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Work in a Turkish company at sea. Work in Turkey: where to find it, how to get a job and how much you can earn? How to find a job in Turkey for a foreigner

Many people today consider Turkey as a country where they should go to earn money. It is in this state that Russians and immigrants of other nationalities have always had good opportunities to improve their social status and self-realization. How to find a job in Turkey and start a new life here?

Türkiye today

The country, where the Muslim way of life and the values ​​of the Western world are closely intertwined, has long become a Mecca for brave and enterprising people. For several dozen centuries, artisans flourished here, merchants ran successful businesses, and intermediaries providing various ore services grew rich. Today Turkey is one of the leaders in the region in terms of national economic growth and living standards. The country's leading industries are agriculture, which employs approximately ¼ of the country's economically active population, tourism, and light industry.

Despite stable development, Turkey has a fairly high unemployment rate. At the end of 2015 it was approximately 10.5%. The situation on the labor market has worsened in the last year due to rising international tensions, as well as due to the influx of migrants from neighboring Arab states. A new trend is contributing to increased competition among job seekers: many Turkish women refuse to sit at home and go to work.

Ways to find work in Turkey

Those who are looking for a suitable job in Turkey will definitely need information about new vacancies. Experienced recruiters advise starting your search from the official website of the Turkish employment service On its pages you can get acquainted with the situation on the local labor market and in-demand specialties.

To expand your knowledge about Turkey and understand how its citizens live, it is worth visiting the Russian-language portal In addition to the latest vacancies, there is a lot of useful information about the history of the country, current laws and regulations, prices for goods and services.

Finding a job through relatives and friends

In Turkey, family and kinship ties are traditionally strong, so the best option is to find employment with the help of relatives, friends or colleagues. Stock up on a properly written resume and recommendations from respected people, then you will certainly find yourself a “warm place.” If for some reason this option does not suit you, turn to more traditional methods.

Best Job Sites

Large Russian-language sites offer dozens of vacancies in various industries. Particularly popular resources are:

National headhunter portals enjoy great success:

Social media

Those looking for seasonal work, internship or part-time work should look for thematic pages on VKontakte. The advantages of this method of job search are obvious: you can not only find a suitable vacancy, but also discuss working conditions in online correspondence.

It is useful for highly qualified applicants to post their resume on the professional social network Linkedin. This method of searching for work in Turkey is only gaining popularity, therefore, you have a greater chance of being noticed by a potential employer.

Jobs in newspapers

Finding a job through print media is often fruitful. It is worth resorting to when you are looking for temporary work. The Milliyet daily, as well as the Sunday supplements of the Hürriyet and Sabah newspapers, publish information about jobs in large companies that are recruiting en masse.

When browsing periodicals, be sure to pay attention to advertisements for job fairs. They are regularly held in all major cities of the country. During such events, employers talk about the features of working in the company, collect resumes of applicants, offer internships or employment for open positions.

Specialized companies

For young people aged 18 to 25 years, many recruitment agencies offer special employment programs in hotels in the country. They usually include: selection of a suitable vacancy, brief training in the necessary skills and the actual job placement. Intermediaries usually price these services at $200–500. When contacting such an agency, be sure to make sure that it has a license to carry out its activities.

There are many stories about how young, inexperienced girls were lured with promises of high earnings, and were subsequently forced into prostitution or working for free. Therefore, while searching for a job, do not lose your vigilance for a minute.

High wages, unreasonably low requirements for applicants, the promise of employment without a work visa - a reason to think about it and refuse a “tempting” offer. By getting a job with adequate pay and standard requirements for this vacancy, you will avoid unjustified risk and material losses.

When looking for a job in Turkey, pay attention not only to the salary, but also to the social package offered. Insurance in this country is expensive, so it is better to cooperate with employers who pay for medical services.

Which cities are the easiest to find work in?

The geography of vacancies in Turkey is diverse. Most job offers come from coastal cities: Marmaris, Antalya, Side, Belek, Alaiya, Kemer.

Traditionally, there are many jobs in Ankara and Istanbul. Here you can get a job:

  • salesperson in a jewelry store;
  • sales manager;
  • sales representative;
  • clerk;
  • HR manager;
  • accountant.

