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Saint Martin Island: description, history, attractions and interesting facts. The extraordinary island of St. Maarten and Maho beach Ukrainian girls in the Caribbean island of St. Maarten

Saint Martin- an island that is one of the most unique in the Caribbean archipelago. For more than 350 years, this small territory has been divided into two states. In the south the islanders are residents of the Netherlands, and in the north they are French subjects.

Saint Martin on the world map

Between North and South America are the inhabited and uninhabited Greater and Lesser Antilles, which are better known as Caribs.

Saint Martin or Sint Maarten is one of the fifty islands of the Caribbean Sea, a representative of the northern part of the Windward Islands.

Geographical characteristics

The island is located to the east, and through the straits it neighbors the islands of Anguilla (in the north) and Saint Barthélemy (in the southeast).

The waters of the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean wash only 87 square meters. km of land that arose more than 9 million years ago. By the island volcanic origin and to this day it is located in a zone of increased seismic activity.

The highest point of the hilly part of French territory is Mt. Peak Paradise, upon climbing which you can see the outlines of the borders of this Caribbean island. The relief of the central part has hills and hills, while the area near the sea is flat, with wide shores of white and yellow sand along the entire perimeter.

The island is scattered with numerous salt lakes and streams, which are occasionally filled with rainwater. Along the entire coast you can see numerous bays and bays, and capes and peninsulas extend far into the sea.

Climatic conditions

Characteristic of Saint Martin temperate tropical climate with dry warm weather and humid air. Meteorological features contribute to tourists visiting the island all year round.

Constantly blowing trade winds neutralize humidity formed as a result of heat and short-term rains from November to November.

The upper daytime temperature in summer is no more than +32 degrees, and in winter no lower than +23C° even at night.

The average annual precipitation is around 1000 mm, and its peak occurs in September and November. From February to April the chance of rain is minimal.

Most favorable period for travel - from mid-December to the end of April.

General information

The amazing story of two countries that have coexisted peacefully for many years is a clear example of tolerance for all states. The island has an absolutely harmonious neighborhood and respectful attitude of representatives of different cultures and nationalities towards each other and towards guests.

Historical reference

Island of Salt or Land of Women- this is what the Arawaks called the island of St. Martin, who originally lived in the Caribbean back in the 5th-6th centuries AD. Christopher Columbus named the island Saint Martin in honor of the Catholic saint in 1493 while mapping the territory he discovered.

Gradually, the Spaniards, French and Dutch began to settle in here, periodically changing their priority positions. And only in 1648 The division of the island between and Holland took place and this agreement is in force to this day.

In subsequent periods there were attempts to occupy the island by the Maltese, British and Americans, but today two peaceful coexist here territorial entities:

  • self-governing autonomous state of Sint Maarten within the Kingdom Netherlands;
  • overseas community France Saint Martin with broad autonomous powers.

There are no official borders between the countries, except for a symbolic pillar near which tourists like to take pictures. It is located on the mountain Concordia.

Internal organization

The population has exceeded 74 thousand people, and most of them are descendants of those brought in during the colonial period slaves developing plantations:

  1. Creoles;
  2. African Americans;
  3. mulattoes;
  4. Indians.

Only quarter residents are white.

City Marigot- the administrative center of French territory, employs about six thousand people. It is the largest city on the island in terms of population.

About a thousand people live in Philipsburg, the administrative center of the Dutch territory.

The bulk of the population professes Christianity. The majority of believers are Catholics and Protestants, there are Pentecostals, Adventists and a small part of Jews.

Official language on French territory - French, on the territory of the Netherlands - Dutch. But you can hear English and Spanish spoken everywhere, as well as everyday Creole.

Transport accessibility

An important part of the island's economy is travel business, which began to actively develop in the early seventies. Tourists come from all over the world to have unforgettable experiences and spend their money.

The largest international transport hub in the Caribbean Princess Juliana Airport. It is located on the Dutch side and is considered one of the ten most dangerous airports in the world. It received its name in honor of the queen, Juliana, who visited the island as crown princess during the Second World War.

Directly above Maho beach, to which the runway (2180 m) is closely adjacent, planes regularly fly only 15-20 meters above the vacationers. The border of the beach and the airfield area is separated by a chain-link mesh.

A large number of people come to watch extreme flights spotters who, because of the opportunity to see everything with their own eyes and capture it in photos or videos, choose Saint Martin for their vacation.

