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Territory, population and total area of ​​Switzerland. Switzerland: description and history. Is there a capital of Switzerland? What is Switzerland called?

Switzerland is located among the Alpine peaks and is rightfully considered the richest state in the world. For many, the name of the country is identical to the concept of reliability, this is confirmed by the famous precision watches, sharp knives and jars. Switzerland also attracts millions of tourists who want to ride on the slopes of the mountains in the Alps, admire the lakes and an abundance of interesting places with a rich history. Swiss castles, located on the slopes of mountains, surrounded by pine trees, look like something out of a fairy tale.

General information

Switzerland is a small state located in the very center of Europe. According to one legend, God, while distributing territory between countries, forgot about tiny Switzerland. Wanting to correct the injustice, he gave the country nature of amazing beauty - on a modest territory there are mountains, smooth, clean lakes, rushing waterfalls, glaciers and valleys covered with flowers. Monarchs, students, and elderly people come to admire the Swiss beauty.

Surprisingly, Switzerland does not have a clear capital like Paris in France. Bern is usually called the main city, but this city is not the most popular. There are much more visited settlements. For example, the center of international diplomatic organizations and events is located in Geneva.

Since the beginning of the 19th century, the state has adhered to a policy of neutrality, does not interfere in external conflicts, while the population freely expresses its worldview and political preferences. According to the Swiss Constitution, every citizen is guaranteed freedoms, the only exception being the illegal issue of money.

Interesting fact! The state accounts for one thousandth of the total population in the world - that's 7.2 million people.

Historical excursion

Aigle Castle

The history of the country is rightfully considered one of the longest. The first settlements were formed on the territory of the modern state in the 12th millennium BC, when the climate on the planet began to change dramatically, the earth got rid of snow, and the first representatives of people appeared.

At different historical periods, Switzerland was inhabited by the Celts and Helvetii. In the 1st century BC. The country was captured by the Romans; it was during this period that Switzerland actively developed and became world famous. In the 5th century the country was under the control of the Alemanni, Burgundians and Ostrogoths. Then came the era of the Franks, and in the 11th century the territory of Switzerland became part of the Roman Empire.

Interesting fact! Switzerland cannot be called a single nation; the country was a union of cantons that have always strived for independent management of their own territory.

More than seven centuries ago, the inhabitants of the three regions entered into an alliance and vowed to help each other and protect each other from the attack of the Habsbrugs. The struggle for independence was long and dramatic, but as a result the people defended their independence. The Swiss celebrate their national holiday with pomp and joy every year on August 1st.

By the beginning of the 16th century, the state consisted of 13 cantons, each of which was independent and sovereign. There was no common government, army, or capital. In the 17th century, due to a schism in the church, a serious crisis arose, which almost led to the collapse of the country. Only an external threat from France united people, but for 15 years the state was under the control of the French, who made the Helvetic Republic out of Switzerland.

In 1815, the situation changed dramatically - a common Constitution was introduced, valid in the territory of 22 cantons. In the same year, the permanent neutrality of the state was recognized internationally.

Interesting fact! The borders of Switzerland, defined in 1815, remain unchanged to this day. In 1948, Switzerland acquired the status of a federal state.


Once in Switzerland, you will undoubtedly notice that all official announcements and signs are presented in two languages, however, four languages ​​are considered official on the territory of the state:

  • German – spoken by slightly less than 64% of the population;
  • French – 20.5% of the population;
  • Italian – 6.5% of the population;
  • Romansh – 0.5% of the population.

Each language has its own dialect depending on the region. In addition, in Switzerland there is a huge number of dialects that have been formed over the centuries as a result of the mixing of different ethnic groups.


Swiss National Bank

Switzerland is on the list of the most successful and richest countries in the world. The country can be described as industrial, with a productive agricultural complex. It is noteworthy that there are no mineral resources in Switzerland.

Interesting fact! According to studies by Western experts, Switzerland is in the top ten in terms of competitiveness and sustainability.

The country's economy closely interacts with the economies of other countries, primarily the European Union. More than half of all cargo flowing from the north of Western Europe in a southerly direction passes through Swiss territory.

Good to know! From 1998 to 2000, the country experienced a slight economic decline. However, it took Switzerland only a few years to overcome the difficulties and successfully develop further.

There are many banks, including foreign ones, operating in Switzerland. This is due to the stable economic situation, as well as a reliable legal system. Thus, it is quite difficult to go broke here.

The country regularly receives guests from all over the world who come to conferences on various topics - banking, politics, finance, culture, design.


Swiss Parliament

Switzerland is a republic with a federal structure, the main document is the Constitution, in force since 1999. Governance of the state is entrusted to the president, who is elected annually. The government or Federal Council is formed of 7 people - heads of ministries. They are chosen by parliament. Each member of the Federal Council is vested with the powers of the President. Legislative power is concentrated in parliament, which is formed from two chambers.

Switzerland unites 26 cantons (regions), each with its own constitution, but it is subordinate to the general constitution. Laws adopted by Parliament are submitted for general discussion - a referendum is held.

Good to know! Until the 18th century, there were no central government bodies in the country; special all-Union assemblies, called tagsatzung, were held to resolve national issues.

Cities and resorts

In the small territory that Switzerland occupies, a huge number of contrasts are concentrated. Each city has its own landscape, architecture, cultural characteristics and traditions. Many people call Switzerland “Pocket Europe”.

Lausanne and Vevey

Lausanne is a city where young people come; during the day you can visit interesting architectural sites, and in the evening you can visit one of the nightclubs. Vevea is a resort for those who love the beauty of nature - the peaceful proximity of snowy peaks and palm trees is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent. Yverdon-les-Bains is popular for its healing hot springs and beautiful beach.

Undoubtedly, Switzerland is known in the world for its luxury resorts, because it combines picturesque nature and material wealth, which are enough to organize expensive health resorts. The best of them are located on the shores of the lake in Geneva, which is often called the Swiss Riviera.

Geneva is characterized as a multinational and diverse city, where ancient buildings, ancient squares, as well as ultra-modern buildings have been preserved, the most popular being the UN headquarters. Read .

