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Which city should I go to to earn money? Work abroad for Russians without knowledge of the language, vacancies and reviews. What the FMS advises you to pay attention to

Earning money abroad has always been considered one of the most profitable. Salary in American dollars or euros is an excellent way to significantly increase capital in a short time, save money to buy a home, car, and much more. Dr. In addition, work experience in foreign companies is a significant addition to your resume, which will directly benefit you when finding a job.

An example of a well-written resume

Russians often look for ways to go and work abroad. There are 2 main areas in which foreign companies offer vacancies:

  1. For unskilled labor. The level of wages here is not very high for residents of the country, but students and people without education and experience can earn much more abroad than what domestic companies offer. This includes vacancies in harvesting, service, cleaning and others.
  2. For highly qualified personnel. Foreign companies are interested in attracting experienced specialists in the field of medicine, science, and innovative technologies. Companies are ready to sponsor internships and teach the language to talented and promising personnel.

The opportunity to make good money, develop professionally, learn a language and enrich yourself culturally - all this has led to the popularity of earning money abroad among Russians.

Students and unskilled workers in most cases look for or in nearby European countries. This is due to the popularity of American programs in the employment market, and in the case of geographically close European countries - the low cost of crossing the border.

Before choosing where to go to work, you need to find out some factors for yourself:

  1. Degree of knowledge of foreign languages. To get a well-paid job, knowing only English may not be enough. In most cases, at least a minimum level of knowledge of the official language of the country you are traveling to is required.
  2. Scope of activity and payment. It will be easier to look for a job if you know exactly what position you want to fill or at least what field of activity you want to be involved in. It is also important to decide on the desired salary; carefully calculate how much money will be spent on rent, food, and other daily needs.

    Comparison of salaries in different countries

    Often, job seekers want to get a job in those companies that pay housing and health insurance for their employees, even if the wages are slightly lower than for the same vacancies in other companies.

  3. Availability of education and experience. This is especially important if the applicant is applying for long-term employment with high pay.
  4. A well-written resume. In many European countries, applicants' resumes are first screened by computer and then reviewed by HR specialists. Therefore, it is important to avoid various types of mistakes, present information as accurately as possible, and answer the questionnaire questions succinctly and to the point.
  5. Correctly executed documents that are necessary for legal employment. In different countries, the list of documents may vary significantly; you can find the list on the website of the consulate of the selected country.
  6. Familiarize yourself with the legislation and law of the countries of prospective employment. It is important to know the laws of the state to which you are going to travel, either for work or just on vacation. After all, in many countries, Russians can pay heavily with a huge fine for no reason. This is especially true of Asian countries, where residents respect not only laws, but also traditions, including religious ones.

This is not everything you need to know when looking for the right job. The list is simply endless and is individual for each country. Let’s try to figure out which countries are best to go to and what the prospects for employment there are.

Great Britain

Not every Russian will go to the UK for the purpose of employment, as this is a rather risky undertaking. Working in England and getting decent pay is not a pleasure for everyone. Unskilled labor is not particularly valued here. There is even less chance of finding a job if the applicant speaks little or no English at all.

work at a UK university

The problem with finding work in the UK began back in 2008. Then the circumstances developed as follows: the global economic crisis shook the financial condition of all countries. Great Britain was no exception. Many workers, both local and expatriate, were laid off or laid off. Therefore, finding a job has become a pressing issue that requires an immediate solution for both British citizens and immigrants.

Obtaining work in the UK was also made more difficult for Russians by laws passed in 2014, which also lifted restrictions on working in the UK.

These regulations tightened competition even further.

It is important to understand that at this stage of development of the labor market in the UK, only a qualified applicant can obtain a work visa. You can only go to the UK to work as service personnel, laborers and other unskilled workers illegally.

labor exchange in Great Britain


detailed map of Italy with provinces

For those who do not know the language at all, it is better to start their career in Italy from the south. Here you can start earning money without understanding a single word of Italian. In this case, the employer, if you are lucky, will pay for language courses, having mastered which, you will be able to move later to the north of the country, where wages are much higher. It is important to note that persons with higher education can qualify for good working and living conditions in Italy.

