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Breeding crucian carp at home. Breeding crucian carp in ponds and small reservoirs

What could be more interesting and profitable than raising fish on your own property? Crucian carp is ideal for this, and the question of what to feed crucian carp in a pond at the dacha does not even arise. This fish is tenacious and unpretentious in everything, especially in food, it can be grown in a small reservoir and even in a barrel, which is ideal for a summer residence. Crucian carp feeds on almost everything that can be found in a reservoir. But we will tell you below how to feed it correctly in order to grow a 2-3 kg fish from a 20-gram fry.

Carp and crucian carp are unpretentious fish; they adapt well to life in shallow waters. Therefore, it is quite possible to start breeding these fish in your dacha.

Meet the crucian carp

Crucians belong to the carp breed. There are five species of this fish, of which two are the most famous:

  • golden or common crucian carp (grows up to 50 cm in length, weighing up to 3 kg or more);
  • silver crucian carp (grows up to 40 cm and weighs up to 2 kg).

Crucian carp lives in almost all reservoirs of Central and Eastern Europe, in addition to Siberia and the Far East. It prefers standing water to running water, and does not take root at all in mountainous areas. Crucian carp lives not only in lakes and ponds, but even in semi-underground reservoirs.

Choosing a location for a pond is very important. Most of the day it should be in the shade, there should be no trees nearby, and it is better to make the exit to the water inclined.

In winter, this fish hibernates, and is able to survive even in severe frosts, when the water freezes to the very bottom. Crucian carp feed on vegetation, small animals, crushed bottom remains, in general, everything that the river god sends them.

Cooks highly value crucian carp meat, which, according to them, is not inferior to carp meat.

For all its advantages, crucian carp grows very slowly. During the first year of life, under normal conditions, the fish is able to gain 20-50 g of weight. Two-year-olds reach a weight of 150 to 300 g, but this depends on the climatic zone of their habitat. However, if you feed the crucian carp correctly, this process can be accelerated, and by two years it will weigh up to 400 g.

It is recommended to build a special platform for feeding fish. To prevent leftover feed from clogging the water and rotting, use special feeding trays. You can make them yourself or purchase them. Having lowered such a tray-feeder to a depth of 0.5 m, feed is poured into it. After the fish has eaten, the feeder along with the remaining food is taken out of the water.

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Crucian carp in your country pond

Crucian carp is an extremely unpretentious fish; it can be successfully bred not only in a small reservoir, but even in an ordinary barrel. Therefore, for breeding crucian carp in a country pond, a small reservoir with the following dimensions is quite sufficient:

  • length - 6 m;
  • width - 4 m;
  • depth - from 0.5 to 1.5 m.

Sizes may vary, but these are considered the most optimal. You can make such a pond yourself without much expense, using available materials. Many people specially make a shallow bank in the pond so that in the summer the fry can bask in the sun.

Fish feeders: a – bottom feeder;
b – lifting feeder.

When choosing a place for a pond in a dacha, you need to take into account a number of factors: it should not be located close to buildings, otherwise the premises will be damp, trees should not grow around the pond, the leaves of which will clog the water, and it is good if the pond is in the shade for part of the day .

It is very important to provide the fish with a comfortable winter. In order for fish to survive in freezing temperatures, at least 1 m of unfrozen water must remain between the ice and the bottom of the reservoir. Crucian carp overwinter by burying themselves in silt, and to prevent the fish from dying without oxygen, it is recommended to make holes in the ice. Those who do not have the opportunity to visit their dacha in winter put bundles of reeds in the water in the fall. They freeze into the ice and serve as natural tubes through which oxygen enters the water from the air.

Some breeders catch the fry before the onset of cold weather and send it to winter in a barrel or other container that is kept in a warm room. Note that crucian carp begins to hibernate when the water temperature drops to +14°C.

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How to feed crucian carp correctly

As noted above, crucian carp is very unpretentious in food. In its usual habitat, it feeds on algae, zooplankton, small invertebrates and biological bottom sediments.

