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Why are seids called flying stones? The most interesting sights of the Kola Peninsula. In prison, like in a monastery

The mysterious noids that inhabited the Kola Peninsula were werewolves - they turned into various animals. An expedition of scientists that visited the peninsula discovered sources of powerful energy there, which gave the noids power over crowds of people.
The head of the expedition, Professor Ernst MULDASHEV, told AiF readers about this.

Noidas have almost disappeared today, but the objects through which they cast spells - seids - are numerous on the peninsula. Seids are huge free-standing stones, usually round in shape, installed by someone in a rather strange way. Their sizes range from 0.5 ✕0.5 m to 10 ✕10 m or more, weight - from 0.5 to 30 or more tons. Their main feature is that they stand on a narrow base in a very unstable position. An analogy arises with the idols of Easter Island, which stood in the same position, but were held by some energy coming from underground. Seids are usually installed on flat stones on mountain tops. Sometimes you wonder how a huge stone was brought there. Not a single seid repeats another.
- So who made these mysterious seids and why?
- Seids of the Kola Peninsula are being studied by a group of scientists from St. Petersburg under the leadership of V.V. Volkov.

They discovered that the seid changes the background radiation around it, sometimes increasing it and sometimes decreasing it. And the psychic of this group, Marina Karelina, revealed that seids have energy that intensifies during the ritual sacrifices of the Sami. In addition, she was able to trace that the energy of one seid flows to another, a third, and so on, forming a kind of energy network. Vasily Volkov believes that seids are structures of a once existing megalithic culture. Hyperboreans, for example.

And we can agree with this, taking into account that megalithic (from large monolithic blocks) structures are scattered all over the world: dolmens of the Caucasus and the island of Crete, megalithic circles in Altai and Mongolia, megalithic blocks in Lebanon and Egypt, megalithic temples of Syria, and etc. But... The essence of this “but” is that many seids look as if they were made yesterday. There are few old seids, it seems that they are periodically repaired.
And one day the guide showed Volkov’s group a seid that had appeared about a month ago. Therefore, the question of their origin hangs in the air.
- What do the descendants of the Noids themselves say about these stones?
- The Lapp Sami have many legends and fairy tales on this topic. From them it is clear that seids are created by spirits together with creatures of the underworld - chaklis. Noids sometimes ask spirits to create seid to make it easier to cast spells. The word "seid" is translated from the Sami language as "sacred". One may recall Blavatsky’s expression “Stone is crystallized Time.”

Taking into account the statement of the brilliant Russian scientist Nikolai Kozyrev that time is the most powerful energy in the Universe, it is quite logical to assume that seids are created for those creatures who are able to use the Energy of time, or the so-called stone power. Noidas could also use the power of seids.
- Did the expeditions of the NKVD and the German Ahnenerbe study seids?
- The NKVD expedition led by A. Barchenko was not particularly interested in them.

But the Ahnenerbe expeditions were very interested in seids. Local researcher Vladislav Troshin found materials that the Nazis tried to develop the so-called seid weapons. Ahnenerbe scientists realized the power of seids and attracted noids to implement it. Their main goal was an attempt to direct the power of the seids of the Kola Peninsula to Great Britain in order to cause a local cataclysm there - time was supposed to compress, turning the British into feeble, decaying old men.

A version of a local earthquake was also developed.
-Have you been to Seydozero, which is covered in legends? Are there many seids there?
- What hasn’t been written about Seydozero! They see Bigfoot there, there are supposedly pyramids, a monument in the form of female breasts, a giant candle, an image of Kuiva - a huge man - on a rock and much more. We thoroughly explored this lake and its surroundings. We didn't see the Seyds here. The image of Kuiva on the rock was seen - it most likely has a natural character. We also came to the conclusion that the pyramids, the monument to women’s breasts and much more also have a natural character - it’s just that someone with a rich imagination saw these forms in them. However, Seydozero, in my opinion, keeps secrets; It’s not for nothing that one of the points of the Labyrinth line, calculated by the brilliant mathematician Shamil Tsyganov, displays here. We met most of the seids on Mount Vottovaara of Death in Karelia, which we climbed, and in the area of ​​Mount Liinakhamari on the coast of the Barents Sea, the same mountain from where the Germans launched their flying saucers.www

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“God Storyunkare often appears during fishing and bird hunting in the form of a figure of a very beautiful man, dressed in clothes the same as customary there, only black... and the only difference is that his feet are like those of birds. The figure of Storyunkare is made of stone... and they say that the idols of the Lapps are large stones in forests, deserts or on the mountains... These stones are rough and not shaped in any way, but they erect them and thus make statues of God between the rocks, on the mountains, on river banks or near trails.” This is how the royal geographer from Uppsala I. Schaeffer spoke about the Scandinavian seids in his famous work “Lapponia” in 1673.