Video: first-hand experience of working in Turkey

Where can you get a job in 2016: common professions

The maximum number of open vacancies occurs in the spring-summer season. During this period, staff are usually recruited for hotels and nightclubs. You can apply for a job here:

  • maid;
  • animator;
  • dancer;
  • waiter or bartender;
  • cook;
  • administrator;
  • organizer of quest games;
  • employee at the reception.

The salary of these workers will be approximately 400–700 US dollars per month.

Many students dream of working as animators because it is interesting and profitable.

There is also a high demand for service industry workers during the holiday season. If you have a professional education, at least 1 year of work experience, and basic knowledge of English or Turkish, it is not difficult to find a job:

  • hairdresser;
  • massage therapist;
  • manicurist or pedicurist;
  • seller in a store.

The remuneration of such specialists is about 600–700 US dollars per month.

How much can you earn in Turkey?

The minimum wage at the beginning of 2016 was $500. The situation is worst in the consumer services, restaurant business, construction and clothing industries. The highest incomes are among university professors, financial workers, miners and oil workers, air carriers, workers at motor transport factories, and government employees.

The average salary in the country is approximately $1 thousand. The highest salary in Istanbul: 1.32 thousand US dollars. Ankara is in second place: $950. Burs closes the top three: $850. The work of residents of Izmir and Eskisehir is well paid: 750 and 670 US dollars, respectively.

Monthly salary for the most common vacancies

There are now many vacancies for caregivers for elderly or sick people on headhunter sites. This work pays approximately $500–700 per month. Among the main requirements: age from 35 to 50 years, decency, cleanliness, attentiveness, goodwill. Knowledge of Turkish is required, English is welcome.

To get a job as a nanny or governess for children, you need: special education, work experience of at least 1 year, confirmed by letters of recommendation, good knowledge of Turkish and English, and absence of bad habits. For work of this kind they offer from $800 per month.

Managers and administrators with higher education and knowledge of English and Turkish can count on $800–1200 monthly.

Construction specialists are in constant demand. The engineering staff receives 1.7–2.3 thousand US dollars, foremen and foremen - up to 1.5 thousand US dollars per month.

General practitioners usually earn $1.6 thousand, specialized specialists - up to $2 thousand.

The demand for IT specialists is growing from year to year. Now in Turkey there is a special need for system administrators and computer equipment repair engineers. Representatives of these professions can earn up to $2.5 thousand monthly.

Video: what kind of work can an economic migrant expect?

Payroll tax in Turkey

Income tax is levied on both citizens of the country and foreigners working here. Non-residents are required to pay progressive personal tax only on income received in Turkey. The personal tax rate, depending on the amount of income associated with employment, ranges from 15 to 35%:

  • up to 12.6 thousand TL (up to 4.3 thousand US dollars) – 15%;
  • from 12,601 to 30 thousand TL (from 4.3 to 10.2 thousand US dollars) – 20%;
  • from 30,001 to 110 thousand TL (from 10.2 to 37.5 thousand US dollars) – 27%;
  • over 110,001 thousand TL (over 37.5 thousand US dollars) – 35%.

Do you need language skills to get a successful job?

It is not easy for Russian-speaking applicants without knowledge of Turkish to find a good place. Almost all vacancies mention that the employee must speak spoken Turkish, English or another foreign language.

An exception is made only for seasonal workers, whose duties do not include communication with clients, or who are expected to interact with a Russian-speaking audience. In the tourism industry, these are nurses, massage therapists, hostesses, guides, cleaners and security guards. In agriculture, workers harvesting crops.

Before concluding an employment contract with an employer, carefully study all the papers. Don't know Turkish or English? Demand that the contract be translated into Russian or your native language. Don’t forget that there are plenty of scammers in Turkey who want to make money from foreigners.

Learn Turkish, improve English - this will help you avoid problems when finding a job

How long is the working day and working week in Turkey?

The country's legislation establishes a maximum working week of 45 hours. The employer has the right to independently determine the length of working hours and assign rest periods so that within 2 months the total working time on average does not exceed 45 hours per week.

