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SFW - jokes, humor, girls, accidents, cars, photos of celebrities and much more.  Military Observer Submarine Condor

"Sierra-I" Speed ​​(surface) 12.1 knots Speed ​​(underwater) 35.15 knots Working depth 480 m Maximum immersion depth 550 m Sailing autonomy 100 days Crew 61 people (including 31 officers) Dimensions Surface displacement 5940 t Displacement underwater 9600 t Maximum length
(according to KVL) 107.16 m Body width max. 12.28 m Average draft
(according to KVL) 9.62 m Power point Nuclear, 1 reactor OK-650A 180 MW, 4 steam generators, 2 turbogenerators, 2 groups of batteries, 2 diesel generators DG-300 750 hp each. with a fuel supply for 10 days, 1 main propeller, 2 trolling engines of 370 kW each, two trolling propellers Armament Torpedo-
mine weapons Torpedo tubes: 2x650 mm, 12 torpedoes and missile-torpedoes, 4x533 mm, 28 torpedoes and missile-torpedoes. Air defense PU MANPADS 9K310 “Igla-1”/9K38 “Igla”
(NATO class - SA-14 "Gremlin"/SA-16 "Gimlet") with 8 missiles Media files on Wikimedia Commons

Project 945 Barracuda submarines(NATO designation - "Sierra-I") - a series of Soviet multi-purpose nuclear submarines built in -1986. "Barracudas" marked the beginning of the third generation of multi-purpose nuclear submarines in the Soviet Union, became the basis for Project 971, the boats of which are the basis of the multi-purpose submarine forces of the Russian Navy.

History of creation

When designing multi-purpose nuclear submarines of the second generation, the country's leading design bureaus and research centers simultaneously carried out work on third-generation nuclear submarines. The main reason for this was the dynamic development of the American submarine fleet, which in turn required a response from the Soviet Navy. As part of the country's anti-submarine defense concept, third-generation multipurpose submarines received special attention due to their increased search capabilities. They were considered as the main means of detecting enemy submarines, tracking them and destroying them, if the appropriate order was received.

In March 1972, tactical and technical assignments were given for the development of a Project 945 nuclear submarine under the code "Barracuda". The chief designer was appointed N. I. Kvasha. The main tasks for the boats of the new project were to track strategic submarines and aircraft carrier strike groups of a potential enemy and ensure their destruction at the outbreak of a conflict. The main limitation was displacement, since construction was planned at domestic factories in the country.

An important part of the project was the creation of a durable titanium alloy body. This made it possible to increase the maximum depth by one and a half times compared to second generation boats. Also, the use of an alloy of high specific strength made it possible to reduce the displacement of the boat, which made construction possible at the Krasnoye Sormovo plant and subsequent transportation by inland waterways. Also, the titanium structure greatly reduced the ship's magnetic field. According to this indicator, boats 945 of the project still maintain world leadership today. The only disadvantage of boats made of titanium alloys was their price. For this reason, the number of ships in the series was limited in favor of cheaper Project 971 Shchuka-B nuclear submarines, which used low-magnetic steel.



The boat is built using a double-hull design. The light hull at the bow of the boat has an ellipsoidal tip, and at the stern it has a spindle-shaped tip. The durable body is made of titanium alloy and has a cylindrical shape in the middle and conical at the ends. It consists of 6 waterproof compartments. The submarine has a pop-up escape capsule that can accommodate the entire crew.

Power point

The main power plant is one OK-650A pressurized water reactor with a capacity of 43,000 hp. With. and one turbo gear unit. A reactor of this type has four steam generators, two circulation pumps for the first and fourth circuits, and three pumps for the third circuit. The boat has two AC turbo generators, two feed pumps and two condenser pumps. There are also two groups of batteries and two reversible converters.


The boats of the project are armed with a torpedo-missile system, which allows firing without restrictions on the depth of immersion and includes four 533-mm and two 650-mm torpedo tubes. The ammunition capacity is 40 torpedoes and missiles.

Conventional torpedoes of various types, Vodopad anti-submarine missile systems, and Veter anti-submarine missiles, capable of installing a nuclear warhead, can be used as ammunition for torpedo tubes.

Electronic equipment

Among the radio-electronic equipment on the boats of the project, the MGK-503 Skat sonar system was installed. Thanks to the reduction of the hydroacoustic system's own interference and the noise of the boat, which was significantly lower compared to boats of the previous generation, the target detection range more than doubled. The number of errors when determining the location of the boat was reduced, which made it possible to surface much less frequently to determine coordinates. New communication equipment has made it possible to increase the signal reception range and their depth.


945A "Condor"

Submarines of the improved Project 945A "Condor" had differences in the weapons complex, a new reactor and thrusters. Measures have also been taken to achieve even lower noise levels.

