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Kilimanjaro is the highest mountain in Africa. The highest mountain in Africa - name and height The highest mountain in Africa extinct

Basically, the African continent is occupied by plains, and mountains are located in the south and north of the continent. These are the Atlas and Cape Mountains, as well as the Aberdare Range. There are significant mineral reserves here. Kilimanjaro is located in Africa. This is an inactive volcano, which is considered the highest point of the mainland. Its height reaches 5963 meters. Many tourists visit not only African deserts, but also mountains.

Aberdare Mountains

These mountains are located in central Kenya. The height of these mountains reaches 4300 meters. Several rivers originate here. There is a wonderful view from the top of the ridge. To preserve the local flora and fauna, a national park was created here in 1950 by many animal lovers and conservationists. It still operates to this day, so if you are in Africa, it is definitely worth a visit.


The Atlas Mountains system skirts the northwestern coast. These mountains were discovered a long time ago, by the ancient Phoenicians. The mountains were described by various travelers and military leaders of Antiquity. Adjacent to the mountain ranges are various inland plateaus, highlands and plains. The highest point of the mountains is the city of Toubkal, which reached 4167 meters.

Cape Mountains

On the southern coast of the mainland are the Cape Mountains, whose length reaches 800 kilometers. This mountain system is formed by several ridges. The average height of the mountains is 1500 meters. Kompasberg is the highest point and reaches 2326 meters. Between the peaks there are valleys and semi-deserts. Some mountains are covered with mixed forests, but many of them are covered with snow in the winter.

Drakensberg Mountains

This mountain range is located in southern Africa. The highest point is Mount Thabana Ntlenyana, whose height is 3482 meters. A rich world of flora and fauna is formed here, and climatic conditions differ on different slopes. In some places it rains, and on other peaks it snows. The Drakensberg Mountains are a World Heritage Site.

Thus, Africa has many mountain ranges and systems. In addition to the largest ones mentioned above, there are also highlands here - Ethiopian, Ahaggar, as well as other elevations. Some objects are among the world's treasures and are protected by various communities. Several national parks and reserves have been formed on the slopes of mountain peaks, and the highest points are places of mountaineering, which complement the world list of tourist ascents.

Africa, geologically, is represented mainly by the Precambrian period, and the mountain ranges of the Black Continent are located in only two regions. In the south are the Cape Mountains, in the northwest are the Atlas Mountains, but both have a folded shape. Surprisingly, Africa is the only continent where all the highest peaks are not of folded origin. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the top 10 highest African mountains.

10th place - Ras Dejen, 4533 m, Ethiopia

The Ethiopian highlands define this country as the most developed in Africa in terms of mountainous terrain. Ras Dejen is the highest point in the state and is located in the Simien National Park. Ras Dejen, by its origin, is an ancient volcano, which is only the eastern peak of a giant volcano that has not made itself felt for several millennia. The mountain was first conquered by man in 1841, when two officers from France, Galinier and Ferret, climbed to its summit. Today, many climbers, as well as fans of trekking and ecotourism, come to Ras Dejen every year.

9th place - Meru, 4546 m, Tanzania

By its origin, Meru is a stratovolcano and is located in the East African Rift Valley, in an area called Arusha and since 1967 has been part of the national park of the same name. When viewed from the west, the volcano has the shape of a regular cone, and the bottom of the crater is lowered to a depth of more than 2.2 km. Meru's average slope is about 30 degrees, and between the peak and the ash slope lies the world's highest cliff. Climbing the volcano was first carried out in 1901; today it is possible to climb to the top only with the permission of the park and only for research purposes.

8th place - Luigi di Savoia, 4627 m, Uganda

The summit is a fairly flat peak of average height. Mount Luigi di Savoia is located in Uganda and is part of the East African mountain range, on the Ruwenzori ridge. The peak was first conquered by a person in 1906; today, climbing Mount Luigi requires much more physical training from climbers than technology and equipment. Any time of year and any weather is suitable for climbing, but most often climbers come here in winter and summer. Since the height is not critical for a person, no special acclimatization or preparation is required, and upon reaching the highest point you can enjoy the magnificent surrounding landscape.

