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How to move with children to another city. Moving to another city: where to start? Adviсe. How to take an important step

When you need to make a global change in your life and move to another city, you need to prepare for this in advance. For everything to be successful, it is important to think, first of all, that positive changes await you. Under no circumstances should you panic, otherwise this may result in everything not going according to plan.

Moving to another city: where to start

Paradoxically, it all starts with the thought of moving, with the goal that needs to be achieved. If it is not there, then there is no need to move. There must be good reasons. They can be different:
  • climate change
  • education
  • job change
  • moving to relatives

It is important to take the child’s old, favorite toys to the new place, as well as something from the interior of the children’s room, so that it is easier for him to adapt. Upon arrival, give yourself and your family some rest, go somewhere together. Nostalgia can also appear in an adult family member. This is fine. You cannot erase the past, but you must remember that a new, interesting, exciting life with its ups and downs awaits you.

How to organize a move to another city

You need to know where exactly you are moving. When choosing a location, there are several factors to consider:
  • Ecology. What is the air like, are there factories, chemical industry, and so on.
  • Climate. It is important to understand in advance what temperature awaits you at all times of the year, since people tolerate weather conditions differently. This also takes into account the illnesses of those who will be moving, allergies and everything that can affect health. For example, if in summer it is plus 43 here, is this temperature suitable for you? Or in winter - minus 40?
  • Job. Are there any vacancies in this city for your specialty? Are you needed there?
  • Property price. Will you be able to buy or rent housing there?

What do you need to move to another city?

1. Mindfulness. It will be required when selling an apartment or buying it in another city. Omitting all documentary aspects, it is worth mentioning that there are now many dishonest sellers, buyers and realtors on the market. To sell an apartment, you must first prepare it. If necessary, make cosmetic repairs and bring it into “saleable condition.” Then take a photo and post it on websites, advertising platforms, if you are selling the apartment yourself. If not, then this matter can be entrusted to an intermediary, a realtor. But you need to take into account that they will take a certain percentage of the sale - usually 10 percent. Then you will need to check out of the apartment.

2. Diligence. You will need it when packing your things - an integral part of moving. Packing your things is not as easy as you might think, so don’t put off this process until the last day. Let's highlight several stages:

  • You need to set a deadline within which you must pack your things efficiently.
  • You need to stock up on containers - ordinary boxes, which can be purchased at a specialized store or go to the market and ask for them there; you can also use bags, construction bags, Chinese checkered bags.
  • Anything that breaks or breaks should be packaged separately and labeled as “fragile.”
  • For each box, write a list and put it in it. Or number the boxes and record them in a notebook. You can come up with your own convenient way.
  • First of all, pack what you will not need in the near future. In the end - what you use regularly.

So, we can conclude that you need to get ready in advance in order to meet the deadline and complete the task without giving up. This will work if you do everything gradually, and not in a hurry before leaving.

3. Moving to another city, how to transport things. You can use the services of the Russian Post, transport companies or your own car, if you have one.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that if you are not sure about a new place, its climate, or have not decided on buying a home, then in the end it may turn out that this city is not suitable for you to realize yourself. In such cases, you shouldn’t “burn bridges.” You need to leave the option of a return. You can sell your home after full adaptation, but for now just rent a home. It is also not necessary to check out of the apartment; you can purchase temporary registration.

Also, you don’t need to tell everyone that you are moving forever. Otherwise, you will then have to explain to everyone and go into unpleasant details about what you were not happy with in your new place.
But if you follow all the instructions described above and carefully prepare for the move, then no problems should arise. On the contrary, your family will remember this as an event filled with pleasant emotional colors. Consequently, adaptation and acclimatization will be successful.

Moving to another city is always difficult. At this moment the person has mixed feelings. On the one hand, he worries and thinks whether he is doing the right thing or whether it is better for him to stay. On the other hand, a person is waiting for something new and better. Even if his life develops in a new place and all his expectations are met, the person will still remember his native places and this is normal. Moving to another city can bring not only practical problems, but also psychological ones. A person begins to feel sad and think that perhaps he should return, because he still has relatives and friends in his hometown. And this can lead to complete despondency for any of us. In this article on the site you will learn how to survive moving to another city, why people move and a lot of useful information.

What is moving?

Moving, as you know, is a change of place of residence, which may be accompanied by the transportation of property from a previous place of residence to a new one. There are three types of transfers, namely:

  • Moving to another place of residence in your locality;
  • Moving to a different city;
  • Moving to another country.

We will focus on moving to another city and consider all its aspects. Even after moving to another city, people experience stress, and all because this city is unfamiliar to them. In their hometown, they felt comfortable, calm, and safe, since they knew every street there. Most often, such stress is experienced by people who move from small cities to large ones.

Why do people move?

