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Azerbaijani naval forces. Military experts: Azerbaijan has demonstrated a serious strengthening of its naval forces Inherited and donated

Azerbaijani Navy will receive new submarines
In the next three years, the Azerbaijani Navy will be strengthened with submarines.
As Vesti.Az reports with reference to, by order of Azerbaijan, submarines adapted to the conditions of the Caspian Sea are being manufactured in one of the foreign countries.
Note that these submarines are more modern and superior in a number of indicators to the Iranian Kilo.
Currently, the Azerbaijani Navy is armed with Triton-2M submarines.

Currently, the Azerbaijani Navy includes a brigade of surface ships, consisting of a water area protection division, a landing ship division, a minesweeper division, a search and rescue vessel division, and a training ship division. There are also separate detachments of auxiliary vessels (according to other sources, the water area protection division has currently been transformed into a brigade, and a division of “patrol ships” has been added to the surface ships brigade).
Almost all ships and vessels are based in Baku. The Navy includes a battalion of marines and a special purpose naval sabotage and reconnaissance center - military unit 641 (detachment of combat swimmers) in the Zykh area on the outskirts of Baku. Military unit 641 is armed with ultra-small submarines (group carriers of combat swimmers) of the Triton-1M and Triton-2 types left to Azerbaijan, as well as individual underwater vehicles for reconnaissance divers.
Of the warships of the Red Banner Caspian Flotilla that Azerbaijan inherited, the largest was the Project 159A patrol boat “Bakinets”. However, the Azerbaijani Navy failed to master the operation of this diesel-gas turbine anti-submarine missile system. This is clearly evidenced by the pitiful appearance of the ship (board number 404), moored - at least until recently - to the wall of the military ship repair plant (former Shipyard No. 23 of the USSR Navy) in Baku. However, with the help of Western and Eastern friends, the TFR underwent a complete overhaul with the replacement of the propulsion system. Also, during the repair, 400-mm torpedo tubes and RBU-6000 were removed, and two 30-mm AK-230 assault rifles were installed behind the wheelhouse. According to the Azerbaijani national classification, the former patrol ship is classified as a frigate (in Azerbaijani “frekat”), although it is more likely a corvette.

flagship of the Azerbaijani Navy SKR "G-121 Hussars", former Project 159A TFR "SKR-16 Bakinets"

The Azerbaijanis removed container launchers of P-15U anti-ship missiles from the Project 205U missile boat (formerly R-173), and now it forms one group of patrol boats with rather weak artillery weapons - a pair of 30-mm twin AK-230 anti-aircraft guns on each - together with two boats of project 205P (former AK-234 and AK-374). Another two or three boats of Project 205P are part of the coast guard of the maritime units of the Azerbaijani border troops. Apparently, due to the lack of anti-submarine torpedoes and specialists in their use and maintenance, 400-mm torpedo tubes were removed from Project 205P boats, according to the author.

patrol ship "R-212"
former radiation-chemical reconnaissance ship of project 1388R (KRKH-1)

To replenish the naval forces, the Azerbaijanis converted the former radiation-chemical reconnaissance ship of Project 1388R (KRKH-1) into patrol boats, installing on it two 14.5-mm twin 2M7 anti-aircraft machine gun mounts (it received the hull number P212) and a former rescue boat of project 368U (side number P219). The latter was armed according to the mobilization option provided for this project. The result was a kind of “small hunter” with a twin 25-mm 2M3M anti-aircraft machine gun and a 2M7 anti-aircraft machine gun mount, as well as two RBU-1200 rocket launchers. The Azerbaijani fleet also has a patrol boat (side number 137) of the well-known “border” project 1400M with a 12.7-mm coaxial machine gun mount “Utes-M” - a former AK-55.

patrol ship "R-214"
patrol ship "R-215"
patrol ship "R-216"
former training ships of the UK-3 project (Polish built)

The mine sweeping forces of the Azerbaijan Navy are represented by ships that more or less meet modern requirements - three basic minesweepers of Project 12650 (former BT-16, BT-103, BT-155) and two raid ships of Project 1258 (former RT-136 and RT-473). It is possible that one minesweeper of both projects has already been withdrawn from the fleet, and it only has two ships of project 12650 (side numbers M325 and M326) and one project 1258 (side number M237).

minesweeper "M-325"; minesweeper "M-326"
Project 1265 "Yakhont" minesweepers during service in the KVF were "BT-16" and "BT-21" respectively

