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Izmailovsky Park Tsar's Apiary on the map. Ecocenter "Tsar's Apiary" invites you on excursions

Moscow. VAO.RF - The environmental and educational center “Tsarskaya Apiary” of the State Budgetary Institution “Mospriroda” invites you to take part in free excursions around the natural and historical park “Izmailovo”. In November, excursions are prepared for visitors on Thursdays and Sundays.

Every Thursday at 14.00 throughout November, employees of the State Budgetary Institution “Mospriroda” are waiting for everyone on the excursion “Born from the Forest”. Those who come will hear a story about what the forest means to bees and what its role is in the development of beekeeping.

Why does no one ever find a swarm of bees on a birch tree? Which tree blooms first, building the flowering calendar for the rest of the plants in the forest? Which tree is considered the main honey plant? The close relationship between the bee community and every tree in the forest, as well as the origins and origins of beekeeping, will be discussed on a tour of the Izmailovo natural and historical park.

Meeting every Thursday in November at 14.00 in Izmailovo Park next to the stone figure of a squirrel at the entrance to the park from 5th Parkovaya Street.

When I bought a bicycle, I immediately began studying Yandex maps and planning city and park routes. And I discovered the Tsar’s Apiary in Izmailovsky Park, Googled it, found them on FB, and it turned out that they offer free tours of the apiary. I was going there all June, but I had diarrhea, then scrofula, then rain, then heat, or something else. And now it's finally done!
Having crossed the highway, I went deeper into the forest. In such heat as today, even just riding around the park is pleasant and cool. At first there was a wild, not very smooth path through the forest (but without protruding roots), and after Lebedyansky Pond, around which there were sunbathing carcasses in abundance, and some were even barbecuing, a smooth asphalt Pasichnaya Alley went to the left. But there is enough space there for cyclists and pedestrians, as well as runners and other athletes. The relief changes quite noticeably in places. And now, finally, I’m there. I was the first for the excursion at 13.00, then 5 more people showed up. We were actually lucky, because there were twice as many people in the previous and subsequent groups. And we were lucky with the guide - such a sweet girl Anya, she talked very enthusiastically and answered questions intelligently.
Two shocks - the drone has disposable genitals, bees never sleep.

Anya suggests touching the lower window and the upper one, I touch it - the upper one is very warm. Bees, it turns out, have special workers called “stoves”.

In general, the life of a worker bee is difficult and its fate is unenviable. Worker bees are all girls, live for about 21 days, during their lives they change “specialties” - cleaning, washing, building honeycombs, feeding the queen, nursing larvae, collecting nectar and pollen, and so on and so forth.

Do you know how bees make honey? They put nectar into the honeycomb and begin wings evaporate excess moisture from there

Bees also make propolis from tree sap using fermentation. They use propolis to disinfect honeycombs; everything in the hive is sterile. Also, if a mouse or something else gets into the hive so heavy that they cannot carry it out, they coat the foreign object with propolis and it mummifies.

Most of the excursion took place on the territory of the Izmailovo natural-historical park. From the Izmailovskaya metro station, while we were walking through the forest, our guide, an employee of the Tsarskaya Apiary Ecological and Educational Center of the State Budgetary Institution Mospriroda, told us many useful facts, and in a fascinating and in an entertaining way for both children and adults.

Anya spoke at the very beginning of the meeting about the differences between natural parks, reserves and wildlife sanctuaries. Many people confuse the Izmailovsky Park with attractions and the Izmailovsky Forest, which is a nature protected area, but these are completely different territories.

We were introduced to the inhabitants of the park (animals, birds), paid attention to the details of the color of female and male birds (finches, thrushes, greenfinches, nuthatches, grosbeaks), types of sparrows - field and house sparrows, trees (including types of birches and history their names).

Anna thought out and organized the program perfectly; in addition to stories, tasks with prizes for those who guessed correctly, there was also a game showing the interaction of all elements of the park’s ecosystem (trees and their fruits, birds, animals, grass, humans, insects).

Along the way, our guide constantly voiced the rules for being in the park, each time paying attention to moving only on the pedestrian side of the road without going onto the bike path, avoid going into dense thickets, because... there are nests of birds and reptiles.

After 1.5 hours, we finally came to the apiary; it was a straight 1.3 km walk from the metro, but we did not take a direct route and had stops. Here, already sitting down on a bench, we listened to the history of beekeeping in Rus' and the emergence of the royal apiary in Izmailovo.
On the territory of the EPC “Tsarskaya Apiary” there are copies of the ancient beehive decks “Tsar”, “Tsarina”, “Tsarevna”.

