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The earthquake in Italy now photos, videos, on the map. Earthquake in Italy now photo, video, on the map Map of Italy with the earthquake epicenter

The increasing frequency of tremors in Italy has recently become the number one topic in many media. Seismicity maps consistently show dozens of earthquakes every 24 hours in the region, with some reaching magnitudes of 6.6. For many residents of the Apennine Peninsula, these phenomena came as a surprise. In many cases, they rallied people to help each other, which helped save many people. After all, as the first principle of ALLATRA “VALUE OF LIFE” says:

“The highest value in this world is human life. The life of any person must be protected as if it were your own, because although it is fleeting, it gives everyone a chance to increase their main value - their inner spiritual wealth, the only thing that opens the Personality to true spiritual immortality.

Increase the main value of your life every day, for a person is suddenly mortal. Strive for perfection, align your personal choices and activities with the main meaning of your existence - the spiritual and moral transformation of yourself, serving the highest universal spiritual values.”

Statistics indicate 110 earthquakes in this region with a magnitude above 3.0 in the period from 01/05/2016 to 08/11/2016 (over the last six months).

Rice. 1. Map of seismic activity on the Apennine Peninsula and the eastern coast of the Adriatic and Ionian Seas with magnitude > 3.0 in the period 01/05/2016 to 08/11/2016.According toUSGS .

Scientists know today that the Apennine Peninsula, on which, in addition to Italy, also such states as San Marino and the Vatican are located, is located at the junction of three tectonic plates: African, Eurasian and Adriatic (Apulian). As a result, this region is characterized by mountain formations, volcanic and seismic activity.

Rice. 2. Tectonic structure of the Apennine Peninsula.

The Adriatic microplate once broke away from the African plate by the so-called transform fault, in which a new fault is located along the boundary of the lithospheric plate. The Adriatic plate is still moving towards the Eurasian plate and “dives” under the Apennine mountain range, moving from east to west and at the same time turning clockwise, creating stress in the earth’s crust. The Periadriatic fault, which runs through the Alps, separates these two plates. Part of the oceanic crust of the African Plate undergoes subduction at the southern boundary of the Adriatic Plate, leading to the formation of volcanoes in southern Italy.

“It is known that the African plate is slowly but surely sinking to the bottom. Africa is unlikely to sink, but Africa and Europe continue to get closer. The question is how they will meet,”- Rinus Wortel, Utrecht University (Netherlands).

The devastating earthquake that occurred in August and October 2016 in Italy was due to the movement of the Adriatic plate.

Rice. 3. Tectonic structure of the Apennine Peninsula. Arrows indicate compression and tension zones.

And the following figure shows the tectonic structure of Europe and the Middle East. After all, all the processes occurring in the earth’s crust are interconnected. Consequently, an increase in activity in one region can lead to a natural increase in activity in another.

Rice. 4. Tectonic structure of Europe and the Middle East.

Due to its complex geological structure, Italy is in risk areas:

Increased seismic activity. In 2016, we observed destructive earthquakes that occurred on August 24 (6.2 points), October 30 (6.6 points) and October 26 (6.1 points), etc.;

Mountain formations (Apennines, Alps);

Volcanic activity. There are 13 volcanoes in Italy, 3 of which are giant - Vesuvius (dormant), Stromboli and Etna (active).

Supervolcano – Phlegrean Fields caldera ( Italian Campi Flegrei), located northwest of Naples on the shores of the Gulf of Pozzuoli (Italian. Golfo di Pozzuoli). It also includes the coastal strip of the Tyrrhenian Sea ( Italian Mare Tirreno) at Qom ( Italian Cuma), as well as the islands of Nisida, Procida, Vivara and Ischia. The fields cover an area of ​​approximately 10 × 10 km. According to scientists, the last eruption of the Phlegrean Fields caldera occurred 39,280 years ago. The last activity of the caldera was recorded on November 29, 2015.

Rice. 5. Supervolcano – Phlegrean Fields caldera (Italy).

