Tourism Visas Spain

Mount Montserrat: journey to the Catalan shrine, Spain. Shrine of Spain - Mount Montserrat Temple of Montserrat Spain

Montserrat (Barcelona, ​​Spain) - detailed description, location, reviews, photos and videos.

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Montserrat (Catalan for jagged mountain) is located in the Pyrenees, 50 km from Barcelona. This is a bizarrely shaped mountain peak located at a distance from the main ridge. On its slope, at an altitude of more than 700 m, there is a monastery of the same name. This religious center of Catalonia is known throughout the world: the most valuable Catholic shrine is kept here - the statue of the “Black Virgin of Montserrat”. People believe that the miraculous Madonna helps to find the happiness of motherhood, so many women come to her for help.

They say that angels once frolicked on Mount Montserrat. Out of boredom, they split it in half and fashioned sculptures out of stone. Indeed, the bald, rounded peaks look like a cluster of stone idols guarding mysterious caves. Each figure has its own name, corresponding to the shape: “God’s finger”, “Elephant’s head”, “Camel”, etc.

The mountain is located in the Catalan National Park. There are trails for hikers, and there are signs everywhere describing the route - its complexity and length. This area was once the bottom of the sea, then, as a result of volcanic activity, it rose to the surface.

Mountain and Monastery of Montserrat


The Benedictine monastery was built almost 1000 years ago by the then famous architect - Abbot Olya Ripolsky. It still operates today: several dozen monks live here, spending their time in prayer and useful work. The centerpiece of the complex is the Renaissance cathedral with Gothic elements, where regular masses are held. All the buildings of the monastery, repeatedly destroyed during wars, were rebuilt in the 19th and 20th centuries.

The architect Antonio Gaudi took part in the reconstruction of Montserrat.

In the luxurious Throne Hall of the monastery cathedral there is a statue of the Virgin Mary, found in the 13th century by St. Luke. In troubled times, he hid the precious relic from his adversaries in a mountain cave, and 100 years later shepherds found it: the statue exuded divine light and angelic singing. The cave was called Sacred and a chapel was erected here. In 1947, an altar was erected in the cathedral (it was also designed by Gaudi) and a throne with the Madonna, forged from pure silver, was placed in it.

The whole world collected money to pay for the work; the path here for pilgrims and those suffering from infertility is still not overgrown. Services are held daily in the cathedral, and the boys' choir performs at 13:00. A music school has been operating here since the 13th century - the oldest in Europe.

The monastery has a library containing more than 400 books and manuscripts collected since the 14th century. But access to rarities is possible only for world-famous scientists and strictly male.

The building of the complex has a museum where you can see objects from excavations, paintings, sculptures and icons. The art gallery boasts works by El Greco, Caravaggio, Dali, Picasso, Monet and other famous masters; works of local monks are periodically exhibited here.

Practical information

GPS coordinates: 41.596738, 1.830072.

How to get there: from Barcelona by car, sightseeing bus or train. Trains leave from Espanya station every hour. First you need to take the metro to the Pl station. Espanya, then follow the signs towards line R5 (FGC apron). It is better to purchase a return ticket to the Aeri de Montserrat station. Travel time is approximately an hour. From the station a funicular and cable car go up the mountain (departures every 30 minutes), but you can climb on foot along one of 10 walking routes.

The monastery is open daily from 7:00 to 20:30, from December to June from 7:00 to 19:30. Entrance to the territory is free.

50 km from Barcelona on the holy mountain is the Benedictine monastery of Montserrat (pronounced omitting the letter T - Montserrat). On its territory there is a basilica with a throne and an image of Our Lady of the Black Madonna of Montserrat, the patron saint of Catalonia. Catholics and tourists come from all over the world to worship La Moreneta (Montserrat).

Mysterious legend

The Montserrat mountain massif has unusual shapes; it has no analogues on Earth. There has long been a mysterious legend that tells: young shepherds noticed a bright flash in the evening sky - the glow approached the ground and eventually disappeared behind the bald rocks. The enchanting action was accompanied by a pleasant melody.

A few days later, residents of nearby villages with the bishop from Manrez decided to go to the place where the heavenly radiance took place.

The picture they saw took their breath away: a cave appeared, inside it shone a statue of the Mother of God with a baby in her arms. The clergyman and local residents wanted to move the statue to the temple of the nearest city, but were unable to lift it.

