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Questions about getting around on Koh Chang. Koh Chang, Thailand. Briefly about the main thing: prices, accommodation, beaches and our reviews. There are two dangerous sections of the road in tourist areas

Koh Chang is connected to the mainland by ferry. All water transport from the “mainland” departs from the village of Laem Ngop, 20 km from the city of Trat. There are two piers on the mainland from which you can: Ao Thammachat and Center Point.

In the first case, you will arrive in Koh Chang at the Ao Sapparot Pier (sometimes called Ferry Pier), and in the second, at Center Point (Dan Kao Cabana). It is best to travel from Ao Thammachat as the travel time is only 20 minutes. Usually this is where buses arrive from Suvarnabhumi Airport, Bangkok, Pattaya and other resorts. But from Trat, transport arrives at Center Point, from which it takes a full 50 minutes to sail. Ferry service runs from 6:30 to 19:00. Water transport runs every hour (from October to April - every half hour from Ao Thammachat).

If you want maximum comfort, order.

So, you have arrived at one of the piers on Koh Chang. They are located in the north of the island, a few kilometers from each other. Here tuk-tuks will be waiting for you, transporting tourists to. Prices are fixed. Below is the cost of travel and travel time to different settlements on the island:

White Sand Beach - 50 baht (10-15 minutes);

Chet tea - 60 baht (20-25 min);

Klong Prao and Kai Bei - 80 baht (25 min);

Lonli Beach - 100 baht (30 min);

Bang Bao - 120 baht (35 min).

If you are, then the price includes transfer from the airport. An air-conditioned minibus will take you to the hotel.

Tuk-tuks can also take you to the hotel. There is no need to pay extra for this, since all the hotels are located in close proximity to the Main Road and the car does not have to make an additional detour.

Transport between beaches

If you want to to get from one beach to another on Koh Chang, you will have to bargain, since there are no fixed taxi fares in this case. The price starts from 20 baht, even if you only need to travel 500 meters. Between neighboring settlements you can bargain for 40 baht, but if you want to get from White Sand to Bang Bao, you will have to pay at least a hundred.

To save on taxi costs, travel in large groups. In this case, for 300 baht it is quite possible to hire a tuk-tuk and travel from one end of the island to the other (the price is for the entire car, not for each passenger). Tuk-tuk parking is available on all beaches. They are no different from the cars that carry tourists from the pier (the same pickup trucks with two benches as in Pattaya, which, however, are called songthaew).

There are no motorcycle taxis on Koh Chang. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the island is very mountainous, there are many steep slopes and turns on the Main Road, and this is unsafe for two people to travel on a motorcycle.

Motorbike rental

Motorbike rentals are available everywhere. Prices start at 150 baht per day, but on average - 200 baht. Always use a helmet for your safety (reason mentioned above). The police raid a couple of times a week and fine anyone without a helmet.

Renting a motorbike is very profitable. Judge for yourself. For 200 baht per day (plus 100 baht for petrol) you can travel all day from beach to beach, and also visit parts of the island where tuk-tuks do not go or where drivers charge exorbitant prices for their services (for example, for rides to the east coast or to the waterfalls). Imagine how many interesting places you can see and how many interesting photographs you can take if you have freedom of movement, that is, your own transport. In a word, if you do not plan to spend all your days on the coast, but want to explore the entire island and all its attractions, then a motorbike is as necessary as air. Of course, this only applies to experienced motorbikers, since Koh Chang is not the best place to learn a moped.

Sometimes on the Internet you can find recommendations to rent a bicycle for travel. But, firstly, there are practically no rental points for these two-wheelers here, and secondly, it’s not healthy enough to climb the mountain in the heat. There is a more or less smooth road only in the section from White Sand to Kai Bay, and then there are steep ascents and descents one after another. For the same reasons, getting from beach to beach on foot is a kind of torture.

