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DIY bait for white fish. DIY fish bait. DIY basic universal bait

Every fisherman should be able to prepare the simplest bait with his own hands. It's quite simple to do, but it takes time.

It is known that branded bait is more effective than homemade bait. At home, if you try hard, you can only reach the level of store-bought bait of average quality. But this can only be done by very experienced fishermen who have become skilled in selecting components for certain conditions for a particular type of fish. But homemade bait also has its advantages.

Advantages of homemade bait

  • A simple homemade composition (no frills) will cost much less than branded mixtures. This is significant for many fishermen, especially when catching large fish, when feeding is done in kilograms or tens of kilograms. Also, in order to save money, the homemade composition can be used as a base, and a proprietary mixture can be added to it, for example in a 1:1 ratio. The resulting feed will greatly improve its quality.
  • For ordinary fishing conditions, when the fishing neighborhood does not exert much pressure, which happens at competitions, homemade bait will be attractive enough to collect fish. At the same time, the angler can count on a decent bite. The special quality of branded mixtures is leveled out in many cases of amateur fishing.

The basis

The basis of homemade bait is always white bread crackers. Breadcrumbs are sold in grocery stores, and fishermen most often use them to make bait. Soaked crackers are quite sticky and act as an astringent. They are almost always used, with the exception of bait for carp fishing. There, grains are recommended as a basis. Amateur fishermen often use steamed corn with sunflower cake.

Wheat bran

They can be purchased where grains are sold - in markets, in special stores. stores Their properties are light, buoyant and loosening. The bran destroys the lump of bait and floats, i.e. make the bait work actively.

The simplest composition of homemade bait is a mixture of crackers and bran. The usual proportion is: 3 parts crackers to 1 part bran. To catch riding fish, make a more crumbly and buoyant bait in a 1:1 proportion of these components.

Sunflower cake

You can buy it at a fishing store or at a market where animal feed is sold. It has a bright attractive smell and loosening properties as part of bait. It is used to attract any fish of the carp family, in a volume of 20–40% of the entire mixture. An excellent alternative to cake are ground roasted seeds. This product is more oily and is used as freshly prepared. It is enough to buy a bag of seeds, grind them as finely as possible in a meat grinder and add them to the bait.

Fruit gingerbread or cookies

Fruity, sweet aromas are also very attractive to fish. In addition, they have strong astringent properties as opposed to cake. Therefore, 20-30% of the groundbait composition of ground gingerbread with fruit jam inside will be an excellent addition to the bait composition.


It is purchased in fishing stores, often in raw form. Hemp grains are roasted in the oven. After roasting, the grain should remain white inside, there should be no burnt grains! Then the grains are ground in a meat grinder (a coarse grind is obtained). This is a very attractive delicacy for carp fish with a specific smell. Added to bait up to 10%.

Wheat porridge

If you look at all the bait components described above, you will notice that they do not represent any particular nutritional value for fish. Therefore, in most cases, the bait needs to be made more filling. Wheat porridge is always welcomed by both small and large white fish, but at the same time it is not so filling due to the small size of the grains. It is important to prepare the porridge correctly so that it remains crumbly and is evenly mixed into the bait (does not stick together into lumps). Millet is poured with a large amount of water and cooked until the grains begin to burst. After this, the half-cooked millet is thoroughly washed with water. It is added directly during fishing to already mixed bait in an amount of 5 - 50%, depending on how much the fisherman wants to saturate his mixture.

Large grains

If we are talking about catching carp or bream, then the bait has to be made even more satisfying. And in this case, a can of canned corn will always help out. The juice from the jar is used to mix the bait. (By the way, it is recommended to add corn juice from a jar to any bait, since it perfectly attracts all carp fish.) Grains are added in the right quantity to attract and retain large fish. Also for large and medium-sized fish, the addition of steamed pearl barley or wheat grains is used. These grains are prepared by simmering until tender. They are usually added at a rate of 10 - 50% by volume, depending on the number and size of the fish attracted.

Additional strong astringents

For feeders, it sometimes makes sense to use more viscous compounds. Dry semolina binds and fills the bait in volume. It can also dry out the bait if it suddenly turns out to be waterlogged and there is no dry food left. Powdered milk is a highly astringent agent; when added in minimal quantities, it forms a cloudy white cloud in water, which attracts fish.

Flavorings, attractants

An angler can experiment at his own risk with various branded additives in his homemade bait. But there really is a risk here, since cheap flavorings can turn out to be fakes that repel fish. Or incorrect use (overdose) of such components will make the area near the bait uninhabitable. It is important to stock up on high-quality drugs and use them in minimal quantities according to the instructions.

The best bait component

Animal feed remains the component that will always significantly increase the attractiveness of the prepared feed. Small bloodworms are purchased before fishing and mixed with bait during its preparation, and it is important to “break” the bloodworms, i.e. stir it evenly throughout the bait. A mixture of crackers, bran and bloodworms is a simple, but very successful composition. For catching fish of medium and large sizes, chopped worms (cut with scissors in a glass) and maggots are also used as additives.

