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Pyramids in Mexico. Mayan pyramids - where are the most famous and mysterious? Mayan pyramid inside

From material about the Mayan pyramids. The panorama and photo of the waterfall from a bird's eye view are truly impressive.

Many great civilizations existed on our planet, all of them made one or another contribution to the history and culture of mankind. Among the most famous are the Mayans, who created a unique writing, art, architecture, mathematical and astronomical system and then disappeared without a trace.

In several countries: Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, outstanding Mayan architectural monuments have been preserved. Several of these amazing masterpieces are featured in our panoramas. This, for example, is the ancient city of Chichen Itza in the north of the Yucatan Peninsula - one of the most popular attractions in Mexico.

Presumably it was founded in the 7th century AD. e. - during the heyday of Mayan culture. Here, in honor of Kukulkan - the supreme god of wind and rain, the “founder” of royal dynasties and large cities - the 30-meter pyramid “Temple of Kukulkan” was erected (of the 30 m height, 24 is the pyramid, and 6 m is the temple on its top). The length of each side of the structure is 55 m, and each face of the temple has nine steps.

This is a masterpiece not only of architecture, but also of astronomy. Each of its four staircases has 91 steps, and their total number is 364. Together with the platform base at the top of the pyramid, which unites all four staircases, the number 365 is obtained - the number of days in the solar year. The number of sections on each side of the temple is also symbolic: the nine steps of the pyramid are cut in two by a staircase, which corresponds to the number of months in the Mayan calendar year (18). And 52 stone reliefs on each wall of the sanctuary symbolize one calendar cycle, including 52 years. At the top of the pyramid there is a small temple with four entrances, where sacrifices were made.

The Mayans imagined Kukulkan in the form of a feathered serpent with a human head, so every year on the days of the autumn and spring equinoxes in the temple dedicated to this deity you can see the feathered serpent with your own eyes. On March 20 and September 22, at approximately three o'clock in the afternoon, the sun's rays illuminate the western balustrade of the main staircase in such a way that light and shadow form an optical illusion: a 37-meter snake "crawling" as the sun moves towards its own head, carved into the base of the staircase. This unique natural and architectural show annually attracts thousands of spectators and makes Chichen Itza a famous landmark in Mexico and the whole world.

In addition to the Temple of Kukulcan, Chichen Itza has preserved seven “stadiums” for playing ball, a giant rectangle made from the remains of colonnades, a sacred well and many other interesting objects. The ancient city is recognized by UNESCO as a world cultural heritage site, and in 2007 it was also included in the list of the new seven wonders of the world.

The centuries-old Aztec pyramids are the fragments of lost civilizations, which have reached us partly in fragments. These ancient temples fascinate modern people with their grandeur, splendor and elaborate design. Too many secrets are hidden behind the symmetry of silhouettes and kilometers of underground labyrinths, which are intricately intertwined with chains of caves that form huge halls. The powerful energy hidden in the ancient plates makes too strong an impression.

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According to legend, the ancient Aztecs came from a place called Aztlan. Today it is impossible to say for sure whether this city existed in reality, but it was presumably located in the north. The center of their civilization was a city built on an embankment right in the center of the lake. Here, on the site of ancient Tenochtitlan, stands Mexico City. The Aztec Empire was constantly expanding and, despite the really high taxes that were imposed on the conquered cities, the population continued to become richer. The Aztecs paid a lot of attention to roads, knowing full well how important they were for trade, which was the basis of the life of their society.

They reached truly high cultural and technological levels of development, and also managed to preserve unique, albeit cruel, religious traditions. Their decline was rapid and occurred during one of the most important periods for the history of the Western world - during the Great Geographical Discoveries. And just a century after the discovery of America, warlike Spaniards appeared on its densely covered with lush vegetation shores. Cortez needed only two campaigns to completely destroy the remains of a centuries-old civilization.

It is common for us to perceive the history of the Western world with its pace and features of development. We are also able to accept the slightly different approach to history demonstrated by the Eastern states. But it is almost impossible to fully understand what the knowledge and level of development of ancient civilizations were at the moment when the West was experiencing one of its peaks. The synthesis of thousands of years of knowledge of various peoples, the inviolability of their traditions and extremely bloody religious life turned out to be too bizarre. The bloodthirstiness of the Aztecs was on the verge of primitive cruelty.

Each of their many gods required a special offering. Tens of hundreds of people were killed by ripping open the poor fellows' chests. History knows of cases where up to twenty thousand prisoners were sacrificed. But not only prisoners ended up on the altar - the local population voluntarily “went under the knife”, taking narcotic substances for courage. Such unwavering dogmatism in matters of faith was explained by the deep conviction that only in this way could the sun be “lit.” This is amazing - how could such a belief take root in the culture of a people who had a calendar and knew very well that the cycle is continuous?

Aztec pyramids

In order for the gods to receive their offerings, pyramids were erected - huge altars, whose steps were drenched in blood. Over the entire period of its existence, the Aztec empire gave birth to hundreds of pyramids, which were built according to the “matryoshka” principle, when at the end of the cycle the next layer of the pyramid was superimposed on one layer and so on ad infinitum. Unfortunately, many of them were plundered by Europeans during the period of colonization, and then covered with earth - alas, the virtue of the invaders did not extend to the temples of the barbarians.