A huge number of people live on our planet. And practically each of us had to leave for another city or country for some reason for just a few days or weeks, and then return to our home again. The reasons why a person moves to another place of residence can be divided into two groups. Namely: forced and desired moves.

Forced moves include moves caused by an unstable political situation, work, family circumstances and many other factors. In any case, when a move is dictated by circumstances and not by your good will, it causes few positive emotions and a lot of fear.

But desired moves also happen. For example, a person felt that he was “crowded” in a small provincial town, that there he would not be able to realize his potential. Then he decides to move to a larger city, often to the capital, where he will find a way out for his ambitions. In this case, he has many hopes that life there will sparkle with new colors, he lives in anticipation of this event, however, when the time comes to pack his things, he suddenly becomes sad and sometimes scared. We will try to find out why this happens.

Why are we afraid to move?

We need to know the enemy by sight, so before we try to overcome fear, we need to understand what causes it. Below are the reasons that most often frighten people who are faced with the need to move to another city:

  • Fear of change. Despite the fact that many people make their own decision to move, at some point they are overwhelmed by the fear of the unknown. Since in your hometown, country, everything is familiar, everything is native and there are close people who will always help and support;
  • The reluctance to part with loved ones and friends is a completely natural human feeling. At home, surrounded by care and support, and here we feel completely safe and understand that in a difficult situation, help from loved ones will come instantly. And moving to another city certainly leads to the need to make new friends, which may not happen so quickly;
  • Fear of a foreign city - especially if we are talking about moving to a really large city or capital. A person begins to feel helpless, because he understands that he is alone in this city and it can take him several hours to get there and find a specific address;
  • Fear of failure. First of all, this fear arises among those for whom everything is going very well in their given place of residence. And in a new city, country, you will have to start all over again and invest a lot of your efforts. These people are afraid that they may not have enough strength, they will be unlucky and will not be able to settle down in a new place;
  • Fear of upcoming troubles. We all know very well that moving is a rather labor-intensive process. You need to collect all your things and not forget anything, find a carrier, rent an apartment, live in it, find a new job and much more. And a sufficient number of people find all this trouble very scary.

As you can see, there can be many reasons. But don't let fear get in your way. Whether you want to move to another city or not, there are many benefits you can gain from this event that are worth remembering whenever you feel sad or afraid.

Is it worth moving to another city?

Yes, there are objective reasons why people are afraid to move to another city, but there are a lot of advantages. Below are just a few of them, because you can always benefit personally, be it a climate that suits you better or meeting the right people who you would never have met in your previous place of residence. So, what good does moving to another city promise you:

  • new perspectives. Many people tend to think that fate will overtake them anywhere. But let's admit: the chances of realizing your abilities and becoming a successful businessman (actor, translator, writer, programmer...), as well as meeting interesting people, are much higher in a large developed city than in the provinces;
  • more freedom - residents of small towns know that their personal lives, their preferences, mistakes and everything else will always be in the public domain. It just so happens that when your locality is small enough, it is impossible to get rid of gossip. In more developed cities, a person is given much more freedom;
  • if you exchange a big city for a much smaller one, you will find a huge relief, since there will be no more fuss, constant pressure, overloaded transport with dissatisfied passengers and polluted air. Here you can relieve tension and slightly slow down the pace of life, thereby doing a huge favor to your nervous system;
  • you will become stronger and more independent - as a rule, it is human nature to make every effort only when necessary. A familiar, stable environment does not require us to mobilize all our mental and physical strength, but moving to another city does. This is a wonderful opportunity for personal growth and independence.

As you can see, the arguments why moving to another city is a good decision are quite weighty, but the main thing is that they affect all areas of life, so everyone will find something for themselves in them, the main thing is not to be afraid.

Disadvantages of moving to another city

Where there are pros, there are always cons. There are also a number of difficulties that a person faces when moving to another city, among which are the following:

  • searching for work and housing - even when staying in your hometown, these tasks are quite difficult, in a foreign city - doubly so;
  • the need to adapt to a new place - in your city, or at least in your area, you probably knew where the best stores were located, how to get to the place you needed, how long it would take, and so on. In a new place, you will need some time to learn the routes you need, to get used to your new neighbors, in a word - to settle down;
  • separation from family and friends - of course, you will write off letters, call each other, but this will not replace real meetings, which, most likely, will happen quite rarely;
  • temporary loneliness - if you move to another city alone, you will probably have to spend some free time alone. Even if you have friends who live in this city, you will not be able to see them often, especially if they live in another area.

Any difficulties can be overcome if desired, but you should not turn a blind eye to them. In addition, if the move is dictated by your desire, and not by circumstances, you should think about whether you are ready to face such problems.