Typically, government employees work daily from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm; commercial enterprises work according to their own schedules. The working day of most companies begins at 8–00 or 9–00 and continues until late in the evening; Saturday is a short day.

Official holidays when most offices and shops are closed:

  • European New Year;
  • National Sovereignty and Children's Day;
  • Labor and Solidarity Day;
  • Youth and Sports Day;
  • Sheker Bayram;
  • Victory Day;
  • Kurban Bayram;
  • Republic Day.

However, this weekend the employer may well attract employees to work. There is no long winter holiday. There are 8-day religious holidays. Vacation is granted once a year for 15 calendar days, provided that the employee has worked for the company for a full year.

Work permit for foreigners

Since the beginning of 2016, Russians have been prohibited from working in Turkey; an exception is made only for those who had a contract with their employer before December 31, 2015. Accordingly, at the moment, work permits are not issued to Russian citizens.

Citizens of other countries can obtain 3 types of work permits:

  • consent to employment for a specific period, which is valid for 12 months. If the employee continues to work for the same employer, it can be extended for another 1 year;
  • permanent work permit - granted to those who have been legally and continuously in the country for the last 8 years;
  • self-employment permit - issued to those who decide to open their own business in Turkey.

Special cases

If the applicant falls into one of the categories listed below, a work permit and work visa are issued in a simplified manner. Among these lucky ones:

  • spouses of Turkish citizens;
  • children of foreigners who have a permanent residence permit in the country;
  • EU citizens and members of their families;
  • foreigners sent to work by the Embassy or Consulate;
  • scientific workers and cultural figures who arrived for a short period of time (up to 1 month), athletes (up to 4 months).

Obtaining a work permit for Russians and not only

According to Turkish law, work permits for non-residents are issued by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security or the Turkish Consulate located:

  • in the country of which the foreigner is a citizen;
  • in another country where the foreigner is legally located.

Both applicants and their legal representatives can apply for permission, but in the latter case, consular officers have the right to require the presence of the foreigner himself at the time of submitting the application.

The application rules state that a foreigner (Russian, Ukrainian) who is in Turkey and has a residence permit for a period of more than 6 months must apply for permission from the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection. First, the application is submitted electronically, then it is printed, signed, sent to officials by mail or submitted in person.

Foreigners staying in their home country must apply for a work permit and work visa at the Turkish consulate. After the application is accepted, the applicant will be given a special number, which he must immediately notify the employer.

Work visa in Turkey: how to apply for it correctly

According to the laws of the Republic, employment opportunities are provided only to foreigners who have issued a work visa. For other reasons (purchasing a tourist visa, buying a home), it is now impossible to get a job.

Documents that a foreign citizen must submit along with the initial application:

  • original and copy of international passport;
  • a copy of a residence permit valid for more than 6 months;
  • in the absence of a residence permit: an employment contract, an order for employment or appointment to a position;
  • a diploma or temporary certificate equivalent to an education document translated into Turkish and certified by a notary;
  • 2 photographs size 3.5*4.5 cm;
  • an invitation from the employer to the Consulate with a request to issue a work visa;
  • certificate of the company, which reveals the scope of its activities.

Within 10 working days, the employer must submit to the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection an electronic application and documents necessary for consideration of the submitted application. Foreigners whose applications are granted are required to enter the country within 90 days after consideration of their application.

Consequences of illegal employment

Turkey is one of those countries where harsh punitive measures are applied to illegal immigrants. The police regularly conduct raids to identify illegal immigrants, so there is practically no chance of avoiding punishment for illegal employment.

An employer who hires foreigners without properly executed documents faces huge fines. A worker who tried to find work illegally will be immediately deported from the country and banned from entering Turkey for a period of 5 years or even for life.