945B "Mars"

A modification of the Barracuda project boats, which has almost the same characteristics for fourth-generation nuclear submarines. Due to a decrease in defense spending after the collapse of the USSR, construction of the only boat of the modified project laid down was stopped.


It is planned to modernize both ships at the Zvezdochka CS according to Project 945M:

  • replacement of nuclear fuel;
  • replacement of all electrical equipment;
  • inspection and repair of mechanical parts of ships;
  • if necessary, reactors will also be repaired;

new ones will be installed:

  • radars,
  • navigation systems GLONASS/GPS;
  • weapon systems:
    • “Caliber” cruise missile systems, which will allow firing at ground targets.

Service history

The first boat of the K-239 “Karp” project began its service in 1984. In 1998, after only 14 years of service, she was decommissioned and her future fate remains in doubt. The second, K-276 "Crab", entered combat service in 1987. On February 11, 1992, in Russian territorial waters, she collided with the American Los Angeles-class submarine Baton Rouge. The Crab's wheelhouse, designed to break through ice, was slightly damaged, and the Baton Rouge had a fire after the collision. After the accident, the Baton Rouge nuclear submarine reached the base under its own power and was decommissioned after some time.

Comparative assessment

"Los Angeles" "Pike" "Pike-B" "Barracuda" "Condor" "Fin" "Ruby"
Years of construction

Naval rivalry at sea between the USA and the USSR in the mid-60s and early 70s of the last century led to the emergence of new warships, completely unique in their tactical and technical characteristics.

By that time, the Americans had managed to achieve a significant breakthrough in the military-technical field by launching modern “third generation” nuclear submarines. The ships were equipped with low-noise propulsion systems and powerful missile and torpedo weapons. The Soviet Union's response to the attempt to achieve Western superiority in the naval sphere was the Project 945 nuclear submarines, unique warships of their kind.

Main objectives of the Project 945 nuclear submarine

In addition to the high technical characteristics of the new ships, a mandatory condition was set before the creators of the project. All ships of the new series must have a displacement and dimensions that fit into the parameters of the capacities of the ship repair and shipbuilding industry of the USSR. The task set before Soviet designers in 1972 included the construction of a new 3rd generation submarine in the next 3-5 years. For this purpose, the terms of reference provided for the development at the Lazurit Central Design Bureau, located in Gorky, of a project for the subsequent construction of nuclear submarines. The terms of reference provided for the construction of submarines on a competitive basis. In parallel with the development of Project 945, intensive work was underway on another project. Based on the same technical specifications and sketch data, SKB Malakhit was designing its own ship, the multi-purpose submarine of the Shchuka type - Project 971.

For 7 years, painstaking work went on to create new ships. The result of the titanic efforts of Gorky's designers was the project of 945 Barracuda-class submarines. The laying of the lead ship of the Karp nuclear submarine series took place in 1979 at the Gorky shipyard "Krasnoye Sormovo". In the future, it was planned to build another vessel on the Sevmash stocks.

Development and creation of the Project 945 warship

The design of new boats belonging to the 3rd generation began in 1972. All technical documentation for the new project was created in the Gorky (present-day Nizhny Novgorod) Central Design Bureau "Lazurit". The Krasnoye Sormovo shipyard, located here in the city of Gorky, was initially chosen as the location for the project.

Project 945 nuclear submarines were radically different from all previous submarines of this class. It was planned to build a ship whose hull would be made of titanium alloy. This innovation provided significant weight savings, making the displacement parameters of the new submarine acceptable for domestic shipyards. In addition, the titanium hull had greater strength, which automatically increased the immersion depth of the new ship. The titanium alloy from which the main hull of the submarine was made had low electromagnetic characteristics, providing the warship with good stealth in the water column.

Despite the high technical characteristics of the Barracuda-class submarines, the only “Achilles heel” of Project 945 is precisely the titanium hull. This innovation used in the design led to a significant increase in the cost of building the ship.

For reference: according to experts, Project 945 nuclear submarines cost the state treasury at that time a colossal amount of $300 million, which was equal to the amount spent on the construction of 2 Los Angeles-class submarines.

Ship hull

Multipurpose submarines of the Barracuda type were built with double hulls. This concept not only increased the tactical and technical characteristics of ships, but also made it possible to rationally use the technical capabilities of a titanium alloy. The main hull was made entirely of titanium, while the bow and stern ends of the boat's hull were of steel construction. The shape of the light hull had perfect hydrodynamic contours - an ellipsoidal bow and a spindle-shaped stern. The robust main hull had a conical shape, both at the bow and at the stern. All bulkheads at the ends of the ship were spherical, and the fastenings of the structure could easily experience the bending stresses that arise in the hull when diving to depth.