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7th place - Jesse, 4715 m, Congo

The peak is located in the region of northern equatorial latitudes, in the Eastern hemisphere of our planet. Geographically, Jesse is part of the East African massif, the Rwenzori Range; administratively, the mountain belongs to the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The first ascent to the summit took place in 1906, and the optimal time for the ascent is considered to be the beginning of winter and summer. No technical skills are required from climbers when climbing Jessie, so this peak is most often used as a training camp.

6th place - Emin, 4798 m, Congo

Emin is located in the northern latitudes of the equator, in the eastern hemisphere of the Earth. Geographically it is part of the East African Mountains (Rwenzori Range), administratively and territorially it is located in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The first ascent was made in 1906; the ideal time for ascent is considered to be mid-winter and summer. The peak is very treacherous and has ruined many human lives, so even experienced climbers are wary of it.

5th place - Baker, 4844 m, Uganda

Baker is located in an amazing place called the Mountains of the Moon. The mountain got its name in honor of the traveler who was the first to climb it, but did not climb the peak on his own. Geographically, Mount Baker is located on the Rwenzori Range, administratively in the country of Uganda. The first ascent occurred in 1906. The slopes of the mountain alternate between rocky terrain and glaciers, so the climb to the top cannot be called easy. The mountain is popular among climbers in the winter and summer months, and climbers can climb one of the developed routes.

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4th place - Speke, 4890 m, Congo

The mountain consists of several peaks, ranging in height from 4572 m to 4890 m and is part of the Rwenzori range, which means “lord of rain” in the local language. The first explorers who arrived here for scientific purposes looked for the source of the Nile River in these places. The name of the mountain is given by the name of the person who first set foot on the mountain - John Speke, this happened in 1862. The officially recorded ascent took place in 1906. The local area is amazingly picturesque, and the diversity of flora and fauna will amaze any traveler. Around Speke you can see elephants, antelopes, chimpanzees and leopards.

3rd place - Stanley, 5109 m, Congo

Stanley Peak is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Geographically, the mountain is part of the East African Mountains, administratively it is located in the Congo. The peak was first conquered by man in 1906, but even today the beauty of these snow-capped peaks attracts many climbers who come here almost all year round.

2nd place - Kenya, 5199 m

Mount Kenya is located directly on the equator and is part of the East African Highlands. The first ascent was made in 1899, and since 1949 a national park has been opened on this territory. Since 1997, Mount Kenya has been included in the UNESCO World Heritage List; many representatives of the rarest African fauna live around the peak.

1st place - Kilimanjaro, 5895 m, Tanzania

The highest African peak and the most beautiful of all that are located on the Dark Continent. Kilimanjaro means "sparkling peak" in Swahili. It consists of three peaks and is part of the East African Highlands. The first ascent was made in 1899 by a climber from Austria and a geographer from Germany. Due to global warming, 80% of the snow cover on the top of Kilimanjaro has melted in a hundred years. According to the latest forecasts, there will be no snow on Kilimanjaro until 2033. According to statistics, more people died on the mountain than on Everest due to the fact that many climbers naively considered the peak easy to conquer.

There are a great many mountains and mountain ranges in the world of very different ages and origins, but among them it is worth highlighting some mountain ranges and individual massifs of Africa. Such as the Atlas Mountains, due to their old age and influence on the climate, because it is because of them that moisture does not reach the Sahara. Other mountains - due to their youth, such as the famous volcano Kilimanjaro, which was formed only one and a half million years ago, and also affects the climate. However, as will be described below, nowadays the climate itself, thanks to human activity, influences the majestic volcano.

1. The highest mountain on the African continent is Kilimanjaro. Not only does it reach 5895 meters in height, but it is also considered one of the most. There are a number of theories about the origin of such a strange name. The most reliable research is considered to be a translation made from Swahili, which literally calls the volcano “sparkling mountain.” But to be precise, Kilimanjaro is a triumvirate of volcanoes called Kibo, Shira and Mawenzi, which have potential activity and are located in the northeast of Tanzania.

2. The Shira volcano was the first to appear, and in height it is significantly inferior to the peak of Kilimanjaro, amounting to only 3962 meters. Scientists believe that in the past this volcano was higher, and the current values ​​were the result of a powerful eruption. Shira is located to the west of the highest peak of the African continent.