Crucian carp will not be able to find food in an artificial reservoir, so you need to feed it, especially if the pond at the dacha has just been built and it does not yet have its own microflora.

Note that with improper or insufficient nutrition, crucian carp degenerates and becomes small.

They start feeding the crucian carp from the moment the water warms up to +12°C. At lower temperatures, the fish do not eat. And the higher the water temperature, the better the crucian carp eat. The upper ceiling at which the fish also stops eating is a temperature of +25°C and above. Therefore, experts advise using a thermometer all the time so that feeding is as effective as possible.

They start feeding crucian carp somewhere from the end of April - beginning of May and continue until mid-September. From this moment until warming, the fish hibernates.

Experts recommend feeding crucian carp regularly at the same time. But this is not done for the fish itself, but rather for the person, so that he does not forget about his charges. But the advice to call the fish by ringing a bell is really good. Having trained crucian carp to gather at the sound, you will not spend a lot of time feeding.

Fishermen are very fond of fish such as crucian carp, and it is undoubtedly a favorite for many. This fish can be found in almost all rivers with a subtropical climate. Therefore, you can seriously think about whether it is possible to grow animals at home, on a pond you made with your own hands. It turns out that crucian carp in a pond at the dacha is a very exciting and profitable business. The first advantage of such an activity is that you can literally go fishing in your pond, and the second is that with the catch we can cook something delicious.

Having built your own personal pond on the site, you can breed crucian carp in it

However, many related questions may arise here. Therefore, in this article we will look step by step at how you can raise pets in a homemade pond, what to feed the fish, and also discuss some practical tips.

What kind of reservoir should a body of water be in order to grow fish in it?

If you already have a reservoir at your dacha - it could be a stream with a dam built on it, or something else, then you are very lucky. For those who don’t have this, you can read the article further, because making your own pond is quite possible.

The suitable dimensions of your pond can be somewhere around 4x6 m, with a depth of 1 to 1.5 m. This is the optimal depth, since the water in such a reservoir will heat up well to a temperature of 25 degrees, which is quite enough for the good development and habitat of small crucian carp, the number of which can reach a couple of dozen with a weight of 250 g.

The size of farmed crucian carp is directly proportional to the size of the reservoir itself

Before introducing animals into the pond, it is necessary to adjust the temperature so that it is the same as in the previous reservoir. Otherwise, even a difference of 3 degrees can destroy the fauna.

Crucian carp for a home pond (video)

If you are planning to breed crucian carp, it is important to consider one point - there are two types of it - golden and silver. The second type develops more productively, and its mass is rapidly gaining. Hence, we recommend growing silver crucian carp.

Male silver crucian carp are found quite rarely. Females are the main offspring of crucian carp. However, this does not slow down the spread of the species at all, since neighboring males are quite suitable for this task. To breed crucian carp, it is enough to have females aged 4 years, who have a compressed side and a tall body - they have fairly healthy offspring that develop quickly.

Silver crucian carp is recommended for a home pond

Feeding fish in a pond

In the wild, the food of crucian carp is quite varied. This could be algae and various small animals. Therefore, if you equip a pond for breeding crucian carp, it should have a lot of food. If there is not yet such an amount of food in the pond, the question arises of what to feed the crucian carp.

The process of feeding fish is simple. Worms or some kind of larvae are suitable for this. And digging up or collecting insect larvae in a summer cottage should not cause difficulties. Also, in addition to various larvae, you can steam beans or grains.

For those who do not want to spend all the time on this, you can generally buy prepared food. Compound feed for chickens or some other livestock can easily become fish feed in a pond. Before adding food to the pond, you need to soak the food in water and turn it into dough. You can also buy separate food for crucian carp. It is specially enriched with air so that it does not litter the bottom of the reservoir.

Compound feed is an excellent solution for feeding fish

If the food is in the form of flakes, it must be fed in small portions, otherwise it will settle and spoil the water.

