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The seven highest mountain peaks of the six continents of the earth. The highest mountains in the world Olka height the largest mountain in the world

When asked what the highest point in the world is, almost every high school student will confidently answer that it is. Other common names for the peak are Chomolungma and Sagarmatha. The peak lies at an altitude of 8848 meters above sea level. This indicator is recorded in numerous scientific papers and textbooks.


The highest point in the world on the map is located on the border of countries such as Nepal and China. The peak belongs to the Greater Himalayas mountain range. At the same time, it should be noted that based on the data that is constantly provided by instruments at the peak, as well as with the help of satellites, researchers have proven that Everest, in the literal sense of the word, does not stand still. The fact is that the mountain changes its shape all the time, moving to the northeast from India towards China. According to scientists, the reason for this lies in the fact that they are constantly moving and crawling onto one another.


The highest point in the world was discovered in 1832. Then an expedition consisting of employees of the British Geodetic Service was engaged in the study of some peaks that were located on Indian territory in the Himalayas. While carrying out the work, English scientists noted that one of the peaks (which had previously been marked everywhere as “Peak 15”) was higher than the other mountains that make up the ridge. This observation was documented, after which the peak began to be called Everest - in honor of the head of the geodetic service.

Importance to local residents

The fact that the world is Everest was assumed by local residents several centuries before its official discovery by European explorers. They respected the peak very much and named it Chomolungma, which literally translated from the local language means “goddess - mother of the Earth.” As for Nepal, here it is known as Sagarmatha (heavenly peak). Residents of areas located nearby the mountain say that on this peak, death and life are separated by half a step, and people from all directions of the world are equal before God, regardless of their religion. During the Middle Ages, a monastery called Ronkbuk was built at the foot of Everest. The structure has survived to this day and is still inhabited.

Other opinions about height

In 1954, a number of studies and measurements of the peak were carried out using various instruments and aerial photography. Based on their results, it was officially established that the highest point in the world has a height of 8848 meters. It should be noted that, compared to our time, the technology used then was not so accurate. This gave some scientists reason to claim that the real height of Chomolungma differs from the official value.

In particular, at the end of 1999 in Washington, as part of a meeting of the National Geographic Society, a proposal was put forward to consider that Everest lies above sea level at an altitude of 8850 meters, in other words, two meters higher. Members of the organization supported this idea. This event was preceded by the research of several expeditions led by a famous American scientist named Branford Washburn. First, he and his people delivered high-precision electronic equipment to the summit. Subsequently, this allowed the researcher, using a satellite, to record the slightest deviations in the height of the mountain (compared to previous data). Thus, the scientist was able to clearly show the growth dynamics of Chomolungma. Moreover, Washbourne identified the periods of the most significant increase in peak height.

Everest's growth process

The Himalayas are considered one of the most recent geological belts that formed on our planet. In this regard, the process of their development is quite active (compared to others). It's no surprise that the world's highest point continues to rise. As studies show, growth becomes most intense during times of high seismic activity not only on the Eurasian continent itself, but throughout the entire planet. For example, during the first half of 1999 alone, the height of the mountain increased by three centimeters. Several years ago, a geologist from Italy A. Desio, using modern radio equipment, established that the peak of Chomolungma is now at 8872.5 meters above sea level, which is 25 meters higher than the officially recorded value.

The largest mountain on Earth

There is no doubt that the highest point in the world is Everest. At the same time, calling it the largest mountain on the planet would not be entirely correct. The fact is that, judging by such an indicator as the total height, then the largest mountain should be called Mauna Kea, located not far from Hawaii. The peak rises above sea level only 4206 meters. At the same time, its base lies at a depth of more than ten thousand meters under water. Thus, the total size of Mauna Kea is almost twice that of Everest.

Other highest points on the planet

Be that as it may, each of the continents has the most prominent peak. The names of the highest mountains in the world by continent are as follows. The highest peak in South America and the second highest on the planet after Everest is Aconcagua Peak (6959 meters), which is part of the Andes and is located in Argentina. Mount McKinley (6194 meters) is located in the American state of Alaska and closes the top three world leaders in this indicator. In Europe, Elbrus (5642 meters) is considered the highest, and in Africa - Kilimanjaro (5895 meters). Antarctica also has its own record holder. The highest mountain here is Vinson (4892 meters).

