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How the New Year is celebrated in different countries of the world: from Sweden to Venezuela. How to celebrate the New Year in different countries of the world Which peoples celebrate the New Year

How to celebrate the New Year in different countries of the world with pictures for children

Conversation for senior preschool children “Celebrating the New Year in different parts of the planet Earth”

Lyapicheva Elena Petrovna, teacher, Municipal State Preschool Educational Institution kindergarten No. 1 “Zvezdochka”, Kalach-on-Don, Volgograd region.
Description: This conversation can be used by kindergarten teachers, parents, children of primary school age, and can also be used as visual material for a moving folder.
Target: Introducing children to New Year's traditions of different nations.
Tasks: Expand children's knowledge about the traditions of festive culture, the customs of celebrating the New Year in other countries.

New Year traditions of different nations

The New Year holiday is celebrated in every country, but it is celebrated in different ways. Each nation has its own traditions and peculiarities of celebrating the New Year. Let's start our journey from European countries.

On New Year's Eve in the capital of England, Big Ben begins to ring, but first the bells are wrapped in a blanket and the ringing is heard only near the tower itself. But as soon as the clock strikes 12, the blanket is removed and the ringing of bells is heard throughout the area. With the first chime of the chimes, the British open the back doors of their houses to allow the old year to come out, and open the front doors so that the new year can enter. Therefore, New Year's Eve in England is an open day.

New Year's Eve in France is a night of fun. The French prefer to eat heavily and have fun on this night. There is a tradition according to which French housewives go to local springs and collect water. The one who comes first must leave a flour treat near him, the next one must take this treat and leave her own. This is how housewives exchange bread to make the New Year generous. In France, New Year's grandfather is called Père Noel. He is dressed all in white and for some reason is very afraid of the cold. Apparently, that’s why he leaves gifts for children near fireplaces and stoves.

The Spanish New Year is all about fun and festivities. The Spaniards do not like to sit at home on this holiday and everyone goes out to the squares of their cities. After the chimes, everyone congratulates each other. There is an interesting New Year's tradition in Spain. Young girls and boys write their names on pieces of paper and draw them out in pairs. This is how couples are formed who must pretend to be lovers throughout New Year’s Eve.

With the last strike of the clock at midnight, Italians open their windows and throw old and unnecessary things directly into the street. It is believed that the more old things you throw away, the more new things you will have.

Housewives on New Year's Eve serve rice porridge in a huge bowl. There is a small nut hidden in the porridge. If a girl finds it, it is believed that she will definitely get married next year.

Now let’s continue our journey through the countries of Asia.

On the morning of January 1, all residents of Japanese cities and villages go out to watch the sunrise. With the first rays of sunshine, the Japanese congratulate each other on the new year and exchange gifts. On New Year's Day in Japan, people eat long noodles to ensure a long life.


The New Year in this country coincides with the cattle breeding holiday, so it is characterized by sports competitions, tests of dexterity and courage. Just like the peoples of Europe, the Mongols celebrate the New Year at the Christmas tree; Father Frost also comes to them, but he is dressed in a shaggy fur coat, a fox hat and looks very much like a shepherd.

Here, New Year marks the hottest time of the year, so its arrival is celebrated with a “water festival.” On the streets of cities and villages, when people meet, they pour water on each other from various containers. No one remains offended, since at the same time they wish happiness and health in the new year.

Next we will visit the New Year holidays in the countries of North and South America

In Canada, it is traditional to celebrate the New Year on the street in the company of friends and strangers. Many people gather in all the squares of the country and pop stars perform. Canadians really like to go skating on New Year's Day.

In Mexico, on New Year's Eve, a clay pot is filled with sweets, which is hung in the room, and then the assembled guests are blindfolded one by one and given a stick in their hands. The one who broke the pot will certainly be lucky in the New Year.


On New Year's Eve, old papers, newspapers, receipts, and bills are thrown out of homes and offices. Everyone does this in order to get rid of the old and celebrate the New Year without the burden of the past.


Brazil is always famous for its vibrant carnivals and festivals. New Year's Eve is no exception. At this time of year, the streets of Brazilian cities are filled with colorful parades and processions of local residents and visitors. Such events are always noisy and fun.

Now let's see how the New Year holidays are held on the African continent. Residents of Sudan usually celebrate the New Year near the Nile River or other bodies of water. They believe that this will bring happiness and prosperity to their home. It is a great happiness for a Sudanese to find a green nut on New Year's Eve. This promises great joy. And so that no one would be offended, they began to scatter the green nuts in advance.