Then they realized that it was God's Sign and left the Mother of God standing in the cave. Since then, Mount Montserrat has been considered sacred.

Ancient manuscripts indicate the date of the appearance of the mountain - 880. Monks live in the monastery, they devote themselves to prayers and caring for the temple.

The main facade of the monastery and the tower were built according to the design of Francesc Folgner (1942)

Spain, Montserrat monastery on the map:

What to see on the territory of the monastery

On the territory of the monastery there are several places of worship, which attract people not only from all over Spain, but also from all over the world. This is one of the places that fans of mountain tourism and mountaineering are very fond of; pay attention to the surface of the rocks when you go to Santa Cova - the Holy Cave with the Black Madonna; they are often decorated with climbing hooks driven into the rocks for belays.

But first things first.

Boys' Choir

In the 14th century, a music school for boys was opened at the monastery. The choir is considered the oldest in Europe. During lunch and evening hours, the boys perform a song daily in honor of Our Lady (Salve). The divine chants make the hearts of tourists and parishioners skip a beat.

Before the boys' choir performs, the basilica is packed with people. The chant consists of 2 songs and does not last long. At the end, several boys thank their listeners.

Montserrat Museum

On the street there is the Montserrat Museum, which is partially undergoing restoration.

Under its arches there are two mausoleums from the 16th century. One is the knight Juan of Aragon, and the second is Count Ribagors, the illegitimate grandson of King Juan 2 of Aragon.

Opposite is the tomb of Admiral Bernat de Vilamari, who was in the service of the king.

Tomb of Admiral Bernat de Vilamari

After passing under the arch and climbing the stairs, the three-level temple area unfolds. On the left side is the atrium of the basilica, which has marble stone flooring.

The basilica was consecrated at the end of the 16th century; its current appearance was created at the end of the 19th century. To the right of the center of the atrium, through the arch, the path to the Holy Virgin begins.

Statue of St. George, architect Josep Maria Subirax The façade of the basilica is Christ and the 12 Apostles.

The ritual ceremony of veneration of the image of Our Lady of Montserrat is represented by kissing or touching the right hand of the Madonna. In it she holds a ball - a symbol of the universe. In the left hand of the Mother of God is the baby Jesus.

Saint Montserrat is under glass, through the hole of which her right hand peeks out slightly. It is believed that if you perform the ritual, The Black Madonna of Montserrat will make your cherished wish come true. She is especially supportive of women asking for a long-awaited child. They say that the wish should come true within a year.

After this, be sure to thank the Black Madonna and bring photos or notes with wishes fulfilled, as well as things confirming this fact. The original statue has not survived. The museum copy of Montserrat (12th century) was affectionately nicknamed by the Catalans as Marinette the dark-skinned woman or the Black Madonna for her dark color. The wooden statue got this shade from candles burning nearby.

There is a balcony near the throne of the Madonna, which overlooks the altar and the basilica. The main altar was built in the late 60s, made of huge mountain stone. It is located on the site of an old altar.

The front silver part of the altar was made by masters Capdevila and Mainar. When leaving the basilica, next to the Chapel of the Holy Virgin there is a canopy, along the road is Ave Maria. On the right side, in the niches, many candles burn around the clock.

Tourist routes: green, blue, yellow

Many interesting routes along the slopes of the mountain range have been laid out for tourists. To overcome them, a person must be in good physical shape. These rocks are a favorite place for climbers and climbers.

Green route

The green route La Porta de Montserrat-Els Degotalls can be completed in 1.5 hours.

It starts on Escolania Boulevard. Not far from the basilica there is a building where boys from the monastery choir live.

A few meters later there is a structure called “Observation Deck of the Apostles”, there is also a restaurant and a cafe with a view of the mountain rocks and the temple. Also here is the “Square of the Apostles” and the “Staircase of Understanding”.

Ladder of Understanding

At the top, behind the tourist bus parking lot, there are stairs leading to a path. The road runs along a slope. Here is the beginning of the Kapel Path. The Magnificat and the Way of the Drops are divided into 2 parts.

Panorama from the observation deck

One part of the path dedicated to cultural figures is the “Alley of Masters”. Along the road, medallions, steles, and monuments are erected in honor of the memory of outstanding Catalan artists.