Table: pros and cons of working in Turkey

Advantages Flaws
Beautiful nature, favorable climateHigh degree of political tension at the international level, problems with ethnic Kurds
The opportunity to stay in the country for up to 2 months without a work visa and use this time to look for workA way of life that is noticeably different from European
Lots of vacancies in coastal citiesSeasonal nature of employment
Ease of obtaining a work visa and work permitGender issues play a decisive role in employment. Men are not hired for some positions, women are not hired for others

Internship in Turkey

For young people, the opportunity to go for an internship in Turkey in the summer, where they can combine study and recreation at the same time, is very tempting. Every year, young men and women who have recently graduated from university are offered many programs in which they can get acquainted with the Turkish way of life, learn more deeply about the culture of the country and practice spoken English.

Internships typically begin in April and continue until the end of October. At this time, leading four- and five-star hotels are happy to accept foreigners for internships who want to study the resort business, hotel business or the peculiarities of chain trade in more depth. Most internships cost $500, which means the cost is recouped in about a month. It is important that, under the terms of the contract, the employer pays for the accommodation and food of the workers.

Business immigration: where to start

It cannot be said that Turkey is a paradise for foreign businessmen, but opening a business here is much easier than in other countries. In accordance with the local Foreign Direct Investment Law, every foreigner can conduct business here under the same conditions as a Turkish citizen.

How to start your own business

  1. Register a branch of a company already existing in Russia or Ukraine - since the registration procedure will be quite complicated, this option is suitable for large companies or holdings.
  2. Opening a representative office of your company in Turkey - the disadvantage of this method is that all financial transactions will have to be carried out “over the hill.” Only after 3 years will the representative office be able to pay all expenses directly through an account in a Turkish bank.
  3. Create your own company from scratch. The authorized capital for LLC is 10 thousand TL (approximately 3.4 thousand US dollars), for JSC - 50 thousand TL (about 17 thousand US dollars), registration of a new company will take from 1 to 3 working days. All documents are submitted to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry; before submitting an application, ¼ of the authorized capital must be transferred to a bank account.

International investors can create companies of any form: joint stock companies, limited liability companies, cooperatives, limited and collective societies, and also register as private entrepreneurs. You can open a company alone, but experienced businessmen believe that a decent partner who knows local specifics will significantly increase the chances of success of your enterprise.

In what area to do business?

First of all, it is necessary to take into account that some activities can only be carried out with prior permission issued by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry. These include banks, private financial institutions, exchange offices, firms regulated by the Market Capital Law, and operators of free trade zones. Other activities can be performed without restrictions.

Many foreigners acquire a ready-made restaurant or hotel business. Indeed, most firms in these areas turn out to be profitable, but competition is growing every month. If you don’t have several million dollars and an original idea to boot, it’s better to turn your efforts to organizing a travel agency or a company that organizes marine entertainment.

Projects for the production of leather goods or the launch of a small sewing workshop are often successful. The construction business is promising. Even a small shop selling souvenirs can become very profitable, provided that it is located in a busy place.

Video: business in Turkey - a useful reminder for foreigners

Work in Turkey for Russian vacancies 2019 without knowledge of the language and with knowledge of Turkish (English) - in tourism, hotels, as well as in various service sectors.Even for the summer, the same students can not only earn good money, but also gain good life experience, swim to their heart's content in the sea, and get to know a new country better. The bulk of work for Russian speakers in Turkey is concentrated in tourism. There are many advantages to this type of income:

  • Free food;
  • Free accommodation;
  • Earnings 500-1500 dollars and above;
  • Work in a well-functioning team with training.

Salaries for popular vacancies in Turkey are given below. If you have language skills and work experience, the rate increases.


Salary in USD

Hotel guide

Transfer guide (greeter)








Builder, foreman

Pool specialist



Bath attendant in hammam



Security guard

Mechanic at a service station



Real estate agent

All specialties can be divided into 2 parts - those related to tourism require free food and accommodation. Accordingly, the minimum salary level there rarely exceeds $300-400. The same guides usually eat in hotels with which the travel companies have an agreement.

If the profession is not related to tourism, then housing and food are at your own expense. However, highly specialized specialists can earn good money. For example, a realtor with knowledge of English, Turkish and Russian can make 5 thousand dollars a month.

How to get settled?

The easiest way for Russians in Turkey to get a job in tourism. Usually they are processed there, trained, accommodated, educated and fed. Such work can be extremely difficult, but the person himself is only required to be punctual and say what he is taught.

