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Use of Gerundio in Italian. Italian language, Italy, independent study of Italian What is a gerund in Italian

Being an impersonal verbal form, Gerundio (gerund) in Italian does not have the traditional categories of mood, person and number that have already become traditional for us, and does not independently perform the function of a predicate, which is typical for most Italian basic personal or inflected forms (Mantengo(said, in the present time, singular, first person) tutta la famiglia. (I commend the whole family)) .

At the same time, the gerund in Italian can be used within two main tense forms, such as presente (scrivere (una domanda) - write (statement) - scrivendo (una domanda) Gerundio Presente) and and passato (scrivere (una domanda) - write (statement) - avendo scritto (una domanda) Gerundio Passato). However, like other impersonal forms of the Italian verb (participle and infinitive), Gerundio does not denote the direct fact of the implementation of a certain action in the present, past or future (absolute time), but only shows the temporal correlation of the designated secondary action in relation to its main correspondence (relative time).

See also materials on Italian grammar, verbs:

AVendo Dato Yes mangiare agli animali, ha alimentato il fuoco. (After feeding the cattle, he added more wood to the fire.) — avendo dato- a gerundial form of the past tense that is invariable neither in numbers, nor in persons, nor in names, fixes the antecedent of the secondary action to the main one.

Attraversando la strada, bisogna avere il cervello a bottega. (When crossing the road, you need to be careful.) - attraversando- a gerundial form of the present tense that is invariable neither in numbers, nor in persons, nor in names, fixes the simultaneity of secondary and main actions.

First gerund form ( Presente /sometimes called semplice/) is synthetic (simple, non-compound) in the type or nature of its form change and is created according to a single-verb model by adding grammatical inflections-indicators to the verbal basis:

Type of Italian verbs Formation model Example
Units of the first distribution

Basis willow (with discarding of the final inf. ending) + - ando Inizi+ando (un’inchiesta)
Units of the second and third sp. scriver (una sinfonia) 2 With . — write ( symphony ) The base willow (with the discarding of the final inf. ending) + - endo

Scriv+endo (una sinfonia)

partire (in treno) 3 s. - leave (by train) Part+endo (in treno)

According to the general model, characteristic for the verbs of the second and third verbs is the stem willow (with the discarding of the final inf ending) + - endo

Ess+endo (fuori)

Av+endo (successo)
Exception verbs tradurre (in carcere) - transport (to prison)

Full (Latin) stem + – endo Traduc+endo (in carcere)
Returnable verb units

According to general models + ascending hour -si Avvi+ando+si (in tempo)

Absolutely the entire set of Italian verbal units has the ability to form Gerundio presente forms, which distinguishes them from a number of Russian verbs that do not have corresponding participial equivalents of the imperfect form. In such cases (in translation), the semantics of the Gerundio presente is usually communicated through personal verbal forms ( Bevendo a collo, cercava di fare presto. (He drank (bevendo) from the bottle and tried to finish quickly)).

Second gerund form ( Passato) will already be analytical (composite or complex) in the type or nature of its form change and will be structured according to a two-component model through a combination of an auxiliary verb (stands in Gerundio presente) and a basic verbal unit (stands in Participio passato).

Type of Italian verbs Formation model Example
Units of the first, second or third reference

iniziare (un’inchiesta) - begin (investigation)

Rec. (essere, avere in Ger-dio pre-te - the basis of the verb (with the discarding of the final inf ending) + - endo) + the meaning of the verb (in Part-io passato) Av+endo + iniziato (un’inchiesta)

Auxiliary willow units

Essere (fuori) – to be (outside the house)

According to the general model - aux. (essere - for essere, avere - for avere in Ger-dio pre-te - stem verb (with discarding the final inf ending) + - endo) + meaning verb (in Part-io passato)

Ess+endo + stato (fuori)

Avere (successo) - to have (success)

Av+endo + avuto (successo)
Returnable verb units

Avviarsi (in tempo) – set off (on time)

Rec. (essere, avere in Ger-dio pre-te - stem verb (with discarding the final inf ending) + - endo) + ascending hour -si + meaning verb (in Part-io passato – without -si)) Ess+endo+si + avviato (in tempo)