Teotihuacan is considered a "ghost town". It is located just 40 kilometers from Mexico City. This settlement is rightly called one of the oldest - its age is estimated at more than two thousand years. In the pre-Aztec period of its history, it was the heart of the Mayan empire, but it is still not entirely clear why this civilization chose to abandon the city. Today Teotihuacan has turned into a large-scale archaeological complex, but the Aztecs who once came to Teotihuacan considered it the place “where the gods touch the earth.” At first, local scientists focused on excavations around the Pyramid of the Sun, whose subsequent restoration took place only at the beginning of the 20th century. The second round in the development of this complex was marked by the excavations of the Citadel - a huge arena that was located right in the center of Teotihuacan.

Its perimeter was cordoned off by four walls, which were topped with small turrets. In the center of the arena was the Temple of the Feathered Serpent, of which today only a fragment of the facade and four steps decorated with elaborate carvings have survived. From here began the Road of the Dead, which led to the Pyramid of the Moon. Other components of the ancient city were discovered one after another in the middle of the 20th century. Archaeologists are especially proud of two palaces that were located slightly north of the temple buildings. It is noteworthy that the frescoes with which the ancient Aztecs decorated the walls have been more than fully preserved. The images of coyotes, eagles, snakes, jaguars, and some deities are still striking in their detail.

Pyramid of the Moon

This pyramid is one of the oldest in Teotihuacan. Some scientists associate its name with the words “protective stone” and “mother,” which are still, albeit in a modified version, found in some Indian dialects. The Pyramid of the Moon is located in the northern part of the city and its shape resembles Cerro Gordo. The structure, colossal for the 2nd century AD, has bilateral symmetry. This temple complex was used for animal and human sacrifices. It is quite possible that it was erected in honor of the goddess Chalchiuhtlicue, whose symbol was the Moon. There are many legends and rumors associated with the Pyramid of the Moon. Much remains unclear.

For example, scientists have still not found a clear explanation for the fact that even after the destruction of the city, the local population continued to make burials next to the pyramid. Another mystery is related to the burial chamber discovered in the depths of the complex. A total of 12 human remains were found, with 10 of them sloppily dumped in the center of the room. The unfortunates were beheaded, their hands were tied behind their backs. It is quite possible that they were enemies of the city, since the other two prisoners of the pyramid were seated with all respect and decorated with jade jewelry. Perhaps they were members of the elite. Presumably they were killed during a ritual that took place during the period of reconstruction of the Pyramid of the Moon.

Pyramid of the Sun

Another truly huge structure, which is part of Teotihuacan, dates back to the pre-Aztec period of the city's existence. It is not entirely clear which civilization built this pyramid, but its size is impressive. Today its base is estimated at about 900 meters, but these data are not entirely accurate. The Pyramid of the Sun that we know today has little in common with the religious structure that ancient people built. Many facts testify to this. For example, the presence of so-called stiffening ribs along the outer perimeter of the pyramid, which were supposed to strengthen the building. But such architectural elements were usually located inside buildings.

In addition, different scientists at different times came to the conclusion that already at the time the Aztecs appeared in the city, the pyramid had been restored more than once. Today, all that remains from these works are traces of “coating”, which was supposed to slow down the erosion of the walls. Of no less interest are the tunnels that were discovered under the pyramid. They form an extensive system and are part of a chain of underground caves. Numerous vessels, ancient mirrors and household items were discovered in the tunnels of the Pyramid of the Sun, but scientists are still not sure why these objects were left here. An even bigger question, perhaps, is the too striking difference in the levels of development of civilizations - some knew how to build tunnels, others skillfully handled clay.

This architectural monument is located in the northern outskirts of the city of Tepoztlan. It belongs to the El Tepozteco National Park. The climb to the pyramid is usually quite tiring - it is located at the very top of the mountain, but many tourists note that fatigue is instantly forgotten once you feel the incredibly strong energy of this place. There is a desire to continue climbing in order to find yourself in the sacred part of the pyramid. Tourists are mainly interested in the open side of the building, which offers an impressive view of the valley. This same part of the pyramid is the safest - there is another platform below, so death in the event of a fall is practically excluded.

The pyramid was erected in honor of the god Pulque, who, in turn, patronized the alcoholic drink of the same name and was the most generous and relatively kind deity among other bloodthirsty representatives of the Aztec pantheon. True, this did not stop the ancient inhabitants of the pyramid from killing its builders. The fact is that the other side of the pyramid does not seem so safe. On the contrary, it is unstable, and the slightest vibration is enough for the stones to start rolling down. And there are no platforms below - only a deep gorge, at the bottom of which the poor builders were discovered. The analysis showed that they did not die due to a fall. Most likely, they were killed in advance and then thrown off an unstable ledge.

