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IMF gdp per capita. GDP per capita. United Arab Emirates

What is GDP? The abbreviation stands for gross domestic product. In other words, it is a digital indicator of the price value of goods or services produced by a particular country.

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The total value includes all government products and services whose equivalent is displayed in US currency (dollar).

Important nuances

The calculation is carried out per year, where the total amount is divided by the total population of the country. In other words, we can say that gross domestic product is an indicator of how self-developed a state is, independent, rich or poor, how its citizens live, etc.

The value of GDP characterizes not only the general indicators of comparable countries in the world, but also individually among themselves, individually, seasonally, with current market fluctuations.

When calculating the gross domestic product, indicators such as financial transactions, contracts, agreements, securities, resales of the secondary real estate market (this includes houses, apartments, and vehicles, clothing and household items) are not used.

This is argued by the fact that the resale of a repeated product was previously included in the calculation during primary use.

Financial or monetary transactions cannot fully reflect the real value in the market.

Basically, the role of the gross domestic product is to reflect the characteristics of the final result of production in the country, its level of development from the economic side.

The following metrics and indicators can be taken into account:

The calculation method itself, as a rule, many are faced with such a value as GNP (gross national product) GNP is used as an adjustment value, which is often reported by headquarters of a state whose representative office is located in another state
Local features For example, in the USA, intellectual property has a significant influence
PPP value What is determined by the difference between the real and official dollar exchange rate, as well as the internal and external exchange rate indicator

The following formula is used to calculate GDP:


Table per capita of countries of the world:

A country GDP indicators by PPP, dollars
Qatar 129 960,04
Luxembourg 103 390,25
Singapore 89 280,30
Macau 85 610,75
Brunei 80 050,70
Kuwait 71 435,90
Norway 70 070,30
UAE 68 720,05
San Marino 86 185,70
Ireland 60 820,90
Switzerland 60 502,20
Hong Kong 59 998,0
USA 58 953,04
Russia 25 741,40
Nigeria 6271,0
Sudan 4520,0

The list goes on, since GDP statistics are kept for more than 190 countries of the world.

Difference between nominal and real

It is customary to distinguish between two types of GDP - nominal and real. The nominal represents the total volume of products produced, as well as services that are relevant at the moment, their cost, etc.

Real represents a certain period of time in which the cost of a product or service is determined by the base cost.

In turn, the base cost is the constant price of the product. What is the difference between these two criteria?

The difference is that real GDP is affected only by the volume of production and its change, while nominal GDP is influenced only by the price side.

The relationship between the two types of GDP is referred to as the deflator. To calculate the deflator, a formula is used where the total volume is divided by the number of citizens living in the country.

Ranking of gross domestic product by country (PPP)

GDP at PPP (purchasing power parity) is a value in the economy that determines the ability of citizens to buy goods.

There are disagreements among economists regarding the correctness of using the methodology for calculating parity. Most commonly used is the standard GDP per citizen.

From the mathematical side, PPP should be reduced after all calculations to a single amount for a single currency in all countries of the world for the same goods purchased by citizens.

However, world practice suggests the opposite, when the consumer basket contains different product neighborhoods, while the parity does not take into account the costs of transport, road, etc.

All these omissions contribute to the discrepancy in the theoretical calculations of economists. As a rule, this missing indicator is taken into account by the World Bank, Eurostat and the IMF.

All calculations are equated to GDP indicators in the USA, since for 2019 the USA is an approximate indicator of currency stability and growth.

Which countries in the world can be identified in anticipation of GDP growth for 2019 (percentage value):

India 7,5
China 6,6
Indonesia 5,3
Romania 3,9
Poland 3,6
Iceland 3,2
Türkiye 3,1
Sweden 2,9
Australia 2,7
USA 2,5
WB 2,4
Germany 1,9
Canada 1,9
Ukraine 1,5

On average, the predicted GDP growth rates for the countries of the European Union (and not only) for 2019 are calculated to be up to 1.8%, and repression is estimated to be up to 15%.

According to the IMF

IMF (International Monetary Fund) for 2017-2018. determined the high performance of the United States, which is one of the five successful countries in the world.