A scooter in Thailand is one of the most popular and convenient types of transport, so many tourists, following the local population, prefer to travel on Thai roads on two wheels (or on three, but we’ll tell you more about this a little later). It's cheaper than a songthaew or a car, and easier than traveling on foot or by bicycle. To ensure that renting a bike on Chang does not result in unforeseen surprises, read our article.

What license do you need to drive a bike in Thailand?

Many argue that in the Kingdom of Thailand a license for a scooter is not needed at all. This is not entirely true. Most likely, no one will really ask you about their availability on Koh Chang - neither the landlord nor the police. But! If you run into a police check on roads outside the island, you will have to pay a fine of up to 500 baht if you do not have a license. Well, in the event of an accident (pah-pah-pah), you will pay for medical services (and they are not cheap in Thailand) out of your own pocket, even if you have the necessary personal insurance (CASCO and MTPL for motorbikes in Koh Chang rentals are not available as a class).

Therefore, it is still worth acquiring the appropriate document. Which one exactly? Russian motorcycle licenses are not accepted or recognized in Thailand. You need an international category A license (if you have a Russian license, then it’s not difficult to get an international one, it’s a purely paper formality, you don’t need to pass any additional exams).

Which bike to choose?

Koh Chang offers its guests a wide variety of iron horses for rent. First of all, we draw your attention to the fact that it is better to take scooters with an automatic transmission rather than a manual transmission (especially if you have never dealt with one before).

The most popular models are Yamaha Mio, Yamaha Nouva, Honda Scoopy, Honda Click, Honda PCX. Keep in mind that if you plan to ride with a passenger, then take a 125, or better yet, a 150 cc bike - this one can easily carry two riders along the mountain serpentines of Koh Chang. Just keep in mind that the 150 cc will be significantly more expensive.

There is another interesting option - a scooter with three wheels Yamaha Tricity. Such bikes are very popular in Japan and Europe, but for our compatriots and Thais they are still a novelty, so the reviews are mixed - some are delighted, others not so much. According to the manufacturer of this miracle, three wheels provide the iron horse with better stability, and the rider, accordingly, will feel safer. So, on the one hand, this is a good choice for an inexperienced biker. But on the other hand, due to the novelty of the concept, the price for such a bike in Thailand is very steep, and if suddenly an unlucky tenant damages it, the repair will cost him a pretty penny. Three-wheeled scooter rental is currently only available in one location in Koh Chang.

Is there anything on the island for real bikers? Yes, for connoisseurs of serious motorcycles, Koh Chang Choppers operates on the hill of White Sand Beach, on the main road behind the international hospital. As the name suggests, you can rent a chopper here. And also a sportbike or enduro. There are, of course, no Harley-Davidson or BMW here, but the equipment is still very decent. Of course, renting a motorcycle will cost more than a scooter, but still cheaper than a car: prices start at 800 baht per day and depend on the chosen model and the length of the rental period. And also keep in mind that during the high season, most of the Koh Chang Choppers bikes are booked several days in advance.

Which rental point is best to rent a bike?

If you absolutely need a full-fledged motorcycle, then the question of where to rent disappears by itself: choppers, sportbikes and enduros are only available on White Sand. But if you want to rent a simple scooter without any frills, then the abundance of offers may confuse you, because rental points are located literally at every step. Here are a couple of recommendations to make your choice easier:

    It is not financially profitable to rent a bike at a hotel or inn - the prices there are always inflated.

    bargain - for long periods it can be significantly reduced: from 150-250 baht per day to 2-3 thousand baht per month.

    You should not take equipment where they require you to leave your passport as collateral: not because of possible fraud, but simply because your passport is your main document, and the optimal deposit for renting a scooter on Chang is only $200-300. When you make a deposit, be sure to ask for a receipt - if they refuse to provide it to you, then it is better to ignore the services of such a rental point.

    Be sure to ask the owner to inspect the bike you like together with you and record (it’s easier to photograph) all the existing defects. Again, not for the sake of avoiding sabotage, but for order.

    Be sure to ride the bike - check the brakes, turn signals and handling/vibrations when moving. It will be good if you climb a mountain on a bike, because... Even if the engine is quite tired, it will still move you quite energetically on the plain, but it may refuse to take you uphill at the most inopportune moment.

