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Tanzania, Zanzibar island: description, attractions and interesting facts. Why do tourists choose Zanzibar? Stone Town of Zanzibar: Stone Town

No matter how you plan to get to Zanzibar, the first city that will stand in your way on the island will be the city of Stone Town - the capital of Zanzibar and its attractions. The only port, the only international airport and probably the only city on the island of Unguja.

Stone Town is located on the westernmost part of the island. See the location of the capital of Zanzibar on the map below, and you can read more about this region at the link:.

Getting to this city is also not easy, although with the development of air travel, large international airlines began flying here and this has greatly decreased.

The population of the city is about 200 thousand people. And the city is quite modest in size. There are no trams, no metro, no railways, no trolleybuses. All the city's attractions can be explored on foot in 1 day.

Map of Stone Town attractions:

I’ll say right away that the map shows those attractions that simply need to be visited. There are other places for tourists in Stone Town, the cathedral or the old bathhouse complex, but objectively, these are not the most interesting places in the city, and in other words, they are not very popular.

Details about Stone Town and the most iconic sights:

  • House of Wonders: a palace built by one of the Sultans. The architecture is quite simple, nothing particularly remarkable from the outside, three floors high. This attraction got its name because it was the first building in Zanzibar to have an elevator, running water and electricity.
  • Old fort: if you are a seasoned traveler, then you have seen quite a few forts. The old fort is located in the very center of Stone Town near the House of Miracles. The fort looks like the most ordinary fort out of thousands of others on the planet. The entrance is free.

It’s worth visiting here, if only because today there is a tourist market along the inner perimeter, where prices for souvenirs are 30% lower than elsewhere on the island, and bargaining here is easier and more pleasant. There is also one pub with ice-cold beer for 4,000 shillings per bottle. If you are interested in the spiritual component, then inside the fort there is an ancient amphitheater, in the arena of which slaves were traded.

  • Forodani Gardens: During the day, this is an ordinary stone embankment with trees, bushes and cannons that defended Stone Town. It's nice to walk here or sit on the edge with your feet dangling towards the Indian Ocean. But in the evening it is a symbolic place for the entire world street cuisine.

Recently, while digging around the Internet, I found a list of the top 10 best street food spots on planet Earth that a self-respecting traveler should visit. So on this list were the Forodani Gardens of Stone Town. Below you will understand why.

Every day, closer to sunset, after 19:00, the entire square and all free territory turns into one big Tanzanian fast food. Hundreds of cooks come to the square with their barbecues, najas, etc. They set out tables with food, the abundance of dishes reminiscent of a royal feast.

The variety of dishes is simply amazing: mostly seafood on skewers, which will be cooked on the grill right in front of you. There are 5 types of octopus, 20 types of various fish (tuna, sailfish, marlin, dorado), lobsters, lobsters, shrimp, French fries and much more. The photo below will give you an idea of ​​everything that happens.

How to proceed: go to the table you like, take a disposable plate and put the dishes and how much you want on the plate. I recommend finding out the price in advance, since it will be difficult to prove anything later with a full plate. You give the plate to the cook and he cooks everything on it right in front of you on the grill. You can pay either immediately or after you eat.

The prices here are not very humane, one skewer of seafood food. costs 5,000 - 10,000 shillings (2.5 - 5 dollars). But you are unlikely to ever be in such a place again.

  • Freddie Mercury's House: for today's youth, this attraction is not as interesting as for older people. My father would dream of visiting here. The house in which the legend of world music, leader of the group Queen, Freddie Mercury was born and grew up until he was 6 years old. Yes, yes, he was from Zanzibar.

Today this is an ordinary house, an ordinary entrance, where ordinary people live, and someone lives in Freddie Mercury’s apartment. Only at the entrance hangs a “board of honor” and a sign that identifies this cult place. I thought I would see a place similar to Tsoi’s wall, but here everything is different. The photo below confirms this.