Crucian carp love the following types of food: algae, duckweed, steamed beans, cereals, worms, larvae, bloodworms.

If we talk about the amount of food, it should correspond to the number and weight of crucian carp

It is very easy to overdo it with adding food, so you need to be careful here. The weight of the added food should be 5% of the weight of the crucian carp. It is quite easy to calculate the amount of food - we multiply the number of crucian carp in the reservoir by its average weight.

Example: The weight of one fish is 300 g, the quantity is 40 pcs. Therefore, the mass of all crucian carp is 12 kg. We count 5% of the total mass - 600 g - this will be a single dose of feeding.

Fish feeder (video)

It is advisable to carry out feeding twice a day, at a constant point, at a specific time. In industrial farms, where feeding occurs, bells are installed that signal when feeding. Thus, a reflex is formed in the crucian carp. The advantages of this approach are obvious - the food is well digested by the fish, and the food is fed completely, without littering the bottom.

The amount of food consumed by crucian carp is determined by two factors - weather and temperature. Spring is a time when fish feed quite intensively, unlike summer. In extreme heat, the fish eats little; it mostly finds food on its own. In autumn, the activity of the fish decreases, and when the temperature in the reservoir reaches 10 degrees, they stop feeding it completely.

The type of food eaten by crucian carp changes along with climate and temperature changes. If you have an indoor pond and it is heated, you need to feed the crucian carp all year round.

To achieve a certain effect in feeding fish, it is important to fulfill certain requirements:

  1. It is prohibited to add dry food to the pond. It is necessary to moisten it before feeding, make dough out of it, and only after that feed it to the fish.
  2. Feeding must take place exactly on schedule to develop a conditioned reflex.
  3. In the evening, the feeding area must be provided with lighting. The fish will develop a reflex to the light and feeding point, which will make catching the fish easy.
  4. Build a fish feeder from a wide metal tray. Galvanized iron is the best option for the material used. The pallet must be equipped with a lift. Then it will be easier for you to lower and lift it out of the water. This way you can control the amount of food you eat, which will prevent premature contamination of the pond.

In winter, crucian carp need to be taken out of the pond

In any body of water, both natural and domestic, it is important to take into account one point - in hot and dry summers, the amount of water in it may decrease. Accordingly, the number of crucian carp also needs to be reduced.

It is easy to determine the lack of oxygen in the water - if the fish floats to the top and opens its mouth, this is an alarming sign.

Reproduction of fish in a dacha pond is possible only in spring and summer, and in autumn they must be removed from the reservoir. This is explained by the fact that there is a small volume of water in a home pond, and when the ice freezes, the fish simply will not have enough oxygen and will die.

It is allowed to re-introduce fish in the spring. And it is recommended to do this as early as possible, so that it can grow as much as possible before autumn. In order for the melt to melt faster, you can pour ordinary soil on top.

Crucian carp is one of the most common fish in Russia. It can be found in almost any body of water suitable for life. It is also not difficult to dilute it artificially. In itself, the mentioned activity is very interesting and, moreover, profitable.

What is the best way to feed crucian carp in a pond at your own dacha? This question interests many novice fish farmers. We will talk about this below.

What does crucian carp eat?

If there is a lot of space in a country pond, then most likely the fish will have enough food that is available in natural conditions. Crucian carp is almost omnivorous. He eats with pleasure:

  • bloodworm;
  • duckweed;
  • seaweed;
  • bottom inhabitants.

A well-constructed pond has all this in abundance. Feeding must be taken care of only if the pond was built very recently. Most likely, there is practically no nutritious organic matter in it.

The cheapest option is to collect worms or insects. There is a lot of both at any dacha. It is also advisable to use steamed legumes or cereals as bait:

  • wheat;
  • rye;
  • corn;
  • oats, etc.

And finally, do not forget that there is a good selection of ready-made feed mixtures for sale in specialized stores. Any composition intended for both fish and any pets is suitable for crucian carp.

