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The most expensive coffee beans. Vietnamese Luwak coffee: the most expensive coffee made from excrement. How to find coffee plantations in Bali

Nowadays money plays a big role in a person’s life. I would even say that we spend most of our time searching for the most profitable business. Everyone is especially interested in the business that will bring money in a short time.

Most people think little about ways to achieve wealth, and this sometimes brings problems. Any business is built not only on fast and cheap ways. Much depends on quality, and it cannot be achieved by easily accessible methods.

Incredible way to make money

In our modern age, we have learned to make money from everything, not only from large and small production. The availability of the Internet has made it possible to earn money even from pets. There would be a desire to sell absolutely everything, but there would always be a buyer.

Returning to the topic of pets, not all owners keep them out of the kindness of their hearts. Many people make money from them; you have often come across advertisements for the sale of puppies or kittens, a rare breed with an ancient pedigree. And how many similar scammers are there among sellers?

The Internet has greatly facilitated access to information and communication at a distance, but also made it possible for fraudulent schemes to flourish unhindered. Therefore, when buying anything online, work only with trusted sites, protect yourself.

The latest innovative way to improve your financial situation at the expense of a pet is to own a Musang, or better yet, several. Ask who is this? Otherwise it is called luwak, an animal that produces.

I'm sure you're wondering what the little animal has to do with coffee production? Let's start in order.

Who is Luwak?

Musang is a small animal, dark gray in color with thick and coarse fur, with black stripes along the body. It loves warm tropical climates because it lives on palm trees. It has many names:

  • Malayan Marten;
  • Palm civet.

But most often she is known in the world as Luwak.

The places where the animals live are:

  • Islands of Java and Borneo;
  • South.

They settle on palm trees and do not form flocks. They intersect with their relatives only during the mating season. Since males and females have scent glands in the form of testicles, these animals are sometimes said to be hermaphrodites. For a long time, they were considered pests in their homeland.

Although these mammals are omnivores, they eat a wide variety of foods:

  • Various fruits;
  • Small insects;
  • The bats;
  • Small birds and their eggs;
  • Also worms;
  • Small rodents, such as squirrels and their young;
  • Snakes;
  • Lizards.

Luwak's favorite treat is coffee beans.

For some time they tried to exterminate them by all available means. The fact is that the animals lead an active life at night, and they are quite difficult to catch. Making their way to coffee plantations, they choose only the most delicious and ripe beans. During the day, the animal sleeps, nestling in the interweaving of vines and small branches.

Unfortunately, it is not known who this original was. The main thing is that, having tried this coffee, gourmets found it the most amazing. The coffee taste is reminiscent of vanilla and chocolate, without being bitter.

In addition to producing an expensive variety of unusual coffee, musangs bring other benefits to people. By settling close to people, in stables and other outbuildings, they help get rid of small rodent pests. So these are quite pleasant neighbors, and even with the opportunity to make money from them.

Scheme for the production of the most expensive coffee

How does this unusual taste of coffee come about? According to the observations of scientists, coffee beans, passing through the intestines of luwaka, are processed by a special enzyme - “cebitin”. Thanks to it, the bitterness that is inherent in coffee goes away, while leaving the rest of the special taste properties, plus vanilla complements it.

Under natural conditions, luwak, or paradoxurus hermaphroditus in Latin, produces only a few kilograms of this coffee per year. So residents and producers put a lot of effort into carefully collecting the resulting product and sending it for further processing. That is why its cost starts from 400 dollars to 1500.

Despite the fact that Kopi Luwak coffee is produced in such an unusual and perhaps even unpleasant way for many. Few people liked to observe the entire production and processing process.

Most people prefer not to think about where coffee comes from, but simply enjoy the unusual taste of the final product. Hence the great popularity of coffee all over the world. Therefore, many coffee companies try to produce it artificially.

There are entire Luwak farms in Asian countries.

Only an animal of the civet family living in captivity produces coffee that is not so aromatic and tasty. After all, the diet of an animal in captivity is different from what it is used to; it eats what is given, without choosing the best, as in freedom.