The eight-thousanders are a group of 14 mountains, the peaks of which are located at an altitude of more than 8,000 meters above sea level, in the “death zone”. These mountains are independent of each other and are located in the Karakoram and Himalaya mountain systems. The “death zone” in the mountains is an altitude of more than 8,000 meters, at which there is not enough oxygen for breathing. Low oxygen concentrations can cause altitude sickness in humans, which causes swelling of the brain or lungs, and can even be fatal. Most climbers prefer to avoid this condition and carry an oxygen tank with them, but only a few brave climbers have managed to reach peaks above the "death zone" without the aid of supplemental oxygen.

The meaning of eight-thousander mountains

Eight-thousanders have a great influence on the weather and climate in the Indian subcontinent. The great height and length of the mountains acts as a protective barrier from other peoples. The mountains also allow the summer monsoons to bring rain and snow to a region that depends on agriculture. Special terraces can be located on mountain slopes; they allow the cultivation of crops. Glaciers and snow on the mountains melt and fill the watersheds and rivers of the region with water. The Himalayas contain vast reserves of animals and plants. The climbing season also attracts thousands of mountaineering tourists every year.

List of eight-thousanders

The 14 highest mountains in the world included in this list are those with an altitude of more than 8,000 meters above sea level. Although there are many mountainous regions in the world, it is unlikely that there are other peaks that were not included in this list. For example, Mount Mauna Kea with a height of 4207 meters above sea level, which is located on the island of Hawaii and is a dormant volcano, can be considered the highest volcano and mountain in the world (if we take into account its height from the foot on the ocean floor to the peak, the height will be 10,203 m), however it is not included in this list.

Vertex names
Altitude (meters)
1 Everest 8848 m Nepal, China
2 Chogori 8611 m Pakistan, China
3 Kanchenjunga 8586 m Nepal, India
4 Lhotse 8516 m Nepal, China
5 Makalu 8485 m Nepal, China
6 Cho Oyu 8188 m Nepal, China
7 Dhaulagiri I 8167 m Nepal
8 Manaslu 8163 m Nepal
9 Nangaparbat 8126 m Pakistan
10 Annapurna I 8091 m Nepal
11 Gasherbrum I 8080 m Pakistan, China
12 Broad Peak 8051 m Pakistan, China
13 Gasherbrum II 8035 m Pakistan, China
14 Shishabangma 8027 m China

Below are the 10 highest mountains of our planet, with photos, descriptions, climbing features, as well as characteristics of flora and fauna.

Annapurna I (8,091 m), Nepal

Annapurna I Peak is located in the Annapurna mountain range, in central Nepal and the southern spur of the Himalayas, at an altitude of 8,091 meters above sea level.

Annapurna is only the tenth highest mountain peak in the world, but it is considered one of the most dangerous. On June 3, 1950, French climbers Maurice Herzog and Louis Lachenal reached the summit of Annapurna, making it the first 8,000-meter mountain to be successfully climbed by humans on their first attempt. Annapurna I has the highest mortality rate with about 32% fatalities.

The entire mountain range and its surrounding area belongs to the 7,629 km² Annapurna National Park, which is considered Nepal's first and largest conservation area. It is the most geographically and culturally diverse protected area in the world. There is a steep terrace, lush forest, barren plateaus, mountain deserts. In the territory of this reserve, 1226 species of plants, 38 species of orchids, 9 species of rhododendrons, 101 species, 478 species of birds, 39 species and 22 species were discovered. The Annapurna region is the most popular trekking area in Nepal.

Nanga Parbat (8,126 m), Pakistan

Nanga Parbat is the ninth highest mountain in the world and rises to 8,126 meters above sea level. This is one of the most famous peaks in the world. It is located in the western part of the Himalayan range, in the Gilgit-Baltistan region, in northern Pakistan. The first successful ascent was made in 1953 by Hermann Buhl.

This mountain is considered the second most difficult eight-thousander after K2 (the second highest peak in the world), and is also one of the most dangerous. It was only after 31 people had died trying to reach the summit that a successful ascent took place in 1953 and the peak was nicknamed “Killer Mountain.” Nanga Parbat is the third most dangerous eight thousand peak with a mortality rate of 22.3%. By 2012, at least 68 climbers had died on this mountain.