In Tunisia, before the New Year, they organize a grandiose festival, the highlight of which is camel racing. Such competitions are always spectacular and arouse great interest among local residents.

Let's end our journey with a strange one, which is located alone on the mainland, namely Australia.


Australians don't like to celebrate New Year's at home. All the festivities take place in restaurants and on the beach, since at this time of year it is summer and very hot. Interestingly, Santa Claus appears in Australia. After all, you can’t wear a fur coat in a hot country, so he comes surfing in only his swimming trunks. But the beard remains an unchanged attribute.

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

The New Year is, of course, a long-awaited and beloved holiday for which we begin to actively prepare from Catholic Christmas, and continue to celebrate until the Old New Year. But how many “New Years” are there actually in a year and when and who celebrates them?

Let's start with those who celebrate the New Year, like us, on the night of December 31 to January 1 - this is Russia, Australia, Scotland, Italy, Austria, Japan, Romania, Canada, USA, UAE, Finland and many other countries.

Next, the New Year moves into Greece, coinciding with our Old New Year, and is celebrated on January 14th. And this day is called St. Basil's Day. St. Basil is known for his kindness, and Greek children leave their shoes by the fireplace in the hope that St. Basil will fill them with gifts.

The next New Year comes in accordance with the lunar calendar. This New Year does not have a fixed date, as it is celebrated on the first new moon of spring (between January 21 and the end of February). The tradition of celebrating the New Year according to the lunar calendar exists in China, Malaysia, Vietnam, Singapore, Korea, Mongolia, as well as among adherents of the Buddhist religion in other countries.

Muslim New Year - Hijri occurs on the first day of the first month of the Muslim year, this date changes every year.

In spring you can also celebrate the New Year. Nowruz is the name of the first day of the new year according to the Persian calendar. It is celebrated on the night of March 21-22, on the day of the vernal equinox, by the population Afghanistan and Tajikistan, speaking languages ​​of the Persian group, as well as in republics of Central Asia, Iran, Pakistan and Azerbaijan.

You can continue the celebration the next day by moving to India, where New Year is celebrated on March 22. There are eight dates in India that are celebrated as New Year. For example, on the day of Gudi Padva, you should definitely try the leaves of the neem-neem tree (the taste is very bitter and unpleasant). But according to the old belief, they protect a person from illnesses and troubles, and provide, oddly enough, a sweet life.

And on April 1 - the day of jokes and practical jokes, the New Year is celebrated in Odessa. And April 1 is the beginning of the new Year of Humor. It turns out that Odessa residents celebrate the New Year twice! New Year's Eve Burma also begins on the first of April, on the hottest days. For a whole week, people pour water on each other with all their hearts. The New Year's water festival is underway - Tinjan.

Laotian New Year begins on April 14, when the heat-stricken population Laos waiting for the rainy season. IN Burma On the contrary, the New Year begins after tropical showers, on the hottest days of April - from the 12th to the 17th. The exact day of the celebration is set annually by the Ministry of Culture, and the holiday lasts three days.

In 1940, the Thai government decided to celebrate the New Year on January 1st. Despite this, the main holiday Thailand What remains is the traditional Thai New Year or Songarkan, which takes place in the second ten days of April.

In the fall on September 1st Syria No, not a school year, but a very ordinary New Year begins. And it continues to be celebrated in the fall in all Jewish homes. Rosh Hashanah is the name of the Jewish New Year, which is celebrated on the first and second days of the month of Tishrei.

September 11 marks the Ethiopian New Year, which marks the Ethiopia The rainy season has ended.

IN Gambia New Year comes on October 7th. Also in October, the New Year comes in Indonesia. All the people dress up and ask each other for forgiveness for the trouble they caused in the past year.

And on November 18, the New Year crosses the border Yemen. Also in mid-November, the New Year will be celebrated in Oceania and Hawaii.

The night from October 31 to November 1 is better known as “Halloween.” But besides this, in some countries where residents still speak Celtic languages ​​( Scotland, Ireland, Isle of Man), it is on this night that the Celtic New Year “Samhain” is celebrated.

And when and what New Year to celebrate is up to you! The main thing is that it is a Real Holiday!

Do you think New Year can be celebrated only once a year? You are wrong. In our country, due to the fact that Russia is geographically divided into several time zones, this can be done 11 times. Imagine, you can make 11 wishes that will definitely come true, you just need to know in what order Russians celebrate the New Year.

