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Sunday Rothschild time. First Russian Channel: Israel sucks the Rothschild “sow”

In our program we talked about the Rockefeller family of American billionaires. John Rockefeller was the richest man in the world at the beginning of the twentieth century. Perhaps the richest in the history of mankind. Then we talked about the Rothschild family. These bankers provided loans to many European monarchies in the 19th century. Their wealth is still enormous.

Conspiracy theorists around the world love these families. The life of these families provides rich soil for numerous historical and political speculations. Conspiracy theorists see in them the secret forces that rule the world. The forces that start and end wars, organize revolutions, change regimes. The forces that move history.

Is it possible? They are not gods, they are people. They are capitalists. And the main interest of a capitalist is profit. They work for their own profit. Did Rockefeller ask himself that the extreme concentration of the oil market he created was hindering the development of America? Did the Rothschilds understand that when they manipulated financial markets, this also hindered development?

I think that these smartest people understood everything perfectly. But such a formulation of the question is not for them. They worked for themselves, for their own interests. They increased their capital. Then other players came, new elites with their own interests and gave their answers to such questions. And these answers often led to decisions that were unfavorable to either the Rockefellers or the Rothschilds. For example, the destruction of the oil monopoly in the USA, the Standard Oil company. And no matter what they say about how cleverly John Rockefeller got out, how he retained control in several new companies, he actually lost a lot.

I think the world is too complex to be controlled from one headquarters. But if such a headquarters exists somewhere, it is not on Earth.

Numerous researchers of the life of the Rothschild and Rockefeller families are similar to alchemists. Some have been searching for the philosopher's stone for centuries to no avail, while others are looking for direct evidence of how exactly these families rule the world. What unites alchemists with Rothschild and Rockefeller scholars is the belief that the truth is somewhere nearby.

The Americans Rockefellers made their fortune from oil production. It is not for nothing that the first Rockefeller, John, born in 1839, managed to take control of 90% of the entire US oil industry.

“The Rockefellers are oil geopolitics and food. Back in the 70s, Kissinger said that if you control oil, you control nations, and if you control food, then all of humanity. Genetically modified foods are also in the possession of the Rockefellers, as are chemicals for the agricultural industry,” says economist, writer and political scientist Frederick William Engdahl.

The Europeans, the Rothschilds, built their empire on gold. Long before the Rockefellers. According to legend, the founder of the clan, Mayer Amschel, began by exchanging coins of the German principalities. Today, the family's fortune, according to some estimates, exceeds the UK's GDP - about three and a half trillion dollars.

But the reason for the confrontation between the richest families in the world is the confrontation between gold and oil. Europe and USA. No conspiracy theories. Only business. It's no secret that most of the world's gold is stored in the United States, in the banks of the US Federal Reserve System, which, in turn, is controlled by the Americans Rockefellers. Almost all European countries store gold there. But in 2013, the German Central Bank decided to return its gold, 300 tons. The United States gave it back in parts, stretching the procedure for almost four years. In February 2017, almost everything returned to Germany. Something similar has already happened in history - the French tried to return gold.

“Everyone remembers this episode, it is often mentioned very much. What a fellow De Gaulle is. He took them, collected these nasty green pieces of paper and went to the United States, and threw them away, said: “Take them! Choke and give back the gold!” But few people know that he carried out the will of the Rothschilds, because de Gaulle was closely connected with the Rothschilds. This backfired on De Gaulle. In 1968, there were unrest in France. In 1969 he flew away. The Rockefellers began to prepare a retaliatory strike. Are you hitting our gold standard? Very good! And we will completely uncouple gold from the dollar. But here the question arises: what can replace gold? Replace with oil,” explains Andrei Fursov, director of the Institute for Systemic and Strategic Analysis.

This is the ongoing struggle between the Americans Rockefellers and the Europeans Rothschilds.

“This is a big game that has been going on since at least the 16th century, it’s about conquering the world by all available means - war, trade, corruption,” says political scientist Emmanuel Leroy.

Then, in 1971, US President Nixon, realizing that others might follow de Gaulle, announced the suspension of the convertibility of the dollar into gold. That is, the dollar was no longer backed by gold. The price of oil came to the fore. Conditions for the world began to be dictated by those who print dollars and control the Federal Reserve System. That is, formally the Americans Rockefellers won then. Now they say that the European Rothschilds have struck back. Like, Donald Trump, the President of the United States, is their protege. However, against the backdrop of the struggle with each other, both the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers are striving for the same thing - increasing their own capital, and therefore influencing the world.

