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Panorama Sosnowiec. Virtual tour of Sosnowiec. Attractions, map, photos, videos. Detailed map of Sosnowiec - streets, house numbers, districts More information about the streets of Sosnowiec on the map

And it is located in its eastern part. Sosnowiec is located just ten kilometers from and more than fifty kilometers from, which makes it very accessible and convenient to visit. It developed primarily as an industrial city with coal mines.

Today it is a crossroads of roads and railways, a place of business meetings and cultural events. It is inhabited by more than 220 thousand inhabitants. Previously, industrial pipes and working factories could be seen in the city, but today the situation has changed. Production facilities have been moved to the suburbs, and the city center has been allocated for the needs of culture, science and leisure for city residents and its guests.

City `s history

Sosnowiec grew out of a number of smaller settlements, some of which were founded in the early Middle Ages. Within the framework of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, the city was assigned to the Krakow Voivodeship. During the Middle Ages it was a border settlement with the Kingdom of the Czech Republic. The first mention of the city can be found in 1727. The city was mentioned in the books of the Myslowice church, which described its economic purpose and gave characteristics of the land. In the 18th century these lands belonged to the Silesian princes.

As a result of the Polish partition by neighboring states in 1795 Sosnowiec came under the control of the Prussian state and became one of the cities of the New Silesia region. Napoleon Bonaparte, pursuing his strategic goals, managed to grant some Polish voivodeships formal independence, thanks to this Sosnowiec became part of the Duchy of Warsaw. After the defeat of France, the allies decided the fate of this city, placing it under the control of the Russian Empire through governors. Fate decreed that the city ended up on the border of three powers at once: Russia, the German Empire and the Austrian Empire.

Sosnowiec itself received the status of a city at the beginning of the 20th century by decree of the Russian emperor. Then its inhabitants were about 60 thousand. At this time, the city is developing dynamically. Metallurgical plants and coal enterprises are operating and opening. With the collapse of the Russian Empire and the end of the First World War, Sosnowiec found itself part of Poland.

The Second World War had a hard impact on the city. The fact is that industrial facilities in the city worked for defense needs, and the German command decided to undermine the forces of the Polish resistance by deporting and exterminating the local population. In response to persecution, the local population engaged in underground activities against the German occupation, which greatly facilitated the task of liberating Poland and Sosnowiec by Soviet troops.

Attractions and other popular tourist places

Despite its relative youth, Sosnowiec can boast of its unique monuments of the past, including ancient castles, interesting engineering structures and beautiful urban ensembles.

Seletsky Castle built on the site of a 15th century fortress. The new castle was rebuilt by Sebastian Minora. The palace was rebuilt one more time in 1814. The palace is surrounded by a beautiful park. For a long time, the castle underwent reconstruction due to the antiquity of some of the structures. Today Seletsky Park opened some of its halls for visits, and the Sosnowiec Arts Center also operates here.

Sosnowiec Museum holds exhibitions and events related to the city's anniversary dates. Its numerous halls display not only paintings, but also sculptures, contemporary art and archival photographs. The museum provides guides and literature in different languages ​​of the world.

Exotarium. Another place where tourists can safely go. The Exotarium Collection contains more than 90 species of plants from various climatic zones of our planet. The fauna is represented by a wide variety of unique aquarium fish, numbering four dozen species. The huge zoo includes Nile crocodiles, reptiles, snakes and turtles. Exotic parrots and numerous mammals live here: from rodents to monkeys.

Also in the city there are dozens of cathedrals, public buildings with an interesting appearance that are worth visiting: Schoen's Palace, Church of the Immaculate Conception, Church of St. Thomas the Apostle, Former Merchant Bank and others.

Here is a map of Sosnowiec with streets → Silesian Voivodeship, Poland. We study a detailed map of Sosnowiec with houses and streets. Search in real time, weather today, coordinates

More details about Sosnowiec streets on the map

A detailed map of the city of Sosnowiec with street names will be able to show all the routes and roads of the Silesian Voivodeship, where the street is located. Smolna. Located near.

