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Nesmiyan el murid. El Murid. Offer yourself. Oil and Belarus

Best of all, she exposes the scum herself. Tolik Nesmiyan ("El-Murid") has gone so far as to be able to write an article: to the actual recognition of ISIS as a desirable party to the negotiations in Syria and thus, to the recognition of ISIS in general... The rest is in the note - his usual blah blah and attempt to seem “smart”....

Let's give him the floor for a political striptease:
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Original taken from el_murid to Balagan

The terrorist attack in the form of a classic double bombing in Damascus killed 45 people. The timing of the terrorist attack was no less classically chosen - the negotiations in Geneva. This is a direct demonstration of the insignificance of any efforts at settlement: you can discuss what you want there, but it does not matter.
In this particular case, the number of victims matters. A “regular” terrorist attack serves to incite panic, so its goal is the very fact of the terrorist attack. Here, apparently, resonance was required - hence the number of victims.

In principle, ISIS (and apparently it was the Islamic State that took responsibility for the terrorist attack) in some sense only demonstrates the obvious. The idea of ​​negotiations against the backdrop of an ongoing war without the total defeat of at least one of the opponents looks very unhealthy. Negotiations without such a defeat make sense when all parties are exhausted and come to the conclusion that it is impossible to achieve victory by military means, and therefore a truce is needed, which will allow them to gather strength - well, we’ll see. But this is not the case in Syria either, and for this reason any result of the negotiations will be fragile, if they lead to anything at all.

Only directly involved in the war in Syria four main forces - Assad, the Kurds, ISIS and "moderate" terrorists. Only two of them were allowed to participate in the negotiations.- and even the Kurds were not allowed to see them. At the same time, the Syrian war is only part of a large regional war, the second part of which is taking place in Iraq, plus there are up to a dozen external players around both conflicts (and in essence, this is one big conflict).

In such conditions, local negotiations do not make the slightest sense, and even more so, trying to pass them off as an attempt at some kind of settlement is even more absurd. The desire of politicians to demonstrate at least some results is understandable, but all this looks like some kind of cheap farce and not real politics. Moreover, it is a booth from all sides.

  • November 20th, 2015 , 10:37 am

Reading “ultra-patriotic” blogs, one never ceases to be amazed at the brazen defeatist pathos of the “neo-Februaryists.” Any event in the world connected with Russia is immediately interpreted not only in the most unfavorable light for our country - no matter what, there is a promise of complete collapse and complete destruction.

The other day, some particularly stubborn “patriots” announced that Omana presented an ultimatum to Putin at the summit in Antalya. Here's what El-Murid wrote:

"The evening ceases to be languid

Information thatAlex Andreev told me , now almost verbatim - but with reference to his interlocutor -repeated by Victor Alksnis :

"...The other day I accidentally met one of my old acquaintances, who until recently worked selflessly on the Old Square. We talked about this and that, including politics. He mentioned that allegedly at the recent G20 meeting in Antalya, V. Putin An ultimatum was presented, the meaning of which is the following - the surrender of Donbass and the return of Crimea to Ukraine.

Moreover, the ultimatum was presented in a very harsh form.

So let's see if our leaders have enough political will?

If the surrender of Donbass threatens Putin with only reputational losses, then with Crimea it is much more serious. After all, according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, it is a subject of the Russian Federation, which means the transfer of Russian territory to a foreign state can already be considered from the position of high treason..."

In principle, I didn’t have the slightest reason to doubt Alex’s words, it’s just that now I’m confident.”

There it is... An ultimatum! What does Alksnis write? And even worse:


  • August 4th, 2015 , 07:38 pm

It’s no longer a secret to anyone what this Nesmiyan (El-Murid) is.
Like what there is no 16th Airborne Brigade from Orenburg.
So whose white ribbon puppet is Nesmiyan?
The masks have been dropped, and under them are wretched grant-eating snouts...