Some sources claim that the Azerbaijanis have not two or three, but four Project 12650 minesweepers, as well as one basic Project 1252 minesweeper (formerly BT-177), which belongs to a small experimental series of mine hunters - the world’s first fiberglass mine defense ships.

minesweeper "M-327"; minesweeper "M-328"
Project 1258 "Korund" minesweepers during service in the KVF were "RT-473" and "RT-136" respectively

patrol ship "R-217"; patrol ship "R-218"
ships of project 722, Polish built

The group of amphibious forces of the fleet includes small landing ships - three Polish-built (former MDK-107 project 771A - D-431, side 309, former MDK-37 and MDK-687 projects 770T and 770MA - D-432 and D-433, side 291 and 380) and two projects 106 and 106K, known among sailors under the irreverent nickname “soap boxes”. The notoriety of “soap boxes” in the Caspian Sea is due to what took place in the early 1960s. case when, during an exercise near Baku, a sudden squall sank several of these flat-bottomed ships with motorized rifles and tanks on board. In general, the available squad of landing ships of the Azerbaijani Navy can take on board 22 T-55 tanks or up to 800 marines, i.e. they are more than enough for the entire Azerbaijani Marine Corps. There is also a Project 1785 landing boat (formerly D-603), which has a capacity of one T-72 tank or 20 marines.

SDK "D-431"; SDK "D-432"; SDK "D-433"; SDK "D-434"
former KFK KVF USSR Navy projects 770 and 771 ("D-433"), the projects are very similar to each other. During service in the USSR Navy, the ships bore numbers - "SDK-37, SDK-36, SDK-107, SDK-68, respectively

MDK "D-435"; MDK "D-436"
former MDK pr.106K KVF USSR Navy.

To provide maritime practice for cadets of the Azerbaijan Naval Academy, the T-710 training ship of Project 888, built for the USSR Navy in Poland (formerly Oka), is used. The T-710 is also used as a control ship. Three training boats of the UK-3 project, also of Polish origin, also serve for training purposes.
The auxiliary fleet of the Azerbaijani Navy is represented by more than two dozen different vessels, of which we can note the shallow-draft tanker of Project 10470, similar to the type “Oleg Koshevoy” (former bunkerer of the Kaspnefteflot “Sviyaga”), accepted after the collapse of the USSR from the civilian fleet with the assignment of hull number A671, a small base tanker of Project 1844 (side number, possibly T752), two small hydrographic vessels of Projects 871 and 872 (also “Poles”), two fire-fighting vessels (former PZhS-551 and PZhS-552) of Project 1893 - another such vessel “ General Hamidov” since Soviet times was included in the marine fire brigade of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Azerbaijan, two fire-fighting boats of project 364 (former PZhK-12 and PZhK-179), a small cable ship (former “Emba”) of project 1172, built in Finland (side number T750 ) and a hospital boat (with a hospital for 12 places) of the Polish project SK-620 (side number 385).

The current reserve of the Azerbaijan Navy is the coast guard of the maritime border parts of the country, which organizationally includes a brigade of patrol ships. In addition to two or three patrol boats of Project 205P, inherited from the former Baku separate brigade of border patrol ships of the KGB of the USSR, it includes a patrol boat S-201, built in 1969, decommissioned by the US Coast Guard (former Point Brower of the Point type, D series "). Perhaps the Americans gave Azerbaijan another Point. In addition, two or three patrol boats of the Silver Ship 48-foot type and smaller watercraft were received from the United States.

BOHR ship "S-004"; BOHR ship "S-005"; BOHR ship "S-006"; BOHR ship "S-007";
former ships of the Baku border brigade PSKR MChPV KGB of the USSR. The ships of Project 205 were partially disarmed (the TKAs were removed) and after the transfer they continued border service but as part of the Azerbaijani military personnel.

BOHR ship "S-008"
former RKA "R-173" KVF USSR Navy pr.205. The anti-ship missile containers were dismantled from the ship and included in the armored personnel carrier.

BOHR boat "S-11"; BOHR boat "S-12"
Two small boats were transferred to the Azerbaijani Civil Defense Forces by the US government

BOHR ship "S-14"
The Point class ship was transferred by the US government from its own armored personnel carrier to the Azerbaijani armed forces.