Great Pyramid of Cholula

Cholula is one of the largest religious centers of the Aztecs. It is in this city that Tepanapa is located - the most voluminous pyramid in Mexico. This structure is truly gigantic, but its age today is almost impossible to determine. There are still more questions than answers. For example, why was sea clay found in the pyramid’s soil? Where did she even come from in Cholula? And the fact that in the course of its history the pyramid was passed on more than once to representatives of various civilizations, who did not care too much about the original purpose of many of the details of the building, does not at all make archaeological research easier. Inside the pyramid there is a network of tunnels whose length reaches eight kilometers.

Almost the entire pyramid is underground, and on its top stands the Church of the Blessed Virgin Comforter. Another interesting historical episode is connected with this moment. As you know, Cortez had the habit of erecting a Catholic church on the site of each barbarian temple, but when he arrived in Cholula and saw about four hundred temples, he had to deviate from the original plan. Now it is difficult to say whether the Spaniards knew in advance about the existence of a huge pyramid in the city, but the fact remains that the pyramid was buried. True, it is difficult to even imagine that the Spaniards would waste time on such a labor-intensive process and fill up the pyramid. So it happened earlier. But who would want to “bury” the largest pyramid in Mexico?

The Mayan prophecy about the end of the world in 2012 caused quite a stir in its time. We successfully survived it and now we can, without worry, study the architectural masterpieces - the pyramids that these same Mayans built in Mexico. Each of the surviving pyramids carries meaning and shows us how highly developed the exact sciences were among this people. When studying the buildings of the Mayan pyramids, you can rack your brain over a bunch of questions, the main one of which will be: “How is this possible?”

Where are the Mayan pyramids located?

“In which city should we look for Mayan pyramids?” – You probably already have this question? In fact, there are several cities. Let's start with the most significant and interesting monuments.

Another interesting feature of this building was noticed in the 20th century. Twice a year crowds of people gather around the pyramid to watch this miracle. Due to the play of light and shadow on the steps of the pyramid, you can see a huge wriggling snake with an open, angry mouth, sliding from bottom to top. This spectacle lasts just over 3 hours. And what’s remarkable is that if the ancient builders had moved at least one of the objects that created this illusion, even a couple of centimeters, we would not have seen the snake. Can you imagine what colossal work was done, and what great minds designed this entire structure?

An interesting fact is also that the entire pyramid complex is a huge resonator. Walking inside, instead of your steps and voice, you can hear the voice of the kaztel, a bird that the Mayans considered sacred. In this we also see the painstaking work of the ancients. To create this effect, someone had to carefully calculate the thickness of the walls. Another interesting find from the category of acoustics and sounds was discovered at a ball court located among the pyramids. People located on this site in different churches (and this is a distance of about 150 meters) can hear each other perfectly and can communicate, but at the same time, nearby neighbors will not be heard at all.

Walking around the city, you can see another miracle - a real natural well. Its dimensions are quite impressive. The diameter of the well is 60 meters. But the depth of it itself still remains unknown.

Now you can imagine what a huge number of secrets and mysteries will open before you if you decide to visit Mexico. So, register and arm yourself with a camera and go on this mysterious journey.

Pyramids of the ancient Mayan and Aztec tribes- one of the most ancient and mysterious artifacts that has survived to this day. Every year they attract tourists to the Central Massif who want to touch the secrets of ancient civilizations. Moreover, there is really something to see here.

History and secrets of the Mayan pyramids

The history of the Mayan civilization dates back from 3 to 4 thousand years. The origin of the Mayan state is considered to be Yucatan Island, where El Salvador and Belize are now located. In addition, the tribes occupied the territory of the modern south, as well as Guatemala and Honduras. Mayan State
existed until the active arrival of conquistadors to these lands in the 16th century.

Did you know? According to scientists, the Mayans adopted the art of building pyramids from the Omelk tribe. The first pyramids were small mounds, but soon they began to be built from processed limestone.

Most of all, scientists are tormented by the question of what devices were used to lift heavy stone blocks to the upper levels. No less interesting is how the blocks themselves were turned, since none of the tools known to mankind can achieve such a high level of processing of limestone rock. All this gives rise to versions about the alien origin of the Mayans or at least about the contacts of Mesoamerican tribes with extraterrestrial civilizations. Moreover, the drawings found in the pyramids depict creatures that are very reminiscent of aliens in spacesuits.
Based on deciphering of hieroglyphs and other historical sources, it was these creatures that were considered gods by the Mayan Indians and it was in their honor that the pyramids were built. But unlike the Egyptian pyramids, which served as the burial place of the pharaohs, among the Mayans these were cult objects. At the top of the pyramid there was a temple for sacrifices and other sacred rituals.

However, there is another interesting version. When examining the Pyramid of the Sun - the largest of the pyramids of Teotihuacan - a 7-centimeter layer of mica was discovered between the two levels of the pyramids. Two mica slabs were also discovered under the stone slabs of one of the dilapidated buildings included in the temple complex. In modern technology, this material is used as an electrical insulator, since it retains fast neutrons. Also, mica crystals can store and transmit huge amounts of information and energy. If we consider that the ancient pyramids were built in places of tectonic faults, which are a source of geomagnetic radiation, then perhaps mica was used to accumulate this energy.