Note that according to the observations of scientists, unlike the Yellowstone (USA) and Aira (Japan) calderas, which are interconnected like communicating vessels, the Phlegrean Fields caldera does not pose a threat, at least in the coming years. But do not forget about the other aforementioned active tectonic and volcanic phenomena on the Apennine Peninsula.

It is worth noting that scientists from the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology said that, according to satellite photographs, due to the latest seismic activity in October 2016, the land in the Castelluccio area subsided by 70 cm.

In addition, according to representatives of the Italian Space Agency (Asi) and the Research Institute for Electromagnetic Imaging of the Natural Environment (Irea), an earthquake of magnitude 6.6 that occurred on October 30, 2016 in central Italy led to significant deformation of the earth's surface over a total area of ​​1,100 square kilometers.

Scientists, having studied images obtained from space, came to the conclusion that the area adjacent to the city of Norcia (Umbria region) shifted west by about 30 cm, while the area near the village of Montegallo (Marche region), on the contrary, moved east by approximately 40 cm.

All these processes indicate impending global cataclysms on planet Earth, for which all humanity needs to prepare in advance now. Speaking about preparation, we mean, first of all, not the construction of bunkers (which, by the way, is pointless), but the purification of human relationships, the improvement of the atmosphere in society. If people extend a hand of friendship and help to each other, then in times of difficult climate trials it will be much easier for all of us to survive them and make a worthy choice in favor of unity and friendship of all peoples of the world. Uniting people all over the world on the basis of spiritual and moral values ​​can change the course of history.

“People have been dreaming about such a society from time immemorial, calling it in their legends the “Land of Good,” “the state of bliss,” “the golden millennium,” “the world of justice,” “the millennium,” that is, the future, which can approach through divine intervention, but achieved through human actions,” from the AllatRa book.

“Given the impending global cataclysms, it is necessary for people themselves to begin to change their attitude towards themselves and towards society here and now. After all, it is not known who you will be tomorrow - a refugee or a host, and what your chances of survival will be in a given situation. In the modern world of global climate change, one cannot vouch for a single inch of land due to the emergence of new extreme natural anomalies that pose a danger even to relatively stable areas of residence. In other words, no one is immune from all sorts of growing risks, and each of us could become a climate refugee tomorrow. In this regard, it is extremely important to globally and quickly change the values ​​of society from a consumer format to a spiritual, moral, creative format, where goodness, humanity, conscience, mutual assistance, friendship, the dominance of spiritual and moral foundations would come first in relationships between people, regardless of their nationality, religion, social status and other conditional, artificial divisions of world society. When all people strive to create a life that is convenient for everyone around them, then in this life they will preserve themselves and their future.” From the ALLATRA SCIENCE scientific report “On the problems and consequences of global climate change on Earth. Effective ways to solve these problems.”

Prepared by: Ekaterina Ageichenko and Vitaly Afanasyev

An earthquake of magnitude 6.4 occurred in Italy overnight, affecting several major cities. According to the newspaper Reppublica, 14 people died. The Federal Tourism Agency reported that there should be no Russian tourists in the places where the earthquake occurred.

According to the latest data, at least 14 people died in Italy as a result of a powerful earthquake that occurred in the central part of the country on Wednesday night, local media reported.

Earthquake in Italy today 08/24/2016

An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.4 was recorded near the city of Terni, on the border of the regions of Lazio and Umbria in central Italy. According to the mayor of the city of Accumole, Stefano Petrucci, “a family, parents and two children remain under the rubble of a destroyed house; they show no signs of life.”

The Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations offered Italy the help of Russian rescuers in eliminating the consequences of the earthquake, the Ministry of Emergency Situations reports.

This proposal was made by the Minister of Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief Vladimir Puchkov. He sent a telegram to Fabrizio Curcio, director of the civil protection department of the Italian Council of Ministers.