Much of the area around the mountain is now a protected national park, so wildlife has a chance to thrive. The valleys below the mountain contain wide meadows covered with lush grasses and wildflowers. They are surrounded by alpine forests, giving the area a distinctly Swiss feel. The higher elevations are dominated by coniferous forests, although birch and willow dwarf shrubs thrive in shaded areas.

This area is a temporary habitat for many migratory birds. About 230 species of birds are found in the mountainous region each year, although the exact number is difficult to count due to migration. Lower altitudes are home to endangered mammals such as the snow leopard, Himalayan bear, musk deer, Himalayan lynx, Marco Polo sheep, etc. They cover a variety of habitats, but human presence is a concern.

Manaslu I (8,163 m), Nepal

Manaslu is the eighth largest mountain on the planet and reaches an altitude of 8,163 m above sea level. It is considered part of the Mansiri Himal range of the Himalayas. Manaslu was first conquered by Japanese Toshio Imanishi and Gyalzen Norbu Sherpa on May 9, 1956.

Mount Manaslu is part of the Manaslu Protected Area, declared as such in December 1998. The area covered by the protected area is 1,663 km².

Unlike many other regions, the mountain's valley is home to many endangered animals, including snow leopards and red pandas. You can also find lynx, Himalayan bear, gray wolf, Assamese macaques, etc. More than 110 species of birds, 33 species of mammals, 11 species of butterflies and 3 species of reptiles have been recorded in this area. Conservation of wildlife in the area was achieved by the monks who banned hunting.

Lhotse (8,516 m), Nepal

The fourth highest mountain on the planet is Lhotse. It is part of the Mahalangur Himal mountain range and reaches an altitude of 8,516 meters above sea level. The first successful ascent was made by the Swiss Reiss and Luchsinger in 1956.

The mountain range is located in the Himalayas, on the border of Nepal and the Tibet Autonomous Region of China. Mount Lhotse is located south of Everest and is joined by a ridge at an altitude of about 7,600 meters. It is sometimes considered part of the Everest mountain range.

Since Lhotse, like Mount Cho Oyu (see above), are located within the same national park, they have similar flora and fauna.

Kanchenjunga (8,586 m), Nepal

Kanchenjunga is an impressive snow-capped mountain, 8,586 m high, which is part of the highest Himalayan mountain system and is located along the border between India and Nepal.

Until 1852, this mountain was considered the highest on Earth. However, it was later determined that Mount Everest and K2 were actually higher, and Kanchenjunga became the third highest eight-thousander in the world. In May 1955, two British climbers, Joe Brown and George Band, were the first to successfully climb the mountain.

Mount Kanchenjunga and its surrounding landscapes, with their varied topography and climate conditions, provide excellent habitats for a wide variety of plant and animal species. The savannas and grasslands of the Terai Dooar form the backbone of the mountainous landscape and are rich in native flora and fauna. Bengal tigers, Indian leopards, one-horned rhinoceroses and Asian elephants are just some of the known mammal species of this ecoregion.

With increasing altitude, changes in temperature and precipitation, the vegetation pattern also changes. It is an ecosystem consisting of evergreen and deciduous trees, and a rich variety of fauna such as red pandas, Assamese macaques, Amur leopards, Himalayan bears, Himalayan tahr, musk deer, etc. Above the forest belt are the eastern Himalayan subalpine coniferous forests with their own flora and fauna. Gradually, the coniferous belt gives way to alpine meadows and shrubs and, finally, mountain deserts covered with moss and lichens. They lead straight to the icy and snowy peak of Mount Kanchenjunga.

Chogori or K2 (8,611 m), Pakistan

Mount K2, also known as Chogori, is considered the second highest peak in the world and has an altitude of 8,611 km. K2 is part of the Karakoram mountain range located on the China-Pakistan border. The mountain lies partly in the Tashkurgan-Tajik Autonomous County of China and partly in Baltistan, a region in northern Pakistan.

The first successful ascent to the summit of K2 was made on July 31, 1954 by two Italian climbers, Lino Lacedelli and Achille Compagnoni. Since then, many attempts have been made to climb K2, with many failures and a few successes. According to statistics, out of every four people who climb the mountain, one dies. Strong weather and the mountain's harsh terrain are responsible for a large number of climb-related deaths. K2 is currently one of the most difficult peaks in the world to climb. Nevertheless, the stunning beauty of the mountain and the desire to conquer it attract a large number of daredevils to it every year. K2 also forms a natural and almost impassable border between the two countries of China and Pakistan.

