Tourism Visas Spain

Open left menu Hong Kong. Hong Kong - Visa and Border Crossing

– Here it is the future, look, there behind the veil! - Hello everyone, friends, “Heads and Tails. Megacities” is with you. - And we are in the metropolis of megacities - Hong Kong. Infrastructure, technology, highways, skyscrapers, everything is heading upward. Only Olya is closely pressed to the ground by everyday desires for wealth. – You know what, Anton. Let's do this, in Hong Kong I will have tops, like in a fairy tale. And you have roots. - Eagle! - Tails! - Olya, give me the tops. Good luck with the roots. “They might come in handy too, well, probably, ah.” Hong Kong is a metropolis that seems designed to surprise. Did you know that Hong Kong means “fragrant haven”? Why are there more skyscrapers here than in New York? And that Hong Kong has the longest escalator in the world and that it is against the law to spit here? And did you know that skyscrapers in Hong Kong are built with holes to make it easier for dragons to fly? Did not know? Then don't switch for the next 48 minutes. The most famous space explorers: Belka, Strelka, Yura and her. Tesla! Anton. Welcome to the car of the future! Left side traffic. There are two most popular ways to get from the airport to the city. The first is a double-decker bus. The drive is almost an hour. And the second is express. The drive is only 24 minutes. Yes, the express train is 8 and a half dollars more expensive than the bus. BUT he has a lot of bonuses! There are fewer people. Purely. It rushes without stopping. Saves 40 minutes and can take you to the very center of the city. And if you need to go to Hong Kong Island, then the express will take you there too. Tesla Model Es is one big electronic gadget. Instead of all the buttons there is one tablet. You move your finger over it and control the entire machine. Tesla's main super ability is that it can drive without a driver. Tesla can read markings, road signs and traffic lights! We heard that there was a recent case when a driver fell asleep at the wheel, and Tesla was fleeing a police chase at a speed of 112 kilometers per hour! And Tesla is an excellent conversationalist and assistant. She will tell you what the weather is like, the dollar exchange rate, find any address and phone number - even the creator of Tesla himself! What is this! In general, with such bells and whistles, there’s no better car to show off! There's Tesla. And there's Tesla. Tesla again. Look, Teslas are everywhere. And there’s Tesla... Cool, I decided to stand out by taking Tesla. And then what? Tesla too? It's TESLA on the streets of Hong Kong. Tesla runs on electricity, so it produces no emissions. For this, the Hong Kong authorities canceled the tax on the purchase of Tesla, which almost doubled the cost of the car. In other words, the markup was removed by 100 percent! So everyone raked in these Teslas until the shop closed. Hong Kong is the most vertical metropolis in the world. The sky of Hong Kong is held up by 7,685 giants made of concrete and glass! I have never experienced any kind of ardent love for the concrete jungle, but here you look and you are shocked by everything you see. There are more skyscrapers here than in any other metropolis in the world. I'm shocked - these are fifty-story residential buildings. I live on 7 and I’m happy, like it’s high, the view is good, but here it’s fifty stories high. 8 million people live in Hong Kong. But there is catastrophically little space for them to live. The only option to resettle everyone is to build tall candles. The largest number of people above the 14th floor live here. And real estate prices here are terribly high. Are you ready to hear this number? 1 square meter of living space in Hong Kong costs 30 thousand dollars!!! It's like a one-room apartment in Kyiv. Due to the lack of land, apartments here are an incredible luxury! For 800 thousand US dollars you can buy a little room like this with a window. Your feet will be in the neighbor's corridor. And a private house with a plot is generally some kind of unattainable space. The most expensive house is also located in Hong Kong on Victoria Peak. It has four rooms and a swimming pool and costs only 446 million US dollars. [roar] Hey, our producer fell! I wonder who is buying all this? Hong Kong is home to sixty-four billionaires. Nobody even counts how many millionaires there are here. The salary of janitors in Hong Kong is $1,100. Cashier - $1800 per month. These people have already accepted that they will never be able to buy their own home. Now in Hong Kong they are building micro-houses from concrete pipes with a diameter of two and a half meters. There will be a micro shower and a micro bedroom. You can buy such micro-housing for 15 thousand dollars. In general, Hong Kong is a unique metropolis. It's not even a city. The correct name is the special administrative region of the People's Republic of China. This is such a laconic name. Hong Kong and mainland China are, although one country, two completely different systems. It has its own currency, banking system, laws and rules. The language and cuisine are also different from mainland China. Even in appearance, Hong Kong people do not look like ordinary Chinese. They are taller, their skin is lighter and their eye shape is different. And what kind of girls are there? How else is Hong Kong different from China? I'm telling you. Driving here is on the left. Facebook, YouTube and other American social networks are allowed here. Everyone here speaks English. And there is no death penalty here. And imagine, Chinese from the mainland cannot simply enter Hong Kong. They need to get a visa! Oh look, this is the famous Hong Kong double-decker tram. Such trams exist only in Hong Kong and two other cities. Oleg, let's go for a ride, let's go for a ride, shall we? My! Man, I was actually the first to stand. Clear in front! This is the best place to travel on this tram. There is an anthill below, people are running, jumping, rushing around. And you're just watching it so condescendingly. How beautiful it is! Double-decker trams have been crisscrossing Hong Kong for a hundred and ten years! It is also interesting that the stops are designed at such a height that in the event of an emergency, passengers on the second floor will be able to evacuate without breaking their legs. Listen, this is an amazing form of transport, here the mood rises in a matter of seconds. This is just wonderful, a visual tour for little money, I’m delighted! In Hong Kong, wealthy tourists stay in skyscraper hotels. I will be staying at the legendary Mandarin Oriental Hotel. Just a second. Many people call me an ill-mannered bastard. Not at all, slander. Let me invite you to a joint fashion show in the best city hotel in the world, according to the authoritative Forbes magazine “Mandarin Oriental”. Only after you. Did you see how gallant I was? The Mandarin Oriental Hotel, by the way, the very first hotel of the global luxury chain, has everything a rich man needs. Elite shopping. Traditional Chinese Medicine Spa. There is a barbershop where a millionaire’s beard will be trimmed in style, and a millionaire’s hair will be styled. And then they will go to relax in one of the hotel's 10 bars and restaurants. But first the rich man checks into a room! - Now I will show you your suite. - Senkyu. Mr. Denny Lai is the hotel's most experienced employee. He has been here almost from the very beginning and welcomes only VIP guests. - How many years have you been working here? - It's 1947. - Wow, that’s half a century! - You must have seen a bunch of VIP guests! - Oh yes, I accompanied members of royal families, first politicians and world stars to their rooms. Mr. Lai escorted me to the room, which costs 110 thousand hryvnia per night. - Welcome! - Wow. And it's fun here! - If you need anything, let me know and I will instantly fulfill your wish! - Thank you! This room is stylized as the London photo studio of the famous British photographer Lord Patrick Lichfeld. There are pictures of him everywhere. Lord Lichfeld was the most sought-after photographer of the last century. He was the only one Princess Diana entrusted to photograph her wedding. Collectors still buy even unsuccessful photographs for $12,000 apiece. Among all these stars, only one black and white photo is missing. And here is some kind of photo studio. Well, who am I to argue with my upbringing. I was told not to go, I won’t go. Everyone thinks that Hong Kong is one big metropolis. But this is not so - it is divided into several parts. Mainland - everything here is old and traditional. Ostrovnaya - there are new high skyscrapers and mountains. And there are many smaller islands with small villages. We've already admired the skyscrapers, let's go look at old Hong Kong. There are no glass high-rises in the Mong Kok area and billion-dollar transactions are not made here. Here they dry clothes on old balconies... Here the Chinese characters dazzle your eyes... Here they pray to the Buddhist gods... Here they cook dumplings in a bamboo steamer and go to the goldfish markets. The Chinese believe that fish bring money and prosperity because the word “fish” in Chinese sounds like “prosperity.” Look at the fish, what it is!! The Chinese give each other goldfish for any occasion, but the main reason is housewarming. They buy this plastic bag with water and a fish inside. And they go to visit. The tradition is beautiful, but the implementation is not the most humane. For normal existence, a small fish needs 30 liters of water. How many do you think there are here? The fish don't have enough oxygen. They forget to feed them and they just die. The smell of decaying animals, fish, frogs. Look, an aquarium fish is swimming in a puddle. She needs to be saved somehow. How to save her? Do you have any container? Maybe a can? Can I buy a glass from you? What is the price? - Take it for free. - Thanks a lot! I'll save the fish! Fish! Fish in water! See, this is what could have happened to you. I need to give you a name. I'll call you puddle. Little fish, don’t be afraid, we will find a way to help you. Either I will find you a home or new friends. - Do you have an aquarium at home? - Yes, I don’t even have a home here. - And you? - Also no. Who wants a goldfish? I'm giving it away for free! I pulled the fish out of the puddle and am looking for a home for it. Please take her! Will you pick it up? Hooray! I'm happy! Come on, we'll take it, we have a big aquarium at home. Thank you! You are best! Oleg, I lost the fish! To eat at one of the best restaurants in Hong Kong, Meng Wah, I just need to ride the elevator. This hotel has not one, not two, but three Michelin-starred restaurants. I chose Cantonese cuisine for lunch. Looks like origami. -Can you surprise me? - Certainly. Chinese cuisine consists of 8 regional cuisines. Cantonese is a cuisine of southern China. It is famous for its delicious seafood. - And here’s a surprise for you from the chef - pickled jellyfish! - What can people eat jellyfish? - Of course, we eat everything that floats in the water, except for submarines! – I admit, I already have negative experience of eating marine fauna, namely stingray with a tarnished reputation. It was like eating a public toilet. Therefore, I am a little compromised and extremely confused. But I'll try. It smells like spices. Spices with onions and sesame seeds, which interrupts the main smell of meat. I'm going to try now. Where's the meat? There are veins here. Apparently, in order to give the jellyfish some kind of taste, it is simply soaked in spices and on top of the onions, so I don’t feel the taste of this creature at all. Pain in the eyes, in the heart, in the stomach. Jellyfish is a local delicacy. There is no fat in the slippery sea reptile, so Hong Kong people make salads, noodles from jellyfish, and ice cream is made from jellyfish protein. The consistency and feel are very similar to chicken cartilage and, in principle, if you put red pepper and onions in there, it will be the same. You don't have to buy jellyfish. Otherwise, I know you, now run to the nearest supermarket. For a budget tourist, food in Hong Kong is no less strange. What do you think this is? Oranges in mulled wine? You guessed wrong! These are eggs boiled in Pu-Er tea! Do you think this is fried cheese? Wrong guess again! These are radish pies. Does this look like shrimp in batter to you? And again no! These are chicken feet in sweet and sour sauce. Do you think this is miso soup? No! This is the famous