Original taken from alexandr_rogers Nesmiyan finally ended up in the Xperds
  • May 1st, 2015 , 08:12 am

Original taken from el_murid in Peacemakers

A new meeting of the Normandy Four is due to take place in a week. The theme of peacemakers is heard again, and this time much more clearly. In any case, more specific information is now being disseminated than before:

"...The press service of Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko on Thursday, April 30, disseminated information according to which Russian President Vladimir Putin, during a telephone conversation in the Normandy format, admitted the possibility of deploying a peacekeeping mission in Donbass..."

Peacekeepers are a slippery topic. The experience of using peacekeepers in the past can hardly be called very unambiguous, much less positive. In the former Yugoslavia, they openly played with one goal. Russian peacekeepers in Georgia, attacked by the Georgian army, became the reason for Russia to use its troops. Which, on the one hand, decided the outcome of events, but on the other, showed that it was possible to provoke an escalation of the conflict by provoking against the peacekeepers.


  • September 14th, 2014 , 05:52 pm

It's disgusting, but worth reading. To understand the level of those who oppose us on the battlefield and, especially, beyond it.
Let me remind you that there is no point in evaluating such el-murids-nesmiyans in an “ideological” way: they simply WORK, make money, euros, bucks, pounds.
And nothing more. Being outraged by them is like being outraged by a lamppost.

But conclusions must be drawn.

Original taken from el_murid in Kievskie Izvestia

Today my friend “Alex” showed up (but by phone) and told me the latest news from Kyiv. A summary of his story:

There is a whole flock of representatives of Russian oligarchs sitting in Kyiv. Negotiations are underway. So far, representatives of large Russian banks with subsidiaries in Ukraine have achieved quite good success. In the near future, up to 50 Ukrainian banks may go under the knife. According to the standard scheme, the owners will be offered to carry out additional capitalization, those who cannot do this will be thrown overboard. At the same time, a completely different approach will be applied to large banks. By emphasizing their systemic nature, they will be flooded with government money, as in 2008. Owners will never have to worry. Russian subsidiaries also fall under this program. There is, however, a question regarding “Russian Standard” - it is not yet clear with him: whether he got into this pool of lucky ones.


  • August 28th, 2014 , 10:44 pm

It seems that the collapse of the punitive machine is becoming a reality. The Ukrainian Internet, social networks and Svidomo Twitter accounts exploded with all sorts of crap, with the hashtags #UkraineUnderAttak and #RussiaInvadesUkraine in full swing. Calls to make combat reposts raised the intensity of the struggle to an unprecedented level.

True, except for Ukraine, no one yet realizes that it is at war with Russia. Russia, it seems, too. However, it is necessary to somehow explain what is happening. It is absolutely impossible to admit that the valiant Sonderkommandos cannot do anything with the “vatniks”. Ubermensch cannot tolerate defeat from some subhumans.

  • August 28th, 2014 , 03:01 pm

Original taken from el_murid in Rescue of drowning people

In the situation of the obvious collapse of the ATO administration and the disintegration of the punitive group into pockets of resistance, the governor of Dnepropetrovsk Kolomoisky, apparently, is beginning to take steps separate from Kyiv.

There are reports that today a certain Regional Defense Council will be held, which includes all the heads of the regional security forces, the regional and city military registration and enlistment offices, and the civilian heads of the administration. Apparently, at the end of the day, Kolomoisky hopes to gain some kind of autonomy, which will not only de facto, but also legally be separated from Kyiv due to “extraordinary circumstances.”


  • August 11th, 2014 , 06:19 pm

I don’t like something about this comrade El Murid, who is so actively interested in what is happening in Novorossiya, attached to Igor Strelkov by some obscure carriage. I think he considers himself his personal press secretary.

Today he suddenly announced a military coup in Novorossiya, thanks to which, in his opinion, “groups that have subordination lines to the FSB are removed from power.” For such an assumption alone, Strelkov should say goodbye to El Murid - and ask him not to call him again. But for some unknown reason, he trusts him. It must have been El Murid, or rather Anatoly El Murid, who was introduced to him by some serious person in power.