Alley of Masters

Along the second section of the road, majolica stones were installed in honor of the Holy Madonna. The last point of the green route is a stone shed. Water flows through its cracks in streams and creates a ringing sound. A place of peace and connection with nature!

Blue route

The route “Procession of the Cross - St. Michael the Hermit Fra Gary” takes 2 hours.

Pilgrims walk the Way of the Cross. Thus they pay tribute to the martyrdom experienced by Jesus Christ. The pilgrimage ritual takes place in all Catholic shrines of the world.

The path was created at the beginning of the last century, but in 1936 (during the Civil War) it was destroyed. Only the “Chapel of the Sorrowful” remained intact. After a while, another project of the Procession of the Cross was approved, which had 2 phases. One stage was represented by the sculptor Sanz Jordi, the second by Domenech Fit.

The route begins at the 1922 sculpture of the monastery's founder, Abbot Oliba. He sits in a chair, with his right hand he pays respects to the parishioners of the temple, and in his other hand he holds design sketches of the first Montserrat monastery.

Abbot Oliba

If you go up the stairs, you can see the sculpture of Jesus before his execution.

A winding path rises up, along it there are sculptures:

The procession ends with the “Chapel of the Sorrowful”. It is located at the bottom of the main road of the route, the path to it goes along the steps. The master of this creation is Enrico Sagnier. The idea of ​​building a chapel came to him after visiting the Hagia Sophia in Constantinople: a dome standing on four towers.

The gentle part of the path leads to the gate and the sculpture of St. Michael the Archangel. The road through a green tunnel of trees comes to a fork in the paths. The upper right path will lead to the “Chapel of St. Michael”, and the lower left path will lead to the Llobregat site and the Cross of the Archangel Michael.

Cross of Archangel Michael

The view of the Spanish monastery of Montserrat from the observation deck is amazing, it appears from a bird's eye view to be a miniature model.

The Chapel of St. Michael formerly housed a hermitage of 10th-century monks. At its base, Abbot Muntades built a new chapel in 1870. In the middle of the last century, a small portico was added to it, which serves as a haven for believing wanderers.

The ascent along the winding road past the “Monkey Channel” leads to the Fra Gari Cave. According to legends, before his reclusive life, Gary was tempted by the devil and committed a sinful act. Fra received a punishment: to live like a wild creature for the rest of his life. The cave looks like a canopy, with a broken piece of rock nearby.

From the Fra Gari site you can see the tops of the Little Mummy, Pregnant, and Elephant Trunk mountains. They received names based on the similarity of shapes to images. On the rock you can see the face of the Mother of God on majolica.

Majolica of the Mother of God

Yellow route

The yellow route “Holy Cave” is laid along a path with monuments - symbols of the life of the Holy Virgin; it takes about 2 hours to complete it.

The road goes to the chapel in the rock. According to legends, shepherds discovered an image of St. Mary in this place. Tourists can see the medallion of Pope John 22, who came to visit the Montserrat monastery in the middle of the last century.

Below is a statue of St. Dominic, he was the inspiration for the Prayers to the St. Madonna. The sculpture was built at the request of the monks in honor of the celebration of the Dominican Order.

Saint Dominic Statue

Along the route you can see traces of explosions. It has remained since the end of the 19th century. Then it was decided to expand the trail and build the “Path of Prayers of Mary of the Rosary.” A majolica of the Mother of God was installed at this place.

The Path of Prayer runs along 15 sacraments and biblical segments of the life of Mary and Christ. When you pass by the sacraments, according to custom, you need to say the prayer Our Father, as well as 10 Ave Maria, at the end read a prayer to the Glory of the Father.

The idea of ​​building the Rosary came from the canon. Craftsmen, sculptors, outstanding architects, incl. Antonio Gaudi, whose creations include such famous places as the temple

Near the lower stop of the Santa Cova funicular there are monuments symbolizing the sacraments:

Then come the “Sacraments of Sorrow”, the torment and death of Christ. These 5 sacraments were built on a flat section of the road above a cliff:

Next are the “Sacraments of Glory”. The 5 sacraments symbolize the triumph of Jesus and Mary.

At the end of the route, the Holy Cave Chapel opens, founded at the end of the 17th century. Over the course of 300 years, the building was restored many times. From the very first sample, the dome, Greek cross and tower have been preserved.