We are talking, of course, about obtaining a Blue Card. This certificate is issued not only in Italy, but also in any other country that is part of the European Union.

This is what the blue map of the European Union looks like


Germany is a highly developed country whose economic indicators demonstrate constant progress and improvement of the financial and economic systems. A particularly important component of the German economy is its significant industrial capacity.

A developed industrial complex that constantly introduces innovative ideas and technologies requires the involvement of highly qualified employees. Specialists in the fields of science, mechanical engineering, electronics, and electrical engineering are offered to work in Germany. In addition, production often requires not only specialists, but also general workers.

A woman in Germany can most often get a job as a dishwasher, maid, cleaner, that is, service personnel, if she does not have qualifications and knowledge of the language. If you have a certificate or good knowledge of German, the range of earning opportunities, as well as the amount of your salary, increases significantly.

If she knows German, a middle-aged woman can easily get a job as a nurse, nanny, or governess. Having an education or at least a certificate of completion of a course will increase your income opportunities. For example, an ordinary hairdresser can receive 1,500 euros per month, which is a fairly decent salary for a visiting immigrant.

It is important to note that carrying out illegal business activities in Germany is a dangerous undertaking.

Even receiving clients at home, which is very popular in the beauty industry of the CIS countries, is prohibited here. Therefore, provide hairdressing services, manicure, pedicure, makeup services, etc. at home in Germany is fraught not only with a large fine, but also with deportation from the country.

Every day, millions of people around the world leave their homes in search of a better life. Circumstances develop in such a way that things do not go well in their homes. But some travel only for the money and return home at the first opportunity. In Russia, this has developed into a stable phrase “to go to work.” I’ll share where to go to earn money based on my own experience.

Places to earn money

The general rule in choosing a location is the concentration of people and finances. Where there are more of them, there is a higher opportunity to earn money. In my opinion, the preferred options are:

  • Moscow and St. Petersburg.
  • Million cities.
  • Places where industrial and construction enterprises are concentrated.

The two capitals are traditionally popular cities for people to come to earn money. Nothing surprising. There are more guys with wallets here, and there is also a need for staff. Among the million-plus cities, I would like to highlight Novosibirsk, Kazan, and Yekaterinburg. Russians also have good chances to realize themselves in them, including in non-production areas. As for industrial centers, I will name Surgut, Nizhnevartovsk, Omsk and Perm. The largest production volumes are concentrated in these places.

Own moving story

I'm from a small town myself. And closer to graduation from school, I firmly decided that I would leave for Moscow. First study, then work. In fact, this is also earnings. Only with a springboard in the form of a university.

And so it happened. I left at the age of 17 for the capital. Entered the University. Already during my studies I looked for and found options for part-time work. He worked as a courier, postman, and sales consultant. By Moscow standards, earnings for such positions were small, but they were ahead of the average in many regions. After receiving my diploma, I got a full-time job as a manager, combining administrative functions. Here, wages are already several times higher than in the regions.

Choose something that you like at least a little. Or settle only for big money. Suffering at work should be paid with dignity.

Today, many people remain dissatisfied with their earnings. In this case, there are several options for the development of events. You can come to terms with the state of affairs and plan your personal finances so that you have enough for basic expenses. You can look for an additional source of income or a second job. Or you can change your place to a higher paying one. The most courageous are willing to move to another country for a decent salary. So, where should you go to earn money?

Earnings in Moscow

Moscow attracts not only Russians from the provinces, but also citizens of other countries who cannot earn a living in their homeland. Rumors about the large incomes of Muscovites are heard in almost all countries of the world, but what pitfalls should you pay attention to in order to ensure that you make a profit from moving to the capital of Russia, and not a loss? Below we will discuss the most important questions, after reading the answers to which you can decide whether to go to Moscow to earn money.


As in any large city, you need to look for work in Moscow in advance. Many people travel through acquaintances to booked places with the confidence that they will not get into trouble upon arrival. The first step is to determine your desired salary and cost of living (housing rent, food expenses). If the costs do not exceed the expected income twice, then the choice can already be considered successful.