According to IMF indicators, the US GDP volume is equal to 19,285 trillion. dollars, which is significantly higher than all other world indicators.

Over the past couple of years, the US gross domestic product has grown by about $727 billion, compared to China, where the gap was $8 billion. This once again confirms that the US economy ranks first among other countries.

According to IMF standards, Russia has moved up to 13th place on the list, thereby rapidly overtaking Australia. Russia's gross domestic product increased by $136 billion.

According to the CIA

Indicators for 2015 of some countries of the world have not changed so much for 2019. According to GDP statistics based on PPP data from the CIA, seven countries still occupy leading positions in the list, which includes the Russian Federation.

Also, the first places are stubbornly occupied by Indonesia, France, Great Britain, and Spain. Canada, Iran and Australia.

Let's try to display this data in a table:

A country GDP at PPP per capita, USD
China 14 268,1
USA 55 615,3
India 6415,2
Japan 36 708,0
Germany 47 492,5
Russia 23 726,0
Brazil 15 498,2
Indonesia 10 920,0

These indicators change annually, and the CIA carefully monitors them.

Where does Russia rank?

The Russian Federation occupies 55 and 72 places from the list of countries in the world based on GDP data, which were calculated using PPP for 2017-2018.

If we talk about numbers, then the indicators are as follows:

We can say that Russia has not moved forward, nor has it given up ground.

The poorest countries

According to statistics for 2019, the weakest countries in the world in terms of indicators are:

Venezuela The country is experiencing a shortage of basic products in the pharmaceutical and oil sectors. Indicators could fall to 3.5%
Brazil Indicators will decrease to 3% due to the cost of iron ore
Greece GDP value will fall to 1.8%
Russia The Russian Federation is on the verge of an economic crisis, with about a 65% probability of its occurrence. GDP figures for 2019 may drop to 0.5%
Ecuador The value will drop to 0.5%
Argentina Occupies the same positions, so far no changes for 2019
Japan An increase of 0.36% is possible in the country following previous figures
Finland Should increase by 1.16%
Croatia 1.2% increase
Switzerland Must increase its GDP by 1.68%

Video: comparison of US and Russian GDP

If you take an interest in world events, you have undoubtedly noticed the continued strengthening of China's economy. When economists evaluate the economy of any country, they refer to GDP (gross domestic product), which is the sum of all economic activities of the country. This is not an ideal way to measure real economic growth, but it is suitable for quickly analyzing the economic situation.
When determining economic level, GDP per capita is a better tool than just GDP. To actually provide ratings, GDP per capita is adjusted for purchasing power parity (PPP), a concept in economics used to determine relative values ​​between currencies.
Here are the 10 countries with the highest GDP per capita, adjusted for PPP, as determined by the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

Australia, a member of the Commonwealth and one of the countries with the highest average standard of living, has recently developed significant economic relationships with China and other growing economies in Asia. The main driver of Australia's economic growth is the export of goods, driven by the manufacturing industry.

The New York Times, in an article about the middle classes in Canada and the United States, noted that for the first time, the middle class of the Canadian population is better off than the middle class in the United States.
Over the past decade, the ranking of one of the most peaceful countries has increased. A growing economy based on rising commodity prices in the market, as well as a developing financial industry, have made Canadians much more prosperous.

The tiny country of San Marino is also one of the richest per capita in the world. San Marino, surrounded on all sides by Italian territory, is the oldest sovereign state in the world, since the current political system is a direct successor to the system formed in 301 AD.
San Marino has no public debt, one of the lowest unemployment rates in Europe, thanks to a highly developed financial industry and tourism. For 32,000 citizens, these industries provide sufficient welfare.

Switzerland has a long history and remains neutral in all international issues - it even joined the UN only in 2002.
Not only manufacturing, science and technology, but also the financial sector are well developed in the country, so Switzerland has become the economic center of the world. The neutrality maintained for a long time attracted not only the headquarters of transnational corporations (Nestle, etc.) to the country, but also such non-profit organizations as the Red Cross. It is likely that Switzerland will continue to lead the European economy for a long time.
6. USA - GDP PER CAPITA: $53,101

Although the economy looks strong on a per capita basis, the widening wealth gap makes very few (less than 1%) people actually wealthy. Yet the United States middle class is better off than in many countries.