For small fish

If we are talking about bleak, small roach, rudd, then it is better to additionally grind the crackers and bran in an electric meat grinder. Then add flavoring and small bloodworms to the mixture at your discretion. Often, when catching small fish, the bait is made very dry (little water) so that the balls break into the water and form a bait column.

For crucian carp

Many anglers agree that crucian carp are better attracted to rye bread. But it is almost impossible to buy dry rye crumbs. Therefore, they make it themselves (dried rye bread skims and ground them in a coffee grinder). In places where there is a lot of natural food, in thickets, rye crumbs will come in handy. They can be used independently or based on them (20 - 30%) a complex mixture can be prepared.

For carp

The basic mixture, for example - crackers, bran, cake, gingerbread, hemp, are clearly insufficient in nutritional value. To confidently feed and attract a school of carp in the summer, we should be talking about 5 - 10 kg of nourishing complementary food. Typically, a can of corn will not be enough as a nutritional supplement. Therefore, fishermen often boil corn and wheat grains themselves, and the volume is measured in buckets. Also, for fishing at stakes in bait, it makes sense to increase the amount of sunflower cake to 50%.

Features of bait preparation.

  • One low-quality (expired) bait component will simply ruin your fishing and scare away the fish. Therefore, only the freshest products are used.
  • Water for mixing is taken only from a reservoir without silt impurities.
  • The density of bait balls is mainly determined by moisture. It is important to moisten the bait so that the ball crumbles on the bottom in 15 - 30 minutes. Over-moistened bait (like plasticine) cannot be used. The breakdown of bait into components with the release of all odors into the water is the basic rule of its use.

The process of fishing for most types of fish requires baiting this fish, which many fishermen prepare themselves with their own hands. At the same time, you need to know some of the features and subtleties of fishing bait when preparing it yourself. Of course, you can purchase ready-made bait options in stores, but it should be noted that homemade bait is much cheaper than store-bought options, and the fishing process itself will be much more interesting.

Features of homemade bait

Any bait will consist of a bait base, which includes all kinds of cereals, milk powder, egg powder, cake, ground sunflower seeds or flax seeds, breadcrumbs, oatmeal, cookies, biscuits and many other components. Also, in most cases, components of animal origin should be added.

At the same time, the bait should be based on the components that the fish themselves feed on in a given reservoir; if we talk about porridges, then it is better to add to the bait those cereal porridges that grow in the region where the fish are caught. Animal components should consist of those insects that live near reservoirs and in the reservoirs themselves, and are the usual food of fish in a given reservoir.

As flavoring agents, to enhance the attraction of fish to the fishing areas, various components are added to the bait, among which the following can be distinguished:

  • - anise or a little anise oil;
  • — hemp seeds or hemp oil;
  • — sunflower seeds or vegetable sunflower oil;
  • - cumin, coriander, cinnamon, cloves;
  • — some fish, such as crucian carp, for some reason like the aromas of garlic;
  • - flavorings with smells and aromas of fruits and vegetables, such as melon, pumpkin, watermelon, banana, orange, tangerine, peach and many others;
  • - aromas of coffee, cocoa, chocolate.

On each individual body of water, each fish may prefer one or another aroma, and when weather conditions change, the mood of the fish itself, preferences for aroma may change.

Homemade bait for feeder

Of course, it is much easier to purchase store-bought bait for fishing, especially since today bait for each fish is sold separately. But it should also be noted that there are cases where fish do not want to be caught at all when using store-bought bait, although advertising states that these store-bought bait options are created on the basis of scientific research and testing in laboratories. But in reality it turns out that either scientists don’t know a damn thing about fishing, or the manufacturers are simply lying.

That’s why experienced fishermen almost always try to prepare homemade bait, while store-bought bait is mostly used by beginners in fishing, although they won’t admit it.

So, among the advantages of homemade bait for fishing, the following points can be highlighted:

  • — bait for fishing, made by yourself, is three to four times, or even more, cheaper in price than store-bought options;
  • — when creating homemade bait, the fisherman has a real opportunity to take into account the peculiarities of fishing in a particular body of water and weather conditions;
  • — homemade bait allows you to take into account the taste preferences of each individual type of fish.

Recipe for preparing bait for high-water fish

A peculiarity of upland fish is the fact that such fish feed in most cases in the upper layers of the water column of a reservoir. The bait for such fish should be prepared so that it is not overly dense, otherwise the bait itself, when added to the bait area, will simply lie on the bottom without luring the upper-water fish. Such bait should be distinguished by its friability or dustiness, and its low degree of density.

The most ideal option for fishing for high-water fish is the following recipe:

  • - mix breadcrumbs with dry milk or egg powder, the ratio being 1:2;
  • - add a little salt and sugar;
  • - you should add a little cocoa to this mixture;
  • - you can add a little cake.

All this should be mixed at the fishing spot, adding a little pond water.

Recipe for making bait for deep sea fish

This bait should be different in that it should attract fish that prefer to be at the depths of the reservoir; bait with a higher level of density is more suitable here.