Bike maintenance: what to refuel and how to repair the scooter if something happens?

The vast majority of scooters available for rent on Chang are fueled with AI-91 gasoline. There are only a couple of classic gas stations on the island, but improvised ones made from barrels and bottles are located everywhere. However, in the evening, after 21:00, large gas stations close, and then the only option to refuel a bike are bottles of gasoline, which are sold by private individuals along the road, but also not around the clock. By the way, their gasoline is noticeably more expensive: 28-33 baht are asked at the gas station for 1 liter, while a private owner will charge 40 baht for a 0.7 liter bottle. And this is a good enough reason to refuel your bike as much as possible during daylight hours.

If suddenly an unexpected breakdown occurs (for example, the battery is dead or the wheel is punctured), then on every popular beach you can find a workshop with local craftsmen who will put your iron horse on its feet for a very modest fee. There is also a “mechanic on call” on the island, which is very helpful in situations where a breakdown takes you by surprise. Call 081-151-48-35 and help will arrive in literally 20-30 minutes. The only caveat is that the visiting technician only speaks Thai. But this is not a problem: just stop the first Thai you meet, explain with gestures that you have a problem with the scooter, dial the number and give him the phone. Thais are friendly people and never refuse help to foreigners. But for this you must have a phone in roaming - the most reliable connection on the island in case of emergency.

Precautionary measures

To ensure that your vacation is not overshadowed by fines or, worse, injuries, follow these simple rules:

    Koh Chang is not suitable for acquiring/renewing motorcycle driving skills. Your experience should be sufficient and very recent.

    Always wear a helmet (both for yourself and your passenger, especially if it is a child). If it is quite difficult to get caught without a license, then getting a fine of 200 baht from the police for driving without a helmet is easy (especially in the high season, when the police carry out checks on the roads quite often).

    Please note that in the evenings the roads on Koh Chang, especially the passes, are very poorly lit, and natives and visitors to the island often neglect the rule of lighting themselves when moving on roads, because... Sidewalks are not provided everywhere on the island.

    The maximum recommended speed on a bike is 40-60 km/h, but in certain areas (for example, on narrow strips near Kai Bay Beach, on sharp turns and descents) it is better to ride generally very slowly and closer to the side of the road. Everyone who needs it will overtake you.

    If the rain catches you driving a motorcycle, stop, hide and wait for it to end: roads during rain, especially immediately after it starts, are very slippery. If you are in a hurry, we recommend resuming traffic after at least 15-20 minutes, when the roads are a little washed and become less slippery.

    Under no circumstances should you drive while intoxicated! This is a common truth, but many people forget about it. Left-hand traffic plus unusual road conditions on the island - if you add intoxication to these factors, then the chances of getting into an accident increase many times over.

    If it happens that an accident could not be avoided, then try to solve the problem on the spot, without involving the police - the police are always more expensive and more troublesome. If you are to blame, then try to calmly agree on the price of the issue - it can always be reduced within reasonable limits. Raised tones and threats to call the Embassy and go to the Hague Court of Human Rights do not have the desired impact on Thais.

And another important nuance: if you are going to rent a bike on Chang, then be sure to take out ISOS, CLASS, Axa or GVA insurance (these are the assistance companies that work with Chang Hospital) and always with the “sport” or “active recreation” option. . Without this option, a traffic accident on a scooter, if it suddenly happens, most likely will not be considered an insured event, or you will have to spend a lot of nerves and money in the courts proving the opposite. If you don’t have insurance, then your direct route is to the state hospital on the east side. And, as we said above, motorbikes, as well as the civil liability of their drivers, are not insured in Koh Chang rentals - this option is not available in principle.

That's basically all you need to know when renting a bike. Good luck on the roads of Koh Chang!

A bike can make your life on Koh Chang easier, because it is much more interesting to explore a new place on your own, with the support of an iron horse. In addition, this method of getting around Koh Chang is much cheaper than songthaew or renting a car.