“Judging by the reports coming from Novorossiya, we can say that a quiet and, fortunately, bloodless, military coup took place. Lieutenant General Korsun was appointed Minister of Defense of Novorossiya, his deputy was Igor Bezler, who, according to unconfirmed information, was awarded the rank of major general. Groups, having subordination lines to the FSB, they were practically removed from command and they were harshly asked to come under the control of the military.
It is difficult to say exactly how this will affect the implementation of the Minsk agreements. At least for now. It is still difficult to understand the line of behavior of the new leadership. It seems that Moscow has decided to end democracy in the free republics and intensify their unification into one territory.
Apparently, Kyiv also does not really understand what is happening yet - there is information that yesterday and tonight there was a continuous sounding of what was happening through its contacts in Moscow.
Judging by the first statements of the new commander, his task will be to restore order in the commander’s free will. It seems that in the current circumstances, Igor Strelkov may have the final say - they believe him and will agree with his opinion on what is happening. However, for now, apparently, Strelkov himself is studying what is happening, since it is unclear who in Moscow is behind the coup. I think the situation will be determined in the near future. There are still too many unknowns in it. As with any coup.
In any case, the assumption that the people put in command after Strelkov will very quickly be replaced by others - completely controlled by Moscow and at the same time absolutely non-public - is confirmed. A month has passed - and strictly according to the laws of the genre, the second generation of leaders is packing up their things. Antyufeyev’s departure to Moscow was probably connected precisely with the fact that he was hinted at the need to do this as quickly as possible.”

“Regarding the events with incomprehensible movements of the commanders, Strelkov reported the following.
First. In Donetsk, according to him, everything is calm. He does not know who “Lieutenant General Korsun” is, who has been fighting since April. Therefore, he asks mid- and lower-level commanders not to pay attention to what senior commanders are sharing there, and to prepare for combat operations, which are inevitable anyway. After they begin, all disagreements and pulling the blanket over oneself will become insignificant.
Second. According to him, the coup that took place is not connected with Moscow. It is possible that there are some people whom the “signatories” are focusing on, but in general there is no special solution that will radically change the situation and alignments. We are talking about the independent actions of individual commanders of individual detachments, and the number of these detachments is clearly insufficient to bear the proud name of the “United Armed Forces.”
Third. Strelkov said that the incident does not and will not have any impact on the current supply of the detachments.
This concludes the censorship part of the conversation."

El Murid is a very strange fellow. Carefully hides any information about himself. On a userpic on LiveJournal, he actually posted a photo with his face wrapped in arafatka. Studied at Moscow Chemical Technology Institute. 65 year of birth. Expert at ITAR-TASS. This is not work at all. They don't pay for this.

In all the photographs he has a stern face, like a person who does not take jokes at all - usually people who have mental problems have a poor sense of humor. However, I am not hinting at anything. These are the photos, for example, posted on his Facebook page:

Who is El Murid?

From 1991 to 2012 he was engaged in small business. This, of course, explains a lot. The character becomes bastard, yes.

Specializes in covering events in Arab countries, in particular the “color revolutions” and civil wars that began during the Arab Spring. In 2012, he mainly covered the situation in Syria, speaking from a neutral pro-Assad position.

In 2014, he covered the events of the Ukrainian crisis, supporting the militias under the command of Strelkov. I have no idea whether it was on his own initiative, or whether he was engaged by someone. Apparently, he received the go-ahead from the authorities. But he does the wrong thing. I don't like the way it works. I also don’t like his shaky position in relation to Russian statehood.

And in Novorossiya, if there was a coup with the removal of the wrong people from command, it means that a new one will happen soon.

& **************************************** **************************************** &

This morning, having opened the LiveJournal of Anatoly Nesmiyan, known as El Murid, found a screenshot of my text in the comments thread.

We were talking about Nelly Rafikovna, Anatoly’s wife (according to rumors) and part-time his “administrator”.
As you know, Nelly (or Nailya) has long been raging in the comments to his posts. She behaves rudely and bans everyone who disagrees with her “authoritative” opinion, which scares away readers.
Hu from Nelly (Naila) and what does she want?
Psychopathic personalities are always difficult to fit into any framework; they are unpredictable and act impulsively, guided by emotions.
But if you look at who remains among El Murid’s commentators, these are people who blame Putin for all the troubles, and consider Strelkov a coward who fled the Donbass. In this they are no different from Putinists or Maydowns.
At the same time, El Murid’s audience is very intelligent. Most of his readers simply stopped leaving comments, the rest carefully select their words, but still come across insults from the moderator.