The lower valleys of the Karakoram Range receive little rainfall and thus support vegetation adapted to the arid climate of the region. Residents of nearby settlements use water from glaciers to irrigate fields. Livestock farming is also an important industry for the livelihood of these people.

The natural vegetation of the lowland region consists of shrubs and woodlands. At altitudes up to 3000 m, deciduous trees and shrubs such as willow, poplar and oleander grow, followed by coniferous vegetation. On the snow-capped peak of K2 there is permanent ice and the snow cover prevents the growth of flora. The fauna of the mountain ecosystems of the Karakoram Range includes herbivores as well as endangered predators such as snow leopards, lynxes and brown bears. The region's avian fauna includes golden eagles and snowy vultures.

Everest (8,848 m), Nepal/China

Mount Everest is considered the highest mountain in the entire world, its peak is at an altitude of 8,848 meters. It is part of the Mahalangur Himal mountain range shared by Nepal and Tibet (autonomous region of China).

Previously, there were various arguments regarding whether the height of a mountain should be determined by its mountain peak or its snow cap. Indian measurements in 1955 were the first to record a height of 8,848 meters, and Chinese measurements confirmed this height 20 years later. The mountain was named after India's chief surveyor, Sir George Everest, although he himself opposed the name.

Everest attracts many climbers. The first successful ascent was made by New Zealander Edmund Hillary and Sherpa Tenzing Norgay in 1953. Another team of Chinese climbers reached the summit for the first time on a route from Tibet in May 1960. A March 2012 report showed that by that time, 5,656 climbers had climbed the mountain and 223 deaths had occurred.

Everest has very little flora and fauna. At an altitude of 6,480 meters you can see moss. The small jumping spider, found at an altitude of 6,700 meters, is considered the only non-microscopic animal living at such a significant altitude. Some birds have also been reported to fly at high altitudes. Yaks are used by climbers to carry loads up the mountain. Other animals found on Mount Everest include the snow leopard, Himalayan tahr, red panda, Himalayan bear, pika and ants.

There is nothing more impressive than the view of the highest mountains. They are breathtaking. These 10 high mountains are the dream of all climbers and adventurers in the world. The expeditions that have been organized to conquer these dangerous areas are very long and cost a fortune. Only a handful of people were able to conquer these peaks.

All these mountains are located in Asia. The vast Himalayas and Karakoram are impressive. The most famous mountain is, of course, the roof of the Earth, the great Everest or Chomolungma. There is another mountain, the second highest - rocky Chogori (the northernmost eight-thousander in the world, also known as K2). But the remaining 8 peaks are no less breathtaking and magnificent. We want to show you the highest mountains in the world. If you have an indomitable and free spirit, look through the photos and choose the peak that you would like to conquer!

10. Annapurna mountain range

These mountains are the smallest among the giants. Their height is “only” 8091 meters above sea level. They are located in Nepal.

Photo: GraceMarcellaNorman/flickr

Photo: Lev Yakupov/flickr

Photo: Nomad Tales/flickr (

9. Nanga Parbat

This Himalayan beauty rises 8126 meters above sea level. Located in Pakistan.

Photo: Adeel Anwer/flickr

Photo: Guilhem Vellut/flickr (

Photo: Ahmed Sajjad Zaidi/flickr (

8. Manaslu

Manaslu is located in Nepal. The height of this mountain is 8163 meters above sea level. This is only 4 meters lower than the 7th highest peak in the world.

Photo: ::ErWin/flickr (

Photo: Great Himalaya Trails/flickr (

Photo: Great Himalaya Trails/flickr (

7. Dhaulagiri

The seventh highest mountain in the world is Mount Dhaulagiri. Its height is 8167 meters above sea level. She is also located in Nepal.

Photo: Neil Young/flickr (

Photo: Brigitte Nau/flickr (

Photo: Charles Ng/flickr (

6. Cho Oyu

The peak of Cho Oyu or "Turquoise Goddess" is located on the border of Nepal and Tibet (China). Its height is 8188 meters above sea level.