The myths of the Indians of Central America say that the gods gave people thirteen sacred crystal skulls. By collecting them together, you can gain power over time and communicate with the gods. In 1927, British archaeologists led by Mitchell Hedges found an ancient Mayan city in the jungles of Mexico. The first thing that caught my eye: headless skeletons were sitting in the stands of the amphitheater for 1000 people. As a result of excavations, a skull made of polished quartz was found under the altar of the temple. The level of crystal processing was so high that it is inaccessible even to modern technologies. After archaeologists recovered this crystal skull, every night one of the expedition members was beheaded by someone and placed on the platform of the amphitheater. Perhaps the headless “spectators” discovered by archaeologists were also hunters for this artifact.

Over the course of the year, several more such skulls were found in different Mayan pyramids. According to one version, these skulls are part of a large technical installation. A person (most likely a priest) standing in its center and holding a crystal skull could communicate with the one in whose honor this pyramid was built. If this artifact is simply a cult object, then it would be more likely to be made of gold than mica.

Another interesting detail: the underground corridors of the Sun Temple lead to a strange cave, made in the form of a four-leaf chamber. Fragments of mirrors and a powerful drainage cooling system were found in it, which may indicate the technical purpose of the Mayan pyramids.

Did you know? If you look at Teotihuacan from a bird's eye view, the arrangement of the Pyramid of the Sun, the Pyramid of the Moon and the temples around them resembles a computer motherboard.

Therefore, there is an assumption that the pyramids are the center of communication between the Mayan civilization and alien intelligence. Which gives additional arguments to supporters of the version of the alien origin of life on the planet.

Mayan pyramid at Chichen Itza

This city was founded by the Mayans in the 7th century AD. From the 10th to the mid-11th century Chichen Itza was captured by the Toltec tribe. The city was then reconquered by the Mayans, who lived here until the end of the 12th century. According to archaeologists, the city was subjected to numerous raids and plunders, which caused the exodus of local residents from the city. Unfortunately, the Spanish conquerors who came to these lands pursued a policy of destroying Mayan manuscripts and clergy who could decipher them, so it is currently impossible to obtain a more complete picture of the events taking place.

In Mexico, photos of the Mayan pyramids can be found in any tourist city, since they are perhaps the most famous attractions of the country. In the 20s of the 20th century, restoration work was carried out there, and today it is the most interesting Mayan city for tourists, attracting masses of tourists to this place.

The main attraction of the ancient city is undoubtedly Pyramid of Kukulkan.

Did you know? Kukulkan is an analogue of the Aztec god Quetzalcoatl. Both deities were depicted as a “feathered serpent” and were revered by the inhabitants of Central American tribes.

  • The height of the temple is 24 meters, and with the temple on top - 30, the length of each of the four sides of the pyramid is 55 meters.
  • Each of the four sides, oriented strictly according to the cardinal points, has 91 steps, which in total is 365 and equal to the number of days in the solar year.
  • Each of the nine tiers of the pyramid is cut in two by a staircase, which corresponds to the number of months in the Mayan calendar - 18.
  • In addition, the Toltec calendar cycle is 52 years, which is reflected in 52 reliefs on the walls of the sanctuary.

The largest number of tourists is observed on the day of the spring and autumn equinox, when you can observe the “crawling serpent”. The shadow from the ribs of the pyramid falls on the balustrades, creating the impression that a snake is crawling: up in the spring, and down in the fall.

In the city itself there are still a lot of different buildings and attractions, the most interesting of which are:

  • "Temple of Warriors" And "Temple of the Jaguars", the walls of which are decorated with interesting paintings;
  • "Karakol"– observatory building;
  • 7 stadiums, on which the Mayans played ball;
  • Sacred Cenote– 50-meter well for sacrifices.

Pyramids of the Mayan state in the city of Tikal

Tikal, located on the territory of modern Guatemala, I-IX centuries AD. e. was one of the centers of the Mayan state. It was rediscovered in 1848. On the territory of the city there are many interesting objects, including, in addition to the pyramids, an observatory, temple buildings, ball courts, etc. There are five pyramids in Tikal, the construction of which took place in the period 695-810:

  • Temple I. “Temple of the Great Jaguar” (height – 47 meters). Built in honor of the ruler of the Mutul kingdom, Khasav-Chan-Kavil I, and is the place of his burial. Attracts tourists with the elaborate wooden carvings in the sanctuary, as well as the hall of the ruler’s tomb;
  • Temple II.“Temple of Masks” (height – 38 meters). Built in honor of the wife of Hasav-Chan-Kavil I Ish-Lachan-Unen-Mo. This pyramid has been restored better than others, so tourists can admire numerous wall paintings;
  • Temple III.“Temple of the Jaguar Priest” (height - 55 meters). Currently closed to visitors, because... archaeological excavations are underway there;
  • Temple IV(height – 64.6 meters). The tallest pre-Columbian structure in the New World;
  • Temple V(height – 57 meters). Presumably this is the burial place of the eldest son of Hasav-Chan-Kavil I.

Other popular Mayan pyramids: where are they located?

  • Uxmal. Northwestern Yucatan in the state of the same name in Mexico. Located 70 kilometers south of the city of Merida;
  • El Mirador. Located in northern Guatemala, near the border with Mexico and close to Belize;
  • Kalamkul. Located on the Yucatan Peninsula, 140 kilometers south of the Mexican city of Campeche;
  • Palenque. in the northeastern Mexican state of Chiapas. It is located 150 kilometers southeast of the city of Villahermosa.