In speech communication, Gerundio presente, translated into Russian by the imperfective participle, is primarily used to record secondary actions carried out (in the present, future or past time period) simultaneously with the main actions. —

Essendo malinconico(Being in a melancholic mood) +

non esco da una settimana. (I haven’t left (the house) for a week) - one thing, Presente

non escivo da una settimana. (I haven’t left (the house) for a week) - one thing, Imperfetto

non escirò da una settimana. (I won’t leave (the house) for a week) - one thing, Futuro

In turn, Gerundio Passato, translated into Russian also by a gerund, but in a perfect form, conveys secondary actions implemented (in the present, future or past time period) in relation to precedence to the main actions. —

Avendo realizzato grossi utilityi (having made a big profit) +

decidono di vendere parte delle azioni (they decide to sell part of the shares) - previous, presente

decideranno di vendere parte delle azioni (they will decide to sell part of the shares) - previous Futuro

hanno deciso di vendere parte delle azioni (they decided to sell part of the shares) - previous Passato prossimo

In addition, the Italian gerund is capable of recording the semantics of the assignment, conditions, reasons, etc. -

Aumentando Lo stipendio, hai fatto bene. (By increasing your salary, you did the right thing) - reason

Essendouscito in bicicletta, non verrai tardi a pranzo. — (By riding your bike, you won’t be late for lunch.) — condition

Quite often the gerund is used as part of the following constructions:

1.negation non + Gerundio— time correlation + transfer of modal values ​​of conditions, assignments, etc. —

Non avendo rescisso Un contratto, aggravammo la situazione. (By not terminating the contract (since we did not do this), we aggravated the situation) - previous + reason

2.stare+Gerundio- conveying the continuing nature of the action -

Stanno risolvendo un'intricata situazione familiare. (They are now resolving (finding a solution to) a confusing family situation.)

3. andare+Gerundio- the gradual nature of an action or process

La temperatura va aumentando. (The temperature is constantly rising.)

Features of the speech use of gerunds in Italian can be given in the table:

Table. Non-finite forms of the Italian verb - gerund (speech use)

Gerundio form Use Cases Examples of using
Gerundio presente

Second actions, real (in the present, future or past time period) with observance at the same time as the chapters. action. Rcompendo con il passato, ha scoppiato in lacrime. (Breaking with the past, he cried)
Essendo irascibile, ci andrò lo stesso. (Being hot-tempered, I will still go there) - concession
Gerundio passato

Secondary actions, real (in the present, future or past time period) with respect to the precedence to the chapters. action. Avendo rotto con il passato, decido di cambiare casa. (Having broken with the past, I decide to move to a new apartment).
Assignment, condition and other modal meanings Avendo rotto con il passato, tradirò gli ideali. (By breaking with the past, I will betray my ideals). - condition
Designs with Gerundio
non + Gerundio Correlation in time + concession, condition, etc. mode of meaning Non cambiando opinione, rischia di essere frainteso. (Without changing his opinion, he risks being misunderstood) – one + condition
stare + Gerundio Continuous type action Rodrigo sta eseseguendo abbozzi. (Rodrigo (now) doing sketches.)
andare + Gerundio Actions or processes of gradual type I prezzi vanno aumentando. (Prices are constantly increasing).

In Italian there is also Gerundio assoluto(the so-called absolute gerund, used, as a rule, in book speech), which is an independent phrase that provides for the presence of its own subject (usually prepositional to Gerundio), which does not coincide with the analogue of the main sentence.-

Ha ottenuto di poter lavorare a casa, Essendo volitivo il suo carattere . (hem absolute gerund) - (He obtained permission to work at home, since his character was strong-willed.