How and where to get a good device? You can rent a scooter at the hotel where you are staying, but the cost will usually be high. You can take a risk and go searching through the island’s numerous “rentals” - but stories on the Internet are colorfully replete with stories about deceiving tourists (by the way, on Koh Chang this happens, if it happens, it’s rare - scams here usually start when the bike is damaged in a fall) . You can also rent a motorbike from us, at the cost starts from 150 Thai baht for simpler models and up to 500-600 baht for new and beautiful ones. The bike is brought to your hotel at a time convenient for you and picked up at your request.

We remind you that the island's roads are far from ideal, so do not forget about a helmet, since the fine for driving without appropriate protection is 200 baht per person (and this, by the way, is a full and very tasty dinner in a cafe).

Theoretically, to drive a scooter you need an international category A license (a booklet in English and a number of other languages) - but, in reality, no one is ever interested in the license. If you are lucky and they decide to check you for a driver’s license, the fine for not having one in Koh Chang is 200-500 baht.

Scooter Koh Chang

We recommend buying scooters with an automatic transmission and not taking risks with a manual transmission, especially if you have never dealt with one before. The most popular and convenient models: Yamaha Mio, Honda Click, Honda Scoopy, Yamaha Nouva. The Honda PCX is a particularly popular model: if you decide to master driving techniques for the first time, we highly recommend not choosing it. This bike is quite heavy, and if it falls, repairing it will cost a lot of money.

Most scooters are fueled with 91 gasoline; gas stations are located everywhere on the island. Just do not forget that they do not work in the evening and if you return well after midnight from Lonely beach, the only refueling option is bottles of colorful yellow and red gasoline from private individuals along the road.

And finally, the main issue is safety. Unfortunately, accidents are not uncommon on Koh Chang, so it is important to be careful while driving. In addition, in Thailand, traffic is on the left, which often confuses our person. Even if you are confident in your skills, do not forget that in the event of an accident, your treatment will only be covered by insurance with the “active recreation” option. Otherwise, you will have to cover all costs (including bike repairs) yourself. We recommend not driving more than 60 km/h, and in some places on the island the optimal speed is 20 km/h (for example, on Kai Bae Beach with its narrow stripes).

If you have a punctured tire, somewhere in the middle of nowhere you suddenly run out of gas or your battery runs out, we recommend reading the article about repairing a scooter anywhere in Koh Chang.

Have beautiful roads and take care of yourself!

In the southeast of Thailand, not far from Cambodia, in the Gulf of Thailand there is a wonderful island where you can enjoy a wonderful holiday, wonderful nature and gain unforgettable impressions. We are talking about Koh Chang in Thailand, an island that is the second largest after Phuket and has a total area of ​​290 square meters. km or 30 by 10 km in length. Located 320 km from Bangkok, it is part of the Trat province. Literally translated, Koh Chang means “Elephant Island”.

It is incorrect to use the expression "Koh Chang island in Thailand" because "Koh" means "island". It turns out to be “butter oil”. But tourists say that, so I will use a phrase familiar to tourists.

Considering that the island of Koh Chang in Thailand is located far from popular tourist destinations, the beauty of Koh Chang has remained unnoticed for quite a long time. Tourism here began to develop relatively recently. And if a couple of years ago, entire families mostly vacationed here from Europeans, citizens of Germany, Spain, Italy, France and, of course, the indigenous Thais, but now the island of Koh Chang in Thailand is also popular among Russian-speaking tourists. The beaches of White Sand, Klong Prao and .

Koh Chang, Thailand: climate conditions

It is clear that the island of Koh Chang in Thailand has a tropical climate. The driest time of the year, which is also the high season for tourists, is from November to May, April and March. In summer, a holiday here can be spoiled by heavy rains, which, by the way, do not interfere much with a good rest, since they often only fall at night. But we shouldn’t ignore climate change across the planet in recent years. For example, we vacationed on the island of Koh Chang in Thailand in “dry” November, but at the same time we hid from the wet weather almost every evening. However, this did not interfere with the rest.