The closest taste to wild coffee is Vietnamese coffee “Chon”. This is all thanks to the technology of manual selection of coffee beans; only the best are fed to the martens.

Some manufacturers tried to recreate rare coffee in the laboratory, but nothing worked. Synthetically processed civet, in the end, did not give the desired result. Most likely, coffee is also influenced by other enzymes found in the small marten’s intestines.

Unusual "manufacturer"

Wikipedia gives a detailed description of the animal's life. And below you can see a photo of this cute creature. Luwak quickly becomes tamed, even living with people, on roofs or near growing trees. And you don't have to put him in a cage.

Earn thousands of dollars with the help of an exotic animal

Recently, it has become popular to breed Luwak; many entrepreneurs earn hundreds of thousands from coffee martens. In terms of content, this is not a whimsical creature, and is an omnivore. Although he chooses only the best from food.

But if you want to get the best coffee in the end, then you should build conditions that are closest to natural wild nature, then demand will only increase.

The best part is that breeding musangs is quite easy; females have a short pregnancy of only two months and produce from two to four cubs. Therefore, developing an extensive production of exotic coffee will not be difficult. But if you want to have no equal in your production, make more efforts to create comfortable living conditions for palm martens.

Interesting story

After all, living in other climatic conditions, their body is structured differently, and it is unknown what viruses they carry. But legally obtaining permission to import such an animal is quite difficult. There are so many certificates and permits that need to be collected that in the end many simply give up on the idea of ​​owning such an animal.

That's why the smuggling business is so booming. People don't understand that getting a crocodile without knowing how to keep it can lead to a lot of problems. These are exactly the problems that my friend encountered when she decided to circumvent the law and buy an exotic cat, to be more precise, a “Velvet Wild Cat.”

But they brought her a completely different animal. Instead of the small cat she had chosen, she was given a “Bornean cat,” as it turned out later. In general, she paid a decent amount of money for this fluffy miracle.

The problems started just a couple of days later

They didn’t really explain to her how to care for her, and on the Internet she was looking for information about a completely different type of cat. And no one explained to her that both the owner and the animal need to be vaccinated against various infections, most of which are transmitted through a bite or a cut from the claws.

Believe me, wild cats are different from domestic cats, especially those that were forcibly torn out from their usual environment and were not tamed to people. So my friend suffered from her lack of information.

This story ended rather sadly, firstly, the animal got sick due to improper care. Secondly, his owner became seriously ill with a high fever due to a cut on her arm left by a wild cat.

Of course, they were both able to be cured, but after being discharged from the hospital, my friend was dragged around for a long time to various authorities and was fined a serious amount for illegally importing an animal.

I can say one thing: you shouldn’t chase exotic things, the result may not please you

If you admire wild animals so much, then go to the zoo or visit a tourist Safari, where you can safely enjoy the wild nature.

I hope my tips help you. Thanks to all my subscribers, your opinion is important to me, so write your questions, I will be happy to answer them. Share useful interesting articles with your friends and subscribe to. See you.

Text— Agent Q.

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Luwak coffee is the most expensive and original coffee in the world. This drink is considered popular in Indonesia, and is produced on the islands of Java, Sulawesi and Sumatra. If we literally translate the name of this coffee, it means Luwak coffee.

Luwak is a predatory animal that loves to eat ripe coffee berries. He loves these grains so much that he often overeats and most of the grains immediately enter the gastrointestinal tract, practically unchanged, only slightly processed by digestive enzymes.

This same animal has greatly improved the economy of the islands. Until recently, local residents sold ordinary coffee, which was not of very good quality, so their income was small. And also this luwak, which devoured all the coffee and was caught in order to exterminate it. One planter came up with a different method to wash the grains that had passed through the animal’s digestive system. Such coffee received the attention of gourmets, and therefore Luwak suddenly began to be valued by local planters.

Reason for fame and popularity

At first, Luwak coffee was appreciated in Japan, but after some time it spread throughout the world, despite the high price (400 euros per kilogram). Some believe that Luwak coffee is popular because of its caramel-chocolate flavor, but others believe it is because of the origin of the beans.