History of the Mayan Empire - video

In this video you will see a description of where the ancient secrets of the legendary Mayan civilization are hidden under the cover of the jungle. Until now, scientists do not know how it all began in the history of the great Mayan people. Who and how built ancient cities, temples, pyramids and tombs... To find out about this, you have to descend just a few meters deep into the earth.

You can learn more about the history of the Mayan civilization and other Mesoamerican tribes in historical and archaeological museums, where many ancient artifacts are stored. Well, don’t forget that, for example, Mexico, where there are many Mayan pyramids, attracts tourists from all over the world with its numerous beaches, natural reserves, clean fresh water bodies, original cultural traditions and, of course, local cuisine and first-class tequila. Therefore, having touched the antiquity and the secrets of the pyramids, you will have something to do on vacation.

Mysteries of the Mayan tribe

Interest in the Maya tribe from scientists has never faded. The interest of ordinary people in the Indians flared up immediately after the end of the world was announced. And this interest was much stronger than after the release of the film about the next journey of Indiana Jones. Of course, crystal skulls also excited the imagination, but this is still not the end of human history.
Why did we decide to focus on the Mayan Indians? No, it’s not about the number 12.12.12. Despite the fact that the End of the World did not happen on the predicted date, Maya still remains a great civilization. I don't think anyone was upset about their mistake. However, is this a mistake? After all, many astrologers, and even serious scientists, expressed their versions on this matter. The world became different after we passed this date. But let's not get distracted. We already live in this world, whatever it may be. So why Maya?
The Maya tribe was the most developed and unique community, not only among the civilizations of Central America, but also among the civilizations of the whole world of that period. Even those scanty remains of the ancient Mayan culture that have survived to this day invariably delight not only tourists, but also scientists. Archaeological excavations have made it possible to understand how great a civilization it was: the alphabet and astrology, architecture, mathematical calculations, amazing in their accuracy, and finally, painting!
It is curious that with such a high development, the Mayan tribes never united into a single ethnic community, but lived in groups in cities of about 10,000 people, occupying the territories of the current states of Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala.
One of the most important questions that remains unresolved to this day is the question of the nature and time of settlement of the Yucatan Peninsula by Mayan tribes, on which the main centers of civilization of these ancient Indians were concentrated. The exact date of the appearance of the Mayan tribes in this territory is unknown!
And this great civilization, literally overnight, disappeared from the face of the earth for many thousand years. The true cause of death has never been found.
And yet, our interest in the Mayan tribe is not caused by the fact that it was a great civilization that suddenly disappeared and then appeared. We are interested in pyramids. And on the territory where the Indians lived, pyramids were built!

Ancient Mayan pyramids

The Mayan pyramids are just one part of their rich heritage. Many of the surviving Mayan pyramids are covered with dense vegetation or a large layer of earth, so from a distance they look like green hills. But among them there are great pyramids, which are monuments of the ancient Mayan culture.
There is an entire city of pyramids that has survived to this day. This is Teotihucan. That’s what they call it – the city of pyramids. However, this is not the only city that had pyramids. Pyramids were a feature of Indian architecture. In the center of each city, there was a step pyramid that served as a tomb for noble people.
According to scientists, the pyramids were built mainly from sandstone, limestone or tuff, and were processed with a primitive stone tool - a stone chisel.
Mystery? And very similar to the riddle of the Egyptian pyramids!


Mexican pyramids are less familiar to ordinary people than their Egyptian counterparts, however, in terms of their significance and size they are by no means inferior to them. Moreover, the largest pyramid in the world is located in Mexico.
It is located near the town of Cholula de Rivabadia and is called the “Great Pyramid of Cholula.” In fact, this is not one pyramid, but a whole complex.
The pyramids of the Sun and the Moon near the city of Teotihuacan, the pyramids near the town of Tula, as well as the step pyramid, located almost within the boundaries of Mexico City, also attract the attention of tourists today.
The pyramids were discovered by the Aztecs, who came to Mexico City from the north. The purpose of the journey was bright - to find lands where there is no evil. They came, they stayed, but they could not understand who built these monumental structures that captured their imagination. One thing was clear to them - the pyramidal complex was built long before their appearance on these lands. The vegetation covering the pyramids suggested such a conclusion. The only belief that has survived is that this entire place (Teotihuacan) was built by kinama - giants.
Giants again! The analogies between all the pyramids are obvious. And talking about other buildings, we will return to similar versions again and again.
According to modern assumptions, before the advent of the Aztecs, there existed a unique culture, which humanity later called Teotihuacan.