July 29, 2016

In Italian, a gerund is an impersonal (indefinite) form of a verb; its approximate Russian analogues are a gerund and a verbal noun. The gerund has two forms: present and past.
⇒il gerundio presente(o sample)
⇒il gerundio passato(o composto)
But some verbs in Russian do not have participial forms (eat, drink, run, sleep, write, sing, beat). In Italian, all verbs have the form of a gerund, and such phrases are translated into Russian as follows:
Scrivendo la lettera, lui ripensava al giorno della partenza. — He wrote a letter and remembered the day of departure. / When (while) writing the letter, he remembered the day of departure.
Cantando, lei dimenticava le sue disgrazie. “When she sang, she forgot her sorrows. / While singing, she forgot her sorrows.
That is, when translating into Russian, when the gerund could be translated by a gerund, clarifying phrases or other forms of the verb are used, while the connection between the process expressed by the gerund and the verb in another form must be preserved.
In most cases, a gerund is used when the main object is equivalent or close to the secondary one, which is expressed by the gerund.

gerundio presente) is used when the main action occurs simultaneously with a secondary one.
From verbs of the 1st conjugation (-are/-arsi) the endings -ando/andosi are formed.
From verbs 2 and 3 (-ere, -ire/-ersi/irsi) endings are formed - endo/-endosi.
Verbs with the “isc” suffix do not have any peculiarities in their forms and acquire standard endings of the 3rd conjugation.

gerundio passato) is used when the main action is a consequence or comes after the secondary one (what is expressed by the gerund comes before).
The past tense gerund is formed like all complex (consisting/composed of two words) tenses, using the auxiliary verbs “essere” (for most verbs of motion, all reflexives and some others) and “avere” (for other verbs). In this case, the gerund form is the auxiliary verb, and the main verb is the past participle. As in all complex tenses (with “essere/essendo” the ending of the participle changes according to gender and number).

bere ⇒ bevendo (to drink, drink)
dire ⇒ dicendo (to speak, to say)
fare ⇒ facendo (to do, to do)
produrre ⇒ producendo (to produce, produce)
porre ⇒ ponendo (put, put, put, put)
proporre ⇒ proponendo (to propose, propose)
tradurre ⇒ traducendo (translate, translate)

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Functions of the gerund

Causal. Cause.
When the meaning or reason for the action of the main verb follows from the action expressed by the gerund.
Essendo disoccupato, ho molto tempo libero.
Being unemployed, I have a lot of free time.

Temporary. Temporale.
The gerund expresses the process during which the main action occurs.
Lavoro ascoltando la radio.
I work listening to the radio.

Modal. Modale.
The gerund expresses an attitude towards the action expressed by the main verb.
Comprando un biglietto della lotteria, puoi diventare ricco.
By buying a lottery ticket you can become rich.

Hypothetical. Ipotetica.
What is expressed by a gerund can lead to the consequences described by the main verb.
Volendo si può fare tutto.
If you want, you can do anything.

Concessive. Concessiva (pur+gerundio).
In this case, we are dealing with an indirect analogue of the subjunctive mood - the gerund expresses a desirable, conjectural statement or doubt.
Pur mangiando poco, non riesco a dimagrire.
However, by eating little, I am unable to lose weight.

* Noun. Sostantivo. *
In some previous cases, phrases with a gerund can be translated into a verbal noun, but in Italian the gerund is sometimes used as a noun.
Non mi piace occuparmi delle faccende domestiche.
I don't like doing housework. (lit. "doing")

Progressive. Progressiva (old+gerundio).
This is an unusual function of the gerund for the Russian language (there is nothing like it in Russian).

The gerund is involved in the periphrasis “stare + gerundio” and this construction expresses an action in the process. In Italian, the aspect of the verb is not as pronounced as in Russian, so some cases require additional tools to express the course of action in time. Stare + gerundio is a process that is relevant at a certain point in time, that is, “I am doing something and “I am doing something here and now” - this is not the same thing in Italian.
The construction stare + gerundio is used mostly in the present tense and in the simple past (imperfect), very rarely in the future. Never used with complex tenses (passato prossimo, trapassati, futuro anteriore, etc.)

Sto mangiando. - Mangio alle 8.
I am eating. - I eat at 8.

Sto guardando un film. - Guardo la TV ogni giorno.
I am watching a movie. - I watch TV every day.

Stavo mangiando quando suonava il telefono.
I was eating when the phone rang.

This combination is used with the gerund of verbs that express ACTION.