Luwak coffee is the rarest and most expensive coffee in the world. This drink is supplied only from Indonesia and is the rarest and most original drink. Why is it rare? Because no more than 250 kg of it are collected annually in the world. And this coffee is known for its noble and unusual taste thanks to the unusual collection and unusual method of fermentation of the grain. As for the animal itself, the luwak is a small predatory animal that loves only the ripest and. For some time, luwak was considered a pest, until they realized that they could make a lot of money from it. Luwak coffee also smells like chocolate and is the drink of the gods. The price of such a drink is high not only because Luwak coffee is very tasty, but also because its production is scanty.

Many people start their own. Also, most people drink natural coffee. But there are many varieties of them. What coffee drink is considered the most expensive? Of course, Luwak coffee. Coffee lovers all over the world pay a lot of money for this coffee.

Where is it produced?

It grows, as already mentioned, on the islands of Sumatra, Java and Sulawesi. But it’s not the growing area that makes this drink so expensive, but the production technology. Only this region is home to a small predatory animal of the civet family. Until recently, such an animal was considered a pest that destroys the coffee crop and was fought with all known methods. This animal feeds on coffee beans, and what's worse, it chooses the ripest and best beans.

A little later, one person decided that they could make money from this pest. How did he do this? He saw that the luwak consumed much more grains than it could digest. Thus, untreated grains exit through the digestive system almost in their entirety, only processed by enzymes. These coffee beans come out of the animal naturally.

Now it is no longer known who was the first to try Luwak coffee, but those who drink it claim that coffee has a very unusual and amazing taste. The aroma of the drink after such processing intensifies even more. Due to the abundant leaching, Luwak coffee is less bitter, since proteins are washed out with water.

Although the process of processing grains is completely natural, no one has yet succeeded in doing everything artificially. Therefore, the residents of Indonesia are trying to collect more waste products of luwak, from which they prepare the most expensive and delicious drink.

Luwak coffee is a coffee that has no equal in both rarity and price. A kilogram of these grains is equal to 320-400 dollars. The real name of this coffee is “Kopi Luwak” which is Indonesian for Luwak coffee. Despite the origin of the beans, its producers claim that Luwak coffee meets all quality standards. This method of processing makes the coffee even more aromatic and tastier. The taste of the drink is enhanced, and this coffee also smells like chocolate and has a caramel tint.

Where can you try real Luwak coffee?

In Russia there is a specialized online store - luwak.rf, where you can buy Luwak coffee with delivery throughout the country. The quality is really high. The biggest fans of Luwak coffee are the Japanese. It is to Japan that the largest amount of this drink is sent annually. Only recently a small batch of this coffee came to the United States, where it simply excited local coffee lovers and coffee market professionals. At first everyone laughed a little at this coffee and didn’t take it seriously. But then, after trying it once, we realized what a delicious and unusual coffee it was.

True coffee lovers must have heard about Luwak coffee at least once in their lives. In articles about coffee, this name or even the type of coffee appears as the most sophisticated, best, most expensive coffee in the world. There are many different opinions about this coffee, but there are whole legends about the chocolate-vanilla taste of the drink, which is produced with the help of small predatory animals that live in Indonesia and feed on the best coffee beans. Luwak coffee cannot be of poor quality, as Luwak selects only the best, aromatic, ripe coffee beans. He eats them in such quantities that the grains do not have time to be digested and exit through the digestive tract whole. And such fermentation of coffee beans only improves the taste, enhances the aroma and removes bitterness.

On the island of Bali, if you drive along the road, you will come across a sign - Luwak coffee, agrotourism. As a rule, there is a cafe near the road where you can try a cup of coffee while listening to a story about the animal that produces this wonderful drink. To see everything clearly, there can be an aviary with a couple of Luwak cubs nearby. The narrator can basically talk about these animals in many languages, although he may not know the languages ​​at all. Just memorized phrases that he repeats many, many times. The business is built on the fact that a tourist comes, tastes the coffee, listens to the story, buys the coffee and leaves. Some guides don't even bother with details, they know that they will buy coffee anyway.