“I would like to offer practical assistance to the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations in eliminating the consequences of a natural disaster,” the minister wrote in a telegram.

Russian specialists from Tsetrospas and the group for carrying out high-risk work “Leader” may already go to central Italy today. Our specialists from the humanitarian center located in the city of Nis in Serbia can also arrive there. Everything will depend on how quickly the authorities of the Iberian republic respond to the offer of assistance from the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Earthquake in Italy now photo

The first earthquake with a magnitude of 6.0, according to seismologists, occurred at 03.36 (04.36 Moscow time) on Wednesday. The epicenter of the earthquake was near the city of Accumoli in the capital region of Lazio at a depth of about four kilometers. The second shock of magnitude 5.4 was recorded at 04.34 (05.34 Moscow time) in the Umbria region. The vibrations of the earth's surface were felt in a number of cities in central Italy, including Rome and Bologna. Destruction was recorded in three Italian regions: Lazio, Umbria and Marche.

The mayor of Amatrice told a local radio station that some buildings in the city center had collapsed, leaving people trapped under the rubble. He also said that the earthquake left the city without power supply. According to Sergio Perozzi, “half the city has disappeared.”

“The roads into the city are blocked by rubble. People are under rubble. There was a landslide and the bridge may collapse,” he said in an interview with local radio station RAI.

The Italian Cabinet of Ministers, in turn, emphasized that they had contacted all the heads of regional rescue services.

Earthquake in Italy, Russian tourists

“We have a landslide on one of the roads, while the other one leading out of the city passes over a bridge that is about to collapse. People gather in sports centers. We have no electricity,” Pirozzi said.

“The push was so powerful! It seemed as if the bed was moving around the room with us,” Lina Mercantini from Ceselli in Umbria told Reuters.

According to the Associated Press, the mayor says it is necessary to bring in heavy equipment to clear the rubble and get to the wounded. When the presenter asked if there were any dead, he replied: “Look, there are no more houses here. I hope they will help us.”

The Russian Embassy in Italy does not yet have any information about possible Russian casualties as a result of the powerful earthquake that occurred on Wednesday night in the central part of the Apennine Peninsula, reports the head of the consular department of the Russian Embassy in Rome, Valeria Lysunkina. “There is no information about our citizens yet. Now we will start contacting the Italian side to find out the details,” the agency quotes the interlocutor. The embassy also stated over the phone that none of the Russian citizens turned to diplomats for help.

Earthquake in Italy is now on the map

Russian tourists in groups arriving in Italy through tour operators should not be in the place where the earthquake occurred, since this area of ​​the country is not among the popular tourist destinations, Svetlana Sergeeva, adviser to the head of the Federal Tourism Agency, said on Wednesday. .

The mayor of Amatrice said that the earthquake caused serious destruction in the village. About 2,700 people live in the city. According to mayor Sergio Pirozzi, there are people under the rubble of buildings.

An operational headquarters has been created under the country's Council of Ministers to coordinate search and rescue operations and liquidation of the consequences of the earthquake.

According to the latest data, not one, but at least six people died in the town of Accumoli, two more died in Arquata del Tronto and five people in Amatrice. In addition, in the town of Pescara del Tronto, a child died as a result, his parents are under the rubble.

Earthquake in Italy on August 24, 2016

A representative of the US Geological Survey (USGS) said that hundreds of people could become victims of the earthquake.

“According to our forecasts, the economic damage could be significant,” the scientist said, explaining that the seismic resistance of a large number of buildings in the region leaves much to be desired. “With a 35% probability, the death toll will be from 100 to a thousand. This is a very preliminary forecast,” he said.

In addition to professionals in their field, certified according to the international Insarag system, the Ministry of Emergency Situations can help Italian rescuers not only in clearing the rubble, but also in diagnosing the stability of buildings. We have a mobile diagnostic complex “Struna” to determine the degree of damage to structures. In addition, our dog handlers can be useful in Italy. Hundreds more people may be trapped under the rubble of buildings after a powerful earthquake.