Now that we have analyzed the fears and considered the benefits, it’s time to move on to tips on how to survive moving to another city and quickly adapt to a new place. We suggest you follow these rules:

  1. Write a list of all the benefits you get when moving to another city. You can use our list, supplementing it with your own personal benefits. If it seems to you that you already remember about them and this is a waste of time, believe me, this is not so. When you feel sad and scared again, you won't be able to remember all the positive things you'll get from moving to another city. And by looking at this list, you will remind yourself of the benefits of this move and thus not succumb to despondency.
  2. Pack all your things in advance! This advice may seem obvious, but believe me, when you are incredibly busy, it is difficult to find time to decide what you are taking with you and what you are willing to give up, so this event may be constantly postponed. But an hour before the train, you won’t be able to properly pack everything, as a result, there is a possibility of bringing something completely unnecessary to another city and forgetting about important things. If you need the services of carriers, arrange them in advance.
  3. Make your new place of residence cozy. Even if you are not moving furniture to your new home, take with you the non-bulky furnishings that you like best. These can be paintings, beautiful pillows, plants - anything that makes the atmosphere homey and cozy. Gradually, you will acquire new details that, instead of reminding you of the old house, will create the appearance of a new one.
  4. Explore a new city. This means not only studying the routes you need, but also visiting a variety of beautiful places that can easily be found on the Internet for each city. When you have some favorite places, the city will no longer seem so alien and faceless.
  5. Meet your neighbors. In addition to exploring the city, pay attention to getting to know your neighbors. You shouldn’t run from apartment to apartment telling them that you now live here—not everyone will like that. Simply say hello and introduce yourself when you meet your neighbors in the elevator or stairwell. They will be able to tell you a lot of useful things, such as where a good supermarket or a nice park is nearby. Or you can invite your neighbors on the landing to your place for tea.

What not to do at your new place of residence

  1. Don't sit at home. Even if you don’t have family or friends in the city, this is not a reason to sit at home and be bored. You should go out and get to know the city. You might even find new friends. After all, there are a huge number of events where you can meet interesting people. If you moved to a city where you have no friends at all with whom you could go somewhere, you should not spend all your free time at home.
  2. In the evening, do not walk along unfamiliar streets. In every city there are disadvantaged areas that should not be visited alone, especially at a late hour. Try to avoid such places.
  3. Don't quarrel with your neighbors! It doesn’t matter if they started renovations, listen to music loudly, etc. You shouldn’t quarrel with them, sort things out, or do something to them in revenge. It's better to talk to them calmly. An acquaintance that began with a major quarrel is unlikely to develop into a friendly relationship.
  4. There is no need to travel to your hometown too often. Of course, you will certainly really want to go “home” at the first opportunity, where everything is familiar and there are friends and family. But you should know that your home is now here, in the new city. The more often you visit your hometown, the more difficult it will be for you to get used to the new one.

There are many answers to the question “how to survive moving to another city,” the main thing is to really want to, no matter how trivial it may sound. After all, many mentally remain living in the old place, and are only physically present in the new city, performing the necessary actions automatically. A famous saying goes: “Wherever you go, you take yourself with you.” Usually, this phrase implies that you cannot run away from yourself, and a change of environment will not make you a new person. But we strongly recommend that you “take” yourself with you when moving to another city, be included in the present, live by it, and not by what you left behind.

Probably everyone has once had the idea of ​​parting with the past and starting a completely new life. The easiest way to make your dream come true is to move to another city. This article will help you figure out where to start and how not to regret your choice.

First came the idea...

Every action is preceded by an idea. It doesn’t matter at all how it arose: spontaneously, whether a person has been going to it for many years, or the idea was born at the suggestion of a friend or an outsider. Or maybe the reason for everything is a banal promotion that promises a brilliant future in the professional field? Or did the newlyweds purchase housing in another area in order to forge their family happiness on their own, without outside interference? The main thing is that the decision has been made, and the most problematic stage begins - preparation for the upcoming change of residence.

Problems that arise when moving to another city

Those who are not afraid to face the unknown, first of all, should not delude themselves that there will be no obstacles or difficulties on the way to realizing their cherished dream. Idealists who believe that nothing is easier than moving to another city have a huge number of problems. "Where to begin?" - for them the question is not particularly important. However, the situation changes radically when the time comes to move from the plan to concrete actions. This is where the first difficulties make themselves felt. A number of questions arise, among which the most common are the following:

  • How and which locality to choose?
  • Where to collect the necessary information?
  • How to overcome the psychological barrier?
  • How to move to another city? Where to start preparing?
  • Will the children take the news about the upcoming move normally?
  • What should you do immediately after arriving in another city?

Calmness is the key to health!

There are many questions, but the cat cried for answers! It’s not clear where to start moving to another city for permanent residence. Some gradually become disillusioned with their idea, while others completely give up and refuse to do anything to make their wonderful dream come true. But such behavior can become a fatal mistake.

