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What happened to Rihanna Granda May. Terrorist attack at an Ariana Grande concert. From the scene

A suicide bomber carried out an explosion in Manchester during an Ariana Grande concert. 19 people died.

In Manchester (UK), an explosion occurred during an Ariana Grande concert at the Manchester Arena.

A representative for Ariana Grande said the singer was not injured.

According to available data, at least 19 people were killed and another 50 were injured as a result of the tragedy. As the administration of the concert hall told reporters, the incident occurred in the dance floor, far from the stage.

The explosion at the Manchester Arena, which seats more than 20,000 spectators and was filled to capacity, occurred at the end of Ariana Grande's performance, as spectators rushed to the exit. The explosion occurred in the area near the ticket offices near the building. Panic began in the hall; in the crush, some children lost their parents.

According to Reuters, British police believe that the incident was a terrorist attack and suspect that it was committed by a suicide bomber. Soon after the explosion, panic began; shocked people tried to leave the concert hall at any cost.

NBC News also reports that the number of victims is significantly higher than officially announced and could reach "hundreds." It is known that the Manchester Ambulance Service recommended contacting only in case of a threat to life, as all efforts were devoted to saving the lives of victims of the terrorist attack.

At about 3:40 Moscow time, information about a possible suicide bombing was confirmed by Reuters sources in the American intelligence services.

British Prime Minister Theresa May called the Manchester explosion a terrible terrorist attack. "We are working to establish the full circumstances of what police are treating as a horrific terrorist attack... Our thoughts are with the victims and the families of those affected," the prime minister's office said.

Sky reports that May has canceled campaign events scheduled for Tuesday in connection with the terrorist attack.

Information about the suicide bomber at the entrance to the Manchester Arena is confirmed by American journalist Yashar Ali. He refers to three sources, as well as to a discussion of the terrorist attack on Telegram, in which supporters of the terrorist group “Islamic State” (a terrorist organization banned in Russia) are participating.

A video from the scene of the incident, filmed by eyewitnesses, appeared on the Internet.

Sky quotes Susie Mitchell, a resident of the building located opposite the Manchester Arena. She claims she was awakened by the loud sound of an explosion. At the same time, she points out that her windows face the opposite side.

One of the concertgoers told the BBC that there were many children in the hall.

In the Manchester Arena area, sappers carried out a controlled detonation of an object. "Officers carrying out a controlled explosion in the Cathedral Garden area confirm this was discarded clothing and not any other suspicious item," Manchester Police later tweeted.

According to Sky News, people who were injured during the terrorist attack are now being taken to hospitals in Manchester. According to doctors, some of the wounded received injuries characteristic of the impact of shrapnel on the human body.

Manchester Arena was built in 1995 and has since become a venue for various public events. This is the largest concert venue in the city. Ariana Grande is currently on tour in Europe. She has sung previously in Dublin and London.

Tonight, a terrible tragedy occurred at the concert of the popular singer Ariana Grande in Manchester. Shortly after the show ended, an explosion occurred in the hall. This happened at the very moment when the assembled audience was still in full force in the indoor stadium. According to the latest data, 22 people died on the spot and 59 spectators were seriously injured. Within minutes, social networks were filled with terrifying footage from the scene of the incident - people left the site in panic, trying to get out onto the street as soon as possible.

It is noteworthy that Ariana Grande's audience is predominantly young people and teenagers. After some time, posts began to appear on the Internet saying that parents could not find their children. It is known that the artist herself was not injured. Ariana is shocked by what happened and cannot recover from her experience. On the social network Twitter, the idol of millions left a post in which she shared her feelings.

“Broken. From the bottom of my heart, I'm so sorry. I have no words,” Grande wrote on her Twitter page.

The police are considering the possibility of a terrorist attack. It is likely that more information about the tragedy and its consequences will appear in the near future. Now people around the world are leaving their condolences to the families of those killed and injured in trouble in Manchester.