In order to get a job, you need to go to a travel agency and fill out an application. Then go through the interview, collect your belongings and prepare for departure. All workers are accommodated in a dormitory (Lozhman), then training begins, which lasts 1-2 weeks. After training, you need to pass an exam, and, in fact, the work begins.

If you get a job not through a travel agency, but through an intermediary, then the salary will be less. In this case, the “intermediary” should be understood not as an employment agency, but as a subsidiary office that enters into an agreement, for example, with Pegasus or Tez Tour. Such offices have a salary in rubles of 10-15 thousand, that is, 150-200 dollars. And they force you to work in such a way that you can glue the flippers together.

Never pay money for employment! Do not give documents to anyone! Keep a photocopy of your passport and the consulate phone number with you!

So it’s better to apply directly. For example, in a hotel as an animator or as a service staff. But there are certain risks here, especially for girls. Since in a travel company at least the administration is Russian, and in a hotel the boss will be a Turk, so you will have to get out of a difficult situation on your own.

Guys in Turkey have it much easier than girls. You can even find work in construction or at a service station. There are always vacancies for Russian salespeople, waiters, and bartenders.

Is it worth going to work in Turkey?

The most important thing that a Russian planning to work in Turkey should understand is that the mentality in this country is completely different. They don’t know how to work in Russia, and the understanding that 90 percent of Russians receive their salaries for nothing comes precisely in the Turkish region. People there are like cogs, so they simply won’t let you rest.

One day off a month is a very real phenomenon. But for many it is simply psychologically difficult to bear it.

First of all, behavior is difficult for Russians. It must be strict in Turkey. All guides are gathered for a planning meeting at 21:00, and not going to it is a crime. You can’t get off the bus, you can’t hang out on the street, you can’t take liberties with your colleagues either. Hugging or fooling around in public means immediate dismissal.

Therefore, a transferman can end up in real slavery - he can only secretly take a nap on a seat in an oven bus, and eat whatever God sent him. Transfer and tour guides often sleep for 3-4 hours. It’s much easier for hotels, of course.

Despite the fact that working in Turkey is difficult, this country completely changes the way of thinking. It makes you understand how money is made and earned in the modern world. Therefore, one holiday season in Turkey - and the student then has excellent motivation to work in Russia for many years.

Do you need Turkish?

Turkish will be useful in any case, although the transfer guide may only learn a few words. Without knowing Turkish, you can get a job speaking Russian in Turkey, but you should understand that you still have to learn it. The language is quite simple.

If Turkish and English are more or less mastered, then you can immediately apply for a higher salary and a good position. For example, work as an administrator or senior guide. Or take a couple of flights on excursions with a stop at shopping centers, where, again, you can hope for various good bonuses.

Knowledge of Turkish allows you to change jobs right in Turkey. For example, go as a hotel guide and transfer as an animator to a yacht. Or sign up for another hotel. Opportunities immediately increase many times over.

English and German give you a chance to get a job in hotels that serve tourists from the European Union. And there the contingent is different, and the salary is much higher, and tips are in hard currency.

It should be noted that Turks learn Russian much faster than Russians learn Turkish. Therefore, over the years there has been increasing competition from the local population. Plus, the Gagauz (they have almost the same language) and Azerbaijanis go to Turkey. They provide powerful competition to applicants from the Russian Federation.

Is it possible to make good money in Turkey?

It all depends on the specialization. If you are a professional animator with knowledge of several languages, and get a job at Rixos, then over the course of a season you can easily save up for something, especially if you live in the same hotel.

But it’s impossible to make money as a regular transfer guide. These 300-400 dollars will be spent there on tea between flights, food, and clothes. You can bring something with you, but you won’t be able to save up for a large purchase.

It makes no sense for Russians to go to work in Turkey to earn money in 2019, although, of course, salaries in the Russian Federation are even lower. It makes sense to go for experience, to learn a language, to change your thinking.

And in Turkey, all complexes are breaking down. Shyness goes away. After such work, a person becomes liberated and is not afraid of new contacts. Therefore, in the future such work will pay off 100%.

