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Pyramid on Novorizhskoe Highway: myths and reality. The collapse of the hunger pyramid in the Moscow region. What does the hunger pyramid symbolize?

This story will seem fantastic, incredible. But an impartial video recorder recorded the moment of the disaster in New Riga on May 29.

This is what the Slavic sorcerer Radmir, who organized the ritual, told Komsomolskaya Pravda.

I myself am from the city of Irkutsk, from Lake Baikal. The path to Slavic Vedic practices was quite difficult. He started with shamanism, then communicated with sorcerers, priests, and magicians. He moved to Moscow and met like-minded people. A month ago, the idea was born to perform a ceremony inside the pyramid of Alexander Golod in New Riga in order to establish a clearer connection with our Family, ancestors, with our ancient Slavic gods.

- Why this particular pyramid? Have you been there before?

No, I haven't. In ancient times, many Vedic Slavic temples were in the form of pyramids. Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Valery Chudinov talks about this in his books and lectures. That's why we chose the tallest pyramid in the Moscow region for the ceremony. The desire, I repeat, was born a month ago. But everything was put off until later. And on Monday, early in the morning, suddenly, for some unknown reason, there was an urgent need to go there. I invited two guys who were ready to perform the ceremony with me. After which I immediately receive information that it is dangerous to go there.

Vedic shamans perform a ritual in a pyramid. Photo: YouTube

- What kind of information?

A vision in a kind of light trance state that something irreparable could happen. People may get hurt. There have been many similar revelations in my practice. When you interact with your Family, ancestors, Slavic gods, you receive from them important Information, an understanding of what can happen. I would not say that there was a clear picture or image regarding the danger of the Hunger Pyramid. Vision…

- Still took a risk, despite the warning?

I asked a friend who is currently on vacation to take us there in her car. It is curious that twice we could not get onto the New Riga highway. We passed the turn twice. Something was pulling us away. We lost 25-30 minutes because of this.

The pyramid rose at the 38th kilometer of Novorizhskoye Highway. Photo: YouTube

- When we arrived, were there any signs of a hurricane?

The sky seems normal. Although the wind is already decent, in gusts. But, nevertheless, they entered. And they saw... banal trading. Inside a portal, a cosmic connection to our gods. Can you imagine?

I took friends to this “attraction of the Moscow region” several times. Indeed, inside and outside they were briskly selling miniature pyramids, water, other crystals, minerals, and souvenirs, supposedly charged with the magical power of the Pyramid of Hunger, which worked wonders.

Alas, business here has been put on hold. Although it is not recommended to do this in such places. That is why the pyramid weakened. In all senses.

We performed a ritual, conducted a Slavic Vedic ritual of glorifying our gods, the Family, ancestors, and defenders of Rus'. And they had barely completed the ritual when the light inside the pyramid suddenly went out. I, a former military man, automatically gave the command “Get out!” I believe that the connection with Rod helped everyone quickly leave the pyramid. Well, then everything is clearly captured on video. Seven seconds after the guard closed the pyramid, it collapsed.

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The famous Pyramid of Hunger in the Moscow region collapsed seven seconds after the magical rite of the Magi! People and ostriches miraculously survived

- Where is the video from?

From the recorder of my friend’s car, who brought us to the ceremony. And she filmed the ritual inside on my phone.

- Next to the pyramid there was an ostrich farm.

It was in that direction that she fell. We stood and watched. We saw ostriches. There were no dead birds.

Radmir, so what really happened? Did the pyramid fall by accident or was it your cleansing ritual that brought down this shopping center with miracles? Other visitors managed to get out with you, the Magi. If it weren't for you, they might have died under the ruins?

Perhaps there was an option of death. Some may call the fall of the pyramid an accident, others - a sign from above. Everyone decides for themselves.



The pyramid at the 38th kilometer of the Novorizhskoe highway is the tallest creation of the Russian engineer Alexander Golod. 44 meters, weight - 55 tons. Material: wood covered with fiberglass. It was built in 1999. Looks like it cost a million dollars.

The object immediately became a landmark of the Moscow region, a place of pilgrimage. After all, Alexander Golod claims that his Pyramids in the proportions of the Golden Section, oriented along the Earth's meridian, are a generator of life. He built more than a dozen of them in different places. To straighten Space, which, they say, is bent under the influence of negative factors. “The consequence of the curvature of Space, the deviation of its structure from the state of Harmony are diseases, epidemics, crime, earthquakes, wars, regional conflicts, social tension, economic disasters, etc.,” writes Hunger. “A Pyramid, built in compliance with certain rules and technologies, in the area of ​​its activity directly or indirectly corrects the structure of Space, bringing it closer to a state of Harmony... At the same time, the likelihood of all of the above troubles occurring decreases.” The pyramid and its “information copies”, sold in New Riga, seem to be capable of working miracles - healing from diseases, increasing the germination of seeds, increasing oil production, etc. The engineer even offered to export his Golden Ratio technologies. They say this will bring the country more income than the sale of oil and gas...