As soon as you manage to get a job, you need to use the main rule - do not stay in one place, but after a certain time look for more profitable vacancies. You can count on success if you have specific skills and are a professional in your field. Knowledge of English or another foreign language will be a plus.

Financial control

A person who comes to Moscow to earn money must be able to control all expenses and closely monitor finances. Here are some rules that will help you avoid spending your entire salary in a few days, and live comfortably, gradually accumulating funds:

  • order any debit income card that will allow you to return part of the funds from large purchases;
  • do not spend your entire salary, have extra money in reserve;
  • many stores in Moscow offer lucrative discount programs, so purchasing a discount card will not be superfluous;
  • If you do not plan to move to Moscow for permanent residence, it is better to refuse any loans.

Permanent residence

Moscow is a city of opportunities, so if a visitor decides to stay in the capital forever, it would be a good idea to purchase his own home. An apartment in Moscow costs from six million rubles. It is advisable to take out a mortgage with a salary of one hundred thousand rubles a month, otherwise debt obligations can leave a visitor without housing.

Life and work in the North

The question “where should I go to earn money?” always remains one of the most relevant. After the capital, many residents of Russia and neighboring countries choose the North. The qualifications of work in the North are quite diverse; drivers, oil workers, and a host of other specialties are required. Here are some tips regarding making money in the North:

  1. Work in the North on a rotational basis can last from fifteen days to a couple of months. To travel to your place of employment, it is better to use airlines rather than trains.
  2. There are a few basic principles to consider when working on a rig. At the rig, the worker, one might say, “will start a new family,” because there will be communal food and cleaning on a schedule. The main thing is to be sociable, friendly and try to fit into the new company.
  3. Salaries vary depending on the employee’s position: the more highly qualified the vacancy requires, the greater the increase will be. For the largest companies, such as Lukoil or Gazprom, the salary for two months on a shift reaches one hundred and fifty thousand rubles.
  4. High earnings in fly-by-night companies are a myth. You should not apply to places that promise to pay huge sums for completely unremarkable vacancies. Employers launder money at the expense of workers, and when the time comes for accrual, they simply disappear.
  5. Shift work is psychologically difficult. You will have to part with your family for a long time, completely change established habits, make new acquaintances and adapt to new conditions. It is important to be positive.
  6. The difficulty lies in how to get to the place of work. Heavy flights exhaust a person even before work begins.

We can summarize: working in the North is not profitable for everyone, but if you are already excited about this idea, the above information will help you learn more about what to expect.

Where to go to work abroad

Many people, of their own free will or due to circumstances, go to work abroad. But which country should you go to to earn money?

One of the wonderful countries is Canada. Easily accessible immigration opens up a wide range of legal employment for Ukrainians, Russians, and Belarusians. In an English-speaking country, knowledge of English or French at a sufficient level will be a great advantage for visitors. Promising professions where there is a shortage of employees and where you can get a job without problems are qualified doctors, engineers, lawyers and project managers.

As in many other countries of the world, highly qualified employees are held in high esteem, but even an ordinary food seller receives up to two thousand dollars per month of work. What is noteworthy is that both a Canadian citizen and those who come to work are under government protection, which provides a simple solution to most problems.

Is it worth going to Canada to work? If English and French are at a sufficient level for free daily communication, the answer is clear - it’s worth it.

South Korea as a country where you can go to earn money

Is it worth going to Korea to earn money? Men have access to an extensive list of vacancies for which unqualified candidates are considered. The monthly income is up to a thousand dollars, in the first stages of work (during the probationary period) the minimum living wage is paid - six hundred dollars. Here are some places of employment that most often require workers without experience (although experience will be an advantage):

  • construction (we need general workers, loaders and workers of various specialties);
  • seafood processing;
  • various factories that make clothes, shoes, accessories;
  • farms (men are needed who will care for animals, clean, and work in the fields).

Depending on which job the candidate chooses, the salary will be no more than $850 per month. There is a significant premium for overtime hours, but more on that later.

Vacancies for the fair sex, which do not require specific skills and abilities, are:

  • preparation of confectionery products;
  • textile production;
  • work on conveyors (assembly, packaging, quality control).