In the Edda the word Seidhr is found in the sense of “magic”; even more often there are words with the root seid in the sagas: sidha - to conjure, seidhberendr - wizard. But Schaeffer is most likely right: “The word “seid”,” he writes, “denotes all kinds of divinity.” Seid is a Russian word, in other languages, for example, in Finnish, it sounds like “seita” (seita), in Norwegian and Swedish as “seide”, in Lapland “sieidde” (sayad). On the territory of these four countries is Saamiedna, the country of the Sami (Lapps or Lapps), the country of the Seids. In Russia, this is the territory of the Kola Peninsula. Or the Kola Peninsula (“fish” in Sami), as it was called before the revolution and is still called in all other languages.

Ancient Finnish roots “lappes” - “banished” or “lapu” - “ultimate border” and “witch” at the same time... The Danes were afraid of Swedish sorcerers, they were afraid of Norwegian ones, the Norwegians believed in Finnish sorcery, but even the Finns were afraid of lapps. Back in 1584, Ivan the Terrible sent for the best magi - the Laplanders - in order to interpret the phenomenon of the comet. They predicted his death, which came true on March 18 of the same year.

They are perhaps the first reindeer herders in Europe to still maintain their way of life. From the time of the last Glacier. Foggy and dark Pohjala - the personification of the “lower world” in the Karelian-Finnish epic “Kalevala” - is Lapland. Land of eternal darkness. Or, conversely, the never-setting sun. Depending on the season. Maybe the “ultimate border” is what we call the “arctic circle”?

I saw a lot of seids. At first - in the populated areas of Lapland, where no one thought about their origin. The same as in northern France, Ireland and other lands, where stones erected by man in time immemorial are a natural feature of the landscape, commonplace for the local population. In countries where the Celts once lived, these stones are an object of interest for tourists and “new Druids” inspired by Tolkien’s books. Of course, they are dealt with by archaeologists who are trying to answer questions that may not have answers...

For centuries, Stonehenge was called the “hanging stones.” Of course, you hardly need to look for something similar to the “flying stones” of Lapland, although on the coasts of the Kola Peninsula there are stone displays - labyrinths, indistinguishable from similar ones in the British Isles... And on the islands of the White Sea there are stones - “menhirs”, the same as in northern France... Seids are different from them.

A classic seid is a stone ranging in size from an average boulder to a large block, placed on one or more smaller stone stands. Often one or more stones lie on top. Sometimes seids are placed on the most unstable part - an edge or a narrow peak. It happens that the stones also stand on a steep slope or the very edge of a cliff. In general, apparent “instability” is their characteristic feature. As if a block would fall at the slightest touch. But it has been standing for thousands of years! I would venture to suggest that the seid, like most religious buildings, can represent a model of a world that is outwardly unstable, but very stable.

Academician B. Rybakov suggested that the seid symbolizes the magical Sampo mill from the Kalevala epic, and that it is a giant Neolithic grain grinder - a primitive device made of two flat stones. It is difficult to imagine the mythical Sampo. Made at the beginning of time by the blacksmith Ilmarinen from two stones (doesn’t this resemble the classic seid - one stone on the other?) and having some “roots” (“seid’s stand”?), the huge structure was kept in the cliff. The abduction of Sampo from the dark lands of Pohyala is the main plot of the epic. Capturing the idol of another tribe is a common theme in mythology. Draw your own conclusions. It just needs to be said that belonging to an agricultural cult - a grain grater among the moss moss and granite of Lapland - is an unlikely phenomenon. Besides, a grain grater with roots... Maybe Sampo is a symbol of the rotation of the world?