Some tourists refuse to try coffee, but only want to see the animals themselves and the process of producing such coffee. Cafe owners are often surprised by such requests, but still show and talk about luwak.

At the very beginning of Luwak coffee production, the animals lived in the forest and only came to eat the best and ripest coffee beans on the plantation. The plantation owners themselves simply selected the coffee beans processed by the Luwaks and cleaned them. Back then, the beans were very expensive, since you couldn’t tell the wild luwak where to go and leave the coffee beans processed in the intestines. So people walked all over the plantation and looked for them, but it was very difficult to find them. There is one more point - luwak is made from other fruits, coffee beans - this is the last thing the animal collected when it wanted to eat.

How is Luwak coffee produced now?

Nowadays, Luwak coffee is made on special farms where animals are kept in special cages. Peasants also make money by catching these predatory animals. If they see a hole, they smoke the luwak and then sell it to the farm.

A farm is a personal plot where cages with adult luwak are located. They are fed bananas in the morning and go to bed during the day. At this time, bags of coffee berries are brought to the farm and given to the animals after sleep. In such no longer wild conditions, it is not clear whether Luwak chooses the ripest and most delicious berries. Of course, he can leave the bad berries uneaten, but he probably doesn’t select the ripest ones. Therefore, the myth that Luwak eats only the ripe and best coffee berries remains only a fairy tale. When a luwak eats berries, he constantly, in the process of chewing, spits out the skins and the owners are obliged to carefully select these skins from the trays that the luwak ate only berries. Basically, Luwak eats up to a kilogram of coffee berries at a time. This kilogram yields only 50 g of green grains. Feeding the animals is carried out by three or four people, who then select processed grains from the trays, clean, wash and dry them. And late in the evening the Luwak are fed the main meal - rice with chicken.

After processing, the grains themselves are washed and manually cleared of the film. They sell grains in bags. Luwak coffee is bought by Europeans, who sell this drink in their homeland for $300 per kilogram.

On farms, luwak are watched very closely. The cages are clean and have no foreign odor; they are constantly washed and cleaned. In Indonesia, it is legal to keep Luwak dogs at home. There are no underground farms, so it is possible to keep them clean and tidy. The animals themselves are not tamed like dogs, they are not handled and no contact occurs with them. After processing and before sale, coffee is also sent to a laboratory for certification and the content of heavy metals.

As for the yield, it occurs only for 6 months - from April to September. During the rest of the year, luwak are only looked after in anticipation of the next profitable period. In Indonesia itself, a kilogram of green beans costs $77, and roasted beans cost $160.

Trying Luwak coffee in Bali is easy. Almost everywhere along the road there are tents where you can try this drink for $3 per cup. You can also buy this coffee in supermarkets, only for $10 per 100 grams. But for some reason it is sold in the “wine” department.

Incredible facts

The most expensive coffee in the world, called "Black Tusk", is made from coffee beans eaten and digested by Thai elephants, and costs 1100 dollars per kilogram.

According to those who have tried coffee, the exotic drink made from elephant excrement has rich, soft taste precisely thanks to the digestion process in the elephant's intestines.

“When an elephant eats coffee beans, the acid in its stomach breaks down the proteins in the coffee, which gives the drink a bitter taste,” the experts explained. "The result is coffee with a very mild taste without bitterness regular drink."

Read also:

The most expensive and delicious coffee in the world

It is very similar to another variety of coffee, Kopi Luwak, which is obtained from the excrement of musang animals. However, the elephant's stomach has a slight advantage in this regard.

On average an animal It takes about 15-30 hours to digest the coffee fruit, which are "simmered" along with bananas, sugar cane and other ingredients of a typical elephant's vegetarian diet to create a uniquely rich and fruity flavour.

A rare variety of coffee can be tasted only at four resorts in the world: three in the Maldives and one in Thailand and A cup of this drink is not cheap - $50.

Why is it so expensive, you say? Firstly, keeping elephants in a reserve is expensive. Secondly, the elephants are fed only Thai Arabica coffee, grown at an altitude of 1500 meters. In addition, elephants need eat about 32 kg of coffee fruit to produce 1 kg of coffee beans.

