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Fishing report Lake Saltaim.

Beach holiday


Village, Krutinsky district, Omsk region. Founded in 1886. Administrative

189 3 subjugation of the village of Saltaim in the 19th-20th centuries – Krutinskaya volost, Tyukalinsky district, Tobolsk province.

1909 98 households, 284 male souls, 222 female souls (according to a survey on September 3, 1893) Right there.

1924 Village, near the lake. Saltaim on a country road. The distance from the provincial town (Tobolsk) is 420 versts, from the district town (Tyukalinsk) - 50 versts, from the volost government (village Krutinskoye) - 20 versts.

Number of separate (independent)

And here is what is written about Lake Saltaim in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron: “A bitter-salty lake in the Tobolsk province of the Tyukalinsky district. The area of ​​the lake is 80 sq. versts, has the shape of a triangle. The length of the lake is 17 versts, the width is from 4 to 15 versts, the depth is from ¾ up to 3 ½ arshin; the bottom is silty. The banks are low-lying and marshy. The source of Lake Nichkova flows into the Gorkaya River, in the west the Kiterma River, flowing from Lake Ik Saltaim, is connected by a strait to the neighboring Lake Tenis.

I managed to find a mention of Saltam in the book by N.K. Istomina. Siberia and migrants. - Kharkov, 1892. Here is what the book says: “In the Krutinsky volost of the Tyukalinsky district of the Tobolsk province, near lakes Saltaim and Kamyshnoye, a settlement was founded in the winter of 1886 by a party of immigrants from the Kursk province; they were allotted a plot of 8,568 acres, including 863 The dessiatines of the forest were small in number compared to the old-timers of the neighboring villages of Ust-Kiterma and Kalachikov. Therefore, immediately upon arrival, the old-timers began to gather in groups of dozens of people and cut down the best areas of the forest allocated to the settlers; with the onset of summer, they mowed down the grass of the new settlers; In the best haymaking places, in addition, the old-timers sent those of their fellows to the huts of the settlers who stole horses and were sometimes even ready to kill." (See pictures from the book here: p. 28, p. 29).

Finally, the most detailed description of the village of Saltaim is contained in the book: Materials for studying the life of migrants settled in the Tobolsk province over 15 years. “The first pioneers on the site were 4 families of the Kursk province of the Novo-Oskol district in 1886. Having hastily built dugouts and lived in them for two months, they sheltered 8 more families. At that time, the Saltaim site was unauthorizedly occupied, cultivated by old-timers from the neighboring village The Kitermas, who were greatly irritated by the arrival of the settlers, prompted them to pursue the 4 families who came with all sorts of measures. Several times they threatened to attack and scatter the dugouts, with the threat of beating them, they did not allow them to touch the forests, and meanwhile they were in a hurry to cut down with hired workers all the birch trees suitable for outbuildings, taking them away. whole convoys of them at night. The settlers were so scared that they did not dare to go out alone; iron bars were installed in the windows of the dugouts. When the next 8 families arrived, the new settlers became so brave that in the spring of 1887 they sowed the fields plowed by the old-timers. , based on the fact that old-timers have no right to work on this site.

Following orders from their superiors, they accepted seeds from the old-timers and gave them the harvest payment for sowing. With the arrival of more and more families, all claims of the old residents to the site ceased. Most of those settled in the Saltaim area were sent by letter to the Tomsk province and other places and, due to lack of funds, were sent by the resettlement official through Ishim and Tyukalinsk to the named area. The first 41 families and the next 8 followed the instructions of the deceiver-walker to the Tesinsky volost of the Minusinsk district, Yenisei province, but the site to which he led 100 families was chosen even earlier and left for another walker. Having received news from Perm that 100 families were coming, the Yenisei governor telegraphed the resettlement official, Mr. Arkhipov, about sending the party to other places..." The full text of the article can be viewed here: p. 325, p. 326, p. 327, p. 328 , page 329 .

Neighborhoods of Saltaim on maps

General map of the Tobolsk province. With indications of postal and major roads, stations and the distance between them. Composed based on the latest and most reliable information in St. Petersburg in 1829. Medium quality. Designated.

General map of Western Siberia with the Kyrgyz steppe. Compiled at the headquarters of the Separate Siberian Corps and registered in the Military Topographical Depot. 1848. Corrected in 1862. Scale: 50 versts in 1 inch.