Many doubt that seids are man-made structures. In fact, the stones, although strangely placed, are not processed in any way. But it would be even more difficult to explain their existence as a result of the movement and melting of the glacier. Firstly, there is nothing like this in other places on the planet that were also under ice. Secondly, entire complexes of stones in some places of the peninsula and their absence in others can hardly be explained by natural causes. Thirdly, the “stands” of seids are often stones of other types, often just three stones. Many more arguments can be given. And Schaeffer wrote that seids are “erected.” By the way, it is still unclear how Stonehenge and other megalithic buildings were built. As for the seids, in my opinion, they were built... in winter! The role of a classical embankment in archeology for moving heavy objects was played by a slide made of ice!

Throughout Lapland until the 19th century. offerings to the seids of fish, meat, blood and deer antlers were described. The horns were always placed with the ends up. Perhaps each Sami clan (saivo) had its own stone. Women were not allowed near the sacred stones, and the head of the clan himself was afraid to come close to the stone. In many famous stones lived the spirit of one or another “noida” - a Lapland shaman. If there was a lack of attention to himself, he could cause big trouble, leave the stone or fly away with it. It was believed that the stones of Stonehenge were brought from Ireland by the magician Merlin. They also thought that all seids were petrified wizards. Noida could turn to stone if he was called by his real name. But his spirit remained in stone.

The Laplanders never claimed that the megaliths were erected by them, just as Stonehenge was not built by the historical tribes of Britain. In archeology, there are the terms “Komsa culture” and “proto-Sami”. The erection of seids is attributed to them. Often the Sami simply call seid an old man or an old woman. Isn't this a memory of an ancient people? Perhaps the Sami language, which is very different from other languages ​​of the Finno-Ugric group,

has the influence of the language of this ancient people. It must be said that the Laplander language itself is divided into various dialects. The dialect of Russian Lapps, for example, gravitates towards the dialect that exists near the lake. Inari in Finland.

Every year for fifteen years I have been in the center and east of the peninsula. There are no people there, but there are seids. Sometimes there is one large stone somewhere on the mountainside, sometimes several not far from each other in the tundra. Or - by the water. It seems to me that Schaeffer, being a monotheist, was not entirely right. The Sami have many gods. Depending on where the seid is located, it patronizes hunting, fishing... Sometimes they really help in the mountains. But most of them are on the deer trails. The migration routes of deer have not changed for centuries. Deer trails sometimes resemble good dirt roads. And often in places where they are combined there are seids. Most likely, most of the sacred stones are dedicated to Myandash, a celestial deer with a black head and golden antlers. The supreme god, the thunderer Ayeke-Tiermes, is always hunting him, and if he catches him, the stars will fall from the sky and the world will end.

I. Svensk. Geology and minerageny of the Kola region. Proceedings of the All-Russian (with international participation) scientific conference and the IV Fersman scientific session, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the birth of academician. A.V. Sidorenko and Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy I.V. Belkova.

Seids are mysterious stone structures found in Scandinavia and Russia. In our country, they are located on the territory of the Kola Peninsula and in Karelia (the seids of Karelia are the largest in Northern Europe).

In the usual understanding, a seid is a large boulder placed on several smaller stones or in an unstable position. Seids are often grouped into clusters numbering tens or hundreds of objects. However, they also occur alone. Large complexes in Russia are located on the tops of the small rocky mountains of the Russian and German Kuzova islands, the Kivakke and Vottovaare mountains.

Based on their size, seids are classified as megaliths (from the Greek “megas” - large, “litos” - stone) - prehistoric structures made of large stone blocks. Karelia and the Kola Peninsula are among the most saturated “megalithic” regions of Russia.

Seids were sacred objects of worship of the aborigines of Karelia - the Sami (Lapps). Believing that Spirits lived in these stones, they sacrificed animals, fish, and things to them in order to receive support in fishing and other crafts.

When looking at these complexes of multi-ton seid stones, thoughts involuntarily arise:

1. Who and how installed these heavy stones?

2. Could the ancient Sami have done this, being, according to historical documents, a poor, small people who did not have technical knowledge?

3. How old are these structures?

The mysteries of the Lapland seids are far from being resolved. Time will tell how true the assumptions and hypotheses expressed here are, and whether they are true at all!

Ancient cult stones, traditionally attributed to the Sami, are striking not only in quantity and size, but also in many other features.