Another feature of Koh Chang is that during a severe thunderstorm, electricity is cut off on the entire island and there is no water. But this can be survived.

Koh Chang Island, Thailand: how to get there

Airplane, taxi to the city of Trat and bus are probably the only three ways you can use to get to Koh Chang island. I would like to note that no matter what method of transportation and route are chosen, part of the road will still pass by ferry. Thus, the ferry piers from which transport departs to the island of Koh Chang in Thailand are: Koh Chang Ferry Pier and Center Point Pier.

Ferries Trat - Koh Chang

From both piers, ferries to Koh Chang island in Thailand run from early morning (6 a.m.) to 7:00 p.m. But, here it is worth knowing about one feature, namely, from Koh Chang Ferry Pier the travel time to Koh Chang island in Thailand will be only half an hour, from the other pier - a whole hour, which, by the way, can be used to enjoy surrounding nature and blue water. To get on the ferry you will have to pay 80 baht. But be careful here, because you can save money by buying two-way tickets at once (120 baht).

Planes to Trat

Unfortunately, there is no airport on the island of Koh Chang in Thailand, so you will have to get there from the neighboring town of Trat. Another annoyance is that only one airline flies to Trat, namely Bangkok Air. Domestic flights from Bangkok only. The cost also leaves much to be desired, namely for a flight lasting 1 hour you need to pay 3,000 baht. Airplane schedules are constantly posted on the airline’s website, where you can immediately order tickets. Planes to Trat fly three times a day, at approximately 8.00 and 10.30 am and at 17.00 am (check the website for current times). Upon arrival, you can get to the pier by minibus, the ticket price is 100 baht.

Bus routes from Bangkok to Trat

From the East Station of Bangkok to the island of Koh Chang in Thailand, buses run from two stations, namely from the Ekamai Bus Terminal station and from the Mo Chit Bus Terminal bus station, which is located in the northern part of the city. Such a trip has a number of undoubted advantages: the buses have air conditioning, comfortable and soft seats, an excellent view from the window, they make stops along the way, and arrive directly at the pier or in the city of Trat. Moreover, you can take the bus every half hour without having to adjust too much to the schedule. This type of transport runs from 6.00 am to 23.00 pm. If the bus arrives at Trat, you can get to the pier by songthaew. The price of a trip, which lasts half an hour, is 50-100 baht.

Taxi route from Bangkok to Koh Chang

Taxi is a fairly expensive way to get to Koh Chang island in Thailand. So, for a trip you will have to pay an average of 3.5-4.5 thousand baht from Bangkok airport. Please note that you can bargain with the Thais and thereby significantly reduce the cost, namely up to 2000 baht. In this case, you can simply hail a taxi by hand.

For a large company, the best option would be to rent a minibus. For 400 baht per person you can quickly and comfortably get to the ferry.

Koh Chang, Thailand: relaxing on the beaches

The beaches of Koh Chang island in Thailand can take a long time to describe. Each of them is unique in its own way. Let's start with the most popular place called White Sand Beach. Young people and lovers of noisy parties will like it here, since the beach has many massage parlors, bars and restaurants, and even shops with all sorts of curiosities for tourists. The most popular place is “Sabay bar”, but here you won’t see a crazy party like in Pattaya or Koh Phangan. Everyone just sits, drinks, chats.

Simply created for nature lovers – a beach that perfectly combines snow-white sand and rocky landscapes. It is famous not only for its beautiful nature, but also for the fact that noisy parties take place here every night. But the contingent is peculiar, mainly hippies and backpackers.

The main beach of Koh Chang island in Thailand is White Sand Beach or, as it is also called, Hat Sai Khao. It is located near the pier, in the northern part of the island. This is exactly what we chose during our trip. Conventionally, the beach is divided into two parts: southern and northern. If you are an independent traveler, the second option is simply created for you. Here, on the northern half, there is a wide beach, a fairly smooth descent into the water, snow-white sand, playgrounds, and a depth comfortable for children and adults. The only negative, or maybe for some, on the contrary, a plus, is the lack of direct access to the road. To get to the northern part, you first need to go past the southern part of the beach.