A few facts about Nelly Rafikovna.
1. Dries for Igor Ivanovich.
Despite the fact that now trolls, gays, Jews and other rascals will carry my words across the Internet, I will say: I have never been a fan of Igor.
Firstly, because I never become a fan of anyone, which gives me the opportunity to critically evaluate a person’s actions.
Secondly, the one who beats his forehead through the word of some monarch and sings psalms after every squat is not my hero.
Thirdly, in social issues the Strelok does not rule. From the word - in general.
In war, perhaps he is a genius, but when it comes to the flow of social gatherings, waving at someone who needs them, imposing the line of behavior that is expected of you and avoiding all this - in this he is a layman.
Not only is he a layman, he is also a stubborn idiot (pardon me), who will insist on his own until his horns hit the gate like a ram and is convinced that the next rake under the number 5897054231 fits safely into the lobeshnik.
And if he continues to do what he is doing, then I will personally put a big, thick cross on him.

2. Jealous of his young wife.

“A young wife is harmful to health, I’m telling you this as a woman.” ani_al

3. Doesn't like Vladimir Putin.

4. Doesn't like to argue.
He always loses in arguments. And trolls and psychopaths are mentally unbalanced, as we know, the most right-wing people in the world.

5. Doesn't like Jews.
Calls them Zhydami, but Article 282 does not threaten her, since she herself is a “multinational”.

6. Considers herself an atheist.
For a person born in a Muslim republic, this is akin to a “feat”, but in her case it is an ordinary protest.

7. Adheres to left-wing views.
But not a communist, but on her own mind.

8. Sexually unsatisfied.
Therefore, the only source of orgasm is the opportunity to ban the next reader of El Murid’s blog.

In general, I sat “like in Turkey”...

With a "creative heritage" el_murid Everything has been clear to everyone for a long time. We all swam there - we know. One of the few biographical information about the client states:

He was repeatedly caught publishing analytical materials copied from a number of popular sites and passing them off as “author’s”.

This is absolutely true. An example of this type of plagiarism is usually the material about Yemen, which was once located at this address (now deleted):
The original can be viewed here:
Apparently, for this reason, the archive of our client’s blog was thoroughly cleaned and all posts written before 2012 were completely removed from it. There is nothing to compare with. Therefore, the factual basis for convicting a famous blogger of plagiarism and ideological unscrupulousness is completely absent today.

Well, what can I say? Well done!

Concluding a very brief overview of the “creative heritage” el_murid , I note that the strongest gag reflex in me was caused by public showdowns el_murid and his wife ani_al with another equally famous blogger putnik1 regarding the kidnapping of famous journalist Ankhar Kochneva in Syria anhar .

Well, creativity is creativity, but the peculiarities of El-Murid’s biography caused me the greatest bewilderment. We all remember well that for quite a long time even the name of this Internet character was made into a riddle. Two very scanty and wretched biographical information about him that appeared on Wikipedia were quickly and decisively removed.

But you and I remember well that manuscripts don’t burn, especially on the Internet. I managed to find both of these certificates - they were carefully preserved by El-Murid’s “well-wishers”:

Sonderverband Bergmann (German: Sonderverband Bergmann - “special Highlander detachment”) - special group “Bergmann” or Special Purpose Battalion “Bergmann”. It was a military unit of the German Abwehr during World War II, created from five separate companies, staffed by volunteers from the North Caucasus. The battalion used a traditional Caucasian dagger as its badge, a patch with which was worn on the left sleeve of the uniform.

Here, in my opinion, there is no need to even explain anything - citizen Nesmiyan has been actively collaborating with Nazi henchmen for a long time.