Journalists contacted eyewitnesses of the emergency. Louise and Nikolai, who were at the concert, said that they heard only one explosion, which reminded them of cotton.

“At the very end, after she sang the last song and we were about to leave, we heard a pop to our left. People began to flee from there, panic began. There was a terrible crush, people were very panicked and crying. There were a lot of children. People threw their phones. We ourselves were also very panicked. And they didn’t know what to do with it. Then we went to the entrance. Already when we approached the main foyer, we felt a smell - it smelled of either sulfur, or gunpowder or burnt rubber... We left the back entrance, in a crowd of people and a crush... We found out what happened when we returned home “, the young people shared with correspondents.

Law enforcement officials are considering the possibility of a terrorist attack. NBC News, citing sources, reports that the explosion could have been carried out by a suicide bomber. According to CBS, the bombs were filled with destructive elements.

According to TMZ, the singer decided to take a break from her micro tour. Ariana canceled her performance in London and rescheduled concerts in a number of European countries - Belgium, Poland, Germany and Switzerland.

British Prime Minister Theresa May said that law enforcement officials were investigating the incident. After the tragedy, the politician suspended her election campaign.

According to eyewitnesses Louise and Nikolai, there was “no security at all” at the stadium. “There were no metal detectors, practically no bags were checked. There were no instruments, they just took water. We opened the bags, but the employee did not check the contents, did not feel them, did not check them. I was just taking water. These were arena employees, obviously not police,” Dozh quotes fans of the American performer.

Other concertgoers wrote on social networks that they were shocked by what happened. According to one Ariana Grande fan, he heard a sound similar to thunder. "We had a number of people with panic attacks and all sorts of disorders... One girl had a panic attack, another had tears streaming, a woman outside had a heart attack," Tyler told The Guardian.

“As we were leaving, the bomb exploded centimeters away from me. People's skin, blood, feces everywhere, including in my hair and on my bag. I still find God knows what in my hair,” Abby Mullen wrote on Facebook.

At the moment, police have blocked road traffic in Manchester, leaving the city is limited. A number of countries have already expressed their condolences to Great Britain. The Russian Federation Council stated that they are ready to help in the investigation of the terrorist attack at the stadium.

Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Lofven is shocked by what happened in Manchester. "Terrible news from Manchester. Our thoughts are with the victims, their loved ones and the British people,” the politician said in a statement.

British police later confirmed that the explosion was carried out by a suicide bomber, who died at the scene. According to Sky News, the explosive device was in the attacker's backpack. The terrorist organization ISIS, banned in Russia and a number of other countries, claimed responsibility for the incident.

Note that a photograph of a bloodied Ariana Grande has spread across the Internet. In the photo that appeared on the Internet, the American singer holds her head with her hand. After some time, it turned out that the frame, which did not make much noise, was fake. It was taken back in 2015 on the set of the artist’s video.

Newly elected French President Emmanuel Macron expressed his condolences to the British people in a post on social media. The politician noted that the countries will fight terrorism together.

The explosion occurred in the crowd at about 22:30 London local time in the transition from the Manchester Arena to Victoria railway station in the Cathedral Gardens area. At this time, the concert of singer Ariana Grande, who was touring in support of her album “Dangerous Woman,” ended at the arena.

The concert hall seats 21 thousand people, and eyewitnesses say that there were no empty seats at the show. Spectators were already leaving their seats when they heard a loud bang. At first, many did not understand what had happened, but then panic began in the upper rows and spectators rushed to the exits. Newsweek reports this.

The explosion killed 22 people: a young audience gathered at Ariana’s concert, so most of the dead and injured were teenagers and children. About 60 more people were injured in various ways. All of them were taken to the hospital, where doctors are treating them.

Police immediately closed Manchester's main stations: Piccadilly and Victoria. The UK has introduced its second-highest “severe” terror threat level, indicating the likelihood of a militant attack.