However, the miraculous Pyramid, designed, among other things, to protect Moscow from natural disasters, such as hurricanes, itself collapsed on Monday under the pressure of the wind. Hunger seems to be planning to build a hundred-meter pyramid on this site. Made of concrete. So that it doesn't get blown away.

Official science, let us remind you, refutes all the miracles of the Pyramids of Hunger.

The first blogger to register his magazine as a media outlet visited one of the most exotic sites in the Moscow region - the Pyramid of Hunger. Although it looks like concrete, it is actually made of plastic and wood. Inside, visitors can meditate, and the owners of the pyramid sell “charged” stones and water.

Is this a scientific experiment or an art installation? A means of extracting money, or a tool that improves the environment? Read a selection of blogger reports.

Tells dariavorontsova in the community moya_moskva :

The structure was built in 1999 by Russian engineer Alexander Golod and is a structural type of the so-called “energy pyramids”. The height is 44 meters, weight exceeds 55 tons. Construction cost more than $1 million.

The pyramid is made of fiberglass panels: no nails or metal elements were used. The structure is hollow, the inside is twilight - a little light penetrates through the translucent walls. There are several large globes in the center, and souvenirs are sold near the walls. At night, the pyramid is illuminated.

Readers ask questions. tovarish_77 :

where did engineer Golod get 1 lam of greens in 1999?


Publishes a detailed report Sergey Mukhamedov :

This has nothing to do with hunger in our usual meaning. It was built by Alexander Golod. The pyramid has long been the hallmark of Novorizhskoye Highway. It’s hard not to notice it - the folk trail here is not overgrown. The Internet is full of praising and revealing information about the “seventh wonder of the world.” But it is not the editor’s rule to borrow texts from Wikipedia or reprint copy-paste. Everything that will be written below was collected by our correspondent directly on the spot, without using the Internet.

The first thing that surprises you is that it is not concrete, although from the outside it looks very much like a monumental structure. This is some kind of fiberglass stretched over a wooden frame. Only retail outlets are illuminated, it is twilight inside, light breaks through the walls with difficulty.

The second surprise is the free entry and the fact that no one pays attention to you. They don’t grab you by the sleeve, take you to the magic crystals, they don’t load you: “I want to check your aura...” I came - well, okay.

The pyramid is absolutely autonomous in this regard and does not require any employees or service sellers for its functioning. Everyone who came here knows why. The vast majority are out of curiosity. Check in, gawk, fool around for Instagram, fortunately no one forbids taking photographs. I didn’t ask the motivation of the others. I was afraid to scare away nirvana.

There are three globes in the center of the pyramid. No one could explain their purpose to me. Behind them lie crystals, which Alexander Golod brings here for “charging”.

Blogger irma_alpen full of disappointment:

The pyramid looks very interesting from the road, from the Novorizhskoe highway, but up close it’s some kind of garbage dump. The Pyramid of Hunger has nothing to do with the feeling of hunger. It is named after its creator, engineer Alexander Golod. Anyone interested in esotericism is welcome, the pyramid was created for you. I am not an esotericist, and I consider all this fun to be psychopathic nonsense.

Alexander Golod claims that the shape of the pyramid allows one to accumulate energy, and staying inside the pyramidal shape can cure diseases. Therefore, he builds pyramids all over Russia - there are such ones in Tolyatti, and near Lake Seliger, and in other places. If the Internet doesn’t lie, he managed to build a couple even in Georgia and Ukraine! The pyramid on New Riga is the largest of his pyramids.<...>

Since, according to Golod, the pyramid accumulates energy, all sorts of objects located here are charged with it. It is not surprising that on several dirty counters located around the perimeter of the pyramid, they sell all sorts of stuff that is supposedly usefully charged - some kind of glass balls, mini-pyramids. They make money, in a word. It smells damp and rotten.

It’s very funny to look at those who are trying to catch the flow of energy - they walk from corner to corner, spread their arms to the sides and close their eyes. And the old grandmothers sit on a bench right in the center of the hall.

Depressing impression. Whatever you give to such people, they will happily believe that it will heal them and bring them happiness.