White Sand Beach, or rather its southern half, is literally replete with shops, restaurants, and kiosks with traditional Thai street food. Accordingly, lovers of noisy holidays will like it here. Here you can watch the tides and find a great hotel in Koh Chang, Thailand for a pleasant stay. Along the beach there is a road that goes around the entire western coast of Koh Chang.

Just behind the beach described above, there is another place beloved by tourists, namely Chai Chet Beach. Mostly those who vacation in the nearest hotels in Koh Chang in Thailand come here.

As for me, another beach that I personally recommend is Klong Prao. I was captivated by its distance from noise, narrow and long strip, many truly luxurious hotels in Koh Chang in Thailand and separation from the road by a real coconut grove. According to reviews from my family friends, this beach is the most comfortable for living and swimming with children. However, at low tide it is too shallow here.

Next on my list of TOP beaches on Koh Chang island in Thailand is Kai Bai. It’s not difficult to find, but you won’t be able to walk from Klong Prao; the beaches are separated by rocks. I can say that the beach really deserves attention, and there are many Russian-speaking tourists here. The only thing is that the northernmost part of the beach near the Cliff Beach Hotel is more suitable for swimming. In other parts there are a lot of stones. But here you can see elephants bathing in the sea near the Kai Bai Hut hotel.

Going around the island along its western part towards the south, after a steep pass, tourists see the most beautiful beach of Koh Chang island in Thailand, Lonely Beach. Despite the fabulous nature, relatively inexpensive bungalows are available for rent here, which add a special touch to the surrounding nature. This place was chosen by hippies; winterers also live here, but there are not many of them. The contingent is specific, it is worth taking this into account. One of my friends lived on Lonely Beach, hung out with hippies and brought home lice. I had to shave my head because the situation was so bad. But I hope this doesn't happen to you.

The infrastructure on Lonely Beach is not well developed, but there is a pier and . Here you can taste seafood and fish dishes prepared according to traditional Thai recipes. True, prices in the fishing village for seafood are the highest on the entire island of Koh Chang. I don't know why. It seems like they are fishing right here, there should be low prices, but no! Apparently, the flow of tourists has spoiled them.

Bang Bao is a place where you can swim, but it can hardly be called a beach. Tourists are more attracted here by numerous shops with Thai curiosities, restaurants and even a market. Moreover, from the pier located in this place, you can go sea fishing or go to the neighboring islands of Ko Kood and Ko Mak. Here you can get a diving certificate, schools are literally at every turn. During the low season, prices can be halved. Usually one dive costs 3000-4500 baht. I personally didn’t like the village of Bang Bao, but some people are even attracted by the houses on the water on stilts, from which tourists swim directly.

All described above are the beaches of one part of the island of Koh Chang in Thailand, namely the western part.

On the east side there is only one single beach, called Long Beach. I’ll say right away that the beach is not very good, and I decided to describe it only because backpackers often talk about it on forums.

Local transport on Koh Chang island

An asphalt road runs along the coast across the entire island of Koh Chang. True, it does not connect, completely encircling the island and breaks off in the south of the island. Probably for this reason, all the hot spots for tourists are located in the west of Koh Chang, where public transport runs during the day in the form of open minibuses (songthaew). An interesting feature is that during the day it is public transport for 50 baht, and at night it turns into private cabs, prices rise to 100-300 baht.

There are very few cars on the island of Koh Chang in Thailand; mostly locals ride bikes. They can be rented for an average of 150-250 baht per day. But you will have to leave a deposit in the form of your passport, a copy of it, or money in the amount of 2000-3000 baht. It is highly not recommended for beginners to drive along steep passes. At night the roads are not illuminated at all.