Perhaps this was a chance, by missing which, the person lost the opportunity to change his life so much that the past would seem gray, boring and worthless to him. Or in another city a meeting with real, destined love awaited him. Or maybe an offer awaited him at his new place of residence that he simply could not refuse. Everything is possible. Therefore, in order not to miss your happiness and not to reproach yourself all your life for making a wrong choice, you need to remain calm, cast aside all doubts and be patient.

Where to start moving to another city?

So, let's say that the decision has been made, and there is no turning back. You are in a hurry to announce to others that you will soon be moving to another city. Where to begin? Advice from know-it-alls begins to pour in from all sides. Of course, you should not refuse outside help. But only those people who have a positive attitude and are ready to help with deeds or at least with a kind word can be allowed to participate in the implementation of the plan. The rest should not be dedicated to your plans, so that some “well-wisher” does not inadvertently darken the joy that fills the soul in anticipation of change.

There is no need to worry about the fact that you have never had to deal with such a problem as moving to another city before. People who have already experienced such an event will tell you where to start. Most of them will advise you to first decide in which locality you want to live, and then proceed directly to collecting all the necessary information.

Collecting information about the city

Disorientation is a condition that affects almost all migrants. However, the feeling of panic, confusion and irritation can be significantly minimized by finding out in advance all the features of living in the city chosen for moving. First of all, it is necessary to collect as much information as possible regarding the streets and bus stops of the locality, the presence or absence of industrial and other types of enterprises, educational institutions, medical centers, etc.

In addition, any sane person, before leaving his native land once and for all, will find out what the demographic situation is in a city that is still foreign to him, how high the crime rate is in it, what is the opinion of the local population about the performance of law enforcement officers and officials of their official duties. Only after collecting this basic information and carefully analyzing it can you safely proceed to the next stage.

Material question

Some information has been collected, and very soon the most crucial moment awaits - the actual move to another city. Where to start calculating funds? Don’t doubt it, without a penny in your pocket you won’t be happy in your new place. Don't expect things to work out somehow! Disappointment will set in surprisingly quickly.

There is an opinion that the desire to move to another city should be supported financially. And this is by no means devoid of common sense, because during the period of adaptation it is necessary to live on something. Therefore, in order not to find yourself in a hopeless situation and not spend the night on a bench in a park or at a train station, take a little time to calculate your upcoming expenses. Find out the cost of housing if you plan to rent an apartment or room for a while, prices for food and basic necessities. Make a list of must-have purchases you'll need to make immediately upon arrival and estimate how much you'll have to pay for them. Please note that it is better to play it safe and take more cash with you than the amount received during the calculation. Don't forget to check the status of your bank accounts and cards so that you don't find any unpleasant surprises later that will create additional problems.

Resolving the issue of purchasing (renting) housing

What should you think carefully about before you decide to move to another city? Where to start so that changing your place of residence does not turn into a real nightmare? The answer lies on the surface - the search for suitable, comfortable and cozy housing. What it will be like depends not only on a person’s aesthetic preferences, but also on his financial capabilities. It will not be difficult for the wealthiest people to purchase an apartment or cottage, while for others it will be difficult to pay for even very modest rented housing. Whether it is the first option or the second, in any case, the premises in which you will live must first be found. The easiest way is to use the services offered by real estate agencies. True, it will cost money, and sometimes a lot.

If you can’t afford to pay a specialist for the work, you’ll have to do it yourself. How to do it? Go to real estate websites and check out the offers presented there. Compare prices and write down the options that interest you. After analyzing all the information collected, start calling the owners. However, be careful! Fraudsters do not sleep. Feel free to ask questions, ask again and clarify any little thing! If you notice that the person on the other end of the line is fussing, his answers sound uncertain and implausible, feel free to interrupt the conversation and dial the next phone number. Schedule a personal meeting with people whose proposal completely suits you.

What about children?

The main question that puzzles all loving parents concerns where to start moving to another city with children. The most problems will arise with those whose age is from 6 to 16 years. This is not surprising, because if an adult understands that difficulties such as the absence of acquaintances and friends, as well as the novelty of a foreign city, are temporary, then for a child or teenager this is a real tragedy, comparable to the end of the world. Therefore, the main task of mothers and fathers is to help their child overcome the psychological barrier and not fall into prolonged depression. Talk to your child. Tell him about the advantages of living in another city. Do not nip protests in the bud, but select weighty counterarguments that will convince him that you are right.

Once your child’s psychological state no longer causes concern, you can move on to the next stage - finding a kindergarten or school. Each parent chooses an educational institution depending on their priorities. For some, the location is important, for others - safety, for others - the professionalism of teachers, etc. With all this, you should definitely ask for the opinion of the child himself. Joint choice of an educational institution is the key to the future success of a precious child.

Employment problem

Some people who are catastrophically unlucky in finding employment have such a bold and at the same time risky idea of ​​moving to live in another city. Where to start looking for a job in a new place? Is the game worth the candle? Will hopes and expectations be justified? Unfortunately, it is impossible to answer these questions. Everyone must decide for themselves whether they are ready to give up their usual way of life and plunge headlong into the unknown.