The main canon of seid is its instability! For example, these could be small stone pyramids located separately or on top of huge boulders.

Or there may be boulders on small stone stands (“stone legs”), and most often there are three “legs”, and they can be from a completely different rock than the seid itself. An unforgettable impression is made by boulders that are partially raised or placed in an unstable position - for example, on an edge, with their top down, hanging over an abyss...

Proximity to bodies of water - rivers, lakes or springs - is a mandatory factor for both single seids and their groups

For the most part, seids are installed in geologically active points of the earth - the so-called. "places of power"

There are interesting facts indicating a certain impact of seids on the human psyche, sometimes causing hallucinations and altered states of consciousness.

It happens that only moss grows around the seids, while they are installed on peaks overgrown with lush vegetation. It happens that the grass around the seid grows at an angle, as if repeating the inclination of the “owner”.

There are seids that seem to cover deep cracks in the mountains. Research with dowsing frames shows that such stones prevent energy flows from exiting cracks.

On Mount Vottovaara, sounds similar to clicks are heard near the stones, and at night the “hum” of the mountain is observed. The nature of these sounds still remains a mystery.

Thus, the design and landscape features of seids are fraught with many surprises and interesting puzzles. Among scientists there are different points of view (sometimes completely opposite) on the origin of seids and the purpose of their creation.

The version that the seid builders were Sami seems unlikely. The Sami settled these places in the middle of the 1st millennium BC, after the north was depopulated by a cold snap. While scientists, based on a comparison of climatic, historical and geological data, date the age of the seids to approximately 7-5 thousand years BC. In addition, the Lapps called seid any prominent natural object - lakes, rocks, trees. Like, for example, Seid Lake.

In the same row there are clearly man-made megaliths, without the slightest mention of their creation. It turns out that the Sami equated incomprehensible man-made structures with natural ones, because they stood out visually from the surrounding landscape. This suggests that the Sami had already found the megaliths in place and simply “inhabited” them with spirits. Sami legends claim that seids moved on their own, driven by some magical force. One of the most important seids revered by the Sami is the “flying” stone - a multi-ton stone placed on the top of a rock by an unknown force.

According to Sami legends, this giant “flew in” from Scandinavia. According to the “glacial” version of the origin of the seids, a boulder from a melting glacier fell onto this rock and remained on it. We can immediately say that the explanation of the emergence of polar megaliths by the tricks of a melting glacier does not stand up to criticism and does not provide answers to many questions, the main one of which is why the glacier “constructed” hundreds of seids in one place, and not a single one in another? And why is there nothing similar in other mountainous places on the planet, which were also under a multi-meter ice cap?

The man-made nature of seids is undeniable! The presence of not only a certain “reasonableness”, but also engineering and aesthetic thought, is undoubtedly present in the majestic megaliths of the Arctic.

As you know, the region where the seids were distributed became a place for searching for traces of the hypothetical ancient civilization of Hyperborea. It is logical that the idea of ​​a possible combination of Hyperborea and the Seid culture arises. However, in this matter there are so few facts and so many gaps in the mythological and chronological parts that all conclusions are hypothetical. Most likely, the Seid culture and Hyperborea are completely different historically and culturally traditions that existed in different eras on the territory of the same region.

As a working hypothesis, it is quite acceptable to accept the assumption of the existence in the Arctic in prehistoric times of a certain megalithic civilization, which left us complexes of stone structures of unknown purpose. The disappearance of the supposed civilization is associated with the deterioration of the climate in the area (severe cooling) and the possible departure of representatives of this civilization to more southern areas. The remnants of the scientific knowledge of this hypothetical civilization, partially inherited by the Sami, became the basis of the famous “Lapland magic”.

All these studies suggest that the civilization that once existed in these parts developed completely differently than the civilization of our time. All modern technologies are designed to improve the external world of man and his material well-being, while the knowledge of the seid builders was focused on working with the inner world and achieving unity between man and nature. Maybe this is why modern people are still so far from understanding the phenomenon of seids.

One way or another, interest in seids only increases every year. Perhaps all these versions of the origin of the seids will be refuted by future scientists?! Who knows...