To independently prepare such bait, take crushed bloodworms, maggots or worms and add one part of dry clay to it. Among other things, you should add one part of corn flour and three parts of the cake mixture. We also add half a part of cocoa or coffee. This mixture must be thoroughly mixed in dry form; stirring is best done at the fishing spot, with the addition of pond water. This bait does not require any steaming process.

Bait recipe for larger species of fish for fishing on currents

In order to successfully catch large species of fish in currents, the bait must be very dense, while experienced fishermen do not recommend using components in the bait for such fishing that will create an unnecessarily large path in the water, which will attract small fish.

The most optimal recipe for such fishing is the following:

  • — you should take five parts of steamed wheat;
  • - three parts of sunflower seeds or cake;
  • - two parts corn flour;
  • — three parts of cottage cheese or homemade yogurt;
  • - two parts egg yolk;
  • - add shell meat and beans - a couple of parts.

All this is mixed, then a little hemp oil, a little lavender oil is added. Before adding, the beans must be boiled in castor oil and then chopped.

Recipe for basic universal homemade bait

Of course, the composition of the bait must be selected for the specific fishing conditions and reservoir, but there are still several basic recipes that are almost universal.

Here's one of them:

  • - take crackers, it is better if they are homemade crackers, not store-bought ones, made from white bread, three parts;
  • — bran is added, in this case it is better to combine finely and coarsely ground bran, one part;
  • - the cake mixture is added, about twenty percent of the total weight of the bait;
  • - you should add one to three parts of ground hemp seeds or sunflower seeds.

Everything is mixed with the addition of water and a little soil from the fishing pond. You can also add components of animal origin; they definitely won’t spoil the bait.

Fish bait should always be used. If you come fishing without bait, you will lose a lot of fish.

Of course, you can buy bait, but it won’t be cheap; it’s a different matter when you make the bait yourself. Homemade mixture is much cheaper and you can usually make a lot of it. This article will describe the best recipes for mixtures for fish that work without question.

Do-it-yourself universal bait for fish

One of the universal recipes consists of the following components:

  1. Roasted sunflower seeds
  2. Crushed corn grits
  3. Semolina
  4. Breadcrumbs
  5. Any regular gingerbread without filling
  6. Ground coriander
  7. Dry cat food
  8. Rye bran
  9. Granulated sugar
  10. Sea salt without additives

All ingredients except corn required pass through a meat grinder with a fine mesh. After the meat grinder, mix everything thoroughly and add corn grits, salt with sugar and coriander. To store this bait, you must use a tightly closed container, which in turn must be kept in a dry place. Before use, in the summer, it is necessary to feed dilute with water to the required state, and also add maggots.
In winter, this bait must be poured into the hole in small portions. If the fish is at depth, then a feeder should be used for bait.

Bait recipes for bleak

To prepare bait for bleak you will need a coffee grinder, breadcrumbs, milk powder and bran.
1. Grind the necessary components using a coffee grinder.
2. Divide the crushed crackers and bran into two even halves.
3. Add a little dry milk, namely two spoons.
4. Add semolina one spoon
5. Mix all ingredients in a suitable container
6. Add flavors
7. Add water.

You should add water already at the fishing spot; before doing this, you should find out where exactly there is an accumulation of bleak. Also, many fishermen add road dust to their bait, because this fish loves turbidity. There is a version of this bait with the addition of bloodworms or maggots, although experienced fishermen do not recommend spending money on bleak; according to them, this is not the kind of fish that is worth spending extra money on.
Another bait option for this fish has the following composition:
1. Ground crackers
2. Egg powder
3. Fine sawdust
4. Crushed oatmeal porridge
5. Roasted crushed hemp seeds
6. Flaxseed oil
7. Small maggot

Bait recipes for roach

The roach prefers pure bait, which is fed to it in small doses, let's consider several options.
An excellent bait option for roach:
1. A glass of boiled millet
2. 100 grams of crushed sunflower seeds
3. 50 grams of crushed hemp seeds
4. Chopped dung worm in quantity from 15 pieces
5. From 4 to 5 kilograms of crushed anise
6. 100 grams of milk powder
7. Add sand or clay, depending on where you are going to catch roach.
All of the listed ingredients must be mixed and formed into balls, which crumble when pressed lightly.

Ingredients for catching roach on the surface:
1. Half a glass of sunflower seeds.
2. A spoonful of powdered milk.
3. Bread crusts no more than 100 grams
4. 50 grams of planing crumbs
5. A small spoon of crushed anise.
In bad weather, when the roach is at depth, the bait consists of the following ingredients:
1. 1/4 cup sunflower seeds.
2. One harvest of small maggots.
3. A glass of ready-made millet
4. A small spoon of crushed anise.
5. Sand or clay is added.