  • Darajani Market: the central and largest market of Stone Town and, of course, all of Zanzibar. The smells here are appropriate. Basically, this is a food market, where, in conditions of terrible unsanitary conditions and temperatures of +40, they sell food, spices, pets, and clothes.

At the Dorozhani market you can buy a variety of spices, excellent Tanzanian coffee (we got 1 kg of grain, 100% Arabica for 20,000 shillings), there is dried octopus for beer, and excellent fruit. If you are a fan of noisy and crowded markets, you will definitely like it here.

  • Doors of Stone Town: They are not on the map above, as they are everywhere. Entrance doors are the calling card of the capital. Local residents seem to compete with each other in the beauty and originality of their front doors. Many doors have spikes, we thought for beauty. Now yes, but previously these thorns had a defensive function, protecting the house from the invasion of elephants, when these elephants lived on the island. Now there is no one to defend the house from.

If you can go to other attractions without visiting Stone Town, then you can only get there from the beach of the capital of Zanzibar. Therefore, if you are in Stone Town, do not forget about this magical island.

The above is not a complete list of the capital’s attractions: but these are the most important of them, visiting which you will not regret spending time and money.

Stone Town is the gateway to Zanzibar; you will get your first impression of the entire archipelago here. But to prepare you and create a certain mood, look at the link.

In conclusion: many tourists make the mistake of flying into or departing from Stone Town, the capital of Zanzibar, without stopping here for at least a day. You just need to set aside a whole day for this city to walk along the narrow streets, visit the turtle park and enjoy delicious street cuisine.

The most ideal option: set aside a day to see the sights of Stone Town upon arrival, book a hotel for one day and take a quiet walk and relax. Or on the last day of your trip before flying home.

Have a great holiday :)

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: below are the main resources without which you cannot organize your holiday in Zanzibar (immediately add what you need to your bookmarks):

Air travel:– the cheapest tickets to Zanzibar via Istanbul, Dubai, Doha or Muscat.

Ready tours: — tours to Zanzibar from 60,000 rubles. (You can find a direct charter Moscow - Zanzibar)

Hotels:– hotels on the island with 50% discounts, work with Booking, Ostrovok, Trivago.

Villas, bungalows and hotels on the first line:- There are exclusive options at great prices.

Car rental:- the world leader in car rental, in Zanzibar too.

Extended health insurance:— cooperate directly with the Zanzibar hospital and clinic. When purchasing insurance, you will receive a free online consultation with a doctor 24/7 during your trip!

Zanzibar is an entire archipelago in the Indian Ocean with the main island of the same name, located northeast of Dar es Salaam, 35 kilometers from the coast. The main advantages of this place are its rich and diverse cultural heritage, carefully preserved coastline, clean coastal waters and many species of marine animals.

Zanzibar has white, clean sandy beaches along which picturesque fishing villages stretch. Not far from the capital there are Fuji and Chuini beaches with a rich selection of water sports, and to the north there is a very quiet and secluded Mangapwani beach.

One of the main attractions of Zanzibar is its capital, the city of Stone Town, founded by Arab traders back in the 9th century. The city is decorated with two former sultan's palaces, two huge cathedrals, colonial mansions, abandoned ancient Persian-style baths and a whole collection of quaint foreign consulate buildings.

Pemba Island

Pemba Island is a coral island. It became part of Tanzania in 1964 as part of Zanzibar. Its length is only 75 kilometers and its width is 10 kilometers.

It was known in ancient times among Arab traders as the "Green Island". It was described as an earthly paradise and a land of abundance. It was famous for the production of various spices, especially cloves.

Friendly local people, wide white sand beaches, untouched nature, warm sea, coconut palm groves and rubber plantations. Suitable for lovers of an authentic holiday - while the flow of tourists here is small. A visit to Pemba Island allows you to enjoy peace, solitude and the beauty of unspoiled nature.

The island is surrounded by corals and is an excellent place for diving and deep sea fishing.