The lack of modern border ships forced the command of the Azerbaijani maritime border service to accept into the coast guard large sea supply tugs (with a displacement of about 3000 tons), previously owned by Kaspnefteflot - to some extent, these are analogues of the Russian border patrol ships of Project 745P with half the displacement. We are talking about two Polish-built vessels of the Whirlwind and Neftegaz type (projects B-92 and B-99) - “S-002” and “S-703”. A special feature of these vessels is the possibility of using them as auxiliary landing transports, since they can be used to transport troops and military equipment. Thus, on the deck of a vessel of the Neftegaz type, 13 floating armored personnel carriers BTR-60/70/80 can be placed, while it is possible that such armored vehicles can be dropped into the water from the stern. In any case, this technique was practiced in exercises during the existence of the USSR.

BOHR ship "S-701"; BOHR ship "S-002"; BOHR ship "S-003";
Former supply tugs transferred from Kaspnefteflot to the BCSR of Azerbaijan.

BOHR ship "S-703"
A former supply tug transferred from Kaspnefteflot to the BCSR of Azerbaijan.

The largest commercial fleet of Azerbaijan in the Caspian Sea should be considered the naval reserve. These are more than fifty vessels with a displacement of 1000 gross tons or more, including the roller coasters “Bestekar Kara Karaev” and “Bestekar Fikret Amirov”, which can transport troops and military equipment. It is enough to note that the capacity of each roller is 84 KamAZ trucks. There are also 14 bulk carriers and 40 tankers. This should also include the vessels of the Azerbaijani fishing and technical civil fleet - potential auxiliary minesweepers, patrol ships, and rescuers.

Last week, the Azerbaijani Navy conducted command and staff exercises in the national sector of the Caspian Sea. According to experts, the exercises were the largest in recent years and demonstrated a noticeable strengthening of the republic’s naval forces.

The main goal of the exercise was to plan joint actions to protect energy infrastructure in the operational zone of the sea. As the Ministry of Defense website clarified, about 3,000 military sailors, more than 30 warships, boats, up to 20 combat aircraft, helicopters and more than 20 missile and artillery installations were involved in the maneuvers.

At the first stage of the exercises, also conducted with the participation of the Air Force, missile forces, artillery, as well as special forces, groups of ships, units and subunits entered designated concentration areas. The tasks of manning and combat coordination were also successfully completed.

During the second stage of the exercises, combat aircraft and helicopters of the Air Force, missile forces and artillery forces stationed along the coast, as well as special forces, in cooperation with each other, completed combat training tasks to free an oil platform and a merchant ship, captured, according to legend, by a terrorist sabotage group, as well as the destruction of ships that illegally entered the operational zone. As a result, the targets were destroyed and the assigned tasks were completed.

Summing up the results of the exercises, Azerbaijani Defense Minister Zakir Hasanov highly praised the professionalism, level of practical and moral-psychological training of the personnel, as well as the combat readiness of the units involved in the exercises.

Let us recall that the new naval base at Cape Puta, Garadagh district of Baku, was opened in June last year. The base is equipped with the most modern equipment. Operational data on the surface situation in the Azerbaijani sector of the Caspian Sea is received here through radar stations installed at coastal and island radio technical posts

Russian military experts also monitored the exercises in the Caspian Sea. “The Azerbaijani military fleet is designed to solve the problems of protecting the interests of Azerbaijan in the Caspian Sea, primarily its economic zone. It consists mainly of light forces: these are boats, patrol ships and border patrol ships that provide cover for the indicated areas. The fleet is fully equipped to solve these problems,” he told the portal. "Moscow - Baku" First Vice-President of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems, Doctor of Military Sciences, First Rank Reserve Captain Konstantin Sivkov.

“The Azerbaijani Navy and its border ships are fully capable of solving the problems of combating various terrorist organizations, banditry, poaching. If necessary, the fleet can also interact with the Russian Caspian flotilla, taking into account the fact that the Iranian fleet, friendly to Russia, is nearby. Fortunately, he has no serious opponents there. There are agreements on the distribution of spheres of influence - and there, without the consent of the countries of the Caspian region, the appearance of warships of other states is unlikely,” concluded Mr. Sivkov.

The head of the South Caucasus club of political scientists, Ilgar Velizade, believes that the maneuvers on August 22-25 turned out to be the largest in recent years and “proved the growth of Azerbaijan’s military strength” in the Caspian Sea.