Earthquake in Italy tonight

The Federal Agency for Tourism (Rosturizm) reports that Russian tourists in groups arriving in Italy through tour operators should not be in the place where the earthquake occurred, since this area of ​​the country is not among the popular tourist destinations, reports agency with reference to the adviser to the head of the agency Svetlana Sergeeva.

“Everyone remembers the terrible earthquake of 2009, when the capital of the Abruzzo region, the city of L'Aquila, was severely destroyed and hundreds of people died. But even then, it was mainly Italians who suffered, not tourists, since this area in the mountains is not a popular tourist route among our compatriots,” she explained.

Earthquake in Italy now video

Earthquake in Italy 08/24/2016 video

Earthquakes are a distant and unknown phenomenon for most people, but at the same time a very terrifying phenomenon. I think that there is not a person in our country who would not sympathize with the affected Italian families after the recent disaster in Amatrice and Accumoli.

Casualties, destruction and, of course, fear are the constant companions of any disaster. Not only local residents are afraid of a repetition of the disaster, but also tourists who exclude Italy from the list of possible holiday destinations.

We propose to consider this problem in more detail and understand whether earthquakes in Italy and in Italy are as terrible as the domestic media present them.

To understand why earthquakes occur in Italy, it is necessary to consider the tectonics of the earth's plates.

The Earth's shell is divided into several large tectonic plates. Earthquakes occur as a result of the release of energy in the earth's crust due to tectonic movements.

The southern part of the Italian peninsula is located close to the line where the Eurasian and African plates meet and push against each other, creating seismic tension. Large volcanoes (Etna), (Stromboli) and (Vesuvio) are very close to this zone.

Besides, Italy has a number of small faults along the Apennine Ridge (Appennini). It is gradually stretching at a rate of about 3 mm per year. This slow stretching causes energy to build up in the Earth's crust, which is then released during earthquakes.

Minor tremors occur almost daily. But they are so small that they go unnoticed.
Despite the fact that the territory of Italy is considered one of the most seismically active in Europe, it is worth noting that many large countries of the world are susceptible to earthquakes, such as Japan, the USA, Britain, India, New Zealand, Australia and several others.

Vulnerable regions

The areas most prone to earthquakes in Italy were legislated in 2003 to reduce the impact of disasters through the construction and proper placement of earthquake-resistant structures.

According to the legal measure, the Italian territory is divided into 4 zones depending on the likelihood of earthquakes:

  1. Zone 1 is the most dangerous areas where strong earthquakes can occur. Regions: Calabria, eastern part (Campania), western part (Abruzzo) and southern part (Umbria) (these are areas located along the Apennine ridge), east coast (Sicilia), (Friuli-Venezia Giulia).
  2. Zone 2 – These areas may be partially affected by strong earthquakes. Regions: most of Sicily (except the center of the west coast), (Basilicata), Molise (Molise), Marche (Marche), western Abruzzo, southeastern (Emilia-Romagna) and (Lombardia), western (Piemonte), western coast ( Toscana).
  3. Zone 3 – areas where minor fluctuations are possible. Regions: western (Liguria), southwestern Piedmont, almost all of Emilia-Romagna, central part of the region (Veneto), northern Apulia (Puglia), (Lazio), including (Roma).
  4. Zone 4 - the least dangerous areas with a low probability of seismic activity. Regions: southern Apulia (heel of the Italian boot on the map), (Sardegna), Valle d'Aosta, most of Piedmont, western and northern Lombardy, (Trentino-Alto Adige).

History of earthquakes

Over the past 2000 years, about 400 major earthquakes have been recorded on the territory of modern Italy, claiming the lives of several thousand people.

One of the largest natural disasters that occurred in Italy in 1783 is called the Calabrian earthquake. Tremors with a magnitude of more than 5.9 continued for almost 2 months. The estimated number of people killed was about 80,000.