The entire ship was divided into 6 combat compartments. Ballast tanks were equipped with scupper-type kingstones. In addition, the design of the ship provided for the installation of an emergency ascent system. The tanks were purged not with compressed air, but with fuel combustion products during the operation of auxiliary diesel engines. To evacuate the crew in emergency situations, the boat was equipped with a rescue capsule installed in the area of ​​the central combat post. The new boat had a practical diving depth of 480 m, while the maximum permissible diving limit reached 550 m.

The boat on the surface had a displacement of 5940 tons. The dimensions of the vessel were: length 107 m and width 12 meters. Such measurements made it possible to carry the finished ship through a system of river canals from the slipway to the place of subsequent registration. Subsequently, the boats could freely undergo scheduled repair inspections at almost all ship repair enterprises of the Soviet military-industrial complex.

The submarine's crew consisted of 61 people.

Power point

The Project 945 Karp submarine, the lead submarine of the series, has a power plant with a capacity of 43 thousand horsepower. The operation of the gear-steam installation is ensured by one OK-650A nuclear reactor. The reactor design has 4 steam generators, which, together with pumps, provide the necessary coolant circulation through four circuits. The electricity obtained as a result of the operation of a nuclear installation is used to charge batteries and a group of converters.

In operating mode, with normal reactor loading, the power plant provides the submarine with a surface speed of 12 knots. When submerged, the submarine reaches a speed of 35 knots.

The ship has an increased endurance of navigation, which is at least 100 days.

At the same time, in addition to the main power plant, which ensures the life and operating cycles of the submarine, the vessel is equipped with two diesel engines. The task of diesel engines is auxiliary. In emergency situations, the motor group must provide the submarine with autonomous power supply and a speed of 5 knots for 10 days.

The ship is propelled by a propeller with improved hydrodynamic contours. The reduced propeller speed used on boats of this type makes the movement of submarines under water unnoticeable.

After the delivery of the first two ships, Project 945 underwent some changes. A new reactor is being installed on the boat. The armament of submarines has also changed. Subsequent ships belonged to Project 945A.

In total, in 8 years, from 1979 to 1987, two Project 945 submarines were commissioned. In 1983, the lead submarine of the Karp nuclear submarine entered service, and already in 1987, the second ship of the series entered service with the USSR Navy , nuclear submarine - "Crab". Both ships have different fates. The first-born of the series, the Karp submarine was decommissioned in 1998. The second ship of the nuclear submarine “Crab” series, which received the new name “Kostroma” in 1996, still remains in the Russian fleet.

Armament of Project 945 submarines

Soviet multi-purpose boats were supposed to serve as a counterweight to the American Los Angeles-class combat submarines, which had declared a hunt for Soviet missile submarines. To carry out combat missions, Soviet Project 945 submarines were equipped with torpedo and mine weapons, represented by the RPK-6 “Waterfall” and RPK-7 “Wind” combat systems.

These combat modules had a caliber of 533 mm and 650 mm, respectively. The main combat projectiles of Barracuda-class submarines were torpedoes and rocket-torpedoes launched through torpedo tubes. The boat's ammunition load was 40 torpedoes and missile torpedoes.

The main weapon of the Project 945 submarine was the TEST-71 torpedo, the warhead of which could cause critical damage to a potential enemy ship. The new torpedo had an active-passive homing system, which made its movement almost invisible to the enemy.

In addition to torpedoes with conventional warheads, the ships were equipped with Veter anti-submarine missile torpedoes with a nuclear warhead.

The radio-electronic armament of the Barracuda-class submarines consisted of the SKAT sonar system. Low noise when the ship moves underwater and the presence of new hydroacoustic equipment increased the stealth of the ship. The accuracy of determining the ship's coordinates using new equipment has increased 5 times. The range of direct communication between the ship and the base has increased several times, exceeding the previous indicators for the Soviet submarine fleet by 2-3 times.

The appearance of Project 945A submarines

After improving the power plant and strengthening the ships’ armament based on the existing project, new Project 945A Condor-type submarines appeared. Even at the stage of laying the 3rd and 4th ships of the series, an attempt was made to prepare the ships for the installation of the modernized OK-650B reactor. The power of the power plant increased to 48 thousand hp. New thrusters were installed on the boats, improving the maneuverability of the ship in combat conditions. The size of the ships remained unchanged, but their displacement increased to 6,400 tons. The submarine's crew is still 61 people. The main changes in the design affected the combat capabilities of the new ships. The introduction of design changes to the ship's weapon system led to the fact that on Project 945A boats the number of compartments reached 7.

The submarines were armed with six 533-mm torpedo tubes. However, the main weapon of the warship was the Granat strategic cruise missiles. One submarine carried up to 10 missiles with conventional and nuclear warheads. The launch of cruise missiles was to be carried out through torpedo tubes. Condor-class ships were armed with Igla MANPADS, which strengthened the air defense system of military ships.

The modernized ships received the name “Sierra II” in NATO terminology. The first improved type submarine entered service in 1990, receiving the name “Zubatka”. In 1995, the ship was renamed Nizhny Novgorod, becoming a Project 945A multi-purpose submarine.