Brunei is a little-known small country. A former British colony, the sovereign state is located on the island of Borneo, sharing it with Malaysia and Indonesia. Thanks to large oil fields, Brunei has become a very rich country. Brunei is one of only two countries in the world that has no government debt. 90% of Brunei's GDP is based on crude oil sales, so the future of the country's economy will depend on oil prices.

Unlike Brunei, Norway is a country with large oil reserves, but at the same time it is a country with a mixed economy. Gas and crude oil make up 57% of GDP. Oil reserves contribute to a sovereign wealth fund that has made, at least on paper, every Norwegian a millionaire. Of course, individual citizens do not have access to this money, but it is money that has made Norway the most stable state in the modern world.

Singapore, an island state in Asia, is known as one of the most important and largest port cities in the world. Singapore is Asia's commercial hub for shipping and transportation, but could, like Hong Kong before, become a key city in the financial industry.
There is little original vegetation left for the highly developed city of 5.4 million. The importance of the Port of Singapore, and its status as a tax haven for the ultra-rich, means that Singapore will become richer every year.

Luxembourg, like Switzerland, has an economy based on steel and chemicals. To compensate for losses after the departure of many industries to Asian countries, it well developed banking and other financial services. Beneficial taxes have attracted the headquarters of various transnational corporations here, especially Internet startups (Amazon, Skype). Luxembourg is on track to become even richer, so its small population (537,853) will have no problems.
1. QATAR - GDP PER CAPITA: $98,814

Qatar is a monarchy ruled by the Al Thani family. It is famous for its sovereign wealth fund, which, among other things, allows it to buy up football teams and airlines around the world. Like many states, this fund is based on oil, the reserves of which put Qatar in third place in the world.
Although its population is 1.8 million people, only 280,000 of them are citizens of the country. The rest, migrants, who are not included in the calculations, act as a lower class of workers, not receiving any benefits from the national wealth. But for the lucky 280,000, Qatar is the richest country in the world.

According to most authoritative experts, today there are about 196 independent countries on the planet. It is difficult to name the exact number, since some states are not officially recognized at the international level. It is a rather erroneous opinion that the richest country in the world is determined by the overall level of GDP, that is, the market value of final goods and services produced per year in all sectors of the economy.

Yes, the strength of the economy and the stability of the state as a whole largely depend on the volume of GDP, but this does not guarantee a high standard of living for every citizen. For example, more than 1.4 billion people live in China, and even despite serious macroeconomic indicators, it is too early to talk about the mass well-being of local residents. Therefore, when answering the question which is the richest country in the world, it is customary to take into account GDP per capita.

As a rule, the leading positions here are occupied by small countries with huge reserves of natural resources or with very developed technological economies. Living standards in such states are very high. Taking into account the level of GDP per capita (purchasing power parity - PPP) according to official data from the International Monetary Fund, we will highlight the ranking of the TOP 10 richest countries in the world in 2019.


1. 124 927
2. 109 192
3. 90 531
4. 76 743
5. 72 632
6. 70 590
7. 69 669
8. 68 245
9. 61 360
10. 60 359



The richest country in the world in 2019 is Qatar. The state is located in the Middle East next to Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and the UAE. The population of Qatar is about 2.7 million people. Economic growth and the well-being of local residents is ensured primarily by the export of oil and natural gas. Thanks largely to its rich natural resources, which have allowed it to create an ideal infrastructure, Qatar will become the first country in the region to host the 2022 FIFA World Cup.


Second place in the ranking of the richest countries in the world is occupied by the small Western European state of Luxembourg, which is home to only about 593.6 thousand people. The favorable geographical location between such powerful countries as Germany, France and Belgium helps attract foreign investment, establish trade relations and grow the Luxembourg economy. The state has equally developed industry and financial sectors.