If you feel the strength to overcome all the difficulties that will certainly arise on your way, then go for it, and may good luck accompany you! But before leaving, do not forget to thoroughly prepare for finding a job in a new city: update your resume, prepare all existing diplomas and other documents confirming your qualifications and professionalism, make sure that you have not forgotten to pick up your work book from your previous service, prepare a portfolio, looking into which, a potential employer simply will not allow itself to miss out on such a valuable employee like you.

Collecting things

The answers to most of the questions have been found, now all that remains is to make the final push and finally move to live in another city. Where to start collecting things so as not to forget or lose anything? The easiest way is to throw off all responsibility and trust professionals who will not only pack everything you show, but also do it with high quality and in the shortest possible time. In addition, you can contact a company specializing in cargo transportation. If you use their services, things dear to your heart will be delivered completely safe at the appointed time and place. True, for this you will have to sacrifice a certain, sometimes considerable, amount from the family budget. If this doesn’t scare you, enter into an agreement with a carrier company, and your to-do list will be reduced by one more item.


The long-awaited moment has arrived, and you are greeted with joy by the city that is destined to become your home. Undoubtedly, memories will come at first, but do not rush to give in to emotions and return to where you were so eager to leave. Pull yourself together and enjoy your new life. It won’t be easy, but don’t forget that fortune is always on the side of the persistent and patient. Good luck and all the best to you!

When they get to a new apartment, they panic. They don’t know what exactly to do, how to resolve issues that arise, or when to start packing things. But all this worry is just nothing compared to what what do people who plan to change cities experience?.

Yes, moving to another locality is much more difficult than moving to a neighboring street. In a new place, you will have to start your life almost from scratch: look for a job, make friends and get used to a certain rhythm.

If these issues are approached incorrectly, moving can turn into a disaster. But by following the plan we have drawn up, you will avoid any problems.

The first thing you need to do is find housing.

The question is not an easy one. If you own your own apartment, then you have a chance to get housing in another city. True, to do this, you will have to get rid of the current premises, which, as you understand, requires effort and time. In addition, the sale must occur on the same day as the purchase in another city, and this is even more difficult to organize.

The easiest way out is contact a real estate agency, and one that processes transactions in the locality where you plan to live. As a last resort, the company should maintain contacts with a good company from there. This is the only way to conduct two transactions in one day.

If you don’t have your own home, everything is much simpler. Inform the owner of the rented apartment about the proposed move out. Of course, no one will immediately demand a final date from you, but at least the landlord will know that he should look for new clients. As for selecting another room, you can do this using the Internet and mobile phone. Now photographs and prices of the proposed options are posted on web pages. A few days, a maximum of a week, will be enough to make a decision.

Now that the main problem is behind us, the turn of less global issues has come. Your next step is troubleshooting documents. This applies to all their varieties.

If you realize that you will soon need to change your passport, do it in your current city. It is more difficult to cope with this task in a new place. If only because you won’t know where to turn.

It is worth taking care of medical policies, various certificates and even prescriptions for medications. It is unlikely that you will go to the doctor immediately upon arrival. And medications may be needed at any time.

The following step should only be performed by those who have children.

The fact is that small family members sometimes cope very poorly with a change in environment. It is difficult for them to get used to the idea that they will leave their friends, go to a new school or kindergarten. It is we, adults, who understand that five years later they will not even remember most of the people from their previous place of residence. However, moving is a huge stress for children. And therefore, you definitely need to talk with your son or daughter about the upcoming event. Talk about how great it will be to live in a new place. Show on the Internet photographs of cinemas, cafes or entertainment centers that your child might like. In general, emphasize all the benefits that the child will receive.

When issues seemingly far from moving faded into the background, the turn came searching for a suitable transport company.

Of course, you can be indignant and say that you don’t have money for specialists. However, we assure you that turning to professionals will do you more good than harm. The amount you pay is not worth regretting.

Firstly, your nerves are worth more. Moving is always associated with scandals. You can’t even imagine how many couples’ relationships deteriorated completely during a change of apartment. As a result, the family did not live in the new place for long - after a few months it fell apart.

Secondly, you will not have to pay such a large amount. The price for the services of movers and packers is quite acceptable even for the average citizen of our country. Moreover, you weren’t going to carry your things to another city in your arms anyway! You would look for specialists in the newspaper, spend time calling all the options you are interested in. With a transport company, you immediately receive all the services you need. And you shouldn’t think that the company will impose unnecessary actions. If you think that you do not need packers, it is your right to refuse them.

And thirdly, it may well be that you will not suffer financially from turning to professionals at all. Ask those who have handled the move themselves how many things were damaged during the process. Surely more than one set of dishes was broken and more than one stool was broken. If you calculate the damage that these people suffered, you will get exactly the amount that you will pay to the representatives of the transport company. But you won’t have to worry about having to buy dishes and furniture, not to mention wasting time and energy on it.