The second ship of the Okun nuclear submarine series was laid down in 1989 and entered service in 1992, joining the ranks of the Russian Navy. In 1995, the boat received a new name, becoming the nuclear submarine Pskov. Further construction of new submarines was stopped. The next modernization of the ships' combat capabilities led to the laying of the Project 945B submarine (code "Mars"). However, due to the difficult financial situation in the country, it was decided not to build expensive titanium submarines in the future.

Today, the Russian Navy's roster includes all four titanium submarines. The submarines "Tula" and "Kostroma" are located at the wall of the shipyard, awaiting their future fate. Newer ships, the submarine Pskov and its sister, the nuclear submarine Nizhny Novgorod, are included in the 7th submarine division of the Northern Fleet, based in Vidyaevo. It is planned to re-equip all four ships in accordance with the technical specifications of Project 945M and arm the ships with Caliber cruise missiles.

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107.16 m Body width max. 12.28 m Average draft (according to waterline) 9.62 m Power point Nuclear, 1 reactor OK-650A 180 MW, 4 steam generators, 2 turbogenerators, 2 groups of batteries, 2 diesel generators DG-300 750 hp each. with a fuel supply for 10 days, 1 main propeller, 2 trolling engines of 370 kW each, two trolling propellers Armament Torpedo-
mine weapons Torpedo tubes: 2x650 mm, 12 torpedoes and missile-torpedoes, 4x533 mm, 28 torpedoes and missile-torpedoes. Air defense PU MANPADS 9K310 “Igla-1”/9K38 “Igla”
(NATO class - SA-14 "Gremlin"/SA-16 "Gimlet") with 8 missiles Project 945 Barracuda submarines

Project 945 Barracuda submarines(NATO designation - "Sierra-I") - a series of Soviet multi-purpose nuclear submarines built in -1986. "Barracudas" marked the beginning of the third generation of multi-purpose nuclear submarines in the Soviet Union, became the basis for Project 971, the boats of which are the basis of the multi-purpose submarine forces of the Russian Navy.

History of creation

When designing multi-purpose nuclear submarines of the second generation, the country's leading design bureaus and research centers simultaneously carried out work on third-generation nuclear submarines. The main reason for this was the dynamic development of the American submarine fleet, which in turn required a response from the Soviet Navy. As part of the country's anti-submarine defense concept, third-generation multipurpose submarines received special attention due to their increased search capabilities. They were considered as the main means of detecting enemy submarines, tracking them and destroying them, if the appropriate order was received.

In March 1972, tactical and technical assignments were given for the development of a Project 945 nuclear submarine under the code "Barracuda". The chief designer was appointed N. I. Kvasha. The main tasks for the boats of the new project were to track strategic submarines and aircraft carrier strike groups of a potential enemy and ensure their destruction at the outbreak of a conflict. The main limitation was displacement, since construction was planned at domestic factories in the country.

An important part of the project was the creation of a durable titanium alloy body. This made it possible to increase the maximum depth by one and a half times compared to second generation boats. Also, the use of an alloy of high specific strength made it possible to reduce the displacement of the boat, which made construction possible at the Krasnoye Sormovo plant and subsequent transportation by inland waterways. Also, the titanium structure greatly reduced the ship's magnetic field. According to this indicator, boats 945 of the project still maintain world leadership today. The only disadvantage of boats made of titanium alloys was their price. For this reason, the number of ships in the series was limited in favor of cheaper Project 971 Shchuka-B nuclear submarines, which used low-magnetic steel.



The boat is built using a double-hull design. The light hull at the bow of the boat has an ellipsoidal tip, and at the stern it has a spindle-shaped tip. The durable body is made of titanium alloy and has a cylindrical shape in the middle and conical at the ends. It consists of 6 waterproof compartments. The submarine has a pop-up escape capsule that can accommodate the entire crew.

Power point

The main power plant is one OK-650A pressurized water reactor with a power of 43,000 hp. and one turbo gear unit. A reactor of this type has four steam generators, two circulation pumps for the first and fourth circuits, and three pumps for the third circuit. The boat has two AC turbo generators, two feed pumps and two condenser pumps. There are also two groups of batteries and two reversible converters.


The boats of the project are armed with a torpedo-missile system, which allows firing without restrictions on the depth of immersion and includes four 533-mm and two 650-mm torpedo tubes. The ammunition capacity is 40 torpedoes and missiles.

Conventional torpedoes of various types, Vodopad anti-submarine missile systems, and Veter anti-submarine missiles, capable of installing a nuclear warhead, can be used as ammunition for torpedo tubes.