Photo: Lindsey Nicholson/flickr (

Photo: McKay Savage/flickr (

Photo: Lindsey Nicholson/flickr (

5. Makalu

Makalu is located 16 kilometers southeast of Everest, near the border between Nepal and Tibet (China). Its height is 8485 meters above sea level.

Photo: Vojtech Holoubek/flickr (

Photo: melanie_ko/flickr (

Photo: cksom/flickr (

4. Lhotse

The fourth highest mountain in the world, Lhotse, is 8516 meters above sea level. It is located on the border of Nepal and Tibet.

Photo: Stefanos Nikologianis/flickr (

Photo: rajkumar1220/flickr (

Photo: Stefanos Nikologianis/flickr (

3. Kanchenjunga

Kangchenjunga is another neighbor of Everest, located approximately 161 km east of the highest peak. Its height is 8586 meters above sea level. Located on the border of India and Nepal.

Photo: A.Ostrovsky/flickr (

Photo: Imtiaz Tonmoy/flickr (

Photo: Matt Stabile/flickr (

2. Vertex K2

K2, also known as Mount Godwin Osten and Dapsang. Its local name is Chogori, which means Great Mountain. Its height is 8611 meters above sea level. Located on the border of Pakistan and China.

Photo: Stefanos Nikologianis/flickr (

Photo: Marc Vilaregut/flickr (

1. Everest

And finally, Mount Everest or Chomolungma (translated from Tibetan - Divine Mother of vital energy). This is the highest mountain in the world. Its height is 8848 meters above sea level. Located on the border of Nepal and China.

Photo: Mário Simoes/flickr (

Based on materials from:

The vast majority of the peaks included in the list of the highest mountains in Russia on the map belong to one mountain system - the Greater Caucasus. This huge mountain range is located between the Black and Caspian Seas. The southerners are barely catching up with three Kamchatka hills - Klyuchevskaya, Kamen and Ploskaya Blizhnaya (13th, 18th and 70th places) and two peaks of the Altai Mountains - Belukha and Tavan-Bogdo-Uul (19th and 67th place).

To prevent Russian climbers from getting bored with the monotony, the Mountaineering Federation decided to include in the conditions for receiving the most honorable mountaineering title the conquest of not only the eight highest mountains on the list, but also the assault on Belukha and Klyuchevskaya Sopka.

10. Shota Rustaveli, height – 4860 m

Shota Rustaveli Peak is one of the peaks that make up the so-called Bezengi Wall - a giant mountain range stretching for 13 km. In addition to the Shota Rustaveli peak, the wall is formed by Dzhangitau (fifth place in the ranking), Katyntau (ninth) and Shkhara (sixth).

9. Katyn-Tau – 4970 m

The Kabardino-Balkarians have a sad legend associated with the name of this mountain. The mountain peak Tetnuld (“white”), one of the most beautiful, invariably arousing the admiration of tourists for its whiteness, decided to leave his old wife, Katyn (“wife”), for the sake of his young one, Dzhanga (“new”, “young”). Perhaps Tetnuld was a climber - the height of Katyn does not reach 5 km, but Dzhangy, or Dzhangitau, ranks fifth in the list of the highest mountains in Russia.

8. Mizhirgi – 5025 m

The list of Russian “five thousand meters” begins with Mizhirga - the highest and most dangerous mountains in Russia, which every climber dreams of climbing. Mizhirgi, despite the modest eighth place in height, the mountain is very capricious and surpasses higher peaks in terms of difficulty.

7. Kazbek – 5034 m

This is one of the most beautiful peaks of the Greater Caucasus Range. Her image appears on many covers of travel magazines, photographs, postcards and stamps. A lonely white peak of a regular conical shape (Kazbek was once a volcano) stands out sharply against the background of green foothills. Unfortunately, due to the difficult geopolitical situation, ascents to Kazbek are no longer as frequent as they once were.

6. Shkhara – 5068 m

One of the most beloved peaks by climbers, and the highest mountain in the central part of the Caucasus range. You can climb it via a wide variety of routes, and several peaks will allow you to appreciate the beauty of the surrounding places from new points of view.

According to the results of recent measurements, Shkhara can move from sixth place to third - according to the latest data, its height is 5193.2 m. However, there is no doubt about which is the highest mountain in Russia - first place is ahead of all the others with a margin of almost half a kilometer.