When preparing the article, material from the electronic version of the book by a full member of the Russian Geographical Society V. Mizin “Seids - the stone mystery of the ancient Arctic civilization...” was used.

Anything that cannot be explained scientifically raises a lot of questions in people. Among the objects that have puzzled many researchers is Seydozero. Located on the Kola Peninsula, it magnetically attracts tourists and lovers of the unknown. Which, in the end, gives rise to even more speculation and legends.

The lake is a place with a special climate

Seydozero is one of the components of Seydyavvr (Seydyavr), that is, a state natural complex reserve of regional significance in the Murmansk region, on the Kola Peninsula. The lake itself is small, its length is about 8 km, its width in different places reaches from 1.5 to 2.5 km. Altitude above sea level – 189 km.

The places are classified as the tundra zone, but the lake itself and the surrounding areas have a special microclimate due to the adjacent mountains. Thanks to this, rare species of animals maintain their populations here, and there are conditions for the survival of plants that are not typical for polar latitudes. Seydozero also has a very high level of fish stocking.

Beautiful photo collage about the lake

Legends surrounding the lake

The Legend of Kuiva

Kuiva is a mythological giant from Sami legends, depicted on a rock bas-relief that resembles a human figure in motion. Its height is about 75 m, so the outline of Kuyva is clearly visible from afar, especially in winter.

The legend of Kuiva is retold by the local Sami people. It talks about the giant Kuiva, who tried to kill the ancestors of the Sami in the Seydozero valley. Kuiva gained the upper hand in the fight and then the Sami called on their gods to protect them. The gods were angry with the giant and turned him into an image on a rock.

Today Kuiva is considered one of the main seids in Sami culture as the resting place of a giant. Local residents are afraid of Kuivu and try not to walk near it unless absolutely necessary, especially women, so that nothing inside becomes petrified.

Modern research has shown that Kuiva may have a natural origin associated with the colonization of mosses and lichens characteristic of the tundra. But science cannot completely refute the legendary origin of Kuiva.

Legends about seids

The name Seydozero comes from the Sami “seid”, which means sacred. The Sami call stones, stumps, lakes and other remarkable places seids, which mean “inaccessible afterlife paradise.”

The most common seids are pointed pyramids or rock blocks on “stone legs.” In Russia, they can be found on the Kola Peninsula or in Karelia. It has been proven that some of them are of modern origin and created by local residents in order to attract tourists. The same cannot be said about seids with a thousand-year history near Seydozero.

It is believed that each of them had its own legend. In general, the Sami seids were divided into 2 types: personal and public. They tried to hide the first from prying eyes, while others placed them on elevated surfaces so that they could be seen from afar.

The Sami attended public seids with a certain frequency and almost always made sacrifices to them. As evidenced by the remains of deer skulls and antlers.

Legend of the Underground City

The existence of an underground city on Seydozero is associated with the Hyperborean civilization. Many believe that it has not disappeared anywhere, but continues to exist off the coast of Seydozero or at its bottom. According to another hypothesis, Sami shamans live in the ancient underground city.

As a result of many scientific expeditions, it was possible to collect some facts that indirectly indicate the possible existence of underground cities near Seydozero. So, in the 90s of the last century, scientists found rock writings, ruins of stone structures and rectangular slabs with even holes.

Also near the lake, researchers discovered fragments of a wall that could have been a protective structure and a well with a foundation. All these terrestrial finds are unlikely to be of natural origin.

Underground cities of Hyperborea

Scientists have not given up hope of finding evidence of the existence of the city at the bottom of the lake. As a result of his examination in the early 2000s, it was possible to discover some wells 70 cm wide that went downhill. A large amount of silt prevented deeper exploration.

As a result of examining the valley near the lake, the instruments recorded a certain void that began after 9 m of soil. The lower limit of the conventional cave was never recorded by sonars and echo sounders.

From a scientific point of view, there cannot be such objects in this area, but still the evidence found is not enough to confirm the hypothesis about the existence of underground cities.

Mysterious Cave Barchenko

Alexander Barchenko is considered a great researcher of Seydozero. It was he who first organized a scientific expedition to this area. In his memoirs, he shared that local residents discouraged them from going along the intended route. But Barchenko was a fanatical researcher, and continued his work to find traces of Hyperborea.