There are excellent spas in Bad Ragaz. This is where it’s nice to exchange a comfortable bathrobe for an elegant cocktail dress. From the resort you can quickly get to Zurich, walk the streets of the ancient town, go to the numerous boutiques located on Bahnhofstrasse, and end the tour with a highlight - relaxing in a nightclub. What to see in Zurich in one day, look at.

Interesting to know! On the shores of the lake in Zurich, which is located within the city, there are about 30 places for recreation and swimming.

In the Italian part of Switzerland, the most popular resorts are Lugano, Locarno and Ascona, located next to Lake Lugansk.

Zug is a small but very beautiful town and the richest in Switzerland. It is located 23 km from Zurich. Peace and tranquility reign here, comfortable conditions have been created for a respectable holiday. In summer you can swim here in the clear water of Lake Zug, and in winter you can ride on the mountain slopes. Picturesque views accompany vacationers at any time of the year. It would be an unforgivable mistake to come to Zug and not try the famous cherry pie in the best Swiss patisseries. You can find more details about the city of Zug.

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Switzerland is rich in amazing sights - natural, architectural, historical. A journey awaits you to mountain lakes and peaks, along medieval streets. Many of the country's attractions are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Interesting fact! Switzerland has long used its natural beauty to attract tourists. An extensive railway and road network has been built here so that vacationers have the opportunity to easily and comfortably reach anywhere in the country.

Rhine Falls

Located in the northern part of Switzerland. Its width is 150 meters and its height is 23 meters. In the 20th century, industrialists wanted to build a power plant on the reservoir, but local residents insisted that the waterfall retained its original appearance. Today it is one of the most visited attractions.

Lake Geneva

The largest Swiss body of water, which is also a lake, is located in the southwestern part of the country. The surface of a lake is often compared to a mirror surface. There are many resorts on the shore - Montreux, Lausanne.

Interesting fact! Other lakes in Switzerland - Biel, Constance, Zurich, Neuchaten - are concentrated mainly in the west and north.

Mount Matterhorn

Switzerland is a country where ecotourism and active recreation are developed. In picturesque, protected areas there are comfortable walking paths and cycling routes, and in the mountains there are modern ski resorts with developed infrastructure. There are observation platforms on the tops of the mountains, and public transport runs to them.

Chillon Castle

A special place in the list of attractions is given to historical architectural monuments. There are many castles in Switzerland, many of which welcome tourists all year round. Looking at it, you seem to be transported to the era of knights and kings, shrouded in legends. The palace is located on the shores of Lake Geneva, it was built in the 11th century from stone and is rightfully considered an architectural masterpiece. The walls and interior decoration of the castle inspired poets, artists, and musicians, however, its history hides many dramatic moments, which tourists will be told about during the excursion.

Interesting fact! The largest number of palaces are located in Zurich, Bern and Geneva.

Recreation and entertainment

Switzerland is equally interesting for those who like to relax actively and for those who prefer to bask on the beach or in a spa center. The main feature is that you can relax here all year round.

Resort Engelberg

35 km from Lucerne is located (Mountain of Angels). A functioning Benedictine abbey has been preserved on its territory. There are trails for beginners and experienced athletes, as well as snowboard trails.

St. Moritz

One of the oldest ski resorts is located in the Engadin Valley. The main feature of the resort is its climate - almost all days of the year are sunny (322 days). St. Moritz is located on the shore of a lake and is rightfully considered the most aristocratic - monarchs, show business stars, billionaires and politicians vacation here. Despite the high prices, about one and a half million people visit the resort every year.

Good to know! If you don’t like extreme sports, but beach holidays don’t appeal to you either, go with an excursion group on a cycling or walking trip to the Alps. More than 180 walking routes have been developed for tourists, and about 3.5 km of roads of varying difficulty levels have been laid for cyclists.

Other types of recreation

There are no traditional sandy beaches in Switzerland, however, next to lakes - Lucerne, Geneva and in the canton of Ticino - grass beaches are no worse. There are no municipal recreation areas; equipped areas with sun loungers and umbrellas are only available near hotels.

The coldest water is from Lake Lucerne, as the climate in this region is more severe. Lake Geneva is warmer and the water here is clean. The best months for swimming are July and August.

Good to know! There are baths and baths on the shores of Lake Geneva.

The warmest water is in the lakes of the canton of Ticino - in summer it warms up to +25 degrees, but tourists prefer to swim in the pools. The most popular resorts in Ticino are Locarno, Ascona and Lugano. .

SPA resorts

Many tourists visit Switzerland for the purpose of health improvement. Swiss thermal springs, famous all over the world, are medical and health complexes, modern and comfortable. Here you can improve your health and undergo beauty treatments.

Good to know! Thermal procedures are beneficial for the respiratory system, cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system, and nervous system. Experts recommend combining external wellness with internal wellness and visiting spa treatments and thermal springs at the same time.

Switzerland offers impeccable quality medical and cosmetic procedures. Additionally, you can undergo a massage course, various peelings and rejuvenating procedures. The most visited thermal springs:

  • Leukerbad (Burgerbad);
  • Bad Ragaz;
  • Ovronna;
  • Baden;
  • Bormio;
  • Valse;
  • Schinznakh;
  • Scuol.

Culture and festivals

The culture and traditions of the country were formed under the influence of many states - Austria and Germany, France and Italy. The inhabitants of Switzerland managed to create their own original and unique culture, and traditions are protected and expressed in songs, dances, clothes, embroidery, and crafts. Each region has a unique folklore ensemble.

Interesting fact! In mountainous regions, the most popular type of singing is yodeling. You can listen to it at the festival in Interlaken, which is held every three years.

Noisy, cheerful winter celebrations begin in December:

  • On the 6th, fascinating processions take place in the streets, and residents all over the country prepare gingerbread men;
  • On the 8th there is a holiday in honor of the Virgin Mary;
  • On the 11th, Geneva invites you to the Escalade festival, during which the city streets miraculously turn into an ancient fortress;
  • Christmas is traditionally celebrated on the 25th.

January is the month of the New Year, the feast of St. Berthold, who founded the city of Bern. In the second half of the month, St. Moritz welcomes true gourmets to a themed celebration, where you can try real delicacies.

February is the month when the largest Swiss cities are transformed - instead of a sedate, measured life, carnival processions with songs and dances take place here.