A stable political situation and a favorable investment climate have allowed Singapore to become one of the richest countries on the planet. The state is located in Southeast Asia near Malaysia. Singapore's population does not exceed 5.8 million people. The local economy is characterized by maximum openness and freedom, which attracts businessmen from different parts of the globe. There is virtually no unemployment and no corruption in Singapore. High technologies and innovations, medicine, tourism and the banking sector are actively developing.


Brunei is another miniature country in Southeast Asia with a population of about 437 thousand people. The economy is based on oil and natural gas production. The state of Brunei Darussalam (official name) is washed by the South China Sea and has a comfortable climate. A very beautiful place that attracts a large number of tourists. Local citizens are highly educated and the majority speak English. The authorities provide residents with free healthcare and do not levy taxes on personal income.


The Republic of Ireland shares with the even smaller Northern Ireland a small island in northern Europe next to Great Britain. The Irish people's wealth is driven by a developed economy dominated by mining, food production and banking. High technologies and innovative products are being introduced into every area of ​​activity. The population of Ireland is about 4.9 million people. The foundation of a country's wealth is trade.


Unlike rich Arab countries, Norway guarantees a high standard of living for local citizens not only through the sale of oil and gas, although it has huge energy reserves. For example, the state is one of the largest exporters of seafood. The economy is actively using new technologies and developing industry. Norway has a population of about 5.4 million people. The country is not part of the European Union, but maintains close trade ties with other developed European countries.


The TOP 7 richest countries in the world is closed by the state that owns one of the largest oil reserves on the planet (considering its small territory) - Kuwait. More than 90% of the budget revenue is provided by the export of petroleum products. The state is located between Iraq and Saudi Arabia. Kuwait's population is about 4.2 million. The high economic level of the country is evidenced by the cost and reliability of the local currency - the Kuwaiti dinar, which today is the most expensive in the world.


The United Arab Emirates has one of the largest economies in the Middle East. The state is located in the southwestern part of Asia next to Saudi Arabia and Oman. A beautiful and very rich country with large oil reserves, revenues from the sale of which form about 30% of GDP. A significant share of budget revenues is provided by the tourism and financial sectors. The population of the UAE is about 9.6 million people. There are virtually no taxes in the country and optimal conditions have been created for attracting foreign investment.


Switzerland is a beautiful European country with a very high standard of living and a thriving economy. The world-famous neutrality of the state in relation to political and military associations contributes to successful trade and the development of mutually beneficial relations with different countries of the planet. Switzerland has a population of 8.6 million people. Almost every Swiss citizen has deep respect for the culture and traditions of his native country. The basis of the economy is the banking sector and high-tech quality products.


The ranking of the TOP 10 richest countries in the world in 2019 is completed by a dwarf state literally built into the territory of Italy - the Republic of San Marino. The economy is based on tourism, the banking sector and some manufacturing sectors. For example, ceramics are produced here, clothes are sewn, furniture and certain food products are made. The population of San Marino in 2019 is only 33.6 thousand people. The main trading partner of the state, which accounts for up to 90% of exports, is obviously Italy.

Unfortunately, the countries of the post-Soviet space are far beyond the top ten richest countries in the world. For example, in terms of GDP (PPP) per capita, Russia is in 48th position ($27,890), the Republic of Belarus is in 70th ($18,616), and Ukraine is in 114th ($8,656).

GDP per capita is a special macroeconomic indicator that reflects the state of the country’s economy relative to its citizens. Total GDP is the market value of all services and goods produced in a country that are ready for consumption. All industries are taken into account, and, as a rule, the time period for this indicator is the calendar year. Overall GDP is not suitable for determining the well-being of a country's citizens. To assess the standard of living of a state's citizens, it is GDP per capita that is used, and when calculated correctly, it provides the most reliable data, which is used by all economists and analysts, with the exception of special cases. Thus, in 2019, the United States ranks first in the world in terms of overall indicators, and on a per capita basis, China was only in 2nd place. That is, 1 billion dollars per 10 million people is one thing, and a completely different picture will be with the same GDP per 100 million people. In addition, one should not confuse the well-being of citizens with well-being. The calculation of the latter takes into account more social indicators than economic ones.