As a result of the survey, the following were discovered: Kuyva rock, a stone paved road, and cairns. The expedition members eventually made friends with the local Sami and they led them to the most mysterious place. In appearance, it resembled a column in the form of a candle; a mysterious stone lay nearby. There was a passage to the cave right there, but no one dared to get inside. All members of the expedition panicked, and they simply took pictures near the hole.

Some researchers believe that Barchenko was close to solving the existence of an ancient civilization, but the Soviet government sentenced him to execution and most of the knowledge was lost.

The Legend of Mogilny Island and the Goddess of Waters

Mogilny Island is the largest on the territory of Seydozero. This place is considered forbidden for the Sami. Shamans performed rituals on it, so the island is full of traces of sacrifice.

Legend has it that at times the island begins to move and is ruled by the beautiful Goddess of Water. She seduces men and drowns Seydozer in the water.

The Legend of the Local Bigfoot

The Sami believe that in the areas around Seydozero there lives a certain forest spirit Mets-vuinas. He does not harm those who do not make noise or disturb sacred places. But troublemakers may be prevented from leaving the area.

One of the employees of the Tundra reindeer herding state farm, Vasily Galkin, recalled how local residents forbade children to make noise in the evening so as not to disturb the forest spirit.

Other tourists recall suddenly losing their way and walking in the same place for hours. All these phenomena are associated precisely with the anger of Bigfoot.

There are suggestions that the Kola Peninsula was once inhabited by Hyperboreans. It is with the activities of this mythical people that some of the main legends about Seydozero are connected.

Hyperborea - a northern country from ancient Greek mythology

Hyperborea is mentioned in the works of antiquity as a marginal country near the Arctic Circle. Some authors believed that it was located in Greenland, others - on the territory of modern Karelia, but most localized it precisely on the Kola Peninsula near Seydozero.

Video story about the mysterious Hyperborea from ethnologist and candidate of historical sciences Svetlana Zharnikova

Hyperborea was praised as rich and beloved by the gods, and the inhabitants were considered close to Apollo himself. He, according to mythical legend, often visited the country. The Hyperboreans, like their patron, had high talent for art, sang and danced well and led a carefree, rich life. Death for the Hyperboreans was a relief from satiety with pleasures.

The Greeks believed that the best assistants and patrons of Apollo - Abaris and Aristeas - came from Hyperborea. They taught the ancient Greeks the cultural values ​​of their people and possessed superpower.

The fact that Hyperborea, or rather some of its descriptions, is a creative fiction can be found out from some mentions of the sages. Thus, in Natural History, the ancient Roman scientist Pliny the Elder mentions the country as a place with sunny and friendly weather, rich vegetation and fertile soil.

The thinker Timagenes in his works mentioned Hyperborea as a country where rain falls in the form of copper drops. Local residents collected them and used them as coins.

Lucian of Samosata, who became famous as a satirist and public figure, in his writings compared the way of life of Hyperborea and Ancient Greece. At the same time, he endowed the Hyperboreans with superpowers, for example, the ability to fly or summon the spirits of the dead.

Modern historians consider all of the above mentions of Hyperborea as an attempt by ancient peoples to describe something unprecedented, which in this case is the outskirts of the continents.

Seydozero is a place where legends and scientific facts hang evenly in the balance. A place where tourists go not just for new experiences, but to search for a philosophy of life that is stored in the waters of the lake and its surroundings. The depths of Seydozero cannot be immediately understood, but you can fall in love with the mystery and rich world of either the mythical Hyperboreans or the original Sami at first sight!

Where is it located and how to get there from Moscow or St. Petersburg

The lake is located in the Murmansk region, on the Kola Peninsula.

  • Airplane or train. You can get to Murmansk by plane or by train to Olenegorsk. Next by bus or ride.
  • Bus. Regular buses run from Murmansk and Olenegorsk to the villages of Revda and Lovozero 2 times a day. Also, there is a regular bus service between these two villages 3 times a day in both directions. Further only on foot or by boat.
  • On foot or by boat. From the village of Lovozero by boat on the lake of the same name, then 1 km on foot along the tundra. You can walk from the village of Lovozero directly across the tundra - about 25 km. Some people prefer to go from Revda on foot, the path is a little shorter than from the village of Lovozero. There used to be a railway from Revda to the lake, but it is now destroyed.
  • Local transfer. If you are staying at the Yulinskaya Salma tourist center (located in the central part of Lovozero, on the eastern shore), then they organize a transfer from the village of Lovozero, in winter and summer.

