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Italian Railways Map - train routes in Italy. All about the railways of Italy Railways of Italy in Russian

Where is the best place to look for train tickets in Italy and how to buy tickets on so as not to spoil your own vacation and travel experience. Today BlogoItaliano will talk about the little-known aspects of the main railway site in Italy, the nuances that beginners often encounter, and how to get around them to make the trip as comfortable and safe as possible. Still, trains have been and remain the most popular way to travel around the country.

Features of purchasing tickets on the Trenitalia website

Before we get into the actual online ticket purchasing process, It is important to note the following: Train tickets in Italy can be purchased at the station itself. This can be done either at the cash register or at the machine. There are, however, a few “Buts” here:

  • The closer to the departure date, the more expensive the ticket usually costs. Just before the train departs, the travel document costs the most. Therefore, the sooner you purchase it, the more you will save.
  • On a number of popular destinations, there may well be a situation with a lack of tickets before departure. After all, Italy is a popular country, but train capacity is limited.

You can buy tickets in advance on the official website of the railway,, where local tickets are mainly purchased, or which is mostly used by Russian-speaking travelers. The reasons why tourists often prefer Omio to the official railway website are due to their reluctance to risk their vacation, as well as their desire to save money.

Not by Trinitalia alone

Few people who have never used Italian railways know about this. But Trenitalia is not the only railway operator in the country. Along with it, no less fast and comfortable Italotreno trains run on many popular routes.

Since these are 2 completely different companies, their schedules, ticket sales and various promotions for passengers are also different. So when planning a trip, it makes sense to at least research both operators.

Ticket... didn't arrive

Yes, this could very well be the case. You chose a trip, paid, but the e-ticket did not arrive. Communication with Trenitalia technical support can take weeks, not just hours, given language barriers and everything else. Therefore, despite the fact that you can buy tickets without registration, we strongly recommend that you still register. Then, even if you don’t receive tickets by email, you can simply download them in your personal account. But registration is not easy either.

Problems with registration

Registering on the Trenitalia website to get all the benefits is quite simple, but not entirely simple. The first thing our compatriots “stumble” over is the need to enter your residential address... in Italy. This is only necessary so that a CartaFRECCIA savings card will be sent to you by mail to the specified address.

But you don’t need it, since only Italian residents can use it. The solution may be to enter an arbitrary address or the address of the hotel where you live or are going to live, so that your card does not reach some Signor Francesco in a Sicilian village.

The second “misunderstanding” is passport data. Here you need to indicate, in addition to the number and date of issue, the authority that issued the document. And also Italian. You can get out the real number of the foreign passport, the date of issue and expiration date, and choose the rest arbitrarily.

Finally, the most “delicious” - “Codice Fiscale” - your Taxpayer Identification Number in Italy. Yes, exactly in Italy. It can be officially obtained from the Italian consulate. Ready to try? If not, then you can do without all these difficulties and additional documents, but more on that below.

In the meantime, for those who decided to bother with the hotel address and Italian Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN), let’s look at the purchase process on the official Trenitalia website.

Buying tickets on the Trenitalia website

So, in order to buy a train ticket in Italy, we go to the official international website of the state carrier - home page in Italian

Let us illustrate the search and purchase of tickets online on the Trenitalia website using the example of a conditional trip from Rome to Milan. The first thing we see on the website that opens is the ticket search request form. Let's go through all the form fields in detail:

TUTTI I TRENI – all trains;

FRECCE – high-speed trains (“Strela”);

REGIONALI – regional trains (“electric trains”).

SOLO ANDATA – one way;

ANDATA E RITORNO - “there and back”;

Da – from where;

In the departure and arrival fields we type the first letters of the places we are interested in, and then we can select a specific place from the list that appears. It should be borne in mind that the names of Italian railway stations on the site are presented in Italian, regardless of the choice of site language (at the time of writing, the Italian, English, French, German and Chinese versions are relevant). Also, many cities have more than one train station, and this also needs to be taken into account when planning a trip.