3. The second oldest formation is the Mawenzi volcano - this peak is at least 5149 meters high, and it is located east of the main peak. The highest point of Kilimanjaro at 5895 m is Uhuro Peak, on the youngest volcano Kibo. It was formed due to the eruption of its neighbors, and has the distinctive feature of Kilimanjaro - a flat top of the mountain. In fact, the peak is a plateau - a huge volcanic basin with a diameter of 2 kilometers.

4. Occupies an area of ​​64 kilometers in width and 97 kilometers in length. Such a huge size allows it to have a noticeable climatic impact on the surrounding lands.

5. The top of the mountain is covered with eternal ice, and it is almost at the equator itself - the mountain is located only 3 degrees south of the equator line. However, recent studies of the dormant volcano confirm that snow volumes are steadily declining. There are three reasons for this. The first of these is a significant reduction in precipitation. So, now on the highest peak of Kilimanjaro you can expect no more than 200 mm of precipitation per year, while at the same time the snow melts much faster. The second reason is the approach of hot lava to the crater and heating of the top. And the third is the development of global warming. For these reasons, the volcano's ice cap has decreased fivefold over several decades.

Almost the entire territory of the continent is located on the African Plate, so the terrain is characterized by flat land. The plate rises slightly in the northeast. This is where the Ethiopian Highlands formed. Mostly it is a vast plateau. Mountain systems occupy only about 20% of the total area of ​​the continent.

Based on its topography, the continent is divided into High and Low Africa. The Cape and Drakensberg Mountains settled in the southern region, and the Atlas Mountains in the northwestern region. Mountain systems were formed in an unusual way: not on the sides of the lithospheric plate, but in its middle. The reason for this is the Great African Rift, the largest crack in the earth's crust on the planet.

We present to your attention a list of the 10 largest mountains in Africa in ascending order of height with a brief description and photo:

Ras Dashen, Ethiopia (4550 m)

Ethiopia is considered to have the most diverse mountainous terrain on the mainland. In the north of the country there is the Simien chain, the highest point of which is Mount Ras Dashen. It is a long extinct volcano. Europeans began to actively study it only in 1841. The slopes are gentle, which attracts novice climbers. Ras Dashen is home to various exotic animals. From the top of the mountain there is a stunning panorama of the surrounding area.

Meru, Tanzania (4562 m)

A picturesque place in Arusha National Park, so popular among tourists. Several thousand years ago Meru was higher, but then an eruption occurred, as a result of which the top of the volcano was severely destroyed. The foot of the mountain is for buffaloes, and... This gives a walk through the national park a special flavor. The mountain's topography is varied: on the way to the top there are calderas, lakes, heathlands and cliffs.

Luigi di Savoia, Uganda (4627 m)

The mountain is part of the Rwenzori Mountains National Park, which is located between the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Uganda. Rwenzori, unlike other mountain ranges, is of non-volcanic origin. Translated from the local dialect as “Lord of the Rain.” Includes six major mountain peaks in Africa. The mountain is named after the discoverer and traveler Luigi Amedeo di Savoia-Aosta, who first described it in 1906. Chimpanzees, monkeys, elephants, antelopes and wild boars live at the foot of the mountain. Climbing does not require long acclimatization. Unfortunately, due to the ice cover at the top of Luigi di Savoia, it is rapidly melting.

Gessie, Congo (4715 m)

Another mountain from the Rwenzori system. Due to their height, the Rwenzori Mountains are a large reservoir of fresh water and feed the Nile River. Beginner climbers love Mount Jessie because the climb to the top is not difficult and the nature of the mountain range is rich and varied. After this climb, you can try your hand at exploring the higher mountains of Africa.

Emin, Congo (4798 m)

Mount Emin is another of the highest peaks of the Rwenzori complex. Territorially belongs to the Republic of Congo. It was explored and described in 1906. Moist evergreen forests grow in the foothills, and above 3000 m tree-like heathers predominate, above which alpine meadows are located. Emin is very treacherous, and requires professionalism and strength from climbers: they are obliged to plot the route correctly. There is nothing for beginners to do on it. The optimal time for climbing is mid-winter or mid-summer.

Baker, Uganda (4843 m)

The mountain is located in an area with the romantic name "Mountain Mountains". It is named after the traveler who first set foot on it. The mountain was climbed in 1906. Baker's slopes are dotted with rocky gorges and glaciers, so it's hard to call it an easy peak to conquer.