And one last note about the immediate environment el_murid :

Salman Bulgarsky (real name - Airat Vakhitov) was born on January 4, 1980. He studied at the Wahhabi madrasah "Yoldyz" (Tatarstan), worked as an imam at the Naberezhnye Chelny mosque "Tauba". In 1999-2001 was on the territory of Afghanistan, fought in the ranks of the Bulgarian Jamaat (an association of Wahhabis from the Volga region) as part of the Taliban troops. In 2002-2003 was in the American prison at Guantanamo Bay (Cuba). In 2004, upon his return to Russia, he continued to conduct propaganda for the construction of a caliphate through the Internet, posting his video sermons (these years were the era of mass accessibility of the Internet). In 2005, he participated in a terrorist attack on a gas pipeline in Bugulma (a city in the southeast of Tatarstan). Later he leaves for Afghanistan. Since 2011, he has been in Syria in the ranks of the “Tatar Brigade” (“Kataib Muhajirin”), which is a Wahhabi gang fighting against the legitimate government of Bashar al-Assad. The main recruiter of volunteers via the Internet from Tatarstan for “jihad” in Syria.

After getting acquainted with all these materials, Murid’s hidden support for Islamist militants in Syria is no longer surprising.

What's the end result? As a result, due to the carefully cultivated image of a modest Russian intellectual in an intellectual sweater and glasses, the image of a terry propagandist closely associated with Islamist, Vlasov and Nazi circles clearly emerges.


Without taking sides, I just decided to fix the information - although I have had a lot of questions for both Murid and Musin for a long time.....
Muridka and Musin - yes.a.a.a And there are also a bunch of “patriots”. But to refer to the opinion of one Corpse Raz or the Kinguryan sect... -truth-lovers also found me...
It’s good that Dashka Mitina was exposed here)))
Igor Ivanovich and Borodai, like other people in Novorossiya - I personally have my own sources and opinions.
But the fact that Pushilin is a dark horse, like many “leaders” and Nominees of the republics with homemade flags of the republics and the flag of Novorossiya, more like the flag of the Confederates of America, was clear for a long time and a lot of information arose for thought.
And of course, Musin’s “Anna”, which revolves around all the color revolutions in the world, from Libya and Syria to Novorossiya, although doing the right thing. But Veselovsky’s invitation to a professor from the Higher School of Economics as an expert - if I honestly laughed)))
And although I am far from violent showdowns and groups, this all amused me, because the Secret always becomes clear. Well, the fact that on the Internet, and even more so, there are groups and comrades who work according to the principle “The Cuckoo praises the Rooster because he praises the Cuckoo” is also a fact that has been clear for a long time... And this is understandable and explainable.


    El Murid

    Belarusian conflict

    Photo: flickr The Russian-Belarusian conflict still does not subside. Belarus is considering the issue of American oil supplies through Odessa. The shipment could arrive as early as February. All these deliveries are still carried out manually, and therefore there is no need to talk about the reorientation of Belarus to other suppliers. Nevertheless, the statements are becoming more and more harsh. The turning point in the conflict could be...

    24.01.2020 16:44 15


    El Murid


    China was forced to make a relatively barbaric, but generally reasonable decision on the problem of a sudden epidemiological crisis with a new disease, about which global panic is now flaring up and expanding. The city of Wuhan, where the outbreak was recorded and where all deaths registered to date occur, is completely blocked, and a quarantine zone has been created along its perimeter. Wuhan Province itself...

    23.01.2020 15:35 28

    Alternative opinion

    El Murid

    Dance on the rake

    Photo from here Belarus is looking for oil of non-Russian origin. And he even starts buying it. In general, before, during periods of aggravation, Lukashenko periodically threatened to abandon Russian oil, but in the end the problems, at the very least, were settled. Now the situation looks somewhat different - the Kremlin obviously intends to punish the obstinate ally who destroyed Plan “A” from a whole list of usurpation scenarios...

    22.01.2020 12:42 43

    Alternative opinion

    El Murid

    Oh, how suddenly the sofa ended

    And one more consideration related to the sudden transition of power. “Oh, how suddenly the sofa ended!” © (Vishnevsky) The supreme power had at least three transit options. The simplest is to remove term limits for the presidency. The most difficult one is through the Union State and the expansion of the vertical control at the expense of Belarus. And the most dangerous one is through the creation...