In the fields “Adulti” and “Ragazzi” we note the number of adult passengers and children, respectively. Children under 4 years old travel for free, from 4 to 12 years old - with a 50% discount.

Click the “CERCA” (search) button, which will take us to a page with search results. You will be redirected to the website - don’t let this bother you, there is no “substitution” here, you just switched from the international website of the Italian railways to the local one.

Search results are presented in table form

We received a list of possible options for the trip we needed, indicating key parameters. By default, 10 offers are displayed per page, and if there are more in total, you can switch between pages using the arrows at the bottom of the table, or click the “Altre solucioni” button to display all offers for the specified day.

The “Partenza” column indicates the departure time and place, the “Arrivo” column – the time and place of arrival, “Durata” – the travel time; “Treno” is the type of train (both regional and high-speed trains can go here in any order), “Offerta” is the type of ticket, and “Prezzo” is the price.

Each column in the table is collapsed. By expanding the appropriate column, we will see a number of additional options within one specific route.

Select the ticket type and carriage class

Here we can change the ticket type and carriage class. The main types of tickets offered by Italian railways are Base, Economy and Super Economy. The last type is the cheapest tickets. They sell out the fastest. A little more expensive - Economy and even more expensive - Base. The difference in price is determined by the terms of return or exchange. So, for example, a Super Economy ticket cannot be returned or changed, which makes it as cheap as possible.

Options for choosing a car class depend on the type of train. So, for example, in Frecciargento and EuroCity there are two classes - first and second. They are not fundamentally different, but the difference in price can be significant.

The FRECCIAROSSA (Red Arrow) trains have more classes - Standard, Premium, Business Salottino, Business Area Silenzio, Business, Executive. You can get detailed explanations about the advantages of a particular class of carriage on Trenitalia trains by simply hovering over the “i” icon in the column of interest.

Having finally decided on the choice of ticket type and carriage class, put a tick in the place corresponding to our choice and click “CERCA”.

A page opens where we need to indicate the personal data of passengers and select a payment method.

We enter the personal data of passengers. Don't forget to keep an eye on the time counter

Choose a convenient payment method

From the moment we went to the booking confirmation page, the time allotted for this procedure begins to click. Confirm purchase and make payment need to be done in 10 minutes. The widget in the upper right part of the screen will constantly remind us of this.

The reason for this limitation is obvious - while you confirm your booking, the selected offer is “frozen”, and no one will be able to buy it before you. This is especially true for trains and carriages with the ability to select specific seats.

By the way, choosing a seat is quite simple with accessible visualization of the carriage and the layout of the seats. Free seats are marked in green; you can select them with a simple click.

Choosing a seat in the carriage is not difficult: just click on any free one, marked in green

We remind you that in the most budget option - on regional trains of Italian railways, by definition there is no possibility of choosing a seat, and if, upon entering the carriage, you do not find an empty seat, this does not mean that you were sold a ticket above the “norm”, thereby infringing on your rights. You'll just have to ride standing, that's normal.

Let's go back to the booking confirmation. If you are not registered on the Trenitalia website, select the field “Proseguo senza fare il login”. A form will open in which you will need to enter your data - first name, last name, email and contact phone number with the country code, but without the “plus” at the beginning.

Please note - this is a form for filling out your data as a ticket buyer. The passenger data form is located immediately below it. If you are one of the passengers, you do not need to fill out your data a second time - just check the box “Sono anche un passeggero del viaggio” (I am also a passenger), and your data will be duplicated in the form below.

Now we go down below, where a list of payment methods is provided. Select the appropriate one and click “Continua”.

At this stage, fill in the payment information and make the payment.

