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Height of the Cathedral of Santa Maria della Salute. Church of Santa Maria della Salute. What to see in the cathedral

Address: Santa Maria della Salute,
Fondamenta Salute, 30123 Venezia.
Opening hours: from 09:30 to 18:00, daily.
Stop: Fondamente Nove.

IN Venice just an incredible number of interesting and beautiful places! One of these is the cathedral Santa Maria della Salute- it is called the most beautiful temple in Venice. At the same time, this cathedral complex is also the largest temple of the most beautiful city in Italy, crowned with a dome. It is located in the southern part of the Grand Canal: from here you can see the majestic Doge's Palace across the water barrier.

History of creation

In 1630-1631 Venice suffered from a severe plague epidemic - then the disease affected one third of the city's residents. The authorities, in desperation, prayed to heaven for help - and it was granted. In honor of the miraculous rescue from the epidemic, the Venetian doges decided to build a temple. He was supposed to glorify the deliverer of the Republic - the Mother of God or the Virgin Mary.
The competition for the best design of the cathedral was won by the architect Baldassare Longhena. According to his drawings, construction took more than 50 years and ended only in 1682 - when the specialist himself had already died. The long construction period is explained by the complexity and massiveness of the building. In addition, the uncomfortable soil constantly subsided - to prevent this, more than a million wooden beams were used as supports. The huge dome put pressure on the walls - and they could not stand it. During construction, the design was changed several times, so the architect would never have seen his original idea!


Temple Santa Maria della Salute built in the Baroque style and is considered the most harmonious and elegant in Venice. The main entrance is an arch. The facade is originally decorated with many architectural elements, including sculptures. Of these, it is worth highlighting three: the Virgin Mary herself, the Baptist John and the Archangel Michael.
The shape of the cathedral itself is close to octagonal. The design of the dome is specially designed to lighten the load on the walls - it stands on a “drum” with a number of ribs equal to 15. Windows with arches are cut into each rib. There is also a small dome above the altar.

Interior of the cathedral

The spaciousness inside the church is due to the skill of the architects. Despite the massiveness of the dome and the entire structure, the interior does not put pressure on visitors. The columns inside the cathedral turn into pilasters that support the dome - its height is 60 meters. Six chapels are evenly spaced around the basilica, and the floor of the temple is laid out in harmonious circles.
The main place in the interior is occupied by an altar depicting the traditional Virgin Mary with her son. It belongs to the hand of the author of the entire cathedral - Baldassar Longhen. To the left and right of the altar are sculptures of the city and the Virgin Mary, who saves Venice from the plague. Directly above the altar you can see a beautiful icon of the Virgin Mary, which was brought to Venice from Crete.
Among the objects of art inside the temple building, it is worth highlighting Tintoretto’s painting “The Marriage at Cana”, images of the hand of Luca Giordano above the altar, paintings by Titian and images of biblical scenes by various artists. In general, almost the entire interior of the cathedral represents a variety of paintings.
In 2010, a disaster occurred in the temple - a fire. When extinguishing it, three paintings were damaged, in particular Titian's work "David and Goliath". The images were “flooded”, but have now returned to the cathedral after careful restoration.

Festa della Salute

Upon completion of the temple, Venice began to celebrate salvation from the plague. Since then, every year on November 21 - then the city was freed from the disease - the canal between the cathedral Santa Maria della Salute and the Doge's Palace is completely filled with gondolas. They form a pontoon bridge along which parishioners move to the temple. Then, on November 21, Catholics celebrate the “Introduction of the Blessed Virgin Mary into the Temple.”

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A few tens of meters from the tip of Cape Dogani (Customs) rises the dome of the majestic cathedral, decorated with statues, stucco and columns. He simply reeks of pomp and seriousness, solemnity and significance.

Almost 400 yearsthis cathedral welcomes Venetians and city guests at the very entrance to the Canal Grande. Grandiose and austere, it is crowded into a narrow space of the embankment; people climb its high steps to the entrance, which resembles a triumphal arch.

