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Lake with a hole in Portugal. Lake with a hole in Portugal Lake in Portugal with a hole where

Ancient and modern myths, hypotheses, horror stories associated with oceans, seas, lakes. The Bermuda Triangle with ships that have disappeared in it, the still uncaught monster of Loch Ness, it is unclear how the seal ended up in Baikal, located in the middle of the mainland - the list goes on. This is not to mention the destructive tsunamis, St. Elmo's fire in the middle of the ocean, Catacumbo lightning over the water surface in Venezuela, for which there are quite reasonable, sometimes scientific, explanations. A waterfall inside a lake in Portugal is one of them.

The Mystery of the Waterfall

Tourists visiting the mountainous part of Portugal admire the great builder of the local natural “rock garden”. The ice age of the demiurge ended in these parts with the mountain slopes strewn with cobblestones and boulders the size of a watermelon to a stone mansion. In addition to the kingdom of rock, this is the edge of a chain of lakes filled with water from melted ice masses. They are connected by rivers, streams, both natural and artificial - canals, water discharges at elevation differences.

One of these places is the waterfall in Lake Conchos; Portugal has undoubted benefits from it. Thousands of travelers are drawn like a magnet to see how suddenly a gigantic funnel about 50 m in diameter appears on a flat surface of water, greedily sucking in a huge amount of water. The impression is as if an invisible, brilliant magician had quietly pulled out the plug in a giant bathtub. After some time, everything ends, the funnel disappears, the water mirror is calm again. Even on video, this spectacle is impressive, and eyewitnesses cannot find words to immediately explain what they saw, even if someone told them the reason before. The answer seems too simple.

The solution to the miracle of nature

Some gullible lovers of mysteries and myths believe that the waterfall in the lake is a hole. Through it, Portugal is directly connected with the bowels of the earth, where tribute to the gods is periodically poured. The real explanation is much more prosaic. Some lakes have dams, dikes, and controlled discharges—man-made waterfalls. In this way, the necessary reserves are accumulated for the operation of power plants and water supply to the population of the region.

A waterfall inside a lake in Portugal is a technically complex, originally executed engineering object, which is a mine spillway. It is connected by an underground tunnel over 1.5 km long to a neighboring lake called Lagoa Comprida. A strange round hole - a crater with a diameter of 48 m and a depth of 4.6 m is a receiving reservoir into which water begins to be discharged after reaching the control level of Lake Conchos. It was created not by nature, but by human intellect, sometimes approaching the divine mind, technology and hands.

The artificial reservoir, also called the Conchos Dam Lake, is a structural element of the local power plant Lagoa Comprida, located in the mountain reserve - the largest park in Portugal, called Serra da Estrela. It was built back in 1955 and is still in use today.

Besides the “lake with a hole,” as Conchos is sometimes called, this region offers gourmets:

  • A rare variety of Serra da Estrela cheese, soft but thick, produced from November to March only in these places.
  • The highest mountain in continental Portugal is Torre (1993 m).
  • Winter temperatures that drop to -20ºС and the only ski resort in the country.
  • A waterfall inside a lake in Portugal is a prime example of how a human creation can be useful both as an engineering feature and as a place of pilgrimage for tourists visiting the country.

    There are many miracles in the world that are difficult to explain from a scientific point of view; they cause sacred awe in uninitiated people. These include the Bermuda Triangle, UFO or Bigfoot. But there are phenomena that are created by human hands, but look completely supernatural. These include a waterfall inside a lake in Portugal.

    Of course, Portugal has a rich history that is of interest to those who visit this country. But there is another stunningly beautiful place here that attracts not only curious tourists, but also lovers of the unknown and the supernatural, and even Satanists from all over the world.

    Videos and photos of a waterfall inside a lake in Portugal are literally mesmerizing. On the completely flat surface of Lake Conchos, suddenly, as if at the request of some unknown force, a whirlpool begins, the diameter of which is about fifty meters. The funnel literally sucks in tons of water. After a short time, she disappears, and the lake looks like a mirror again. Nothing reminds me of the past miracle...

    A banal answer

    Even the videos and photographs of this spectacle are mesmerizing. Many lovers of mysticism called this place a gate to the underworld or a portal to another world, but the true reason for this phenomenon is much more prosaic. Conchos, a lake with a hole in Portugal, is a technically complex man-made object, the result of human engineering genius. Many reservoirs are equipped with natural and artificial dams, dams, and waterfalls to regulate the water level. Lake Conchos is one of them.

    The perforated lake in Portugal is the creation of human hands. The giant funnel is an ingeniously constructed mine spillway. A one and a half kilometer tunnel connects two lakes - Conchos and Lagoa Comprida. And the huge hole into which the water goes is a receiving tank, the diameter of which is 48 m and the depth is 4.6 m.