Good quality. Tyukalinsk, Krutinskoye, lakes Ik and Teniz are indicated.

Schematic map of the populated parts of Tobolsk, Tomsk, Yenisei, Irkutsk provinces and Verkhoturye district of Perm province. 1907. Scale: 1 inch 80 versts.

Good quality. Tyukalinsk and Krutinskoye are designated.

2.1 Brief description of Lake Ik

The territory of Lake Ik is the most beautiful place in the Krutinsky district. On the territory of the Krutinsky district there are several dozen lakes of various configurations and sizes. The largest lakes in the Krutinsky district are Lake Saltaim (146 km.2), Tenis (118 km.2), Ik (71.4 km.2)

The total surface area of ​​these three lakes exceeds 300 km2, and their drainage area is 400 km2.

Lake Saltaim is located 40 km. northwest of Tyukalinsk and 60 km. north of the railway station in Nazyvaevsk. The catchment area is 5710 km2 (together with Lake Tenis). The greatest length is 18 km, the width in the northern part is 15 km, in the southern part 4 km, the greatest depth is 2.5 m. The Kiterma River, flowing from Lake Ik, and the Gorkaya River with its left tributary of the Cheldak River flow into the lakes. The Balashov Strait connects Lake Saltaim with Lake Tenis.

Lake Tenis is located east of Saltaim. The length of the lake is 16.4 km, width 10.3 km, depth 2.5 m. The Osha River flows out of the lake with a water flow of 1.5 m/s, and the Karasuk River flows into the lake.

Lake Ik is one of the significant lakes in the Omsk region. Its area is 41.5 km2. The lake stretches 9.1 km from north to south and 11.8 km from west to east. The coastline is more than 22 km. The lake has a round shape, slightly stretched from north to west north to east.

Lake Ik is located between the Ishim and Irtysh rivers near the working village of Krutinka, 62 km north of the Nazyvaevskaya railway station and 48 km west of Tyukalinsk. The catchment area is 1190 km2, the surface area is 71.4 km2, the lake has a round shape, slightly stretched - west to north - east.

The length of the lake is 11.8 km, width - 9.1 km, average depth - 3.7 m, greatest depth - 4.7 m, the lake basin is slightly elongated from the north - east (associated with the general inter-ridge depression). The slopes of the basin are convex, round, and steep in places. Their height is 4-5 m and only near the village of Kiterma up to 6 m. The shores of the lake are steep and bare.

Due to the predominance of the south - westerly winds to the east and north - the eastern shores are subject to constant erosion. The saucer-shaped lake bath has a clearly defined coastal shallow and deep-water part. Water transparency 0.75m. The water bloom is insignificant and is observed only in the second half of July. The banks are well drained, so the thickets of reeds are insignificant, most of them are confined to the southeastern edge of the lake.

The peculiarities of nutrition affect the water level of lakes. The water level of lakes begins to rise during spring snowmelt. The maximum is observed in April - June, then the level decreases, reaching a minimum towards the end of summer.

In dry years, the lakes reduce the surface of the water surface and greatly lower their level - they “shallow” or “dry out,” as local residents put it.

According to the degree of mineralization of water, lakes are divided into fresh and salty. In the northern and central parts of the region, fresh lakes predominate, in the southern part - salty ones, and in some places here salty lakes alternate with fresh water bodies. Salt lakes are quite diverse in the chemical composition of their water.

Freshwater lakes are of great economic importance. Freshwater lakes are used as a source of water supply for drinking and industrial purposes (watering livestock, watering agricultural land, etc.)

In the fresh lakes of the region there are about 20 different species of fish, of which pike, burbot, ide, crucian carp, perch and others are of commercial importance. These lakes can be widely used for fishing and the acclimatization of new valuable fish species. The experience of stocking fresh lakes with fry, larvae of peled, grass carp, silver carp, and carp gave a fairly good effect on the reproduction of these fish. It turned out that growing valuable fast-growing fish species in the lakes of our region is possible only with water aeration during the freeze-up period.

Fishing is mainly based on the Krutinsky lakes.