The cheapest option is compound feed. Moreover, it does not matter whether it is made for pigs or chickens - fish will like both types. You just have to remember that before giving it to the crucian carp, it must be soaked. The consistency should resemble a fairly thick and dense dough.

Some companies produce special compounds for fish farming enterprises specifically for crucian carp. In particular, they contain a lot of air, which prevents food particles from sinking and makes it easier to eat, and also protects the bottom from clogging.

Do not give bread to the fish under any circumstances. It, of course, will not harm it, but in a small country pond, even its small remains lead to rapid acidification of the water.

Serving food

In a small pond, food should be given on a small tray table. There are low sides along the edges of this device, thanks to which food is kept inside. The easiest way to make a feeder is from a sheet of galvanized metal. The tray is secured at the corners with twine and, if necessary, lowered into the pond.

Without this device, it is impossible to monitor how much food the fish consumes and whether it is interested in it at all. Based on the results of observations, the portion is adjusted - this makes it possible to keep the water fresh and clean, and to provide the crucian carp with an adequate caloric diet.

Remember, in spring fish need more food, and in hot weather, respectively, less. When the water cools down to 10 degrees, they stop giving food, because at this temperature the crucian carp falls asleep. It remains in suspended animation all winter.

There is also a very environmentally friendly way of feeding fish. To do this, several light bulbs are placed on the surface of the pond (solar-powered garden lights are also suitable). At night they turn on and insects flock to them. Many of them fall into the water and become food for crucian carp. The benefits of this method are obvious:

  • There are fewer mosquitoes on the site;
  • the fish is full;
  • the landscape is complemented by elegant illumination.

How much feed to give

When calculating the amount of food, take into account, first of all, the quantity and total weight of all the fish in the pond. No more than 5 percent of the mass of crucian carp should be given at a time. It is not difficult to determine the norm. Count how many fish there are in the pond and estimate the average weight. Separate 5 percent from the result obtained - this is the required amount of the diet.

Food should be given no more than twice a day. In most cases, a single dose is enough for crucian carp. It is important to follow the schedule exactly. Bring food at the same time and throw it into the water in one place. Such a trip will quickly form a habit in the fish. In addition, the regime ensures better digestibility and more complete consumption of the fertilizer.

If the fish is kept in a closed reservoir, which is also heated in winter, then even with the onset of cold weather the crucian carp need food, because they do not go into suspended animation. In such comfortable conditions they remain active throughout the year.

When digging a pond at your dacha, you should take into account the possibility of it drying out in hot weather. A decrease in water level usually leads to a decrease in the population of crucian carp. Overpopulation of a reservoir primarily provokes oxygen deficiency. The presence of this problem is indicated by the fish coming to the surface and swallowing atmospheric air.

In general, if the reservoir is not very deep, then in the fall all the fish are taken out of it. In shallow water, it will most likely experience a lack of oxygen under the ice.

Dry food

Companies that produce prepared fish food market several types of fish. Mainly food is made for:

  • fry and young animals;
  • feeding livestock in private ponds;
  • commodity production.

Today, Tetra is considered the leader in this industry. Her line for fish living in cold waters is called “Tetra Pond”. The food consists of special sticks that do not sink in water. For fry, the one called “Mini” is suitable.

There is even a food product that can improve the color of crucian carp - “Color Stix”.

Other types of food:

  • Goldfish – special flakes;
  • Holiday is a diet that allows you to leave the pond unattended for a long time.

One can of any of them will cost 150 rubles.

JBL is another company operating in this sector. The following products are suitable specifically for crucian carp:

  • "Novoperl";
  • "Novored-refil".

This product is a little cheaper. For a 200-gram jar you will have to pay 110 rubles.

All the nuances regarding the breeding of crucian carp will be revealed in this video:

There are no articles on the topic.

Many fishermen know very well that crucian carp and crucian carp are not fastidious fish, and even if fish of these species caught in a reservoir and not yet asleep are released into a bathtub filled with water or into a barrel of water, they can live quite a long time even without food. So breed carp silt of crucian carp in the conditions of a country pond is not only quite possible, but also rational, even if such a pond is small in size, for example, 4x4 meters.