How much can you earn in Turkey over the summer? Subject to knowledge of Russian, English and Turkish (or German and Turkish) up to $1000, if you are very lucky.

By the way, in addition to working in tourism, you can get a job in greenhouses, construction, or a factory. There, sometimes the salaries are not bad, 800-1000 dollars, but either the work is very hard, or you still need to rent housing, but it seems to be expensive.

If you know languages, there are no special problems finding a job. To work as a salesperson, you need Russian and English; usually workers are required in clothing stores along the entire coast. The main employers are Russians, who have a lot of business in Antalya or Alanya. Russians are hired as sellers in Turkey mainly for goods that do not require much financial responsibility, so getting a job in the jewelry department is almost impossible.

Working as a seller involves actively selling goods, and you need to compete with the Turks, who by nature are born merchants. Simply sitting on a salary, as many “managers” and salespeople in Russia are used to, will not work.

As for working as a nanny in Antalya, it is also worth considering only Russian families. Turks generally prefer to hire visiting Gagauzians from Moldova and Ukraine who know Turkish for such work.

Payment for a month of work with a grandmother with Alzheimer's disease averages 500-600 dollars. Accommodation and meals are provided. As a salesperson, you can raise up to 1000 USD, while the salary rate may not exceed 200. If you want to get rich, know how to earn interest.

It's better to just relax!

For tours to Turkey in the summer of 2019, trip prices start from 14,000 rubles per person! Alanya, Antalya, Kemer, Marmaris, Side, Bodrum and others. How to relax with comfort and as inexpensively as possible?

This year, due to the rising cost of travel packages and air tickets, many Russians for the first time began to think about abandoning their usual tourist destinations. However, for the cheapest tour to Turkey in the summer of 2017, prices are quite reasonable - from 14,000 rubles for the rocky beaches of the outskirts of Alanya or Kemer. Yes, entering the sea will not be very convenient, but you can swim, the service is excellent, the sea is Mediterranean, the living conditions are better than in Sochi.

More expensive trips are offered to Antalya, Marmaris, Side, Bodrum and the main beaches of Kemer and Alanya. Cost – from 20,000 rubles and above. Most of the tours are designed on an all-inclusive basis, and there are options that include alcoholic drinks even for such a small amount.

How else can you save

Another good way to buy cheap in the summer of 2019 is to choose a last minute ticket to a recently opened hotel. Often for 20-25 thousand rubles you can buy a tour in a five-star hotel and for 12-14 in a high-quality three-star hotel. The cheapness is explained by peculiar “promotions” and the desire of the owners to somehow recoup the cost of the hotel in the first two seasons, when the hotel is unknown.

Low prices often last for several years in hotels where something bad happened. For example, a fire, mass poisoning, a fight or some other trouble. To restore their reputation, owners “lower” prices to the minimum, often working at a loss. After all, competition in Turkey is fierce, especially against the backdrop of the crisis in Russia.

But as for expensive tours to Turkey in the summer of 2019, then, of course, there are trips that cost from 130 thousand rubles - to the same hotels like Rixos or Gloria. But this is not the limit, the most expensive trips to Turkey cost from 150-180 thousand rubles for premium rooms or bungalows.

But for this money, it’s better to choose tours to Greece in the summer of 2019, or even take a last-minute trip to the Maldives. However, everyone chooses their own vacation to their liking - swimming in luxury or the beautiful ocean.

One of the main sources of Turkey's budget is tourism. The hotel business, entertainment industry, and service sector here are at a fairly high level and continue to actively develop. The republic has long become the most visited resort for immigrants from the countries of the former Soviet Union. Therefore, work for Russian speakers in Turkey can be found in different sectors of the economy. The most popular vacancies are in the tourism and entertainment sector.

For the most part, working in Turkey for Russians attracts young people, in particular students or even applicants who consider this option as an opportunity to see the world, spend the summer at sea, make new friends and at the same time remain independent from their parents. If you want, you can also earn some money. In practice, though, it looks a little different. To have a normal level of income here you have to work hard and conscientiously.