Currently, Lake Ik is the most productive. A relatively small fish factory operates in Krutinka. The most commercially important fish species are crucian carp, perch, peled, ide, carp, pike, silver carp, and bream. Fish kills sometimes occur in the lake. This happens at the end of winter due to lack of oxygen. The largest kill was in 1991, when about 120 tons of fish were washed ashore.

The animal population of the lake is also represented by common pond snails, keeled reel, swimming beetles, dragonfly larvae, which are indicators of clean water and moderately polluted water, which indicates the purity of the water in the lake, but there are preconditions that cause concern for further pollution of the reservoir. The most common mammal is the muskrat. Birds include wild ducks, gray goose, and sandpiper.

2.2 Description of the studies conducted

The basic rule: get up in the morning, wash your face, put yourself in order - and immediately put your planet in order.

Antoine de Saint - Exupery.

Theoretical studies of the ecological state of the lakes were carried out based on materials from the Krutinsky district newspaper “Rural Tribune”

The main form of anthropogenic impact on the lake is runoff. Untreated waters of the coastal territory of the working village of Krutinka, grazing of cattle in the area of ​​​​the village of Kiterma, littering with household waste, residents of settlements located near Lake Ik.

The main flow occurs in the spring, when the snow melts. Utilities. Drainage water flows into the lake and through the Krutikha River.

On the banks within the village there is trash: mostly plastic bottles and broken glass. A lot of garbage left behind by fishermen after the winter.

You can't forbid living in a garbage dump!

Day by day, a mountain of garbage is growing in the area opposite the confluence of the Krutikha River into Lake Ik. For several years now, residents of surrounding houses have been dumping garbage and household waste here. As a result of such “life activity”, fetid odors, wild dogs, rats, flies and the like create a special “color” in the area; this cesspool occupies almost 20 m, 2 tons continues to grow. Pollution is also indicated by changes in some organic indicators - the transparency of the color of water. Compared to previous years, the color and transparency of the water has changed. The algae in the lake has increased, and the coastal part of the lake is slightly overgrown with reeds in the area of ​​the Krutinka – Kiterma highway.

Various industries produce a lot of pollutants, such as bakeries of private entrepreneurs, fisheries, butter and cheese production, etc. There is an unauthorized removal and release of organic substances into Lake Ik and the Krutikha River adjacent to the lake.

In such cases, it is necessary to resort to extreme measures: suspend (production) or close them, move them to areas that are safe for the population

Environmental harm is eliminated by restoring natural properties, but this requires a long time and cessation of the harmful effects. If the harmful effects are not reduced, nature does not have time to restore itself and gradually degrades.

In order to eliminate environmental damage on Lake Ik, it is necessary to carry out a number of measures, such as: allocating parking for cars, installing road signs prohibiting the parking of vehicles on coastal sections of intra-village roads, and installing garbage containers. You also need to talk with all residents of the adjacent streets to Lake Ik about the fact that a fine will be issued for dumping garbage into the lake and on the shore of Lake Ik. Every day there must be a raid to inspect the shoreline of Lake Ik (monitor the sanitary condition of the lake).

Based on the studied sources, a brief description of the lakes was compiled and their ecological state was identified. To more fully study this issue, it is necessary to conduct field research:

Measurements of lake depths.

Investigate water quality.

Carry out bioindication of water quality for the animal population.

Explore the flora of the lake.

Compile a herbarium of typical representatives of the flora.


Man has always used the environment as a source of resources, but until recently his activities did not have a noticeable impact on the biosphere. Only in the twentieth century did changes in nature under the influence of human economic activity attract the attention of scientists. Environmental monitoring is becoming a norm of life. A great role in the development of this process belongs to the school through involving children in the simplest skills of observation, research and practical activities to form a new attitude and nature, studying the immediate environment (using the example of their native river, lake, grove - everything that is called the “small” Motherland ).

Contributes to the formation of an ecological culture, Krutinsky Lakes is the pearl of the Omsk region. Studying them using school monitoring methods will help not only create a more complete description of them, but also attract the younger generation and search and research activities, get to know and love their region more deeply, and realize their degree of responsibility for the state of the environment. Awareness of this responsibility is one of the components of the qualities of an ecologically cultural person.