On the right side of the entrance is an illustration of the legend. Indoors, tourists leave souvenirs for Saint Montserrat. They ask her for the fulfillment of a wish. There is a well built inside the courtyard. The chapel is open until 16:30.

How to get to Montserrat Monastery

How to get from Barcelona to Montserrat Monastery by public transport

Trains run from the underground station (line 5 to Manresa). If tourists go up to the temple by cable car, they need to follow it to the Aerie Montserrat station. And if they go up on a rack (a train of 3 carriages), go to the Monistrol de Montserrat station.

Having approached the monastery, they can use the funiculars: Santa Cova will lower you below the shrine, Sant Joan will raise you up.

How to get from Barcelona to Montserrat Monastery by metro

The metro entrance is located under the orange Ferrocarrils sign. Signs will tell you which train goes to Montserrat. They usually depart from routes 3 and 4.

From the underground metro station “Plaza di Spagna” you need to go to the platform of the red line 1 trains, which go to the final station “Fondo”. There are vending machines near the platform that sell tickets. There is no Russian-language menu in the machines; credit cards and cash are accepted (bills 5-20, coins 1, 2, 5).

Company personnel are on duty near the turnstiles; they can offer assistance in purchasing a ticket.

You can also get here by car. You can find out how to rent a car in Barcelona online

5 routes and ticket prices in low season

In January 2013, a festival of sacred music was held in Moscow. The boys' choir from the Montserrat Monastery performed at the concert. Famous works were performed accompanied by piano and organ. The audience was delighted! The chapel tours under the direction of Bernat Vivancos.

We invite you to learn about ways to save on flights from Moscow to Barcelona.

We invite you to watch a video of the Boys' Choir of the Montserrat Monastery in Moscow:


The magical setting of the monastery and the grandeur of architectural creations will more than once evoke vivid memories among tourists. They will certainly want to return again to Spain to Black Montserrat in order to bow to her and leave a note with a fulfilled wish.

There are several mountain formations in the world that are stunning in their beauty, and one such example is Mount Montserrat. Spain, which has many natural attractions, is nevertheless proud of this masterpiece of the planet's tectonic activity.

The Montserrat Mountains are one of the main attractions of Catalonia, an autonomous region of Spain. Located fifty kilometers from the city of Barcelona. "Montserrat" means "cleft mountain" in Spanish.


The Montserrat Mountains are at the center of a vast nature reserve. It is visited annually by millions of tourists from all over the world. As noted in the reviews, an excursion to Mount Montserrat, a unique tectonic formation, begins in Barcelona, ​​from where special buses depart regularly, route “A”. In addition to the rocks themselves, tourists can visit the ancient Benedict monastery, a religious symbol of Catalonia, which is also a center of pilgrimage for Catholics from all continents.


The Montserrat mountains are not the only ones in the world if we consider them from the point of view of their appearance on the surface of the planet. The Bastei rocks in Germany and the famous Krasnoyarsk Pillars in Russia arose in a similar way. However, the Montserrat mountains are unique in their structure; they are, so to speak, “highly artistic.” Their main difference is the distinctly rounded tops, reminiscent of human heads. The figures of people seemed to be located below, some standing straight, others half-bent, frozen in a bow.


From Barcelona to the very foot of the mountains there is a highway consisting of two highways - a toll highway and a regular free one. Tourists note that a significant part of the path passes along a mountain serpentine, the trip along which is just as exciting, since the surrounding landscape simply fascinates with its beauty. The speed has to be reduced, but you still have unforgettable impressions of magnificent nature.

Up from the foot, in addition to the highway, there is the Aeri de Montserrat cable car. The funicular rails, which are named Kremalier, run parallel to it. Reviews from tourists note the following: in the cabins of the suspension system there are no seats, you have to stand, but the funicular is equipped with quite comfortable seats, sitting on which you can admire the surrounding nature along the entire journey.

Characteristic signs

The Montserrat mountains are so unusual, bizarre and beautiful with some special wild beauty that you can look at them for hours. Towards evening, the rocks acquire mystery, the slanting rays of the sun create deep moving shadows in the folds of the giant mountains, and it seems that a little more - and the giants will move from their place.