“Complex interaction between the navy and air force was worked out. The task was to identify groups of terrorists and prevent possible sabotage on main pipelines or attacks on oil and gas fields,” said Mr. Velizade, an expert to the Moscow-Baku portal.

As is known, after the collapse of the Soviet Union in the summer of 1992, the Caspian Flotilla was divided, as a result of which 30% of the floating and 100% of the coastal base of the Caspian Flotilla went to Azerbaijan. “The main backbone of the Navy is still the equipment left over from Soviet times. But the Navy is being modernized to a large extent, not least thanks to the assistance of the Russian side. For example, the ships are equipped with long-range warning systems and Uran-E anti-ship missiles, which began arriving from Russia in 2014. The fleet is being brought into line with the solution of current problems, in particular, to protect against attacks by mobile terrorist groups that can use boats. During the maneuvers, the Navy proved that it can effectively cope not only with large military targets, but with small and inconspicuous ones,” Mr. Velizade emphasized.

“Judging by the scale and objectives of the exercises, it can be said that the Navy also acts as an important resource that could, if necessary, provide support to both ground forces and combat aircraft and in proposed offensive operations deep in the territory of the republic - in Nagorno-Karabakh,” - added the expert.

According to military expert, third-rank reserve captain Dmitry Litovkin, the coast guard of the State Border Service remains an important component of Azerbaijan’s naval power.

“The Azerbaijani coast guard should be seriously strengthened by high-speed (speed of 32 knots, that is, 60 km per hour) coast guard patrol ships, which are now being built in Israel by Israel Shipyards. As far as is known from open sources, six such ships will be purchased. In the foreseeable future, the construction of Israeli-made corvettes for the Azerbaijani coast guard cannot be ruled out. The commissioning of Israeli ships and boats will firmly ensure Azerbaijan’s status as a third force in the Caspian Sea,” Mr. Litovkin told the Moscow-Baku portal.

In 1918, almost the entire Caspian flotilla of the collapsed Russian Empire came under the jurisdiction of the Musavatist Republic of Azerbaijan. Its naval forces included the seaworthy gunboats "Kars" and "Ardagan", the messenger ships "Astrabad" and "Geok-Tepe", the hydrographic vessel "Araks" and the port tug "Bailov".
Then the British transferred to Azerbaijan some of their warships and auxiliary watercraft - once Russian commercial ships, armed and suitably converted.
However, Azerbaijani officers—in the recent past, merchant seamen—were clearly burdened by their service. The few Russian officers remaining on the ships treated her no better, and there was nothing to say about the lower ranks. With such crews, ships and auxiliary vessels flying a flag with a crescent and an eight-pointed star practically lost their combat effectiveness. In the spring of 1920, the Azerbaijani Navy supported the local Bolsheviks, who, with the direct support of Soviet Russia, rebelled against the Musavatists, and were renamed the Red Fleet of Soviet Azerbaijan, which was led by the communist engineer Chingiz Ildrym. In the summer of 1920, this fleet became part of the Naval Forces of the Caspian Sea ()...