Chinese dish “Gui-guodong.” The Chinese consider this dish a “beauty potion” - it reduces inflammation on the skin and makes it soft like a baby. Gui Guodong is served at traditional eateries in the Mong Kok area. Not for everyone. - What is this jelly made of? - This jelly is made from turtle, look! - From a TURTLE???? - Well, yes! Turtle is very good for the skin! I'm like Anton! Don't worry, this jelly is not made from turtle meat, but from the broth in which its shell was cooked! I'm eating turtle! It is recommended to eat turtle jelly with honey to neutralize the bitterness. It’s better with honey, but now with every spoonful I look at that picture. Phew, my blood pressure has risen. First, the turtle shell is boiled for many hours. Then all kinds of herbs and medicines are added there. This jelly tastes like a bittersweet cough syrup with eucalyptus and licorice root. It’s just as if another liter of linden honey had been poured into it. No, I’m about to puke and I won’t touch a spoon. In Hong Kong, you can travel through time and space without any quantum leaps. You get out of the electric car... you find yourself next to your grandmother, who is performing a very strange ritual. [speaking Chinese] I absolutely agree with you. It is impossible to live on a pension alone. Between the Wanchai and Causeway Bay areas, grandmothers sit under an overpass and do something strange. They hit the brick with a slipper. These grandmothers are witches. They are called here “cursers” of villains. This grandma will protect you from haters. It is enough to write the name of the villain on a piece of paper and she will beat the crap out of him with a slipper. I’m rich, now I’ll go through the entire list. Give me more papers. So, how does witchcraft work? They give you special villainous pieces of paper and you write the names of people or some phenomena that bother you. So that’s the first thing I’m dissatisfied with. Second. I’m also annoyed by haters, the dollar exchange rate, pension reform, roads, football and Olin the stylist. Well, I walked around the top. I agree, I want to drown it more, but it will come up. The ritual begins. Grandmother reads a conspiracy over the sacred fire... And then the grandmother gives the offenders a spanking with a magic slipper! Oh, how much strength do you have? You say my eyes are always red? Don't you like my hat? Did you eat a turtle? Can’t put two words together? All! So. Naturally. We logically put this into the tiger. The Chinese consider the Bai-Hu tiger to be a sacred fighter against evil spirits. The tiger needs to be appeased with a piece of fresh pork. And then both the tiger and the offenders are burned. In addition to the fact that they hit your haters with a slipper, they also apparently remove all the negative energy from you with such a ritual. All in a furnace of resentment! Sorry, I forgot about the main part of the ritual. Exchange of money. The spirits say it's not enough. It all looks, of course, stupid and childish, but if it works, it’s the best investment of 12 dollars in my life. 365 days a year at 8 pm Hong Kong shows tourists a show - “Symphony of Lights”. Everyone says that the best place to watch the show is from Tsim Sha Tsui Bund. But by 8 o’clock there are tons of people there! That’s why I’m renting out a secret place to you – the roof of the Harbor City shopping center! What makes me most happy is that I now have, one might say, a VIP viewing platform, but I didn’t pay anything for this. [music] The show lasts 15 minutes. It involves 47 skyscrapers, lasers, LED screens, spotlights, and everything that can shine! You know, I look at all this flickering and flashing future, and I understand that Hong Kong is absolutely like my unusual cocktail. Everything was mixed up in him. And technology, and traditions, and the past, and the future. Hong Kong has been showing this kind of performance for 15 years. During this time, much more spectacular competitors appeared in the world. In order not to lose face, the Hong Kong authorities every year buy new equipment worth millions of dollars and illuminate new buildings. But still, somehow it doesn’t catch on. You know, this is certainly interesting, but it seems to me that a light show is a very loud name. I would never go for money, but for a free show it will do! Let's go online and see how much housing costs in Hong Kong? Hotels – start from $80! Hostels - from $18, but these are beds in a 6-bed room in an old house. But the incredible happened - free housing appeared in Hong Kong. True, it is located on another island and this is a campsite. But anyone who has been to Hong Kong will understand that this is a real sensation and we are obliged to tell you about it. Hong Kong includes 263 islands. There are islands where only foreigners live, and on the contrary, there are only Hong Kongers. There are even islands where refugees from Africa live. And my campsite is located on Lantau Island - the largest island in Hong Kong. And here it is - my first camping in my life - “Pui O”! - Where do they give out tents here? - We have our own. - Hello, where did you get your tent? - You brought your own! It turned out that at the campsite they only give you free a place for a tent, a place for a barbecue and a toilet. All with tents, and I took a sleeping bag, but I don’t have a tent. - I have a strange question for you - do you have a second tent? - No, we have one. - Thank you, sorry . Oooh, it's rubbish. - Can I spend the night with you in your tent? I'm young!, I won't cause you any trouble! - No, no, I'm here with my family. - Can I spend the night with one of you? I I don’t snore. - Are you alone? - Yeah, alone. - I’ll give you my tent and spend the night with my brother. - Seriously? - Yes. - Can I spend the night in it? God, thank you! I have such joy inside me. I didn’t expect , that someone would respond and I already thought that I would just sleep in a sleeping bag. Hood. Good night. I have slept in a tent, but on the seashore in Hong Kong among strangers - never. And I’m not even scared. How incomparable this is. This is something you can watch and watch, I think I fell in love. Well, where did you go, where did you go? It's dark there! Hong Kong is also beautiful. Good night. This is what I understand, good morning! Warm! This is such a beautiful place and morning that I could spend two days here. But I have to go to Hong Kong. 3 445 901, 3 445 902, 3 445 903 ... Ocean Park is one of the most visited attractions in the world. From 5 to 7 million people per year. So, wait, I didn't count you. Ocean Park combines an amusement park and a zoo. In one part of the park there are swings and carousels for any vestibular system. Very... good... attraction.. It even has the world's first virtual reality attraction, where you fly through the jungle and lava bombs fall on you. There is also a slide for the fearless - “Book of Horrors”! Life has become simpler, I have become a little lighter. When you get angry on the rides, you need to go to the animal part of the park to calm down. There is an aquarium where you can see funny walruses! There is an ice pavilion where you can see king and chinstrap penguins. I told you that the park is very huge. Boy! Which way is Hong Kong? But the biggest stir is caused by pandas! Well, here she is! Here! Panda! Panda! Look at the circles under her eyes, as if she is also the host of Tails. Panda... No, not like that. (affectionately) Paaanndaaa is the cutest animal in the world... No, these are not candies or kozinaki. It's just that pandas are so cute that even their waste products are not disgusting. A short audio phrasebook for communicating with a panda. If you want to make friends with a panda, say... [panda sound] If you want to play with a panda, say... [panda sound 2] If you want to attack a panda, in China it's a life sentence, actually. Oh, these are red pandas, look! Yes, yes, there are not only big black and white pandas in the world. But these are also little red pandas. There are only 2 and a half thousand of them left in the world. If the big panda looks more like a bear, then the small panda looks like a raccoon with a long tail. Do you know what 2 things unite small pandas and giant pandas? Both have a 6th finger. Both of them eat bamboo. That's it... We are actually an educational travel show. Panda cannot be bought. Panda can only be rented for 10 years. The rental price is $1 million per year. All zoos in the world rent pandas from China. And if a panda cub is born there, it also belongs to China. What, we are all more knowledgeable and knowledgeable? On Sunday morning in Hong Kong, I noticed something strange. Hundreds of women are sitting on the ground outside. Some sleep wrapped in rags, others sit on oilcloths like homeless people. At first glance, it may seem like a huge pile of refugees, but if you look closely, you can see good clothes, a good phone, and delicious food. In fact, these are just governesses, because according to the law in Hong Kong, children under 11 years old cannot be alone at home. And they hire governesses. From the Philippines, from Malaysia, from Bangladesh. Governesses live with families 6 days a week. They take care of the house and children. And on Sunday the governesses have a day off while the family spends time together. Women correspond on the Internet and agree where they will meet. This Sunday, Indonesian women had a picnic on a bridge in the Mong Kok area. Malaysians gathered on the pier and held a Zumba master class! And Filipinas occupied one of the central streets on Hong Kong Island and staged a parade in honor of the Philippines! With traditional music... Dancing.. The men dressed up in traditional “Bahag” costumes, which cover only the intimate parts of the body. Imagine how many Filipinos there are here, that there is a Philippine festival here in Hong Kong. There are 150 thousand Filipinas working in Hong Kong! - Why do you choose Hong Kong? - The salary of a governess in Hong Kong is 3 times more than the salary of a teacher in the Philippines - $550 per month. And the closest flight here is from the Philippines - only two hours. - There is a stereotype that governesses from the Philippines take their husbands away from their families. This is true? - Who told you that?! No. We take care of their children and earn money to feed our children. I have a husband and twins. I need to help them, and not take other people’s husbands away. While Hong Kongers build their careers, I work 20 hours a day - cooking, cleaning, shopping and raising their children. Filipinas have been working in Hong Kong families for decades and do not see their husbands, how their children grow up, how they go to university and how they have children of their own. Therefore, every Sunday for Filipinos is a holiday when you can feel like you belong among your own. Treasure hunters. In order to find a bottle in Hong Kong you will need to come down to earth. But believe me, it's worth it. Find the coordinates: Ocean Park, Marriott Hotel, road, bump stop. A bottle with 100 dollars is hidden behind a metal box. Good luck! Hong Kong was founded by Europeans and is inhabited by Asians. Therefore, they are like Yin and Yang, combining opposites. There is a concrete jungle here. And the jungle is natural! There are ultra-modern gadgets here.. - There is Tesla on the streets of Hong Kong. They run alongside road veterans. Here in skyscrapers, bankers conduct deals worth billions. And here, under the bridge, grandmothers tell fortunes using slippers. - How much strength do you have? This is probably what a real megacity should be like. - I got rid of the fish! - I'm young! - I became a little lighter. - Where is the meat? - Hurray! - Are we becoming more and more knowledgeable? Guy, which way is Hong Kong? [sing songs in Chinese] - Never sing, okay? - How good! It's so quiet and beautiful here. - Don't thank me. But during these two days, for the first time I met the most charming and beautiful creature in this world. Olya, I saw a panda! - Ah...Yes... Pandas are very cute. Such good ones. Yes.. And I saved the fish. She was swimming in a puddle, I was walking, saw her and saved her. How beautiful Hong Kong is after all. From the first second it amazes you with its mood to the depths of your soul and you understand that you have fallen in love and will never stop loving this city. What kind of people are here, what kind of landscapes are here. [singing in Chinese] Friends, we will meet you in the next metropolis. Bye! [singing in Chinese]