Gloomy caves, chaotically located on steep rocky slopes, give the impression of the presence of living creatures, although in reality there is no life in the faults and cracks, only stones and dried plants. On clear, fine days, the mountains are visible from afar, and on cloudy weather, clouds envelop the peaks, as if clinging to cold stones. The mesmerizing beauty of Montserrat has repeatedly inspired poets, musicians and artists.


Like any grandiose natural phenomenon, the rocks are shrouded in many legends, one of which tells about the origin of unusual faults in the mountain range. An ancient story says that one day angels descended on Montserrat, bored by the monotonous landscape and did not know what to do. Eventually, they began to split the massive stone pillars with lightning.

As a result of their creative activity, various surrealistic paintings appeared. The mountain was named Montserrat (cut), and the locals called the bizarre stone formations: “The Face of the Holy Virgin”, “The Finger of God”, “The Head of the Elephant”, “The Humpbacked Camel”, “The Belly of the Bishop”, “Bernard’s Horse”, “The Mummy” ".

Monastery on Montserrat mountain in Spain

The monastery on Mount Montserrat was first mentioned in the chronicle of 880 AD. In the ninth century, there were four monastic hermitages on a site high in the mountains, and a hundred and fifty years later a Benedictine monastery in the style of Romanesque architecture was built in that place. At the beginning of the 12th century, the monastery took its final architectural forms. Thus, in the depths of the rocky mountains of Montserrat, a Catholic prayer house appeared with all services and premises for the monks living there.

The history of the monastery is replete with numerous events. Christopher Columbus, a faithful admirer of the Montserrat monastery, during one of his travels named the island he discovered in the Antilles archipelago in honor of the holy mountain monastery. Later, the head of the Jesuit order, Ignatius Loyola, made a pilgrimage to the monastery. In 1592, a cathedral in the Renaissance style with Gothic elements was built on the territory of the monastery. This was the first temple built in the mountains.

Bonaparte the Destroyer

In 1811, the monastery suffered from barbaric acts: Napoleon's troops destroyed it and burned all the wooden floors. Only the Romanesque portal and the Gothic cloister of the cathedral have survived. The restoration of the monastery began only in 1844 and lasted about a hundred years. In the twentieth century, the monastery regained its lost status and became a symbol of Catalonia.

Interior decoration

The interior of the Montserrat Cathedral represents a unique alliance of several styles and eras. The altar is made from a single piece of rocky stone and decorated with silver and enamel. The Throne Room houses a statue of the Virgin Mary Immaculate of Montserrat. The throne of the Madonna herself is cast from pure silver. The altar chapel was built by the famous architect Antonio Gaudi.

A unique tradition is observed in the cathedral: at one o'clock in the afternoon, every day a choir of boys, students of the music school Escolania de Montserrat, sings the hymn to the Virgin Mary, the song "Virolai". The school was founded in the 13th century and is the oldest musical institution in the entire European territory. The boys' choir participates in all liturgies.


The Montserrat Monastery houses the national shrine of Catalonia - the statue of Our Lady and Child. Pilgrims from all over the world flock to see the relic. The meter-tall dark wood statue is called the “Black Madonna.” The sculpture was hidden in 1811 from French soldiers.

At the altar, where the shrine is located, there is always a queue of people who want to touch the Madonna and worship her. There is a belief that the Mother of God has the gift of healing the sick and suffering. There is a special room in the cathedral where people put brought crutches, orthopedic prostheses and other accessories that they no longer need after healing.

Mount Montserrat. How to get there?

There are several types of transport with which you can get to the popular tourist site. This is a bus that leaves strictly on schedule. Other buses set off with organized groups of tourists at a convenient time. You can also get to the massif by renting a car in Barcelona.

Mount Montserrat on the map is designated as a landscaped hill with a height of more than a thousand meters with all access roads, funiculars and cable cars. It is impossible to go astray or get lost.

Such a natural attraction as Mount Montserrat will remain in the memory of an inquisitive traveler for a long time. Spain is an unforgettable country in itself, but its unique tectonic phenomenon is especially interesting for tourists. Believers find the opportunity to worship shrines in the monastery and cathedral.

And on the scale of all of Spain, the most significant objects are, of course, Madrid, Seville, Mount Montserrat, Barcelona and the island of Tenerife.

And one of the main centers of pilgrimage among Catholics in Catalonia. Today, about 80 monks live here and worship services are held. Here you can enjoy the amazing singing of choir boys.