    22.01.2020 0:10 117


    El Murid


    The Board of Directors of Gazprom made a decision according to which the company will provide the Ministry of Economic Development, the Bank of Russia, the Ministry of Finance and the Federal Property Management Agency with a quarterly report on its debt indicators, according to Gazprom materials. Specifically, the company will be required to report its ratio of debt to earnings before taxes, interest and depreciation and amortization. This decision is unlikely to be voluntary, although it is extremely logical. Considering…

    21.01.2020 13:57 19

    Alternative opinion

    El Murid

    Unbreakable Foundation

    And one more point regarding the constitution as a document. It is already clear that it (regardless of the perverted form in which the “improvers” work on it) should be abolished in the future, and in its place a fundamentally new basic law will appear. The current constitution (as it turned out experimentally) does not contain a mechanism that protects the country from usurpation of power, but...

    19.01.2020 13:56 59


    El Murid

    Single base

    The new prime minister said that in the next two years, all incomes of the population, without exception, will be entered into a single database. Formally - for the provision of social assistance, in reality - for total taxation of quitrent: “All households in Russia will be entered into the information system within two years, and each income will be tracked from start to finish for...

    17.01.2020 13:32 59

    Alternative opinion

    El Murid

    No time to rock up

    The most important thing in the message, of course, is not the fight against poverty. It was such a false flag that was used to cover up the main content. The main thing was announced at the very end. Putin begins the transfer. Urgently. There is no time to shake things up - the situation has been recognized as threatening. The Union State is excluded from the transfer scenarios, since Lukashenko simply does not give the opportunity to keep up. They will follow the path of strengthening...

    15.01.2020 14:19 81


    El Murid

    Completion problems

    Judging by the reports that are coming in, the Akademik Chersky pipe layer will not be used for the construction of Nord Stream 2. It is undergoing modernization in the port of Nakhodka, but equipment for laying pipes with a diameter of up to 32 inches is being installed on it, while the SP-2 pipe has a diameter of 48 inches. It should be taken into account that “Akademik Chersky” was acquired to work on the project...

    15.01.2020 13:03 46


    El Murid

    Sustainable models

    The most curious thing about the Iranian crisis is probably the behavior of oil prices. Throughout the crisis, which was growing at a very fast pace (and quite nervously, since each response was disproportionate to the previous threat, which sharply increased the confrontation at each stage), oil fluctuated within a very small range. During the entire period of the crisis, the corridor of fluctuations did not emerge...

    14.01.2020 11:49 65

    Alternative opinion

    El Murid

    primary goal

    Quite expectedly, immediately after the end of the acute phase of the Iranian crisis, the one who was the main target of the sharp escalation appeared - China. You should not deceive yourself with a “head-on” examination of relations between the United States and Iran. As, by the way, are the USA and the DPRK. The United States has only one enemy - China. Three years of Trump are devoted to only one thing - the development and...

    13.01.2020 22:25 66

    Alternative opinion

    El Murid

    Nobody except us

    The day after tomorrow, Putin should deliver his message, which (well, according to the “leaks” thrown into the media) should also contain concern about the plight of the population. It is reported that Putin will threateningly order this situation to be slightly improved. Apparently, the sacred phrase will be uttered: “There is no time to build up.” It is clear that no commands will have any meaning. Everything will remain as it is...

    13.01.2020 16:30 61


    El Murid

    Visit of an old lady ©

    Merkel’s arrival in Moscow was announced before the crisis in Iran, so the negotiations between Merkel and Putin, if they touched on this situation, were clearly in the “Miscellaneous” section. The abundance of topics, rather, should have covered the key one, for which the German chancellor was forced to urgently fly to Putin. The main issue, of course, is Nord Stream 2. The Russian partners certainly amazed even...