The most important thing in an electronic ticket is the PNR code

After successful payment, the actual tickets should be sent to your email address. They will be in pdf format. You will need to print this pdf file and take it with you on your trip. The most valuable thing in such an electronic ticket is the PNR code. Actually, this is the only thing that will interest the controller.

In emergency cases, you may not even have a printed file, but simply show the ticket inspector on your smartphone screen. He will request a ticket using the PNR code in the database, and this will complete the control. The process takes just seconds. Naturally, there is no need to register somewhere or, especially, to validate an electronic ticket.

How to buy tickets easier: an alternative way

If everything described above seems too complicated for you or you are not yet ready to communicate with Trenitalia support in Italian, you can use. Here you can check the current timetable and book tickets for Trenitalia trains without an Italian address, tax identification number, passport, etc. complications.

In addition, Omio tracks the train schedules not only of Trenitalia, but also of Italotreno and other companies. And since they use the same stations, but each has its own prices, promotions and “buns” for customers, then you will have a much greater chance of buying a ticket at a good price.

Finally, if you haven't used Omio before, you can get a 10 Euro discount on your first purchase. To receive a coupon you need to register in the system using a special invitation link. The discount becomes available immediately after registration. The only condition is that the purchase amount must be more than 40 Euros.

BlogoItaliano wrote more about this little-known life hack in a separate article.

Prices are the same as at the ticket office at the station. In RuNet he created, perhaps, the most convenient such solution. Previously, in order to check the prices of all operators at once, you had to use similar resources in English. At the same time, they often had such commissions that all convenience was reduced to nothing.

The system interface is intuitive and there are no restrictions on the number of tickets purchased. You just need to enter the necessary data, pay for the purchase and receive the coveted travel document by e-mail. All you have to do is print it out and take it with you to the station.

One of the best ways to discover Italy is by train. Unlike some European countries, train connections in Italy are as smooth as clockwork, making it a good alternative even for those travelers who are used to relying on a rental car.

Italian railway system– highly developed and less expensive than most European railways. Some may disagree and say that the only proper way to see Italy in its entirety is by car, but we guarantee that the Italian railways are sufficient to provide an exciting month with visits to all the key points on the mainland. For example, only train from Venice, passes through a number of exceptional cities, including Verona and Padua.

Use railway map of Italy to plan your vacation. It shows key Italian cities and the railway lines connecting them.

Railway map of Italy

Darker colors on the map indicate high-speed train lines such as Eurostar and IC (intercity). The orange lines, in turn, show slower local routes.

For more detailed information about Italian railway network You should familiarize yourself with the information on rail transport not only in Italy, but throughout Europe as a whole. A distinctive feature of the site is that it contains data not only from the main railway operators, but also from smaller companies whose tickets, as a rule, are significantly cheaper.

Italian train passes and tickets

As we noted above, travel around, as a rule, will cost less than in other European countries. Most tourists who choose this method of travel often buy point-to-point tickets. However, if you are planning to travel a long distance or break your trip into several stages, then it may make sense to consider purchasing a travel pass - the so-called Inter Rail Italy Pass. Get more detailed information about it.

It is also useful to pay attention to the InterRail Global Train Pass option if your trip goes beyond Italy and covers several European countries. Remember, however, that travel cards are designed for travelers who are ready to actively use them, and may turn out to be absolutely unprofitable for one-time trips. It is also always a good idea to check whether the pass applies to residents of your country, as there are certain restrictions.

On the other hand, if you don’t need a travel card, then, while in Italy, you can buy a train ticket directly at the train stations at ticket offices or special automated kiosks. Another thing is that such a purchase may involve some hassle. This is especially true for high-speed train tickets, where seat reservations are often required.

In addition, on popular routes there are often cases when all tickets are purchased in advance, and either they are not on sale at the station at all, or only premium class is available, which costs much more. To better understand what you might encounter at the station, we recommend the short video below.