This construction is not used with the verbs “essere”, “avere”, which are modal and express feelings or opinions.

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Consider the following verbs (with the gerund translated as gerunds):

1. essere(be ), avere(have) - participate in the formation of the past tense gerund;

2. andare(go/go, move), fare(to do) - irregular verbs;

3. alzare(raise/raise) vedere(to see/see), aprire(open/open) - regular verbs 1st, 2nd and 3rd conjugations;

4. preferire(prefer/prefer), capire(understand/understand), sparire(disappear/disappear) - « isc"-Verbs;

5. vestirsi(get dressed/get dressed), alzarsi(to rise/to rise, to rise/to stand up) - reflexive verbs(in Italian);

6. tradurre(translate/translate), proporre(offer/offer) - verbs with endings -urre , -orre, -arre.

Please note: alzare (regular verb of the 1st conjugation) and alzarsi (reflexive verb).
One should also take into account the presence of imperfect and perfect verbs in the Russian language - get up/get up, get dressed/get dressed, etc. Most often, the translation of the present gerund is the present participle of the imperfect form of the verb, and the past gerund is the past participle of the perfect form. Frequent exceptions when translating into Russian are the absence of gerunds in some verbs and the use of verbal nouns, and in some - just nouns.

Gerundio presente - “Doing what?” (non-sov.), present tense:

Gerundio passato - “Having done what?” (owl), past tense:

© Lara Leto, 2016
© Italy and Italian language. Travel beautifully, learn easily, 2016

This site is dedicated to self-learning Italian from scratch. We will try to make it the most interesting and useful for everyone who is interested in this beautiful language and, of course, Italy itself.

Interesting about the Italian language.
History, facts, modernity.
Let's start with a few words about the modern status of the language; it is obvious that Italian is the official language in Italy, the Vatican (simultaneously with Latin), in San Marino, but also in Switzerland (in its Italian part, the canton of Ticino) and in Several districts in Croatia and Slovenia, where a large Italian-speaking population lives, Italian is also spoken by some of the residents on the island of Malta.

Italian dialects - will we understand each other?

In Italy itself, even today you can hear many dialects, sometimes it is enough to travel only a few tens of kilometers to encounter another of them.
Moreover, dialects are often so different from each other that they can seem like completely different languages. If people from, for example, the northern and central Italian “outback” meet, they may not even be able to understand each other.
What is especially interesting is that some dialects, in addition to the oral form, also have a written form, such as the Neopolitan, Venetian, Milanese and Sicilian dialects.
The latter exists, accordingly, on the island of Sicily and is so different from other dialects that some researchers distinguish it as a separate Sardinian language.
However, in everyday communication and, especially, in large cities, you are unlikely to experience any inconvenience, because... Today, dialects are spoken mainly by older people in rural areas, while young people use the correct literary language, which unites all Italians, the language of radio and, of course, television.
It may be mentioned here that until the end of the Second World War, modern Italian was only a written language, used by the ruling class, scientists and in administrative institutions, and it was television that played a big role in the spread of the common Italian language among all inhabitants.

How it all began, origins

The history of the formation of modern Italian, as we all know it, is closely connected with the history of Italy and, of course, no less fascinating.
Origins - in Ancient Rome, everything was in the Roman language, commonly known as Latin, which at that time was the official state language of the Roman Empire. Later, from Latin, in fact, the Italian language and many other European languages ​​arose.
Therefore, knowing Latin, you can understand what a Spaniard is saying, plus or minus a Portuguese, and you can even understand part of the speech of an Englishman or a Frenchman.
In 476, the last Roman emperor, Romulus Augustulus, abdicated the throne after the capture of Rome by the German leader Odocar, this date is considered the end of the Great Roman Empire.
Some also call it the end of the “Roman language”, however, even today disputes still rage as to why exactly the Latin language lost its relevance, because of the capture of the Roman Empire by barbarians or was it a natural process and in what language? spoken towards the end of the Roman Empire.
According to one version, in ancient Rome by this time, along with Latin, the spoken language was already widespread, and it is from this popular language of Rome that the Italian that we know as Italian of the 16th century comes from, according to the second version, in connection with the invasion of the barbarians Latin mixed with various barbarian languages ​​and dialects, and it is from this synthesis that the Italian language originates.