Personally, we rented a Honda Click, which cost us 200 baht per day. But, I note that there is also cheaper transport that can be found on White Sand Beach. He perfectly pulled us along the mountain passes together, an excellent motorcycle! In addition to renting, the bike needs to be refueled. An interesting feature is that gasoline is packaged in 0.7 liter bottles, the price tag of which is 35-40 baht. There is only one gas station on the entire island of Koh Chang in Thailand, and you can fill up for at least 100 baht.

Hotels in Koh Chang, Thailand

Tourist apartments on the island are represented by small 2-4 storey houses or bungalows. The height of the buildings here cannot be higher than the palm trees, because the whole of Koh Chang is a nature reserve. Moreover, not only on land, but also on water. But this does not at all prevent the Thais from building quite fashionable hotels so that the island of Koh Chang in Thailand becomes really popular among tourists and at every step they charge the so-called “reserve fee” from all foreigners.

As for me, the best hotels in Koh Chang in Thailand on the entire island are: , . The listed hotels are designed for wealthy tourists, but there are also more budget accommodation options. So, the cost of a bungalow can be only 250 baht per night. This is housing for the completely unpretentious. Air-conditioned rooms rent from 500 baht. For inexpensive housing, you should go to White Sand Beach on the second line from the sea. You can also look for inexpensive housing in the fishermen's village near Lonely Beach.

A significant disadvantage of Koh Chang island in Thailand is the fact that it is extremely difficult to rent housing for a long time. At the moment, expensive hotel complexes are being built here; moreover, the locals do not really want the island of Koh Chang in Thailand to become a place for long-term residence. The reason is simple - tourists spend much more money on vacation than long-livers.

But not everything is so sad, during our vacation, we still came across advertisements, albeit in small numbers, that houses were available for rent for long-term stays.

Cafes and shops on Koh Chang

The shops

Since many tourists are just beginning to discover the island of Koh Chang in Thailand, the infrastructure here is quite poorly developed. Only a few years ago a large Tesco Lotus chain was opened here between the two beaches of Chai Chet and White Sand. You won't find any other large stores.

Tesco Lotus is open from 7.00 to 23.00, but does not please with its range of goods. Yes, you can buy certain seafood here (the choice is limited) and some meat, but the prices are steep. It's a shame.

There are also a few Tesco Express with half-empty shelves in Kai Bay and Klong Prao, but they are very small. At the same time, small grocery stores are scattered throughout the peninsula. There is also a 7-Eleven in the same Kai Bay.

On each beach, tourists will find numerous tents selling everything they need: clothes, fruits, souvenirs. Prices are inflated because everything is shipped from the mainland. So you can't count on shopping here. For such purposes - to Bangkok or Pattaya.

We also didn't find any big food markets. Meat, seafood, vegetables and fruits are sold from small stalls, of which there are more than enough on the island of Koh Chang in Thailand.

But I can reassure you that despite the lack of “civilized” shops, on the island of Koh Chang in Thailand there are pharmacies, ATMs, banks, and even gyms.

Cafes and restaurants

There are more than enough cafes and restaurants on the island of Koh Chang in Thailand. There are also expensive, luxury ones, with terraces and a wonderful view of the sea, and there are also budget, small cafes where Thai food is served. We found establishments not only with local cuisine, but also dishes from European countries, Mexican, Greek, and Russian. When I'm in a café, I always look at the prices on the menu to understand what kind of establishment it is. In street eateries you can find tom yam for 80 baht, in restaurants - 150-250 baht.

Koh Chang Thailand: reviews, what to do and what to see

The sights of Koh Chang island in Thailand can be counted on one hand. As a rule, only beach holidays are popular here. It is for this reason that the main attractions are natural beauty.

Waterfalls are one of the local wonders. Although it seems to me that all the islands of Thailand have waterfalls. We haven’t visited them, but we know for sure that there are 7 of them on the island. The largest and most accessible is Khong Plu Waterrfall. The so-called “reserve entry fee” is also common here (although in fact you are already in the reserve), so you have to pay 200 baht. For what???

There are also temples on the island of Koh Chang in Thailand, although they are small and few in number, but the architecture deserves attention.

