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Fountain clock. Walk Near the Kremlin

Fountain “World Clock” (Moscow, Russia) - description, history, location, reviews, photos and videos.

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The biggest surprise of the renovated Manezhnaya Square in Moscow is hidden underground. This is the Okhotny Ryad shopping complex, which took 7 years to build. All that is visible on the surface is a glass dome with a large, beautiful statue of a warrior slaying a serpent. The dome, divided into 24 sectors, has a map of the Earth's Northern Hemisphere on it; if you stand nearby for a few minutes, you will notice that it is slowly rotating. The granite barrier around the dome is also divided into 24 sections with numbers engraved on them. Between the dome and the barrier there is a moat with water. This is the “World Clock” fountain, a new Moscow landmark.

Along the lower edge of each sector of the rotating dome there are 12 lamps, each of which corresponds to 5 minutes. In order to find out the time in any of the 24 time zones, you need to find the desired city on the map, then see which sector the dividing line points to. This is the current hour, and the minutes are calculated by multiplying the number of glowing lamps by 5. The system seems complicated, but there is an element of the game. In the evening, the fountains are illuminated and the clock is surrounded by crowds of tourists calculating the time at home.

When you move along Manezhnaya Square, you simply cannot help but pay attention to the dome-shaped structure, on top of which St. George the Victorious proudly sits on horseback.

This is the “World Clock” fountain - one of the center of the capital. It is located directly above the Okhotny Ryad shopping complex, at the same time being its dome. This is not just a fountain, but a real watch, albeit with a unique dial.

The fountain is equipped with a special glass dome depicting a map of the northern hemisphere. It is divided into 24 parts, each of which corresponds to one of the time zones indicating the cities - capitals of states. Each sector is equipped with 12 light bulbs, which, when lit, add 5 minutes to the present time.

The fountain never stops moving. Thanks to calculations, in exactly one day the composition makes a complete revolution around its own axis.

However, this is not just a beautiful landmark. With its help you can easily find out the time in a specific capital of the world. To do this, you need to select a city, and then look down at the ring. This will be the hourly value of this place. Thanks to the illuminated lights, you can also find out the minute indicators. You need to count their number and multiply the value by 5.

Speaking about the fountain, one cannot fail to mention some of the secrets associated with it. For example, it is still unknown who exactly is the author of this work. As for the horseman on top, this is most likely the work of the legendary sculptor and artist Zurab Tsereteli.

Photo reports and reviews about the trip and visit to the World Clock Fountain. Photo report about The World's Watch Fountain, history, where it is located

Fountain World Clock: detailed information

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The “World Clock” fountain is one of the attractions of the capital’s center. It is located directly above the Okhotny Ryad shopping complex, at the same time being its dome. What is most attractive and unique is not the design of the fountain itself, but the clock itself, which made the entire structure so popular in Moscow.

The fountain's dome, made of glass, is divided into time zones and covered with the names of major cities. Below the dome with sectors there is a fixed ring with the image of numbers. Having found the desired city name, you can determine the time of that region with an accuracy of 5 minutes, of course, first understanding how such an unusual dial works. The fountain never stops moving. Thanks to calculations, in exactly one day the composition makes a complete revolution around its own axis. At the top of such an unusual fountain there is a sculpture by the well-known Tsereteli, depicting St. George the Victorious defeating a snake, but the author of the fountain itself is unknown.

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A special clock that counts down the time until the home World Cup appeared in Moscow today. There are exactly 1000 days until the World Cup, which Russia will host. As the President assured (Vladimir Putin spoke via video link), the sports festival in 2018 will be held at the highest level, will become truly grandiose and will definitely go down in the history of world sports.

The main symbol of the countdown to an event long-awaited for fans, athletes, and Russians in general. The clock on Manezhnaya Square in Moscow is now counting down 1000 days until the FIFA World Cup.

Hundreds of multi-colored balls flew into the sky, symbolizing minutes and seconds. Time will fly by quickly, and already in 2018 our country will become the heart of world football. A World Championship comparable in scale, perhaps, only to the Olympics - Russian President Vladimir Putin also spoke about this today. During the live line from Sochi, he congratulated everyone on the start of the countdown.