To view the territory of the entire region in detail, it is enough to change the scale of the online diagram +/-. On the page there is an interactive map of the city of Sosnowiec (Poland) with addresses and routes of the microdistrict. Move its center to find Objazd street now.

The ability to plot a route across the country and calculate the distance using the “Ruler” tool, find out the length of the city and the path to the center, addresses of attractions, transport stops and hospitals (the “Hybrid” scheme type), see train stations and the borders of the Silesian Voivodeship.

You will find all the necessary detailed information about the location of the city's infrastructure - stations and shops, squares and banks, highways and highways.

An accurate satellite map of Sosnowiec in Russian with Google search is in its own section, panoramas as well. Use Yandex search to show the desired house on a city map in Poland/the world, in real time.

Sosnowiec is a Polish town located in the southern part of the country, it is part of the Silesian Voivodeship. It is one of the largest cities in the Upper Silesian industrial region. The city borders the capital of the voivodeship with the city of Katowice. A large junction of roads and railways comes through Sosnowiec. The area of ​​the city is 91.26 square kilometers. The population in 2010 was 218,442 people.

History of the city of Sosnowiec

The name of the city Sosnowiec comes from the pine forests that grew on these lands until 1830. The village of Sosnowiec was first mentioned in 1727, at that time the current city was a small village, which was located next to the villages of Selets and Zagórze. Nowadays, these two villages are microdistricts of the city of Sosnowiec.

In 1795, after the third partition of Poland took place, the city of Sosnowiec became part of Prussia. During the Napoleonic Wars, the city was part of the independent Duchy of Warsaw, but after Napoleon's defeat it became part of the autonomous kingdom of Poland, which was then part of Russia. In the nineteenth century, the city began to develop rapidly, this was due to the discovery of rich mineral deposits, primarily coal. Even such a rapid development of the city was associated with railway connections and the border position on the borders of the Austro-Hungarian and Russian empires. In 1848, a railway station was opened in Mochki (now also a district of the city of Sosnowiec). The station was then called “Granica”, and now “Sosnowiec-Machki”. In 1859, in the center of the present city, a second station was built, it was called “Sosonowice”, and now this station is called Sosnovice-Glavny. Sosnowiec received city status in 1902, at that time more than 61,000 people lived there, it also had its own publication, there was a hospital and a theater. In 1914, the city's population had already grown to 118,1000 people.

Naturally, during the First World War, the development of the city stopped. At this time, many industrial facilities were destroyed, as well as mines. But after the war ended, the city's industry experienced a new boom again, as the Chamber of Commerce and Industry moved there.

During World War II, there was a Jewish Ghetto in the city. As usual in many cities, Sosnowiec then had a large Jewish community; when World War II began, Jews made up 22% of the city's total population. A significant part of the inhabitants of Jewish origin were exterminated during the Nazi occupation in death camps.

In the winter of 1945, the city was liberated from the German occupiers. Even before the main forces arrived, the Polish Partisan detachment of Ludowa’s army, which was commanded by Chernetsky, as well as the advance detachment of the 59th army, liberated the North-Eastern suburb of the city in two days of struggle.

In 1990, the country experienced changes in political economic activity, so many industries fell into decline, some mines began to close, and the city began to develop only in the sphere of trade and services. At the beginning of the twenty-first century, the appearance of Sosnowiec changed greatly, the city center was rebuilt, as well as the railway station, which later became the hallmark of Sosnowiec.

Economy of the city

Due to the closure of a large number of coal mines there, the city's economy gradually reduced the role of mining, but now the city's population focuses on metallurgy, as well as heavy industry and trade.

Sosnowiec has unique attractions, such as the Soviet castle built in the seventeenth century, as well as the ancient Schoen Palace. In the city you can visit a theater called "Miejski dom kultur" and a museum of the history of the city called "Muzeum sosnowcu".

We continue to publish reviews about life in different parts of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. This week, together with the Ukrainian Vadim, we are going to the city of Sosnowiec, located in the south of Poland, in the Silesian Voivodeship.