The sequence of the New Year in Russia

  • You can safely make your first wish at 15.00. by Moscow time. It is at this time that residents of Kamchatka raise their glasses and wish all the best to their loved ones and friends.
  • At 16.00 they celebrate the New Year in the Magadan region and Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk.
  • AT 17:00. When the chimes strike, they burn a piece of paper with a cherished wish and drink it along with champagne in Vladivostok, Khabarovsk and Ussuriysk.
  • At 18.00. this will be done in Chita, Blagoveshchensk, Transbaikalia and the Amur region. At the same time, in Yakutia, the spirit of cold - Chyskhaan (our Grandfather Frost) fulfills all wishes, for this you just need to touch his magic staff and say your wish out loud.
  • At 19.00 they celebrate the New Year in Irkutsk, Ulan-Ude and Buryatia.
  • At 20.00. in the Krasnoyarsk, Altai Territories, Kemerovo, Tomsk, Novosibirsk regions, in the Republic of Tyva.
  • 21.00. They make another wish together with the residents of the Omsk and Sverdlovsk regions.
  • AT 22.00. the cities of Chelyabinsk, Tyumen, Perm, the Republic of Bashkortostan.
  • 23.00. The New Year will reach Udmurtia, Samara and Togliatti, just one hour and it will reach Moscow.
  • At 24.00. on Red Square, the chimes will strike, fireworks will go off, and festivities will begin.
  • But the holiday will hurry on, and at one in the morning it will come to the Kaliningrad region. So, there is a chance to make another wish even after 12 o’clock at night - at 01.00.

Russia is the only country in the world where such a number of times.

When do other countries around the world wait for the New Year?

In general, the first people on the globe to celebrate the holiday will be the population of the small Christmas Island (only 5.5 thousand people), which belongs to the Republic of Kiribati, and the inhabitants of the capital of the kingdom at the end of the earth (as tourists call it) - the city of Nuku'alofa.

Then, following the sequence, Chatham Island (+0.15), New Zealand and the South Pole in Antarctica (+1).

With an interval of one hour, the holiday will reach the island of Fiji (+2).

From there he will go to hot Australia (+3), where he will be greeted with stunning fireworks and a grand music show. The climate of the country allows you to celebrate outdoors. At exactly 12 o'clock local time, the noise of music stops in Australian cities and the sound of car horns, whistles and screams is heard. This is how the inhabitants of the island celebrate the New Year and all the good things they hope to receive with its arrival.

When on January 1 in Moscow the clock hands show 6 am, and at 12 o’clock, do not forget to say to your loved ones and friends: “Akemashite omedeto!”, which means: Happy New Year, and give them a rake for good luck, so that they have something to rake in happiness. This is exactly what the Japanese do on this day.

In China (+6) the New Year is celebrated according to its own special calendar, which can begin on one of the days at the end of January or beginning of February. On this day, old grievances are forgiven and forgotten. The whole family gathers for a festive dinner, and processions of people holding lit lanterns take place in the streets. This is how they light the way for the New Year.

Route 7 of the holiday will pass through Indonesia,

8 celebrate the holiday in Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. And although locals celebrate the New Year in April, they organize colorful fireworks and beach parties for tourists on New Year’s Eve. Lobster and king prawns are served for dinner.

Without breaking the sequence, other countries awaiting the New Year are Pakistan (+9), Armenia, Azerbaijan (+10).
In Armenia, the holiday is celebrated three times a year: March 21 (Amanor), August 11 (Navasard) and January 1. These days, relatives and friends give each other gifts, tell fortunes and gather around a rich family table.

12 New Year is celebrated in Greece, Romania, Turkey, Israel, Finland.

13 in Belgium, Italy, France, Hungary, Sweden.

14 in UK, Portugal.

16 in stunning Brazil.

17.30-20.30 in different areas of Canada and the USA.

23 in Alaska.

24 in the Hawaiian Islands.

Residents of the independent island state of Samoa will be the last to celebrate the New Year; at this time on Christmas Island it will already be January 2!

All countries of the world celebrate the New Year in different ways. But for everyone this day is the most special and most magical. It represents the opportunity to leave all the bad things in the past and gives hope for happiness!

New Year is a holiday celebrated by many peoples of the world. It is not celebrated in all countries on the night of January 1st, but it is loved and appreciated everywhere. Already from the first days of December, in all villages and cities there is a feeling of the approach of this winter celebration, which is considered the main holiday of the year. This is a day off, which in Russia also marks the beginning of a general, rather long, vacation. Traditionally, it is celebrated at home, next to the closest people; the holiday is considered a family holiday.

history of the holiday

On the night from December 31 to January 1, the New Year is not celebrated in all countries of the world. Very often, the main winter holiday is Christmas, and New Year's celebrations either end the Christmas period if Christmas is celebrated on December 25, or begin in countries where Christmas is celebrated on January 7. In most countries in Southeast Asia, January 1 is a common day, the New Year is celebrated there according to the lunar calendar, and in Israel the main New Year celebrations take place in September, when Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, is celebrated. There are no celebrations on New Year's Eve in Bangladesh, Vietnam, Iran, India, China, Saudi Arabia.