At the Montreux Jazz Festival

June is the month of the Montreux resort; a jazz festival is held here, where you can meet and listen to famous world stars.

Admirers of classical music go to Verbier; in the middle of summer, a thematic festival is held here.


– a real find for gourmets. Traditional dishes combine notes of French, Italian and German cuisine. This combination sounds like a symphony.

Interesting fact! The favorite ingredient of Swiss chefs is cheese; in Switzerland there are more than 450 varieties, from which a wide variety of dishes are prepared.

Each Swiss canton offers unique dishes specific to that area and region. On the shores of Lake Geneva, you should definitely try the perch, which will be caught and cooked before your eyes. Zug is popular for its amazing cherry pie. St. Gallen serves delicious veal sausages. Zurich is famous for its simple but unforgettable potato dish - resti. The onion pie is worth trying. Desserts are no less tasty and varied - honey cakes, puff pastry pies and, of course, the world-famous chocolate.

Switzerland produces delicious alcohol - cherry brandy, plum schnapps, pear Williams.

Good to know! The best way to have a hearty and inexpensive meal is in a cafe that has a “menu of the day.” A full lunch will cost 15-25 Swiss francs. Lunch in a restaurant costs from 50 francs. As a rule, the tip amount is already included in the bill.

Geography and nature

According to the Swiss, the country is located in the middle of the world. This statement is quite true, because Switzerland is actually located in the center of Europe and occupies 41.3 sq. km.

The state neighbors Austria and Germany, Italy and Liechtenstein, as well as France. The sources of the largest rivers in Europe are located in Switzerland.

More than half of the state’s territory is mountains, where lakes with the purest water are hidden, surrounded by alpine meadows. A quarter of the area is covered with forests.

Good to know! There are more than 1,500 lakes in the country. The highest point is Peak Dufour (4635 m), the lowest is Lake Lago Maggiore (193 m).

Switzerland, located in the Alpine mountains, beckons and fascinates with its views. Vacationers are attracted by the feeling of peace and unity with nature that reigns here.

Climate, weather conditions

The climate varies depending on the location above sea level. The territory of the country is conventionally divided into three zones:

  • Alpine;
  • Swiss plateau;
  • Jura Mountain region.

In addition, the climate is influenced by:

  • Atlantic Ocean;
  • continent, which is located on the eastern side.

A fairly warm and dry mountain wind is typical for a state in the Alps.

Hotel Berggasthaus Aescher

You'll be surprised at how diverse Switzerland's climates and landscapes are. Andermatt's calling card is mighty pine trees and snow. After just 50 km, tourists find themselves in a region where palm trees bask in the rays of the sun. On one mountainside, eternal cold and tropics, lichens and luxurious flowers coexist. Such landscape diversity makes Switzerland attractive and desirable in any season:

  • in spring it is better to go to the eastern part of the country and visit the Swiss Plateau;
  • In summer, be sure to visit the mountain lakes;
  • in autumn, travel south;
  • winter is a great time to visit ski resorts concentrated in the alpine part.

In Switzerland, the Swiss franc is used, the international symbol is CHF. There are one hundred centimes in one franc. In addition to francs, you can use euros, but this currency is only valid in popular tourist resorts.

Banking hours are from 8-00 to 16-00 (except weekends), there is a break - from 12-00 to 14-00. Exchange offices operate in every bank branch. There are similar points near large stores, at airports and travel agencies. Their work schedule is every day from 8-00 to 22-00, some work around the clock.

It is important! Special ATMs are installed for currency exchange, but you will have to pay a commission of up to 15% for the service.

It is best to exchange money for euros or francs before traveling to Switzerland. In stores, almost all goods have two prices - in euros and Swiss francs. It is more convenient to pay for goods with a plastic card.

Good to know! If you pay in euros, you will be given change in francs.


There is a well-developed railway connection between settlements, so the most convenient and easiest way to travel is by train, they follow a strict schedule, the carriages are comfortable, modern, there is a restaurant and gaming areas. Tickets can be purchased at the box office or ordered on the official website

If the opportunity arises, take a trip on a tourist train. Flights follow special routes in the most picturesque parts of the country. The most famous tourist routes:

  • Glacier Express – goes from Zermatt to St. Moritz;
  • Chocolate Express - goes from Montreux to.

You can travel quite comfortably by bus. Transportation is carried out by Postbus. Tickets can be purchased at the box office or on the carrier’s official website. All bus stations are located near railway stations. There are also tourist routes, the most picturesque - Palm - buses depart from St. Moritz to Lugano.

Public transport

Statistically, Switzerland has the best and most modern public transport system in the world. This one involves travel on any type of public transport using a universal travel ticket. At the same time, the ticket provides impressive discounts on travel on tourist transport. Every city has several types of transport - trolleybuses, buses and trams. The cost of a single ticket varies from 2 to 7 francs, depending on the locality and travel conditions.

Switzerland has a taxi system, but the rides are too expensive. One kilometer costs 2-3 francs; on weekends and at night the rate increases.

Good to know! Many tourists travel by bicycle. In Geneva and Zurich you can rent them for free; you just need to leave any document or a small amount as collateral.

Car rental

The asphalt surface in the country is of excellent quality, so traveling by car will be a pleasure and no hassle. The only thing that can cause inconvenience is one-way traffic. In addition, separate lanes are allocated for public transport. Please note that repair work on Swiss city roads is a common occurrence.

A tourist over 21 years of age who has an international driving license and more than three years of driving experience has the right to rent a car. You must also have an active credit card.

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Given that Switzerland is part of the Schengen Agreement, a visa is required to visit it. The most commonly issued document is category C - this is a short-term visa that is suitable for:

  • tourist trips;
  • visits to relatives;
  • business visits;
  • transit visit to the country.

In addition, you can get a visa to study or work in Switzerland.

Citizens of Ukraine who have biometric passports do not require a tourist visa to visit Switzerland. The maximum permitted period of stay in the country is 90 days in a six-month period.

Tax free system

The country has a system according to which a tourist can return 8% value added tax, provided that the purchase amount exceeds 300 francs.