I came to Sosnowiec to work with a friend almost a year ago to build roads,” the interlocutor begins the conversation. - I had never heard of the existence of such a city before. I rather associated Poland with large cities such as Warsaw, Krakow, Gdansk. But the job offer was very tempting, and they promised free housing, so I didn’t bother too much.

We arrived in Sosnowiec at the beginning of last summer straight to the railway station. By the way, the city has excellent transport links with many Polish cities. For example, from here you can easily get to Gdansk, Warsaw, Gdynia, Czestochowa. There are directions outside Poland - to Budapest, Prague, Vienna. The nearest largest city, Katowice, is about 10 kilometers away.

At the same time, Sosnowiec is also not a small city. When we were driving, I imagined a small settlement, with a private sector and problems with public transport. In fact, everything turned out to be different: today more than 200 thousand people live in the city of Sosnowiec. This is a very developed city. Once upon a time, coal deposits were discovered here and mines worked. Naturally, this left its mark on the development of the city. But in the 90s, many mines were closed, the city changed its appearance, and that same railway station became its calling card.

Today, the role of mining in the city is gradually decreasing. The local population is mainly employed in metallurgy, heavy industry, metalworking, services and trade. But these industries are at a fairly high level; there are not always vacancies for foreigners. And those who manage to find work at one of the local enterprises try to stay longer due to the level of salaries and work culture.

The city has no problems with public transport. There are about 64 regular bus lines, about 16 other carriers, as well as 5 tram lines.

Concerning rental housing, I can’t say for sure on my own behalf, since I live in a hostel from work. But from colleagues, also foreigners, I sometimes hear complaints that it is not always possible to quickly find the right option. Prices for apartments vary; on average, a one-room apartment can cost up to 1000 zlotys per month. “Kopeck piece” will cost more - from 1300 zlotys. Sometimes there are very profitable options. For example, one of my friends and his family rent a spacious three-room apartment for only 1000 zlotys, including utilities. It’s so cheap because the owner and his family went to work in the neighboring Czech Republic and said that he just needed the apartment not to be empty. But such options are, of course, rare.

Leisure. This is a completely separate topic. I thought that Sosnowiec was a very quiet and not at all a tourist town. But in fact, we still had to get used to his rhythm of life.

Tourists and travelers come here to see Seletsky Castle, built on the site of a 15th century fortress. The palace is surrounded by a beautiful park. The Sosnowiec Arts Center also operates here. Sosnowiec Museum holds exhibitions and events related to the city's anniversary dates. Its numerous halls display not only paintings, but also sculptures, contemporary art and archival photographs. Exotarium- another place where tourists love to visit. The Exotarium collection contains more than 90 species of plants from various climatic zones of our planet. The huge zoo includes Nile crocodiles, reptiles, snakes and turtles. Exotic parrots and numerous mammals live here: from rodents to monkeys.

Also in the city there are dozens of cathedrals, public buildings with an interesting appearance that are worth visiting: Chopin's Palace, the Church of the Immaculate Conception, the Church of St. Thomas the Apostle, Former Merchant Bank, Orthodox Church of Faith, Hope and Love and others. The city also has several nightclubs, many restaurants, cafes, and pizzerias.

In a word, Sosnowiec is a cross between noisy and large cities like Krakow or Katowice and small towns in Poland. This city is perfect for those who are accustomed to a comfortable modern life, but at the same time do not like unnecessary fuss, who want to earn money and know how to relax. This is an excellent option for moving with your family, as the city has many educational institutions and even its own university. And, of course, this city is an excellent option for those who love traveling: from here it’s a stone’s throw to the Czech Republic and Slovakia, and you can generally get to different directions in Poland without any problems.

In almost a year of staying here, I practically did not find any disadvantages for myself in the city of Sosnowiec. Well, maybe because I wasn't looking for them. On the contrary, I tried to learn as much as possible about the city, consider its advantages and explore all its possibilities. So far I don’t plan to change my job or city, but on the contrary: I want to bring my family here for the summer holidays. If they like everything, we might stay here for a long time.