since 1931 – Caspian Flotilla
The division of the Red Banner Caspian Flotilla of the former USSR Navy between Baku and Moscow took place in July 1992, and from that time a new history of the national Azerbaijani Navy began. The current number of their personnel is about 2,500 people. The figure is, of course, modest, considering that the country’s armed forces number over 70 thousand military personnel.
Almost all ships and vessels are based in Baku. The Navy includes a battalion of marines and a special purpose naval sabotage and reconnaissance center - military unit 641 (detachment of combat swimmers) in the Zykh area on the outskirts of Baku. Military unit 641 is armed with ultra-small submarines (group carriers of combat swimmers) of the Triton-1M and Triton-2 types left to Azerbaijan, as well as individual underwater vehicles for reconnaissance divers.
Of the warships of the Red Banner Caspian Flotilla that Azerbaijan inherited, the largest was the Project 159A patrol boat “Bakinets”. However, the Azerbaijani Navy failed to master the operation of this diesel-gas turbine anti-submarine missile system. This is clearly evidenced by the pitiful appearance of the ship (board number 404), moored - at least until recently - to the wall of the military ship repair plant (former Shipyard No. 23 of the USSR Navy) in Baku. However, with the help of Western and Eastern friends, the TFR underwent a complete overhaul with the replacement of the propulsion system. Also, during the repair, 400-mm torpedo tubes and RBU-6000 were removed, and two 30-mm AK-230 assault rifles were installed behind the wheelhouse. According to the Azerbaijani national classification, the former patrol ship is classified as a frigate (in Azerbaijani “frekat”), although it is more likely a corvette.
The Azerbaijanis removed container launchers of P-15U anti-ship missiles from the Project 205U missile boat (formerly R-173), and now it forms one group of patrol boats with rather weak artillery weapons - a pair of 30-mm twin AK-230 anti-aircraft guns on each - together with two boats of project 205P (former AK-234 and AK-374). Another two or three boats of Project 205P are part of the coast guard of the maritime units of the Azerbaijani border troops. Apparently, due to the lack of anti-submarine torpedoes and specialists in their use and maintenance, 400-mm torpedo tubes were removed from Project 205P boats, according to the author.
To replenish the naval forces, the Azerbaijanis converted the former radiation-chemical reconnaissance ship of Project 1388R (KRKH-1) into patrol boats, installing on it two 14.5-mm twin 2M7 anti-aircraft machine gun mounts (it received the hull number P212) and a former rescue boat of project 368U (side number P219). The latter was armed according to the mobilization option provided for this project. The result was a kind of “small hunter” with a twin 25-mm 2M3M anti-aircraft machine gun and a 2M7 anti-aircraft machine gun mount, as well as two RBU-1200 rocket launchers. The Azerbaijani fleet also has a patrol boat (side number 137) of the well-known “border” project 1400M with a 12.7-mm coaxial machine gun mount “Utes-M” - a former AK-55.
The mine sweeping forces of the Azerbaijan Navy are represented by ships that more or less meet modern requirements - three basic minesweepers of Project 12650 (former BT-16, BT-103, BT-155) and two raid ships of Project 1258 (former RT-136 and RT-473). It is possible that one minesweeper of both projects has already been withdrawn from the fleet, and it only has two ships of Project 12650 (side numbers M325 and M326) and one Project 1258 (side number M237). Some sources claim that the Azerbaijanis have not two or three, but four Project 12650 minesweepers, as well as one basic Project 1252 minesweeper (formerly BT-177), which belongs to a small experimental series of mine hunters - the world’s first fiberglass mine defense ships.
The group of amphibious forces of the fleet includes small landing ships - three Polish-built (former MDK-107 project 771A - D-431, side 309, former MDK-37 and MDK-687 projects 770T and 770MA - D-432 and D-433, side 291 and 380) and two projects 106 and 106K, known among sailors under the irreverent nickname “soap boxes”. The notoriety of “soap boxes” in the Caspian Sea is due to what took place in the early 1960s. case when, during an exercise near Baku, a sudden squall sank several of these flat-bottomed ships with motorized rifles and tanks on board. In general, the available squad of landing ships of the Azerbaijani Navy can take on board 22 T-55 tanks or up to 800 marines, i.e.
To provide maritime practice for cadets of the Azerbaijan Naval Academy, the T-710 training ship of Project 888, built for the USSR Navy in Poland (formerly Oka), is used. The T-710 is also used as a control ship. Three training boats of the UK-3 project, also of Polish origin, also serve for training purposes.
The auxiliary fleet of the Azerbaijani Navy is represented by more than two dozen different vessels, of which we can note the shallow-draft tanker of Project 10470, similar to the type “Oleg Koshevoy” (former bunkerer of the Kaspnefteflot “Sviyaga”), accepted after the collapse of the USSR from the civilian fleet with the assignment of hull number A671, a small base tanker of Project 1844 (side number, possibly T752), two small hydrographic vessels of Projects 871 and 872 (also “Poles”), two fire-fighting vessels (former PZhS-551 and PZhS-552) of Project 1893 - another such vessel “ General Hamidov” since Soviet times was included in the marine fire brigade of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Azerbaijan, two fire-fighting boats of project 364 (former PZhK-12 and PZhK-179), a small cable ship (former “Emba”) of project 1172, built in Finland (side number T750 ) and a hospital boat (with a hospital for 12 places) of the Polish project SK-620 (side number 385).
The current reserve of the Azerbaijan Navy is the coast guard of the maritime border parts of the country, which organizationally includes a brigade of patrol ships. In addition to two or three patrol boats of Project 205P, inherited from the former Baku separate brigade of border patrol ships of the KGB of the USSR, it includes a patrol boat S-201, built in 1969, decommissioned by the US Coast Guard (former Point Brower of the Point type, D series "). Perhaps the Americans gave Azerbaijan another Point.
The lack of modern border ships forced the command of the Azerbaijani maritime border service to accept into the coast guard large sea supply tugs (with a displacement of about 3000 tons), previously owned by Kaspnefteflot - to some extent, these are analogues of the Russian border patrol ships of Project 745P with half the displacement. We are talking about two Polish-built vessels of the Whirlwind and Neftegaz types (projects B-92 and B-99) - “S-002” and “S-703”. A special feature of these vessels is the possibility of using them as auxiliary landing transports, since they can be used to transport troops and military equipment. Thus, on the deck of a vessel of the Neftegaz type, 13 floating armored personnel carriers BTR-60/70/80 can be placed, while it is possible that such armored vehicles can be dropped into the water from the stern. In any case, this technique was practiced in exercises during the existence of the USSR.
The largest commercial fleet of Azerbaijan in the Caspian Sea should be considered the naval reserve. These are more than fifty vessels with a displacement of 1000 gross tons or more, including the roller coasters “Bestekar Kara Karaev” and “Bestekar Fikret Amirov”, which can transport troops and military equipment. It is enough to note that the capacity of each roller is 84 KamAZ trucks. There are also 14 bulk carriers and 40 tankers. This should also include the vessels of the Azerbaijani fishing and technical civil fleet - potential auxiliary minesweepers, patrol ships, and rescuers.