Let me make it clear right away that Hong Kong is NOT the capital of China or Japan, and certainly has nothing to do with Thailand. The capital may be the main official city of the country, but Hong Kong is not even a city. It is China's first Special Administrative Region (SAR for short). There is another large island in this area with the same name. We sorted out the main confusion and moved on.

What is SAR?

For almost 150 years, Hong Kong was a British colony, and in the late nineties it was transferred to the People's Republic of China. In China, as you know, they profess the ideals of socialism, and in Hong Kong capitalism flourished wildly. An idea called “One country, two systems” helped resolve the situation.

The essence of the idea is that China remains a single state, and Hong Kong, Macau (a former Portuguese colony) and the island of Taiwan become autonomous regions. They have their own currency, their own laws, orders, politics and economy. In short, these are independent territories that share only geography, borders, foreign policy and defense with China.

Nevertheless, all three special areas belong to and belong to China.

Today, the former British colony has become a major tourism destination for the wealthiest part of the Chinese mainland population. It is an important transport hub in East Asia, with easy access to many cities in Europe, Asia and America.

This unique resort has a mixed Western and Eastern culture, where you can meet people of different nationalities.

View of the city from the Sky100 observation deck

Briefly about the important:

  • Alternative name: Hong Kong.
  • As it is written in English – Hong Kong, the official name is Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China.
  • In Chinese – 香港島 (traditional), 香港岛 (simplified).
  • As it is translated – a fragrant harbor.
  • How to pronounce in Cantonese:
  • Language – Chinese, English, Cantonese dialect.
  • Currency is Hong Kong dollar (HKD).
  • Telephone code: +852
  • Postal code: 999077
  • Coordinates: 22°15N 114°15’E
  • Area: 1104 square kilometers.
  • Twin cities: Brussels, Sweden, Lisbon.

From 1950 to 1990, Hong Kong developed rapidly, becoming the first of the "Four Asian Tigers" thanks to the formation of a powerful manufacturing base and then a financial sector. Today it is the leading financial center of East Asia and one of the largest financial centers in the world.

Here you can find not only many local banks, but also branches of the most famous banks in the world, as well as representative offices of international financial institutions.