Pristine coral reefs, a huge number of fish, diverse marine flora, vibrant colors of the underwater world, a lush mix of cultures - all this will make you dream of returning here again and again.

Local cuisine is distinguished by spicy spices and a large selection of fish dishes.

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House of Miracles

The House of Miracles is the main architectural ensemble of the city of Stone Town, located on the island of Zanzibar. For a long time, the House of Miracles was the residence of local sultans, this continued until 1964, until the unification of Zanzibar and Tanganyika took place.

The name of the palace is explained very simply: it was the first building in Zanzibar where electricity and centralized water supply appeared. Local residents were surprised for a long time that water flowed through the pipes directly into the washbasin.

Today, the palace has lost its former grandeur, top officials of states no longer stay here, and the elevator, which served as a means of transportation inside the building, has not been working for a long time. However, in several rooms of the palace there is a museum that tells about local crafts and customs. And, of course, tourists are drawn here by the magnificent view of Stone Town, opening from the palace terrace.

Prizon Island is one of the most famous places in Zanzibar. This is a small island a few kilometers west of Zanzibar. You can get to the island in 15 minutes by boat, and in 30 minutes you can walk around the entire island. The island got its name because of the prison located on it, which at one time was built there, but was never used for its intended purpose. The island itself is interesting because of the giant turtles that live on it.

His appointment changed several times. Initially developed as a prison, it never became one. Slaves exported from East Africa were kept here, and in order not to spread yellow fever as an infection, there was a quarantine point at Prizon. Perhaps it looked like a prison due to the complete isolation of the sick and new arrivals to the island. Stone barracks with bars on small windows still stand.

Jozani Forest

Jozani Forest, despite its name being a national park, is a great place to diversify your leisure time and take a break from the beach.

Jozani Forest is located on the main island of Zanzibar and is declared a conservation area. Only in this place have the rarest animals been preserved - red colobus monkeys. This species is listed in the International Red Book.

In the park you can observe their habits in their natural environment. Red colobus monkeys are particularly playful and are not at all afraid of people. They may allow a person to stand next to them to take a photo. But we do not recommend trying to touch them, this can cause aggression.

The territory of the Jozani forest is divided into 3 zones - a tropical forest with rare, unique trees, a zone where red colobus monkeys live, and mangroves with wooden bridges between trees standing in the water.

In addition, tourists are delighted by the amazing plants that shrink when touched and the army of thousands of small frogs.

Jozani National Park

Jozani is Zanzibar's first and only national park and contains the largest area of ​​mature forest. It is located in a shallow depression between the Chvaka and Uzi bays. Seasonal floods have led to a special microclimate, which has provided the basis for the growth of unique flora and fauna. Jozani has become a haven for wild animals, including rare, endemic and endangered species. The main goal of the national park is to preserve the forests and surrounding areas.

This is achieved through partnerships with local communities, for example, various replantings of valuable plants are initially funded by international donors. Currently, 80% of entry fees collected from tourists are retained and used within the park.

More than one hundred thousand tourists visit the Zanzibar park every year. The most unique animal in its forests is the leopard (Panthera Pardus adersi). Local legend has it that this species has been given mythical status. People believe that the animal, like a ghost, can evaporate into thin air.

Seagrass in mangrove forests is a prime breeding ground for microorganisms, including open species of marine fish.

Menai Bay Game Reserve, Zanzibar

The Menai Bay conservation area is located in the south of the island of Zanzibar, on the shores of the bizarrely shaped bay of the same name.

In Menai Bay, the state carefully protects sea turtles that swim to these shores to lay eggs. Tourists who are allowed to visit the reserve can see these mysterious reptiles up close.

Another attraction of Menai Bay is its magnificent nature. Tourists can enjoy the lush landscapes of Menai Bay, the richness of the local jungle and the clarity of the warm water. However, you won’t be able to swim - it’s prohibited in the protected area.

Are you interested in knowing how well you know the sights of Zanzibar? .