    When the water level in Conchos reaches its limit, the sluice opens and the water noisily goes into the funnel, creating a whirlpool. This spectacle does not leave indifferent even those who know the true reason for what is happening. Lake Conchos is an element of a local power plant located in the largest Portuguese park, Serra da Estrela.

    Miracle of Portugal: a hole in the lake This amazing hydraulic structure was built back in 1955, but is still successfully operated today, supplying energy to the surrounding area.

    The power of nature and human genius

    The miracle of Portugal - a hole in the lake - has been overgrown with grass and moss over the years of use, which is why it looks like a natural object, and not created by human hands. From this, watching the water drain takes on some kind of supernatural and slightly sinister connotation. Many even endowed this place with mystical meaning.

    This is how the mystery of this waterfall is simply solved. Ah, if all mystical miracles could find such a simple explanation, then life would be much simpler. But there is always a place for a miracle, even a man-made one.

    Lake with a portal to another world

    In Greek mythology there is such a monster - Charybdis. This is neither an animal nor a man. It is a whirlpool that swallows ships three times a day.

    And it turns out that this actually exists in reality!
    Such a whirlpool was discovered in Portugal. It is called Covao in Conchos and is located near the city of Guarda. From above, it looks like a drain that literally sucks up everything.

    And there is no mysticism here - Covao in Conchos was created by man. This structure was built in 1955 as part of a hydroelectric dam. The hole has a diameter of 48 meters, and the water it absorbs passes through a 1519-meter tunnel to the dam on the mountain lake Lagoa Comprida.

    It’s simply impossible to tear yourself away from this magical spectacle! Covao in Conchos looks especially impressive in winter, when the lake freezes over.

    Serra da Estrela(Serra da Estrela) are the highest mountains on mainland Portugal. The dam lakes located in these mountains supply the population of the region with drinking water and electricity. One of these reservoirs, called, at first glance seems the most ordinary. However, in a video taken by a drone and posted on the Youtube channel, you can see a strange round hole in the southern part of the lake, into which water is falling.

    The hole looks like a piece of art created by nature. However, in reality it is the creation of human hands. You can admire it starting from the third minute.

    As the Portuguese newspaper Diario de Noticias writes, we are not talking about a hole, but about a crater 4.6 m deep and 48 m wide. Under it there is a tunnel more than 1500 m long, through which excess water from this reservoir flows into the neighboring dammed lake - Lagoa Comprida (Lagoa Comprida). The structure, built in 1955, is a structural element of the Sabugueiro power plant in the Serra da Estrela Natural Park.

    In the highest mountains of the mainland there is a miracle, which in advertising brochures is called “perforated”. Even the name itself sounds intriguing, and those who have seen photographs of the reservoir, when traveling to Portugal, certainly strive to visit this place and see with their own eyes the waterfall in Lake Conchos - one of the famous ones. It is a round hole in the middle of the water surface, through which water from the lake goes somewhere deep.

    General information

    In fact, Lake Conchos is not a natural formation at all, but a man-made reservoir, and the waterfall in Lake Conchos is also not a creation, but a talented engineering solution, original and non-standard. Lake Conchos is a structural element of Sabugueiro.

    The "waterfall" inside Lake Conchos in Portugal is simply a receiving reservoir into which water from the lake begins to flow when the control water level in the reservoir is reached. The diameter of the funnel is 48 m, and the depth is 4.6. There is a 1.5 km long tunnel under the lake, and excess water from it flows into Lagoa Comprida, a nearby “dammed” lake. is located in the southern part of the lake.

    Finding Lake Conchos in Portugal on the map is not difficult: it is located almost clearly to the southeast from about 140-150 km, if you look in a straight line.

    How to get to the lake?

    There are a lot of people who want to see the “lake in Portugal with a hole,” so you can get here from Porto and other large cities. Those who wish to explore Lake Conchos on their own can travel from Lisbon by car. You should take the A1 highway or A1 and A23. In both cases, you will have to cover a little more than 300 km; the journey will take about 3.5 hours.

    Published 03/29/2016 ,

    Serra da Estrela(Serra da Estrela) are the highest mountains on mainland Portugal. The dam lakes located in these mountains supply the population of the region with drinking water and electricity. One of these reservoirs, called, at first glance seems the most ordinary. However, in a video taken by a drone and posted on the Youtube channel, you can see a strange round hole in the southern part of the lake, into which water is falling.

    The hole looks like a piece of art created by nature. However, in reality it is the creation of human hands. You can admire it starting from the third minute.

    As the Portuguese newspaper Diario de Noticias writes, we are not talking about a hole, but about a crater 4.6 m deep and 48 m wide. Under it there is a tunnel more than 1500 m long, through which excess water from this reservoir flows into the neighboring dammed lake - Lagoa Comprida (Lagoa Comprida). The structure, built in 1955, is a structural element of the Sabugueiro power plant in the Serra da Estrela Natural Park.