“The influence of these two families in the West is still great, and their era is not about to end. They are not enemies, they are different members of the same board of directors for the globalization of the world,” says Frederick William Engdahl.

It is difficult to predict how the new round of confrontation between the Rothschilds and Rockefellers will end for the world. Conspiracy theorists are talking about the imminent end of the Federal Reserve System and its offspring - the unbacked American dollar. But in this case, according to analysts, the entire global financial system will collapse. However, in the case of research into the activities of the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, it is always difficult to understand where conspiracy theories end and analytics begin. As well as vice versa.

What is known about the results of the negotiations in Milan? Nothing from their participants. They didn’t even hold the usual press conference with streamlined statements that they had agreed to improve the situation. Conclusion - the negotiations were not just “difficult”, as Klimkin called them, but tough, I suppose - ultimatum. But the ultimatum is not announced for gentlemanly reasons.

In my opinion, the United States, which was absent in Milan, presented Putin with an ultimatum: either he will “correct himself” or he will be very “hurt.” The ultimatum was presented through Merkel - Putin speaks little English, but is fluent in German, which is why he was wearing headphones at the table - everyone communicated in English. Putin promised to think about it. But they did not leave him the right to refuse - the United States had already taken the first step obliging Putin to accept the ultimatum: by the evening of October 17, they stopped the fall in the price of oil and even raised it by a couple of dollars. In return they demanded: a) the release of Savchenko and Solntsev; b) agree on October 21 with Ukraine on gas supplies. These are the first steps that Putin must take towards global normalization and a return to the status quo. The final step in their chain should be Putin’s departure from politics within a year. For example, for health reasons, as Yeltsin did on December 31, 1999. Otherwise...

Putin knows that it is “otherwise.” Therefore, it demonstrates negotiability in advance. On October 12, he announced the cessation of “exercises” near the borders of Ukraine and the return of 17.5 thousand military personnel to the barracks. NATO is watching this from space, does not see the withdrawal of troops, and makes a remark to Putin. On October 15, Putin signs the law on financing Russian parties from the state budget, which comes into force on January 1, 2015. On the same day in the Kremlin, at a meeting of the Council for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights under the President of the Russian Federation, Putin declares - “Kramatorsk is Ukraine, not Novorossiya". To pronounce this phrase, they “roll the ball” to Putin, reporting that supposedly officials in Kramatorsk are denying its residents pensions and child benefits, saying that Kramatorsk is not Ukraine. The source of this complaint to Putin is a certain Elizaveta Glinkina from Ukraine. A fake that allows Putin to show that he has no plans for Ukraine.

On the same day, October 15, US Secretary of State Kerry made an incomprehensible statement that there was a non-public agreement between Poroshenko and Putin as an addition to the Minsk Agreement. Kerry didn't say what. I won’t guess why or to whom it was addressed. On the same day, a day before the meeting in Milan, Ekho Moskvy broadcasts an interview with Navalny, who is under house arrest, in which he states that Crimea cannot be returned in any way. It seems that Gazprom-Media was against this interview, but it appeared. On October 16, Khodorkovsky made a similar blog entry, after which it became available to the media.

This was not expected from either of them. First assessment, Navalny and Khodorkovsky are preparing for presidential elections, but they are in 2018. It’s too early to flirt with quilted jackets and spoil your image abroad and among your supporters. Hence the conclusion, Navalny was told: in Milan they will “present” Putin and he will not be able to get away from it. Take action.

Only people from the Kremlin, of which he is a project of one of the “towers,” could have given this information to Navalny. Whether Khodorkovsky received it, from the White House or the Kremlin, or he guessed it himself, does not matter. But both received a signal - Putin is “leaving.” The unexpected “Crimean-nashism” of both is purely mercantile - Crimea must not only be returned, but also reparations must be paid for its occupation, just as Germany paid it to the USSR before 1953. In Ukraine, its size in June was estimated at about 1 trillion. UAH As presidential candidates, Navalny and Khodorkovsky are starting to bargain not to pay this reparation, especially since there may be a separate bill for Donbass. Neither of them wants to pay bills for Putin.