Birthday - first mention

The year 960 is considered the birthday of the Italian language. This date is associated with the first document where this “proto-vernacular language” is present - vulgare, these are court papers related to the land litigation of the Benedictine Abbey, witnesses used this particular version of the language so that the testimony would be understandable to as many people as possible, until this moment in all official papers we can only see Latin.
And then there was a gradual spread in the ubiquitous life of the language vulgare, which translates as the people's language, which became the prototype of the modern Italian language.
However, the story does not end there, but only becomes more interesting and the next stage is associated with the Renaissance and with such well-known names as Dante Alighiere, F. Petrarch, G. Boccaccio and others.
to be continued...

On line translator

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If you need to translate a couple of words or a short phrase from Russian to Italian or vice versa, you can use the little translator on the sidebar of the blog.
If you want to translate large text or need other languages, use the full version of the online dictionary, where there are more than 40 languages ​​on a separate blog page - /p/onlain-perevodchik.html

Italian language tutorial

I present a new separate section for all students of the Italian language - Italian language self-instruction manual for beginners.
Making a blog into a full-fledged Italian tutorial is, of course, not easy, but I try to give the most convenient and logical sequence of interesting online lessons so that you can learn Italian on your own.
There will also be a section - an audio tutorial, where, as you might guess, there will be lessons with audio applications that can be downloaded or listened to directly on the site.
How to choose an Italian language tutorial, where to download it, or how to study it online, you will find information about this in my posts.
By the way, if anyone has ideas or suggestions on how best to organize such a tutorial on our Italian blog, be sure to write to me.

Italian on Skype

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In chapter "

What is called a gerund in Russian is called Gerundio, i.e. gerund. Like a gerund, a gerund can be present or past tense. GerundioPresente corresponds to imperfective participles (“doing something”), and GerundioPassato– perfect participles (“having done something”).

With education GerundioPresente the verb does not create any complications. It is enough to remember the difference in conjugations:

I (-ando) II (-endo) III (-endo)
lavorare – lavorando crescendo - crescendo dormire – dormendo

The only thing that requires special attention when forming gerunds is reflexive verbs. In this case si we need to put at the very end: alzarsialzandosi.

In addition, you should be careful with some irregular verbs: for example, farefacendo.

The gerund can be used not only as an analogue of the Russian gerund. It can be interpreted as a cause, manner of action, condition, and can also be combined with verbs stare, andare to give an additional semantic nuance:

Facendo i tuoi compiti, non devi distrarti– Don’t be distracted when doing homework

Legge un giornale, bevendo il caffè– He reads the newspaper while drinking coffee

Alzandomi alle sei mi sento male– Getting up at six, I feel bad

Ma che stai facendo qui?- What are you doing here?

Gerundio Passato, in turn, will remind us a little of the already studied construction PassatoProssimo. To form a past tense gerund we need an auxiliary verb essere/avere in the shape of GerundioPresente, i.e. essendo/avendo. The choice between them is carried out according to the same principle as in the past tense.

From the main verb you need to form the past participle ( ParticipioPassato).

av e ndo parlato (parlare) avendo bevuto (bere) avendo capito (capire)
ess e ndo arrivato (arrivare) essendo cresciuto (crescere) Essendo partito (partire)

If the verb is reflexive, then - si needs to be moved to the end essendo. It turns out the following: ess e ndosilavato(from lavarsi).

As in PassatoProssimo, in the past tense gerund with essere need to watch the ending. Depending on what we are talking about, you need to choose the ending that corresponds to gender and number: essendoarrivato/arrivata/arrive/arrivati.

In sentences GerundioPassato as follows:

Essendo arrivati ​​in ritardo, non possiamo entrare nell'aula- Since we are late, we cannot enter the classroom

Avendo capito bene le spiegazioni, ora posso fare i compiti– Having understood the explanations well, I can now start my homework

Essendosi lavata dopo una lunga giornata, mi seno molto fresca– After washing my face after a hard day, I feel refreshed