What the village of Revda looks like (in the first part of the video)

Video about how the local Sami people live

Underground cities of Hyperborea

It has long been noted that some cities: Memphis, Constantinople (Istanbul), Kyiv, St. Petersburg, which played a significant role in the history of mankind, are located geographically in a narrow corridor of about 31 degrees east longitude. Interestingly, these cities are located on the projection of the Milky Way.

Photo megalith "Crow's Eye"

If you add 9-10 degrees to the latitude of St. Petersburg, then there in the Murmansk region of the Kola region there is the village of Tuloma (68 N 32 E) - “mother of Tula” translated from Sanskrit. There is also a river there, also Tuloma. “Maybe we should look for Hyperborea there?” - the researchers thought.

The very word “Tula” in Russian means “hidden”, “shaded”, something secret, maybe underground.

There is a version that 26 thousand years ago the earth’s axis once again changed its angle of inclination and the North Pole ended up where it is now. The continent of Arctida began to quickly become icy. The Hyperborean inhabitants knew all this in advance and set off in an organized manner to explore other lands, primarily Eurasia. There they lived beautifully until 13 thousand years ago when Phaeton exploded and its satellite somehow flew to Earth. This is our current Moon. Fortunately, they did not collide (otherwise everything would have died), since the magnetic shells of cosmic bodies “springed”. But the catastrophe on Earth was still very significant. Let me remind you, these are all versions. The unfortunate inhabitants of the Earth, those who remained alive, moved to underground dwellings. It is possible that they built underground cities for themselves in advance, since they were quite advanced comrades and could foresee the coming catastrophe. There they stayed for a long time, maybe several thousand years, until the situation on the surface somehow changed for the better. Children were born, generations changed, becoming shorter and shorter. Much knowledge has been lost, but some remains. Our pseudo-history calls them cave dwellers-savages.

When people came to the surface, we can say that another new civilization began - ours. The truth is no longer comparable in level to the Hyperborean.

Kola Peninsula. There are a lot of amazing megaliths, seids, balls in the rocks, pyramids twice as old as the Egyptian ones, columns, etc. Megaliths are oriented strictly astronomically. For example, "Crow's Eye". (photo above) It was larger, but fell apart. There are ancient Russian legends about him. God Varuna, who controls the elements of the movement of the starry sky, and observes the paths that emanate from the gates of the interworld. Raven is a bird of prophecy, Varun's faithful companion. And it is no coincidence that in the spring of 2000, astronomers assigned the name Varuna to the largest trans-Plutonian planet.

Lidia Ivanovna Efimova, through many years of observations, confirmed that this complex belongs to an ancient near-horizon observatory at least 27 thousand years old.

This complex is called "Varun Observatory". On the day of the vernal equinox, they observed the sunrise and on March 21, a ray showed them the sunrise point. And on the day of the autumn equinox they recorded the sunset point with stones. And 13 thousand years ago they again placed stones where they needed them. Now the line has changed, of course. On the day of the winter and summer solstice, the location of the sun was also recorded in a similar way. That is, all the stones are there for a reason.

There should be underground cities there too, they just have to. They found giant tunnels several kilometers long, it is unknown when they were built. The history of their discovery and research is shrouded in various spy secrets.

Traces of underground civilizations in the Arctic were of interest to the German Nazis at the beginning of the 20th century. It was believed that an ancient civilization still lived there, from which technology and weapons could be borrowed. According to Tibetan data, the entrances there are located at the poles of the planet. The Germans thought that Russia had these secrets. Historians believe that the Germans took many artifacts from the Kola Peninsula. The hunt for materials began.

Today, the entrances to the tunnels are camouflaged, blocked or blown up, and flooded. Lidiya Efimova says that they went down with rubber boats into half-flooded tunnels reminiscent of a subway.