We don’t know what ultimatum the United States presented in Milan through Merkel. But a little analysis and we’ll get the answer: total confiscation of assets and accounts of Russian companies and officials in the West, along with their dachas, and a total “cover-up” of Russian agents and intelligence services. The agent may not even be imprisoned, but simply sent home in nothing but suits, which is worse for her than while away the time watching TV in a comfortable Dutch prison. The KGB's long-standing 20-year plan to take over the West from within is failing. This is a “nuclear” blow, including to Putin’s professional pride. A strike without missiles, declaration of war and armies crossing borders.

The first signs that the ultimatum mechanism has been launched are the statement of Tim Osborne, lawyer for Yukos investors, to the German magazine Der Spiegel, circulated on October 20 by Deutsche Welle, demanding the confiscation of Russian property in the EU and the United States to compensate for losses to Yukos. The day after Milan, information appears in the media about a Russian submarine off the coast of Sweden, “spying” on the exercises of the Swedish and Dutch fleets. The Swedish Foreign Ministry is very careful in its comments until October 20. But the Swedish newspapers “have a blast”, receiving information from the military. They report: this is the Dmitry Donskoy nuclear submarine, equipped with a Bulava missile system with hypersonic nuclear warheads. The Kremlin denies all this and ultimately assumes that this is not a Russian, but a Dutch submarine.

After Milan, Putin disappears for almost 3 days, just like Stalin after June 22. The website of the President of Russia is not updated on October 18 and 19, as well as on Monday morning. Only at one o'clock in the afternoon does very brief information appear on it: Putin is conferring with the Minister of Health Veronica Skvortsova. A Russian submarine got lost in the Baltic and is in distress, Lavrov promises to continue selling weapons to Syria and Iraq, and Putin is conferring on the budget of the Ministry of Health.

Putin is considering an ultimatum. Another indirect evidence of this process is the hesitation of his puppet Zakharchenko, who on October 18 unexpectedly declared that the DPR had entered a “phase” of peace with Ukraine, and on October 19 that the city of Berdyansk in the Zaporozhye region was the “ancestral lands” of the DPR and he would return it by force, simultaneously taking Mariupol.

Tomorrow, October 21st, there is a gas test for Putin. Will Putin leave quietly and when, having received guarantees from the US and the EU similar to those received by Yanukovych, or will he continue the war?

In Russian Channel One: Israel sucks the Rothschild “sow”

The first (public) channel of Russian TV showed a film about the Rothschild dynasty using anti-Semitic materials and caricatures.

We are talking about the film by Anton Vernitsky “The Rothschilds, mysterious and powerful. How do they fight to rule the world?

The film was shown in prime time on Channel One, on the evening of April 2, as part of the “Sunday Time” program with Valery Fadeev.

Already in the intro of the film about the Rothschilds (in the third minute of the program), an anti-Semitic caricature appeared on the screen - piglets, “decorated” with the flags of Israel, the USA and Great Britain, as well as the names of terrorist groups (IS, Al-Qaeda, Boko-Haram) grabbed their nipples sows with the inscription "Rothschild Bank".

Let us remember that the depiction of Jews in the form of pigs is a gross insult not only to the Jewish people, but also to the Jewish religion; even Soviet anti-Semitic propaganda usually did not allow this.

Vernitsky's film caused outrage among the head of the Department of Public Relations of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia (FEOR), Borukh Gorin, who today, in his commentary on this topic, in particular, wrote:

“The level of reporting is eloquently evidenced by the fact that one of the three experts who spoke on their own behalf was the writer Yuri Vorobievsky, who publicly stated several years ago that he considered the famous anti-Semitic fake “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” to be the authentic document... It’s sad that Channel One unwittingly acts as a transmitter of anti-Semitic fakes.”

As Kursor wrote, Jewish organizations and media from around the world became seriously interested in the problem of anti-Semitism on Russian television channels last summer.

We are talking, first of all, about the film “Titanic”, which was shown in prime time on REN-TV on August 5th.

The tragedy of the passengers of the ocean liner, which sank in 1912, was only the background for a detailed story about the “Masonic conspiracy”, which has strong anti-Semitic overtones.

Of particular interest in this context is the first of the two films, Titanic. Report from the other world." In fact, we are talking about a remake of a film that was prepared for broadcast on the eve of the centenary of the Titanic tragedy, but the editors of REN-TV do not focus the attention of the audience on this.

In the previous film, the announcer reported that by the end of 2012 (according to the forecast of the “end of the world” according to the Mayan calendar), the “group of 300” (aka Jewish Freemasons and Illuminati) will carry out a global coup, as a result of which a “world government” will come to power. .