Category Red Arrow (Frecciarossa)

This type of train on certain sections of the route reaches a cruising speed of 360 km/h. Trains use new high-speed lines and connect the cities of Turin - Milan - Bologna, Florence - Rome - Naples - Salerno. Exceptional comfort and Wi-Fi connection. Directions:

Milan - Rome - Milan: 24 direct and 30 with stops in Bologna and Florence. Travel time: 3 hours and, accordingly, 3 hours 30 minutes. for the second group.

Milan - Naples - Milan: 4 trains with stops in Rome and Milan and 7 trains with stops at Roma Termini. Travel time: 4 hours 10 minutes. and, accordingly, 4 hours 25 minutes. for the second group.

Turin - Rome - Turin: 8 trains with stops in Milan, Bologna and Florence cover the distance in 4 hours 13 minutes. 4 trains with a single stop in Milan cover the journey in 4 hours 20 minutes.

Bologna - Florence - Bologna: 44 trains, travel time - 37 minutes.

N.B. Italy -

Krasnaya Strela - interior and services

You can buy tickets for the Red Arrow online at or from the new Self-service machines "Biglietto veloce". The seat on the ticket is reserved.

The Milan - Florence - Rome - Naples trains include a dining car. A couple of years ago, only first class passengers and top managers could use this service.

In first class carriages, all passenger seats are equipped with contacts for laptop computers and mobile devices. Passengers can order coffee, juices and champagne. Passenger layout 2+1.

Second class carriages are not inferior in comfort and equipment. The layout of the passenger space is 2+2.

Category Silver Arrow (Frecciargento)

These trains can use both high-speed and regular lines and reach speeds of 250 km/h. The Silver Arrows connect the cities of Rome, Venice, Verona, Bari, Lecce and Reggio Calabria. Directions:

Rome - Venice - Rome: 28 trains with a minimum time of 3 hours 30 minutes. and maximum - 3 hours 43 minutes.

Rome - Verona - Rome: 6 trains, of which 2 - through Bolzano and 4 - through the city of Brescia. Travel time - 3 hours.

Rome - Bari - Rome: One train with stops in Benevento, Caserta and Foggia. Travel time is 4 hours.

Rome - Reggio Calabria: 2 trains with stops in Naples, Salerno, Paola and Villa San Giovanni. Travel time is 4 hours.

Silver Arrow - carriage interior

Category White Arrow (Frecciabianca)

Trains of this category reach a speed of 200 km/h and serve the lines Milan - Venice, Udine, Trieste, as well as local lines along the Adriatic coast, Bari and Lecce. They are distinguished by high comfort and cleanliness, spacious interiors and favorable ticket prices.

The White Arrow includes several first class carriages, as well as a specially adapted carriage for passengers who cannot move independently for health reasons.

Interior of White Arrow carriages

2+1 seating layout, wide aisle and more sophisticated system for personal luggage. All first and second class tickets include a seat reservation.

The layout of passengers is 2+2, the design of the seats is less free, more economical materials were used for the interior and toilets. All passenger seats are equipped with contacts for laptop computers and mobile devices.

Intercity Trains (IC)

This category of trains appeared in Italy in the 80s. Intercity trains were considered luxury and were intended to transport passengers between major Italian cities. In fact, they have become an expensive option for interregional trains. Before the introduction of high-speed Eurostar trains, IS trains served long-distance routes with few stops along the way.

As a rule, the train layout includes 2 first-class carriages and up to 7 second-class carriages, including compartment and general passenger layout options. The trains reach a maximum speed of 200 km/h. Intercity trains connecting cities of neighboring countries are called Eurocity.

Since December 14, 2008, almost all trains in this category have been replaced by Eurostar Arrows. As a result, the price of tickets for Intercity is much lower and more profitable. Until recently, purchasing a ticket did not involve reserving a seat on the carriage. Due to the accelerated modernization of these trains, this option will most likely also appear in the online booking mode.