1. Andreev M.A. Field practice in general agriculture for students

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2. Atlas of the Omsk region. / under. ed. Zinchenko A.G., Kozhukharya A.A. – Omsk, 2001

3. Ashikhmina T.Ya. School environmental monitoring. M., Agar, 2000.

4. Bliznyak E.V. Water research. – M., 1992

5. Bogoslovsky B.B. Fundamentals of land hydrology. – Minsk, 1974

6. Newspaper of the Krutinsky district of the Omsk region “Rural Tribune” - June 2006.

7. Newspaper of the Krutinsky district of the Omsk region “Rural Tribune” - April 2007.

8. Geography of the Omsk region. / under. ed. Zinchenko A.G., Kozhukharya A.A. – Omsk, 2001

9. Kozhukhar A.A. use of natural resources of the Omsk region - Omsk “Omskaya Pravda” - 1976. - 187s.

10. Orlova V.V. Hydrometry. – L, 1974

11. Field practice in geographical disciplines. – M., 1980

12. Tessman N.F. Educational and field practice on the basics of general geoscience. – M., 1975

13. Trushina T. P. Ecological foundations of environmental management secondary vocational education. Ed. 2nd. Rostov n/a: “Phoenix”, 2003 -384 p.

14. Chashchin V.P. Nature management and nature conservation in the Omsk region Omsk, 1999.

15. Chashchin V.P. "Nature management" 2nd ed. 1997 – 203s.

16. Ecological foundations of environmental management: Textbook / ed. prof. E.P. Arustamova. -2nd ed. - M.: Publishing House "Dashkov and Co", 2002. – 236s.

In the southern part of the West Siberian Plain, between the Irtysh and Ishim rivers, Lake Ik is located. To be precise, it is located in the Krutinsky region. It is part of the Big Krutinsky Lakes system, which also includes the Saltaim and Tenis reservoirs.


Lake Ik has an almost regular round shape, which is distorted only by the slight stretch of the shores from southwest to northeast. The length of the lake is almost 12 km, and its width is more than 8 km; the total length of the coastline stretches for 22 km. The area of ​​the water surface exceeds 71 ​​square meters. km, and the total catchment area is 1190 sq. km.

The lake lies in a deep basin, the slopes of which are quite convex, and in some places even round. Basically, only in some places steep ledges 4-5 m high make it difficult to approach the water. And near the village of Kiterma the steep slopes rise to 6 m.

The coastline for many kilometers is practically bare, which is explained by the poor soil and its active drainage. Only in places does stunted, low-growing vegetation occur (although the southeastern edge of the lake is overgrown with reeds), and trees are generally rare here. As a result, constant winds in a southwesterly direction gradually but inexorably destroy the eastern and northeastern shores of the lake. High waves during bad weather also contribute to abrasion.

Lake Ik in the Omsk region has a flat but muddy bottom. Its depth increases smoothly, reaching its maximum towards the middle of the reservoir. After the mark of 4.75 meters in the very center of the lake, the depth gradually decreases again. Thus, the central part of the reservoir is like the top of an inverted cone.

Ground map of the lake

The soils of this object are not very diverse. The characteristics of the soil composition look like this:

  • sandy-silty soil - distributed mainly in the coastal strip at a distance of up to 200-250 meters. Has a slight odor of hydrogen sulfide;
  • dark brown silt with various remains of vegetation - found mainly in the western part of the lake at a depth of up to 2 meters;
  • gray-green silt - covers the entire central part of the reservoir at a depth of 3.5 to 4.5 meters;
  • clayey silt with sand - predominates on the eastern side of the lake.

Water resources

The transparency of the lake fluctuates at around 0.50-0.75 m. Light penetrates especially weakly through the water column in the second half of July, when the reservoir blooms profusely. In other months there is very little flowering.

Water mineralization is low. Oxygen saturation peaks in the summer months, but drops significantly by winter.

The lake is fed mainly by tributaries - the rivers Yaman (flows into the southwestern part) and Krutinka (flows into the southern part). At the same time, a significant share of the water collection falls on the Yaman, since the mouth of Krutinka is heavily silted, and in dry years the water flow is very insignificant. Also, the water level in the lake rises due to precipitation: snow, rain.

Only one river flows out of the lake - Kiterma, which connects Ik with Saltaim with a thin thread. At the source of Kiterma, a peasant-type dam was built in Soviet times, the task of which is to maintain the water level in the lake.