Speke, Congo (4890 m)

The two peaks of Spica are part of the Central African mountain range, the Rwenzori. The researchers intended to discover the source of the Nile in this area, but found the foot of the mountain. The peak was named after the person who first climbed it. Like other Rwenzori heights, Speke is amazing with its and.

Stanley, Congo (5109 m)

The hill, which consists of several peaks at once, was formed due to crystalline rocks. Due to its unique nature and wildlife, the mountain is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Climbers are drawn to the brilliant white peaks, so they try to reach the summit of Mount Stanley throughout the year.

Kenya (5199 m)

Several million years ago, Mount Kenya was an active volcano, taller than Kilimanjaro. The first Europeans appeared at the foot of Kenya only in 1849. Today there are 11 glaciers on the mountain, which have become a source of drinking water for local residents. The national park was opened at the foot of the mountain in 1949. Its task is to preserve the rarest species of animals that live exclusively in Africa. Tourists come to Mount Kenya for a variety of experiences: from the base to the peaks there are 8 different natural zones.

Kilimanjaro, Tanzania (5895 m)

The most popular mountain is also the highest African volcano. There are three peaks of the massif: Shira, Mawenzi and Kibo. The air temperature changes sharply depending on altitude and time of day. The average annual temperature at the foot does not fall below +30° C. The air at the top is cold, from -5° to -15° C.

Banana groves change to . A little higher are meadows and swamps. A large number of rare animals, including monkeys and honey badgers, were exterminated by hunters. The mountain was discovered in March 1848, and research was carried out over the next two centuries. Due to the large scale, the snow cap on the top is rapidly melting.

Even inexperienced climbers can climb Kilimanjaro. The acclimatization process is very simple. The high altitude is easier to bear than in other areas. The ascent does not take much time. During it you can admire the unique beauties of the highest African mountain.

Climate change and environmental problems have led to the melting of glaciers and weathering of rocks. Uncontrolled hunting causes even more damage. Only a person can influence the situation and preserve the unique nature of the highest mountains on this list unchanged.

Africa is the only continent that crosses the equator and several climate zones. The unique culture, unique nature and abundance of various animals attract millions of tourists to the mainland every year. Kilimanjaro is the highest mountain in Africa, which thousands of climbers from all over the world have repeatedly tried to conquer. But there are other high mountains in Africa with unique flora and fauna.

General description of mountain ranges

The relief of the African continent is mostly flat. Mountain ranges are located in only two regions. The real pearl of the East African mountain range is the Kilimanjaro volcano, the highest point of the continent.

The northwest and south are famous for the Atlas, Cape and Drakensberg mountains. In the center of Africa and in the northeast are the Aberdare Range and the Abyssinian Highlands. All mountain ranges are of folded origin. And only the highest peaks are not folded.

African legend Kilimanjaro

Kilimanjaro is the highest mountain that has rightfully earned the title of symbol of Africa. It was once an active volcano, posing a danger to the inhabitants of the continent. Nowadays, volcanic activity is evidenced by many layers of petrified lava and ash, as well as periodic gas emissions.

The highest points of the volcano are covered with centuries-old ice. In ancient times, people who had never seen snow believed that it was silver. That is why the volcano received the name “Kilimanjaro”, which means “sparkling mountain” in Swahili.

Scientists believe that after 2020, active melting of ice will begin. And this phenomenon has nothing to do with global warming. The main reason for the melting of ice is the decrease in rainfall in Africa.

Being the largest volcano not only in Africa, but also in the world, Kilimanjaro occupies a huge area of ​​400 thousand hectares. There are three high points on it:

  • Kiba Peak;
  • Mawenzi Peak;
  • Shira Peak.

Uhuru is the highest peak, classified as Kiba Peak. Its height is 5895 meters.

At the end of the last century, the territory of Africa occupied by Kilimanjaro received the title of National Park. But scientists have expressed concerns about the cessation of volcanic activity. They believe that the volcano could wake up at any moment.

There are many high mountains in Africa, some of which have been repeatedly conquered by climbers, while others have become their last refuge.