To do this, you need to find a store where they use the Tax free system, take a Tax Free Shopping Check form, which contains a complete list of products, enter personal data and contact information. Before leaving the country, you must present the customs officer with a completed form, a receipt from the store, a passport and the actual purchase. The customs representative puts a stamp. Upon arrival at home, you should contact a bank or a special Global Blue point. Here the tourist receives the amount in cash or a money transfer.

Switzerland is a country that attracts tourists all year round. It has elegant cities with a unique flavor and famous resorts with comfortable hotels. Nature has generously given Switzerland magnificent mountains, clean transparent lakes and amazing hillsides. The country is home to picturesque nature with beautiful landscapes and famous creations of mankind. Every visitor to the country will find something he likes thanks to the availability of relaxing and active recreation. And every guest will remember the sights of wonderful Switzerland forever.

General information

  • The official name of the country is the Swiss Confederation.
  • The capital of the country is the city of Bern.
  • Form of government – ​​federal republic
  • The state is located in Western Europe. Switzerland has borders with France, Germany, Italy, Austria and Liechtenstein. The country is landlocked.
  • The area of ​​the territory is 41.3 thousand square meters. km.
  • The largest cities are Bern, Geneva, Zurich, Lucerne, Basel, Lausanne, Lugano.
  • The country's population is about 7 million people.
  • The official languages ​​are French, German, Italian, Romansh.
  • The main religions are Catholicism and Protestantism.
  • The official currency is the Swiss franc.
  • Time zone UTC+1.


It is as contrasting as nature. In Switzerland both the tropics and the Arctic meet. The Alps act as a climate barrier, and they also influence the climate. In the northern and central parts, winters are harsh due to the influence of the Atlantic, while in the southern part the climate is sunny, mild and Mediterranean. The weather varies significantly in different parts of the Alps. Frequent rains are typical for high mountain areas. Sunny and relatively dry prevails in the alpine valleys. In general, the climate of Switzerland moderate. This country is not characterized by extremes of cold, heat or humidity. The temperature in July-August is 18-27 °C, and in January-February it ranges from -1 to 5 °C. Location above sea level affects temperature.

Brief history

The country got its name from one small canton Schwyz. In 1291, the leaders of the cantons of Schwyz, Uri and Unterwalden met and formed an alliance against the House of Habsburg - this refers to the founding of the Swiss state. Afterwards, other regions and cities joined, wishing to maintain their independence.

Excavations that were already carried out in modern Switzerland indicate that this area was also inhabited during the cave period, even though the weather was then much harsher and colder. In 107 BC. e. Roman tribes appeared in this territory, but due to the mountainous terrain they did not completely conquer it. They were supplanted already in the 5th century by the German tribe of Atelmans. In 1032, the area of ​​the state was united with the Roman Empire. Centralized control and order were still a long way off. The situation changed when Habsburg family came to power. In the future, this dynasty became very powerful in Central Europe.

The local aristocracy decided in 1291 that the time had come to gain independence. They soon achieved success: in 1499 the country gained independence from the Roman Empire, and gained victory over the forces of Venice and France in 1515. But the Swiss had to realize that victory over large states that were superior in weapons and numbers could not be achieved. Therefore, they abandoned the expansion of lands and proclaimed neutrality.

In Europe, the Reformation began in 1517. Massive discontent among various segments of the European population was the main reason for the religious movement. Even though the central part of Switzerland was Catholic, Protestant teachings quickly spread throughout the country. When confrontations Christian movements developed into the “Thirty Years' War” - a serious armed conflict that to one degree or another affected all European countries, Switzerland took the neutral side and closed its borders. Still, she could not avoid trouble: Napoleon Bonaparte’s army captured Switzerland in 1798. It was not until 1815 that the French were expelled from Swiss lands.

A federal constitution was adopted in Switzerland in 1848. To resolve state issues, they began to convene a federal assembly, and the capital of the country became Berne. Switzerland, having gained stability, began to deal with economic and social problems. Massive construction of railways and roads opened access to the Alpine regions, which attracted thousands of tourists to the state.

Global events of the 20th century ignored Switzerland. In World War I, her participation was in the creation of Red Cross units. And World War II brought new financial flows to the country. German capital was kept in Swiss banks. At a time when European countries were recovering from hostilities, Switzerland continued its industrial and economic development. International organizations have their own headquarters in Geneva, and in Zurich international insurance and banking centers.


Ancient castles, cities, monuments and resorts in Switzerland allow tourists to choose the best. Mountain, excursion, ecological, medical, winter and other types of tourism are widespread in the country.

IN Zurich with interesting Gothic architecture, it is recommended to visit the Grüssmünster and Fraumünster churches, Bahnhofstrasse, and take a walk along the lake. IN Lucerne you need to walk along the streets with painted houses, stroll along a wooden bridge with frescoes. Can be seen in Geneva A 140-meter fountain that gushes from Lake Geneva, St. Peter's Cathedral, the headquarters of international organizations. IN Montreux You can visit Chillon Castle. It is recommended to familiarize yourself with the Swiss thermal springs, primarily Leukerbard, Yverdon and Bad Ragaz. Each ski resort has its own advantages. Zermatt is a famous resort, where the famous “falling” track from an altitude of 2627 m is located. St. Moritz there are more than 350 km of slopes and 60 lifts, in Saas-Fee There is a glacier on which people ski in the summer. It won't take any trouble Interlaken reach the top of the Jungfrau.

National cuisine

For gourmets, Switzerland is a real paradise. Swiss food, like the nation, is a symbiosis of German, Italian and French cuisines. Given the apparent diversity of tastes in different parts of the Alpine country, the inhabitants have at least two symbols of the highest quality - these are cheese and chocolate. Almost every canton has its own varieties.

Amid the diet craze delights of Swiss chefs may seem inappropriate. Fragrant potatoes, golden-brown sausages, melted cheese, delicious gravy - it’s simply impossible to resist these delicacies.

Fondue and raclette- These are Swiss dishes made from melted cheese. Fondue was first prepared in Neuchâtel. Raclette is served on a heated plate. During a tour to Switzerland, you must try Zurich-style chopped veal with traditional Swiss potatoes. In the vicinity of Lake Geneva, guests will be offered fried perch fillets. It is served with lemon wedges, and boiled potatoes will be on the side.