A significant volume of Chinese-made goods is transported through the Hong Kong port to European and American countries.

Local time

Hong Kong time zone is +8 hours UTC/GMT.

The difference with Moscow is 5 hours.

You can now see the exact time in Hong Kong on the left in the Yandex informer.

Here you can see the weather by month, and also find out the forecast for the next three days.

Local population

The majority of the population is Chinese (95%), namely Cantonese, although representatives of other Chinese ethnic groups such as Chaozhou, Shanghai and Danxiashan are also present. A significant portion of the population is of South Asian origin.

Many people from India, Pakistan and Nepal have lived here for several generations.

Ordinary Hong Kongers waiting for the green light

In addition, Filipinos, Indonesians, and Thais live here in large numbers. Most of the visitors are employed as domestic servants. On Sundays they have a day off, which they spend in the Central and Admiralteysky districts. Several streets in the Central District are specially blocked for a diverse crowd of thousands.

International Western flair is given to Hong Kong by foreigners from Australia, Europe, Japan and North America.

Hong Kong people are a bit reserved, but very friendly, especially towards children. Learn a few words in Cantonese - this will help you establish a dialogue with the local population.

What immediately caught my eye upon arrival was this very high population density.

In some areas, they literally have to fight constantly for personal space. Clashes on the streets are inevitable (too many people), but this is not considered bad manners. No one will shout after you “watch your step!”, especially if you briefly apologize.

This is what protests look like


Hong Kong has 18 administrative regions. For convenience, the official authorities reduce them into three large administrative units, but for tourism it is customary to divide the SAR into 5 main zones.

Official map of Hong Kong districts

New TerritoriesHong Kong IslandKowloon
Kwai Tsing (Khua Chin)Central and Western (Central-Western region)Yau Tsim Mong (Yauchimwon)
Tsuen Wan (Chunwan)Wan ChaiSham Shui Po (Samseypou)
Tuen MunEastern (Eastern region)Kowloon City
Yuen Long (Yun Long)Southern (Southern region)
Wong Tai Sin
North (Northern region) Kwun Tong (Kuntong)
Tai Po (Taipou)
Sha Tin (Sathin)
Sai Kung (Sai ​​Kung)

Description of areas

Hong Kong Island

  • Occupies the central, eastern and southern coasts (香港島 )

Site of the first British settlement and the main destination for most visiting tourists. Most of the high-rise skyscrapers and business centers are located here.

In general, Hong Kong Island is a modern business administrative center. This is the richest and most polluted area. Victoria Peak is the highest point on the island, with the best scenery and the most expensive real estate in the world.

Simplified map of districts in Russian

Kowloon (九龍)

This is a peninsula north of Hong Kong Island, with magnificent views of it.

A chaotic mixture of hotels and residential buildings is concentrated here. With 2.1 million people living in less than 47 square kilometers, Kowloon is one of the most densely populated places in the world.

Here you can also find the famous Avenue of Stars - Tsim Sha Tsui (尖沙咀), many inexpensive hotels and the popular shopping area of ​​Mong Kok (旺角) - the calling card of Kowloon.

New Territories (新界)

An administrative district in which you can see a strange combination of small farms, villages, industrial enterprises, mountains, parks and cities with a population density of up to 2 million per square kilometer.

Lantau Island (大嶼山)

Due to the significant development gap compared to Hong Kong Island, local residents live in dilapidated buildings. Most of the island is occupied by national parks with beautiful mountains and beaches. In addition, there is an international airport, Disneyland and a cable car.

On the way to the island

Islands or Islands (離島)

A famous vacation spot for locals. This is the largest district, consisting of more than 20 islands. Most visited:

  • Lamma (南丫島), famous for its seafood dishes;
  • Cheung Chau (長洲) is a small island that was once occupied by pirates, but now attracts seafood lovers, windsurfers and excursions.

If you are puzzled by the question of which area is best to live in, choose the Islands.

Throughout Hong Kong, there are undeveloped mountains with steep sides and rocky islands with rural landscapes. Most of these oases are classified as "recreation areas". And although there is no escape from the seven million people who live permanently in CAP, you can find secluded places here.

Long distance and international calls

Upon arrival in China, you can use your mobile phone with a SIM card from a Russian operator, but keep in mind that roaming is not cheap.

If you need to make a lot of calls, it is better to buy a Chinese SIM card. There are three largest operators in China:

  1. China Mobile (TD-SCDMA networks)
  2. China Unicom (WCDMA networks)
  3. China Telecom (CDMA2000)

SIM cards are sold in special service centers of the listed telephone operators. To make calls you need to top up your balance immediately.

If you purchased a SIM card in another Chinese city, it will also be valid in Hong Kong.

China Mobile sales point

How to call from Hong Kong to Russia

If you want to call Moscow from a landline phone, you need to dial the following combination of numbers:

  • 001 - international line access code;
  • 7 – code of Russia;
  • 495 – Moscow code (when calling to another city, replace 495 with the code of the desired city);
  • subscriber number.

As a result, the number when dialed will look like this: 001 7 495 + subscriber number

From mobile: +7 1234567890(123-digits is an example of a subscriber number).

How to call from Russia to Hong Kong

From a mobile phone: 86 852 + subscriber number.

  • 86 – China code;
  • 852 is the Hong Kong code.

From a landline: 8 (waiting for dial tone) 10 852 + subscriber number.

Calls in China

For long-distance calls within the country we use the following combinations.

  • From mobile to mobile – direct entry of the subscriber number.
  • From mobile to landline: 0 + subscriber number.
  • From landline to any: 0 + area code + subscriber number.

For example, if you need to call Beijing (its code is 10), dial: 0 10 12345678

You can call from your phone, from a street telephone booth or from a hotel.

Embankment in the light of night lights

Ten interesting facts about Hong Kong

  1. Hong Kong is NOT the capital of any country or state.
  2. Rich Hong Kongers own the largest number of Rolls-Royces in the world.
  3. Hong Kong drives on the left, while the rest of China drives on the right.
  4. The service sector accounts for 92% of Hong Kong's GDP.
  5. In some restaurants, tourists are served by robot waiters. The level of service is not reported.
  6. Hong Kong is second only to the United States in the number of skyscrapers, but despite this, three-quarters of CAP's landmass is uninhabited wilderness. And this despite the monstrous population density!
  7. When designing buildings, Hong Kong architects take into account the concept of Feng Shui.
  8. On their birthday, Hong Kongers eat not a cake, but noodles. It symbolizes a long and happy life.
  9. Due to the large population, children study in two shifts (morning and evening), as there are not enough school facilities.
  10. For the same reason, Hong Kongers are buried in two tiers - there is also not enough space in the cemetery.

Have something to add to the article? Write in the comments! I will be glad to any response.

Sergei Panshin was with you.

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Time: UTC+8 (Moscow +5 hours in winter, Moscow +4 hours in summer)

Telephone code: +852

Currency: Hong Kong dollar
Hong Kong Country: SAR China

Population: 7,389,500 people (2017 estimate)

GDP: 429 billion (2016)

Territory: 1.104 km²

Geographical position

Hong Kong (Hong Kong) is located on the southeastern coast of the South China Sea near the mouth of the Dongjiang River and includes Hong Kong Island, the Kowloon Peninsula and the New Territories. In addition, Hong Kong also includes a number of small islands in the South China Sea, of which there are about 260.

The largest island is Lantau Island, and the most populous is Hong Kong Island. Much of Hong Kong's territory remains undeveloped due to the abundance of mountains and steep hills.

The city center is located mainly on the Kowloon Peninsula and on the northern shore of Hong Kong Island (see). Also, a number of settlements are dispersed throughout the New Territories. The rest of the territory is covered with greenery, a little less than half of it is nature reserves and recreation areas.

Hong Kong shares a border with the People's Republic of China (PRC).