Bandwidth airport - up to 1.5 million passengers per year.

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Philipsburg in the Netherlands is visited daily cruise ships with tourists and make a stop at the port for several hours.

Travel within the island takes place mainly on rented and public transport. The length of the roads is just over 50 km. Boats sail to the islands neighboring Saint Martin.

Visa regime

When going to Saint Martin you should get special visa overseas territories, if the passport does not contain a long-term visa. The list of documents does not differ much from the usual package; there is a difference in the form to fill out.

This visa is obtained at the consulates of the country where your stay will last longer.

But since there are no borders within the island, then there will be no problems with internal movement.

Tourism on St. Martin's Island

The Caribbean island attracts with its charm an increasing number of exotic lovers from all over the world. Every day ships sail and planes arrive with tourists who want to plunge into the atmosphere of this heavenly place on earth.

Natural world

On the coast, noisy nightlife alternates with calm or, on the contrary, very active recreation, but the most important thing that attracts vacationers so much is snow-white sand and an amazingly beautiful sea.

The nature of this region does not look provocative. The hilly terrain of Saint Martin is lined with green forests that are home to several hundred different species of birds. In the rest of the territory, mainly palm trees, hibiscus, and many different varieties of cacti grow. Not very diverse and animal world- Mostly birds and lizards are represented, as well as wild domestic animals.

Attractions and entertainment

Each state has something to be proud of, and guests enjoy visiting and taking photographs near local attractions.

IN Marigot worth a look:

  • ancient fort saint louis with panoramic views of the coast;
  • museums history and culture;
  • romantic Republic street;
  • butterfly farm.

IN Philipsburg are located:

  1. monument Queen Wilhelmina;
  2. Museum Saint Martin;
  3. forts Willem And Amsterdam;
  4. Watney Square;
  5. zoo;
  6. Botanical Garden.

Every year the Dutch hold a birthday carnival. Her Majesty the Queen. This holiday traditionally lasts 17 days.

The French are also not indifferent to public events and they organize their own carnival during Lent.

Beach holiday

The main reason why tourists come to the island is luxurious sandy beaches with emerald water, coral reefs and an almost complete absence of waves. There are about forty beaches on the island and each of them has its own flavor, so the best way to explore them is by renting a car.

The crystal clear sea allows lovers of the underwater world to snorkel and dive into the depths with scuba gear, and surfers will enjoy the big waves from the Atlantic Ocean. There are shallow beaches where it’s good to relax with little ones, and there is a special beach where nudists gather.

The beaches are crowded, where the infrastructure is well developed, there are many water activities, and in the evening there is music in coastal restaurants. One of the best The following beaches are considered:

  • Long Bay;
  • Nettle Bay;
  • Lovers' Beach;
  • Happy Bay;
  • Great Bay;
  • Simpson Bay.

For most vacationers arriving on the island, the most popular beach is included in their compulsory visit program. Maho Beach. It itself is small and cozy, with clean water and eateries on the shore. The length of the recreation strip is only 300 meters and the width is no more than 20 meters.

But they come here not for a beach holiday, but to watch planes land or take off.

If you find out the flight schedule of Princess Juliana Airport in advance, you can become lucky guy and see huge modern transatlantic liners flying right over the beach.

At the same time, air currents raise unexpected waves, and therefore the coast near the airport is attractive for windsurfers. But the area next to the beach, due to strong air currents, is completely devoid of greenery.

The popularity of the Caribbean islands is confirmed by the stories of those who returned from travel with unforgettable impressions. Saint Martin is not deprived of the attention of famous people from all over the world who do not skimp on enthusiastic statements about the island. And many celebrities even purchase apartments so that they can experience the charm of the “island of eternal holiday” again and again.


Saint Martin is duty free zone. Therefore, in supermarkets you can buy alcoholic drinks and various delicacies from all over the world at affordable prices.

From here you can bring handmade souvenirs from the Philipsburg Market, spices and sauces made on the island. On the Dutch side there are brand stores clothes, chic boutiques with cosmetics, accessories and jewelry.

Prices are generally indicated everywhere in Euro, but you can pay in dollars and credit cards.