Lake Ik in the Omsk region lies in a zone of sharply continental climate. In this region, the weather conditions are quite severe: cold winters with an average annual temperature of -19 degrees, short summers with temperatures of +18...+22 degrees, fleeting spring and autumn. In winter and in the off-season, the waters of the lake are covered with ice, which breaks up only in mid-May.

The average precipitation over the past 50 years has remained at 310-540 mm.

Brief historical background

The large Krutinsky lakes in Western Siberia were formed in the Quaternary period. The glacier advancing from the north “pressed” the rivers of the Ob-Irtysh basin. The estuaries united under pressure, and as a result a huge fresh sea was formed. After a couple of thousand years, due to evaporation, the sea was divided into several large lakes. These lakes continued to evaporate, eventually breaking up into even smaller bodies of water. This is how Lake Ik was formed.

Over the years (we are talking about thousands of years), the shores changed shape, the degree of mineralization of the water fell, and rich bottom sediments accumulated at the bottom. As a result, the lake acquired its modern appearance and chemical composition of water.

All reservoirs of Western Siberia, including those located in the Omsk region, are characterized by cyclical changes in water levels, consisting of alternating periods of low and high water. The total duration of the cycle is 55-60 years, while the duration of the low-water and high-water periods is not too different and is 25-30 years, respectively.

For Lake Ik, according to observational data, the most high-water period was observed in 1917-1920, after which a low-water period began, which lasted until 1957-1959. From the late 1950s there was a period of high water again, with water levels peaking in 1971-1973 and later declining again.

Chemical composition of water

Let's continue the story about Lake Ik. Is it possible to swim in its waters? To answer this question, let’s look at the chemical composition of water.

The lake belongs to the group of slightly salted lakes, as it contains a small amount of mineral salts dissolved in the water. It has a slightly alkaline reaction and belongs to the hydrocarbonate class of waters.

Studying the chemical composition of water, scientists came to the conclusion that it constantly contains compounds harmful to humans, such as nitrate nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen and other pollutants. Moreover, their number increases in the off-season and reaches a critical level in winter. The reason is anthropogenic impact. Sewage from nearby settlements, livestock grazing along the shores of the lake, garbage dumps - all this worsens the ecological condition of Lake Ik from year to year.

For now, you can swim in the lake far from populated areas, but if the state does not take control of the situation, water pollution will become global and provoke an environmental disaster in the region.

Animal and plant life

Lake Ik is known for its interesting arrangement of vegetation in the form of centric zones. The shore has been taken over by sedge and amphibious buckwheat; cattails and reeds descend to the water itself. A few meters from the shore you can see reed thickets. Afterwards, a belt of vegetation formed from different types of duckweed, hornwort and water buttercup. The water column is inhabited by more than 170 species of phytoplankton.

A variety of insects are found on the lake: swimming beetles, dragonflies, and in summer there are many mosquitoes and midges. A muskrat settled nearby. The avifauna is represented by ducks, geese, and waders. The northernmost colony of Dalmatian pelicans, which the locals for some reason call Baba, lives here.

On the Big Krutinsky Lakes, including Lake Ik, the great cormorant seabird nests, which is quite unusual.

What attracts tourists to Lake Ik in these parts is mainly associated with fishing and hunting waterfowl. For this reason, guests come to Krutinka even from Moscow. Let's talk in more detail about fishing, since in these places it has characteristic features.

Lake Ik, Omsk region: fishing

Fishing in the Omsk region is based mainly on the Krutinsky lakes, among which Ik is the most productive. More than 10 species of fish live in the reservoir. Here you can find large numbers of crucian carp, ide, carp, pike, perch, silver carp, whitefish, bream and chebak.

In summer, fishermen successfully fish from the shore and from boats, with the average catch fluctuating around 40 kg. But the most interesting things begin in winter. Anglers already at the end of November are punching holes in places fed in the fall. Later, a snow house no more than two meters high and without a roof is built near each hole. It perfectly protects from the evil January winds, but does not interfere with the penetration of sunlight. A kind of ice “perch” is built in the house, which is covered with a cotton mattress so that the fifth point does not freeze. A snow storage room is being built nearby, where the caught fish is stored. Later the catch is brought home by dog ​​sled. This is such a great winter fishing experience on Lake Ik!