This government will try to put “its people” at the head of the leading powers of the world, introduce a “single currency” and begin to severely punish everyone who does not submit to the global dictate of the “300 Club”.

In the new version of the film, these forecasts are no longer mentioned, which makes the materials contained in it “timeless” and relevant at the moment.

Among them are the sabotage of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (1986), the collapse of the USSR (1991) and the deliberate bombing of the Twin Towers in New York (2001), which was unfairly blamed on Arab terrorists.

The purpose of these terrible crimes is to intimidate people of good will and turn them into an obedient herd, doomed to submission or destruction.

“Russia is destined to play the role of third-class passengers on the Titanic, who were driven behind iron partitions and doomed to death in a sinking ship,” says the film about the atrocities of the Jews and their accomplices.

The new film of the First Channel of Television of the Russian Federation, as well as recent articles of this kind in the central Russian media, as well as statements on Jewish topics by deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, finally debunk the myth about the “absence” of state anti-Semitism in modern Russia.

Moreover, we may be talking about a government order, which creates the ground for a large-scale anti-Semitic campaign on the eve of the Passover holiday (the traditional period of “exacerbation” for anti-Semites).

In any case, without the Kremlin’s sanction, the release of an anti-Semitic film about “The Rothschilds and His Servants” on the main state channel of the Russian Federation in the most popular political (that is, propaganda) television program would have been impossible.

© Freeze frame video

It is fashionable to say that “we don’t watch TV”; even discussing TV programs is almost indecent. Meanwhile, as they write on social networks, “fascism crept up unnoticed.”

Few people paid attention to the final news program of Channel One this Sunday. But in vain - it showed a story about world government, illustrated by Goebbels propaganda. Literally.

On April 2, the “Sunday Time” program with Valery Fadeev aired a story about the Rothschild family, and as a version, without explaining that this was bullshit, it was said about the existence of a secret world government.

Of course, seriously analyzing the plot about the existence of a world government led by the Rothschilds and hints at its participation in the assassination of US President Kennedy - this already smacks of a medical diagnosis, but... This is shown throughout the country in the main final program of a national television channel! Moreover, the plot used a fragment of a film filmed in 1940 in Germany.

The full plot of “The Rothschilds, mysterious and powerful. How they fight to rule the world"

Let's repeat. A film was made in the Third Reich about a worldwide Jewish conspiracy. Propaganda, made by the department of Joseph Goebbels, expressing the misanthropic ideology of Nazism. And a fragment of this picture was shown on April 2, 2017 on the federal television channel in the Russian Federation as another version in the story about the existence of a world government.

In the plot “The Rothschilds, mysterious and powerful. How do they fight to rule the world?” under the authorship of Anton Vernitsky, the film itself is commented on as follows: “The propaganda orientation of the film is clear, by that time Germany was fiercely bombing London, and all Jews were either driven into ghettos or imprisoned.” That's all. That is, the very fact of the Jewish conspiracy (it is eloquently illustrated by the line connecting the cities on the map, which ultimately forms the six-pointed Star of David) is in no way denied.

In Russia, few people reacted to the Channel One story. Officially, no one at all, except for the head of the Department of Public Relations of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia (FEOR) Borukh Gorin. He wrote on April 4 in Lechaim magazine:

« We have seen how in recent years journalists, in pursuit of sensations, do not hesitate to use extremely dubious, if not “dirty” sources. Unfortunately, the report dedicated to the Rothschild family was no exception. Here, the viewer is presented as truth by the reasoning of conspiracy theorists about the supposedly existing secret world government, which includes the Rothschilds, about their financing of the “Islamic State” (banned in Russia), about the Rothschilds as organizers of the revolution of 1917 in retaliation for the refusal of Nicholas II to transfer control of Central Bank.

The level of reporting is eloquently evidenced by the fact that one of the three experts who spoke on their own behalf was the writer Yuri Vorobievsky, who publicly stated several years ago that he considered the famous anti-Semitic forgery “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion,” which turned into the “bible of anti-Semites,” to be an authentic document. . It’s sad that Channel One unwittingly acts as a broadcaster of anti-Semitic fakes.

That's all. No more official reaction. Even on social networks there was no big “wave”. Just a few posts like this:

Or this:

Everyone is so accustomed to playing with types of propaganda on television that this no longer surprises anyone. But in vain, as Alexander Raikov writes, whose Facebook post is given above:

«… 6 million Jews lost their lives only because a handful of inadequate hysterics believed in a conspiracy theory. 27 million Soviet citizens gave their lives so that this misanthropic hysteria would never be heard on air again. Among these millions, most likely, there are many relatives of Mr. Fadeev himself. But these victims do not at all embarrass Mr. Fadeev to repeat on air the words of the people who pushed them to their premature deaths».