Bait recipes for bream

Bait recipes for crucian carp

Bait for crucian carp has the same components as bait for other fish from the cyprinid class. For crucian carp there is both regular bait and exotic types, here are a few recipes.
Option 1:
1. A kilogram of crushed wheat.
2. A kilogram of crushed barley.
3. Half a kilogram of corn grits.
4. 200 grams of semolina porridge.
5. 200 grams of corn flour.
6. 200 grams of sunflower cake.
All components are mixed and packaged in bags of up to 2 kilograms each. At the fishing site, this mixture must be moistened for 20 minutes. Then add up to 20 drops of Corvalol and create balls the size of an orange.

Option 2:
1. Half a kilogram of roasted sunflower seeds.
2. Half a kilogram of crushed crackers.
3. Half a kilogram of wheat bran.
4. 5 spoons of sugar.
5. Up to 40 vanillin crystals.
River sand is used for loosening. Also, if desired, vanillin can be replaced with honestly or caraway seeds.

Bait recipes for perch

Perch, as everyone knows, is she has a good sense of smell and eyesight. Taking this into account, you should add oil, tinsel or glitter.
There are a number of excellent bait recipes for catching this fish.
Option 1 is suitable for large perch.
For this option, fish fillets are used, which must be cut into strips 5 centimeters thick and placed on a hook so that a small part hangs down and lures the fish while playing.
Option 2 is suitable for winter fishing for perch.
It is necessary to finely chop chicken or, if desired, pork giblets and mix them with bloodworms. You need to add a little flour to this mixture to create viscosity. Next, we roll small balls, approximately the size of a chicken egg, and put the resulting balls in the freezer for final cooking. This bait must be used in advance, or to be more precise, 2-3 days before fishing.
Option 3:
Grind the worms, add bloodworms and crayfish meat to them, and pork blood is also added to the resulting mixture. We water it all with a few drops of camphor oil and honey. Mix all this well and add fish scales. The last ingredient is clay, so much of it is needed to make the bait balls hard.

Pea bait: float + long cast

Before you start preparing this bait, peas should be filled with cold water; they absorb moisture well, so it’s better not to skimp on this.
Preparation of bait:
After 6 hours of absorption of moisture, there will be practically no water left, after which the peas can be cooked.

If you do not want to clean the stove from foam, then you need to do this:
1. Wait until the porridge boils.
2. Remove the foam.
3. Cover with a lid and cook the peas for 45 minutes.
After cooking, some of the peas remain unchanged. Next, you need to use a masher to mash the peas until they look like porridge. This porridge, which we obtained by mashing peas, must be packaged in bags. Packets of porridge should be cooled and placed in the freezer until you go fishing.

DIY bait for white fish

As many people know, white fish is considered to be a fish with white meat.

To catch this class of fish you can use the following baits:
Option 1:
1. 300 grams of milk powder.
2. Semolina one kilogram.
3. Sugar 300 grams.
4. Food for cats or dogs, half a kilogram.
5. Half a kilo of crushed and roasted peanuts.
6. Breadcrumbs, one kilogram.
7. Corn grits, one and a half kilograms.
8. Cake, 300 grams.
9. Oatmeal or corn flakes in small form, one kilogram.
It is very simple to prepare such a mixture; to do this, you need to mix it and, upon arrival at the reservoir, moisten it with water.

Option 2:
1. Peas.
2. Millet.
3. Barley.
4. Honey.
5. Breadcrumbs.
6. Semolina.
7. Cake.
This bait option requires not just mixing, but also boiling. Millet peas and pearl barley should be cooked together for half an hour. After cooking, the remaining ingredients are added.

Flavorings for bait

Flavors are substances that attract the attention of fish and attract them to the fishing site. Flavorings include the following substances: essential oils, food and special flavors, flavors for boilies, pomace, oils (fats).

All these types are suitable for use in bait, let’s consider each separately:
Essential oils. Use in small quantities, they are sold in a bottle with a pipette, they have a very high concentration.
Food flavorings. The most common food shock absorbers are anise, vanilla and bitter almonds.
Special flavors. This type includes flavorings such as hemp oil or minced worm extract.
Flavors for boilies. These flavorings are prepared using special techniques; a striking example of such a substance is peppermint.
Carp squeezes (oils). These oils include corn extract or tiger nut juice, both of which are among the best options.
Oils (fats). The fat of fish such as tuna is considered the best for bait.
Liquid flavors. It is better to dilute such flavorings with water before use, thanks to which the liquid is absorbed into the bait.

Making bait for fish with your own hands on a pond

All bait ingredients must be in a crushed state. Also, in addition to the mixture itself, do not forget to take clay in case of strong currents in the pond.
When you arrive at your destination, the first thing you need to do is prepare your bait.

To do this you need to take the following steps:
1. Pour the dry fish mixture into a container.
2. In the second container, prepare a solution from the flavorings you have chosen, after which it is all combined and mixed.
3. Add water to the resulting mixture in portions.
4. At each stage, mix the mixture well. Water must be added until the mixture can be formed into balls.
Leave the bait for 20 minutes and then check its condition.