The total area including all the islands is 1104 square kilometers.

The time difference with Hong Kong in Moscow is 4 hours. And the time difference between Hong Kong and Greenwich is eight hours.

History of Hong Kong

The territory of Hong Kong became part of China at the end of the 3rd millennium BC, but the first settlements appeared only in the 11th century AD. By the time the British arrived in Hong Kong, about 5,000 people lived in the territory, mainly engaged in fishing, cattle breeding and farming.

In history, the first mention of Hong Kong appears in the 17th century. Hong Kong's location near the Dongjiang River made it a convenient port for ships from all over the world. Although China did not encourage trade with foreigners, the Portuguese established a colony in nearby Macau in 1550 and traded in Chinese goods. Guangzhou (Canton) on the Dongjiang River became accessible to traders from other countries in 1685. Although uninterested in imports, China has been very successful in exporting tea, porcelain and silk. This changed in the 18th century when the British discovered that opium could be imported into China.

During the First Opium War in 1840-1842. It was in Hong Kong that the English stronghold was established. At the end of the war in 1842, according to the Treaty of Nanjing, Hong Kong Island and the Kowloon Peninsula became the property of Britain. After the Second Opium War of 1856-1860. England annexed some surrounding islands and a small part of the Kowloon Peninsula to Hong Kong. And finally, in 1898, Britain received a 99-year lease on the entire Kowloon Peninsula, as well as the New Territories.

Today, Hong Kong is one of the ten largest world trading powers and financial centers, which makes the standard of living in the state one of the highest in Asia.

Developing in an almost complete absence of natural resources, Hong Kong has achieved high economic development thanks to its favorable geographical location, developed legislative framework and perfect infrastructure.

Hong Kong attracts the attention of tourists from all over the world. This is not surprising, because this is an unusual country, striking both with the beauty of its almost untouched nature, and with the abundance of skyscrapers, the mass of people, cars and neon signs.

The city is a real paradise for nightlife lovers, and the city is legendary. Local stores with famous brands such as Prada, Gucci, etc. have low prices, and clubs, bars, restaurants and discos are often open 24 hours a day.

Connoisseurs of cultural recreation will not be disappointed either. After all, they will have the opportunity not only to visit numerous and see the world’s greatest Buddha statue, but also to visit ancient temples and ancient settlements.

In Hong Kong, colonial architecture is surprisingly combined with ultra-modern skyscrapers, creating a unique contrast.

You just need to look at photos of Hong Kong to make you want to visit and come here.

Some people unknowingly write the name of Hong Kong separately: “Hong Kong”, “Hong Kong”, “Hong Kong” - partly due to ignorance of spelling, and partly remembering the English name Hong Kong. However, it is correct to write exactly Hong Kong.

The official languages ​​are Chinese and English.

Capital of Hong Kong

At its core, Hong Kong is a city-state and does not have a capital in the usual sense. At the same time, if we take into account the fact that this state contains only one city of the same name, then it can be argued that the capital of Hong Kong is Hong Kong itself.

In addition, you can find references to the capital of Hong Kong, called Victoria or Victoria City (an area of ​​the city in which administrative buildings were concentrated during the colonization of Hong Kong). This name is obsolete - it belonged to the city founded by Great Britain during the period when the territory was a British colony. The city of Victoria was subsequently renamed Hong Kong, but the outdated name is still sometimes given as the English version of the state's name. Accordingly, the statement that the capital of Hong Kong is Victoria is incorrect.

The center is Hong Kong Island, administratively united with the Kowloon Peninsula into two districts, which are separated by a bay. Between Hong Kong Island and the mainland there are 3 underground tunnels under the Victoria Strait. Ferries operate for pedestrian travelers.

Hong Kong Island is also home to most of the administrative and business institutions, including the world-famous International Financial Complex, the Exhibition Center and both buildings (old and new) of the Bank of China. Hong Kong Island is also considered a historical center.

In Hong Kong, there is no clear division of the city into administrative, business and entertainment districts, but most government buildings are located in the Central-West region of the city.

Flag and coat of arms of Hong Kong

The main symbols of the state are the flag and coat of arms.

The flag of Hong Kong was adopted on February 16, 1990. However, it was first officially raised on July 1, 1997. Today, the description of the flag is enshrined in the Basic Law of the State of Hong Kong. The coat of arms of Hong Kong was adopted on July 1, 1997 and is the emblem of the special administrative region to this day.

The flag is a rectangular panel, in the center of which is a white Bauhinia flower with five petals that curve clockwise. On each petal there is a pentagonal star, from which a curved red line extends towards the center.

The coat of arms features the same elements as the Hong Kong flag, but in a circular frame with a white border.

The flag of Hong Kong symbolizes the political, cultural and historical significance of the country, and the red colors of the flag, as well as the five stars in the petals, remind us that Hong Kong is an integral part of the People's Republic of China. The combination of white and red colors on the flag symbolizes the principle of “One Country, Two Systems”, which is a policy principle that applies to Hong Kong. The stylized image of the white Bauhinia flower, which grows in Hong Kong, serves as a harmonizing symbol, the meaning of which can only be understood by representatives of the local culture.

Listen Hong Kong anthem:

Government and politics of Hong Kong

Until 1 July 1997, while Hong Kong was a British colony, the Governor was appointed by the Queen. After the territory was returned to China, the Chief Minister of the Hong Kong Administration began to govern, who is elected by a special Committee for the Election of the Chief Minister of the Hong Kong Administration, which includes representatives of the business elite of 800 people.
The direct administration of Hong Kong is carried out by the Executive Council, consisting of the Chief Secretary, the Secretaries for Justice and Finance and ten appointed secretaries. The Legislative Council of Hong Kong is elected for a term of 4 years and includes 60 members. In order for a law to be passed, the support of a simple majority of members of the Legislative Assembly is required. In terms of local government, Hong Kong is divided into 18 administrative districts, each with its own council.

Civil servants of the legislative and executive branches are either elected through voting or appointed by the Chief Minister.

The role of the constitution is performed by the so-called basic law, thanks to which Hong Kong has autonomy in the areas of legislative, legal, customs and monetary systems. The Basic Law guarantees the independence of all Hong Kong infrastructure from mainland China, except for foreign policy and defense.

Hong Kong currency

The official currency of Hong Kong is the Hong Kong dollar ( HKD), which is pegged to US currency. Today, banknotes in denominations of 10, 20, 50, 100 and 500 Hong Kong dollars are in circulation. They all have three different patterns. Hong Kong coins are issued in denominations of 10 and 50 Hong Kong cents, as well as 1, 2, 5 and 10 Hong Kong dollars.

Hong Kong dollars are issued by three banks. Currency production occurs under the supervision of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority.

There are no exchange controls or restrictions in Hong Kong. In the country you can easily buy any world currency.

It is best to exchange currency in banks. However, in the evening and night hours, when banks are closed, in the center of Hong Kong you can find exchange offices, which, however, do not have the most favorable rates.

The most common bank in Hong Kong (HSBC) opens branches at 9:30 am and closes at 4:30 pm.

Hong Kong Climate

The climate in Hong Kong is marine tropical monsoon. The summer monsoons, which last from May to September, often bring heavy rains. Air humidity is about 80%, and the wettest and most rainy months are June, July and August. The average daytime temperature in summer is 25-35C, and the night temperature is 25-26C.

Unlike summer, winter in Hong Kong is warm and dry. The average daytime temperature in winter is 20C, and the night temperature is +15C. On rare cold days, daytime temperatures can drop to +15C.

The highest temperature recorded in Hong Kong in the history of observation is plus 38C, the lowest is minus 4C.

The best time to travel to Hong Kong is from early September to May.

Industry and economy of Hong Kong

Despite the relatively high level of development of the electronic, electrical, clothing and textile industries, industry in Hong Kong is rather poorly developed.

