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How much money is there on the planet? How much money is there in the world?

People say the phrase “You can’t earn all your money” with enviable regularity, especially during periods of economic crisis or during bouts of procrastination. And if you imagine for a moment that one person could get all the money on the planet, then how much would he become the owner of?

The concept of “money” is very multifaceted. These include bills in your wallet, numbers in a bank account, treasury bills, and the increasingly popular electronic money. Regardless of the type, money is united by a common function - a medium of exchange and a measure of value.

Commodity money

The history of monetary relations began with them, when one type of product in a certain ratio was exchanged for another. For different peoples at different times, these were pets, coffee beans, salt, pearls and other valuable things. Today, commodity money is used as a means of payment, for example, in prisons - cigarettes, tea.

It is almost impossible to calculate such a money supply; even estimating it is very problematic due to its diversity. This confusion was one of the reasons for the transition to another type of commodity money - precious metal, which is partly countable. Thus, according to the GFMS agency, which has been reviewing and scientifically researching the world market for gold, silver, platinum, palladium and copper since 1967, a little more than 150 thousand tons of the “yellow metal” have been mined over the entire history of mankind. Geologists estimate the remains of gold in the depths to be around 50 thousand tons.

Secured money

Or, as they are also called, representative money, are banknotes that, upon presentation, can be exchanged for the equivalent of commodity money (in particular, gold and silver), i.e. based on real assets. In the pre-existing economic system based on the "gold standard", where each unit of money issued represented an actual amount of gold, all money was backed.

In such a monetary system, on the one hand, it is easier to make calculations. It is enough to sum up all the minted money. But there is a problem with the choice of currency and time period. You can try to count all the cash on the planet at the moment. There is a special indicator M0, which is equal to the totality of cash in circulation, cash registers, and safe deposit boxes. In its annual reports, the Federal Reserve estimates M0 at more than $1 trillion for the United States and about $4.5-5 trillion worldwide. In these calculations it is impossible to include treasures buried in the ground, money on sunken ships or buried with the owners and simply lost in houses and on the streets. Although the ubiquitous “British scientists” somehow calculated that in England per inhabitant on average there is 14 pounds of lost money.

Fiduciary money

A type of money that has no value or does not correspond to its face value, but is still legal tender. Such symbolic or decreed money includes banknotes, non-cash and electronic money. Their cost is set by the state, but has no real reinforcement.

Different sources give a range from 25 to 75 trillion in terms of US dollars, depending on whether government bonds, bills, and securities were added up or not. In general, there is no point in counting fiduciary money, because its quantity increases due to periodic emission.

Credit money

An even less valuable type of money than fiat. They are a debt formalized in a special way, for example, in the form of a check or promissory note. Credit money has no real value and carries the risk of default, but can be used to pay for goods, services or other debts.

Estimating the amount of credit money is even more difficult. If one person made a deposit in the amount of 100 rubles, and another person took out a loan for 50 rubles, then the bank has the right to issue a loan from the deposit money. It turns out that together these people have an amount of 150 rubles, although in reality it was 100 rubles and remains so.

According to the degree of liquidity, i.e. the possibility of quickly transferring money into cash; the entire money supply is divided into four units. Each subsequent monetary aggregate contains the previous one. The composition of individual indicators varies slightly across countries.

M0= all cash from wallet to safe deposit box; near $5 trillion;

M1= M0 + money on debit cards and current accounts of organizations, checks; near $25 trillion;

M2= M1 + time deposits of the population, time deposits of organizations; near $60 trillion;

M3= M2 + savings deposits, certificates of deposit, government bonds; near $75 trillion;

M4= M3 + total amount of loans; not used in all countries.

If you count all the money printed and cast in metal, and also add all the electronic ones to them, experts say that you can get an amount with fifteen zeros. How much money is there in the world? The answer to the question depends on what humanity considers money. The more global our calculation is, the more inflated the amount will be.

How much money is there in the world in dollar terms?

If money is just cash in wallets and bank accounts, the total would be approximately $81 trillion.

If we add to this amount gold reserves, various types of investments, electronic money, in this case we get an amount exceeding a quadrillion dollars. This is the cherished number with fifteen zeros.

So how much money is there in the world in dollars?

It is estimated that at the moment the amount of investment obligations is approximately equal to 1,200,000,000,000,000 conventional units.

Let's calculate in more detail

Let's consider electronic currency, silver and gold reserves, Forbes list data, shares, investment obligations, the value of the most expensive companies in the world, the cost and turnover of cash, deposits, global debt and other components that are integral participants in money circulation as money.

  • The amount of bitcoins is 5,000,000,000 USD. — Bitcoins are electronic money. They have no material form. Such capital is not issued by certain banks, but any computer user can be involved in the process of issuing it.
  • All banknotes and monetary cash are worth 5 trillion USD. Another $23.6 trillion is short-term deposits.
  • 70 trillion is the sum of all shares. Of these, more than half are from American companies.

The entire money supply is equal to 81 trillion cu. The global debt is almost 200 trillion USD.