However, we will not insist on contacting an experienced company. If you want, you can easily organize it yourself. But in this case, we recommend that you carefully consider each step. It's best to create an action plan that includes everything from finding information about suitable packaging to a layout of things in your new living space.

Actually, that's all. Now all that remains is to choose a day suitable for such an important event, and, of course, notify everyone you know about the move. At work you will also have to write a letter of resignation. If you have good relationships with team members, you can even have a farewell party.

And finally, the most important thing. Making a plan and following it is definitely a good thing. But this is clearly not enough. For everything to go perfectly, you need to remain calm Try not to get nervous yourself and not let others get irritated. If your husband or wife becomes agitated, try to calm your spouse down. Explain that peace in your family is much more important than any problems. Moreover, buying a new plate that your son/daughter accidentally broke is not so difficult. Believe me, such behavior on your part will benefit everyone. And then, when all the worries associated with the move are left behind, your loved ones will truly appreciate your non-conflict nature.

And one more nuance. Perhaps you did not want to change the city, and it was the initiative of one of your relatives. In this case, you see only the dark sides of the upcoming event. But you have to get over yourself and find the positives. Just think, you will now make new friends and have the opportunity to start your life from scratch. Isn't that great?

Due to life circumstances, our family had to move a lot and often from one place to another, with the exception, perhaps, of the last ten years.

Perhaps someone is now also puzzled by this problem and is looking for all sorts of ways to properly organize the move and make this labor-intensive process easier and minimize the costs inevitable in this matter.

If this is not the first time you have done this, then you understand very well that it is almost impossible to survive any move, no matter where: to another country or city, to a new apartment or to a country house, without moral and material losses. A lot of questions immediately arise: how to organize a move, how to pack things correctly, how to transport furniture and bulky items, who to negotiate with, who to ask for help, where to start, etc.

But organizing a move is not a reason to panic. If you think about it, you can always find a solution even for the most difficult case. And it may not be so difficult if you know where to start. Of course, moving to another city or to a new apartment is a responsible and difficult step. And we will start with the smallest.

Relatively speaking, we will divide the entire upcoming process into several small stages:

  • Preparation (collecting, packing things for moving, solving related issues)
  • Loading and transportation
  • Unloading things in a new place, arranging them.

This approach and the implementation of small operations will help at all stages to show attention and composure in order to do everything on time and not forget anything, accuracy in order to pack everything carefully and correctly, organization and the ability to negotiate in order to transport everything safely to a new place of residence.

By consistently performing small operations, any process will be simplified to a minimum, which will save you strength and energy and allow you to successfully complete the move, placing things in the new apartment in their places.

Where to begin?

First of all, you need to understand when to start preparing for the move and who will do it all. There are several options, and the choice is determined by many factors and circumstances. If you have physical strength, desire and a lot of time, you can do everything yourself. It’s hard, difficult, but without the additional costs of attracting outside help.

The easiest, but also the most expensive way is to invite professionals from a specialized moving company. But from a cost point of view, this method is not at all economical. Such services are not cheap. But if you have to organize a move to another city with a large number of things, it is difficult to do without the full or partial participation of professionals.

There is another compromise option - to use the help of friends, neighbors and relatives when loading and unloading things. But even here you will have to partially spend money to compensate for the time and physical costs of your loved ones. In addition, you need to take care in advance that these volunteer helpers (and you yourself) do not overstrain themselves while carrying heavy boxes and furniture across the floors, and purchase some special equipment for carrying heavy objects and cargo.

You may need a simple strap design. It is made of durable materials, and its dimensions can be adjusted to suit different sizes (bulky furniture, home appliances, pianos). The straps make it easier to carry things. And this will save the laminate and linoleum from damage and scratches when trying to move heavy objects around the apartment.

Belts will help you if you have a lot of helpers. And if the situation is such that there is no one to help, in this case you can use a portable furniture conveyor - a small platform with a rotating platform on 8 wheels with a comfortable handle and a steel lever for lifting loads.

This device is not difficult to master. Furniture, household appliances, boxes need to be lifted in the corners using a lever and a platform on wheels should be placed under them and moved to the desired location. You can use such a conveyor even alone when arranging furniture and heavy household appliances in a new apartment.

So, having decided on the performers and realizing that putting off packing things until the last minute is a bad strategy and not our choice, armed with a notepad and pen, we begin to draw up a plan for what we will need for the move.

Preparing packaging material

In addition to devices for carrying heavy household items, we need to pack them in something.

  • Carton boxes

The most universal type of packaging, which can be considered a classic when moving, is strong cardboard boxes of different sizes. They are convenient for packing household appliances, dishes, books, clothes and all sorts of small things.