  • 1. History
    • 1.1 Soviet Azerbaijan Fleet
    • 1.2 Rebirth
  • 2 Organizational composition
  • 3 Base points
  • 4 Combat composition
    • 4.1 Navy
    • 4.2 Marines
    • 4.3 Navy Special Forces
  • 5 Equipment and weapons
    • 5.1 Navy
    • 5.2 Marines
  • 6 Prefix of ships and vessels
  • 7 Flags of ships and vessels
    • 7.1 Official flags
  • 8 Rank insignia
    • 8.1 Admirals and officers
    • 8.2 Petty Officers and Sailors
    • 8.3 Signs on hats
  • Notes


Flag of the Azerbaijan Navy

Azerbaijan Navy(Azerb. Azərbaycan Hərbi Dəniz Qüvvələri) - one of the branches of the armed forces of Azerbaijan.

According to the International Institute for Strategic Studies, in 2005 the strength of the Azerbaijani Navy was 1,750 people. As of 2007, the strength of the Azerbaijani Navy was 2,500 people.

1. History

In 1867, the main base of the Russian Caspian military flotilla was transferred to Baku from Astrakhan. After the collapse of the Russian Empire, the ships of the Caspian military flotilla came under the control of the government of the Central Caspian Sea.

In the spring of 1920, the Azerbaijani Navy supported the local Bolsheviks who overthrew the Musavatist rule and was renamed the Red Fleet of Soviet Azerbaijan, which was led by Chingiz Ildrym. On May 1, the ships of the Volga-Caspian military flotilla entered Baku, where the Caspian military fleet was soon formed, consisting of 3 auxiliary cruisers, 10 destroyers, 4 submarines and other ships. On May 18, ships of the Volga-Caspian and Azerbaijan flotillas and landing detachments occupied Anzali, also capturing ships and vessels taken away by the White Guards and interventionists. In the summer of the same year, the Caspian and Azerbaijani fleets were combined into the Naval Forces of the Caspian Sea, renamed on June 27, 1931 the Caspian Flotilla of the USSR Navy. Russian military specialist Alexander Shirokorad notes that the Azerbaijani fleet ceased to exist no earlier than 1921.

1.2. Second birth

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the property of the Caspian Flotilla was divided between Russia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan. In the summer of 1992, the division of the Caspian Flotilla was completed, as a result of which 30% of the floating and 100% of the coastal base of the Caspian Flotilla came under the command of the Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan. The Azerbaijani Navy received the Bakinets patrol ship (project 159A), a missile boat (project 205U), two artillery boats (project 205 M), a patrol boat (project 1400M), three base (project 12650) and two raid (project 1258) minesweepers , three small (project 770T and 770MA) and medium (project 771A) landing ships, the hydrographic vessel "Resonance" and other watercraft.