At the same time, global debts are growing very quickly. A third of this huge amount is the US national debt, another 26% is the public debt of the European Union.

Not just money

If we talk about financial resources in a less traditional sense, then other types of money can be included here. Of course, they differ from the usual banknotes, but they constitute an impressive mass of capital.

  • The cost of silver is 14,000,000,000 USD. This takes into account silver that has already been mined and used.
  • The world's gold reserves reach $7.8 trillion.
  • How much money in the form of solar metal is in circulation in the world? Only a fifth is in bank reserves. The rest is used by people.
  • According to Forbes, the fortune of the world's famous rich is almost 80,000,000,000 conventional units.
  • The most expensive corporation, Apple, costs $616,000,000,000.
  • Commercial real estate is worth $7.6 trillion.
  • At the same time, almost 40% is located on the American continent, and a third is in Europe. The market for investment obligations is estimated from 630 trillion to 1.2 quadrillion. These are astronomical amounts in terms of ordinary people.
  • These include futures, swaps, options, securities and forwards. Such derivatives make up the lion's share of the money.

Visual mathematics

To understand visually how much money there is in the world, you first need to imagine a standard stack of bills. For example, a pack of hundred dollar bills will cost 10,000 USD. The thickness of such a pack is 1.3 cm. There are only 100 such packs in a million dollars, but the amount is 100,000,000 USD. its volume is almost one cubic meter. One billion conventional units will fit in the volume of an average room. A trillion dollars, respectively, is a thousand billion, so he will occupy a thousand rooms. And considering that the total global debt amounts to two hundred trillion?

A task with the condition: “how much money is there in rubles all over the world?” It is quite possible for anyone to solve it by performing simple mathematical operations. It is necessary to sum up the value of all given monetary assets without taking into account the total global debt and multiply by the current exchange rate.

In a word, it turns out to be an impressive amount.

Unfortunately, no one can calculate exactly how much money there is in the world, because here you need to accurately take into account all the factors, and there are more than a dozen of them. Moreover, all derivatives can be increased to infinity. For example, to conduct theoretical calculations of mineral reserves with their possible monetization, up to accounting for humanity’s funds hidden for rainy weather.

If you count all the money printed and cast in metal, and also add all the electronic ones to them, experts say that you can get an amount with fifteen zeros. How much money is there in the world? The answer to the question depends on what humanity considers money. The more global our calculation is, the more inflated the amount will be.

How much money is there in the world in dollar terms?

If money is just cash in wallets and bank accounts, the total would be approximately $81 trillion.

If we add to this amount gold reserves, various types of investments, electronic money, in this case we get an amount exceeding a quadrillion dollars. This is the cherished number with fifteen zeros.

So how much money is there in the world in dollars?

It is estimated that at the moment the amount of investment obligations is approximately equal to 1,200,000,000,000,000 conventional units.

Let's calculate in more detail

Let's consider as money the reserves of silver and gold, Forbes list data, shares, investment obligations, the cost and turnover of cash, deposits, global debt and other components that are integral participants in money circulation.

  1. The amount of bitcoins is 5,000,000,000 USD.

Bitcoins are electronic money. They have no material form. Such capital is not issued by certain banks, but any computer user can be involved in the process of issuing it.

  1. All banknotes and monetary cash are worth 5 trillion USD.

Another $23.6 trillion is short-term deposits.

  1. 70 trillion is the sum of all shares.

Of these, more than half are from American companies.

  1. The entire money supply is equal to 81 trillion cu.
  2. The global debt is almost 200 trillion USD.

At the same time, global debts are growing very quickly. A third of this huge amount is the US national debt, another 26% is the public debt of the European Union.

Not just money

If we talk about financial resources in a less traditional sense, then other types of money can be included here. Of course, they differ from the usual banknotes, but they constitute an impressive mass of capital.

  1. The cost of silver is 14,000,000,000 USD.

This takes into account silver that has already been mined and used.

  1. The world's gold reserves reach $7.8 trillion.

How much money in the form of solar metal is in circulation in the world? Only a fifth is in bank reserves. The rest is used by people.

  1. According to Forbes, the fortune of the world's famous rich is almost 80,000,000,000 conventional units.
  2. The most expensive corporation, Apple, costs $616,000,000,000.
  3. Commercial real estate is worth $7.6 trillion.

At the same time, almost 40% is located on the American continent, and a third is in Europe.

  1. The market for investment obligations is estimated from 630 trillion to 1.2 quadrillion. These are astronomical amounts in terms of ordinary people.

These include futures, swaps, options, securities and forwards. Such derivatives make up the lion's share of the money.

Visual mathematics

To understand visually how much money there is in the world, you first need to imagine a standard stack of bills.

For example, a pack of hundred dollar bills will cost 10,000 USD. The thickness of such a pack is 1.3 cm.

There are only 100 such packs in a million dollars, but the amount is 100,000,000 USD. its volume is almost one cubic meter.

One billion conventional units will fit in the volume of an average room.

A trillion dollars, respectively, is a thousand billion, so he will occupy a thousand rooms.

And considering that the total global debt amounts to two hundred trillion?