“I sincerely welcome the participants in today’s ceremony, all the fans, all fans of football, which, without any exaggeration, can be called the number one sport in the world. Russia, as you know, takes a very responsible approach to organizing and holding such events. And everything will be done to honorably to host 32 leading teams of the planet. We promise to organize a grand sports festival, which, I am sure, will go down in the history of world sports and world football. And most importantly, it will further unite the large, friendly international football family. Good luck to everyone. All the best. See you in Russia in 2018," said Vladimir Putin.

The President's speech on Red Square was translated into several languages ​​today. The foreign guests of honor are famous football players from Italy, Germany and Spain - the countries that won the last championships. In addition, among the foreign guests are three junior teams of these countries. They take part in short exhibition matches - they take turns fighting with the future hosts of the World Cup - Russian football players. Our juniors have already won several matches.

“I’m impressed. There are so many people here. It’s a little scary, it’s the first time I’ll have to play in front of such a large crowd,” says one of the players.

“Every football player watches on TV how others play, and also dreams of playing in big stadiums, with stadiums full. So that the fans drive you forward, and you make them happy. This is a dream for everyone,” says young football player Oleg Fomin.

Today everyone could get closer to the stars of Russian football. A fan zone has been opened right on Red Square, where you can get autographs, for example, from Alexander Kerzhakov and Alexei Smertin. By the way, you can also try to score goals against famous athletes. For our players, the home World Cup is, of course, a source of special pride.

“We can’t wait for this event to really start in our country. As a professional, I can appreciate that two sports arenas are already ready - in Kazan and Otkritie Arena in Moscow. From my feelings I can say that these are truly wonderful stadiums, very cozy, where you really feel like a real football player,” says two-time Russian football champion Vladimir Gabulov.

“We need to bring back the love of the fans for the national team, and we need all the residents of our big country to unite in 2018 and use their energy to help those football players who will defend our homeland on the football fields,” says footballer Alexander Kerzhakov.

Well, the fact that the long-awaited home World Cup is getting closer is also reminded by the World Cup, with which everyone is taking photos today.

The center of the capital today has become a real Football Park, but in exactly 1000 days the whole country will become a football territory. The best teams on the planet will play in 11 cities, including Sochi, Kaliningrad, Nizhny Novgorod.

The main international football competition for our country is a historical and incredibly important moment. This is an event that will once again prove how brightly and large-scale Russia can host international events.

In the very heart of the capital, in addition to Red Square, there is also Manezhnaya Square on which there is a cascade of fountains. Despite the fact that the fountains appeared on the square relatively recently (in 1996), they managed to gain fame both in Moscow and abroad.

At the top of the fountain there is a sculpture of St. George the Victorious

The area around the fountain is always very crowded. People sit, relax and cool down at the same time. During the day on Manezhnaya Square there are mainly tourists and shoppers of the shopping center, but in the evening young people gather here (unfortunately, recently a lot of guests from the Caucasus have begun to hang out here)

By the way, few people know that you can tell the time by the World Clock fountain. If you look carefully, you can see that the glass dome with the names of the cities is slowly rotating; it makes a full revolution in a day. The dome of the fountain is divided into sectors, twenty-four of them - these are the time zones of our planet. The lower ring with the numbers printed on it is motionless

The tulips bloomed and the square was immediately painted in different colors.

Fountains "Dome"

flower beds

in the cascade of fountains there are three domes, one large in the center and two identical, but smaller on the sides

Probably the most important fountain on the square is the Geyser Fountain

Another name for the fountain is Four Seasons. Four horses symbolize winter, spring, summer and autumn

Since 1997, every year, on April 30 at 17:00, the ceremony of launching the fountains takes place here - a small theatrical performance, at the end of which the Mayor of Moscow appears and says: “Fountains - turn on!” pours water from a special crystal horn into the “Geyser” bowl, and the first jets rise towards...

Water arch, good to walk under to cool off in the intense heat

It is not at all surprising that the sculptor of these fountains is Zurab Tsereteli (a good friend of the former Mayor of Moscow Yuri Luzhkov, during his reign he was the main sculptor)

Three foam jets - this small fountain is called "Snail"

This is the largest water feature in the area. It consists of two fountains (Snail and Grotto), a riverbed, two pedestrian bridges and numerous sculptures - characters from famous fairy tales

sculpture from the Russian folk tale "The Crane and the Fox"

Ivan Tsarevich and the Frog Princess

Stop taking pictures of fountains, click me beautiful :)

Many visitors are mistaken in thinking that the sculptures are fountains - but the sculptures never were and are not fountains

Mother duck and little ducklings