Minestrone soup is a thick vegetable soup that is unusual and very tasty. It contains potatoes, tomatoes, rice, beans, peas, carrots, leeks, cauliflower and grated cheese. This soup is a traditional dish in Ticino. Grisons barley soup is another famous first course. It is made from smoked beef, cabbage and, of course, barley.

To try an amazing dessert, you should take a vacation to Switzerland. "Zuger Kirshtort"- This is a cherry cake made from puff pastry and the most delicate buttercream. It is sprinkled with nuts and soaked in cherry liqueur.

Amazing in its diversity and Swiss wines. This is the freshness of aromas and a rich palette of tastes. Currently, Swiss wines win top prizes and receive the highest ratings at international competitions. “Merlot” (Ticino), “Dol” (Valais), “Fendan” (Valais), “Aminier” (Valais) are original and expressive Swiss wines.

Fresh unfiltered beer loved by the local population. In addition to it, the Swiss drink various drinks and the strongest schnapps. The culture of consumption and the tradition of schnapps production came from Germany. In cold weather, locals drink the Café Ferzig drink, the recipe of which consists of one-third schnapps and two-thirds coffee. It is served in a glass with a curved stem.

Customs and orders

In Switzerland, ancient customs are treated very carefully. Many traditions are local and exist only in certain cantons.

Singing competitions in Zurich or Basel Carnival- These are famous folklore holidays. In the spring, a trip to the Alps will be interesting, when peasants move their cattle to pasture. This ordinary event turns into a small celebration. Cow fights in Nizhny Val are the main event of this holiday. Residents of Catholic cantons are distinguished by their adherence to ancient customs.

The people in Switzerland are hospitable and friendly. There is order and cleanliness literally everywhere. The Swiss respect punctuality and friendliness, so they expect the same from others. The country values ​​comfort and convenience.

Local residents value their privacy, so they behave inconspicuously and quietly in crowded places. In a restaurant or train, loud conversation will be perceived negatively and considered bad manners. There is no need to be afraid of being in a sparsely populated area at night, because the country has a deep concern for order and security.


Undoubtedly, Swiss products are a symbol of quality. Stylish and expensive can describe shopping in Zurich. Central Bahnhofstrasse street there is an abundance of bright and expensive shop windows. The entire one and a half kilometer of the street can be walked at a leisurely pace in about 30 minutes. During this time you can get from the simplest shops to luxury boutiques.

Traditionally sales seasons in Switzerland they take place in mid-summer and before Christmas. This is very beneficial for tourists, because in winter the country invites ski lovers to the steep slopes, and in summer it is a paradise for those who love hiking and cycling. During the sales season, you can purchase goods with a discount of more than 50%.

Swiss watch is a product that deserves special attention. Popular watch brands can be bought in the country at reasonable prices. Switzerland offers a wide selection of watches from famous companies.

An equally famous delicacy is swiss chocolate. A true lover of sweets simply must try the creations of Swiss chocolatiers. Chocolate in the country is represented by different varieties and a variety of colorful packaging.

Pocket knives- This is another popular Swiss-made product. Quality and functionality are the main features of a knife. Over twenty different tools and blades can fit in the handle. How much this needs to be judged by users.

The symbol of Switzerland is a cow grazing in alpine meadows. The main souvenir is associated with this image - bells. Other Swiss souvenirs that tourists can bring home are wood crafts, music boxes, ceramics and other crafts, as well as books and antiques.

The credo of Swiss stores is friendly staff and excellent service. The buyer in any store will be served at the highest level.

Switzerland is a small country, but an amazing one. If there is a corner of security and tranquility in the world, then this is it - a symbol of prosperity and prestige, a country with spectacular ski resorts, the most stable banks, the most accurate watches and the most delicious cheese in the world. Coming again and again to Switzerland, travelers will be able to discover something new every time.

More than 16 million tourists visit Switzerland every year. For most of them, Switzerland is first associated with watches, chocolate, Swiss cheese and ski resorts. However, tourists very quickly understand that this country has unique medieval architectural buildings, amazingly beautiful nature, a large number of attractions, the annual international automobile show in Geneva, as well as excellent thermal resorts.

Geography of Switzerland

The Swiss Confederation is located in the center of Europe and is landlocked. In the west, Switzerland borders with France, in the south with Italy, in the north with Germany, and in the east with Austria and Liechtenstein. The total area of ​​this country is 30,528 square meters. km., and the total length of the border is 1,850 km.

The territory of Switzerland is divided into three main geographical regions - the Alps (occupying 60% of the country), the Swiss Plateau (30% of the country's territory) and the Jura Mountains in the north of the country (about 10% of the country's territory). The highest peak in the country is Peak Dufour in the Alps (4,634 m).

Several rivers flow through Switzerland - the Rhone, Limmat, Rhine, etc. But tourists are more interested in the Swiss lakes - Zurich in the east, Geneva, Thun, Firvaldstets in the south, Neuchâtel and Bil in the north of the country.


Since 1848, the capital of Switzerland has been the city of Bern, which is now home to about 135 thousand people. Bern was founded in 1191 by order of Duke Berthold the Rich.

Official language

Four languages ​​are spoken in Switzerland. The most common of them is German (more than 67%). Next come French (more than 20%), Italian (6.5%) and Romansh (0.5%) languages.


More than 38% of Swiss residents belong to the Roman Catholic Church. This country is also home to Protestants (31% of the population) and Muslims (4.5%).

Government of Switzerland

Switzerland, according to the 1999 Constitution, is a federal parliamentary republic. The head of state is the President, elected from 7 members of the Federal Council for 1 year. It is the Federal Council that holds executive power in the country.

For many centuries, legislative power has belonged to a bicameral parliament - the Federal Council, consisting of the Council of Cantons (46 representatives, two from each canton) and the National Council (200 deputies).

Administratively, the Swiss Confederation consists of 26 cantons.

Climate and weather

In general, Switzerland has a temperate continental climate, but there are regional differences. In western Switzerland, the climate is strongly influenced by the Atlantic Ocean; in the Alps, the climate is mountainous, alpine. South of the Alps the climate is almost Mediterranean. The average annual temperature is +8.6C. In winter, Switzerland receives a lot of snow, which guarantees a long ski season.