In the first hour of the earthquake on February 5, 1783, the magnitude reached 8 points. Within just 1 minute, about 100 villages in the Calabria region were leveled to the ground. In some places, earth faults more than a kilometer long appeared. Witnesses claimed that “two mountains walked towards each other until they united into one, intercepting the river bed.” This is how new lakes appeared in the region, which 30 years later were artificially drained.

Several hundred people in the town of Scilla, having survived the first tremors, fled to the beach for shelter. Many of them drowned when repeated vibrations caused a tsunami. Thousands of people were killed by water in the cities of Reggio di Calabria and Messina. Suffering continued in southern Italy and Sicily throughout the rest of the winter. In addition, the latest tremors, which occurred on March 28, killed several thousand more people.

The Calabrian earthquake of 1783 is rightfully considered one of the most destructive disasters in the history of Western Europe.

Italy has also suffered a series of deadly fluctuations over the last century:

  • 1908 Sicily and Calabria (magnitude 7.1). The cities of Messina and Reggio Calabria were almost completely destroyed. The death toll reached 200 thousand people.
  • January 1915 Abruzzo. A devastating earthquake leveled the city of Avezzano, killing 30,000 people. Many people died from severe frosts, left homeless.
  • July 1930 Campaign. The magnitude 6.6 wobble claimed nearly 2,000 lives. Many people were saved by the fact that they were not in their homes, but were engaged in field work harvesting wheat.
  • May 1976 Friuli. Tremors of magnitude 6.5 in northeastern Italy. About 1,000 people were killed, 2,400 were injured, and 157,000 were left homeless.
  • November 1980 Campaign. With its epicenter in Eboli, the 6.9-magnitude earthquake killed 3,000 people and made about 200,000 homeless. Vibrated for 22 minutes after tremors stopped.
  • April 2009 Abruzzo. The magnitude 6.3 fluctuation left thousands of people homeless. About 300 died. The tremors were felt even in Rome, located 100 km from the epicenter. Members of the National Commission for the Prevention of Disasters were found guilty of manslaughter for failing to warn of the danger in a timely manner.
  • May 2012 Emilia-Romagna. 6.0 magnitude tremors in northern Italy. 24 people died, hundreds were injured, 15,000 people were left homeless.

Echoes of earthquakes in Rome

Although Rome is considered a seismically safe area and has never been the epicenter of earthquakes, in its history there are cases of tragic echoes of the elements that caused significant destruction.

For example, historians believe that the famous house on Valentini Street (Domus di palazzo Valentini) was once abandoned due to severe damage after strong tremors in the 5th century.

The terrible earthquake of 1349 with a magnitude of 6.9 in the Friuli region caused significant destruction in the capital of Italy. Thus, the famous Police Tower (Torre delle Milizie), located behind Traian's Market (Mercati di Traiano), lost two floors and acquired a slight slope.

Seismologists claim that it was a severe disaster that destroyed part (Colosseo) and damaged the basilica (basilica di San Paolo). By the way, the basilica suffered in each subsequent case, since it is located in the most vulnerable place - not far from. Francesco Petrarch witnessed the terrible destruction when he visited Rome in 1350. He describes abandoned buildings, destroyed churches, huge cracks in many structures. “Everything is sad,” he writes, “instills chilling horror!”

But perhaps the most destructive earthquake to reach the city was the disaster of 1703, which took place in central Italy. Several cities such as Norcia were wiped off the face of the Earth, churches, palaces, and monuments were destroyed. The Colosseum was damaged again. People have been sleeping on the streets for weeks as the aftershocks continue.

The elements did not leave the city alone. Two centuries later, horrific destruction and death occurred again. On January 13, 1915, at 7:55 am, the city began to shake, people ran out into the streets in panic. Even the Swiss guards and prelates, leaving their posts, rushed to the exits in horror. Two buildings completely collapsed, the Campidoglio was seriously damaged, cracks appeared on the walls of hundreds of buildings, and the Antonina column turned on its pedestal. Now the base of the column is located at the entrance to the Pinakothek, where we invite you to visit.