This cathedral united both sorrow and greatness, the joy of beauty and the severity of forms, upward aspiration and solid support.Basilica of Santa Maria della Salute- this is the name of this cathedral, which appears in all guidebooks and tourist guides to Venice as an object,a must visit.

It is quite difficult to adequately translate the name: with Saint Mary everything is clear, but with the word “salute” difficulties arise. "Salute" means "health". But it is unlikely that we will find such a combination in the Russian language - the Church of the Virgin Mary of Health. Rather, the Virgin Mary of Healing. So, perhaps, it will be more accurate and correct. Because both the dedication of the cathedral and the history of its creation are unusual and important.

In fact, all its decoration, interior design, unusual forms, aspiration to the sky speaks of the special significance of this church for Venice. The location of the cathedral is also no coincidence. It's builtas a sign of gratitude to the Virgin Mary for deliverance from the monstrous plague, which claimed the lives of a third of the city’s population, and stands as an eternal sign of memory and special attitude towards the Virgin Mary at the very beginning of the main water avenue of Venice.

How to get to Santa Maria della Salute

Right next to the cathedral there isvaporetto stop no. 1, that's what it's called"Santa Maria della Salute".

Cathedral on the map

View of the cathedral

Or you can swimroutes No. 5.1, 5.2, 6.1, 6.2 to the stop “Zattere”. From this stop, turn right and walk straight along the embankment, including the Embankment of the Incurable (you will read about it in the article ). Along the way, by the way, there will be another vaporetto stop “Spirito Santo”, they stop thereroutes No. 6.1, 6.2.

Having reached the cape where the white Dogana (Customs) building stands, turn left and walk along the embankment again. Down the church stairsSanta Maria della Saluteyou'll just bump into it three or four minutes after turning from the cape.

Working hours:from 9:00 to 12:00 and from 15:00 to 17:00 daily.

November 21the church is openwithout breaks until 23:00. I will explain why in the section on the history of the cathedral.

Entrance to the basilica is free during visiting hours. And you have to pay to visit the sacristy4 euros. But it's worth it: you'll have the opportunity to look up closeworks by Titian, Tintoretto and other Venetian masters, see statues of saints who fought the plague, choirs and an organ.

Website of the Basilica of Santa Maria della Salute:

What to see in the cathedral

Firstly, the cathedral itself is quite unusual from an architectural point of view. It is built in the shape of an octahedron with a hemispherical dome that crowns it. The entrance to the cathedral, as I already mentioned, is made in the form of a triumphal arch, on which are installed statues of the Archangel Michael, John the Baptist and the Virgin Mary herself. Inside the cathedral, its walls form an octagon, surrounded by an arcade; the columns turn into pilasters on which the dome rests. The height of the cathedral is 60 meters. The marble floor is laid out in concentric circles.

The central altar of the temple, like almost all the chapels, is dedicated to the Virgin Mary. The altar is decorated with her sculptural images, telling about Our Lady’s deliverance of the city from the plague. In the center of the altar is the icon “Santa Maria della Salute” - “Virgin Mary the Healer” brought from Crete. In the chapels of the cathedral there are paintings by Titian, Tintoretto, Luca Giordano, Pietro Liberi.Behind the altaryou will find the entrance to the sacristy. Walking along a narrow corridor, you will find yourself in a small space where you can admire masterpieces of Venetian painting, sculpture and wood carving.

The cathedral, both outside and inside, is strict and solemn, since the reason for its construction is more than tragic, which I will discuss in the next section.

History of Santa Maria della Salute

1630-1631inscribed in the history of Venice with the blackest paint. The city was ragingterrible plague, which claimed the lives of one hundred thousand people, isa third of Venice's populationthat time. Legend says that the rulers of the city decided: if the Holy Virgin Mary averts a terrible attack from Venice, a temple will be built in honor of the Mother of God. The Venetians prayed fervently, the plague subsided. The authorities had to fulfill their promise. A competition was announced, which was won by the then youngarchitect Baltassare Longhena.

