two islands. This state is the smallest independent state in the entire Western Hemisphere, its area is only 261 km². The total population is about 50 thousand people.

Saint Kitts and Nevis on the world map

These islands are located in the Caribbean Sea, in its eastern part, between Antigua and Barbuda in the east, Montserrat in the southeast, Saint Barthelemy and Sint Eustatius in the northeast and north. The capital and largest city of the federation is Basseterre.

The first mention of the islands dates back to the expedition of Christopher Columbus in 1493. The indigenous population - the Caribs - is an Indian tribe known for its warlike behavior. The first attempt to colonize the island of St. Kitts occurred in 1623. At this time, a large settlement was founded on the coast. In the northwestern heights, the Brimstone fortress, the “Gibraltar of the Caribbean,” has survived to this day. Together with the colony of Anguilla, this strategic facility allowed control of the entire eastern region of St. Kitts.
1623 is the year of joint expansion of the French and English troops. During the battle in a valley near the coast, 4,000 local Indians were killed. The river along which the bodies of the dead were rafted for three days was named Bloody.
In 1783, the island finally came under the influence of the British. Since 1983, Saint Kitts and Nevis has been an independent federation of two islands. The leadership of the legal system belongs to the Queen of Great Britain. The legislative branch is the unicameral National Assembly.

Map of Saint Kitts and Nevis in Russian

The islands are divided into fourteen provinces, nine of which are on the island of St. Kitts, five on the island of Nevis.
Geographically, the islands belong to the group of Leeward Islands. Origin: volcanic. The highest point of St. Kitts is the extinct Lamiuga volcano. In the crater of the volcano there is a mountain lake.

Only the southeastern part of the island has relatively flat terrain. This part is notable for its many picturesque bays and salt lakes, as well as black volcanic beaches.
Unlike the elongated St. Kitts, the island of Nevis has an almost round shape. Its highest point is the extinct volcano of the same name. The island is rich in beautiful sandy beaches.

The tropical climate of this zone is formed under the influence of trade winds. There is no rainy season. The islands are not characterized by strong temperature fluctuations - the average temperature is 26°C. Many rivers and streams support rich tropical flora. Saint Kitts and Nevis is famous for its abundance of rare species of birds and animals. The coral reefs surrounding the islands are full of fish and crustaceans.