Dodoma Airport

Dodoma Airport is in eleventh place, out of fourteen, in the list of airports in Tuscany.

All flights from Dodomovsky Airport are domestic, so from Russia you will have to make a transfer to Dodoma with a transfer in Dar es Salaam.

Local flights take no more than an hour, and accordingly, air ticket prices are inexpensive, about $100.

The city of Dodoma itself is relatively young, having been founded in the 19th century. It was colonial several times, as evidenced by architectural structures and the local geological museum, which displays exhibits depicting the life of the city a couple of hundred years ago.

In 1993, Dodoma became the official capital of Tanzania.

The most popular attractions in Zanzibar with descriptions and photographs for every taste. Choose the best places to visit famous places in Zanzibar on our website.

More attractions of Zanzibar

An unforgettable experience will be given by a vacation in one of the brightest and most intense tourist regions of East Africa -. This wonderful country is rich in amazing fauna and flora, and known from children's poems about Aibolit, it is an unspoken symbol of the state. And, of course, speaking about, it is simply impossible not to mention the island, which, although it belongs to the territory of the country, retains some autonomy in some matters. For example, it has its own president and parliament, and the population of Zanzibar considers themselves primarily Zanzibaris. The culture here, although similar to Tanzanian, has its own unique features.

general information

In general, Zanzibar is an archipelago near Africa, headed by an island of the same name. Tellingly, the main city bears the same name, although it is popularly called . By opening a geographic atlas, you can easily find out where Zanzibar is located - it is located in the Indian Ocean, just 40 km from the mainland. Somewhat earlier, the island bore the name Unguja, and it was inhabited by immigrants from the East - Arabs, Persians, Indians. This mixture of cultures has given rise to its own, exclusively Zanzibar spirit and flavor.

The island has a tropical climate, it is almost always sunny, very humid and a little stuffy. The average temperature is +26...+27 °C, but in the hot season it can reach 36 °C. From October to November and from April to May there is a rainy season here, so it is better not to plan during this period.

Nature in Zanzibar abounds with various species of animals and plants. A considerable part of the territory is devoted to plantations of nutmeg, cinnamon, ginger, cloves and other spices. In addition, the wealth and beauty of Zanzibar does not end with terrestrial life - the local underwater world is like a separate planet, overgrown with corals and inhabited by a wide variety of inhabitants.

Entertainment and relaxation

Hotels in Zanzibar

There is no shortage of choice. There is a haven here for every taste and budget: you can live right on the coast or in the very center of Stone Town. Dhow Palace Hotel is located in a historical building built in 1559, near the center of Stone Town. For guests on the roof of the building there is a terrace with excellent panoramic views of the city and the ocean, as well as an outdoor swimming pool. Tembo House Hotel is located on the water's edge, very close to the Old Fort and the House of Wonders. The rooms are furnished in Swahili style and are equipped with air conditioning. An outdoor swimming pool is available to guests. Budget tourists on the island of Zanzibar will be warmly welcomed by the Summer Dream Lodge and Savanna and Ocean hostels.

Restaurants and cuisine in Zanzibar

Since spices are held in high esteem on the island, the dishes are mostly spicy and aromatic. The diet in Zanzibar is dominated by a large amount of seafood, fish and exotic fruits. In addition, here you can try very original types of meat - antelope fillet or elephant meat. If you want to test your courage and determination, Zanzibar also serves fried locusts and termites. As a side dish, locals prefer rice, ugali porridge or unsweetened bananas, similar to potatoes.

Among the restaurants in Zanzibar there are establishments that also serve familiar dishes of European cuisine. However, you should approach your choice carefully, preferably after consulting with a guide. The majority of restaurants are located in the Stone Town area. Among the establishments on the island are Tea House Restaurant, Emerson Spice, House of Spices. Here you will find the best combination of price and quality with good service.