Average air temperature in Bern:

January - -1C
- February – 0C
- March – +5C
- April - +10C
- May - +14C
- June - +17C
- July - +18C
- August - +17C
- September - +13C
- October - +8C
- November - +4C
- December – 0С

Rivers and lakes

Switzerland has several large rivers - the Rhone, Limmat, Rhine, as well as beautiful lakes - Zurich in the east, Geneva, Thun, Firwaldstett in the south, Neuchâtel and Biel in the north of the country.

History of Switzerland

People lived on the territory of modern Switzerland 5 thousand years ago. In 58 BC. Roman legions led by Gaius Julius Caesar defeated the troops of the Helvetii tribe living in Switzerland. In 15 BC. Roman Emperor Tiberius conquers tribes in the Swiss Alps, and from that time on Switzerland becomes part of Ancient Rome.

In the early Middle Ages, Switzerland was under the rule of the Franks, and was divided into two parts - Middle Francia and East Francia. It wasn't until 1000 AD. Swiss territories were reunited within the Holy Roman Empire.

In 1291, the three Swiss cantons of Uri, Schwyz and Unterwalden united to resist external enemies, and by 1513 this confederation already included 13 cantons. The first half of the 16th century in Switzerland was marked by religious wars.

Only in 1648, according to the Peace of Westphalia, European countries recognized the independence of Switzerland from the Holy Roman Empire.

In 1798, the troops of revolutionary France conquered Switzerland and gave it a new constitution.

In 1815, Swiss independence was again recognized by other states. Switzerland from now on becomes a neutral country.

In 1847, some Swiss Catholic cantons tried to create their own union, separating from the rest of Switzerland, but this failed. The civil war in Switzerland in 1847 lasted less than a month and killed about 100 people.

In the 20th century, during two world wars, Switzerland remained a neutral country. However, during the Second World War in Switzerland they announced the mobilization of men into the army, because there was a strong threat of invasion by German troops. The International Red Cross, with its head office in Geneva, played an important role during World War II.

The first Swiss cantons granted women the right to vote in elections in 1959. At the federal level, Swiss women gained the right to vote in 1971.

In 2002, Switzerland became a full member of the UN.

Swiss culture

The culture of Switzerland has been greatly influenced by neighboring countries - France, Germany, Austria and Italy. However, Swiss culture is now very distinctive and unique.

To this day, the Swiss jealously preserve their ancient traditions, the “soul” of which is expressed in music, dance, songs, embroidery and wood carving. Even small Swiss villages have several folk music groups or dance groups.

In the mountainous regions of Switzerland, yodelling, a form of folk singing, is popular (as is the case in Austria). Once every three years, Interlaken hosts the International Yodeling Festival. A typical Swiss folk instrument is the accordion.

  • Art Basel
  • Geneva Auto Show
  • Montreux Jazz Festival
  • Omega European Masters
  • White Turf Events
  • Lucerne Festival
  • Locarno International Film Festival
  • Ascona Music Festival


Swiss cuisine is characterized by precision and care in preparing dishes. Swiss cuisine uses a lot of vegetables and herbs. In general, Swiss cuisine is formed on the basis of numerous regional traditions. However, in every canton of Switzerland cheese is very often used in cooking. In general, dairy products are very popular among the Swiss.

Switzerland produces about 450 types of cheese. Every Swiss person eats an average of 2.1 kilograms of cheese every year.

National Swiss dishes are “rösti” (“roshti”), which is grated potatoes fried in a frying pan (i.e. a kind of potato pancakes, they are served with herring, scrambled eggs or cheese), and “fondues” (“fondue”) ), made from cheese and meat.

The Swiss love chocolate very much. Each Swiss person eats more than 11.6 kilograms of chocolate every year. Now Swiss chocolate is famous all over the world.

Sights of Switzerland

Switzerland has not been at war with anyone for a long time, and if you consider that the Swiss are very thrifty and thrifty, it becomes clear why a large number of various historical and architectural monuments have been preserved there. The top ten best attractions in Switzerland, in our opinion, include the following:

    1. Chillon Castle on the shores of Lake Geneva. The famous Chillon Castle was built in 1160; it belonged to the Dukes of Savoy for a long time. The famous English poet George Byron, after a trip to Chillon Castle in 1816, wrote his famous poem “The Prisoner of Chillon.”
    2. Swiss national park. The Swiss national park was established in 1914. It occupies an area of ​​169 square meters. km. This reserve is home to large numbers of deer, chamois and mountain goats.
    3. Jet d'Eau fountain in Geneva. The Jet d'Eau fountain was built in 1881. It shoots out from Lake Geneva to a height of 140 meters. Now the Jet d'Eau fountain is considered one of the symbols of Geneva.
    4. Medieval villages in the canton of Grisons. The canton of Graubünden has many ancient villages with houses dating back to the 13th century.
    5. Monument to the Duke of Brunswick. The Duke of Brunswick Monument was built in Geneva in 1879. Not far from this monument is the Jet d'Eau fountain.
    6. St. Peter's Cathedral in Geneva. Construction of the Gothic St. Peter's Cathedral in Geneva lasted from 1160 to 1310. It is in this cathedral that the chair of the famous reformer of the Catholic Church, Chan Calvin, is located.
    7. Ariana Museum of Ceramics and Glass. The Ariana Museum is located near the Palais des Nations, in the Ariana Park in Geneva. The museum displays works of art from ceramics, porcelain and glass from around the world.
    8. Bastion Park in Geneva. Parc de Bastion is the oldest botanical park in Switzerland (it was founded in 1817). This park houses the magnificent building of the University of Geneva.
    9. Russian Orthodox Church in Geneva. This church was built in 1866. Now it is one of the jewels of Geneva.
    10. Rhine Falls. In the canton of Schaffhausen on the border with Germany there is the famous Rhine Falls (i.e. it is a waterfall on the Rhine River).

Cities and resorts

The largest Swiss cities are Geneva, Basel, Zurich, Lausanne, and, of course, Bern.

Switzerland is, apparently, a classic country of ski resorts. The ski season in Switzerland begins in November and lasts until April inclusive. The most popular Swiss ski resorts are Zermatt, Saas-Fee, St. Moritz, Interlaken, Verbier, Crans-Montana, Leukerbad, Villars/Gryon.