Construction began immediately. But it lasted a little more than half a century. The creator of the cathedral never saw his creation completed. The builders faced great difficulties. Previously, the Church of the Holy Trinity, which was closed by that time, stood on this site, which they decided to demolish. For the foundation of the new cathedral, about a million wooden piles were driven into the bottom of the lagoon; the soil subsided, making the construction site solid was not easy. But still, fifty years later, namelyNovember 9, 1687 Cathedral Santa Maria della Salute, which with its octagonal shape symbolizes the crown and power of the Virgin Mary, and therefore her protection, wasconsecrated and open to parishioners.

Annually On November 21, Venetians celebrate the Feast of Healings(La Festa della Salute). A pontoon bridge is being built across the Canal Grande from the Doge's Palace, along which the procession passes from the Palace to the cathedral. This is followed by general prayer. Throughout this day, celebrations and celebrations are held in the city. Traditional Venetian dishes are prepared, one of which iscastradina. This is raw smoked lamb prepared in a complex way.

Like Feast of Redentore(Deliverance) that passesevery third Sunday in July, The Festival of Healing ends with a grandfireworks. Both holidays have the same origin - salvation from the plague. Both of them are historical holidays, both are especially loved and revered by the Venetians to this day.

Of all the churches in Venice, it is Santa Maria della Salute that is considered the most romantic and the most iconic for the townspeople. The incredible beauty of the temple, located opposite the Doge's Palace, owes its appearance to the plague epidemic that broke out in the middle of the 17th century.

History of construction

The middle of the 17th century became a dark period in the history of the city for Venice: at that time the plague was raging in the city (and throughout Italy), claiming dozens and hundreds of lives every day. Almost a third of the entire population of Venice fell victim to a terrible disease. And then representatives of the city council called on the townspeople to pray to the Holy Virgin Mary, while publicly promising to build a church in her honor if the outcome was successful.

Whether the miracle happened or not, the epidemic subsided, the disease retreated from the city, and life gradually began to return to its previous course.

The authorities kept their promise. A competition was announced among architects for the best church design. The winner was the project of the little-known 26-year-old master Balthasar Longen. The whole of Venice collected money for the construction of the church - there was not a single family in the city that was not affected by the Black Death at that time.

Construction of the temple began in 1631 and lasted a little over 50 years. Balthasar's idea was that the main building stood on a platform of wooden piles driven into the bottom of the Grand Canal. For the platform alone, more than 100 thousand of them were required, since subsiding soil interfered with the normal flow of construction.

As a result, the construction of the platform took much longer than originally expected. Total used in construction over a million wooden beams.

The church building itself is built of brick, and marble dust is applied on top. The temple has an octagonal shape; this octagon is topped with a dome in the shape of a hemisphere. A slightly smaller dome is located above the altar. The facade of the church is decorated with columns, bas-reliefs, pilasters and sculptures of archangels. The entrance to the cathedral resembles a triumphal arch, as if being a symbol of victory over the plague.

The creator of this splendor did not live long enough to see the completion of construction, and the consecration ceremony took place without him. The name given to the church is Santa Maria della Salute. "Salute" translated from Italian means "health, salvation", thereby indicating that it was named in honor of the great deliverance from the plague that invaded the city.

Every year, namely November 21, Venice hosts the Festa della Salute, which is held in honor of the city’s deliverance from the “Black Death”, and a solemn mass is celebrated in the cathedral. All the gondolas gather in front of the church, forming a kind of crossing. A temporary pontoon bridge is being built between the Doge's Palace and the cathedral, along which everyone can cross to the cathedral.

In front of the steps at the central entrance to the cathedral there is a small platform, and if you turn your back to the cathedral, you will have a wonderful panoramic view of the Doge's Palace ().

Interior decoration

The inside of the temple is not as lavishly decorated as the outside. This is the Cathedral of Santa Maria della Salute different from many churches of that era built in the Baroque style.

The first thing that catches your eye when entering the room is the huge interior space. The central octagon (octagon) is surrounded by arches and columns that turn into pilasters. There are 6 chapels along the perimeter. The height of the dome is about 60 meters. The floor also deserves attention - it is made of marble in the shape of concentric circles.

The central altar contains an image of the Virgin Mary and Child, and this image is the creation of the first architect, Balthasar Longen. Above the altar is an icon in the Greco-Byzantine style, specially brought from the Church of St. Titus on the island of Crete, "Madonna della Salute" (mother healer).