Note to tourists
  1. Do not forget that Islam is widespread in Zanzibar. Although they call the island “a Muslim country with English rules,” one should not neglect the rules of decency. If you are invited to visit by local residents, remember that you should not pay much attention to the hostess of the house, and also not touch the children. It is better to eat food with your right hand; when entering the house, you must take off your shoes. And in general, you should behave modestly and with restraint, and it is better not to visit without a guide.
  2. Tap water in Zanzibar is unsuitable for drinking, making ice or brushing teeth. It needs to be boiled first, but it is best to buy bottled, carefully checking the reliability of the packaging.
  3. When planning a holiday in Zanzibar, you must take into account the fact that before arriving on the island you need to be vaccinated against yellow fever, and you should definitely take anti-malaria medication throughout your stay.
  4. Snakes also pose a serious danger to tourists on the island. Although they react and quickly crawl away when a person approaches, you should still be extremely careful so as not to spoil your vacation.
  5. You should definitely carry swim slippers with you to the beach. On the coast of Zanzibar there are a large number of sea urchins, some of which can be poisonous. In addition, the water also carries coral fragments ashore, which, if stepped on, can injure your foot.
Tourist safety

As for safety in the city, caution is also a good idea here. Although the locals seem friendly and smiling, it is better not to carry large sums of money or jewelry with you. Also leave the original documents in your hotel room - you can carry copies with you. You should not take walks at night on deserted streets.

Experienced travelers recommend taking note of a few small notes that will significantly improve your comfort on vacation. Firstly, you should look for rooms with air conditioning - this is the only way to escape the local heat. Secondly, it is strongly recommended to take with you various types of mosquito sprays and coils - even if your home is equipped with mosquito nets, these things will protect you from annoying insects on the street. And one more point that is worth considering is the adapters for the socket.

How to get to Zanzibar?

There are no direct flights to the island. You need to get to the mainland, and from there fly to the local one on small corn planes. Tickets can be booked separately, but it is much cheaper to book seats immediately on the “air route” to the island. The flight time will be about half an hour.

Zanzibar is a place famous solely for the diversity of cultures that shaped it, the beauty of its preserved coastline, the quality of coastal waters and the habitat of marine fish and animals. Zanzibar is one of the islands of the archipelago of the same name, which includes another island, Pemba, and approximately 50 small islets. The word “Zanzibar” is of Arabic origin and means “land of black people” (“zanj” - people of black color and “barr” - land). According to the definition of the eastern sorcerer al-Fazari, people with black skin are the descendants of one of the sons of Noah - Ham. Before the Arabs came to this territory, the local population did not disdain to eat human flesh. Such “exoticism” is now a thing of the past. Now Zanzibar is one of the luxurious tropical resorts in the Indian Ocean, as well as the best place for diving: bizarre coral reefs, an amazing variety of marine and ocean inhabitants, the lagoons have not lost their pristine beauty. The fabulous abundance of growing spices gave another name to the island - “spice island”. More than half of the island's land is occupied by plantations of cloves, cinnamon, vanilla, nutmeg and a host of other spices, because this constitutes the real wealth of the island. The old town of Stonetown is a network of charming narrow, winding streets with traditional Arabic stone houses with turrets, semicircular tops, ornate gates, balconies and verandas that look more like small palaces, mosques, many small shopping shops, bazaars where tourists are offered a lot of local souvenirs . Built by the Arabs, the old fort today hosts African and Arabic music and dance performances, as well as an annual July festival. No less interesting will be a trip through the countryside plantations of aromatic spices. Don't forget to visit the ruins of the Marakhubi Palace, which is surrounded by mangrove plantings brought from India, as well as the Mtoni Palace, built in the early 19th century, and the only wild Jozani forest on the island, home to fat-bodied monkeys. No less interesting are the other islands of the archipelago, the exceptional diving on Pemba, the delightful beaches of the finest white sand of Changuu, which is also famous for the giant turtles that were brought from the Seychelles, the amazing caves and marine animal sanctuary of Bongoyo, the preserved ruins of Persian settlements of the early 20th century, Tumbatu and bohemian luxury of Mnemba.