Intercity carriage interior

Regional and local trains

As the name suggests, we are talking about a category of local trains without the possibility of reserving a seat in the carriage. Regional and local trains, with rare exceptions, stop at every town or station.

Regional and local trains can be double-decker, have old and new cars, different types of locomotives, and the varied assortment of cars is difficult to describe in a nutshell. The distinctive symbol of the carriages is R or REG(regional).

The maximum speed of trains is up to 150 km/h, but only in certain sections.


Over the past few years, Italian railways have invested more than 5 billion euros in projects for new high-speed lines and train safety systems. Trains are the main competitor to airlines in the domestic market, and in some cases the time savings are obvious. Train control systems implemented on the basis of GSM operators allow you to control the speed of trains from a distance, stop the train or bring it to its destination automatically under any atmospheric conditions.

Official website of Italian Railways

Roma Termini. Address: P.zza dei Cinquecento, 00185 Roma, Italy

It will be useful for readers to know that the second unifier of Italy after Garibaldi was the railways. Their birthday was officially recorded as April 21, 1905, although the first trains appeared more than 170 years ago. A short video report about the history of Italian railways will take you back in time for a moment:

Train stations in Italy

In the past, Italy was jokingly called the land of a hundred cities. Now it is called the country of 2000 stations. There are exactly 2260 of them. They are divided into categories and are subject to different administrative levels. There are four categories of stations, each of which includes classification attributes based on the volume of passenger traffic, service infrastructure, tourist load, architectural complexity, originality and level of development of business services.

Platinum category includes stations with a daily number of passengers from 6,000 people per day, with a dense network of destinations and a frequency interval of departure and arrival of trains. The cities are important tourist and cultural centers, the station infrastructure includes supermarkets, bookstores, travel agency offices, etc. The platinum category includes 11 Italian cities: Milan, Venice (Mestre, Santa Lucia stations), Verona, Bologna, Torino, Genoa (Principe stations , Brignole), Florence, Rome, Naples, Bari and Palermo.

Golden stations Medium to large size differ from platinum in volume of passenger traffic and fewer business services.

Bronze stations serve exclusively local trains with small regional passenger traffic.

All experienced travelers to Italy agree that railways are the most practical and convenient way to travel around the country. The only alternative is your own car or a rental car (more details). Of course, there are buses here too, but it’s quite difficult to understand the system of their routes right away: they run rarely and irregularly. But the Italian railway system is perfectly coordinated: it is a special world with its own laws and rules. A single network connects all the major cities and attractions that are most attractive to travelers.

Majority Italian railways, connecting the cities, are high-speed and are served by a single transport company, Trenitalia. However, there are exceptions: railways around the volcanoes of Etna and Vesuvius (more about Vesuvius), as well as the province of Apulia, are organized by private transport companies. Italian trains themselves are divided into several types, each of which can be discussed in more detail.

They could be called top-class trains, since both in terms of speed and level of comfort they set the bar above the rest. Such a train is capable of reaching speeds of more than 250 km/h (for example: you can get from Rome to Florence on such a train in one and a half hours, from Venice to Milan in two and a half). The name of each type of Eurostar train contains the word “arrow” (Italian: “freccia”), which quite accurately conveys both the speed capabilities and the appearance of the train. The streamlined and pointed shape of the composition fits this association perfectly. Within the category there is a division into subtypes of trains:

  • Red Arrow. Even among its own kind, it has no equal: at certain intervals of the route, the lightning-fast train reaches speeds of up to 360 km/h. Follows the routes Turin-Milan-Bologna and Rome-Naples-Salerna.
  • Silver arrow. Unlike the previous one, this train can be used not only as a high-speed train, but also as a regular one. Unites Rome, Venice, Verona and a number of smaller cities. The maximum speed of the train is 250 km/h.
  • White arrow. The speed of this type is more modest than that of others - 200 km/h, but it is not inferior to its counterparts in terms of comfort and convenience for passengers. It connects Milan and Venice, and also serves several other lines, including the Adriatic coast.