It is best to transport household appliances in their original boxes, if they are preserved. But even if not, this packaging material is easy to buy for nominal money in the nearest bookstores, liquor stores and pharmacies. And often they are given away for free.

Another option to get cardboard packaging is to order it online with delivery or buy it from companies involved in transportation and moving at discounted prices.

The boxes should not be too large (the optimal size is 40x50x60 cm). Filled with things, they become simply too heavy to lift (they are inconvenient and difficult to carry, they can fall apart due to their heavy weight). The size of the box is especially important when packing books and dishes.

In large boxes you can pack bulky but light items - outerwear, textiles, bed linen. For strength, it is advisable to seal the bottom of the boxes with tape before filling.

When moving, you can never have too much tape. And although it is not that expensive, it is better to purchase it with bulk discounts in supermarkets. In some cases, you will need masking tape (although it is not strong enough and can break at any time).

For packing tape, it won't hurt to buy a special hand tool for sealing boxes with tape - a dispenser. It will make the packaging process much faster and more accurate.

  • Plastic bags

These can be ordinary garbage bags of different sizes (125, 250 liters), preferably with drawstrings (though they are not very strong). They can also be used to protect things from dust, moisture and dirt by packing them in boxes, having previously placed them in such a bag. It is sealed with adhesive tape on top, the box is closed and taped again. The result is a sealed package, and after unpacking the items do not have to be washed or vacuumed again.

Inexpensive and fairly durable bags, which builders use during renovation work for garbage, are a good packaging material. In addition, you can use the suitcases, travel bags, trunks and covers for clothes and bags that you have in the house, with which you can often see “shuttles” (they are durable, different in size and inexpensive, and later take up little space when stored when folded).

  • Handy material for packaging, labeling and accounting

Stretch film and bubble wrap are simple and versatile packaging materials. You can also use cling film.

Old newspapers, soft fabric, towels, napkins, soft toys, clothes, polyethylene, and wrapping paper will come in handy.

They are especially needed when packing fragile items and dishes.

Colored felt-tip pens and markers, colored paper labels are suitable for marking. And also scissors, a screwdriver, ropes. It is best to keep track of packed items in a notebook or notebook. Always have a pen at hand. And for reliability, all records can be duplicated on a computer or smartphone.

Why is marking needed?

A multi-colored marker is most often used to write on the boxes what is in them, indicating the top and bottom of the box, the front side (if necessary). Additionally, you need to put numbers on the boxes and enter the contents of each package in a separate list in a notebook. In order not to turn the box over in search of the number, the numbers should be written on all sides and visible from all sides.

Multi-colored labels are convenient for assigning each room a different color code. For example, we can have boxes for the kitchen with a yellow sticker, for the living room with a green sticker, with a blue sticker for the bedroom, etc. This way things will be immediately delivered to the room for which they are intended. To do this, upon arrival in a new apartment, all that remains is to orient those who will carry things by gluing strips of the corresponding color to the doors of each room.

When packing furniture parts and boxes, you can additionally indicate some other useful landmarks along with the number. For example, the order of arrangement of drawers and shelves: box No. 10 - bottom drawer of the chest of drawers. Or mark boxes according to the belonging of things to a certain room (box No. 4 - kitchen, box No. 1 - living room). All this will help when arranging things and assembling furniture in a new place, allowing you to immediately distribute boxes and packaging into different rooms.

Advice: do not neglect this simple but useful action - number all packages: bags, boxes, bags, furniture packages.

Preparatory stage before packaging

This is an extremely important stage - it determines how successfully, for example, your move will go and how you will settle in your new place. Plus, it's a great way to get rid of clutter.

We start with one room, sequentially moving from one to another. First, we decide what we intend to take with us. Anything that remains must be disposed of quickly. To do this, we are preparing a large box where everything that we do not want to take with us into our new life will go.

For example, many household items such as an old TV (even a broken one), a non-working printer, an ancient sewing machine inherited from your grandmother, on which no one has sewed for a long time, can be sold on Avito. Tested from our own experience: in a short time we got rid of many things that had been taking up a lot of space for years.

You can do the same with furniture and other things. At reasonable prices, all this sells quickly. Some things can be given away for free, but others (for example, broken toys, old magazines, unloved items and boring things that no one has used for a long time) can simply be sent to a landfill.

As a result of such an audit, in fact, you will accumulate a lot of things that you can completely do without in a new place, and at the same time you will not have to spend effort, time and money on packaging to transport them.

Before packing, we inspect all things (of course, everything must be clean). If necessary, we clean, wash, repair. Now we rewrite all the remaining property in a notebook and sort it by season (we leave close what can be useful now, we pack everything else and forget it for a while), categories and dimensions, for example: bed linen, towels, clothes, kitchen utensils, furniture, books and other.