Hong Kong is dominated by banking, finance and trading activities, particularly trade with China. Thus, most of the state’s national wealth is produced in the “tertiary” sector of the economy, which includes trade, finance, business services, export-import relations, restaurant and hotel business, etc. 63% of Hong Kong’s working population works in the above areas. The largest partners in foreign trade are China, Taiwan, Japan, USA, UK and Singapore.

Agriculture is poorly developed. However, to some extent, poultry production and fishing allow Hong Kong to slightly reduce its dependence on other countries for agricultural products.

Hong Kong is an amazing country where everyone will find exactly what they like. Here, modernity is intertwined with history, and the vibrant life of megacities with the untouched beauty of nature.

- a modern pulsating city, a shining example of the Asian economic miracle of the twentieth century. Hong Kong is the financial and commercial capital of the Asian region. Most of the trade flows through Hong Kong exchanges and ports. Every year hundreds of exhibitions of goods and services from various sectors of the economy are held here. Most of the city's territory (40%) is occupied by parks, forests and beaches. The name "Hong Kong" literally means "fragrant harbour" in Cantonese.


Hong Kong belongs to a special administrative region of the People's Republic of China, and is built on the basis of self-government, retaining control over legislation, the monetary system, police forces, tariffs and immigration policies, while also maintaining representation in international organizations. Hong Kong is divided into the following parts: Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and the New Territories, in addition to Hong Kong there are more than 260 islands, most of which are uninhabited.

general information

Hong Kong is located in East Asia, on the shores of the South China Sea, bordering the Chinese province of Guangdong to the north. The total area occupied by Hong Kong is 1104 square meters. km. The local population is 7 million people; the ethnic composition is 95% Chinese. The main languages ​​of Hong Kong are English and several varieties of Chinese, mainly Cantonese and Mandarin. The national currency is the Hong Kong dollar (HKD). 100 HKD = $HKD:USD:100:2. Local time is 5 hours ahead of Moscow. Time zone UTC+8. Mains voltage 220 V at a frequency of 50 Hz, D, G, M. Country telephone code +852. Internet

A brief excursion into history

Hong Kong has existed for thousands of years, but its origins are historically dated to the middle of the last century, when partners Great Britain and China reached an impasse over payments for silk and tea. The Chinese side wanted to receive payment for these goods only in silver. To save their money, the British identified a product that the Chinese were buying secretly and reliably - Indian opium. As a result of the Opium Wars in the mid-19th century, the Hong Kong region was transferred to the British Kingdom. In 1898, the British were leased for 99 years, i.e. until 1997, the continental part of the land, which today is called the New Territories, withdrew. The British occupation lasted for more than a century and a half and had a huge impact on the way of life of the local population. Since 1997, Hong Kong has again been a territory of the People's Republic of China.


Hong Kong has a predominantly tropical monsoon climate, characterized by cool, dry winters and humid, hot summers. The seasons are clearly defined. In spring it is quite humid and warm, and in autumn it is dry and sunny, which is associated with the different wind direction characteristic of each season. The unfavorable period for traveling to Hong Kong is the summer season from May to September - the time of typhoons and rains. The best time to travel to Hong Kong is autumn, the air temperature is +18..+28 degrees, winter is also quite comfortable, but you should take warm clothes - a coat or jacket.

Visa and customs regulations

Citizens of Russia and Ukraine do not require a visa to enter Hong Kong if their stay does not exceed 14 days. Customs regulations comply with global requirements.

How to get there

Transport. Ground public transport in Hong Kong is developed at a high level. Along with the banking system, the British left behind a well-functioning transport system. The city imposes a large tax on drivers, so the main means of transport remain double-decker trams, buses, ferry and metro. You can always use taxis, which are divided into three types: red, green and blue. Red taxis cover almost all destinations in Hong Kong. Green taxis operate in the New Territories, while blue taxis operate on Lantau Island.


Also known as Mount Austin, it is located in the western part of the island, being its symbol and the highest point, which offers amazing views of the city and its surrounding environs. One of the most visited observation platforms of Victoria Peak is located on the territory of the Peak Tower, which resembles a Chinese frying pan in its external shape. For the convenience of visitors, telescopes are equipped here, allowing them to examine in detail the most remote points of the city. In addition to admiring the landscapes, here you can sit in a cafe and try national Chinese cuisine, or go shopping in search of gifts and souvenirs.

Located on Lantau Island, it is one of the five official Walt Disney World Parks and the youngest of them. One of the features of Hong Kong Disneyland is that, despite its American prototype, Asian features are clearly visible in it. For example, some famous cartoon characters sing in Chinese, the landscape design is created in accordance with the traditions of Feng Shui, and national Chinese cuisine predominates in the local cafes and restaurants.

One of the iconic landmarks of Hong Kong is a huge bronze statue towering on Lantau Island, in Tei Thaan Square, next to the Po Lin Monastery. Right at the foot of the hill, at the top of which you can see the figure of Buddha, is the themed village of Ngong Ping with shopping stalls, shops, cafes and restaurants where you can buy memorable souvenirs and eat inexpensively.

Perhaps the main tourist attraction in the city is the cable car. It connects the city with Lantau Island, with Ngong Ping meaning the name of the tourist village located at the foot of the Big Buddha at the arrival point. All-round 360-degree visibility guarantees passengers beautiful views from the cabin window on the way to the island.

Located on a mountainous peninsula, in the southern part, it is an amazing amusement park located on two levels, which can be compared with many of the most famous analogues in the world. The total area of ​​Ocean Park is more than 870 thousand square meters. m. In addition to the Oceanarium, with many marine species collected from all over the world and Polar Adventure, it includes such thematic areas as “Village of Ancient Buildings”, “Kingdom of Birds”, for lovers of exotic birds, “Garden of Wild Plants and Animals” , "Amusement Park", Water Park and "Children's World".

Due to a shortage of land, construction in Hong Kong has long been upward. For ease of movement around the city, pedestrian bridges have been built. Among the modern glass skyscrapers are equally modern futuristic statues. These are no longer dragons and turtles, as in mainland China, but bizarre forms that embody old symbols. However, all buildings in Hong Kong are built in accordance with the ancient teachings of Feng Shui. Fountains and waterfalls, the correct location of entrance doors and symbolic statues - all to ensure that stock market indicators grow and financial flows move in the right direction.

As a symbol of the Pearl of the Asian economic miracle - the most expensive and luxurious hotel Peninsula. Guests from the airport are greeted exclusively in Rolls-Royces. If someone doesn't like this transfer, for $1,500 he can land by helicopter directly on the roof of the hotel. The price for a room here can reach $10,000 per night. Staying at least once in the Peninsula is a matter of prestige for a successful businessman.

You can experience a different way of life in Hong Kong, for example, by visiting Songbird Market. Finches, parrots, nightingales, sparrows, and canaries are very popular among the local population. Bird singer cages can be found in many homes or yards. Goldfish are no less popular. It is believed that goldfish take care of happiness and well-being in the home. Therefore, a lot of buyers also come to the Goldfish Market every day.

Near Aberdeen, in the southern part of Hong Kong Island, you can see the life of simple fishermen who live right on the water - in junks; a house on land is an unaffordable luxury for them. This place is famous for its seafood, which you can try in local floating restaurants or purchase in the Gigant specialty store.

Land in Hong Kong is expensive and water space is heavily used. The water area around Hong Kong is not only commercial ports and marinas for expensive yachts, of which there are a great many. These include numerous junks that house restaurants, entertainment venues, boats and ferries for excursions and transporting passengers along local routes.


Hong Kong offers a huge selection of accommodation types, from cheap options to luxury hotels. Most hotels are located in areas close to public transport stops, providing connections to attractions. Budget hotels can be found around Nathan Road, between Tsim Sha Tsui and Mong Kok, and in Causeway Bay. Wealthy travelers in Hong Kong will find some of the best hotels in the world, where they will be offered the highest service - helicopter transfers, Michelin star restaurants and extravagant spas and other possible amenities to suit every whim. Some of the most luxurious hotels in Hong Kong are The Peninsula, Four Seasons, Le Meridien, W, InterContinental, JW Marriott and Ritz Carlton, Shangri-La, Mandarin Oriental, room rates start from $3,000.