Regardless of the subtype, Eurostar trains are distinguished by exceptional comfort and modern interior equipment. The carriages have Wi-Fi, and the seats are equipped with sockets for charging mobile phones and other devices. The soft and comfortable chairs come with tables, the cabin is quite spacious, and you can order drinks. In addition, the trains have a dining car that is accessible to the public, and a special car for passengers with disabilities.

Expert advice! Italian trains are characterized by unpunctuality, and it is better to be prepared for this. Even the scoreboard is initially programmed with the line “ritardo” - late, and it often has to light up. At the same time, you shouldn’t relax, and it’s better to leave the house in advance.

This type is considered simpler and more budget-friendly: the train travels slower (its ceiling is 200 km/h), looks simpler, and its prices are much lower. Not long ago, following the strengthening of Eurostar trains, Intercity services were significantly reduced, causing ticket prices to plummet. However, like the Eurostar, this type is aimed at interregional travel with a minimum number of stops. The salons are also very comfortable: there are regular and compartment carriages, first and second class carriages.

Regional trains

It would be easier to call them electric trains. These are trains that travel short distances within one region. As in our trains, seats are not marked on tickets in this case, so during rush hour or on weekends there is a risk of not being able to find a seat. But at any time you can get off the train and change to another, or even go on a different day altogether. Tickets in Italy are universal; they can be used on any train of the corresponding class. However, if the ticket has already been validated, you will have to try to do it within 6 hours.

Expert advice! It is mandatory to validate tickets for regional trains. The inspectors are not asleep, and they are quite determined: a substantial fine will be imposed for traveling with an empty ticket. Tickets must be stamped in composter machines, which are located near the platforms. If the machine does not work (this is a common occurrence in Italy), or you simply do not have time to get to it, you need to write the date and time of the trip on the ticket yourself.

Long distance trains ICN

Such trains have sleeping places, but the level of comfort leaves much to be desired: 6 passengers are accommodated in a compartment, and instead of linen there is something resembling sleeping bags. It may be more convenient to use airline services to travel to the other end of the country. It is much faster and more comfortable, and there are a large number of budget tariffs.

Tickets can be purchased in two ways: through the ticket office or from a special machine. When buying a ticket at the box office, it is better to contact the cashier in Italian - not everyone here speaks English. Please note that if the buyer does not specify which class of train or carriage he is interested in, it is customary here to sell the cheapest ticket by default. Therefore, all your preferences should be expressed immediately. The same goes for time: if you don’t specify, they will sell you a ticket for the next train.

Most travelers prefer to buy tickets at the ticket office, because local machines tend to show character: freeze or not give out change. If you still decide to take a risk, we recommend paying by card, this will reduce the risk of problems.

At some small stations there may be neither a machine nor an open ticket office - in this case, tickets may be sold in a bar or other nearby department.

Expert advice! It is better to purchase tickets for Eurostar trains in advance online. Firstly, during hot seasons they sell out quite quickly, and you risk being left without a place, and secondly, it will be much cheaper. When booking on the website long before your intended trip, you can buy a ticket at the most economical rate: such tickets cost from 9 euros. However, it will be impossible to return or exchange such a ticket. Ticket sales begin 4 months before the trip.

By the way, quite recently several completely new railway routes with amazing destinations were introduced in Italy. These are railroads with an antique feel, from the slow, contemplative movement to the appearance of the train. Train routes pass through the most picturesque places of the country and past amazing architectural monuments: bridges, castles, ruins. The slow movement of the train allows you to carefully examine every detail, which will be extremely interesting to connoisseurs of antiquity and history.

Let u Italian railways and there are some disadvantages, such as low platforms, the lack of automatic doors and frequent delays - but still, you will certainly enjoy traveling around the country by train. The main thing is to clarify all the details and do not hesitate to ask local residents if something is not clear to you. Italians are hospitable people, they will be happy to give you advice and help. Have a nice trip!