In the above-mentioned jobs, women can expect wages of up to $760 per month and overtime hours that are optional and paid separately. Most often, living conditions are negotiated before arriving in Korea, and the employer provides a room or trailer with everything necessary for an overnight stay.

If a foreigner is a highly qualified specialist in a certain field and has significant work experience, then there will be no problems finding a highly paid position. You are invited to Korea:

  • scientific employees with a master's degree;
  • programmers (web developers, designers, mobile application developers);
  • chemists, biologists, physicists.

If a visitor plans to stay in South Korea for a long period of time, it is better to find a highly skilled job. During a temporary stay, you can get a job in a blue-collar job to save up some money.

Is it worth going to Poland to work?

In addition to Canada and South Korea, there are options for finding work closer to home. Where to go to earn money? For example, to Poland. On average, a person without work experience in unskilled vacancies is offered payment of no more than $500 per month, and the work most often involves physical labor. The downside is that even with high qualifications without the necessary connections and good knowledge of the Polish language, it will be very difficult to achieve a high salary. Even good English won't save you.

Many employers provide their workers with free housing and minimal food throughout the day, but they have to work 10-12 hours, depending on the specifics of the job. For an hour of such grueling work, a person earns about ten zlotys (local currency), for a day this works out to 100-120 zlotys. This is approximately 1600-1900 rubles.

One of the most common seasonal jobs in Poland is harvesting, fruit, and mushroom picking, regardless of the time of year. Both men and women are hired for these vacancies, with special preference given to Ukrainians.

The current job in Poland for women is a maid. Cleaning in hotels and houses, ability to work at night. The total salary per day is one hundred zlotys or seven to nine zlotys per hour of work.

No qualifications are required to get a job washing dishes, as an assistant cook in the kitchen, or to work in cafes and catering establishments, where women from Ukraine are often hired. Pay is about the same as in other places - up to ten zlotys per hour.

The road to construction sites is open to men. Everyone has the opportunity to work as an auxiliary worker, and you can earn eight zlotys per hour. Those people who are qualified in such work can take a higher paid position and receive up to fifteen zlotys.


There are a lot of recommendations on where to go to earn money. When choosing, you should carefully review the most interesting options and compare the minimum rate in other foreign countries. Every city (and even more so, country) has its pros and cons; it’s worth choosing the best option. To achieve your goals, you need to stay on your intended path.

If you think that a decent life is possible only in Moscow, then you are deeply mistaken. Many regional capitals welcome visitors much more cordially than the capital city.

Large Russian cities with developed industry can offer newcomers not only a wide choice of vacancies and relatively good working conditions, but also reasonable prices for housing and food.

Here is a detailed overview of the most promising places in the Russian Federation in terms of employment.

Where to go for a long ruble?

According to Rosstat, the employment situation the best thing This is the case in large populated areas of the Central Federal District (Ryazan, Kaluga, etc.). The Central Federal District is the heart of the country. Trade is in full swing here, high-tech industries are actively developing

In terms of production volumes, the Central Federal District is second only to the Volga District (striking examples of the large cities of the Volga Federal District are Nizhny Novgorod, Samara and Saratov), ​​and in terms of scientific technologies, only cities such as Krasnoyarsk or Novosibirsk can compare with the center.

The unemployment rate is very low in regions that produce or refine oil. These include the Tyumen and Omsk regions, the republics of Bashkortostan and Tatarstan, and the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug.

The oil industry requires significant human resources and at the same time feeds its workers adequately. An indicative fact: when the monitoring agency NewsEffector and the Regional Research Foundation “Regions of Russia” conducted a large-scale survey to determine the “happiest” cities of the Russian Federation, it turned out that the maximum number of people satisfied with life was found in Tyumen and Kazan.

The labor market in many southern territories is stable - Krasnodar, Rostov-on-Don. The south is quite prosperous due to optimal natural conditions for the agricultural industry (and, accordingly, for the food industry).

It is obvious that the northern capital, St. Petersburg, is in a special position. In this metropolis there is enough work for everyone who is not lazy.

Attention: problem regions

Unfortunately, there are areas in the country for which employment is serious problem. In particular, from year to year the maximum level of unemployment remains in the North Caucasus - in Chechnya, Ingushetia, and North Ossetia. For obvious reasons, a difficult situation is developing in Crimea.