1. If this mixture has absorbed all the water, then you should add a little more water, the main thing is not to overdo it.
2. To check whether the bait is prepared correctly, form a ball and throw it into the water. It should decompose in a few seconds.
3. When the ball decomposes, you need to observe this process to understand whether everything was done correctly or whether something needs to be changed.
4. This is the ideal time to change the bait if necessary.

Store-bought bait versus homemade mixture

If you decide to go fishing in a new place, it would be best to use commercial bait.

This bait has several advantages:
1. When creating these mixtures, the recommendations of famous fishermen and fishermen are taken into account. Because of this, the mixture is optimal for any fish.
2. Purchased bait is well moistened, so it behaves well in the pond environment. The stain from this mixture remains almost perfect.
3. Store-bought bait also saves the fisherman a lot of time and he does not have to sit at the stove for a long time.
But no matter how good the purchased mixture is, it does not take into account the fact that in different bodies of water the fish have their own food preferences. This applies mostly to small lakes and rivers that are located near villages.
In this case, homemade bait is simply irreplaceable, because the fish in such places are accustomed to the local culture.

Well, now you know the basic rules and recipes for baiting fish, you can say that being informed means being armed. It is worth noting that this article contains some of the main recipes, although in fact there are a huge number of them, so do not be afraid to experiment and come up with something new yourself.

How long has it been since you had a really BIG CATCH?

When was the last time you caught dozens of HUGE pike/carp/bream?

We always want to get results from fishing - to catch not three perch, but ten kilogram pikes - what a catch! Each of us dreams of this, but not everyone can do it.

A good catch can be achieved (and we know this) thanks to good bait.

It can be prepared at home or bought in fishing stores. But stores are expensive, and to prepare bait at home, you need to spend a lot of time, and, to be fair, homemade bait does not always work well.

You know that disappointment when you buy bait or prepare it at home and only catch three or four bass?

So maybe it’s time to use a truly working product, the effectiveness of which has been proven both scientifically and in practice on the rivers and ponds of Russia?

It gives the same result that we cannot achieve on our own, especially since it is cheap, which distinguishes it from other means and there is no need to spend time on production - you order it, it’s delivered and you’re good to go!

Of course, it is better to try once than to hear a thousand times. Moreover, now is the season! This is a great bonus when ordering!

Find out more about the bait!

M Many myths about bait were invented by theorists and in fact have nothing to do with reality. However, they are taken seriously by most anglers and are passed on by word of mouth. I myself am a sinner, because I once sincerely and excessively believed what authors from Western Europe wrote. Since then, “a lot of water has passed under the bridge,” some things have been rethought. And today I want to debunk some of the popular misconceptions.

For bream and other large fish you need yellow bait

ABOUT This is explained by the fact that small fish are vulnerable to predators and therefore are afraid of the light bottom. But bream and other large fish have few enemies, so they can be selectively caught in a light spot, cutting off small things along the way.

ABOUT However, for the umpteenth time I catch myself doing the “wrong” thing and in the vast majority of cases I use dark-colored bait to catch bream. If the finished mixture is initially light, then before moistening I add black or brown dye to it. My logic is this: large fish are even more careful than small ones (that’s why they didn’t eat them, and they were able to grow to such sizes), and therefore there is no reason for them to feed on a bright spot, i.e., to become noticeable.

Tell me, have you often seen large fish in bodies of water with clear water? Surely much less common than small change. Naturally, because big fish are more careful!

For example, this situation: two fishermen in the neighborhood fed heavily, but one had a contrasting bait, and the other one matched the color of the bottom. I think that, all other factors being equal, the second angler will have a higher chance of success.

By the way, I can’t remember a single case when dark-colored bait was inferior to light-colored bait (southern reservoirs with atypical fish for us don’t count), however, there were situations in my practice (especially if the water was cold) when a light mixture lost miserably to the dark one.

IN When light (yellow) bait is really justified is when fishing with a feeder. Unlike float fishing, there is no large feeding spot; instead, local points are formed in the places where the feeder falls. And if they contrast with the color of the bottom, then this is an additional attractive factor for fish. After all, in this case she risks absolutely nothing. This smell is for roach, and that one is for bream.

Flavorings for bait

P perhaps the most conjectures and legends are born
talking about the topic flavorings for bait. A famous French author once stated: “Roach loves anise, bream loves cinnamon, carp loves strawberries.” But here’s the problem: for some reason, bream is caught very well with bait that smells like anise. On bait that smells of cinnamon, there is a machine-gun bite for roaches. And, in principle, any fish is good for bait with fruity smells.

Or, for example, you have heard many times that “coriander works well on roach,” and some well-known manufacturers produce bait for this fish with this aroma. However, from other manufacturers we find bream mixtures, which, oddly enough, also smell like coriander! In fact, the reason is that coriander is one of the cheapest spices and produces a powerful smell, so manufacturers are happy to include it in their recipes in order to increase sales profits by spreading rumors that a particular fish is his “ loves very much".