History of the founding of the Montserrat monastery

The history of the creation of this amazing mountain monastery is covered with many legends and traditions. It is believed that they themselves the mountains of Montserrat were created by an angel, who, seeing the dullness of the surrounding landscape, decided to give it a unique outline.
The legend of the creation of the Montserrat monastery tells that one day mountain shepherds found in one of the caves a statue of the Virgin Mary with little Jesus in her arms. The found figurine turned out to be miraculous, and soon, in the 8th century, the first monastery was built on this site.
The true history of the creation and development of the monastery is connected with the name Count Oliva- Abbot of Ripolsky. It was this descendant of an ancient noble family, who was fond of architecture, who in 1025 founded a monastery on the site of 4 ancient monasteries and settled the first group of monks here.

Two centuries later, in the 13th century, the mountain monastery of Montserrat became one of the most revered shrines of the Christian world, and in 1409 it gained independence from Ripoll Abbey. Already in 1493, the monastery was included in the congregation (association) of Valladolid.
At the very end of the 15th century, the monks of Montserrat became acquainted with a new art form - printing. In 1560 - 1592 Active work was carried out on the construction of the current cathedral, which was built with voluntary donations from believers.
The monastery suffered greatly during the Napoleonic Wars. They destroyed the monastery buildings and took away all the relics. The monks managed to hide only a figurine of the Black Madonna.
The monastery began its revival only a century later, in the 19th century. Already in 1858, after gaining complete independence, he joined the Subiaco congregation, and the main relic of the monastery - the statue of Our Lady - became the patroness of Catalonia. Since 1892, a funicular was installed, which simplified the path to this shrine.
The monastery continued its development in the 20th century. Thanks to the diligence of Abbot Marcet, a library was founded, and in 1990 a rack railway was opened.

Main attractions and relics

Architecture of Montserrat Monastery

The architecture of the Montserrat monastery is of great interest to tourists, since the most famous artists and sculptors of the 19th – 20th centuries worked to create the image of the main cathedral. In 1881, this building, which displays completely different styles, was given the status of “basilica”.

Particularly interesting Throne room, which houses the most valuable relic of the monastery and Main altar of the cathedral, carved from rock and decorated with silver. The work of decorating the altar chapel was supervised by the famous architect A. Gaudi.
The monastery offers various routes along the mountain trails around Montserrat. Here you can see various sculptural compositions and works of ceramic art.

Black Madonna

The greatest attraction of Montserrat Monastery is – famous figurine "Black Madonna". This famous national shrine of Catalonia attracts more than two million pilgrims from all over the world every year, because it is believed that this sculpture helps women conceive a child. The Virgin Mary is depicted with a globe in her right hand, and her left hand rests on the shoulder of a baby, who holds a fertility symbol - a cone, and gives a blessing to pilgrims.

Did you know? There are many legends regarding the black color of the figurine. Most likely, the wooden sculpture darkened due to the varnish coating and soot from church candles.


The Montserrat monastery has created an excellent library, which contains unique handwritten medieval publications, as well as books dating back to the 15th century. The most valuable exhibit in the collection is the ancient manuscript Llibre Vermel, dating back to the 14th century, which contains ten medieval folklore works.
The monastery printing house is also interesting. It is one of the oldest printing centers throughout the Iberian Peninsula.

Important! Access to the library is closed to ordinary tourists. Only the most outstanding male scientists can get here.

Montserrat Museum

The Montserrat monastery has a wonderful museum that introduces visitors to the work of the monks and the history of the monastery. All collections of this institution are divided into five exhibitions:

  1. Archaeological collection. It presents the cultural heritage of the countries of the East.
  2. Iconography– a collection with unique examples of Orthodox icons.
  3. Collection of precious stones.
  4. Sculpture and painting in the 15th – 17th centuries. In addition to works of art, this exhibition also contains artifacts from the Ancient One and even a real mummy.
  5. Picture gallery of the 19th – 20th centuries. It presents original works by Claude Monet, Salvador Dali and other famous artists.


Montserrat Monastery is located on the territory national park of catalonia, the flora of which includes more than one and a half thousand plants. The monastery is located at an altitude of 725 m, and it offers stunning views of the surrounding area.
Of particular interest to tourists are mountains of Montserrat. They are composed of thousands of bizarre limestone rocks, which in the human imagination take on the forms of bizarre sculptures: Mummy, Elephant Trunk, Horse, Bishop's Belly, etc.