For convenience, the schedule is grouped by time.

Judging by the schedule, two trains depart to Milan (from 8.00 to 9.00) with a difference of 4 minutes. The 8.32 train is high-speed (Frecciabianca), so it arrives in Milan 40 minutes faster. It makes only two stops at Peschiera and Brescia, while the 8.36 train stops much more often. Most likely, tickets for Frecciabianca will cost more. On the right, in a blue circle, the platform where the train will arrive is indicated.
Attention! The train is passing at 8.32 m, so it is better to rely on the time rather than the name of the train.

Ticket composting.

Before boarding the train, the ticket must be validated. Special composters are installed in the station building, as well as on the platform.
If you don’t validate your ticket, you can face a hefty fine. There are controllers on the trains.

By the way, when I got to Lake Garda, I didn’t wait for the controller (the journey takes only 30 minutes). But on the way to Milan, I saw the controller’s work in action. A passenger was fined right in front of me.

Types of trains.

During the trip, I was able to take two types of trains: Frecciabianca (high-speed) and Regionale (regional trains).

Regionale looks downright scary from the outside, but is quite acceptable on the inside. Since seats are not indicated on the ticket, you can take any seat you like.

The doors open from the inside by pressing a special button.

Frecciabianca is a beautiful double-decker train. Photo of the second floor, where I was located.

Cars on Italian trains are not numbered. However, each car will be marked with a number 1 or 2. This is the class designation of the car. Of course, you need to take seats according to the tickets you purchased.

Ticket prices on the Trenitalia website.

Before the trip, I spent a long time monitoring ticket prices to Lake Garda and Milan. I even registered specifically on the Trenitalia website. Let me make a reservation right away that you can purchase tickets for high-speed trains two months in advance (discounts are possible), and for regional trains 7 days in advance.

I had no difficulties registering on the site, although the Internet is full of abusive articles on this topic. The most important problem is the need to indicate a registered address in Italy. I indicated the hotel address. I will not provide detailed instructions for purchasing a ticket, but I will show the difference in cost.

On the main page of the site, enter the point of departure, point of arrival and date in the appropriate cells. I recommend immediately switching to “all trains”. Otherwise, the site will only show you “arrows”. In my browser's poor translation, these are “high-speed trains.”
Please note that the name of the city must be entered in Italian. Another nuance - some cities have prefixes, such as “Porta Nuova” or “Centrale”. This is important, if you choose the wrong option, you will have to get off at another station)).

Let's see what happened. On February 25, you can buy a ticket on the route Verona - Milan for only 9 € and only on the high-speed switch.

If you try to purchase a ticket for a closer date (January 13), it is obvious that the cost of a similar ticket has increased to 17.2 €. There is also an opportunity to purchase a ticket for the regional train for 12.05 €.

The benefits of early travel planning are more than obvious.

In general, I learned how to buy tickets for Italian trains. However, I still couldn’t figure out some of the subtleties: night trains, buying children’s tickets. I just didn't have to.


Today I am publishing my first review of a book I read in 2015. Details.

Author: John Drake, Good Book Publishing House. Motto: “How to work less and enjoy life more?”

Despite the fact that I expected a little different from the book, it hit the top ten. For me, downshifting (to think very roughly) is quitting work and going to Thailand for the winter. However, the author presented the idea somewhat differently. In the classical sense, downshifting is a transition from a highly paid job, which takes up all your free time, to a lower paid one, with a different schedule or that does not require your presence in the office at all.
The book will be useful for workaholics who are beginning to understand that they can never do everything over again, that it’s time to reduce the load and start changing something in their lives: spend more time with family, remember about hobbies, read more, go for walks... The list goes on and on. . In a word - start living fully.
After reading the book, I didn’t want to quit my job at all, but I will still review some things.