What kind of bait do fish really like? The answer is: fish love what they identify with their taste buds as edible. For example, the contents of bloodworms have almost no odor to humans (unless, of course, they are rotten), but for fish this substance is a powerful feeding signal. It's the same with maggots. According to some data, the fly larva contains 72.4% proteins, 16.9% fats, 9.7% carbohydrates, which, in fact, attracts fish, and not the possible smell of ammonia or some other nasty thing.

P I have heard the opinion that fish may actually be completely indifferent to some fashionable smells among anglers (I admit that this is indeed the case). In general, analyzing the results of my own and other people’s fishing trips, I gradually come to the conclusion that most popular smells, be it vanilla, caramel, fruits, nuts, etc., have approximately the same attractiveness for fish and, frankly speaking, serve rather for attracting buyers. And they certainly influence the bite to a lesser extent than the ratio of certain nutrients (proteins, polypeptides, fats, carbohydrates) in the bait.

The bait was developed by leading athletes

In recent years, this advertising slogan has been mercilessly exploited by all and sundry. Moreover, manufacturers usually do not indicate who these “leading athletes” are. If you dig deeper, it may well turn out that the real bait developer does not have outstanding achievements in the sport of fishing.

A It also happens like this: a manufacturer comes to a famous athlete, gives him his bait and says: “Catch it and tell me your opinion.” He, having caught it, replies: “It’s normal (it wouldn’t be normal when the bait is given for free(!)), but I would like it to be darker (or, say, a finer grind).” No sooner said than done. The manufacturer releases a “new” bait, indicating in the description that it was developed by such and such a person. Although in reality he has no idea what components and in what proportions are included in the composition, not to mention the intricacies of the technological process.

IN This is not surprising. Understanding what bait should be from a fisherman’s point of view and the ability to make it that way (i.e., acquiring the right equipment, finding suitable components on the market, mastering technology, choosing proportions) are completely different things. But there is also the issue of price - the bait must be sold profitably. And if any component leads to a significant increase in the price of the mixture, then the manufacturer has to abandon it, despite the fact that it actually improves the quality of the bait. There are many additives widely used in the bait industry that many people are not aware of. You can’t buy these substances at the grocery store, or read about them in fishing magazines.

The main purpose of bait is to attract fish. A little theory so that in the process of preparing bait according to recipes everything is crystal clear to you and questions about how to make bait for fish do not arise.

Fish bait consists of:

  • basics (oatmeal, crackers, bran, cake, etc.);
  • food supply (bloodworms, maggots, chopped worms, tubifex);
  • additives (various oils and aromatic plants).

When preparing bait for fish with your own hands, keep in mind that:

  • cement the bait: oatmeal, dry clay, egg powder;
  • make the bait crumbly: bloodworms, maggots, worms, river sand;
  • produce abundant dregs: dried daphnia, dried milk, dried blood, fine sawdust;
  • They give the fish bait a seductive smell: oil cake, toasted sunflower seeds, flax seeds, hemp seeds, various oils and herbs.

How to make fish bait with your own hands:

The bait components are first mixed dry in a bucket, and then water is added little by little and everything is mixed thoroughly. In addition to the fact that the bait needs to be correctly composed, prepared and mixed, it also needs to be used correctly:

Bait for fishing must meet the following conditions:

  1. Do-it-yourself bait for high-water fish:
    • when clenched in a fist, form a dense lump, convenient for casting at 5-7 m;
    • When it hits the water, it crumbles and slowly sinks.
  2. DIY bait for deep-sea fish:
    • when clenched in a fist, it forms a dense lump, convenient for casting 10-20 m.
    • When fishing in a current, the bait should crumble only upon contact with the bottom.
  3. If you are fishing in the current or for large, cautious fish:
    • then the bait should be placed on the bottom so that it forms a continuous spot on the bottom and does not create turbidity, which attracts a lot of small things. It is usually better to feed a lot of this bait at once, but with long breaks.
  4. If you are fishing for roach or perch, or small silver bream and white bream in half-water or above the bottom:
    • then the bait should become muddy and scatter in the water column to form a cloud. To maintain the cloud, it is better to throw in very small lumps of bait literally every time you recast the rig with a nozzle. Often in reservoirs in the summer the bream rises a meter or two above the bottom and slowly sinking crumbly bait is simply irreplaceable.
  5. If the object of fishing is bleak, then for fishing in the surface layers and in shallow waters the following is indispensable:
    • a very light or very liquid fish bait that produces a persistent stain of turbidity from small particles of crackers, oatmeal, milk powder or powdered eggs. But if you are going to catch large bleak, which prefers deeper layers of water (and even near the bottom), then you need to use regular bottom heavy bait.

All of the above applies to bait for fish if fishing is done from the shore. If they are fishing from a boat, then the bait is placed in a very fine mesh. The bait should be dense, otherwise it will quickly wash out. Remember: successful fishing does not depend on the amount of bait, but on its rational and skillful use.

Fish bait recipes

Every fisherman knows several recipes for do-it-yourself bait for fish. However, sharing experiences and bait recipes is always useful. You may know this recipe, but one added ingredient makes it completely new. So, let’s try our own fish bait recipes. The amount of bait components is given in parts by weight.