2. Organizational composition

Organizationally, the Azerbaijan Navy includes:

Main Headquarters

  • Surface Ship Brigade
    • Water District Protection Division
    • Landing craft division
    • Minesweeper division
    • Search and Rescue Vessel Division
    • Training Court Division
  • Patrol boat brigade
  • Marines
  • Naval sabotage and reconnaissance brigade
  • Reserve
    • Azerbaijan Coast Guard
      • Patrol boat brigade
  • Mobilization reserve
    • Azerbaijan Merchant Navy
  • Educational establishments
    • Azerbaijan Higher Naval School- training of officers of the fleet and naval units of the border troops.
    • Azerbaijan Navy Training Center- training of midshipmen and foremen of contract service.

3. Base points

  • Naval Base Baku(Navy General Staff).
  • Naval Base Zykh(Marines)

4. Combat composition

As of 2006, the Navy included:

4.1. Navy


Type Board number Name As part of the fleet State Notes
Patrol ships
Project 159A patrol ship G121 Qusar no data in service
Missile boats
Project 205U missile boat S-008 no data no data in service former RKA "R-173"
Torpedo boats
Project 205P torpedo boat S-004 no data no data in service
Project 205P torpedo boat S-005 no data no data in service
Project 205P torpedo boat S-006 no data no data in service
Project 205P missile boat S-007 no data no data in service
Patrol boats
Project 1388R patrol boat P212 no data no data in service former radiation-chemical reconnaissance ship (KRKH-1)
Project 368T patrol boat P219 no data no data in service
Project 1400M patrol boat P222 no data no data in service former AK-55
Turk-class patrol boat P223 no data no data in service former Turkish AB-34
Point-class patrol boat S14 no data no data in service
Mine minesweepers
M325 no data no data in service
basic minesweeper project 1265 M326 no data no data in service
M327 no data no data in service
raid minesweeper project 1258 M328 no data no data in service
Landing ships
D433 no data no data in service former SDK-107
Project 771A small landing ship no data no data no data in service
Project 771A small landing ship no data no data no data in service
D431 no data no data in service former SDK-36
small landing ship project 770 D432 no data no data in service former SDK-37
small landing ship project 770 no data no data no data in service
D435 no data no data in service
small landing ship project 106K D436 no data no data in service
small landing ship project 106K no data no data no data in service
Landing craft 1785 D-437 no data no data in service former D-603
shallow draft tanker type???? no data no data no data in service
small base tanker type???? no data no data no data in service
Auxiliary ships and vessels
no data no data no data no data in service
no data no data no data no data in service
no data no data no data no data in service
no data no data no data no data in service
no data no data no data no data in service
no data no data no data no data in service
no data no data no data no data in service
no data no data no data no data in service
no data no data no data no data in service
no data no data no data in service
small hydrographic vessel type???? no data no data no data in service
no data no data no data in service
fire fighting vessel type???? no data no data no data in service
cable ship type???? no data no data no data in service
hospital-hospital boat type???? no data no data no data in service
Training ships
no data no data no data no data in service

4.2. Marines

4.3. Navy Special Forces

5. Equipment and weapons

5.1. Navy

5.2. Marines

6. Prefix of ships and vessels

7. Flags of ships and vessels

7.1. Official flags

President of Azerbaijan Commander-in-Chief of the Navy Chief of the General Staff of the Navy Commander of a group of ships
Braid pennant of the commander of a group of ships Braid pennant of a ship division commander Braid pennant of the senior on the roadstead

8. Insignia

8.1. Admirals and officers

Categories Admiral Senior officers Junior officers
Shoulder strap
Sleeve badge
Azerbaijani title Admiral Vitse-Admiral Counter-Admiral Birinci Dərəcəli Kapitan İkinci Dərəcəli Kapitan Üçüncü Dərəcəli Kapitan Captain-Lieutenant Bas Lieutenant Lieutenant Kiçik Lieutenant
Admiral Vice Admiral Rear Admiral Captain 1st rank Captain 2nd rank Captain 3rd rank Lieutenant Commander Senior Lieutenant Lieutenant Ensign

8.2. Petty Officers and Sailors

Categories Midshipmen Petty Officers Sailors
Shoulder strap
Azerbaijani title Bas Miçman Miçman Kiçik Miçman Birinci Starşina İkinci Starşina Üçüncü Starşina Bas Dənizçi Dənizçi
Senior midshipman Midshipman Chief petty officer Chief Petty Officer Petty Officer of the first article Foreman of the second article Senior sailor Sailor