What is the criterion for a small country pond in which it is expected carp breeding ? Such a reservoir should warm up well, regardless of whether it is low-flowing or non-flowing. The fire pond that already exists at the dacha is best suited for this purpose, because there is a small dam at the mouth of the river; in extreme cases, you can dig a small pond in any convenient place. You can also use a fenced area of ​​the drainage channel.

If you decide to dig a pond on your personal plot or dacha for the purpose of breeding crucian carp and crucian carp, then perhaps the most optimal size would be to dig a pond that would be about 6 meters long and 4 meters wide. The sufficient depth of such a pond is approximately 1200-1700 meters. Such dimensions in summer will allow the water to warm up to +23-26°C. This temperature is the most favorable for crucian carp. Such a small reservoir will be comfortable for several dozen individuals weighing from 50 to 500 grams.

Before you start stocking a pond, you should gradually equalize the water temperature in the container in which the fish you brought for stocking is located with the water temperature that currently exists in your pond. This is done gradually, that is, within one hour by no more than 2°, otherwise carp breeding may end before it even begins. After all, a difference in temperature of just 3° can initially cause temperature shock in the fish and, as a result, the fish may well die within 24 hours.

Having also decided to start breeding fish in a country pond, you must always remember that the fish need to be fed after a certain period of time. The most important thing is that carp and crucian carp are unpretentious fish and do not require special and expensive food. The food can be sunflower seed cake, various cereals, steamed grain or peas, insect larvae, and earthworms. In a word, this question breeding crucian carp pretty simple and doable.

Fish of carp species quickly gain weight up to 150 grams. Feeding should be carried out in certain proportions, so the volume of various porridges or steamed grains should be 3-5% of the total weight of the fish. That is, if you put 20 crucian carp and 10 carp weighing 150 grams into your small country pond, then the amount of food should be from 135 grams to 225 grams, porridge or steamed grain during the day. An excellent food for your fish can also be feed for chickens or pigs. As for the feed, it should be given to the fish after first mixing it in a bucket until it becomes a thick dough.

It is best to feed carp fish 1-2 times a day, at approximately the same time, in the same place in the reservoir. You can take an example of how this is done in specialized farms where they breed fish. There, during feeding, specially installed bells are rung before feeding begins. Thus, the fish develop conditioned reflexes to feeding, thus the fish finds food faster and assimilates it better. In addition, the food will not sour in an artificial reservoir in the absence of water flow. Carp breeding accustomed to “calling when you call” gives a very positive effect. Its growth accelerates and there is practically no waste of food; it is all eaten. Also pay attention to the water temperature; the lower it is, the less food the carp needs.

In addition, in small ponds, feeding crucian carp and crucian carp should be done using a tray table with high sides. It is best to use galvanized iron to make such a feeder. This will make it easier to lower the feeder into the pond and take it back out. It will also be convenient to observe how much food is eaten at one feeding, since the remaining food may begin to sour and spoil the water of your pond.

On hot summer days, you must pay attention to the water level in the reservoir. The water level may drop significantly at this time. Then you need to either add water there or reduce the number of fish living in your pond. That is, when the water level decreases, the fish will feel a lack of oxygen in the pond. The first and main sign of oxygen starvation is when the carp begins to rise to the surface of the water and gasp for air. So, in this case, the carp or crucian carp stop feeding.

But breeding carp and crucian carp in a country pond has its own difficulties. This fish can only be bred in summer. Before the freeze-up, fish will have to be caught from your pond. Due to the lack of oxygen after the pond is covered with ice, there is a high probability that the fish will die and therefore it is better not to leave it until spring. This is especially true for carp, since crucian carp is a more unpretentious and hardy fish and you can risk leaving it in the pond even through winter.

You can reintroduce fish into your summer cottage pond with the onset of spring after the ice has melted. To speed up the melting process, you can sprinkle peat, coal dust, or just soil on the ice. After all, the sooner you reintroduce the carp into the pond, the more weight it will gain by the fall.