5. Dzhangitau – 5085 m

Like Mizhirgi, Dzhangitau is considered one of the most difficult and dangerous peaks. Just three years ago, an experienced climber fell from its slopes (with fatal results), and a couple of years before that, a climbing group had to be rescued by helicopter.

4. Pushkin Peak – 5100 m

Most often they prefer to climb Pushkin Peak from the south side. However, experienced rock climbers prefer the northern side - in addition to a slightly more difficult route, you can admire the enchanting beauty of the surrounding nature.

3. Koshtantau – 5152 m

Koshtantau opens the top three among the highest mountains in Russia. Sometimes she is merciful to climbers and gives them beautiful weather, making the ascent easy and enjoyable. However, this rarely happens; Most often, the capricious beauty prefers to dress up in an icy robe, which makes the ascent much more difficult.

The conquest of Costantau began with a tragedy - two English climbers and their Swiss guides died while trying to climb it. Since then, several routes have been laid up the mountain, but they all have increased difficulty - from 4B to 6A (for comparison: the lowest category is 1B, the highest is 6B, and category 6A is in second place, up to 6B).

2. Dykhtau – 5204 m

The poetic genius of the Balkar people decided to rest on the name Dykhtau. Translated from this language, the name simply means “steep mountain.” It's almost like a nickname.

The mountain looks harsh - the granite-gneiss rocks that make up Dykhtau are dark in color. And in contrast to the white snow and clouds (located at a lower altitude than the peak), they look especially gloomy.

The difficulty of climbing the mountain corresponds to its serious appearance - there are more than ten routes to the double peaks of Dykhtau, but even the easiest of them belongs to category 4A, above average.

1. The highest mountain in Russia – Elbrus, 5642 m

On the border between the republics of Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia is the Side Range of the Caucasus Mountains, where Elbrus, the highest mountain in Russia, is located. Elbrus has two peaks - western and eastern; the difference between them is 21 m.

This is not an easy mountain; it is a legacy of those times when the young Caucasus Mountains were still fire-breathing. Elbrus is a huge volcano, fortunately, extinct a long time ago. Over the past tens of thousands of years, Elbrus has been covered with a shell of ice of enormous thickness - in some places it reaches 250 m, which is equal to the height of an eighty-story building.

Despite its terrifying height (Elbrus is considered the highest mountain not only in Russia, but also in Europe, and is also among the top ten), the mountain’s character is not evil and the path to the top has long been found. The first ascent of Elbrus took place in the first third of the 19th century. Since then, whoever has been there! People climbed not only on foot, but also on horses, motorcycles and cars. They carried ATVs and even 75-kilogram barbells. And since the early 1990s, regular competitions have been taking place in high-speed climbing of the snow giant. From the foot to the top of Elbrus the journey takes exactly 3 hours 28 minutes 41 seconds.

List of 80 highest mountain peaks in Russia

The table shows mountain peaks with a height of at least 4000 meters and located on the territory of the Russian Federation.