According to xttp://

Number of people, thousand people 2004-1.75 2005-2.2

Azerbaijan received the Project 159A patrol ship "Bakinets" (interestingly, the second ship of this project "Komsomolets Dagestan", which went to Russia, was scrapped in the same 1992), a Project 205U missile boat, two Project 205M artillery boats (three more their Project 205P counterpart, according to some information, was left to Azerbaijan by border guards), a Project 1400M patrol boat, 3 base (Project 12650) and 2 raid (Project 1258) minesweepers, 3 small (Project 770T and 770MA) and medium (Project 771A) landing ships and a tank landing boat of Project 1785. The Azerbaijani Navy also received the training ship "Oka" of Project 888 (control ship T-710), two fire-fighting vessels, the small cable ship "Emba", the hydrographic vessel "Resonance" and some other auxiliary vessels.
According to the unofficial website of the Azerbaijani Navy, organizationally they include water area protection divisions, landing ships and special-purpose vessels. The Navy includes a patrol ship, 3 missile boats (which is doubtful, unless the Azerbaijanis, in addition to the existing boat of Project 205U, managed to restore 2 missile boats of Projects 205 and 183R that were previously scrapped), 3 base and 4 raid minesweepers, 7 landing ships, 2 training vessels and about 20 auxiliary vessels. The number of personnel in the fleet is about 2,500 people. The naval forces of the border troops are united into a brigade. At present, some of the Soviet ships that Azerbaijan inherited no longer have combat value due to their technical condition. Replenishment of the naval personnel of the Navy and maritime border guards is due to assistance from the United States and Turkey. In 2001, border troops received the first of two patrol boats promised by the Americans. In Turkey, in addition to the AB-34 boat (Turk type) it transferred, another 30 fast patrol boats were purchased). Azerbaijan has its own production base and professional personnel for the construction of small warships and auxiliary vessels, as well as their repair. The basis of this base is a complex of four shipyards of the former production facility "Kaspsudoremont", as well as a military shipyard (former shipyard - 23 USSR Navy) in Baku. Here it is possible to build or assemble patrol and landing boats, minesweepers and support vessels from imported components and sections.
1 SKR Bakinets (formerly SKR-16 pr. 159A, in service since 1967)
2 RKA pr.205U,
2 AK pr.205M (former AK-234 - (production No. 137) 1972, and AK-374 - (production No. 139) 1978)
1 AK pr.1400M (former AK-55),
3 BT pr.1265-Magomet Gadzhiev
2 RT pr.1258
4 recreation centers (3 MDK pr.770, 1 SDK pr.771)
o SDK-36-770MA/26 04/15/1965 01/12/1966 06/11/1966 KVF. From 06/03/1992 MDK-36. Since 07/03/1992 Azerbaijan. In service
o SDK-37-770MA/27 05/10/1965 02/05/1966 06/24/1966 Black Sea Fleet. Then KVF. From 06/03/1992 MDK-37. Since 07/03/1992 Azerbaijan. In service
o SDK-107 -771A/20 02/16/1968 10/22/1968 02/28/1969 KVF. From 06/03/1992 MDK-107. From 07/03/1993 Azerbaijan. In service

In 2004, the naval personnel of the national navy and border forces will continue to be replenished with assistance from the United States and Turkey. It is planned (at the Kaspsudoremont Production Association, as well as at the military ship repair plant) to create its own shipbuilding base for the assembly of small warships and auxiliary vessels, as well as their repair. The number of naval personnel will be increased from 2,500 to 3,000 military personnel.

Petya II-Light Frigate-1-1992
Osa II-Fast-Attack Craft-Missile-1-1993
Stenka-Fast-Attack Craft - Patrol-2-1992/93
Svetlyak-Patrol Craft-1-n/a
Turk(Araz)-Patrol Craft-1-07.2000
Zhukov-Patrol Craft-1-n/a
n/a-Coastal Patrol-2-2001/02
AV-34-Fast Coastal Patrol Craft-30-2001/03
Polnochny-Landing Ship-Tank-2-n/a
Vydra-Landing Craft-Utility-2-n/a
Vadim Popov-Research-1-n/a
Valerian Uryvayev-Research-2-n/a
Woodnik II-Training Ship-1-n/a

In the photo - a patrol boat received from the USA somewhere in 2001.