Teotihuacan is the city of ancient pyramids. It is located fifty kilometers northeast of Mexico City. The pyramid complex is all that remains of what was once the largest city in Central America.
Looking at these grandiose structures, it is impossible not to think about the technological power of the Teotihuacan civilization. It once included thousands of residential complexes and several pyramid temples. The city was built and then abandoned long before the Aztecs arrived in central Mexico. And this is also a mystery that has not yet found its solution. Why did the city residents leave their homes?
For most people, the word “pyramid” is associated with ancient Egyptian monuments. In fact, ancient cultures on virtually every continent erected triangular monuments at one time or another in their history.
Scientists believe that the development of Teotihuacan began around the first century BC. The most active phase of expansion and construction occurred until 450 AD. The city, which became the religious and economic center of pre-Columbian America, according to some assumptions could have sheltered at least 125 thousand inhabitants. However, estimates of the number of Teotihucan citizens vary. There is an opinion that up to two hundred thousand people could live. But even the most modest figures suggest that the city at the peak of its development was the largest city in the world.
Such a city simply could not help but become the economic center of America. Historical notes confirm such assumptions and hypotheses. Another interesting thing is that Teotihucan acquired its economic weight thanks to the trade in obsidian. This is a stone from which the Indians, who did not know the smelting of iron, made tools and weapons.
And the question immediately arises: stone axes and precision construction - is this possible?
Another interesting fact is also interesting. All versions that the city was built as a fortress in order to prevent the attack and advance of enemies have not been confirmed. Yes, there are a number of large pyramids in the city, but there is not a single structure that meets the principle of building a defensive one. At the same time, research by scientists allegedly indicates that the military influence of the city, as well as the cultural one, spread to many other regions of Central America.
The origin of Teotihucan still remains a mystery and raises many questions. And today it is unknown what language the inhabitants of the city spoke, where they came from, and why they left this place?
There are various hypotheses about the reasons for the death or departure of civilization from the city. Archaeologists excavating on the territory of Teotihucan suggest that one of the factors in the departure of the former owners could be the aggression of militant neighbors who had exhausted their own material and other resources necessary for their survival. Another version says that resources were exhausted in the city itself, which is why residents left it. Today, from the once huge city, only three large and a number of small pyramids have survived, as well as sacrificial altars and some houses of the nobility.
After its decline, Teotihuacan became a place of pilgrimage for noble Aztecs. It continues to be an important place of pilgrimage today. Thousands of believers come here every year to celebrate the vernal equinox and immerse themselves in the mystical energy emitted by the ruins of the ancient city.
Even what remains of the ancient city speaks of its former greatness!

Pyramid of the Sun

The Pyramid of the Sun is a structure with five tiers. The top of the pyramid is truncated. This is explained by the fact that there was once a temple at the top. The Pyramid of the Sun was supposedly built in 150 BC. Its height reaches 64.5 m, the length of the sides is 209 m, 217 m, 207 m and 211 m. The total volume is 993,000 m3. The materials used for construction are earth and clay. Finish: stone. The temple is wooden. The Pyramid of the Sun is the 2nd largest of all the pyramids known today in the world. Previously, it was decorated with frescoes, and 248 steps led to the temple shining at the top.
For a long time, scientists assumed that the temple was built in honor of the Sun God, but today this hypothesis is already being questioned.
The Pyramid of the Sun is the third largest ancient structure in the world after the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt and the Pyramids of Cholula in Mexico.
The peak of tourist attendance occurs on the day of the spring equinox. There is an explanation for this. True, it is from the mystical category. During the spring equinox, people visiting Teotihuacan climb the steps of the Pyramid of the Sun and turn to face the Sun with open arms. Most participants in the ritual believe that at this moment the divine energy hidden in the pyramid is released. Many visitors claim that at this moment they feel a sense of peace and harmony with the world around them.

Pyramid of the Moon

The Pyramid of the Moon rises above the square, thanks not only to its own height, but also to the elevation on which it stands. The pyramid is surrounded by the remains of ancient temples.
This placement eliminates the visual difference between it and the Pyramid of the Sun, to which it is inferior in size. The Pyramid of the Moon is located on the Road of the Dead, at the end of its northern part. The name of the road has nothing to do with mysticism in the generally accepted sense. It turned out that many people were sacrificed during the construction of the road. It is believed that this was done as a symbol of the growing political and religious power of the city, as indicated by the center of the recently discovered inner chamber, which contains an impressive jade mosaic, which is surrounded by 18 knives (obsidian).

Temple of the Feathered Serpent

In the center of Teotihuacan there is a square, which the Spaniards gave the name La Ciudadela (The Citadel). Citadels usually served as residences for city rulers. Perhaps the supreme rulers of Teotihucan also lived in this building. The impressive walls (each 390 m long) created the appearance of a defensive structure, although in fact it was not one. The central element of the Citadel is the Temple of the Feathered Serpent. The temple is built in the shape of a pyramid, which was once decorated with complex carvings of the heads of feathered snakes, partially preserved on the western side. The temple is famous for the numerous burials of sacrificed animals found within its walls.