2016: consequences and affected areas

The media is filled with images of destroyed buildings and bloody bodies, striking fear into the minds of people around the world. But is everything so terrible?!

If you look closely at the dynamics of the number of victims in the history of Italian earthquakes, you can trace a natural decrease in the number of people killed. We invite you to familiarize yourself with what the republic is facing this time.

24 August

A powerful magnitude 6.2 earthquake rocked central Italy early on August 24. The tremors were caused by movement in the Tyrrhenian Basin (a seismically active area in the Mediterranean Sea).

The epicenter of the earthquake was about 10 km southeast of the historical tourist town of Norcia. As a result of the tremors, 297 people died: 234 in Amatrice, 11 in Accumoli, 49 in Arquata del Tronto. About 365 of the injured were taken to hospitals, while those with less serious injuries were treated at the scene. 238 people were rescued from the rubble thanks to timely measures taken.

The mayor of Amatrice said that “half of the city is practically destroyed.” Economic losses are estimated at between $1 billion and $11 billion.

Many medieval buildings were reduced to ruins. In Amatrice, the façade and rose-shaped window of the Church of Sant'Agostino were destroyed. A museum dedicated to the artist Nicolo Filotessio (student) collapsed. The shaking was also felt all the way to Rome (about 112 km southwest of the city). Cracks appeared in the Roman (Terme di Caracalla).

October 26 and 30

No sooner had Italy recovered from the summer disaster than it was struck by a new wave of tremors. A series of powerful earthquakes hit the country between the Marche and Umbria regions between October 26 and October 30, 2016:

  • Magnitude 5.5 8 km southeast of Sellano (October 26 at 20:11 Moscow time). The tremors were felt a little in Rome, although half of my Roman friends did not feel them. Several houses collapsed in the Marche region. There were power outages and telephone lines did not work.
  • Magnitude 6.1 3 km west of Visso (October 26 at 22:18 Moscow time). The consequences were less than expected. One man died after suffering a heart attack due to the earthquake.
  • Magnitude 6.6, 6 km north of Spoleto (October 30, 6:40 Moscow time). The village of Arquatadel Tronto was destroyed. More than 40 settlements were partially destroyed. About 100,000 people lost their homes. The Basilica of St. Benedict in Norcia was damaged. During the shaking, two women died from heart attacks.

The victims of the October disaster were avoided due to the fact that people managed to leave the buildings.

2017: earthquake on the island of Ischia

On Monday, August 21, at 20:57 local time in Italian (Ischia), an earthquake measuring 4.0 on the Richter scale occurred. Its epicenter was located in the sea 3 km north of the island at a depth of 5 km. Seismologists reported that the earthquake is of volcanic origin, since the island itself arose 150 thousand years ago after the eruption of underwater volcanoes.

As a result of the rampant disaster, 2 women were killed and 39 people were injured. The city of Casamicciola came under attack. About 2,000 people were left homeless and were quickly placed in hotels.

The good news that spread throughout the world was the rescue of three brothers from under the rubble of a destroyed building. The smallest, seven-month-old baby Pasquale, was found at night. He escaped with minor scratches. Eight-year-old Matthias was discovered in the morning, and teenager Kiro, 11, spent about 14 hours under the rubble. Their mother, who was 5 months pregnant, miraculously escaped through a bathroom window.

As noted, most of the destruction occurred due to the dilapidation of structures and non-compliance with earthquake prevention measures during the construction of new buildings. At the same time, the legality of the latter raises some doubts, since the Italian authorities are making significant efforts to ensure that the damage from the rampant nature is minimal.

It is worth emphasizing that this is not the first time that shaking has tormented the island. According to the Catalogo parametrico dei terremoti italiani 2015, Ischia was hit by earthquakes 12 times in the past. The last one dates back to November 23, 1980. The most destructive thing happened on July 28, 1883. It left behind more than 2,200 dead out of a population of 4,000. But in most cases the fluctuations did not exceed 4 points and were localized in small areas.