The formula for calculating GDP per capita is very simple: total GDP/population of the country.

Recall that the GDP formula is:

GDP=Consumption+Investment+Government Expenditure+ (Export-Import)

With a GDP of 1 billion and a population of 10 million, the same figure per capita will be equal to: 1,000,000,000/10,000,000=100, and with a population of 100 million – 10.

GDP is one of the most important macroeconomic indicators, and fully reflects the state of the economy, because its calculation includes all industries, all production, costs and expenses. It is also the main indicator of the country's economy. Thus, the growth and decline of GDP affect stock indices, the policies of the Central Bank and the government apparatus as a whole.

However, often with equal economic volumes, states can have a fairly large gap in the level of social development. If we consider the same per capita rate and take into account only the real results of economic policy in the social sphere, then the difference will be visible in three main groups of needs:

  • basic goods, which include water, food, first aid, satisfactory sanitation, personal safety and quality of housing;
  • basic benefits, including a good environmental situation, accessibility of communications and information, general education and health care;
  • opportunity for population development. This category includes equality, civil rights, accessibility to higher and additional education.

New Zealand is considered one of the most prosperous countries, but it ranks only 34th in terms of GDP per capita.

Thus, the indicator under consideration for the most part reflects the state of the economy relative to the population, but does not indicate the absolute well-being of residents of the top five countries.

GDP per capita of the world's countries in 2018-2019

Country ratings based on macroeconomic indicators are compiled by the World Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the UN and even the CIA. Below is a list of 10 countries by GDP per capita for 2018 - 2019. Payment is made in US dollars.

Hong Kong is part of the People's Republic of China, but it is designated as a special administrative region. In the ratings, it stands out separately from the rest of the country, as it is the main financial center of Asia. In addition, the Chinese government does not interfere in the economy of this area, which is not typical for the country as a whole.

GDP per capita in Russia

Russia's GDP per capita, according to the World Bank, was $11,288 in 2019. The main macroeconomic indicator is influenced by many circumstances, from the situation within the country, its wealth of natural and human resources, political activity, to external criteria (wars, relations between countries etc.).

Based on the data presented, we can conclude that analysts expect some GDP growth. However, the growth rate is not too high: only 3-5%.

Long holidays and, frankly speaking, far from spring weather, created a certain supply of free time. I wandered through websites on the internet and looked at some economic statistics. Against the backdrop of pompous and large-scale celebrations, the country’s economic indicators do not look very good, to put it mildly.

GDP in absolute terms 2016, $ billion.

Here everything seems to be quite decent, in accordance with the “economic power” of the country, an honorable 13th place.

Place A country
1 USA 19284.99
2 China 12263.43
3 Japan 4513.75
4 Germany 3591.69
5 Great Britain 2885.48
6 France 2537.92
7 India 2487.94
8 Italy 1901.67
9 Brazil 1556.44
10 Canada 1530.7
11 South Korea 1379.32
12 Spain 1291.36
13 Russia 1267.55
14 Australia 1262.34
15 Mexico 1166.6
16 Indonesia 1024
17 Netherlands 794.25
18 Türkiye 791.24
19 Switzerland 665.48
20 Saudi Arabia 659.66

GDP per capita by country of the world 2016, in $

The success here is clearly not very good ((and the place is far from honorable.

73 Russia 7742.58

Russian GDP per capita chart

On the graph of Russia's GDP by year, the GDP is drawn with a return to the level of 1993-2000.

Average salary by country 2016: infographics

Here place 51 is also not a prize...

And where are we in the prizes?

Russia has reached third place in the world in military spending

Russia has taken third place in the world in military spending. The United States and China spend the most on maintaining the army and producing weapons. This was reported by TASS with reference to the annual report of the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI).

As stated in the SIPRI report, in 2016 Russia increased its spending by 5.9 percent, which amounted to $69.2 billion. China's military spending increased 5.4 percent to $215 billion last year, while top of the list the United States increased its spending 1.7 percent to $611 billion.

Draw your own conclusions.