Great Pyramid

In pre-Columbian times, Cholula was a large city and religious capital of the Mexican highlands. Research and excavations indicate that the construction of the Great Pyramid was carried out in four stages. The first dates back to the second century BC. e. The construction of the pyramid was dedicated to the deity Quetzalcoatl. The earliest pyramid was built around the same time as the Teotihuacan pyramid (100 BC). It was painted in red, yellow and black, in the style of Teotihuacan. This undeniable similarity of colors led some scientists to conclude that Cholula was a sister city to Teotihuacan.
The second Great Pyramid at Cholula was built directly on top of the first and no longer imitated the shape of Teotihuacan. The builders created a radial pyramid with a staircase covering all four sides so that the top could be reached from any side. 590 feet (180 meters) long on each side.
At first glance, the Great Pyramid looks like a hill covered with grass and with a church on top (it's called Nuestra Sedora de Los Remedios). However, if you climb to the top and look down, a perspective opens up that clearly indicates the clear geometry of the schemes and the originality of the structure itself, which rises from the base in four directions.
The Great Pyramid of Cholula is the largest pyramid in the world. Much larger in volume than the great pyramids of Egypt. With a base of 450x450 meters and a height of 66 meters, its total volume is estimated at 4.45 million cubic meters.
Excavations indicate that the city of the pyramids did not develop spontaneously, but according to a well-thought-out plan. Evidence of this is the incredible accuracy and correctness of street networks even today. All streets intersect at right angles, again accurate to the nearest degree.
Of course, the Mayans were good mathematicians. They were remarkable astronomers, using some of the structures that have come down to us as observatories from which they observed the sky. The Mayans could predict solar and lunar eclipses and had an accurate calendar. But the accuracy of the construction of the streets still makes one wonder: were they the true builders of these very streets?
What caused the fall of the city? An aggressive invasion of foreigners, or an uprising of the lower classes against the ruling priests and the nobility caste? In any case, the place was barbarically destroyed almost to the ground and looted.
Incredibly, the fall of Teotihuacan, according to historical data, occurred at the moment of its greatest prosperity! However, not a single excavation could reveal any traces of uprising or violence. What really happened?

Secrets of the Mexican pyramids

The Mexican pyramids are imbued with mystery even regarding the time of their appearance. As with the Egyptian pyramids, the question of who built the pyramids in Mexico remains open! There is also no clarity about the purpose of the pyramids.
Currently, there is a rather interesting version associated with the magical effect of the pyramids on humans.
It is believed that the stones of the pyramids (especially the Sun) are endowed with healing powers. They say that as soon as a sick person touches them, or even just stays nearby, all illnesses disappear forever! In addition, the stones of the pyramids nourish a person energetically. It is enough to stand on the pyramid silently for several minutes, touching the stones. Such recharging, based on the stories, lasts for a long time.
The pyramids also have another secret, which is related to their general layout or location. Some scientists are inclined to believe that all pyramids transferred to the drawing become elements of the star map.
The Milky Way is nothing more than the Road of the Dead, Saturn is reflected by the pyramid of the Sun, Uranus corresponds to the pyramid of the Moon, and the unexcavated mounds in the northern part exactly coincide with the location of the other two planets of the solar system - Pluto and Neptune.
The mystery also lies in the fact that the pyramids of Teotihuacan inexplicably correspond to the location of the Egyptian pyramids transferred to the drawing.
At the same time, the Pyramid of Cheops corresponds to the Mexican Pyramid of the Moon, the Pyramid of Khafre is located in the drawing similar to the Pyramid of the Sun, and the Pyramid of Mikerin repeats the location of the Citadel. What do the maps of complexes in the real starry sky correspond to, and does it exist at all? It turned out that there is such a correspondence!
Both complexes convey the location on the sky map of the three brightest stars located in Orion's belt.
There are also a number of geometric and mathematical mysteries generated by the shape and size of the Mexican pyramids, including the well-known “squaring of the circle.” After all, traditionally, the square has always symbolized the Earth, and the circle the sky.

Wizard's Pyramid

Many ancient legends are associated with the construction of the Mexican pyramids.
One of the Mayan legends claims that the city of Uxmal was built in one night by a magical dwarf who hatched from an egg given to a witch by dwarves from a cave near Uxmal. The legend tells of a fairy gong located in a nearby forest that will only ring when struck by the real ruler of Uxmal. The gong rang as the dwarf struck it. The then ruler was afraid of his rival and assigned the dwarf three impossible tests. One of them was to build a giant pyramid overnight. The dwarf passed all the tests and became the new ruler of the kingdom.
The Pyramid of the Wizard, the tallest (38 m) in the complex, according to archaeological evidence, is the result of the addition of temple upon temple, for a total of five temples. The structure is indeed a somewhat magical part of the complex. Uxmal was the main religious and ceremonial center in the Puuc Hills of Yucatan during the Late Classic period (between the 7th and 10th centuries AD). The city was built in relation to the position of the known Mayan planets and the especially revered Venus. The Wizard's Pyramid was oriented so that its staircase in the west was in front of the sun at the time of the summer solstice. Similar celestial landmarks are common in the Mayan world. Most large cities are built according to a similar pattern.
The name Uxmal can be translated as “three times” (“ox-mal” in the Mayan language) or “thrice built.” Careful examination of the site proves that the city was most likely founded on the site of an older settlement. This is evidenced by various styles of buildings and the remains of early forms of Mayan civilization.
The pyramids are incredibly attractive. Each building has its own secrets. For example, at the Kukulkan pyramid. As with the pyramid of the city of Teotihuacan, there is a pilgrimage here on the day of the vernal equinox. Only a miracle is visible here.
At exactly 17:00, a pattern of sun rays begins to appear on the balustrades of the pyramid. As the sun descends towards the horizon, the pattern becomes more distinct. A huge burning snake is slithering down the stones of the pyramid! She crawls down, positioning herself along the entire staircase. The miracle can be observed for three hours.
People visiting the pyramid say that this is a divine sign, and scientists can only admire the level of development of geodesy and astronomy of the ancient Mayans. Only a civilization with the highest level of development and possessing the most accurate geodetic instruments, thoroughly knowing optics and other exact sciences, could achieve such an incredible effect, obtaining a unique image from the play of light and shadow in a given place at a given moment!
Is this Maya? Several thousand years ago, instruments of such precision simply could not have existed! As well as the tools that allow you to process stones with such precision! And this again brings us back to the question - who built it?
One of the mysteries of Mayan architecture is the beginning of the use of stone. These tribes did not have developed metallurgy, and the tools of labor were objects made of wood, bone and stone. However, with the help of such relatively fragile tools, they somehow gave the limestone graceful shapes.