Sosnowiec(Polish: Sosnowiec) is a city in southern Poland, in the Silesian Voivodeship. One of the largest cities in the Upper Silesian industrial district. It borders on the capital of the voivodeship - Katowice. A large junction of roads and railways. Population - 229,207 people (2004). City name Sosnowiec comes from pine forests that grew in this area until 1830. First mention of the village Sosnowiec discovered in the archives of the rural parish of Myslowice and dates back to 1727. Sosnowiec at that time was a small village located adjacent to the villages of Selets and Zaguzhe (currently microdistricts of the city Sosnowiec). In 1795 after the third partition of Poland Sosnowiec became part of Prussia as Sosnowietz. During the Napoleonic Wars, the city was part of the independent Duchy of Warsaw; after the defeat of Napoleon, it became part of the autonomous Kingdom of Poland within Russia. In the 19th century, the development of the city as a large industrial and mining center continued. After World War I, the city became part of Poland, which regained its independence.

How to get there


  • bus
  • automobile
  • railway transport


Despite the fact that the city is one of the largest industrial centers in the country, Sosnowiec has many parks planted with unique tree species that are considered cultural monuments. Trees such as American linden, red oak, large linden, ash, black poplar, black walnut and many other beautiful trees grow.


Everyone will find something interesting and exciting in the city of Sosnowiec. This is a city of art, which gives you the opportunity to communicate with artists and admire their work, museums offer original exhibitions, city clubs offer classical music concerts and other entertainment. For lovers of active recreation and sports, there is a year-round sports center - artificial snow on the slopes, an ice skating rink, and a swimming pool attract many visitors. Numerous parks, located in almost every district of the city, offer a pleasant and relaxing time surrounded by trees, flowers and ponds.
Book lovers will be interested in visiting the city public library - this is one of the oldest institutions in the city and has a wide range of Polish literature at its disposal.

    Swimming pools

  • for sport swimming
  • covered
  • local cuisine
  • restaurants

    Entertainment in the evening

  • theaters "Teatr Zaglebia". The theater has been reconstructed some times, last changes were in 1976-1978, and in 1992 has been expanded. Unfortunately, elements of an initial decor and furniture have not remained.

    Entertainment during the day

  • types of entertainment: City club "Maczki". From the very beginning of the activity gives particular attention to work with children and youth. Creative workshops, sports sections, game in tennis, basketball, volleyball. During a school vacation interesting actions and excursions will be organized.
  • museums One more interesting place to Sosnowiec is the baroque private residence which functions today as a museum. The originality of the main lobby and a ladder conducting on the second floor of a palace, with magnificent stained-glass windows fascinate. Also the park around is magnificent - judges will find here rare copies of trees and bushes, this favorite place of inhabitants and city visitors.
  • gyms
  • sports complexes
  • tennis courts
  • GYM's

Basic information

  • Summer time (valid period) 26.03-29.10
  • Religion Catholicism
  • Dialing code + 48 (32)
  • Time zone (+00:00 GMT) (+02:00 GMT)
  • Power supply (voltage, socket type) 230 V / 50 Hz; Type C and E plugs
  • Language (official and spoken) Polish
  • medium There are several historical religious monuments in the city, among them the Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is especially interesting. The church was built in 1893-1906. The walls of the temple are decorated with frescoes depicting scenes from the history of Poland, painted by famous talented painters. The Orthodox Church "Faith, Hope and Love" is located near the railway station. Built in 1888-1889 for Russian railway workers and employees living in the city. The building was built of brick and stone; its distinctive feature from other churches of this type is the four floors of the bell tower. Without a doubt, one of the most beautiful and interesting places to visit is Heinrich Dietl's Palace. Built in the 19th century in Baroque style. Palace "Schoena" (Shen). A beautiful old building surrounded by an English style garden. The residence itself shows the influence of the Baroque style. The palace was rebuilt several times; the old furniture and interior have not survived to this day. Main railway station. It was built in 1859 in the neoclassical style according to the design of the Italian architect Enrico Marconi.