Bait recipes for bleak

DIY fish bait recipe No. 1

DIY fish bait recipe No. 2

Breadcrumbs 3
Tolokno 2
Ground cake 1
Daphnia dry 1
Sunflower oil 0.2
Powdered milk 0.2
Dry blood 0.2
Small bloodworm 5
Small maggot 2

Ground crackers 3
Egg powder 1
Small sawdust 2
Hercules ground 2
Roasted hemp seed, ground 0.5
Flaxseed oil 0.2
Small maggot 2

DIY fish bait recipe No. 3

DIY fish bait recipe No. 4

Ground crackers 3
Powdered milk 2
Semolina 1
Egg shell, finely crushed 1
Dried mayfly 0.5
Roasted flax seed, ground 0.2
Small maggot 2

Bran 3
Ground cake 2
Hercules ground 2
Birch seeds 0.2
Fried sand, river 1
Tolokno 2
Gammarius dried 0.5
Small maggot 2

Bait recipes for roach

DIY fish bait recipe No. 5

DIY fish bait recipe No. 6

Ground biscuit 3
Powdered milk 1
Breadcrumbs 1
Ground, dry clay 1
Bran 1
Cumin 1 pinch
Small bloodworm 0.5
Small maggot 0.5

Roasted bran 3
Flaxseed cake, ground 2
Tolokno 2
Ground, dry clay 1
Young nettle 0.5
Birch seeds 0.2
Lentils 0.2
Coriander 1 chip.
Pipemaker 1
Small maggot 2

DIY fish bait recipe No. 7

DIY fish bait recipe No. 8

Steamed rye 3
Ground crackers 3
Tolokno 2
Hercules ground 1
Hemp seed, roasted, ground 0.5
Filamentous algae (mulberry) 0.5
Garlic, grated 0.5 tbsp. l.
Small maggot 2

Steamed wheat 3
Ground crackers 2
Roasted bran 2
Roasted ground pumpkin seed 2
Lemon balm 1 chip.
Formic acid 2-3 parts.
Thyme 3 chips.
Pipemaker 2

DIY fish bait recipe No. 9

Sunflower seed, roasted, ground 3
Ground crackers 2
Tolokno 2
Steamed barley 2
Cabbage leaves, finely chopped 1
Dried dill 2 chips.
Formic acid 2-3 parts.
Small bloodworm 2

Bait recipes for bream

DIY fish bait recipe No. 10

DIY fish bait recipe No. 11

Bran 2
Sunflower cake, ground 3
Corn sticks, ground 1
Ground, dry clay 1

Coffee drink “Ear” 0.5
Small bloodworm 5
Small maggot 3

Ground crackers 3
Sunflower seed, roasted, ground 3
Compound feed 2
Egg powder 1
Dried dill 2 chips.
Ground, dry clay 1
Small maggot 3

DIY fish bait recipe No. 12

DIY fish bait recipe No. 13

Flaxseed cake, ground 4
Tolokno 3
Dried mayfly, ground 0.5
Roasted hemp, ground 0.5
Nuts, peanuts, roasted, ground 1
Dry clay, ground 1
Egg white 3 pcs.
Thyme 3 chips.
Pipemaker 3
Small maggot 4

Steamed peas 3
Bran 3
Flax seed, roasted, ground 2
Egg powder 1
Mashed beets 1
Ground, dry clay 1
Small maggot 3
Chopped worms 4

DIY fish bait recipe No. 14

Steamed oats 3
Ground flaxseed cake 3
Hercules ground 2
Tolokno 2
Fried river sand 2
Ground dry clay 1
Maggot paste 3
Anise oil in sunflower 2-3 drops. in 1 tbsp. l.
Small bloodworm 4

Bait recipes for ide

DIY fish bait recipe No. 15

DIY fish bait recipe No. 16

Pea flour 5
Ground crackers 2

Wheat bran 2

Ground dry clay 1
Formic acid 1-3 parts.
Thyme 3 chips.
Peppermint oil 2-3 k.
Small bloodworm 58
Small maggot 3

Steamed wheat 5
Ground sunflower cake 4
Tolokno 3
Ground crackers 2
Formic acid 2-3 parts:
Ground dry clay 1
Mayfly dried ground 0.5
Peppermint 1 tbsp. l.
Blood caked 1
Small maggot 3
Small bloodworm 4

DIY fish bait recipe No. 17

DIY fish bait recipe No. 18

Crumpled green peas 5
Ground crackers 2
Egg powder 2
Roasted ground hemp seed 0.5
Orange peels
dried ground 1 shcheo.
Lemon balm 1 chip.
Steamed rye 3
Ground flaxseed cake 3
Chopped dung worms 4
Small maggot 3

Ground sunflower cake 4
Compound feed 3
Tolokno 2
Filamentous algae (mulberry) 2
Dried dill 2 chips.
Daphnia raw 0.5
Nettle worm 0.5
Shell meat, pureed 3
Ground dry clay 1
Small maggot 3