Did you know? Near the monastery there is a large market for monastic culinary products, where you can buy local cheeses and other delicacies.

How to get to Montserrat Monastery from Barcelona

The monastery of Montserrat is located just 50 kilometers northwest of the capital of Catalonia. You can get to the monastery by bus, metro or private car.

By car

  • Once you leave Barcelona, ​​get moving Avinguda Diagonal street.
  • Further about 5 km along the A-2 highway to the intersection Martorell – Lleida.
  • Continue along the N-II highway for about 35 km until Montserrat – Manresa.
  • Continuing towards Manresa, take the exit Carretera del Bruc.
  • After driving about 1 km, turn left to Carretera de Monistor de Montserrat.
  • Moving in a straight line for about 8 km, you will reach ultimate goal.

Did you know? The best option for tourists is to leave the car at the free Monistrol Vila parking lot and then continue towards the monastery using the rack railway.

By bus

Bus from a Catalan carrier Autocares Julia, which is the best way to get to Montserrat Monastery, departs at 9:15 from Sants station and returns back at 17:00.
There is also a regular bus service from Plaça dels Països Catalanes train station. Buses start at 9:00 am and end at 5:00 pm.
In addition, tourists who do not want to get to the monastery on their own can use one of the. A guided tour will cost you around 30-50 euros. The disadvantage of this method is that you will be limited in time and choice of attractions.


  • Start your journey with a stop Plaza España(green branch).
  • Next, following the signs, go to FGC stations, where commuter trains arrive.
  • Find line L5. Here you can consult with special workers about ways to get to the monastery.
  • Take the train with direction P.I. Spain – Manresa-Baixador.
  • Then you can get off at the stop Montserrat-Aeri and get to the mountain monastery using the funicular.
  • Or, having reached Monistrol de Montserrat, then take the rack railway Gremallera.

Did you know? When purchasing a round-trip metro ticket, you will receive a significant discount. The total cost of the trip will be approximately 18 euros.

Trip to the Monastery on Montserrat Mountain

An interesting video by a tourist who talks about her trip to this ancient monastery. Enjoy your viewing!

Monastery operating hours

Entrance to the monastery territory is free daily for all visitors.

Opening hours of the monastery: 7:00 – 20:30 (in spring and winter the monastery is open until 19:30).
Perhaps some of our readers had the opportunity to enjoy this ancient landmark of Catalonia in person? Be sure to write about your impressions in the comments!

The Kingdom of Spain is an independent state located in southwestern Europe on the Iberian Peninsula, which it shares with Portugal. The capital city is Madrid. It is one of the most mountainous countries in Europe. It is washed by the Atlantic Ocean (in the west and north) and the Mediterranean Sea (in the east and south).

Not far from Barcelona is one of the most mysterious sights of Spain - Montserrat.

Location of Montserrat mountain

Montserrat is a mountain that has a very bizarre shape and is located fifty kilometers from the capital of Catalonia - halfway to the Pyrenees. Translated from Catalan, Montserrat means jagged or cut mountains. Millions of years ago, on the site of modern Catalonia, there was a sea, which then rose up, turning into a mountain range. Afterwards the glacier melted and the formation of the Pyrenees occurred. But Mount Montserrat broke away from the main ridge and remained standing alone. Its height is 1236 m, its width is five kilometers, and its length is ten kilometers.

To get to the mountain you need various means of transport. You can get to its foot by bus or car along the motorway, or by train departing from Plaza de España in Barcelona. Then the ascent up the mountain can be done in three ways: by mountain train (cremaller), on foot or by cable car. And you can get to the highest point of the mountain by cable car. From there there are three walking routes. In total, there are about ten walking routes for tourists to climb Montserrat and walk along its slopes.

Monastery on the Mountain and the Black Madonna

There is a Benedictine monastery on Mount Montserrat, which can be reached in a couple of hours from the Llobregat River valley along a mountain path. This place has attracted tourists and pilgrims for a long time, so in 1892 a funicular was built from the monastery to a place called Monistrol de Montserrat. Then it was replaced by a cable car.