Employment in this state has a number of features that must be taken into account. For example, there are hotels here where Muslim tourists like to stay, but they give preference to women. This is due to the national traditions and mentality of Muslims. It is customary for women to be served by female staff. Conversely, in luxury hotels and restaurants, the majority of employees are men.

What do you need to know?

Today, tens of thousands of foreigners work in various fields of activity in Turkey. Some of them are officially employed, while others operate illegally. But before you go here to earn money, you need to carefully weigh and calculate everything. It is important to understand that for Russians, Belarusians, Ukrainians and other Russian-speaking migrants, the best option is official employment.

To do this, you must obtain a work permit from the Embassy. Before this, you need to find an employer and conclude a contract with him. The latter must indicate all the conditions and duration of its validity. It is recommended to carefully check the reputation of the company or organization with which you plan to enter into an agreement. You can do this on various sites, and also ask your friends.

To make working in Turkey truly comfortable and profitable, it is important to be very careful when choosing an employer. Therefore, the best way is to cooperate with recruitment agencies. This is many times more effective than without intermediaries, and also reduces the likelihood of running into unscrupulous employers.

Currently, for young Ukrainians, Belarusians, and Russians, working as an animator in Turkey is considered one of the most attractive options. This is due to relatively high wages, free housing, food (provided by the host party), plus there are no requirements for mandatory knowledge of foreign languages, special education and experience. This vacancy is an ideal option for students and students of secondary specialized or technical institutions. By the way, many universities provide student exchange programs. Nowadays, special agencies specializing in training: maids, waiters, bartenders, animators and their further employment abroad are becoming increasingly popular.

Where and how to get permission?

According to the current legislation in this country, local employers cannot hire citizens of other states unless they have obtained the appropriate permit. The validity period of this document is 1-5 years.

The registration procedure is as follows:

  1. Find an employer.
  2. Enter into a contract.
  3. Together with the employer, contact the Security Administration (Security Department).
  4. Fill out the form and provide the required documentation.
  5. Pay the state fee.

List of the most popular professions

There are always vacancies for Russians, and indeed for immigrants from the countries of the former CIS. Moreover, demand increases noticeably as the holiday season approaches. The greatest labor shortage at this time can be observed in the most popular tourist resorts: Antalya, Alanya, Kemer, Bodrum, Fethe and others. For example, in Antalya the most popular vacancies for Russian speakers are:

  • animator;

    Animator is a popular profession in Turkey

  • hotel administrator;

    Hotel administrator is an equally popular position

  • waiter;

    Waiters in Turkish hotels and cafes are also in demand

  • tour guide;

    Experienced guides are always needed in a country with such developed tourism.

  • bartender;

    The position of bartender is often found in the list of vacancies

  • dancers;

    Dancer is the last job opportunity on our list, but not the most popular one.

  • Employment for all these positions, as a rule, involves a seasonal nature. Therefore, the standard contract duration is 3-6 months.

    Working conditions

    You need to be prepared for the fact that work in Alanya, Bodrum, Antalya or another resort town has an average working day of 9-11 hours, with a lunch break. The working hours of service personnel are most often not fixed, but the wages by local standards are quite decent, plus tips.


    Animators organize leisure time for vacationers. They hold games, organize competitions, come up with competitions, shows, organize discos and so on. Separately, there is also a vacancy for a children's animator. His responsibilities include organizing active and varied leisure activities for children aged 4-12 years.

    An animator vacancy is a good opportunity for seasonal earnings.

    This includes:

    • drawing, needlework, modeling;
    • holding various games and competitions;
    • organization of competitions.

    Many hotels still employ dance animators separately. Young people with dance training and artistic abilities are usually hired for such a vacancy. They are often given the responsibility of teaching people who want to dance during the day. They also come up with numbers, skits and performances on their own, practice them, and rehearse them during the lunch siesta. Considering the current political situation between Turkey and Russia, we can assume that in 2019 there will be more vacancies for representatives of other countries due to the outflow of Russians in the labor market.

    As a rule, accommodation and meals for representatives of this profession are provided on the territory of the hotel where they are employed. Minimum wage is $450. This is usually a beginner's bet. More experienced colleagues receive $700. and more. The activities of animators have their own characteristics, which may vary depending on the hotel and the requirements of the administration.