Employment indicators in most regions of the North-West - Murmansk, Vologda, etc. - are not very encouraging.

Unemployment has become quite high in a number of previously prosperous industrial cities - for example, in Volgograd, Chelyabinsk, Yekaterinburg. However, the lists of vacancies there are constantly updated, if only due to the impressive size of the settlements (all of the cities mentioned are million-plus). Big cities require vibrant infrastructure.

We emphasize that when choosing a new place of residence, it is advisable to focus specifically on cities, and not on villages: among rural residents, the unemployment rate is almost twice as high as among residents of megacities.

Cities where you can actually find a job

We will only talk about giants with a population of 800 thousand people.

Job search in St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg is a city of the same level as Moscow. Sooner or later there will be a place for a migrant worker of any qualification.

However, when applying for a job here, you need to keep a few subtleties in mind.

In the local employment market, the tone is set by the high availability of cheap labor. The city is full of migrants who are ready to work hard from morning to night for mere pennies. Another hard worker who does not have unique skills and knowledge must be mentally prepared for a modest (by the standards of a metropolis) remuneration and far from ideal conditions.

What's the conclusion? Very simple. Going to St. Petersburg should be either people who can settle down normally at first thanks to their existing savings, or highly qualified professionals who can immediately apply for a job with.

For an ordinary worker without money, connections or special talents, St. Petersburg is only good as a place of temporary work.

Work options in Ufa

The unemployment rate in Ufa has remained quite low for many years.

The demand of local industry for labor resources is satisfied both by the permanent population and by temporary workers.

About 20% of vacancies in Bashkortostan are offers from construction companies, about 17% - from manufacturing enterprises (including oil refineries), about 10% - from transport organizations and companies dealing with special equipment.

Interested? Come here: .

Supply and demand on the Kazan labor market

What vacancies are most common in Kazan?

First of all, workers are required by construction and manufacturing (petrochemical, engineering) companies.

Among the professions in demand in Tatarstan that are not associated with tedious physical labor are those of a realtor, insurance agent, salesperson, teacher, manager, and bank employee.

A fairly significant proportion of proposals - at least 10% of the total - are addressed in Kazan.

Employment situation in Omsk

On the Omsk labor market, many vacancies appear with a surplus: there are not many people willing to fill every available position.

The city is acutely short of workers for industrial workshops (mostly petrochemical, engineering and food production), as well as service personnel - waiters, hairdressers. There is demand for and.

One of the explanations for the current situation is the relatively low salaries in Omsk by the standards of Siberia.

In-demand vacancies in Samara

In the Samara region over the past few years there has been a tendency towards an increase in the number of vacancies. One of the reasons for this process is the optimal business climate: new companies are opening; healthy competition stimulates the interest of entrepreneurs in increasing the level of production...

The most sought-after specialists in Samara are:

  • experts in the field of high-tech mechanical engineering;
  • builders;
  • farmers;
  • workers in transport, trade and services (in particular, those aimed at tourists).

Naturally, the region is in demand not only for high-level personnel, but also for conscientious performers of hard physical work.

Catalog of Samara vacancies:

Employment in Krasnodar

Unemployment indicators in the Krasnodar region are comparable to similar indicators in the Leningrad region. Krasnodar is one of the most well-fed cities in the Russian south.

Almost half of the open vacancies in this locality are offers for skilled workers. Local employers are much less interested in mid-level specialists with a technical school diploma.

You can find work in the city quite easily:

  • builders;
  • IT specialists;
  • sellers;
  • teachers.

In-demand professions in Rostov-on-Don

The unemployed of Rostov-on-Don are mainly economists and managers. Like many other cities in Russia, there is a shortage of skilled workers.

Rostov industrial enterprises are ready to hire turners, welders, and drivers of various categories. engineers, storekeepers, loaders.

There is also a shortage of builders of all specializations, from concrete workers to tilers.

Employment in Nizhny Novgorod

Nizhny is an industrial and scientific city. Its dominant industry is high-tech mechanical engineering. It produces complex aviation equipment and communications equipment, and assembles cars and ships. Local factories are interested in the influx of skilled workers.