New Year is one of the main holidays of humanity, which can rightfully be considered one of the first to appear. It was celebrated back in the third millennium BC in Mesopotamia. Historians claim that the holiday is even more ancient, this tradition is at least five thousand years old. The ancient Egyptians celebrated it in a manner similar to modern celebrations, with nightly celebrations. For them, the New Year began in September, when the Nile flooded, which was an extremely important event. On January 1, Julius Caesar began to celebrate the holiday, and he also established the custom of decorating houses.

In Rus', it was celebrated for a long time in spring and autumn, until Peter I moved the celebration to the beginning of January. It is curious that in all Christian countries the New Year is a somewhat secondary holiday compared to Christmas. In our country, this celebration is considered the main one for the reason that under Soviet rule, celebrating all church events was strictly prohibited.

Saudi Arabia

In Saudi Arabia, New Year is not celebrated on January 1st. Moreover, it is prohibited. The fact is that celebrating the change of dates is considered alien to Islam in principle. There is a special unit of the local police that monitors that stores do not sell New Year's goods, and that there are no New Year's celebrations on the streets. The thing is that in Saudi Arabia they strictly follow religious scriptures and celebrate holidays strictly according to them. So the New Year here begins on March 21 - the day of the vernal equinox, which often coincides with the first day of the holy month of Muharram.


January 1 in Israel is a working day, no different from others. Israelis celebrate their New Year in the fall - on the new moon of the month of Tishrei according to the Jewish calendar (September or October). This holiday is called Rosh Hashanah. It is celebrated for 2 days. Although January 1 is considered a working day, celebration is not prohibited. Therefore, everyone can take time off or vacation. Considering the large Russian diaspora in Israel, the festive mood is felt these days, but the New Year celebrations are not on a large scale - they are usually celebrated with family.


Iran uses the Persian calendar, according to which the new year begins on March 21. This is the day of the spring equinox and the Navruz holiday. Thus, January 1 in Iran is the most ordinary day. Nowruz is more of a national tradition than an Islamic custom, and in this the Iranians are slightly different from the Arabians. Nowruz marks the beginning of the year in Afghanistan. Along with January 1, it is celebrated in Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Turkey, Kyrgyzstan, Albania and Macedonia.


In multi-ethnic India, there are so many holidays from different cultures that it is not possible to create a single calendar for them. The problem here is solved differently: depending on their beliefs and confession, employees can take time off on those holidays that they consider necessary to celebrate.

January 1 is not a national event and there are no global celebrations on this day. At the same time, according to the generally accepted Indian calendar, the New Year should be celebrated on March 22, but, for example, in the state of Kerala the change of year is celebrated on April 13, the southern states have their own Divapali holiday, and the Sikhs have their own Vaisakhi.

South Korea

In South Korea, January 1 is a day off. But the beginning of the year in Korea is perceived not as a holiday, but as an extra day off that can be spent with family and friends. And if anything is celebrated on an unprecedented scale, it is Seollal - Lunar New Year. On this day, most Koreans go to their hometowns to honor their ancestors. Because travel can be time-consuming, the day before and immediately after New Year's Day are also considered national holidays.


Chinese New Year (Chunjie) falls on a day between January 21 and February 21 and coincides with the second new moon after the winter solstice. The Chinese celebrate this holiday on a grand scale: they set off fireworks, organize noisy processions, hold a large-scale lantern festival and gather for a traditional family dinner, which can only be missed for very good reasons.

But January 1 is a regular day off. Although artificial Christmas trees and figurines of Santa Claus appear in stores, this is rather a tribute to the multinationality of China.


The Vietnamese New Year is called Tet - this is the most important and popular holiday in the country, which is celebrated on one of the days in late January-early February. Most often it coincides in time with Chinese, but there are also small discrepancies. The principle of choosing the day is the first day of the first month according to the lunar calendar. The scale of the Tet holiday is impressive - the festivities can easily last for a week.


The New Year in Bangladesh is called Bengali and is celebrated completely differently than they are used to in Russia. The holiday begins on April 14, the first day of the month of Boyshak. On this day, people go for walks in parks, where cultural programs with a national bias are organized. But at the same time, January 1 is also an official holiday and a day off.