    Most often this is:

    • irregular working hours;
    • the average number of days off per month is no more than 4;
    • it is often necessary to organize entertainment for guests at night;
    • always smile;
    • Give all vacationers the same amount of time.


    • leave the hotel premises at night;
    • be in a drunken state;
    • swim in the sea during working hours.

    This is not a complete list of rules provided for animators.


    The profession of a guide is probably in second place in demand for Russian-speaking workers. It’s true that without knowledge of the language (English, French, German or another foreign language) you won’t be able to get a job.

    Conducting excursions is a good opportunity to find a job

    There are several areas of activity in the country for representatives of this profession:

  1. Hotel guide.
  2. Transfer.
  3. Sightseeing.

The salary of each category is different and depends on various factors. But the highest paid are considered to be representatives of the third group (up to 1 thousand dollars), the second position is occupied by a hotel guide (about 600 dollars), the third place is a transfer guide, with a monthly income of 350 dollars.

For girls, the most attractive jobs are hostesses and dancers. A special feature of these professions is that most of their working time occurs at night.

The main task of a hostess is to maintain pleasant communication with visitors to a restaurant or bar. People who are hired here have a good knowledge of foreign languages, the ability to communicate on various topics, are stress-resistant and have a pleasant appearance.

The wages of dancers in the state range from 400 to 800 dollars. A big plus is the presence of our own show programs and numbers.

According to experts, employment in Turkey for residents of the Russian Federation will be irrelevant in the next few years. The same cannot be said about Ukrainians, Belarusians, Moldovans and other Russian-speaking people who want to work in the territory of this state.

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For Russians, it is no longer something incredible, but a real reality. And anyone can get it. The number of Russians wishing to work in the Republic of Turkey continues to grow.

Why do compatriots choose this country to work?

There are a number of reasons for this:

  1. A fairly easy procedure for obtaining a work visa and residence permit.
  2. The constant availability of many vacancies for Russian speakers with salaries much higher than the Russian average. The minimum in 2019 is about $460.
  3. Good climate.
  4. Friendliness of the local people.
  5. Opportunity to combine work and travel.

The first place in open vacancies for Russian speakers in 2019 is traditionally occupied by the tourism industry, which is one of the main sources of income for the budget of the Turkish Republic.

Russian tourists, for the most part, do not speak foreign languages, and thousands of Russian-speaking specialists are needed every year to work with them. Therefore, it will not be difficult to find work in hotels in Antalya, Belek, Alanya, Side, Kemer, Marmaris, Fethiye. The most popular vacancies for working in them:

  • Adults and children's animators.
  • Maids.
  • Meeting, reception and accommodation staff.
  • Transfermen.
  • Hotel and excursion guides.
  • Security guards.
  • Massage therapists.
  • Hairdressers.
  • Manicure and pedicure specialists.
  • Sellers.
  • Nannies.
  • Cosmetologists.

Many of these jobs require a good command of spoken English or Turkish. Salaries in the tourist services sector average $400-700. There is especially a lot of work in Antalya and other resort cities.

In Istanbul and Ankara, there is a shortage of Russian-speaking employees in jewelry stores. Many mixed and Russian families regularly look for nannies, housekeepers and house helpers with knowledge of the Russian language. Lots of offers for manicurists and hairdressers. The average salary in these areas is $500-1200.

In Turkey, there is a huge shortage of workers in the construction industry, welders, engineers, and programmers. Wages in these industries are the highest. More detailed information about the salary can be obtained.

Getting a good, well-paid job in Turkey is not easy, but it is also impossible. Some start out in low-paying positions and find better opportunities over time.
You can start looking for work in Turkey from major Russian and Turkish sites:

  • headhunter.

You can also look for work in the tourism sector on the websites of large Russian tour operators (Tui, Teztour, Anextour, Coral Travel, Sunmar), which recruit employees to work with Russian tourists several months before the start of the tourist season. Another effective way is to search for her locally with the help of various recruitment agencies. Their services will cost an average of $200. It is advisable to contact trusted agencies that have a license.

Gift: 2100 rubles for housing!