The Kola Pyramids are shrouded in mystery. In 1935, researcher Barchenko was shot. All his materials are still classified. Since 1921, on the instructions of Dzerzhinsky, he has been studying artifacts of the North. In our time, the north was explored by Valery Demin. Columns, slabs with mysterious inscriptions. The entrance to the underground labyrinth has been found. But scientists were unable to study it. It was as if some force was not letting me in. During the second expedition, Demin felt unwell and returned to Moscow and died two months later. Subsequent expeditions found pyramids up to 50 meters high with steps and a trench in a remote area of ​​the Kola Peninsula. They checked it with ground penetrating radar and confirmed that it was a man-made object. Inside the void, at least 9000 years old. Why they were built is unknown. Out of habit, they assumed that this was an observatory.

In our Russian north, many traces of our ancestors are found. These are various megaliths and petroglyphs. In different areas of the Kola Peninsula, the foundations of ancient buildings have been preserved. To say that they are natural formations is hindered by the correctness of their forms, processed with symmetrical chamfers, even cuts, holes, etc. Stone masonry from regular blocks has been preserved in many places not only in the north, but also in Siberia and the Urals.

Some stones are covered with a hard glassy glaze of unknown origin. The question of who did all this and when remains open. In some places, the cuts go underground or under ruins. Lidia Efimova drew attention to the dry areas in the shape of elongated rectangles. They are deep from two to five meters, separated by shafts, and connected in the form of trenches. The bottom of these supposed dwellings is lined with cobblestones.

It is known that in many places on Earth there are underground cavities where, theoretically, someone could exist. For example, entire colossal caves were found near Giza; in Turkey, underground man-made cities were found (one of them is Derinkuyu), obviously built for life, for a long stay in them.

These cities are located at a distance of 30-40 kilometers from each other and there is an underground tunnel between them. In these cities, air ventilation and all communications are provided. These cities are 8-story deep into the earth with streets, squares, wells... Interestingly, there are no traces of soot, which means they didn’t use fire there. This is a question that baffles scientists. Some cities in Turkey were found in the middle of the 19th century, Derinkuyu - about 50 years ago. Now tourists are taken there.

In Greece, where the Parthenon is, caves on the island of Crete (the Minotaur still ran there), in the mountains of South America, in Yukotan, in Tibet, there is nothing to say. In North America, scientists believe that the center of underground passages on their continent is Mount Shasta. American esotericists consider it the navel of the Earth. But some excavations have not yet yielded results.

Popular rumor persistently says that there are underground cities in Siberia (under the Putorana plateau, for example) and, of course, in our Urals (from the Arctic to Tibet you can walk underground). And in the Caucasus there are underground cities. In short, everywhere. Sometimes these underground structures are made of giant stone blocks, which makes them similar to the Egyptian pyramids. For thousands of years, in different parts of the Earth there have been legends about underground cities, gates to the kingdom of Gods and monsters. Is there any truth behind these myths?

There is a version that the tunnels penetrate the entire Earth, including under the oceans from continent to continent; they are called paleotunnels. They are thousands of kilometers long. They have glassy smooth walls. Nowadays, building a tunnel of several tens of kilometers is a very labor-intensive and complex process. It is clear that paleotunnels were built by representatives of ancient civilizations who had completely different technologies. For example, Lemurian dragons - lizards could burn them for their movement, after they had to leave the surface of the Earth.

Underground cities are not fiction, but fact. And there are many of them. In Russia, there are known underground monasteries, catacombs in the Crimea, artificial, that is, man-made caves in the Caucasus, the Urals, Altai and other places. The Baksan and Malkinskoe gorges, running parallel to each other in Kabardino-Balkaria, are probably connected with each other. There is also an underground “Old City”, the entrance to which is located in the mountain. A river flows underground, along which a street leads to the square. In the middle of the square there is something like a sacred stone. Local elders talked about this. Kosmopoisk organized an expedition to the Old Town. It turned out that the narrow hole about 30-40 meters away was quite blocked. The place is seismically dangerous, there could be earthquakes. For two seasons, researchers cleared it, but still kept digging and digging. The researchers compiled a map of adits and passages. The Kabardians say that some other people lived here before them, both on the surface of the earth and below.

There is an assumption that such underground catacomb cities are found everywhere and especially under all major cities. I wonder if anyone lives there now? According to legends, these cities were built by giant people (narts) or, on the contrary, by dwarf people. But judging by the height of the tunnels, they are designed just for people of about our height.