Why is this necessary? Firstly, it is easier to determine the volume of cargo and calculate what kind of car we will need to order to transport things to another city (or across the city). Secondly, we can roughly understand how much time we will need to get ready. Along the way, when compiling this list, you can highlight in a separate list the things that will go with you in the car, what you will entrust to the loaders to carry, and what you will carry yourself or your assistants.

What else should you do when preparing to move?

Packing your things is not all that needs to be done before departure. A lot of different “paper” matters await us. For example, terminate contracts, change personal data in organizations and institutions, transfer mail to a new address.

  • You must notify banks, insurance companies and other organizations with which you interact in some way about a change of address.
  • If you use postal services, you must redirect mail delivery to a new address.

Preparing a new place

If you already know where you want to move, you need to prepare your new home, while it is still empty, to fill it with a lot of things. To do this, refresh the renovated room and remove accumulated dust. If no repairs have been made, wash everything possible (windows, floors, balcony), check the plumbing, screw in light bulbs, think about how to place the boxes more conveniently so as not to drag them from place to place.

You need to think about who will unload things in another city (hired workers, loaders, friends, relatives) and agree on the day and time of unloading. If these are loaders from local companies, you need to call in advance, describe the nature of the cargo, the presence of an elevator, the number of floors and find out the exact price for unloading (use this as a guide if workers on site quote a high price).

Choosing a relocation organizing company

And yet, although our article deals mainly with organizing your own move, I cannot help but say what you need to know if you decide to use the services of a professional company. In this case, you will have to order a container for transportation by train or plane, or hire a heavy-duty vehicle that can easily accommodate furniture and all your belongings.

In order for the cargo to reach its destination safely and unharmed, you need to find a transport company that can properly organize the move and can guarantee the safety of your property.

Information from such companies can be found on the Internet, in newspapers, advertising print media, in registers of legal entities, in directories, or by asking friends and acquaintances. You need to monitor several issues: price, quality of services, reliability of the company. After analyzing the information received, all that remains is to make a choice by calling the companies you like.

After a preliminary discussion of the order, it is necessary to meet with a company representative on site to assess the volume and cost of the upcoming work (depending on the weight of the cargo and its size, the floor, the presence of an elevator, the distance from the old apartment to the moving location, the amount of furniture and the carrier’s prices). The approximate cost of moving to another city can be 20-30 thousand rubles.

Tariffs may vary from company to company. This can be an hourly rate or based on a fixed cost per kilometer. Most of them offer a payment scheme: mileage + hour. The route is paid based on mileage, but loading and unloading is paid at an hourly rate.

Important: the carrier is required to insure your cargo.

You can use only a partial transportation service - renting a vehicle - or a comprehensive service, which, in addition to renting a car, includes the work of furniture assemblers, movers, packers and the provision of various types of packaging material.

All relations with carrier companies must be formalized by an agreement, which must be clear, transparent with all lines and columns filled in and with the terms of transportation and insurance, the obligations of the parties, the payment procedure and other conditions specified in the text. Before concluding a contract, check whether the company has a license to engage in transportation.

Moving day

If transportation, loading and unloading are carried out by hired people hired on the basis of an advertisement, it is necessary to control the loading process, accompany the cargo to the new unloading point, so as not to lose all your things along the way without waiting for the car with the cargo at the destination.

It is necessary to think about how to feed and drink (meaning tea, coffee, soft drinks in the heat) the invited assistants (not from among the company’s employees who are professionally involved in moving). Prepare light snacks in the form of pies, pizza, sandwiches, fruit.

Everything that may be needed for a quick snack (coffee, tea, towels, sandwiches, soap, toilet paper) and for emergencies (sealing torn packaging) should be put in boxes that are easy to identify just before moving.

When loading, helpers from among neighbors, relatives, and adult children will not interfere. It is better to remove children and animals to neutral territory at this time.

After moving

In the morning, be sure to have breakfast and feed your family members. Breakfast can be prepared from the products that you prudently took with you when moving in a “hot” box.

There are, of course, a lot of things to do on this day:

  • You should start by connecting the refrigerator and washing machine
  • Next we assemble the cabinets
  • Buying groceries for the family
  • We are preparing dinner.

And then systematically, step by step, we begin to unpack things. We don’t open the boxes all at once and take our time (you can’t do something efficiently in one day that took more than one week).

They opened the box, put the things back, folded the packaging and threw it away. At the same time, this is another opportunity to get rid of unnecessary things that you still didn’t dare to part with when moving. Give yourself a rest every 5 packs.

All shocks and stress will end only when the last box in the new place is unpacked, things take their place, and all packaging waste ends up in a landfill. Ideally, it will be possible to avoid large losses and damaged items. And this is possible with careful preparation.

By following these simple principles, you can independently prepare all your things for moving and easily and quickly find what you need in your new place.

Next time we'll talk about this and that. And to everyone who is moving or preparing to move - good luck and patience!