For many tourists, Switzerland is associated with ski resorts. However, in this country there are a lot of balneological resorts on thermal waters. The most popular Swiss balneological resorts are Leukerbad, Bad Ragaz, Yverdon-les-Bains, Baden, Ovronne, etc.


Many people hesitate when answering the question of what is the capital of a country like Switzerland: Bern or Geneva. The first of these cities is the main administrative, political and diplomatic center of the state. In addition, based on the provisions of UNESCO, since the end of the twentieth century, its ancient part has been included in the list of the world's largest cultural heritage. Geneva is one of the largest centers of diplomatic international activity. Many conferences, sessions and meetings are held here all year round, in which leaders of almost all countries on the planet take part. This is where the confusion comes from. Be that as it may, there is only one correct answer to the question of what is the capital of Switzerland - Bern.

Brief history of foundation

The city is one of the most beautiful and oldest in Europe. It has preserved a large number of architectural monuments of the Middle Ages. Bern was founded in 1191 by Duke Berthold V. Ancient chronicles indicate that while hunting he liked the picturesque view that opened onto steep slopes overgrown with mighty oaks, pines and spruces. It was then that the duke came up with the idea of ​​​​founding a city here and calling it after the beast, which would become the first prey. This animal turned out to be a bear, and the future capital of Switzerland (photos below) received the name Bern (translated from German, “Bären” means “bears”). Related to this is the fact that sculptures of this beast are installed everywhere, and the central square is named after it. Moreover, his image is also on the city symbols.

Big fire

Initially, mainly oak wood was used in the construction of the city. In 1405, there was a severe fire here that destroyed more than 550 houses. Moreover, the disaster claimed the lives of almost a hundred people. In this regard, buildings were subsequently erected from stone. In a short period of time, Bern became a major trading center and subjugated many territories. For a very long time it was the center of one of the cantons, a member of the Confederation and the residence of the local ruler. Since 1638, the local landscape has remained virtually unchanged. After the formation of Switzerland as a single state in 1848, the city was proclaimed the administrative center of the country.

Flag and coat of arms

Like all other cities, the capital of Switzerland has its own symbolism. Its flag is a red square cloth. From the shaft from top to bottom to the tip it is intersected by a wide golden stripe. In the center is an image of a black bear, borrowed from the official coat of arms of Bern, which will be discussed later. This symbol is made in the form of a heraldic shield of the Spanish traditional form. Its main field is red. The shield is crossed diagonally by a gold stripe, thereby broadly repeating the design of the flag mentioned above. Moreover, the coat of arms also contains a stylized black bear profile. The animal itself stands on all its paws, and its tongue and claws are red.

general description

The city of Bern (Switzerland) is located in the southern part of the Swiss plateau, on the banks of the Aare River. If you look at a map of the state, the administrative center can be seen in the central part. The local terrain is uneven, and the historical part of the city lies on a hill, at an altitude of 542 meters above sea level. Bern's population is just over 134 thousand people. Its total area is 51.6 square kilometers. The city is very green, but the vegetation is mostly artificial. Indeed, local residents pay quite a lot of attention to outdoor landscaping, installing flower baskets, garlands and pots on balconies, windows and next to their houses.


The capital of Switzerland is located in an intermediate zone between continental temperate and maritime humid climates. This explains the fact that there is neither sweltering heat nor severe frosts here. The most comfortable time to stay in Bern is considered to be the period that begins in mid-April and ends at the end of September. The fact is that at this time the air temperature ranges from 18 to 27 degrees above zero. Moreover, during this period the sun shines brightly almost constantly, and rains, if they happen, are short-lived. In winter, the city is quite cold and cloudy, and the air temperature ranges from 1 to 5 degrees Celsius.

Urban transport

Walking around the central part of the city is very pleasant on foot. At the same time, you can use public transport services. The capital of Switzerland has a fairly developed network of bus and tram routes. You can purchase tickets from vending machines at bus stops. The fare for six stops is 1.9 US dollars. If you need to travel a lot, it is recommended to buy a ticket for the whole day, for which you need to shell out twelve dollars. Night buses also run in Bern, the fare for which is five dollars. Bicycle rental has become quite popular here in recent years. It should be noted that the first four hours of this service are free. After this time has expired, you will have to pay one dollar for each additional hour. The only caveat is that for rent you need to leave a passport and twenty dollars as a deposit.


Bern has a large number of hotels, hotels and hostels of varying levels of comfort. At the same time, it should be noted that the capital of Switzerland (like the whole country) is quite expensive in terms of living. Indeed, for an overnight stay in the simplest two-star hotel you will have to pay at least fifty dollars. This payment is considered very high even by European standards. In general, the city is dominated by hotels whose level of comfort is rated three or four stars. The cost of rooms in them ranges from 100 to 800 dollars per day.

Main attractions

The capital of Switzerland, Bern, is convenient for tourists because most of the local attractions are concentrated in its historical center. It, in turn, is located in close proximity to the railway station. One of the most popular places among tourists is the Bear Pit, which is an open enclosure with animal symbols of the city. In addition, there is also a park with these animals and a large number of their sculptures. Nearby there is a church built in the Baroque style, the history of which dates back to the Middle Ages. Directly on Bear Square rises a massive tower called “Kefigturm”.

The fountain, which both frightens and attracts with its original name - “Child Eater”, deserves special mention. Several centuries ago it was built with the purpose of intimidating little sinners in case of their bad behavior. The Zytgloggeturm bell tower, which dates back to the twelfth century, has become an iconic site for Bern. It has a large clock installed on it, which shows not only the time, but also the days of the week, the month, and even the phases of the moon with the signs of the zodiac. Kramgasse is considered one of the most beautiful streets in all of Switzerland. There are many old houses here, in one of which Albert Einstein once lived. It is also worth noting the Federal Parliament building, the Cathedral, the Clock Museum, as well as the Alpine, Postal and Historical museums.

Useful information for tourists about Switzerland, cities and resorts of the country. As well as information about the population, currency of Switzerland, cuisine, features of visa and customs restrictions in Switzerland.

Geography of Switzerland

The Swiss Confederation is a state in central Europe bordering Germany, France, Italy, Austria and Liechtenstein.

Almost all of Switzerland lies in the Alps and Jura mountains. The highest peak is Peak Dufour (4634 m) in the south of the country.