PlaceVertexHeight, mThe subject of the Russian FederationMountain system
1 5642 Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-CherkessiaGreater Caucasus
2 5204 Kabardino-BalkariaGreater Caucasus
3 5152 Kabardino-BalkariaGreater Caucasus
4 5100 Kabardino-BalkariaGreater Caucasus
5 5085 Kabardino-BalkariaGreater Caucasus
6 5068 Kabardino-Balkaria (Russia), Svaneti (Georgia)Greater Caucasus
7 5034 North Ossetia, GeorgiaGreater Caucasus
8 5025 Kabardino-BalkariaGreater Caucasus
9 4970 Kabardino-BalkariaGreater Caucasus
10 4860 Kabardino-Balkaria, GeorgiaGreater Caucasus
11 Gestola4860 Kabardino-BalkariaGreater Caucasus
12 Jimara4780 North OssetiaGreater Caucasus
13 Klyuchevskaya Sopka4750 Kamchatka KraiEast Ridge
14 Wilpata4646 North OssetiaGreater Caucasus
15 Sauhokh4636 North OssetiaGreater Caucasus
16 Kukurtli-Kolbashi4624 Karachay-CherkessiaGreater Caucasus
17 Maylihoh4598 North OssetiaGreater Caucasus
18 Stone4575 Kamchatka KraiEast Ridge
19 Belukha4509 AltaiAltai Mountains
20 Sallyngantau4507 Kabardino-BalkariaGreater Caucasus
21 Tebulosmta4492 Chechnya, GeorgiaGreater Caucasus
22 Sugan4489 North Ossetia, Kabardino-BalkariaGreater Caucasus
23 Bazarduzu4466 DagestanGreater Caucasus
24 Chanchakhi4461 North OssetiaGreater Caucasus
25 Donguzorun-Cheget-Karabashi4454 Kabardino-BalkariaGreater Caucasus
26 Shan4452 Ingushetia, GeorgiaGreater Caucasus
27 Warmth4431 North OssetiaGreater Caucasus
28 Chatyntau4411 Karachay-Cherkessia, GeorgiaGreater Caucasus
29 Adai-Khokh4408 North OssetiaGreater Caucasus
30 Songuti4405 North OssetiaGreater Caucasus
31 Tyutyubashi4404 Kabardino-BalkariaGreater Caucasus
32 Vologata4396 North OssetiaGreater Caucasus
33 Karaug4364 North Ossetia, GeorgiaGreater Caucasus
34 Adyrsubashi4349
35 Laboda4313 North Ossetia, GeorgiaGreater Caucasus
36 Bachakhi4291
37 Diklosmta4285 Greater Caucasus
38 Caucasus Peak4280 Greater Caucasus
39 Jorashti4278
40 Bzhedukh4271
41 Comito4261 ChechnyaGreater Caucasus
42 Sullukolbashi4251
43 Kayaartybashi4250
44 Bashiltau4248
45 Zeygalankhoh4244 North OssetiaGreater Caucasus
46 Zaromag4203 North OssetiaGreater Caucasus
47 Donchentykhoh4192 North OssetiaGreater Caucasus
48 Kalota4182 North OssetiaGreater Caucasus
49 Denunciation4179 Chechnya, GeorgiaGreater Caucasus
50 Addala-Schuchgelmeer4151 DagestanGreater Caucasus
51 Chkalov Peak (Anchobala-anda)4150 DagestanGreater Caucasus
52 Pukhgarty-Kom4149
53 Syrkhibarzond4148 North OssetiaGreater Caucasus
54 Shalbuzdag4142 DagestanGreater Caucasus
55 Tseyakhoh4140 North OssetiaGreater Caucasus
56 Fitnargin4134 Kabardino-BalkariaGreater Caucasus
57 Dyultydag4127 DagestanGreater Caucasus
58 Tsmiakomhokh4117 North OssetiaGreater Caucasus
59 Barrels4116 DagestanGreater Caucasus
60 Musostau4110 Kabardino-BalkariaGreater Caucasus
61 Baidukov Peak (Kasaraku-meer)4104 DagestanGreater Caucasus
62 Bishnei Jenolshob4104 DagestanGreater Caucasus
63 Belyakov Peak (Belengi)4100 DagestanGreater Caucasus
64 Chimismeer4099 DagestanGreater Caucasus
65 Chachkhokh4098 North Ossetia, GeorgiaGreater Caucasus
66 Tsunklyata4084 DagestanGreater Caucasus
67 Tavan-Bogdo-Ula4082 AltaiAltai Mountains
68 Maistismta4081 Chechnya, GeorgiaGreater Caucasus
69 Charundag4080 Dagestan, AzerbaijanGreater Caucasus
70 Flat Middle4057 Kamchatka KraiEast Ridge
71 Taklik4049 DagestanGreater Caucasus
72 Dombay-Ulgen4046 Karachay-Cherkessia, Republic of AbkhaziaGreater Caucasus
73 Gockley4046 DagestanGreater Caucasus
74 Kurmutau4045 Kabardino-BalkariaGreater Caucasus
75 Archon4040 North OssetiaGreater Caucasus
76 Izhenameer4025 DagestanGreater Caucasus
77 Dougie4020 Dagestan, AzerbaijanGreater Caucasus
78 Deavgay4016 DagestanGreater Caucasus
79 Kezgenbashi4013 Kabardino-BalkariaGreater Caucasus
80 Balial4007 DagestanGreater Caucasus