Hong Kong is located in the south of China - on Hong Kong Island, Liantao, Kowloon Peninsula and another 234 small islands. It is washed from the south, east and west South China Sea. In the north, Hong Kong is adjacent to the province Guangdong. Hong Kong is a special administrative region of the People's Republic of China, that is, in fact, it is a city-state with its own laws and money. Even outwardly, it is not very similar to Chinese cities, especially since Hong Kong people are more willing to speak English than Chinese.

Hong Kong has another name - Hong Kong. Trade, industry, and the film industry are thriving in Hong Kong, and the port of Hong Kong is one of the three largest ports in the world. It is not surprising that Hong Kong is the richest city in China, based on GDP per capita.

By the way, in terms of population, Hong Kong is one of the most densely populated cities on the planet. Moreover, due to the unevenness of settlement in the metropolis, there are areas where up to 54,000 residents live per square kilometer. And in the Mang Gok region this figure is even higher - 140,000 people!

But don’t let travelers be intimidated by so many people. Tourists in Hong Kong will have a unique opportunity to see the harmony between ancient Chinese traditions and the Western way of life. Here you can choose a holiday for every taste: beaches, amazing excursions, tea ceremonies, limitless shopping and ancient martial arts.

Climate and weather

Hong Kong has a subtropical climate with cool winters and hot, humid summers. In winter, the air temperature at night sometimes drops to +10 °C, and during the day it is quite comfortable - +20...+22 °C. But due to the fact that in Hong Kong houses there is basically no heating, it can be cool at night.

In spring, both temperature and humidity increase. The mercury rises to +27 °C, and humidity reaches 82%.

At the end of May, summer arrives and air humidity reaches 100%. Coupled with an average temperature of +33 ° C, this leads to strong stuffiness. At this time the rainy season begins. Typhoons and stormy winds often occur.

Autumn begins at the end of September. This time is characterized by clear sunny days, humidity drops to 72%, and rain gradually subsides. It's best to plan your trip to Hong Kong in the spring or fall, when inclement weather is unlikely.


Hong Kong is located on hilly terrain. The highest point in the vicinity of the city is Mount Taimoshan(958 meters). There are countless bays and beaches on the coast. It would seem that Hong Kong should amaze with its urban landscapes, but for many travelers, a real discovery is the fact that 70% of Hong Kong's territory is rural areas, where green valleys and tropical forests await tourists. Magnolias, azaleas, 90 varieties of orchids grow here, and the forests are home to wild pigs, deer, monkeys and many species of birds.


Hong Kong is a city that never ceases to amaze. There are so many interesting things to see here that one trip is unlikely to be enough to see all the sights.

Tourists usually consider it their duty to visit Victoria Peak, named after the English Queen Victoria. This is a hill (552 meters above sea level), which offers stunning views of the city. Popular from man-made heights Peak Tower: there is an observation deck at a level of 428 meters, from where you can also admire the local beauty.

The hallmark of modern Hong Kong is its skyscrapers. Here are three must-see buildings: Hongkong Bank headquarters(one of the most expensive buildings in the world), Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Center(a skyscraper with a very original shape), as well as the Bank of China tower with a triangular glass roof that changes color depending on the time of day.

Hong Kong's gardens and parks deserve special attention. Hong Kong Park is a veritable green oasis in the realm of brick and concrete. There are dancing fountains, swimming pools, and an amphitheater. And the colorful abundance of flowers and trees will simply amaze you. A particularly scenic spot in Hong Kong - mountain garden victoria, decorated in Victorian style. And of course, hong kong botanical garden And Kowloon Park- a Chinese garden of the 15th century - will not leave nature lovers indifferent.

There are a lot of museums in Hong Kong. The largest of them are Cantonese Heritage Museum, Chinese Revolutionary Sun Yat-sen Museum, Hong Kong History Museum, Medical Science Museum, Police Museum, Tsui Art Museum, Art Museum, Madame Tussauds, Hong Kong University Museum and Art Gallery. There is even a Horse Racing Museum and a Teaware Museum. By the way, on Wednesdays, visiting museums is free.


Hong Kong can rightfully be considered the culinary center of Asia. There is a diversity of culinary schools here that few cities can rival. In the city (and this is according to the most rough estimates) there are at least 11,000 restaurants offering cuisine from different countries of the world. Thai, Indonesian, Malay and Japanese cuisine can be found everywhere, as well as various styles of Chinese cuisine. Historically, Hong Kong cuisine has absorbed English traditions: there are many places where you can order a sandwich with milk, and also come for five o’clock tea.

The most famous Hong Kong dish is dim sum- local dumplings served in bamboo baskets. No less popular are baolaobao pies and daan cakes with custard. Be sure to try such delicacies as shark fin soup, steamed lobsters, and swallow's nests.

Restaurants in Hong Kong usually have menus in English. In general, we advise you to choose establishments that have a QTS sign at the entrance, which indicates that the restaurant is accredited under the High Quality Tourism Services program. In such a restaurant you will always be satisfied with both the food and the service.

As for the cost of lunch or dinner, in Hong Kong you can easily find an establishment to suit any budget. There are luxury restaurants where the average dinner bill is $500 per person, and there are places where you can have a great meal for 50 times less.

But keep in mind that in the evenings all restaurants are crowded, so it is advisable to make reservations in advance. Tips are automatically included in the bill (10%), but this money does not necessarily go to the waiters, so if you liked the service, you can add more.


There are a lot of hotels in Hong Kong, and the hotel service here is not only no worse, but often even better than that of a similar status in Europe or America. The only thing that can upset a picky tourist is the compactness of the rooms: hotels usually do not occupy a very large area, so the owners have to “save” both on space and on the views from the window, from where one can often see a dull courtyard or the gray wall of a neighboring building. If the view from the window is a matter of principle, you should choose rooms marked Sea View or Harbor View.

Hong Kong 3* hotels will have decent service, good living conditions and a very reasonable price.

Four-star hotels are distinguished, first of all, by more spacious rooms with sea or city views, a swimming pool and a gym. The cost of services will already include transfer from the airport and back.

In hotels with 5* status, guests will receive high-quality service, but the cost of living will be appropriate. In hotels such as Intercontinental, Grand Hyatt Hong Kong,Peninsula, the price for a standard double room can be $400-500, and this is in case of early booking.

Entertainment and relaxation

Hong Kong is a place where a stay should not be limited to visiting museums, parks or shops. To feel the atmosphere of the city, you need to immerse yourself in the leisure time of its residents.

You can start your “immersion” with Tai Chi gymnastics, which Hong Kongers practice right in the city’s parks at 6-7 o’clock in the morning. This is one of Hong Kong's favorite sports and is worth getting up early for.

A fascinating activity for most foreigners is the tea ceremony, which is held in any tea store. Also, be sure to go for a traditional massage or watch a Kung Fu show in Kowloon Park, where you will also be offered a couple of free lessons in this ancient art. Active recreation enthusiasts can also spend time at golf clubs or go hiking in protected areas and national parks.

Although Hong Kong appears to be an ultra-technological city of the 21st century, there is still room for beach holidays, and the beaches here are of a very high standard. True, if you don’t want to make your way to the sea through a crowd of vacationers, it’s worth visiting the beautiful and uncrowded beaches on the islands of Lamma, Chen Chau and Liantao.

When it comes to nightlife, Hong Kong never sleeps, as befits a metropolis. Almost all night in the Tsim Sha Tsui area, neon lights attract nightlife enthusiasts. Most of the night bars and clubs are located here. Discos, live music, karaoke - everyone will find entertainment to suit their taste. And romantic types will be interested in taking the Lei Yue Mun night cruise - a five-hour cruise along Victoria Bay, during which you can enjoy magnificent views of Hong Kong at night.