Yesterday, after visiting the Sterligov estate, we also examined the so-called Pyramid of Hunger (see Wikipedia). This structure has nothing to do with hunger as a lack of nutrition. There is some engineer Alexander Efimovich Golod (born 1949), who decided that installing pyramids in different significant places would harmonize the surrounding space, improve health, climate, energy of the Earth, etc. He has already installed many pyramids in different places - the pyramid on Novorizhskoye Highway is the largest, 44 meters high. There is a sign from the route. The structure is located on the 38th kilometer of the Novorizhskoe highway, south of it, the pyramid is visible from the road.

I have been to the pyramids in Mexico and Egypt, but not to the domestic ones. I don’t have reliable information about the benefits of such pyramids, so we decided to visit. Entry is free, unlike its older Egyptian and Mexican counterparts.

The pyramid looks like this:

It is not stone, but made of plastic. There is a door leading inside with the inscription “Video surveillance is in progress”,

It's not very dark inside because the plastic is a little see-through. It's so dark inside.

Inside they sell “charged” souvenirs and water “charged” by the pyramid

At least a ton of water is charged at a time, probably there is a demand.
At the time of our visit, 4 more visitors’ cars were nearby

These “charged” souvenirs can be purchased in the pyramid.
Poor sellers, it’s cold for them to stand like that, because the pyramid is not heated, it’s very cold in it!

A couple more globes lie in the pyramid. Oleg found his city of Basel (Switzerland) on the globe

There is another suspicious structure nearby, and there is also an ostrich farm.

After visiting the Pyramid of Hunger, we felt hungry. This is the only noticed phenomenon in the pyramid.
Luckily, Oleg had a bag of Swiss gingerbread, and with their help the feeling of Hunger that arose was extinguished.
After getting into the car, we continued moving to Moscow.

On May 29, the largest Pyramid of Hunger collapsed in Moscow - a 44-meter occult structure made of wood and fiberglass panels weighing 55 tons. The pyramid has stood on Novorizhskoye Highway since 1999. Its author, Russian engineer Alexander Golod, planned to “harmonize the surrounding space” with the help of the pyramid. The tower was a place of pilgrimage for the esoteric-minded public; “information copies” of the pyramids were sold inside, as well as “charged” bottled water, crystals, souvenirs and other thematic paraphernalia. No one was injured during the collapse; in five minutes they managed to evacuate everyone who was there. The owner of the structure has already told the press that a new one will appear in place of the collapsed structure, two and a half times higher than the previous one. A former employee of the esoteric complex told The Village how the pyramid worked, what was happening inside and how it affected his life.

Publication from Krasnogorsk Live (@krasnogorsk_live) May 30, 2017 at 5:53 PDT

Maxim Yakunin operator of the Pyramid of Hunger aura chamber

I first visited the Hunger Pyramid in New Riga in 2008. Then I graduated from college and was looking for a job. My brother saw the vacancy for “Aura Camera Operator”, got a job there himself and then recommended me. On May 9, I arrived in the capital for the second time in my life and immediately went there. At that time, I was interested in various esoteric teachings; it was fashionable in my environment. So the job was right for me. They paid for it then, by my standards, very well, especially since my relatives did not take money from me for housing.

This was the first real job in my life. An aura chamber is several devices connected in a chain. The most important thing in the circuit is the aurosensor - a thing that helps, using sensors, to pick up electrical signals from different points of the palm. There was also a webcam on the network that films a person’s face, and using special software, a visual image of the aura is transferred to the photo. It seems like the device was created by Americans who saw this aura and tried to accurately convey what it looks like.

I worked there from May to November, during which time a very large number of people of different professions and worldviews passed through me. Who didn’t I see there! Of the famous people, the heroes from the “Psychic Show” addressed us, there was a certain Uri Geller, who bent iron spoons by willpower and broadcast about it on TV to the whole country. I think there was figure skater Plushenko, some other stars, I don’t remember all of them.

Depending on the range of services, visitors paid 500–900 rubles for aura analysis; as far as I know, this all worked until the last moment, but prices, of course, have increased. We had teachers from those who had been working in this field for a long time, and a manual in which it was written in detail how it works and what should be said to people who are going through the procedure. In fact, I looked at the aura superimposed on the photograph, gave out something from the manual and added my own improvisation on the theme of the visitor’s personality.

In general, it was like this: people came to the pyramid, scanned the aura before and after. And they saw how the pyramid affected them. Many people had their own interpretations, and they didn’t even have to say anything - they understood everything themselves. Someone wanted more attention and to be told how and what to do with their life. You could talk to one person from five minutes to one hour. Often people were grateful to me, they left, having rethought something. At that moment I had no doubts about what I was doing. It seemed to work out well.