Look video about holidays in Saint Martin:

Map of Saint Martin Island

Saint Martin Island(Island of Saint Martin, fr. Saint-Martin, Netherlands Sint Maarten is an island in the Caribbean Sea in the northern part of the Eastern Caribbean islands. Saint Martin Island is the world's smallest inhabited island, governed simultaneously by two independent governments. The northern part of the island is the French overseas community of Saint Martin, while the southern part is a self-governing state with significant autonomy (status aparte) within the Kingdom of the Netherlands and is called Sint Maarten. Area 83 km² (including the Dutch part of the island - 35 km², French - 48 km²). The highest point is Mount Peak Paradise (424 m) in the French part of the island.

The administrative center of the Dutch part of the island is the city of Philipsburg, the French part is the city of Marigot.


Before the discovery of America by Europeans, the island belonged entirely to the Arawaks, who called it the Island of Salt (in honor of the main wealth of Saint-Martin) or the Land of Women. After the discovery of the island by Christopher Columbus in 1493, the possession of the Arawaks was renamed Saint Martin, and November 11, the day the island was put on the world map, is considered its main public holiday. A century and a half later, the first settlements of the French and Dutch appeared here, who created a coalition when the Spaniards returned to Saint-Martin. The Spanish were unable to take possession of the island, which was divided between France and the Netherlands according to the 1648 treaty. Today, this treaty is one of the oldest agreements still in force.


The population of the island (French and Dutch parts together) is 74,250 (2007) people. Whites make up 1/4 of the population. The name "St. Martin" was given to the island by the British; locals call it Narikel Jinjira, which means "Coconut Island".


The island of St. Martin has a dry temperate climate and, thanks to the trade winds, has sufficient humidity. Its topography is hilly and the highlands are covered with greenery and forests. It also has more than 30 white sand beaches belonging to French and Dutch territories. The surface of the island is mountainous and treeless; Mount Paradis reaches 420 m in height.


The official currency on the Dutch side is the Netherlands Antillean guilder, and on the French side, as in all other French overseas possessions, the euro. The American dollar is accepted everywhere, and most prices in shops on the island are quoted in this currency. The cost of living is similar or slightly higher than in Europe. Credit cards are accepted everywhere.

The southern, Dutch part of the island is an offshore zone. Companies registered in the Dutch part of the island and not doing business on the island are exempt from taxes. In addition, there is no tax on real estate and on income from its sale.

Princess Juliana Airport is located on this island. Landing there is considered one of the most difficult, because the end of the runway is adjacent to the seashore, and planes are forced to land literally over the heads of tourists relaxing on the beach, while the runway itself is only 2180 m.


The official language of the Dutch part of the island is Dutch. English and Spanish are spoken here, as well as the Papiamento dialect; on the French side the official language is

Vladimir Dergachev, photographs by Anton and Anna Dergachev, especially for the Internet portal “Institute of Geopolitics” and the magazine “Landscapes of Life”.

The island of Saint Martin (Saint Martin) is located 300 km southeast of Puerto Rico. Population - 75 thousand inhabitants, of which approximately 75% are black. Area 87 km² (including the Dutch part of the island - 34 km², French - 53 km²). The tropical island is located in an area of ​​increased seismic activity. There are no sources of fresh water.

Saint Martin is the world's smallest inhabited island, governed by two states. The island was divided based on a treaty between France and Holland back in 1648. According to local residents, this is one of the oldest agreements that remains in force to this day.

The northern part of the island (Saint Martin) is an overseas community of France (37 thousand people). In the southern part of the island there is a self-governing autonomous territory within the Kingdom of the Netherlands (Sint Maarten).

The administrative French center of Marigot (5.7 thousand inhabitants) is located near the ancient Fort Saint-Louis.
The administrative Dutch center of Philipsburg (1.3 thousand inhabitants) is named after a Dutch sailor of Scottish origin, who became one of the first local entrepreneurs and mayor of the town of two streets. Here, even today, it is difficult to get lost between Front and Rear streets. Despite its miniature size, the town has several churches, a monument to Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands and a museum where items from a frigate that sank in 1801 in local waters are kept. Dutch territory is an offshore zone.

Miniature St. Martin is a veritable linguistic Babylon (English, Dutch, French, Spanish, Creole and local dialects).

Since the early 70s, tourism began to develop on the island. This backbone of the local economy accounts for up to 85% of GDP (more than a million tourists annually). Energy resources, industrial and food products and fresh water are imported. But despite this, it has one of the highest per capita incomes in the Caribbean.