Although fishermen make a lot of holes, they are quickly covered with ice, so in winter the fish often suffer from a lack of oxygen and die. The worst kill in the last 50 years occurred in 1991, when about 120 tons of fish died.

Nearest settlements

Near the lake there are 5 small villages: Krutinka (urban-type settlement, regional center), Kalachiki, Kiterma, Krasny Pakhar (the village has only 1 street - Central), Ik.

The largest settlement - the city of Omsk - lies 150 km from the reservoir. Between the points there is a highway Omsk - Lake Ik. The distance that needs to be covered to get from the city along the highway to the reservoir is 190 km, since the road makes many turns.

Flashing, jig. Catch: 5-10 kilograms (perch 500 g)

Weather: Leaving the city of Omsk it was quite warm -2 -5 about the same without snow and so all the way to Krutinka! Wind from the west, southwest with gusts of wind!!! The pressure was normal, but by the 23rd the number was rising, which led to to -16 in the morning of the 23rd! The water level is normal, the water is clear, there is no current, the ice thickness is 20 cm!

Tackle: Lure with fishing line 0.20 diameter and simple fishing rods with fishing line 0.10 and above!!!

Bait/bait: We fed the perch with jigs and caught them with bloodworms, but the favorites were balancers!
They fed the crucian carp with mormysh and whatever was at hand))) Since they didn’t intend to catch it, they didn’t take anything with them, but they still decided and fed them bread and boiled potatoes)))

Fishing place: As it turned out, we were at the so-called Pier))) We found out in the morning because we drove at night in a small snowstorm by guessing)))