There were whole halls of people listening as some foreigner, who had previously sold analogues of various substances in the lobby, sang from the stage in the voice of a whale, plunging everyone into a trance. At that moment I measured the person’s aura - it really changed in the picture.

I was very young, I had a lot of confidence in everything that was happening and a lot of vital energy. And that's why I worked a lot. I was there during a solar eclipse when Buddhists were chanting their mantras inside. It was during the autumn rains when no one came to see me: I was sitting in a field completely alone, except for the mice that were there. And there were those weekends when work went on absolutely without interruption. By the end of the day I was hoarse and very tired.

I also had outdoor sessions. For example, at the Roof of the World club during a lunar eclipse, while drinking a non-alcoholic mojito, my partner and I scanned people all night long. There were those who themselves see the aura and could check our device. And rarely did anyone leave dissatisfied. It was a kind of experiment - and people understood it.

I got to the pyramid every day with two transfers. I got up at seven in the morning and went to the Tekstilshchiki metro station. Then the train. Then the bus. Then on foot. The journey is probably two or three hours. At first it didn't bother me much. I mastered hitchhiking again: either clients would give me a ride at the end of the working day, or I would go out onto the highway in the rays of the setting sun and catch a ride there. As a result of such hitchhiking, I even began to acquire friends and acquaintances. There, too, there were interesting characters as fellow travelers. Since that time, nothing at all seems strange to me in people. For example, for several months not far from the pyramid, in a tent, a man lived. I never met him. But he lived there and, apparently, wanted to get something from such a neighborhood.

Inside the pyramid were three giant globes. There was a basement where various objects were “charged” - small copies of the pyramid, various minerals, water. Much water. It was sold there in five-liter bottles. The price was not very high - probably 100 rubles. I also bought it sometimes so as not to have to go anywhere. Nothing special happened to me, but many believed that it somehow had a beneficial effect on the body. I also bought several small pyramids - just as a souvenir.

At first I was glad that I got this job. It was very unusual, but over time I felt empty. The shape of the pyramid itself did not inspire confidence in me. It began to seem too sharp to me; I wanted to see the pyramid lower and wider. I remember there was a rumor that the roofs of some houses on the edge of this field began to leak because of the pyramid. Many claimed that they felt something in the pyramid. I never felt anything, but I began to dislike the pyramid. I’m just tired of going there and talking to people about their auras. In the end, I came to the conclusion that I stopped understanding what I was doing there and quit.

I had plenty of conversations with esotericists of all stripes and was disappointed in all of this for the rest of my life. When I learned that the pyramid had collapsed, I did not feel any regret. But in general I like the idea of ​​building strange huge things around cities. Let it be anything, as long as it’s something new. I'm all for diversity as long as it doesn't harm others. Let everyone be free and open to new things - if possible.

Photos: cover – lana1501 / Photobank Lori, 1 – Maxim Yakunin, 2 – Denisov Roman/Interpress/TASS

Anyone who has ever driven along the Novorizhskoye Highway has probably seen the huge gray “Pyramid of Alexander Golod” towering lonely over the area. The pyramid is no more - the hurricane on May 29 demolished it in two seconds.

The collapse of the most famous pyramid

The last person to see the “Pyramid of Hunger” was the pagan Rodnover priest Radmir, who, along with other pagans, literally a second before the collapse of the structure, performed a pagan ritual inside the pyramid.

“Today we received information that we need to visit a place of power - the “Pyramid of Hunger,” Radmir told his fans on the Conceptual TV channel on Youtube. “The information was that irreparable things could happen there.” Arriving there with our friends, we performed a Slavic ritual of glorifying our family, glorifying our ancestors, glorifying our defenders of Rus'. As soon as we finished this ritual, the lights went out. After which we quickly left the pyramid. Seven seconds later the pyramid was destroyed.

A powerful gust of wind swept the pyramid across the field in one movement. Interestingly, the pieces of the structure did not hit anyone. A small piece of the pyramid's casing fell onto a nearby ostrich farm, hitting one of the birds - however, the unfortunate ostrich escaped with a slight fright.

Biblical context according to Tarantino

Well, the sign of Heaven was revealed more than exhaustively - regardless of who to believe in - the Thunderer Perun or the Lord God of Hosts.

“And I will take great vengeance on them with fierce punishments; and they will know that I am the Lord when I bring My vengeance upon them...” These are the words of the prophet Ezekiel, known to young people only because this line is quoted by the gangster Jules in Tarantino’s “Pulp Fiction.”