Carp breeding or crucian carp in small artificial or natural reservoirs is quite effective if you do this early in the spring, then around the beginning of August you will even be able to fish in it and catch fish for frying. And in November you will be able to benefit from the fruits of your “fish farming”.

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Crucian carp is an unpretentious fish. In nature, it is found in reservoirs almost throughout Russia. It can live in rivers, but prefers swampy ponds with standing water. Therefore, the fish is well suited for growing in a summer cottage. Breeding crucian carp in an artificial reservoir is an interesting business. In order for it to become even more profitable and profitable, you need to properly equip the pond and provide its inhabitants with high-quality food. In natural reservoirs, no one artificially feeds crucian carp. They get along just fine without it. The home garden is another matter. But before choosing the type of feeding, you need to know that crucian carp is very conservative in matters of nutrition. He prefers his usual food, so it is important to feed him properly.

Type of fish and feed used

Several types of crucian carp are grown in artificial reservoirs:

  • crucian carp or golden carp;
  • goldfish;
  • gold fish.

The first two species are found in natural bodies of water; goldfish were artificially bred in China and are a popular decoration for home ponds. Breeding any species involves feeding them.

Read more about fish farming in artificial reservoirs.

Rules for feeding in a country pond at home

With insufficient nutrition, crucian carp degenerates and becomes smaller, and is capable of forming a dwarf form. The question always arises of what to feed crucian carp in a home pond.

In nature, the basis of the diet of crucian carp is:

  • chironomid larvae (bloodworms) and other insects;
  • small shellfish;
  • worms;
  • seaweed.

This type of fish needs to be fed starting from the end of April–May. In mid-September, feeding is stopped. Crucian carp eat food well only in well-warmed water. In hot and cold weather they stop feeding. Water temperatures above 25 and below 12 °C are considered critical. Experienced fish farmers will not carry out feeding without a thermometer in hand, otherwise it will cause harm instead of benefit. The feed will settle to the bottom, decompose and negatively affect the quality of water. This process can cause.

Feeding process

A home pond of almost any size and design is suitable for growing crucian carp. In principle, crucian carp are omnivores. Even if you don't feed them, they won't die of hunger. In a home pond, they will always find the minimum food necessary for survival, especially if the pond has a muddy bottom, there are many plants and its own ecosystem has already developed.

Read also about plastic garden ponds.

To increase the mass of crucian carp, you need to ensure:

  • feed of plant origin;
  • animal food.

These two types of feed can be mixed with each other. They are given in the form of porridge or thick dough. They do this at the same time, in the chosen place. Then the fish gets used to it and swims to this place at the right time.

In home ponds, natural feeding or prepared feed is practiced. Each type of food has its own advantages. Ready-made feed is always balanced and does not require long preparation; besides, it is quite convenient to store it. You will have to tinker with natural food. But they are cheaper.

You will find all the information about breeding carp at home.

The feeder allows you to:

  • control the intensity of food consumption by crucian carp;
  • adjust the portion of food;
  • observe the process of eating food.

In order not to wait for crucians at the feeder for a long time, you can call them with a bell. A conditioned reflex is developed quickly in fish, and within a week or two the fish will quickly swim to the feeding site when given a signal.

Feeding crucian carp in a barrel

Small crucian carp can also be kept in a barrel. In this case, the fish perform more of a decorative function. They survive well due to their amazing resilience.

  • You need to feed them in such a small pond very sparingly.
  • You need to make sure that the fish eat the food completely, otherwise the water will turn sour and the fish will die.
  • Food can be taken dry or natural.
  • Suitable food for goldfish.
  • Among natural foods, crucian carp eat bloodworms, worms, pieces of meat, boiled legumes and grains well.
  • Do not allow the barrel to overheat. It is better to dig it into the ground in a shady corner of the garden.
  • You can plant a potted aquatic plant in a barrel; this will help in the fight for water purity. But crucian carp love to rummage at the bottom, so the pot needs to be well camouflaged with large stones.