Tula – Zone of Silence

The archaeological zone of Tula is nothing more than the ancient city of the Toltecs, which, of course, also has pyramids. It is located north of modern Mexico City.
The city is located in a plain. Perhaps due to the fact that it contains pyramids, the plain has acquired a mystical fame. Although the plain itself is dull and rocky.
The plain is located at the junction of three states - Coahuila, Durango and Chihuahua. This is a kind of border territory, and in every sense that you can think of.
The fact is that the plain is considered one of the largest Silence Zones. And although scientists came up with the name, the phenomena occurring in the Zone are not always amenable to scientific explanation.
In these places the compass does not show correctly; any other instruments literally go crazy, showing everything except what they should actually show. There is no radio communication within the plain, therefore, all the usual gifts of civilization, such as a television and radio, refuse to function. Within the plain, it is generally impossible to receive any signal, so when you put on headphones, you can only hear the sound of noise, normal for broadcasting in silent mode.
It would seem that there is no place for modern man in such places, but people continue to live where their ancestors once lived. The ancestors settled near a few springs that still exist today.
The fact that something supernatural is happening in the plain has become known since the century before last. There were also witnesses who claimed to have seen real “hot stones” fall.
In the thirties of the last century, a pilot of one of the airlines of that time, during a flight, stopped hearing signals from the base. But he was lucky, that time everything worked out, because back then people relied more on their own intuition than on instrument readings, autopilots had not yet been invented, and the pilot successfully brought the plane to its destination. It is curious that as soon as the plane flew out of the plain, the radio immediately came to life.
Scientists attempted to unravel the mystery of the plain and went to the Zone of Silence. This was in the early sixties of the last century. But scientists were unable to extract anything other than assumptions from the mysterious territory. There have been suggestions about the existence of some kind of super secret military base. However, at that time there was no equipment capable of jamming all signals at such a huge distance. And today it is very problematic to do this. And these are not all the events that constantly happen over this stony semi-desert area with such a familiar Russian name - Tula.
In the seventies of the last century, a ballistic missile tested by the Americans simply changed course and “plopped” with all its might right here, in this Mexican Zone of Silence.
UFO flights are often observed here, and in addition, they say that here you can see the aliens themselves or aliens from other dimensions. Local residents are generous with exciting stories and willingly share stories and impressions of encounters with alien intelligence.


Pyramids of Tikal and Washaktun

Tikal is the largest monument of the classical Mayan era.
This city is located in the north of Guatemala in the Petén department, in an area of ​​tropical rainforest, occupying a wide limestone plain intersected by chains of rocky hills, swamps and ravines. The ancient cult center of the Mayan civilization was declared a Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO in 1979. Another oldest Mayan city, Vashaktun, is located 50 kilometers from Tikal.
Densely populated in the distant past, Washaktun is now one of the most deserted cities on earth. According to French archaeologist Paul Rivet, the population of this city during its heyday reached 50,000 people.
The city was built on low hills with artificially smoothed peaks. At first, eight groups of buildings were erected, hence the name of the city. Vashaktun means “eight Stones”.
The most grandiose structure in Vashaktun is located on a six-meter platform, under which there are vaulted rooms with burials. The first floor consists of 11 rooms and has three large openings in the façade of the building. There were seven more halls on the second floor.
This is one of the earliest examples of Mayan stone construction - a temple dating back to the 2nd century AD, preserved by a pyramid erected above it in a later period.
The latest building surviving in Vashaktun dates back to the end of the 9th century AD. Soon after this, the city was apparently abandoned in the same mysterious way, so characteristic of Mayan history.


Tikal was most likely founded at the same time as Vashaktun around 435 AD. Around the same period, the expansion of the Mayan civilization began. But civilization expanded according to very specific laws. In the lowland areas the borders were limited to a radius of 30 miles around these two cities.
There are eight huge pyramids in Tikal. Dozens of other smaller structures are no less majestic. Some pyramids are more than fifty meters high. The city has preserved 80 massive steles and dozens of altars. Hieroglyphs can be found everywhere, especially on the wooden lintels above the entrances to the pyramids.