Electronic equipment

Among the radio-electronic equipment on the boats of the project, the MGK-503 Skat sonar system was installed. Thanks to the reduction of the hydroacoustic system's own interference and the noise of the boat, which was significantly lower compared to boats of the previous generation, the target detection range more than doubled. The number of errors when determining the location of the boat was reduced, which made it possible to surface much less frequently to determine coordinates. New communication equipment has made it possible to increase the signal reception range and their depth.


945A "Condor"

Submarines of the improved Project 945A "Condor" had differences in the weapons complex, a new reactor and thrusters. Measures have also been taken to achieve even lower noise levels.

945B "Mars"

A modification of the Barracuda project boats, which has almost the same characteristics for fourth-generation nuclear submarines. Due to a decrease in defense spending after the collapse of the USSR, construction of the only boat of the modified project laid down was stopped.


It is planned to modernize both ships at the Zvezdochka CS according to Project 945M:

  • replacement of nuclear fuel;
  • replacement of all electrical equipment;
  • inspection and repair of mechanical parts of ships;
  • if necessary, reactors will also be repaired;

new ones will be installed:

  • radars,
  • navigation systems GLONASS/GPS;
  • weapon systems:
    • "Caliber" cruise missile systems, which will allow firing at ground targets.

Service history

The first boat of the K-239 “Karp” project began its service in 1984. In 1998, after only 14 years of service, she was decommissioned and her future fate remains in doubt. The second, K-276 "Crab", entered combat service in 1987. On February 11, 1992, in Russian territorial waters, she collided with the American Los Angeles-class submarine Baton Rouge. The Crab's wheelhouse, designed to break through ice, was slightly damaged, and the Baton Rouge had a fire after the collision. After the accident, the Baton Rouge nuclear submarine reached the base under its own power and was decommissioned after some time.

Comparative assessment

"Los Angeles" "Pike" "Pike-B" "Barracuda" "Condor" "Fin" "Ruby"
Years of construction - - - - - - -
Years of service c c c c c c- c
Built 62 15 15 2 2 1 6
Displacement (t)
Speed ​​(kt)
Immersion depth (m)


Name Factory number Bookmark Launching Commissioning Status
K-239 "Karp"
from 04/06/1993 B-239 “Karp”
3001 20.07.1979 29.07.1983 29.09.1984 Withdrawn from the fleet on May 30, 1998. In 2013, it is preparing for repairs and modernization to the level of 4th generation boats at the Zvezdochka Center. As of May 16, 2014, fuel has already begun to be unloaded from the reactor. According to a message dated July 7, 2014, preparations began for unloading spent nuclear fuel. As of February 24, 2015, repairs were suspended. On February 26, 2015, information appeared that repairs were ongoing.
K-276 "Crab"
from 04/06/1993 B-276 “Crab”
from 11/15/1996 “Kostroma”
3002 21.04.1984 27.06.1986 27.10.1987 As part of the Northern Fleet. Repair and modernization will take place after the repair of “Karp”

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V. E. Ilyin, A. I. Kolesnikov."Russian Submarines: An Illustrated Guide." - M.: AST, 2002. - 140 p. - ISBN 5-02-033780-3.

An excerpt characterizing Project 945 Barracuda submarines

The sun has long since set. Bright stars lit up here and there in the sky; The red, fire-like glow of the rising full moon spread across the edge of the sky, and a huge red ball swayed amazingly in the grayish haze. It was getting light. The evening was already over, but the night had not yet begun. Pierre got up from his new comrades and walked between the fires to the other side of the road, where, he was told, the captured soldiers were standing. He wanted to talk to them. On the road, a French guard stopped him and ordered him to turn back.
Pierre returned, but not to the fire, to his comrades, but to the unharnessed cart, which had no one. He crossed his legs and lowered his head, sat down on the cold ground near the wheel of the cart and sat motionless for a long time, thinking. More than an hour passed. Nobody bothered Pierre. Suddenly he laughed his fat, good-natured laugh so loudly that people from different directions looked back in surprise at this strange, obviously lonely laugh.
- Ha, ha, ha! – Pierre laughed. And he said out loud to himself: “The soldier didn’t let me in.” They caught me, they locked me up. They are holding me captive. Who me? Me! Me - my immortal soul! Ha, ha, ha!.. Ha, ha, ha!.. - he laughed with tears welling up in his eyes.
Some man stood up and came up to see what this strange big man was laughing about. Pierre stopped laughing, stood up, moved away from the curious man and looked around him.
Previously loudly noisy with the crackling of fires and the chatter of people, the huge, endless bivouac fell silent; the red lights of the fires went out and turned pale. A full moon stood high in the bright sky. Forests and fields, previously invisible outside the camp, now opened up in the distance. And even further away from these forests and fields one could see a bright, wavering, endless distance calling into itself. Pierre looked into the sky, into the depths of the receding, playing stars. “And all this is mine, and all this is in me, and all this is me! - thought Pierre. “And they caught all this and put it in a booth fenced off with boards!” He smiled and went to bed with his comrades.