The city is actively being built. Its developed real estate market needs masons, painters, finishers, and realtors.

Finally, retail trade is thriving here. Its position is evidenced by the grandiose shopping centers that fill the city's business districts. Stores require managers, administrators, and salespeople.

Let us note, by the way, that the income level of the population in Nizhny Novgorod is higher than the national level.

Jobs in Saratov

The largest Saratov employers are manufacturing enterprises of various profiles (from an oil and fat plant to an electromechanical plant).

In addition to industrial firms, the region's economy is formed by numerous small companies, largely focused on providing consumer services.

Over the past years, the need for:

  • workers - both and those without a diploma (the latter are in even greater demand);
  • logistics and sales specialists;
  • personnel in the field of and.

Who does Krasnoyarsk need?

In Krasnoyarsk there is a high demand not only for qualified industrial workers, but also for office workers and representatives of the intellectual elite.

Doctors, teachers, and marketing specialists are desired here to about the same extent as production engineers.

We wish you good luck in finding the city and place of work that suits you!

Who among us has not dreamed of going abroad? Probably everyone who has been there at least once or, if not, has been read, listened to, and been touched by it. And why not? Every person has the right, for example, to receive a loan not at 40%, but at 4%, or to take off and fly to a neighboring country for the weekend, without thinking about passport control. These are the dreams of a normal average citizen.

Today we will not talk about refugee, because it may be an effective method, but it is an extreme one. We will tell you about civilized opportunities to go abroad temporarily or for permanent residence.

Admission to a foreign university

If you prefer efficiency and do not want to waste time on paperwork and searching for the optimal university, then you may need the following options:

Similar information about studying in other countries can be found in foreign language schools.

Au pair

This is a great opportunity to go abroad on a modest budget. The Au-pair system involves living with a foreign family for free and looking after children without wages or, by agreement, for a nominal fee. The girl or guy Au-pair must attend language courses in the host country. That is, this system is based on mutually beneficial cooperation: you take care of the children (feed them, take them to school and activities, walk with them), in return, you live for free in the city of your dreams, eat in the family, receive money for pocket money and for a travel card, You will also be paid for the courses. Of course, this is all approximate; the conditions depend on your wishes and the needs of the inviting family.

You can work for some time as an Au-pair in order to understand whether life abroad is suitable for you, away from your loved ones, and also to get used to it, explore the possibilities of further stay in this country, find love (why not?) or a job.

Do-it-yourself website-


There are many programs in Europe that offer voluntary work abroad for a minimum of 6 months (but again, it all depends on the program). The benefits are as follows: you work, for example, 6-7 hours a day, 5 days a week, receive pocket money, attend language courses for a given country for free, live in an apartment with other volunteers or on the territory of the place where you work, and receive a travel card.

This opportunity can be considered in the same way as an Au-pair: gain experience of living abroad, get comfortable, understand where and how to move forward in a given country.
Links to organizations that will help organize such a trip, but which will require a certain fee for services:

Organization with which you can cooperate directly:


Nowadays, finding a job abroad is not difficult. A mandatory requirement is a confident level of English. Then everything depends on your work experience, diploma and, of course, the position for which you are applying. Social networks are teeming with tempting offers, from staff assistants to sales managers, and even higher. You can use the services of companies that will deal with organizational issues:

But you can do this yourself by qualitatively studying all kinds of offers on the Internet. For example:

Cruise ships- an attractive opportunity for those who really love to travel and do not suffer from seasickness. Companies offer various positions with or without work experience, with mandatory knowledge of English or its entry level. The routes are also varied: the Mediterranean, the Caribbean, along the coasts of Australia and New Zealand, around enchanting Scandinavia.

Websites offering work on liners:
For Belarusians -
For Russians -
For Ukrainians -

Green card

According to Wikipedia, a green card is “an identity card or so-called identification card that confirms the residence permit of a person who is not a US citizen but permanently resides in the United States, and provides the right to work in this country.” And by the way, the Green Card holder can not only work, but also purchase real estate, study, and he also has the right to visa-free entry into this country, that is, he becomes a full-fledged US citizen and enjoys all its privileges.