To the right of the central altar, the place of honor took sculptural group depicting the Virgin Mary expelling the Black Death from the city. The plague is depicted as a dirty old woman.

Cathedral decorated with paintings by great Italian masters– Tintoretto (“Marriage at Cana”), Giordano (“Ascension”, “Introduction of the Virgin Mary into the Temple”), Pietro Liberi, Titian “David and Goliath”), Rembrandt (“Sacrifice of Abraham”).

In 2010, there was a fire in the church, resulting in The painting "David and Goliath" was damaged— it turned out to be flooded with water during the extinguishing process. Restoration work is currently underway, and soon the painting will be restored to its rightful place above the altar.

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One of the most famous and beautiful cities in the world is famous not only for its cozy canals, but also for its stunning architecture, which reflects the influence of many historical eras. The Church of Santa Maria della Salute in Venice is perhaps one of the most important places not only for tourists, but also for residents of the city. It is interesting both for its decoration and the history of its creation.

History of the origin of the Cathedral of Santa Maria Della Salute

The smooth swaying of gondolas at the piers, the sound of the surf, the ringing of bells of numerous churches, as well as the complete absence of car noise - this is how the famous Venice appears to travelers. Italian architects, sculptors, and artists gave the world a city unique in its origin, filled with a wide variety of colors and shapes. Elegant palaces, spacious squares, cramped, cozy streets and alleys are a real paradise for tourists from all over the world, because it is not for nothing that Venice is called the “calling card of Europe”.

The Church of Santa Maria della Salute, located here, was erected as a sign of gratitude to God for the miraculous deliverance of Venice from the plague epidemic that raged in 1630-1631 and claimed the lives of more than 100,000 people. During the epidemic, almost a third of the city’s entire population died out, and when the disease subsided, the Venetian authorities decided to build a new temple in honor of the salvation of the inhabitants.

The design was entrusted to the 26-year-old architect Balthasar Longen, after which construction of the cathedral began. However, for various reasons, the construction dragged on for almost 50 years, so the grand opening and consecration of the Church of Santa Maria della Salute took place after Longen’s death. It is worth noting that creating such a building in a city located on water turned out to be quite a difficult task. So, for example, more than a million wooden beams had to be used to lay the foundation alone. In addition, 100,000 beams were driven into the bottom of the canal as piles.

Unique architecture of Santa Maria della Salute

Like most buildings in Venice, the Church of Santa Maria della Salute looks very ornate and elegant. The cathedral building is an octagonal structure, made in the Baroque style, which was quite popular at that time. The central white dome-hemisphere is mounted on a so-called drum base with fifteen ribs, among which paired arched windows are visible. In addition, another small dome was built on the basilica. The entire facade of the church is decorated with numerous decorative elements, namely pilasters, tympanums, as well as various sculptures, among which the most famous are the statues of the Archangel Michael, the Virgin Mary and John the Baptist.

The first thing that attracts attention inside the cathedral is the huge space with high columns that smoothly turn into pilasters and support the dome. There are six chapels around the perimeter of the basilica, and in the center there is a traditional altar.

Useful information for tourists

The Church of Santa Maria della Salute is located on one of the main streets of Venice - the Grand Canal, exactly opposite the famous Doge's Palace. In addition, a visit to the cathedral is included in the program of most excursion tours, so you simply cannot miss it.

The church itself stands out for its very beautiful and rich external and internal decoration. Numerous marble statues, mosaics and icons create a unique Renaissance atmosphere. Don't forget to pay attention to the central altar, which contains the icon of the Madonna della Salute. This is one of the most famous Christian relics, brought from the Greek island of Crete. The floor of Santa Maria della Salute is laid out with an openwork circular pattern of marble slabs, in addition, the church houses an extensive exhibition of paintings by many famous Italian artists, including works by Titian, Giordano and Tintoretto.

If you are planning your trip to Venice in the fall, you should know that every year on November 21, a festive service dedicated to ridding the city of the plague is held in the Cathedral of Santa Maria della Salute. Residents celebrate this day as the Festa della Salute. In addition, you can see a special pontoon bridge connecting the Doge's Palace with the cathedral, which is installed only once a year.