In the first days of October, another envoy came to Kutuzov with a letter from Napoleon and a peace proposal, deceptively indicated from Moscow, while Napoleon was already not far ahead of Kutuzov, on the old Kaluga road. Kutuzov responded to this letter in the same way as to the first one sent with Lauriston: he said that there could be no talk of peace.
Soon after this, from the partisan detachment of Dorokhov, who went to the left of Tarutin, a report was received that troops had appeared in Fominskoye, that these troops consisted of the Broussier division and that this division, separated from other troops, could easily be exterminated. The soldiers and officers again demanded action. The staff generals, excited by the memory of the ease of victory at Tarutin, insisted to Kutuzov that Dorokhov’s proposal be implemented. Kutuzov did not consider any offensive necessary. What happened was the mean, what had to happen; A small detachment was sent to Fominskoye, which was supposed to attack Brusier.
By a strange coincidence, this appointment - the most difficult and most important, as it turned out later - was received by Dokhturov; that same modest, little Dokhturov, whom no one described to us as drawing up battle plans, flying in front of regiments, throwing crosses at batteries, etc., who was considered and called indecisive and uninsightful, but the same Dokhturov, whom during all Russian wars with the French, from Austerlitz until the thirteenth year, we find ourselves in charge wherever the situation is difficult. In Austerlitz, he remains the last at the Augest dam, gathering regiments, saving what he can, when everything is running and dying and not a single general is in the rearguard. He, sick with a fever, goes to Smolensk with twenty thousand to defend the city against the entire Napoleonic army. In Smolensk, as soon as he dozed off at the Molokhov Gate, in a paroxysm of fever, he was awakened by cannonade across Smolensk, and Smolensk held out all day. On Borodino Day, when Bagration was killed and the troops of our left flank were killed in a ratio of 9 to 1 and the entire force of the French artillery was sent there, no one else was sent, namely the indecisive and indiscernible Dokhturov, and Kutuzov hurries to correct his mistake when he sent there another. And small, quiet Dokhturov goes there, and Borodino is the best glory of the Russian army. And many heroes are described to us in poetry and prose, but almost not a word about Dokhturov.
Again Dokhturov is sent there to Fominskoye and from there to Maly Yaroslavets, to the place where the last battle with the French took place, and to the place from which, obviously, the death of the French already begins, and again many geniuses and heroes are described to us during this period of the campaign , but not a word about Dokhturov, or very little, or doubtful. This silence about Dokhturov most obviously proves his merits.
Naturally, for a person who does not understand the movement of a machine, when he sees its action, it seems that the most important part of this machine is that chip that accidentally fell into it and, interfering with its progress, flutters in it. A person who does not know the structure of the machine cannot understand that it is not this splinter that spoils and interferes with the work, but that small transmission gear that silently turns, is one of the most essential parts of the machine.
On October 10, the same day that Dokhturov walked half the road to Fominsky and stopped in the village of Aristov, preparing to exactly carry out the given order, the entire French army, in its convulsive movement, reached Murat’s position, as it seemed, in order to give The battle suddenly, for no reason, turned left onto the new Kaluga road and began to enter Fominskoye, in which Brusier had previously stood alone. Dokhturov at that time had under his command, in addition to Dorokhov, two small detachments of Figner and Seslavin.
On the evening of October 11, Seslavin arrived in Aristovo to his superiors with a captured French guardsman. The prisoner said that the troops that had entered Fominskoe today constituted the vanguard of the entire large army, that Napoleon was right there, that the entire army had already left Moscow for the fifth day. That same evening, a servant who came from Borovsk told how he saw a huge army entering the city. Cossacks from Dorokhov's detachment reported that they saw the French Guard walking along the road to Borovsk. From all this news it became obvious that where they thought they would find one division, there was now the entire French army, marching from Moscow in an unexpected direction - along the old Kaluga road. Dokhturov did not want to do anything, since it was not clear to him now what his responsibility was. He was ordered to attack Fominskoye. But in Fominskoe there had previously only been Broussier, now there was the entire French army. Ermolov wanted to act at his own discretion, but Dokhturov insisted that he needed to have an order from His Serene Highness. It was decided to send a report to headquarters.
For this purpose, an intelligent officer was elected, Bolkhovitinov, who, in addition to the written report, had to tell the whole matter in words. At twelve o'clock at night, Bolkhovitinov, having received an envelope and a verbal order, galloped, accompanied by a Cossack, with spare horses to the main headquarters.