St Martin's Island on the horizon. Before the discovery of America, local aborigines called the island the Island of Salt (the main local wealth) or the Land of Women. The island was discovered by Christopher Columbus on November 11, 1493. This day became the main local public holiday. After the discovery of the island by Europeans, the Dutch occupied it and began to extract table salt. Saint Martin was captured by the Spanish in 1633 and abandoned in 1648 when it was divided between France and Holland. Until 1848, the island used the labor of black slaves, who were imported from Africa to work on sugar plantations.

The boat dropped off the pilot on the cruise ship.

The highest point is Mount Peak Paradise (424 m) in the French part of the island.

Cruise ships at the pier

Welcome to St. Martin! On the right is the port administration building.

The administrative French center of Marigot (5.7 thousand inhabitants) is located near the ancient Fort Saint-Louis.

Remains of the ancient Fort Saint-Louis.

Marigot. central square

View from the height of the fort on the bay and a local landmark - a sunken ship (in the center of the photo).

In February, the beaches are deserted, but the ocean water is relatively warm

The flags of France, the overseas community of Saint Martin and the USA even fly on the beach.

Local market-bazaar. The basis of the currency is the American dollar, as well as the euro and the Netherlands Antillean guilder.

Villas for vacationing tourists and a yacht club (left)

On one of the few streets in the city

The Catholic faith dominates the island

Marigot. Catholic cathedral.

Mini container terminal

Port of Philipsburg. Cruise pier and port administration building

Just west of Philipsburg is the famous Princess Juliana International Airport for thrill seekers. The short runway (2180 meters) starts from Maho Beach (pictured) and ends at the shore of the lagoon. Transatlantic airliners fly literally over the heads of vacationing tourists. The airport is one of the most dangerous and difficult to land. I met a similar airport on

The island of Saint Martin, also known as the island of Saint Martin, is located in Surprisingly, this small piece of land contains two countries - France and the Netherlands. Moreover, this is the smallest inhabited island in the world. All these incredible facts attract thousands of tourists here every year, fortunately the weather is conducive to a quality holiday - warm sea, clean beaches and the sun that shines almost all year round.

Location of the island

Saint Martin Island is located among the northern range of the Eastern Caribbean Islands. Part of the Small Archipelago

The northern part of the coast of the island is occupied by the French overseas community, and the southern part is considered a self-governing autonomy, but is still part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The Dutch part of the island is called Sint Martin.

Each part has its own capital. The French one is called Marigot, and the Dutch one is called Philipsburg.

A remarkable fact is that the island received its name from the British. The original local aborigines always called it Narikel Jinjira, which literally means This is truly a piece of paradise, so it’s not for nothing that many tourists around the world are interested in where the island of St. Martin is located.


The area of ​​the smallest inhabited island on the planet is only 87 square kilometers. Most of them belong to the French side - about 53 square kilometers, the remaining 34 are administered by the Dutch.

The island of St. Martin has a hilly topography. There are many mountains and hills here, the highest point is Mount Paradise Peak. Its height is 424 meters above sea level. It is located in the French part of the island. Climbing the mountains is convenient and pleasant; most of the hills are covered with forests and greenery.


The island has a pronounced maritime tropical climate. The rainy season here begins in April and lasts until about November. The rains are heavy, but most often short-lived.

The island of St. Martin is exposed to trade winds at this time of year, which neutralize the high humidity. Therefore, even during these months it is comfortable to relax here. The heat is not felt so much due to the wind.

In the winter months, the temperature drops to 27-29 degrees above zero during the day and 20-22 degrees at night. The humid climate in winter is practically not felt. For tourists on the island there are about 30 beaches, almost all of which have snow-white sand, which makes your vacation unforgettable. Tourist sites are located on both Dutch and French territory.

History of the island

Before the island belonged to the Arawak Indian people. They called it "Land of Women." They were a peaceful tribe who were mainly engaged in agriculture. The British were the first to find out where the island of St. Martin is located. On November 11, 1493, it was put on the world geographical map. To this day, this date is considered the main holiday on the island.

French colonists came here only in 1620. They actively began to cultivate tobacco cultivation. And in 1631, the Dutch founded their base on the island. The first governor was Jan Claeszon van Kampen, who began mining salt.

In 1633, Saint Martin came under the protectorate of the Spaniards, who held it for several decades, repelling attacks from the Dutch. They left it only in 1648, when it ceased to have strategic importance. According to the Treaty of Munster, it passed to the Netherlands. Ultimately, the French colonists also restored their settlements here.

Population and language

In total, the island is home to just under 75 thousand inhabitants. Only a quarter of the population is white.