Hello, I had a trip to the Great Krutinsky Lakes, and everything happened very spontaneously! While working on my last working day before the weekend, I received a call from my wife and I had a trip to my in-laws in Yaman. Well, what about being close to the lakes and not going fishing. Without hesitation, I called Zhenya (Dan73) !!!Will you go? Of course I’ll go))) Well, it’s nice that I won’t be bored alone and catch some fish along the way!!!
Initially, the plan was like this! We’re going on the night of the 21st, we’ll stop in Krutinka, buy bloodworms and jigs, and there we’ll decide where we’ll start, Ik or Saltaim, or maybe somewhere else. I thought we’d spend the night in the car, and at dawn we’ll chase perch in the open spaces!!! Well, As always, everything turned out differently!!!
Having bought bloodworms and mormysh in Krutinka, we were very happy, since we found them only in one place and it was already almost one in the morning! The mormysh is excellent, but the trouble with bloodworms is a small infection!!! Well, okay, the most important thing is that there is no waste of time We start straight ahead to Kiterma so that we can finally decide where to go!!! In the end, Saltaim won, and the latest information forced us to go there! For that, a huge thank you to our leader Ivan (Emelyanich), with whom I called and had a very pleasant conversation!!!
Arriving in Ust-Kiterma, we were a little surprised, the roads were not well-trodden, how to get to Berezovoye on this side is generally unclear, and the night outside would break the devil’s leg. It was decided to go back and make our way along the road that went to the left from Ust-Kiterma along the lake, there were at least some clear traces that could be seen. fisherwomen are driving!!! Fortunately for us, through the snowstorm we reached the first and huge parking lot where the entry onto the ice was clearly visible. One thing was confusing: Where are we? Ahhh, nevermind, morning will tell
Having walked with flashlights to the open water, which turned out to be not very easy, we stomped about 500 meters, maybe more!!! Everything would be fine, but the snow reduced visibility to a minimum! What to do? What? Take a shmurdyak and suddenly a crucian carp will bite on the ice!!! We went out behind the reeds and drilled about 6 holes to check the depth everywhere is the same 1m20-30cm maximum. I don’t see the point in going further in a snowstorm and we don’t even know where we are. We walked away from the reeds about 10-15 meters and set up a tent at a depth of 1m20cm I’m still crazy tomorrow I say fishermen they'll come laughing at us and they'll say that we're fools sitting by the shore. Noooo, after the night at 03:30 Zhenya catches the first perch, we sighed and were filled with new hopes. Where there's one there and a dozen of them each until 8:00 no no, yes they'll take a bite, only in the stand-up sometimes they'll play along! We didn’t expect it at all, we thought there would be a crucian carp, but this is how it turned out))) The most interesting thing is that I was biting all night
It’s time for dawn! You can hear the movements of the fishermen, they are catching up little by little! And then I decide to conduct an experiment, let’s say to the balancer, I’ll try if it doesn’t take it, let’s go drill and look further and at least see where we are or ask someone And then a surprise awaited us Okunevoe EldoradoThe balancer did not have time to reach the bottom a meter get there and there's a blow and a perch on the ice. Beauty))) True, at first it was not usual because the depth is small and you almost throw the perch out by the collar when hooking. We caught it on two holes and it all lasted until 14:00 the norm was reached and we were tired of it catching honestly There were no sailors at all, of course, but they didn’t even see a large fish from 200 to 500 grams, and they went for larger balancers! The balancers caught everything that was up to 5 cm))) I ignored the spinner!!! The reelless one also lost to the balancers!!!
In general, they took their souls away as they should. We went out to breathe and see where we were and where anyone was))) We met a fisherman who was already going home! So he surprised us with crucian carp, the fighters were in a bag, 700 grams each, probably the largest one here and we were intrigued))) We decide pack up and move another 200 meters further into the rare reeds where the depth is 2 m, approximately where the fisherman was catching crucian carp))) Of course, not in his place, but 60 meters from his place. We are not underlings. While everyone was dragging and settling in, it was already 16:00!!! We fed! We're waiting! We're waiting for an hour! We're waiting for two! Zhenya's first bite was realized at 17:30. The crucian carp is not big, but it's a round pot-bellied one. As we always thought, well, now we'll all catch a big one and in general it'll be cool. The snow also started to get colder and the ice was cracking!!! Because of such boredom, we ran to the car twice to take a nap, as if we had to drive 200 km back!!! We were not pleased, but we were still persuaded to buy 6 of our own. The plan was fulfilled even beyond what was expected. I am attaching a photo, I have it roughly according to the story! Don’t judge harshly for mistakes!!! This is another unforgettable trip and one that will remain in our memory for a long time!!! The 23rd is safe we got out despite the snow and wind that covered the roads, but the fisherwomen trampled the path and my half-bellied got out without any problems))) Having gone to Yaman on business at 12:00 we already started for the city!!! Such a fishing trip turned out at random and ended up in in the right place at the right time))) Photo of the catch on the left: a bag and 6 pieces of crucian carp Zhenya caught, and on the right, half a bag and a bag with 6 pieces of crucian carp is my catch))) We weren’t tired of counting, too lazy!!! There were no scales, but I felt my quota was 10 kg and washes a little more for all the days and nights they took NHNCH to everyone!!! With respect, Adis!!!

The recreation center "Kalachiki" is located on the shore of Lake Ik and next to two large lakes Tenis and Saltaim, so every person who comes to visit us - a professional fisherman or a beginner - will enjoy fishing. The lack of gear and a boat is also not a hindrance, if there is a desire. We try to make your visit interesting, so we can rent everything you need to have a good time.

At your service:

  • Year-round in log wooden houses.
  • Delivery across the lake by snowmobile to the fishing spot and back.
  • Boat rental.

We offer you 3 types of PVC inflatable boats for rent:

  • Malyutka - a small rowing boat for one person - 150 r/hour 300 rubles;
  • Medium - medium sized PVC rowing boat for one or two people - 200r/hour. Morning subscription (evening) 500 rubles;
  • Medium with transom - boat 285 cm long - 200 r/hour 500 rubles.
  • Medium with transom - boat 290 cm long - 200 r/hour. Subscription morning (evening) 500 rubles.
  • Boat motor 2.6 hp - 200r/hour. Subscription morning (evening) 500 rubles.
  • Boat motor 4 hp - 250r/hour. Subscription morning (evening) 600 rubles.

In winter, all fishing lovers can indulge in their favorite activity. If necessary, we will deliver you on a snowmobile to the fishing spot and pick you up when you call.

The cost of providing transportation services to the place of winter fishing is 350 rubles one way for 3 people,
additional person is paid separately - 100 rubles (the cost may vary depending on the distance)

Now the weather or lack of bite is no longer a hindrance, you can have a great rest and relaxation, spend time alone or with friends in an excellent stove.