The decision to buy a sightseeing tour of Venice is an excellent opportunity to see one of the most beautiful cities in Italy, feel its flavor, stroll through ancient streets, touch the world's architectural and art monuments, and also take a boat ride along numerous canals. In addition, such a trip can become the most desired and unforgettable gift for family and friends.

What is the famous church of Santa Maria della Salute in Venice (photo) and why the Festa della Salute is held on November 21. Santa Maria della Salute on the map of Venice.

Venice has never been the religious center of Italy, it is rather the capital of beauty, romance, and love. But there was also a place for beautiful churches on which Venetian architects honed their skills. The most beautiful, bright and extraordinary church can be called the Basilica of Santa Maria della Salute. It is also considered the largest domed temple in the city on the water.

In Santa Maria della Salute you can see paintings by Titian, as well as David Killing Goliath, The Sacrifice of Abraham, The Descent of the Holy Spirit, and Cain and Abel.

Plague epidemic

For more than three and a half centuries, the original building of the Church of Santa Maria della Salute has graced the southeastern part of the Grand Canal. AND who would have thought that this ideal of architectural beauty would be brought to the city by a plague epidemic. Yes, as they say, every cloud has a silver lining.

So at the beginning of the 17th century, Venice was struck by this terrible disease - a ferocious and merciless plague. People died one after another, and then the members of the city Senate made a vow to the Holy Virgin Mary that if the deadly disease subsided, they would build a large luxurious church in honor of the Mother of God.

The epidemic actually left the city, taking with it about one hundred thousand lives, which amounted to more than a third of the city’s population. And the Senate began to fulfill the promise.

Construction of Santa Maria della Salute

Santa Maria della Salute - the main decoration of the Grand Canal

Photo: Santa Maria della Salute

A competition was announced for the best project; during a heated creative competition, the young architect Baldassare Longhena won. Construction began in 1631, but the Church of Santa Maria della Salute took on its finished form only in 1682.

Construction work was hampered either by settling soil or by walls that were not prepared to bear the weight of the huge central dome. We had to resort to various architectural tricks and adjust the project on the fly. The foundation alone required more than a million wooden beams, most of which were spent on the construction and installation of piles. As a result, by the time the church was finally opened and consecrated, its creator was no longer alive. But his name forever remained in the memory of the Venetians, grateful for the truly grandiose work.

The Church of Santa Maria della Salute turned out to be extremely elegant, in the classical traditions of Venice, where every building is like a toy.

The elegant octagonal structure in the Baroque style with a huge white dome was decorated with small towers, six chapels and two small campaniles. A second dome, smaller in size, complemented the architectural composition. The main façade and seven secondary ones are decorated with tympanums and pilasters.

Interior and painting

In Santa Maria della Salute you can see frescoes and paintings by great masters

The interior of Santa Maria della Salute is headed by a central altar by the same Longhena, which depicts the Madonna and Child. To the left of it is an allegorical figure of Venice, and to the right is an image of the very plague that the Virgin Mary expelled from the city. Above the altar is an icon of the Mother of God in the Byzantine style, which migrated here from the Basilica of St. Titus on the island of Crete.

Altarpieces painted by Luca Giordano are also kept here. These are the paintings “The Presentation of the Virgin Mary into the Temple,” “The Nativity” and “The Ascension.”

Painting is generally the central theme in the decoration of Santa Maria della Salute. The walls of the church are also decorated with paintings by Titian, in which the artist depicted the evangelists. But the most famous of the paintings exhibited here are works on biblical subjects. These are the paintings “David Killing Goliath”, “The Sacrifice of Abraham”, “The Descent of the Holy Spirit”, and “Cain and Abel”.

The great Tintoretto also made his mark in the church interior with his work “Marriage at Cannes”.Among the sculptures, the church houses statues created by Giusto La Corte.

Festa della Salute

Grand Canal at sunset

The name of the church reflected the gratitude of the Venetians for the miraculous salvation - “salute” means “salvation”, another meaning of this word is “health”.