DIY fish bait recipe No. 19

Steamed peas 5
Roasted bran 3
Roasted ground flax seed 2
Semolina 2
Gammarius dried 0.5
May beetle ground 1
Sheep crayfish meat 3
Rye malt 2
Ground dry clay 1
Chopped worms 4

Bait recipes for carp and carp

DIY fish bait recipe No. 20 DIY fish bait recipe No. 21
Rye steamed with salt 5
Potatoes undercooked 3
Old cheese 2
Roasted ground flax seed 3
Garlic, grated 1 tbsp. l.
Sheep crayfish meat 3
Small bloodworm 2
Wheat steamed with salt 5
Roasted ground sunflower seed 3
Corn flour 2
Cottage cheese 3
Raw egg yolk 3 pcs.
Shell meat, pureed 3
Beans cooked in castor oil 2
2 drops of anise and lavender oil in 1 tbsp. l. hemp
DIY fish bait recipe No. 22 DIY fish bait recipe No. 23
Crumpled green peas 2
Compound feed 3
Cottage cheese 3
Pearl porridge 4

Honey 0.1
Sheep crayfish meat 3
Peppermint oil in flaxseed 2-3 drops. in 1 tbsp. l.
Steamed corn with salt 5
Roasted bran 3
Boiled rice 3
Roasted ground hemp seed 2
Boiled beets, pureed 2
Dried linden blossom 0.5
Anise oil in flaxseed 2-3 drops. in 1 tbsp. l.
Maggot paste 2
Chopped worms 3
DIY fish bait recipe No. 24
Steamed oats with salt 5
Pea flour 3
Ground flaxseed cake 3
Potatoes undercooked 2
Roasted ground hazelnuts 1
Camphor alcohol 2-3 parts.
Lavender oil in flaxseed 2-3 drops. in 1 tbsp. l.
Small bloodworm 3

Bait recipes for crucian carp

DIY fish bait recipe No. 25 DIY fish bait recipe No. 26
Roasted ground sunflower seed 5
Millet porridge 3
Dried linden blossom 0.5
Roasted ground flax seed 1
Chopped worms 3
Roasted ground flax seed 0.5
Millet porridge 3
Dried linden blossom 0.5
Roasted ground sunflower seed 5
Chopped worms 3
Two drops of mint and lavender oil in 1 tbsp. l. hemp
DIY fish bait recipe No. 27 DIY fish bait recipe No. 28
Rye steamed with salt 5
Potatoes undercooked 2
Cottage cheese 2
Ground hemp cake 3
Roasted ground flax seed 1
Small bloodworm 3
Two drops of mint and lavender oil in 1 tbsp. l. hemp
Wheat steamed with salt 5
Ground flaxseed cake 3
Tolokno 2
Old cheese 2
Duckweed 1
Honey 0.3
Chopped worms 3
Anise oil in hemp oil 2-3 drops. in 1 tbsp. l.

Bait recipes for perch

Making bait for fish with your own hands on a pond

All bait components must be well ground, for example, in a coffee grinder and mixed together. In addition to the ready-made mixture of dry bait, you need to take separately dry ground clay with you when fishing in a pond in case the current is stronger than expected.

Upon arrival at the fishing site, fishing preparation should begin with the preparation of bait for the fish.(until the bait is saturated with water and reaches the desired consistency, you will have time to prepare the fishing spot and lay out the gear):

  1. The dry fish bait mixture is poured into a bucket.
  2. Separately, an aqueous solution of flavorings is prepared in a small container, which is poured into dry bait and mixed thoroughly.
  3. And only after that water from the reservoir is added to the bait.
  4. With the addition of each portion of water, the bait is thoroughly mixed. This continues until the bait can be molded into balls.

After the bait begins to mold into balls, you need to start preparing the gear. After about twenty minutes you need to check the consistency of the fish bait:

  1. If water has been absorbed into the components of the fish bait and it has become dry, you need to add very little water (the main thing at this stage is not to overfill the water, otherwise the bait will begin to crumble).
  2. To check the consistency of the prepared bait, make a ball and throw it into the water near your feet. The ball should become saturated with water and fall apart within a few seconds.
  3. It is useful to observe what the bait will look like using this test ball as an example. Will the spot of bait be too light against the background of the bottom, will bloodworms float out of it, or will mud rise from the clay?
  4. At this stage, it is better to adjust the composition of the fish bait while there is time and opportunity. If the current is very strong, then you need to mold two or three dozen balls of the same size and put them in a separate bucket or basin.

While the final preparations for fishing are underway, the bait balls will dry out and become denser and stronger. The fact that the bait dries out is not a big deal, because once it gets into the water it will quickly absorb the required amount of water. But such dried balls will more accurately reach the fishing point at the bottom of the reservoir.

Now you know how to make bait for fish with your own hands, you are armed with thirty recipes for bait for fish (bait recipe for ide, bait recipe for carp and carp, bait recipe for crucian carp, etc.) and the technology for preparing bait on a pond.