The monastery itself was founded in 1025 by Oliba (Abbot of Rippol). The monastery was rebuilt several times, Napoleon's army destroyed it, but it was later restored. The most recent buildings were made at the beginning of the last century. Currently, approximately 100 Benedictine monks live there. There is also a hotel that accepts pilgrims.

The main object of pilgrimage is the statue of the Black Madonna (La Moreneta) kept in the monastery. Legend has it that it was carved by St. Luke and then taken to Spain by St. Peter. In 718, the statue was hidden in the Montserrat mountains to save its Saracens, and then it was lost. In 890, the Black Madonna was miraculously discovered by shepherds in a cave, where they came under the influence of angelic singing and a mysterious radiance. A chapel was built in this place, and the cave became known as Santa Cova.

The statue that pilgrims and tourists now come to dates back to the 12th century. There are different theories that explain the black color of the Child and the Madonna. By the way, none of them has a plausible justification. Perhaps it was darkened by the numerous candles that burned near it for centuries.

Various historical figures made pilgrimages to La Moreneta, for example, St. Ignatius of Loyola, who hung his arms at its altar and took the path of religious asceticism. In 1881, Pope Leo XIII canonized the statue, proclaiming her the patron saint of Catalonia. It is believed that this statue helps girls become mothers, so there are many young couples and women here who want to get pregnant.

The monastery has an art gallery where you can observe paintings by classical painters (Morales, Caravaggio, El Greco) and modern ones (Degas, Dali, Picasso). But the huge library suffered greatly during Napoleonic times. Now it contains about four hundred original manuscripts, including Egyptian papyri, the Libre Vermille collection of songs, rare medieval manuscripts, etc.

Excursions to Montserrat and approximate prices

Usually tourists visit Montserrat in a group accompanied by a guide. Such excursions are organized by various travel agencies. The most popular starting points for excursions to Montserrat are the resorts of the Costa Dorada and Costa Brava, as well as Barcelona and Girona.

The excursion begins with a visit to the monastery with the Black Madonna and the church boys' choir. Next comes a tour of the museum exhibits. Using the funicular, you can climb to the very top in time and admire the beauty of the view.

The duration of the trip in an organized group is about 5 hours. As a rule, tourists are given free time so that they can have lunch. The average cost of lunch in local restaurants is 15 euros.

The price of a group excursion to Mount Montserrat with a visit to the monastery is on average 55 euros per person when purchased at a travel agency office or from distributors, and when booked in advance online - about €45.

One-day bus and walking tour in Russian to the Montserrat monastery complex - one of the most beautiful places in Spain. Departure from Barcelona from Plaza Catalunya on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays at 09:00.

Cost: €45 per person. Duration: 5 hours.

You can also book a tour with a private guide. It is held for 1-4 people. Travel to your destination - by car from Barcelona, ​​Girona or neighboring cities. Price - €288 for a group.

Some legends about Mount Montserrat have already been mentioned above. She is so unusual in her appearance that it evokes real awe and delight. The mountain is formed by large bald rocks that look like idols. Narrow channels look like fancy patterns. And the gloomy caves give a special mystery to the whole local appearance.

In sunny weather, Montserrat is visible from a great distance, but in cloudy weather it seems as if the clouds are clinging to the rocks. Local beauty has been a source of special inspiration for poets, musicians and artists throughout history.

Numerous stories and legends are associated with the mountain. One of these legends tells that at one fine moment angels descended to the top. They were bored with the surrounding landscape, and they decided to cut the mountain into two equal parts, decorating it with various figures. From that time on, it began to be called Montserrat - the sawn mountain. And the strangely shaped stone formations received the following names: Head of an Elephant, Finger of God, Camel, Face of the Holy Virgin.

Another legend says: In 880, the children of local shepherds noticed bright lighting in the mountains. They froze from the singing of angels and wonderful music. After what happened, they immediately rushed home to tell their parents everything. But they could not believe in such a miracle. And yet, adults came to that place to see what really happened. Over the course of a month, the parents also received visions. These were Divine signs.

The vicar, coming to the same place, also witnessed a miracle. Inexplicable things happened on Mount Montserrat. The priests managed to find the image of the Virgin Mary in the cave. Since that time, believing pilgrims began to come there. Nowadays there is a holy grotto there. People from all over the world come here to see the holy places.


To visualize what you have read, watch Maria’s video from visiting Mount Montserrat in Spain.