10th place – Ras Dashen

Mount Ras Dashen is located in the northern part of the Ethiopian Highlands and territorially belongs to Ethiopia, one of the African republics. Ras Dashen is an ancient volcano with a height of 4533 meters. However, this volcano is the peak part of another, more powerful volcano, which has not awakened for several millennia.

People first dared to climb to its peak in 1841. French officers acted as pioneers. Now Ras Dashen is part of the Simien National Park and is a developed tourist destination.

9th place – Meru

In the penultimate place of honor is Mount Meru. Meru is an active stratovolcano that is part of the East African Valley. The stratovolcano is located in northern Tanzania in the Arusha region. Since 1967, it has been awarded the title of National Park, which received the same name.

The highest point of Meru is 4546 meters. The ascent of a man to the mouth of an African volcano was carried out in 1901. Now it is under the authority of the National Park. Therefore, you can climb it only after receiving special permission.

8th place – Luigi di Savoia

Mount Luigi di Savoia is part of the Ruwenzori mountain range, which means "Mountains of the Moon". Most of the huge mountain range is located on the territory of the Republic of Uganda.

The peak of the mountain was first conquered at the very beginning of the last century. But even now climbers from various countries come to Africa, hoping to climb the peak of the mountain and enjoy the beauty of the local landscapes.

7th place – Jesse

Mount Jessie is located in Africa in the Republic of Congo and is part of the East African mountain range. The summit of Jessie is at an altitude of 4715 meters. And for the first time it was conquered in 1906.

The influx of climbers and tourists who want to conquer the top of Mount Jessie is observed in summer and winter, since it is during these times of the year that the conditions for climbing are optimal. Jessie's height is not critical, so it is most often used as a training ground.

6th place – Emin

Mount Emin is the property of the Congo. Its peak is located at an altitude of 4798 meters. It, like the other highest mountains in Africa, is part of the East African mountain range.

The ascent to the top of Emin was carried out in 1906. Since then, many climbers, taking their equipment, go to the Congo to repeat the feat of the heroes. Unfortunately, only a few manage to return back.

5th place – Baker

Mount Baker is located on the Rwenzori Range, which means Mountains of the Moon. This part of the ridge is located in Uganda. The name "Baker" is associated with the explorer Samuel Baker. He became the first who was not afraid to step on this mountain. However, he never climbed to its peak, located at an altitude of 4844 meters.

The pioneers were completely different people. The slopes of Baker are covered with rocks and glaciers, so the path to the top is quite thorny. But among modern travelers, Baker is popular thanks to specially created routes that eliminate the possibility of cliffs.

4th place – Speak

Mount Speke, located in the African Republic of Congo, is a mountaineer's paradise thanks to its several peaks. The lowest of them is at an altitude of 4572 meters, the highest - 4890 meters.

Speke is the surname of the person who became the discoverer of the mountain. Although John Speke visited it in the middle of the 19th century, the first conquest of the peak occurred a little later. But to this day, Speke attracts many tourists with its diversity of nature and wildlife.

3rd place – Stanley

The summit of Mount Stanley is located at an altitude of 5109 meters. Geographically, this natural wonder is located in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Stanley Peak is listed as a World Heritage Site.

On the peaks of Stanley there is a thick snow cover, which is so attractive to tourists. Moreover, tourist ascents here are possible at any time of the year.

2nd place – Kenya

Mount Kenya is a true jewel of Africa. Being part of the East African Highlands, it is located on the very line of the equator in the republic of the same name. The peak of Kenya, located at an altitude of 5199 meters, was conquered by people back in 1899. And since the middle of the last century, a National Park has been opened on the territory of the mountain.

The top of Kenya is home to the rarest representatives of the natural and animal worlds. Therefore, at the end of the last century, Kenya was included in the World Heritage List.

1st place – Kilimanjaro

The highest step of the pedestal, of course, is occupied by Kilimanjaro, 5895 meters high. This mountain is the heritage of not only the United Republic of Tanzania, but also of the whole of Africa.

“Sparkling Mountain” is a real attraction for summit conquerors. But experienced climbers, learning from the experiences of others, are no longer so naive. After all, Kilimanjaro throughout its history has become the last refuge for a huge number of climbers. According to experts, many more people died while climbing this pride of Africa than during the conquest of Everest.

Video: In the wilds of Africa