State structure

A federal republic (confederation) consisting of 23 cantons, each of which has its own constitution, parliament and government. The head of state is the president. The legislative body is the bicameral Federal Assembly (National Council and Council of Cantons). Executive power is exercised by the Federal Council (government) of 7 federal councilors (ministers).


Official language: German, French, Italian

In the northeast of the country they speak Retro-Roman. Most Swiss people speak English.


About 48% are Catholics, 46% are Protestants, 6% profess other religions.


International name: CHF

The Swiss franc is equal to 100 centimes (rappen in German Switzerland). There are banknotes in circulation in denominations of 10, 20, 50, 100, 500 and 1000 francs, as well as coins in 5, 2, 1 franc, 50, 20, 10 and 5 centimes.

Many stores accept convertible currencies, and all major credit cards and traveler's checks are accepted. You can change money at any bank branch, in the evening - at exchange offices of large department stores, airports and at some travel agencies. It is better to change money abroad, since in Switzerland itself the exchange rate of the national currency is overvalued.

History of Switzerland

The history of Switzerland dates back to the 12th millennium BC. It was then that the territory covered with eternal snow, under the pressure of global warming, began to become free of ice. Gradually the white cover changed to green, and the “revived” earth found its first inhabitants from the human race.

In ancient times, Switzerland was inhabited by the Celtic tribes of the Helvetii, hence its ancient name - Helvetia. Around the 1st century BC, after the campaigns of Julius Caesar, the country was conquered by the Romans and gained worldwide fame. In the 5th century AD, during the era of the Great Migration, it was captured by the Alemanni, Burgundians and Ostrogoths; in the 6th century - the Franks. In the 11th century, Switzerland became part of the “Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation.”

Initially, the Swiss were not a single nation; Switzerland itself was a union of communities (cantons) striving for self-government. At the beginning of August 1291, the peasants of the forest cantons of Schwyz, Uri and Unterwalden, living on the shores of Lake Firwaldstät, entered into an alliance with each other and swore an oath to help each other in the fight against the rule of the Habsburg dynasty; in a stubborn struggle they defended their independence. The Swiss celebrate this joyful event to this day: August 1 is the Swiss National Day - fireworks and fireworks illuminate the Swiss sky in memory of the events of more than seven centuries ago.

For two centuries, Swiss troops defeated the feudal armies of dukes, kings and kaisers. Provinces and cities began to join the original union. The united allies sought to expel the Habsburgs, gradually expanding their borders. In 1499, after the victory over Kaiser Maximilian I of Habsburg, Switzerland was freed from imperial rule. In 1513, there were already 13 cantons in the union. Each canton was absolutely sovereign - there was no common army, no common constitution, no capital, no central government.

In the 16th century, a severe crisis occurred in Switzerland. The reason for this was a schism in the Christian church. Geneva and Zurich became centers of activity for the Protestant reformers Calvin and Zwingli. In 1529, a religious war began in Switzerland. Only a serious danger coming from outside prevented the complete collapse of the state. In 1798, the French invaded Switzerland and transformed it into the unitary Helvetic Republic. For fifteen years the country was under their rule. The situation changed only in 1815, when the Swiss introduced their own constitution with equal rights for 22 sovereign cantons. In the same year, the Vienna Peace Congress recognized the “permanent neutrality” of Switzerland and defined its borders, which are still inviolable. However, the unity of the union of cantons was not reliably ensured by the organization of a sufficiently strong central government. Only under the constitution of 1948 did the fragile union turn into a single state - federal Switzerland.

The history of Switzerland dates back to the 12th millennium BC. It was then that the territory covered with eternal snow, under the pressure of global warming, began to become free of ice. Gradually the white cover changed into green, and the “revived” earth found its first inhabitants from the human race....

Popular attractions

Tourism in Switzerland

Where to stay

Switzerland is a country with a high standard of living, which has not spared such an area as the tourism business. All hotels in this country have their own classification and are characterized by a high level of service.

The highest category - Swiss Deluxe - includes hotels located in old historical buildings, completely restored and adapted to the needs of the guests. The windows of such a room will offer a beautiful view, and the interior will delight the eye with sophistication. Hotels in this category have not only first-class restaurants, but also golf courses, spa centers and much more.

The SWISS Quality standard includes five classes of hotels (similar to stars), which are located in large or resort cities. Five stars, or SWISS Quality Excellence, is awarded to hotels with a high level of service, careful approach to interior design, high-quality restaurants, etc.

Four stars, or SWISS Quality Superior, are hotels in which, in addition to special comfort, guests will be offered the use of a restaurant, a modern conference room, a gym or spa services. Hotels awarded three stars also offer good service and are suitable for both tourist groups and businessmen.

Campsites in Switzerland, which are located in picturesque corners of the country, are also rated from 1 to 5 stars. Please note that unauthorized accommodation outside the campsite is fraught with a police visit and a fine.

In small towns you can rent a room in private hotels or live in a real peasant house. For those who prefer some extreme sports, there is the opportunity to spend the night in a real hayloft.

Mountain chalets are very popular in winter. However, keep in mind that they must be ordered in advance.

Office hours

Banks are open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. (some until 6 p.m.) on weekdays, with a break from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. Once a week, banks are open longer than usual. Currency exchange offices at airports and railway stations are open daily from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m., often around the clock.

Shops are open on weekdays from 8.30 to 18.30, some are open until 22. On Saturday, all shops are open from 8 to 12 and from 14 to 16. In large cities, some shops are open without a lunch break, but are closed on Monday in the first half of the day .


Value added tax (VAT) in Switzerland is 7.5%. In hotels and restaurants, all taxes are included in the bill. For purchases over CHF 500 in one store, you can receive a VAT refund. To do this, you need to get a “Tax-free Shopping Check” from the store (a passport is required), according to which, when leaving the country, you must pay VAT at the bank at the airport or have it stamped. In this case, upon returning home, the stamped form must be sent by mail to receive a VAT refund check. In large stores, VAT is refunded on site upon presentation of your passport.


The crime rate in Switzerland is very low. However, you should beware of pickpockets and bag snatchers.

Emergency numbers

Police - 117
Fire services - 118
Ambulance - 14

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