If desired, at the apiary itself, before approaching the hives, hats with a protective net are provided (but in fact they were not needed, since the bees did not fly outside the hive).

On the territory of the Tsarskaya Paspaka there is its own apothecary garden (serves as the basis for the collection of nectar by bees for the “Raznotravie” honey), enclosures with owls and squirrels.

In the hut there is a spacious room where classes for children are held all summer (not repeated), where systematic knowledge of the world around them is given.

On Sundays, free excursions are held for everyone at 12.00, 13.00 and 14.00.
On Wednesdays there is an open lecture “Bee Wednesday”. On Saturdays there is a “Creative Workshop” club.
The next holiday is Butterfly Day - July 9, gathering at the apiary gate.

On the territory of the Izmailovo natural-historical park, halfway from the Red Pond to Lebedyansky, there is a carved wooden tower. Around there is a marvelous garden with bright flower beds, a working apiary, an exhibition of different types of beehives and an Apothecary garden, where Red Book and rare species of plants grow. The original inhabitants of the park – squirrels and owls – live in spacious enclosures. This is where the Tsarskaya Apiary environmental education center is located.

Employees of the Tsarskaya Apiary EPC regularly conduct excursion programs, thematic classes, creative master classes, traditional holidays and environmental education events, exhibitions of drawings, photographs and crafts made from natural materials.

On weekdays, excursion programs are held for organized groups of 5 people or more by appointment.

Every Wednesday at 14.00 everyone is invited to the open lecture “Bee Wednesday”.

Every Saturday from September to April at 11.00 there are classes in the ornithological club for children 8-12 years old “Feathered+”, and children 6-10 years old can attend the interactive program “The Scarlet Flower” on Saturdays from June to August at 11.00.

Every third Sunday of the month, at 12:00, 13:00 and 14:00, everyone is welcome at the eco-center for free excursions around the territory. Visitors will be told about the history of the eco-center: from the founding of the Tsarev beekeeper by Alexei Romanov to the revival of the Izmailovo experimental apiary. In addition, you can see an exhibition of different types of hives, learn about the life of bees and observe the inhabitants of the enclosures - squirrels, eagle owls, long-eared owls and gray owls living on the territory of the Tsarskaya Apiary.

general information

Operating mode:
Monday – Thursday – 8.00 – 17.00 (Monday is a methodical day - no excursions are held)
Friday – 8.00 – 15.45
Saturday, Sunday – 8.00 – 17.00

Address: Moscow, pos. Izmailovskaya Apiary, 1

1. Address: Moscow, pos. Izmailovskaya Apiary, 1

On the territory of the Izmailovo natural-historical park, halfway from the Red Pond to Lebedyansky, there is a carved wooden tower. Around there is a marvelous garden with bright flower beds, a working apiary, an exhibition of different types of beehives and an Apothecary garden, where Red Book and rare species of plants grow. The original inhabitants of the park – squirrels and owls – live in spacious enclosures. This is where the Tsarskaya Apiary environmental education center is located.

Employees of the Tsarskaya Apiary EPC regularly conduct excursion programs, thematic classes, creative master classes, traditional holidays and environmental education events, exhibitions of drawings, photographs and crafts made from natural materials.

On weekdays, excursion programs are held for organized groups of 5 people or more by appointment.

Every Wednesday at 14.00 everyone is invited to the open lecture “Bee Wednesday”.

Every Saturday from September to April at 11.00 there are classes in the ornithological club for children 8-12 years old “Feathered+”, and children 6-10 years old can attend the interactive program “The Scarlet Flower” on Saturdays from June to August at 11.00.

Every third Sunday of the month, at 12:00, 13:00 and 14:00, everyone is welcome at the eco-center for free excursions around the territory. Visitors will be told about the history of the eco-center: from the founding of the Tsarev beekeeper by Alexei Romanov to the revival of the Izmailovo experimental apiary. In addition, you can see an exhibition of different types of hives, learn about the life of bees and observe the inhabitants of the enclosures - squirrels, eagle owls, long-eared owls and gray owls living on the territory of the Tsarskaya Apiary.

general information

Operating mode:
Monday – Thursday – 8.00 – 17.00 (Monday is a methodical day - no excursions are held)
Friday – 8.00 – 15.45
Saturday, Sunday – 8.00 – 17.00

Address: Moscow, pos. Izmailovskaya Apiary, 1

1. Address: Moscow, pos. Izmailovskaya Apiary, 1