: Rich and diverse cultural heritage, carefully preserved coastline, pristine coastal waters and many species of marine life. The best beaches are located in the southeast of the island, while entertainment and nightlife are in the north.

Cuisine and restaurants of Zanzibar

The national cuisine of Zanzibar contains few vegetables and traditional meat. But rice and coconut milk, dishes made from the meat of antelope, crocodiles, elephants, and ducks are popular. When it comes to seafood, the island is a true paradise. Octopus, squid, shrimp, lobster, as well as all kinds of fish - from sea bass to barracuda - are served fried, stewed, baked with an intricate accompaniment of spices. Place them in dishes and drinks carefully, without turning eating into an ordeal. The selection of fruits is the same as in all southern countries: papaya, pineapple, coconuts, mangoes, bananas. The latter are boiled, baked and fried.

The most popular food on the island is spicy pilau rice, onion salad with lime juice, pepper and sugar, ugali porridge made from corn flour, and mchicha salad made from several types of spinach.

There is no fast food as a class, but French fries are respected here and offered as a side dish for almost everything. They also cook something like pies with eggs and meat right on the street, and wash them down with a drink made from sugar cane.

Zanzibar is a Muslim territory, so alcohol is sold in rare shops, and not all cafes have it, you need to check.

It is better to leave establishments “for locals” to locals: in restaurants there is a larger choice of dishes, compliance with sanitary standards is at the same level. An iconic place is the picturesque restaurant The Rock in the east of the island. The average bill in a good establishment for dinner with alcohol is 100,000 TZS, a daytime snack in a village eatery is 15,000 TZS for two.

Guides in Zanzibar

Entertainment and attractions

The capital of Zanzibar is Stone Town, founded by Arab traders back in the 9th century, one of the most impressive places on the coast. It is a chaotic collection of labyrinthine streets with many shops, bazaars, mosques, courtyards and fortresses. The city is decorated with two former sultan's palaces, two huge cathedrals, colonial mansions, abandoned ancient Persian-style baths and a whole collection of quaint foreign consulate buildings. Not far from the city are the ruins of several palaces, the “slave cave” of Mangapwani and the unique Khosani forest.

One of the hallmarks of Zanzibar is Turtle Island or Prizon Island (an abandoned prison is attached). Here tourists can look at magnificent specimens of giant tortoises, which cannot be found even in the best zoos in the world, take a walk in a forest rich in exotic plants, and look into the building of a former colony. Trips to the island are organized by agencies and numerous barkers, but some tourists go on their own: at the Small boat ferry to prison station in Stone Town, they rent motor boats with a captain who takes them to the place, waits for them and delivers them back.

It is not for nothing that Zanzibar was nicknamed the island of spices - it once supplied half the world with spices, and to this day plantations of cloves, nutmeg, cinnamon and other spicy herbs and plants are its property. To explore the spice map of Zanzibar, special “spice tours” depart daily from Stone Town. Agencies and hotels offer them for an average of 112,00 TZS, but it is almost 10 times cheaper to go to the spice farms on a regular “dala-dala” minibus without intermediaries - the entrance price starts from 12,000 TZS.

The most famous farms are Kidichi Spice Farms (office site in English) and Tangawizi Spice Farm (office site in English). During your trip, you can climb trees to your heart's content in an attempt to pick a coconut, learn to cut cinnamon and distinguish breadfruit from jackfruit, and at the same time taste it all.



Since Zanzibar is located in the Southern Hemisphere, here winter is in summer, and summer is in winter. In temperature they differ from each other by an average of 10-15 degrees, so you can go to the archipelago all year round, but the best time is at the end of February and from June to October: at this time there is almost no rain, it is not very hot, the wind is cool breeze from the ocean.

From October to November and from the end of March to May, Zanzibar is not welcoming to guests - the islands are so flooded that some hotels close. In addition, it is during the rainy months that malaria mosquitoes become more active.