People help victims near the Manchester Arena after the explosion | Photo: / Press Association

Soon there was a report of another explosion in the Victoria area.

However, it later became known that the police found an ownerless bag there. To play it safe, it was destroyed in a controlled explosion. There was no bomb in the things - apparently, one of the spectators forgot the bag in the confusion.

Explosion site between Manchester Arena (left) and Victoria railway station (right) | Photo: / By K.K. Rebecca Lai

According to police, the explosion was carried out by a suicide bomber. Presumably, a homemade bomb made from TNT sticks filled with nail trimmings was in his backpack. He chose the most optimal place for the explosion: the terrorist knew that all visitors were checked at the Manchester Arena itself, so he might not get to the concert with a bomb.

Then the terrorist ambushed people in the passage to the railway station - this is a closed passage where the crowd has nowhere to hide. This tactic worked: the terrorist himself died in the explosion, taking two dozen more young people with him.

Fragments of the terrorist's body were found at the scene of the explosion, and the police are now establishing his identity.

The police do not rule out that he had accomplices at the concert or in the city, so they are now checking this option. After the terrorist attack, messages appeared on social networks in Arabic that members of the terrorist group ISIS took responsibility for the attack.

Allegedly, this was ISIS’s revenge for airstrikes on Mosul in Syria: in 2016–2017, British aircraft provided air cover for the advance of coalition troops by land.

Rita Katz, head of the SITE publication, which tracks militant activity, reported this on Twitter.

“One of the soldiers of the caliphate managed to place explosive devices in the center of a gathering of crusaders in the British city of Manchester. The devices exploded in the Arena building, where “depraved concerts” were being held, the report said.

“As a result, about 30 crusaders were killed and another 70 were injured,” the IS said in a statement quoted by the head of SITE on Twitter.

ISIS jihadists celebrate 'successful and unexpected' massacre at Manchester Arena | Photo: / Press Association

Immediately after the explosion, Manchester residents started the hashtag #RoomForManchester. In this way, they informed the audience of the concert at the Manchester Arena that they were ready to host them for the night or give them a free ride.

Ariana Grande, at whose concert the tragedy occurred, is “broken” by the incident. The girl wrote about this on her Twitter:

“I am deeply sorry that this happened. There are no words,” said the singer.
After the terrorist attack, the performer decided to suspend her world tour.

Security experts believe well-trained people were behind the attack.

“I would not talk about the failure of the British intelligence services, because it is becoming increasingly difficult to prevent terrorist attacks: the equivalent of one kilogram of TNT can now fit into a shirt pocket.

If we talk about the method of execution, the terrorist chose the optimal moment: after the concert, the security forces relaxed, had less control over the situation, and therefore overlooked it,” Ramil Latypov, head of the Center for Analysis of Anti-Terrorist Threats, told Life.

British Prime Minister Theresa May said that police have information about who carried out the terrorist attack at the stadium in Manchester.

“Police and security services believe they know the identity of the man who carried out the attack in Manchester. However, at this stage of the investigation we cannot confirm his name.

There is no doubt that the people of Manchester were the victims of a cold-blooded terrorist attack. An attack calculatedly targeting our youth. This is one of the worst terrorist attacks in the history of the United Kingdom,” May said after a meeting of the COBRA emergency committee.

May confirmed that she was suspending her election campaign for the British Parliament in connection with the terrorist attack. The day before, Labor Party leader Jeremy Corbyn announced the suspension of the campaign. The timing of the resumption of the campaign for the early elections on June 8 has not been determined, Bloomberg notes.

Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain expressed her condolences to the relatives and friends of those killed and injured in the terrorist attack.

“I also want to express my admiration for the people of Manchester who met this barbaric act with humanity and compassion,” it said.

A little later, Manchester police reported that a 23-year-old man had been arrested in connection with the explosion at the Ariana Grande concert at the Manchester Arena concert venue.