St. Martin - the island of two masters. It did not receive this name by chance. Today, both the Dutch and the French live peacefully there in a small area, having a single spoken language - this is the Saint-Martin dialect of the East Caribbean. At the same time, on the side of the Netherlands, Dutch is considered official, and on the side of France, accordingly, French. In addition, English, Spanish and the Creole dialect Papiamento are extremely common.

Economy of the island

The main income source of the island's economy is tourism. The official currency is the euro, but American dollars are freely accepted everywhere, and most prices in shops and hotels are indicated in this currency, since the main flow of tourists arrives from the United States. You can easily pay with a credit card anywhere, and the standard of living on the island is the same (and even slightly higher) than in Western Europe.

The Dutch part of the island is a famous offshore. A large number of companies are registered in this territory, but business is conducted outside its borders and is exempt from taxes. Companies also benefit from the absolute absence of property taxes.

For those wishing to fly to the island of St. Martin, Princess Juliana Airport is available. It was named in honor of the Dutch princess, who came here a year after its opening, in 1944.

The airport is quite small. The length of the runway is only 2.3 kilometers. Therefore, only experienced and confident pilots fly here.

The landing on the island of St. Martin is considered one of the most difficult in the world. Not only is the length of the runway very short, but in addition it is also adjacent to the seashore. As a result, the passenger liner has to land literally over the heads of tourists relaxing on the largest local beach - Maho.

Beaches on the island

Maho is one of the largest beaches for which the island of St. Martin is famous. Its description always begins with how tourists feel when passenger airliners arriving on the island fly 15-20 meters above their heads.

Largely for this reason, Maho is extremely popular among spotters - people who are interested in watching airplanes. The beach itself is small, its length is about 300 meters and its width is several tens of meters. In one of the eateries, they always announce the approach of the next plane through the loudspeaker. Also everywhere along the beach there are boards with the schedule of the nearest flights written in chalk.

Due to the fact that Maho is regularly exposed to strong air currents from airliners, it is completely devoid of vegetation. Also because of this, there are almost always strong waves on the coast, which, in turn, attracts windsurfers. Being in the central part of the beach when an airliner is landing is very dangerous - it is fraught with injuries (deaths are possible), which local administration employees constantly warn tourists about. After all, the wind speed at this time reaches 160 kilometers per hour. However, many deliberately ignore these warnings, wanting to experience the thrill.

In 2008, the island of St. Martin was heavily damaged by a hurricane. France did a lot to minimize the damage. Hurricane Omar washed away all the sand from it and had to be imported again.

Island attractions

The island has many attractions that attract tourists. For example, a butterfly farm. Under a special canopy, you can take a romantic walk accompanied by several hundred of these beautiful creatures. The cost of the excursion is low - about 12 dollars.

Also, tourists are attracted by the highest point of the island - Mount Paradise Peak. There are two observation platforms on it, each of which offers an unforgettable view of the Caribbean Sea and the island coast. To get to the island, they most often use a car, since the road is very steep and rocky. A bicycle or moped will not pass here.

The island is also popular among nudists. There are many beaches where clothing is optional. For example, on the Dutch side this is the Kupekoy beach, located at the very foot of the cliff. True, this is the only such place in the Netherlands; on any other beach you will definitely be fined.

On French territory, the favorite nudist beach is Papagayo. This is officially allowed here. On other beaches, those who want to sunbathe topless are most often treated tolerantly. Especially if it is a weekday and there are few visitors.

Football team

One of the most interesting and surprising facts is that the island has its own football team. True, she is not a member of FIFA, so she does not participate in qualifying matches for the World Cup. But he regularly plays in competitions held under the auspices of CONCACAF - the North and Central American Football Federation.

The last time the Saint Martin team tried to qualify for the CONCACAF Gold Cup was in 2012. To do this, it was necessary to perform successfully at the Caribbean Cup. However, in the group stage the team suffered three defeats - 0:7 from Haiti, 0:9 from Puerto Rico and 0:8 from Bermuda.

In general, the team is considered one of the weakest in CONCACAF. It has existed since 1994. At the moment, she has played 26 matches, 17 of which she lost. The guys managed to win in 6 meetings. The most successful year for the Saint Martin team was 2001, when it defeated the teams of Montserrat and Anguilla with a score of 3:1. These victories remain the largest in its history.

The biggest defeat to the Saint Martins was inflicted by the Jamaican team in 2004. The game ended with a score of 12:0.