Shopping in Hong Kong is a separate full-fledged entertainment that is unlikely to be included in one day. The advantage of shopping in Hong Kong is lower prices than in other cities in China.

As a rule, tourists in Hong Kong seek to replenish their wardrobe, purchase equipment and jewelry. Also popular are ivory and jade items, porcelain tableware, Chinese traditional clothing, tea and sweets.

First of all, you need to understand: without visiting the colorful street markets of Hong Kong, your trip will not be called complete. Ladies' Market is perhaps the most popular market in Hong Kong. This place is famous for cheap copies of famous brands (bags, watches, wallets). Not the most crowded in Hong Kong - Stanley market- is one of the most interesting for tourists: only it can boast such a variety of souvenirs. Among the markets that also deserve tourist attention are: antique market on Cat Street, market on Wan Chai street(one of the largest open markets), Costume Market(carnival, not business) and even Business Card Market. And for technology and fashionable gadgets at attractive prices, it’s best to go to Gold Trade Gallery(you won’t find gold there, but computers of any kind). It is worth remembering that it is customary to bargain in markets.

Tired of markets, you can reorient yourself to shopping centers. There are also a great many of them in Hong Kong: this is a chic Pacific Place, And Times Square, And The Landmark, And Citygate Outlets, and incredible Discovery Park- a mixture of a park and a shopping center.

You can pay for purchases in shopping centers either in cash or by credit card. Keep in mind that Hong Kong has its own currency (Hong Kong dollar), and yuan is almost never accepted here. You can pay in yuan at the market or in small shops, but the exchange rate will not be in your favor. Therefore, it is best to exchange any currency for Hong Kong dollars, especially since there are a lot of exchange offices in the city.


Hong Kong is quite easy to navigate and navigate, as the transport system is well-organized to the smallest detail. By the way, traffic here is on the left. There are signs in English everywhere, so it's impossible to get lost. Travelers can travel by metro, bus, tram, ferry or taxi. Each type of transport has its own tariffs and tickets. If you are going to spend several days in Hong Kong, it will be more profitable to purchase an Octopus card, which you can use to pay for travel in all vehicles and not waste time buying a ticket. The card costs approximately $20.

The Hong Kong metro has 10 lines, including the Airport Express line, which allows quick access to the airport from the city center. The metro stations are clean and bright, all cars have air conditioning. The cost of a metro ride depends on the distance, type of line, day of the week and time of travel, the final price varies from $0.25 to $2. You can save money by purchasing a travel pass.

Buses in Hong Kong are mostly double-decker and air-conditioned. There are a lot of routes, so before you get on the bus, be sure to check the map where it goes.

The most “deserved” mode of transport in Hong Kong is the tram. Double-decker trams have been running around Hong Kong for over a hundred years. Hong Kong people affectionately call them “ding-ding.” By the way, the cheapest way to travel is by tram.

The funiculars, of which there are two in Hong Kong, deserve special attention. The first, rail, was opened back in 1888 and still allows you to climb the Victoria Peak, the second is a regular cable car that can take you to the Buddha statue.

Taxis in Hong Kong come in three colors. Red color belongs to the “city” taxi, the most expensive. Green taxis are slightly cheaper, but they only operate in the New Territories, Disneyland and the airport. Blue taxis are the cheapest, but you can only catch them at the airport, Disneyland and Liantao Island. Taxi drivers in Hong Kong are required to serve the meter and provide a receipt, and passengers must wear seat belts, even if they are sitting in the back seat.


There are many telecommunications companies in Hong Kong, competing fiercely with each other. Therefore, international telephone communication is very inexpensive, 100 minutes will cost an average of $4, you just need to purchase a SIM card. Calls throughout the country can also be made from pay phones that accept coins and calling cards.

Internet access is available both in hotels, restaurants, bars, and in Internet cafes, which are distributed everywhere. True, there are almost no open networks; you have to pay for access to the network. In hotels, the cost of Internet is usually very high. The best solution would be to purchase a local PCCW card for 24 hours for $2.5. It can be used in any area of ​​Hong Kong.


Hong Kong is quite safe, and despite the sad experiences of the past, the crime rate here is now one of the lowest in China. But this does not mean that you can completely forget about precautions. Be careful in crowded places, as theft and pickpockets are still the main problem for the police.

In the evenings it is better not to walk alone, as there have been cases of tourists being robbed. Keep valuables in the hotel safe, have photocopies of your passport and other important documents. Do not enter into conversations with people who offer you to buy something cheap or exchange currency at a favorable rate: most likely, they are scammers.

Tap water in Hong Kong is safe to drink without boiling, but if you find yourself in rural areas, it is better to buy bottled water.

You should know that there are sharks in the coastal waters of Hong Kong. So for your own safety, do not swim on wild beaches.

Business climate

Hong Kong deservedly has a reputation as a tax haven, since the tax burden on taxpayers here is the lowest in Asia and ranks 3rd in the world. There is no value added tax or sales tax. The territory of Hong Kong has free port status, which means that imported goods, with a few exceptions, are not subject to excise taxes and customs duties. Taxes also do not apply to dividends, interest income, capital gains and assets received by inheritance. At the same time, Hong Kong is not an offshore zone, which ensures a good reputation for its banking system.

The advantages of doing business in Hong Kong include the extremely low level of corruption in government bodies. It is also important that it is very easy to open a company in Hong Kong: the procedure takes no more than 4 days, no physical office is required, one representative (director or shareholder) is enough, who can be a citizen of any country. Companies only have to file financial statements once a year.

Investments from all over the world flock to Hong Kong; thematic exhibitions are held here in a variety of sectors of the economy and industry, which provides ample opportunities for establishing business connections and finding the right contacts.

Real estate

The Hong Kong real estate market is developing very dynamically and attracting foreign investors. However, real estate prices here are very high. The most prestigious area is Victoria Peak, where the most expensive real estate in the world is presented. However, distance from the center does not guarantee a decline in prices. A small house in a quiet area far from the center will cost $600,000-1,000,000. Of course, this does not mean that there is no affordable housing at all in Hong Kong, but demand has been exceeding supply for several years now, so all inexpensive real estate is sold out very quickly.

When purchasing a house or apartment in Hong Kong, you should remember that there is no right of private ownership of housing, but there is a right to lease for a period of 50 to 99 years. To purchase real estate, foreigners need to obtain a special permit from the Consulate General of the People's Republic of China.

Recently, Hong Kong authorities have been taking measures to combat rising property prices, which are associated with speculative sentiment among sellers. These measures apply to foreigners if they are going to get a loan to buy a home from a Hong Kong bank. Certain restrictions are introduced: the mortgage term cannot exceed 30 years, and the payer must have such a monthly income that the loan payment is no more than 40%.

When planning a trip to Hong Kong, keep in mind that Russian citizens do not need a visa if the period of stay in Hong Kong does not exceed 14 days and the purpose of the trip is tourism or a business visit. If you are going to visit other cities in China, you should apply for a Chinese visa in advance.

Smoking is prohibited in all public places in Hong Kong. Smoking is permitted only in special areas marked with a “smoking area” sign. The fine for violating the ban is so impressive that it discourages anyone from smoking: almost $200 for smoking in open places, and $500 if a smoker is caught with a cigarette in a closed public space. It is also prohibited to litter - again, punishable by a fine.

If you are going to give a gift to a Hong Kong person, be sure to pay attention to the packaging: it should be beautiful and tasteful. When presenting, give the gift with both hands - this is a sign of respect. Never give knives and other cutting objects (according to Chinese superstitions, this means a break in relationships), watches, straw sandals and scarves (associated with funerals). If you are invited to visit, we advise you to bring fruits, sweets or flowers (but not white or red) as a gift.