Coffee varieties

There are two main types of coffee: Arabica coffee And Robusta coffee. The most common Arabica variety is obtained from the fruits of the Coffea Arabica tree, and Robusta from the fruits of Coffea canephora.

Arabica has a more refined taste and contains less caffeine. Robusta is a cheaper variety of coffee with a high caffeine content, more bitterness and sourness.

The most expensive types of coffee:

Kopi Luwak coffee: from 115 to 590 dollars per 500 grams

Kopi Luwak is made from coffee cherries that are digested by musang animals, which use their keen sense of smell to select the ripest and best fruits. The digestion process removes the pulp and leaves behind the sweeter grain, which is harvested by hand.

Coffee Esmeralda "La Esmeralda": 100 dollars for 500 grams

Also known as Esmeralda Special, this coffee is produced in the mountains of western Panama. The intense flavor of the coffee is a result of the cool climate and careful harvesting of the fruit.

St. Helena Coffee: $80 per 500 grams

This type of coffee is produced on the island of St. Helena, where Napoleon Bonaparte was in exile. It is made from the fruits of "Green Tipped Bourbon Arabic", which grows only on this island. It has a pleasant fruity taste.

Coffee "Fazenda Santa Ines": 50 dollars per 500 grams

This type of coffee is produced in the state of Minas Gerais in Brazil in the traditional manual way. It has a sweetish taste of caramel and berries.

Blue Mountain coffee: $45 per 500 grams

This coffee is produced in Jamaica and is known for its very smooth taste without bitterness. Coffee beans are also used as a base for Tia Maria liqueur.

Coffee is the most sold product after oil. There are coffee lovers in every home. Russia is among the top ten largest coffee lovers. Almost everyone loves coffee, but not everyone knows that the most expensive and most difficult, elite and prestigious is Kopi Luwak coffee (coffee made from excrement). This is a unique variety of coffee No. 1.

Gourmets detect in it an unusually soft taste of caramel with the most delicate aroma of dark chocolate and vanilla with a persistent pleasant aftertaste. One cup of coffee can cost up to $90 in Europe. This probably adds a special charm to the excellent taste.

The technology of its preparation will shock anyone. Exclusive coffee for a narrow circle is obtained in the most extreme way - this coffee is not for the faint of heart. The method of making aromatic coffee differs from the traditional one. This unique, most expensive type of coffee is chosen from the droppings (excrement, in simple terms - ordinary poop) of animals.

Soft to the touch and fluffy wild animals, distant relatives of the Rikki-Tikki-Tavi mongoose, resembling a cat with a big nose - the Asian palm civet (civet, luwak, musang or Chinese badger) are big fans of coffee berries. Moving from one tree to another, animals absorb the ripest and largest coffee berries in huge quantities.

Ripe coffee beans are red in color and resemble the fruits of a bay tree. During the day, one voracious animal can swallow up to 1 kg of coffee beans, from which only 50 grams of undigested coffee beans can then be picked out.

Coffee beans treated with gastric juice enzymes and civet: - dried, cleaned and peeled, washed thoroughly, dried again, then lightly and carefully roasted at a certain temperature. The exact roasting recipe is kept secret.

Outlandish beans obtained in such an unusual way can only be obtained for 6 months of the year, and the rest of the time the animals do not produce the enzyme that gives coffee a unique aroma. Grains obtained from males have a greater and more pleasant aroma. A high standard is applied to defects in the appearance of coffee beans; the beans go through up to 15 degrees of sorting.

The most expensive Kopi Luwak coffee with a unique aroma is produced in Indonesia in a special microclimate on the island of Java and earn huge money from it.

Some researchers tried to get the same coffee in Ethiopia, simulating the natural process, since coffee trees grow there and civets live there. According to the tasters, Ethiopian coffee is inferior in taste to the original.

The most expensive coffee in Vietnam is called Chon, this is the most expensive and unusual coffee.

The preparation technology is as complex as in Indonesia; coffee beans are used, processed by the stomach of an amazing animal. But the locals in Vietnam do not prepare coffee in a copper Turk or Jazz, but in a drip filter right above the cup.