Therefore, the scale of the disaster on August 21 can be considered insignificant. By the way, residents of the southern part of the island did not feel the slightest tremors.

Not a single scientist in the world can give a long-term forecast for the occurrence of natural disasters. It is impossible to say with certainty whether another earthquake will occur in a year or 20 years. Seismologists say that the Italian territory could be subject to serious shocks every 10-15 years.

It is impossible to prevent an earthquake, but casualties and destruction can be avoided by constructing earthquake-resistant buildings. Today in Italy much attention is paid to disaster prevention policies. It is clear that buildings in small villages and historical buildings cannot be protected from the elements, but the construction of new buildings in large cities takes into account the vulnerability of the regions.

Of course, Italy is unsafe... Unsafe, like all other countries on our planet. We don’t know where and when nature will decide to show us its power: it will bring down showers and snowfalls or create a shake-up, spin a tornado or throw a meteorite. But the obvious fact is that you should not live in fear.

Not going to Italy because of the possibility of earthquakes is the same as not eating for fear of getting poisoned, not becoming a mother for fear of losing your figure, and not loving for fear of being abandoned, while suffering from loneliness. Moreover, in Rome and other big cities everything is calm and we learn about many disasters from family and friends who, seeing another story on the news, immediately call and worry.

The only fear that should be in us is to live the allotted time aimlessly. Rejoice, love, travel and remember: “It is not the one who is lost who is in trouble, but the one who is lost who has lost heart!” We are waiting for you in the Eternal City.


On Monday evening, an earthquake occurred on the Italian island of Ischia, which led to destruction in several settlements, there were injured and missing.

According to the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology of Italy (Ingv), an earthquake of magnitude 4.0 occurred at 20:58 (21:58 Moscow time). Its epicenter was located in the immediate vicinity of the western coast of the island in the sea at a depth of approximately 10 km.

Destruction was recorded in two resort towns - Casamicciola Terme and Lacco Ameno, which are located on the northern coast of the island.

According to eyewitnesses, vibrations of the earth's surface were clearly felt in various settlements of the island and caused panic among residents and numerous tourists vacationing in Ischia. The situation was aggravated by a complete blackout that occurred at that moment in the port of Ischia.

An ancient church collapsed in Casamicciola Terme. An elderly woman passing by was killed by one of the pieces of her façade. In the same locality, a residential building collapsed. Seven people were trapped under its ruins. Among them are three small children. Rescuers managed to extract three people from under the rubble of the building - two men and one woman, including the father of the children who remained under the rubble.

Executive Director of the Association of Tour Operators of Russia (ATOR) Maya Lomidze said that Ischia is one of the most popular Italian destinations on the Russian market. According to her, according to ATOR, there are no Russian citizens among the victims. Tour operators have not yet received any complaints or concerned calls from Russian tourists. However, she added that this is not final data. According to her, the information requires constant clarification.

According to a representative of the Russian Embassy, ​​diplomats contacted the competent authorities of Italy and tried to find out whether there were Russian citizens among those affected by the earthquake on the island of Ischia. So far the Italians do not have such information. The Russian embassy maintains constant contact with the Italian authorities.

Ischia is an island of volcanic origin, in the center of which is the extinct volcano Epomeo. It was thanks to geological features that thermal springs were formed there. In antiquity, numerous earthquakes and eruptions occurred on the island; the last strong earthquake was recorded in Ischia in 1883. Then the magnitude of the shock was 5.8, more than 2 thousand people became victims of the disaster.

According to experts, the magnitude of 3.6 is small for Italy. However, the danger lies in the fact that Ischia is located in close proximity to the active and dormant volcano Vesuvius, and also opposite a special zone called the Phlegrean Fields. This is a concentration of underwater volcanoes considered extinct, the eruptions of which lead to the phenomenon of bradyseism (local change in sea level).