How often and in what quantities to feed

The question: how to feed fish is relevant only in the warm season: in winter, fish do not eat, and there is no point in feeding them. In properly created conditions of a home pond, golden crucian carp grow up to 500–600 grams. In two years, silver crucian carp gains weight up to 250–300 grams. In order to get such results, the fish need to be fed correctly.

Feeding rules:

  • feed is given 1–2 times a day;
  • feeding is carried out in the afternoon;
  • They give exactly as much food as the crucian carp can eat in 15 minutes.

If the fish in your pond are breeding, then everything is fine and the food is suitable for them. The amount of feed is calculated based on the number of fish and the type of feed. Cereals are given at the rate of: 3-5% of the total weight of fish in the pond.

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If your pond has 30 crucian carp of 100 grams each, then for one feeding you will need 90–150 g of steamed grain. It is mixed with meat waste, bran and bone meal. By autumn, portions are reduced, and with the onset of cold weather they stop feeding altogether.

Where to get food

Residents of rural areas can get by with what they have at hand. Suitable for omnivorous crucian carp:

  • corn;
  • rye;
  • all types of legumes;
  • boiled potatoes;
  • bran;
  • flour;
  • meat waste.

The corn needs to be ground, the grains steamed, and the meat waste shredded. All this is mixed with flour or bran and water. They give food in the form of small lumps of dough.

Ready-made feed

Ready-made fish feed includes:

  • protein;
  • cellulose;
  • vitamins A, D, E, K, group B;
  • iron, manganese, zinc, copper, cobalt;
  • trembling.

For different types of fish, the percentage of components will differ. For crucian carp, feed with 20–35% protein content is chosen. Fiber in such feeds should be about 7 - 10%, fat - about 10%. There are special premixes for fish on sale that can be added to food to increase the weight gain of crucian carp. They contain vitamins, microelements, yeast, bran, and grains.


There are several types of dry food: for fry, for commercial fish and for feeding fish in the pond.

Mixtures should be used carefully for other animals, in small portions. If you don’t want to take risks, pay attention to ready-made, high-quality food that has proven itself well. Some types also have a healing effect.

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The company is a leader in the production of products for aquariums and garden fish farming. For cold-water fish, she offers the following food:

  • Tetra Pond Sticks (universal food in the form of floating sticks);
  • Tetra Pond Sticks Mini (food for small fish, suitable for fry);
  • Tetra Pond Color Sticks (food that improves fish color)
  • Tetra Goldfish (flakes and sticks for goldfish and other crucian carp);
  • TetraPond Holiday (for feeding pond fish during vacation);

Nutritious food is suitable for all types of cold-water fish, including crucian carp. Price for 250 ml jars – from 150 rubles.


Goldfish food from this company is well suited for providing proper nutrition for crucian carp in a garden pond. The following foods are suitable for crucian carp:

  • JBL NovoRed (universal food in the form of flakes);
  • JBL NovoPearl (universal food based on wheat germ);
  • JBL NovoRed refill (universal food in special packaging).

The price of a 100 ml jar is from 110 rubles.


Two types of food from this manufacturer are suitable for crucian carp:

  • OTTO Goldfish (for golden fish);
  • OTTO Koi Food (for koi).

They can also be used to prevent digestive problems in captive fish. Price for a 250 ml package. – 100 rub.

To ensure that your pond is enriched with oxygen, you can use.


The video shows how to breed and what to feed crucian carp in a pond at the dacha.

There are cheaper feeds from domestic producers. Today there are quite a lot of them on the market. You can buy them at pet stores and veterinary pharmacies. The choice will depend on how much you are willing to spend and your free time.

When going through the hassle of organizing feeding crucian carp in the pond, remember that they will all result in positive emotions from fishing in your own garden at any time. In this case, you will not need to think about biting. And just relaxing by the pond with goldfish is a great way to spend time and give you a boost of positivity.