The taste, aroma and thickness of coffee differs significantly from what Europeans are accustomed to. Vietnamese coffee is very thick, has a very rich aroma and a transparent dark color.

On the island of Bali, artificial small farms have been organized to produce delicacies for extreme sports enthusiasts. Luwak are kept in captivity, fed coffee berries and offer tourists a detailed look at the process of producing the most expensive coffee in the world, and if desired, even personally participate.

All work has not yet been mechanized and is performed manually. Lovers of curiosities with lots of cabbage love show-offs. Most fans of the special aromatic Luwak coffee with a delicate caramel taste are in Japan.

Huge profits from the sale of “Luvak coffee” inspired the hardworking, enterprising Thais to organize coffee production using the stomach of elephants. Therefore, a farm-zoo was created in the north of Thailand. The stomachs of a herd of 20 elephants process coffee beans for the elite Black Ivory Coffee (Black Tusk or Black Ivory).

The stomach of an elephant is many times larger than the stomach of the small predatory animal luwak (aka mussang). Coffee beans are kept in the elephant's stomach for more than a day, alongside a special diet of vegetables, bananas and sugar cane. During this time, coffee beans are saturated with fruit and vegetable aroma, processed by gastric juice, change their chemical composition and are naturally excreted, i.e. in the form of poop)

Since elephants are vegetarians, extreme vegans should give a clear preference to Black Ivory over civet coffee. To get 1 kg of coffee, you need to feed the animal 33 kg of selected Thai Arabika beans, hand-picked on highland coffee plantations.

Veterinarians periodically check the level of caffeine in the elephant's blood. Therefore, the cost of coffee for the elite rises to $1,100 per kg. Exclusive coffee is offered only in expensive Anantare hotels in the Maldives and in the Golden Triangle Nature Reserve between Burma, Laos and Thailand. The cost of one cup of coffee is only $50. The new variety of exclusive, original coffee is sold in very limited quantities - only 60 kg were offered for sale last year. It took $300,000 to develop a new type of coffee.

Coffee lovers, having tried a new variety of coffee, Black Ivari, note an unusual taste for which it is difficult to find epithets - it is a peculiar pleasant taste and an incomparable aroma.

In Russia, the first coffee house was opened in 1740 by order of Empress Anna Ioannovna. She was a big coffee lover. So Russian craftsmen should develop and put into production the production of coffee processed with Burenka. Its productivity with a constant appetite can compete with elephants, and the new coffee would be called Copi Burenka (or in our language: Burenka Coffee). And then you see, the name of the pioneer would be added to history, and even today the export of a new type of elite coffee would be added to the export of oil and gas.

If you, creaking your heart, gave your entire monthly salary as a teacher in Moscow for a package of coffee, then with bated breath, prepare yourself a cup, carefully preserving the foam while brewing, which from the first sip will fully reveal all the taste, divine aroma and make you want to drink everything to the end. Such delicacies greatly arouse curiosity, but sometimes reduce appetite, causing certain associations. For reference: Coffee from litter comes in different varieties. By far the most expensive is the original coffee made from Luwak dung, followed by coffee made from elephant dung. In third place is coffee made from monkeys!

And now we are trying to guess who is in fourth place? Enterprising farmers from the city of Minneapolis (Minnesota) have started producing coffee from cat droppings. And according to its producers, anyone who has not tried this coffee has not tasted coffee at all!

True coffee connoisseurs, even if they have never tried the most expensive variety of this drink, have definitely heard about it. Kopi Luwak (Luwak) is the most common name for the presented coffee, it has an exquisite taste with a delicate aroma of vanilla and chocolate, and many gourmets claim that only it has every right to be called the “drink of the gods.”

Probably every coffee lover dreams of trying Kopi Luwak at least once in his life in order to see from his own experience how true the stories about this drink are. But there are two important factors that can influence their dream: drinking a cup or two of the legendary coffee.

1. Cost of the drink. In many restaurants you will have to pay about $100 for a serving of luwak.
2. Specific production method.