You can enjoy nature and wonderful landscapes from observation platforms. I will definitely say that it is worth visiting the mountain near Kai Bei, the breathtaking landscape opens up from there. It is very difficult to go there on foot, and the mountain passes are very steep.

Elephants are an integral part of Thailand and the island of Koh Chang. Literally all tourists ride them, and the most interesting thing here is not the riding itself, but the swimming. Only on Koh Chang do elephants swim in the open sea. The price is not fixed, you have to bargain, we paid 1300 baht per person.

I personally didn’t need to ride, but to get to the water, you need to sit on an elephant and get there. There are several elephant farms on Koh Chang. We saw two - on Klong Prao and Kai Bay, signs are located along the main road.

Renting a kayak and visiting neighboring islands or riding through mangroves is quite an interesting pastime on the island of Koh Chang in Thailand, and also romantic. The cost of an hour's walk on this boat is 100 baht per hour, half a day 400 baht, whole day 500 baht. In Kai Bei, you can rent a kayak near the Kai Bei Hut Hotel.

The village of Bang Bao is famous throughout Koh Chang, so there is a lot to see here. There are signature restaurants here, you can try local food, see how fishermen live and work, and get acquainted with the local mentality and traditions. But there are a lot of tourists here. So you won’t see the “real Thailand” here anymore. Prices are high on the "tourist scale", more expensive than in other parts of Koh Chang.

On the island of Koh Chang, such popular rope parks are also equipped for visiting tourists. You can feel the adrenaline under the treetops for 950 baht (another 150 for transfer) on Balian Bay beach.

But the most interesting and therefore popular entertainment on the island of Koh Chang in Thailand is the so-called snorkeling on the neighboring islands of Koh Kood, Koh Rang and others. Similar tours are offered literally on every corner and in every hotel in Koh Chang in Thailand. For example, one of the tours costs only 800 baht. I don’t recommend taking a whole day tour, you’ll get very tired from the road. It’s best for half a day or several days at once.

One-day and longer excursion trips are provided to the islands of Koh Wai, Koh Kood, Koh Mak. Personally, we went to Ko Kood for four whole days and didn’t think twice about this choice.

Like any other resorts near the water, there is everything for diving here. You can order individual diving training or attend a diving tour with an instructor at any of the beaches of your choice. But Bang Bao specializes in this; there are a lot of schools and good competition here. It is noteworthy that there are diving schools with Russian-speaking teachers on the island of Koh Chang in Thailand.

I haven’t tried it, but on my next trip I’ll probably try the school that opens its doors to beginner divers on Koh Tao. In general, Koh Tao is the island for divers with the lowest prices.

Let me remind you that earlier I said that the island of Koh Chang in Thailand that we are describing borders on Cambodia. So its very location suggests that it is simply impossible not to visit Angkor Wat. Personally, I highly recommend it. True, you will have to go back to the mainland.

The nightlife on Koh Chang island in Thailand deserves special attention. Of course, there are no such noisy parties here as, for example, in Pattaya. But on White Sand Beach and you can visit discos or go to a local bar.

On Lonely Beach there are cafes with music; on Wai Senda, the most famous is Sabai Bar. But this is not a nightclub with a party and action. Koh Chang island in Thailand is more for relaxation and a quiet holiday. In the evenings there are often fire shows, but there are no crowds of people. If you're bored, there's also a nest bar in a tree.

During the high season, Lonely Beach often hosts open-air parties until the early hours. The main visitors to such events are foreigners, hippies, and backpackers. If such entertainment is not for you, then I highly recommend the local bars. They have live music, delicious cocktails and a very pleasant atmosphere.

To summarize, I will say that overall I have very positive impressions about the island of Koh Chang in Thailand. This place is ideal for a quiet family vacation, during which you want to bask on the beach rather than go on excursions. The holiday itself can be either budget or in expensive and respectable hotels in Koh Chang in Thailand. And the biggest cost of the trip will be to get to the island itself, and to rent a hotel.