The night was dark, warm, autumn. It had been raining for four days now. Having changed horses twice and galloping thirty miles along a muddy, sticky road in an hour and a half, Bolkhovitinov was in Letashevka at two o'clock in the morning. Having dismounted from the hut, on the fence of which there was a sign: “General Headquarters,” and abandoning his horse, he entered the dark vestibule.
- The general on duty, quickly! Very important! - he said to someone who was rising and snoring in the darkness of the entryway.
“We’ve been very unwell since the evening; we haven’t slept for three nights,” the orderly’s voice whispered intercessively. - You must wake up the captain first.
“Very important, from General Dokhturov,” said Bolkhovitinov, entering the open door he felt. The orderly walked ahead of him and began to wake someone up:
- Your honor, your honor - the courier.
- I'm sorry, what? from whom? – said someone’s sleepy voice.
– From Dokhturov and from Alexey Petrovich. “Napoleon is in Fominskoye,” said Bolkhovitinov, not seeing in the darkness who asked him, but by the sound of his voice, suggesting that it was not Konovnitsyn.
The awakened man yawned and stretched.
“I don’t want to wake him up,” he said, feeling something. - You're sick! Maybe so, rumors.
“Here’s the report,” said Bolkhovitinov, “I’ve been ordered to hand it over to the general on duty immediately.”
- Wait, I’ll light a fire. Where the hell do you always put it? – turning to the orderly, said the stretching man. It was Shcherbinin, Konovnitsyn's adjutant. “I found it, I found it,” he added.
The orderly was chopping the fire, Shcherbinin was feeling the candlestick.
“Oh, disgusting ones,” he said with disgust.
In the light of the sparks, Bolkhovitinov saw the young face of Shcherbinin with a candle and in the front corner a still sleeping man. It was Konovnitsyn.
When the brimstones lit up with a blue and then a red flame on the tinder, Shcherbinin lit a tallow candle, from the candlestick of which the Prussians ran, gnawing it, and examined the messenger. Bolkhovitinov was covered in dirt and, wiping himself with his sleeve, smeared it on his face.
-Who is informing? - said Shcherbinin, taking the envelope.
“The news is true,” said Bolkhovitinov. - And the prisoners, and the Cossacks, and the spies - they all unanimously show the same thing.
“There’s nothing to do, we have to wake him up,” said Shcherbinin, getting up and approaching a man in a nightcap, covered with an overcoat. - Pyotr Petrovich! - he said. Konovnitsyn did not move. - To the main headquarters! – he said, smiling, knowing that these words would probably wake him up. And indeed, the head in the nightcap rose immediately. On Konovnitsyn’s handsome, firm face, with feverishly inflamed cheeks, for a moment there remained the expression of dreams of a dream far from the present situation, but then suddenly he shuddered: his face took on its usually calm and firm expression.

The unique Project 945 Barracuda submarines can be returned to the Russian Navy. The hulls of the submarines of this project are made of titanium, which makes the hull more durable and does not attract magnetic mines. But the high cost of titanium forced us to abandon the construction of these boats.

According to the Izvestia newspaper, the High Command of the Navy decided to restore the Project 945 Barracuda submarines. Their return to service is more expedient than disposal.

Today, the Navy has four titanium nuclear submarines: two Project 945 “Barracuda” - K-239 “Karp” and K-276 “Kostroma” and two boats of the modernized Project 945A “Condor” - K-336 “Pskov” and K- 534 "Nizhny Novgorod".

Submarines of the Barracuda and Condor classes are armed with two 650 mm torpedo tubes and four 533 mm. In addition, the submarines of the Condor project are capable of firing Granat nuclear cruise missiles and diving to 600 meters, which is 50 meters deeper than the Barracuda is capable of diving. To repel air attacks, the submarines are equipped with Igla systems.

All four boats are part of the 7th Submarine Division of the Northern Fleet (Vidyaevo village). The K-239 “Karp” boat has been at the Zvezdochka shipyard awaiting restoration since 1994.

A contract for the repair of two Barakudas has already been signed with Zvyozdochka. The plant must carry out medium repairs and modernization. The nuclear fuel and all electronics on the boats will be replaced, and mechanical parts will be checked and repaired. In addition, repairs will be carried out at nuclear reactors.

“According to the schedule, by the end of April, the K-239 Karp boat should be transferred from the fleet’s balance to the enterprise’s balance. By this time, troubleshooting must be carried out and the work project must be approved. The work itself will begin in the summer of this year and will continue, according to the most optimistic scenario, for 2-3 years. Perhaps the time frame will drag on, since not everything is clear with the component suppliers. After Karp, the K-276 Kostroma will undergo repairs.

The ship repairers explained that the titanium hulls of the boats are in excellent condition. Titanium, unlike steel, is not subject to corrosion.

It is planned that the modernized submarines of the Barracuda project will receive new hydroacoustic stations, combat information and control systems, radars with an electronic reconnaissance station, and a navigation system based on GLONASS/GPS. In addition, the boat will have the ability to fire cruise missiles of the Caliber (Club-S) complex, including at ground targets.

The strength of titanium boats was demonstrated in 1992, when the K-276 Kostroma nuclear submarine collided with an American Los Angeles-class submarine in the Barents Sea. Our ship received minor damage to the wheelhouse and the American boat had to be written off.