    12.01.2020 11:43 79


    El Murid

    Nobody wanted victims, victims were inevitable

    Photo: AP/TASS The situation with the Ukrainian Boeing is beginning to become clearer. Or vice versa, get confused. Ukrainian sources report that a commission sent to Iran to clarify the circumstances of the disaster found no traces of engine fire, which previously explained the cause of the disaster. The second message came from the Pentagon. The US military stated that they have objective monitoring data that indicates the operation of the radar and the launch of two missiles...

    10.01.2020 10:13 56


    El Murid


    The Iranian Parliament has designated the US Department of Defense as a terrorist organization. The Iraqi Parliament instructed Prime Minister Abdul-Mahdi to end the presence of all foreign troops in Iraq within a year. Trump did not remain in debt and said that if something happens, such sanctions will be imposed against Iraq, in comparison with which the Iranian ones will seem like a game in the sand. Overall, it looks like...

    7.01.2020 21:22 69

    Alternative opinion

    El Murid


    While the entire progressive public of Russia is mourning the murdered terrorist Soleimani, a message has arrived that the domestic “Syrian Express” has broken down: the Russian large landing ship “Orsk” was damaged off the coast of Syria and is returning in tow. It is not yet known exactly where the ship was damaged. According to one version, the ship was damaged off the coast of Syria, according to another - near the borders of Turkey. Most…

    6.01.2020 9:39 123


    El Murid


    Photo: Ukrainian transit to Europe has fallen five times since the beginning of the year. Which, by the way, is not reflected in the payment for it - according to the Ukrainian operator, it will receive payment based on the volume of 178 million cubic meters per day, even with lower pumping volumes. But for large volumes there will be an additional payment. Apparently, such a condition is included in...

    5.01.2020 12:05 57


    El Murid

    International terrorist

    The new head of the Quds Force of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, Ismail Qaani, has promised to kill US citizens in the Middle East. He is quoted by AlJazeera TV channel on its Twitter account. “Be patient and you will see American corpses all over the Middle East,” Qaani said. The nuance is that if such a phrase is uttered by some Bin Laden, then there is no question, a terrorist is...

    4.01.2020 18:48 99


    El Murid

    Oil and Belarus

    Belarus stopped receiving Russian oil from January 1. The valve was simply closed. Apparently, Putin wants to become president of the Union State so badly that he is unbearable. Therefore, they no longer hint at Lukashenko, but simply rudely twist his arms so that he signs all the papers and does not interfere with his Kremlin partner solving his problems. Basically, nothing new: blackmail with oil and...

    3.01.2020 18:18 96

    Alternative opinion

    El Murid


    As a result of a missile attack on Baghdad airport, one of the ideologists and practitioners of Iran's aggressive policy in the region, General Qassem Soleimani, was killed. Actually, he died on foreign territory, as befits an aggressor. Trump, after the attack by Iraqi Hezbollah terrorists and other Shiite paramilitary groups on the American Embassy, ​​had a greatly narrowed corridor of solutions - the Americans...

    3.01.2020 17:42 79

    Alternative opinion

    El Murid


    The Turkish Parliament adopted a decision on armed intervention in Libya by a majority vote of 325 to 184. The formal reason is to provide military assistance to the “legitimate” government of Libya in the fight against international terrorists Khalifa Haftar and foreign mercenaries from Sudan and Russia. In reality, of course, we are talking about creating control over the construction zone of a promising gas pipeline from the Eastern Mediterranean to the southern...

    2.01.2020 21:33 85


    El Murid

    Military assistance to Turkey

    Tomorrow the Turkish parliament will consider Erdogan's request, which he submitted on December 30, to station Turkish military forces in Libya in response to an appeal from the Libyan government. Strictly formally, Sarraj's government in Tripoli is legal and recognized by the UN. Therefore, from an international point of view, Turkey’s actions will look completely legitimate. The fact that parliament will decide to send troops...

    1.01.2020 17:34 87


    El Murid


    An agreement on gas transit through the territory of Ukraine was signed. The epic is over. Anyway, this one. Of course, I don’t have such an inexhaustible supply of anecdotes for all occasions as the president, but here it clearly suggests “What a breath!” It is still a little early to sum up the results of the last round of the gas war for the European market, since the Kremlin has several in stock...