A task with the condition: “how much money is there in rubles all over the world?” It is quite possible for anyone to solve it by performing simple mathematical operations. It is necessary to sum up the value of all given monetary assets without taking into account the total global debt and multiply by the current exchange rate.

In a word, it turns out to be an impressive amount.

Unfortunately, no one can calculate exactly how much money there is in the world, because here you need to accurately take into account all the factors, and there are more than a dozen of them. Moreover, all derivatives can be increased to infinity. For example, to conduct theoretical calculations of mineral reserves with their possible monetization, up to accounting for humanity’s funds hidden for rainy weather.

Have you ever wondered how much money there is in the world?

The American dollar is the most popular currency around the world. According to the Bank for International Settlements, the total amount in circulation is about $5 trillion. According to the CIA, this figure is much higher - approximately $80 trillion. This figure is obtained if we take into account the so-called broad money.

Money supply

To find out how much money there is in the world, it is necessary to distinguish such a concept as the money supply (all issued money in the form of coins and banknotes) - M0. Their total is 5 trillion dollars. If we also take into account current bank deposits, we get the M1 money supply - its size is equal to 25 trillion dollars. If you add bank time deposits, you get an M2 money supply of approximately $50 trillion. But the M3 money supply includes long-term deposits along with government bonds. Its size is 75 trillion dollars.

Money of the whole world

Currently, there are more than 150 types of currencies from different countries. The most common ones are the American dollar, euro, yuan, pound sterling, Canadian dollar, franc and yen. Their share is 70%.

If you divide all the money ($75-80 trillion) by the number of all the people living on the planet, you get almost $10,000 for each person. About 80% of all money is in the hands of 20% of people. It turns out that the remaining 80% of the population are content with a measly 20% of all the money in the world.

Exact amount

Unfortunately, it is impossible to calculate how much money there is in the world. If only because it is necessary to take into account all their varieties, which include cryptocurrencies. In addition, precious metals and stones, treasures hidden in the bowels of the earth, industries, bank deposits, etc. should be taken into account.

In recent years, the number of dollar bills in circulation has doubled. All this means is that the United States has printed as much money in recent decades as it has in the last 150 years.

  • The euro is the youngest currency in the world. It appeared in circulation on January 1, 2002.
  • Apple has the largest capitalization - $616 billion.
  • All mined gold in the world is valued at approximately $8 trillion.
  • In some countries, you can easily pay in two currencies.
  • According to Forbes, the richest person in the world in 2018 is Jeff Bezos, whose net worth is estimated at $112 billion.

This information allows you to get an idea of ​​​​the gold and foreign exchange reserves of the whole world.

And so on. But how many of you have thought, How many all the money in the world exists today?

On the one hand, the question is funny and theoretical. I look at it from a slightly different perspective. Why? I will explain at the end of this article.

How much money is there in the world today?

It is curious that there are more than 200 different types of currencies in the world, but about one hundred and fifty are included in the Russian classification. This is due to the fact that this does not include the currencies of countries that are not recognized by the world community, or partially recognized (i.e. recognized by only a few sovereign states).

According to statistics, the most popular currencies are, of course, the common European currency EURO, the Japanese yen and the Chinese yuan. These four currencies account for more than 75% of all banknotes available in the world. But at the same time, the most expensive currency in the world is the dinar from Kuwait, a state in southwest Asia. And the cheapest currency is the shilling from African Somalia.

In theory, money is receipts issued by the Central Bank, secured by gold. Those. debt obligations transferred to commercial banks, which in turn transfer them further - to individuals or companies, at interest. In practice, this money for the most part is not backed by anything at all.

According to various sources, the number of banknotes printed and put into circulation at the current date ranges from 60 to 75 trillion dollars. Huge amount? On a global scale - not very much.

The most interesting thing is that this is only printed, so to speak, real money. Now think about how much money there is in real circulation in the world. Government debts through bonds, company shares, virtual online transfers and deposits, and so on. After all, for example, the US dollar in 1971 ceased to be tied to gold. This means that it can and is printed as much as the state itself needs. And the state debt is already 19 trillion dollars. How much debt do other countries have in total?

But do you think that only the US currency is not pegged to gold? Yes, almost the whole world lives in debt. The Kazakhstan tenge is better backed by gold than all other currencies - by 16.88% and the Russian ruble - by 8.84%. England has the worst indicator – 0.52%. This is a total star. And we are surprised by annual inflation? We are not owners of valuables, but collectors of candy wrappers. Unsecured pieces of paper.

Conclusion on this article.

As I wrote above, I wrote this article with a certain intention. Firstly, I wanted to show that there is a lot of money in the world. It's stupid to think that they won't be enough for you. Money can and should be earned. The main thing is not to sit stupidly in front of the TV waiting for a miracle, but to act. Money by itself will not be earned.

Secondly, I wanted to say that there is no need to accumulate capital in cash. Sooner or later, the global financial system will undergo major changes, since the debt bubble cannot inflate indefinitely. Turn paper candy wrappers into liquid capital that will bring you constant passive income.