Russian television: Israel sucks the Rothschild “sow”
04.04.2017, Cursor website.

Frame from the First Channel of the Russian Federation (snapshot). Photo: Cursor

The first (public) channel of Russian TV showed a film about the Rothschild dynasty using anti-Semitic materials and caricatures.

We are talking about the film by Anton Vernitsky “The Rothschilds, mysterious and powerful. How do they fight to rule the world? The film was shown in prime time on Channel One - on the evening of April 2, as part of the program “Sunday “Time” with Valery Fadeev.”

Already in the intro of the film about the Rothschilds (in the third minute of the program), an anti-Semitic caricature appeared on the screen - piglets, “decorated” with the flags of Israel, the USA and Great Britain, as well as the names of terrorist groups (ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Boko-Haram), grabbed their nipples sows with the inscription "Rothschild Bank".

Let us remember that the depiction of Jews in the form of pigs is a gross insult not only to the Jewish people, but also to the Jewish religion; even Soviet anti-Semitic propaganda usually did not allow this.

“Moreover, one of the first, back in 1940, at the German studio UFA. The Center for the Film Industry of the Third Reich, which was personally led by Propaganda Minister Goebbels, made a film about the Jew Nathan Rothschild and his business in England at the beginning of the 19th century. The propaganda intent of the film is clear. England has supposedly been conquered by Jews since then.”

However, the “swine” cartoon, which is presented by Channel One, contains the flag of Israel and the names of modern terrorist groups, that is, it clearly does not resemble the “Nazi era.”

But the modern Soviet-Russian anti-Semitic style in this drawing is not difficult to determine. In the West, a cartoon of this kind would cause a political scandal and legal proceedings.

Vernitsky's film caused outrage among the head of the Department of Public Relations of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia (FEOR), Borukh Gorin, who today, in his commentary on this topic, in particular, wrote:

“The level of reporting is eloquently evidenced by the fact that one of the three experts who spoke on their own behalf was the writer Yuri Vorobievsky, who publicly stated several years ago that he considered the famous anti-Semitic fake “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” to be the authentic document... It’s sad that Channel One unwittingly acts as a transmitter of anti-Semitic fakes.
Such things do not increase the ratings of TV shows, but the level of interethnic tension in society,” Borukh Gorin emphasized.

As Kursor wrote, Jewish organizations and media from around the world became seriously interested in the problem of anti-Semitism on Russian television channels last summer. We are talking, first of all, about the film “Titanic”, which was shown in prime time on REN-TV on August 5th. The tragedy of the passengers of the ocean liner, which sank in 1912, was only the background for a detailed story about the “Masonic conspiracy”, which has strong anti-Semitic overtones.

Of particular interest in this context is the first of the two films, Titanic. Report from the other world." In fact, we are talking about a remake of a film that was prepared for broadcast on the eve of the centenary of the Titanic tragedy, but the editors of REN-TV do not focus the attention of the audience on this. According to the authors of the documentary epic, the tragedy of the Titanic is the first mega-terrorist attack, after which other atrocities of the “Jew-Masons” followed.

Among them are sabotage at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (1986), the collapse of the USSR (1991) and the deliberate bombing of the “twin towers” ​​in New York (2001), in which not fair blamed Arab terrorists. The purpose of these terrible crimes is to intimidate people of good will and turn them into an obedient herd, doomed to submission or destruction.

“Russia is destined to play the role of third-class passengers on the Titanic, who were driven behind iron partitions and doomed to death in a sinking ship,” says the film about the atrocities of the Jews and their accomplices.

The new film of the First Channel of Television of the Russian Federation, as well as recent articles of this kind in the central Russian media, as well as statements on Jewish topics by deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, finally debunk the myth about the “absence” of state anti-Semitism in modern Russia. Moreover, we may be talking about a government order, which creates the ground for a large-scale anti-Semitic campaign on the eve of the Passover holiday (the traditional period of “exacerbation” for anti-Semites).

Anyway, Without the sanction of the Kremlin, the release of an anti-Semitic film about “The Rothschilds and His Servants” on the main State Channel of the Russian Federation in the most popular political (that is, propaganda) television program would have been impossible .