If you have never been interested in this topic, then this method will simply shock you. The most expensive coffee in the world comes from animal droppings! But let's analyze the presented topic in detail, and only then draw conclusions about this extreme drink.

Small “producers” of the most expensive coffee in the world

The animal without which it is impossible to obtain Kopi Luwak grains is the musang, which is also called the Malayan palm marten (the civet family). These are small mammals, the length of which does not exceed 60 cm, and the weight - 4 kg. They live in the tropical forests of South and South-East Asia (India, Philippines, China, etc.). Animals are nocturnal, many of them feel calm living next to people (in attics, sheds).

It would seem, how can this small animal attract a person? Being omnivores (they eat worms, bird eggs, etc.), musangs are very fond of the fruits of coffee trees. But when eating them, the animals do not digest all of them, but only part of the berries and their soft, top layer; the rest of the grains come out naturally.

The unique taste of the considered elite and expensive coffee from the litter is explained by the peculiarity of the gastric juice of the animals and some bacteria of their gastrointestinal tract, which, interacting with coffee berries, form a unique product that is in great demand among coffee lovers.

Interesting fact. One small animal can eat a kilogram of ripe coffee berries during the day! Living in the wild, it is able to find the highest quality and ripe fruits. Unfortunately, the percentage yield of grains from which the best drink can be obtained is low - about 5%. That is, musangs need to eat 10 kg of selected coffee berries (necessarily ripe and of high quality) in order to obtain half a kilogram of expensive raw materials for preparing Kopi Luwak.

And some more interesting facts about musangs and grains:

Exotic raw materials can be obtained only 6 months a year (this is how long the animals secrete the necessary enzyme).
Grains obtained from males are valued more than from females.
Coffee products from musangs, in order to be recognized as meeting all international standards, must pass more than ten degrees of selection.
The taste of coffee differs from each other, depending on the habitat of the animals (for example, in Ethiopia you will never get such a drink as on the island of Sumatra).
In captivity, musangs do not reproduce, but live up to 25 years.

Technology for making the most expensive coffee from Musangi litter

Today, in countries where musangs live, it is not uncommon to find special farms where amazing animals are kept. At the same time, many farmers do not care at all about how their charges live. Musangs are kept from hand to mouth so that they eat as many berries as possible. But such a method, as a result, negatively affects the quality of beans and coffee. Animals should eat well; their diet should include not only coffee berries, but also meat food, bird eggs, etc. A true coffee specialist will immediately determine that the drink is made from beans from an animal that was kept in captivity and ate almost nothing but berries, not of the best quality.

The best grains are produced by musangs living in the wild. Many farm owners often collect beans from animal droppings right next to coffee trees, not at all regretting the losses caused by the “night guests.” After all, the cost of Luwak coffee in India or the Philippines rarely exceeds $100/kg, while in Europe it already rises to $400.

The process of obtaining expensive grains includes the following steps:

Complete feeding of animals;
dry the droppings in the sun;
grains are selected;
fry the resulting products (the intricacies of this procedure are not told to anyone);
Then the grains can be processed in the usual way for us, and an elite drink can be prepared.

The taste of elite and at the same time the most expensive coffee from dung depends on the conditions of keeping and feeding the animals, the quality of the berries that the musangs ate and compliance with the processing technology of the resulting raw materials.

Please note one important point. If you travel to tourist countries where high-end beans are produced, you are unlikely to have the opportunity to taste real Luwak coffee. Locals will most likely give you a fake.

Who invented exotic coffee

In the near future, we are unlikely to find out who managed to come up with such an exotic way of processing coffee berries. There are various legends, dubious stories and common tales associated with this issue.

The most plausible version is the following story. Colonizers on the island of Sumatra, after the musang population increased greatly and the animals began to rapidly eat the berries, introduced a tax on coffee. But someone noticed grains in the animal droppings and decided to dry them and then fry them. This discoverer made an excellent drink, which soon became known, but there was no tax on excrement. From this moment begins the story of this amazing drink, which, despite the title of the most expensive coffee in the world from the litter, not everyone agrees to try.