Charged pyramids in the Pyramid of Hunger on Novorizhskoe Highway (summer 2015)

And, I must say, the Lord endured for quite a long time.

Pyramid enthusiast

Russian pyramid building enthusiast Alexander Golod from Dnepropetrovsk began building the first pyramids back in 1989 with money raised from the sale of car tires in Ukraine and Moscow.

“I never had a lot of money, and then I suddenly became the director of one of the first cooperatives,” Alexander himself shared the secrets of his success with journalists. “I didn’t know what to do with them, and at the suggestion of friends I started building pyramids.

For his designs, Golod chose the cheapest technology - foam and fiberglass.

He built the first pyramid, 11 meters high, on the territory of a greenhouse in the Ramensky district of the Moscow region. It was made of polystyrene foam, and when asked by journalists specially invited to the opening why your pyramid is not similar to ancient Egyptian models, the enthusiast himself mysteriously answered that such a pyramid was even better than the Egyptian one, because it, they say, embodied the principle of the “golden ratio”, allowing the accumulation of ionizing energy in the best possible way.

It is clear that after such statements all scientists attacked Golod with criticism; academician Eduard Kruglyakov himself, who served as chairman of the Commission for Combating Pseudoscience under the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences, dedicated an entire report to Golod, but the fan of the pyramids didn’t care.

The pyramid squeezes energy from the “astral” around the clock, without breaks or weekends

He built the next plastic pyramid in Bashkiria at the Ishimbay oil field, stunning oil workers with the statement that the beneficial effect of these structures makes it possible to increase the flow rate of wells by 30 percent. It sounded tempting, especially since Hunger himself did not demand any money for his experiments. He needed photographs of his pyramids against the backdrop of the country’s sacred oil rigs.

Then he built a pyramid near the city of Ostashkov on the shores of Lake Seliger, and then on the Novorizhskoye Highway, allowing everyone to charge mineral water in eggplants with “torsion energy” for a reasonable fee. And they charged - all these inhabitants of elite holiday villages, all these officials and top managers who do not believe in God or the devil, but who are drinking water charged in the pyramid.

“What if the formula really changes?.. They say it helps a lot with insomnia...”

Near the entrance to the pyramid, guests were greeted by a tray where you can buy pre-charged goods: bottles of water, salt crystals, plaster pyramids - all at a price of 250 to 1000 rubles. The goods were selling out like hot cakes - fortunately, the pyramid squeezes energy from the “astral” around the clock, without breaks or weekends.

“When the pyramid was built here, the weeds stopped growing here,” the saleswoman advertises her product. – The fields were dotted with rare flowers from the Red Book, and a stork settled nearby...

In total, Alexander Golod has built several dozen pyramids in different parts of the country over the past two decades. Moreover, he only built the first 17 pyramids with his own money. But for the rest he was paid – and very substantial sums.

Indications for use

For example, in the Sverdlovsk region, several owners of tourist centers installed the Hunger Pyramid for “health purposes.”

A pyramid was placed near Samara to “recharge” water, minerals, natural crystals, souvenirs, etc.

Pyramid of Hunger (after the hurricane). Photo Evgeny Odinokov/RIA Novosti

In the city of Tolyatti, the pyramid was even placed on the roof of a private medical center - to “harmonize the surrounding space” and to “produce crystalline information matrices”, which doctors who had lost fear and conscience sold to their patients. They say that “pyramid matrices” can even treat AIDS and cancer in an inoperable stage. Unhappy people, clinging to any hope of a cure, gave their last money to the scammers...

Well, now the Pyramid of Hunger has been destroyed - although it is the most famous, there is only one.

The Lord of hosts seemed to give us a sign to think about other pyramids still standing in our country.

For example, about that very pyramid in the center of Moscow, where the mummy of the “eternally living” leader of the world proletariat, who planned to destroy both Russia and the Church of Christ, is still displayed for public worship.

I would venture to suggest that it is no coincidence that the Lord sends us this sign precisely in the year of the 100th anniversary of the Russian Revolution, in the year when hundreds of thousands of Orthodox Christians in prayerful reverence decided to venerate the relics of St. Nicholas the Pleasant, which were first brought to the country. A sign that it is time to close the satanic pyramid. That you cannot simultaneously venerate the relics of a Saint and the mummy of the bloodiest dictator on Earth.

We must choose something and not make a mistake with the choice, otherwise all our pyramids and verticals will fly apart in an instant.

Perun will confirm for you.