“Restoring the group of multi-purpose nuclear submarines is one of the most important programs of the fleet. Unfortunately, there are barely a third of the total number of seaworthy boats, so the return of Project 945 is undoubtedly good news. “Thanks to the titanium hull, these boats can last up to 100 years,” explained the military expert.

There is also the opposite opinion. Thus, the former chief of the main headquarters of the Navy, Viktor Kravchenko, believes that restoring boats built in the 1980s is wrong. “Modern grades of steel allow boats to withstand the same depth as titanium. Therefore, as in the Soviet years, titanium boats do not have a special advantage over steel ones. I believe that it would be better to build new ones, they would have a much longer resource,” Kravchenko explained his position.

The collision between US and CIS nuclear submarines occurred on February 11, 1992 in the Barents Sea, US Department of Defense spokesman Bob Hall said at the time. According to him, the American submarine Baton Rouge was following under the periscope, and the CIS submarine was in the process of surfacing from a submerged position.

The 6,000-ton Los Angeles-class nuclear attack submarine Baton Rouge is capable of speeds in excess of 30 knots when submerged. Dive depth – 450 meters. The crew size is 127 people. The boat is armed with Tomahawk missiles

“The incident occurred in the Barents Sea in an area that we believe is in international waters beyond the 12-mile zone,” a Pentagon spokesman said.

B. Hall refused to disclose the goals and objectives of the Baton Rouge that she was performing before the collision with the CIS submarine. At the same time, he informed that the incident was discussed by US Secretary of State James Baker during his meeting with the President of the Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin. “Before making the incident public, we wanted to discuss this issue with the Russian President,” Hall emphasized. There was a frank discussion about what happened, he said.

A US Navy spokesman admitted that Baton Rouge was carrying out reconnaissance missions, collecting information about naval activity at sea and on shore in the area of ​​Russian naval bases on the Kola Peninsula.

“We have a number of submarines operating there,” said US Defense Secretary A. Cheney. “They are an important part of our security, and I have no reason to believe that there is a fundamental problem here that requires a change in policy.”

“US and Soviet submarines are clearly playing a game of cat and mouse in Arctic waters, and collisions here are not such an unprecedented event,” the Washington Post writes in this regard. “But this episode last week is unusual because the Pentagon has almost never discussed such activity before and because it signals a continued presence of American attack submarines off Russian shores.”

According to the Russian Navy, an American boat violated the Russian state border, venturing 8.5 kilometers into our waters. The Americans claim that the collision occurred 14 miles from the coast, that is, outside the 12-mile zone of Russian territorial waters. One of our rear admirals described the accident this way:

“The American commander lost contact with our boat, which he was monitoring. There were 5 other fishing trawlers in the area. The Russian boat began to actively maneuver “to fully cover the events” (it is possible that our commander decided to “shove” the American quite deliberately) and decided to surface. So both boats fell into the acoustic “shadow” zone. Baton Rouge was on top. "Sierra" stumbled upon it, received a strong list to the left and, having skinned the American boat, rose to the surface.

“Roughly speaking,” said the rear admiral, “there were parts marked “Made in the USA” on the hull of our boat, so the Pentagon had no choice but to admit its involvement in the incident.” At the end of the conversation, a representative of the Russian Navy press center officially stated:

– Regardless of the peace-loving rhetoric of American politicians, in reality the US Navy continues to pursue Cold War policies. The purpose of this policy was this: to lock our fleet at bases, prevent it from turning around and be able to quickly destroy it in the event of hostilities.

All documents based on the results of the work of the Navy commission were transferred to the Russian Foreign Ministry. The commander of the Sierra, I. Lokot, did not suffer any disciplinary punishment.


NATO code: 3 – class “SIERRA”.

Displacement: 7600 tons.

Dimensions: 110x12.4x7.4 m.

Armament: 6-533 mm TT, 2-650 mm TT (for SSN-21), 60 min.

Power plant: 2 PV reactors, 3 steam turbines, 1 propeller, 40,000 hp.

Speed: 35 knots

Crew: 100 people.

Acoustic equipment: 1 radar (in the aft bulb fairing), 2 sonars: active/passive, active.

Construction: built in Gorky, completed in Severodvinsk. The main building was built in July 1983 and entered service in 1984.

Additional information: Immersion depth 550 m. 7 compartments. In parallel with the SIERRA class submarine, the design and construction of a MIKE class submarine was underway with similar weapons and main dimensions, but with a titanium hull and a immersion depth of 1000 m, without an aft bulb fairing (1 reactor?). Despite the death of MIKE (Soviet name - KOMSOMOLETS), the Jane's directory includes her in the fleet, indicating the date of the accident. In 1993 they planned to raise it. Construction of the Sierra class submarine continues.