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Ostankino tower. What is the height of the Ostankino Tower? Fire at the Ostankino TV tower

Overnight, the image of the tower became an inverted lily - a flower with strong petals and a thick stem. According to the original design, the tower had 4 supports, later, allegedly on the advice of P.L. Pasternak, their number was increased to 10 for reliability. There is also reason to believe that Nikitin borrowed the idea.

Today the Ostankino TV tower is fourth tallest building in the world after the Burj Dubai skyscraper under construction in Dubai (design height: 818 m), the KVLY-TV television and radio tower in Blanchard, USA (628 m) and the CN Tower in Toronto (553 m).

This spring the observation deck Ostankino TV tower reopened to the public, it was closed for almost 9 years after a fire in August 2000. By the way, which is typical, the renovation lasted longer than the construction, but more on that below.

The ground floor contains an exhibition on the history of the tower and a gallery of its creators.

Construction of the tower took place from 1963 to 1967, at that time the tower became the tallest structure in the world and held this level for a long time.

According to the design of chief designer Nikolai Nikitin, the tower became a kind of lotus flower placed on a bud made of glass and concrete, tied together with rope reinforcement.

A fragment of rope fittings exposed in the base of the tower.

The total height of the tower is 540 m, the height of the concrete part is 385 meters, followed by the mast.
The observation deck is located at an altitude of 337 m.

Upper mast with antennas and other equipment.

middle part

There is an observation deck in the center. Some segments of the observation deck have glass in the floor, allowing you to look straight down.

View through glass in the floor

On the right you can see a brown “box” with a passage to the tower

Powerful spotlights are installed in a triangle on the ground to illuminate the tower.

Observation deck gallery

Even “conveniences”. Perhaps this is an “amenity” with the longest vertical sewer pipe in the world.

The Ostankino Tower takes an honorable second place after the Canadian one in the list of the World Federation of Tall Towers

Height - 540 m (initially the height of the tower was 533 m, but then the flagpole was added).
Based on materials:

2. Walks around Moscow

The tower, which weighs more than 32 thousand tons, was erected on a monolithic circular reinforced concrete foundation with a width of 9.5 meters, a height of 3 meters and a diameter (circumscribed circle) of 74 meters. In the decagonal reinforced concrete strip of the foundation, using a system of ring-stressed reinforcement (it consists of 104 bundles, each bundle has 24 wires with a diameter of 5 millimeters each), a preliminary stress is created - each bundle is tensioned by hydraulic jacks with a force of about 60 tons.

The foundation is laid in the ground to a depth of 4.65 meters. It was assumed that it would settle by 3-3.5 centimeters. Nikitin suggested filling the pit under the tower with sand. Fine, well-sifted sand is so free-flowing that it flows almost like water. And its surface remains horizontal no matter what happens to the pit. A reinforced concrete ring with a diameter of 65 meters was placed on the sand - and the 533-meter Ostankino TV tower was erected on it. And it still stands perfectly straight to this day. The tower's stability against overturning has a six-fold margin. This greatly helped her survive the fire.

The tower itself is a thin-walled conical shell supported by ten reinforced concrete “legs” on the foundation banquettes. The diameter of the lower base of this shell is 60.6 meters, and at a height of 63 meters it is 18 meters. The upper part of the reinforced concrete shaft, starting from a height of 321 meters, is made in the form of a cylinder with an outer diameter of 8.1 meters. The thickness of the walls at the base of the tower is 500 millimeters.

In the center of the conical base, on a separate foundation (a round reinforced concrete slab with a diameter of 12 meters and a thickness of 1 meter), a reinforced concrete glass with a height of 63 meters and a diameter of 7.5 meters was erected. This glass contains high-speed elevators, power cables, communication cables, a shaft with water supply and sewer risers and an emergency steel staircase. The ends of the beams of fifteen interfloor ceilings rest on the glass, and a staircase runs between the glass and the conical base. The construction of separate foundations for two independent structures - the tower and the glass - allows different pressures to be transferred to the ground when they settle unevenly.

Under the influence of wind load, the upper part of the tower can oscillate, and the deflection of its top in strong winds can reach 10 meters. With winds that occur in Moscow quite often, on average once a week, visitors to observation decks and restaurants will feel the vibrations of the tower in approximately the same way as the rocking of a ship with an amplitude of 8 centimeters with a period of vibration of 10 seconds.

There is another “enemy” at the tower. This is the Sun. Due to one-sided heating, the trunk moves (from curvature) at the top by 2.25 meters, at the level of the observation platforms - by 0.72 meters. To reduce deformations from wind loads and from one-sided heating, 150 steel cables were stretched at a distance of 50 millimeters from the inner surface of the barrel. Their total tension force is 10,400 tons—this is the weight of an ocean-going steamer. The cables will take on tensile forces and protect the concrete from cracks, and, consequently, the reinforcement from corrosion.

Several metal antennas with a total height of 148 meters are installed on the reinforced concrete part of the tower. The antennas are made in the form of steel pipes. There are rigid diaphragms inside the pipes. A special elevator is used to service antennas up to a height of 470 meters. To inspect and dismantle vibrators, as well as periodically paint the steel structures of the antennas, 6 platforms with railings are installed and cradles are suspended.

During the construction of the tower, the latest advances in construction technology were widely used. A unique tower crane BK-1000 with a lifting capacity of 16 tons (with a boom reach of 45 meters) was used to assemble and install metal structures. The tower trunk was constructed using the world's only self-elevating unit weighing about 300 tons. Concrete was delivered to this unit by elevators.

At a separate site, sections of metal antennas were assembled using a SKG-100 crawler crane (with a lifting capacity of 100 tons). This was a control assembly. At the same time, equipment was mounted on the antennas and vibrators were installed. Then the antenna sections were disassembled again, and their individual parts - drawers - were transported by crane to the loading area at a height of 63 meters. Then, using a special crane installed on the tower trunk, the first drawers were lifted to the top of the tower and mounted so that they went 10 meters inside its trunk. And after that, the installation was carried out using a crawling crane.

The design of the architectural and construction part of the television tower was developed by the Central Scientific Research Institute of Experimental Buildings and Sports Facilities. Team of authors: design engineer N. Nikitin, architects D. Burdin, L. Batalov, V. Milashevsky, design engineer B. Zlobin, plumbing engineer T. Melik-Arakelyan. Separate parts of the project were developed by Mosproekt-1 and 19 other design organizations. The general design organization is GSPI of the USSR Ministry of Communications. The technological part of the project is carried out by a team of authors under the leadership of engineer I. Ostrovsky.

Antenna installation.

After control assembly and adjustment of the antennas on the stand, individual mounting elements (tsents) weighing up to 25 tons are transferred by a crawler crane to the operating area of ​​the ring crane. He lifts the drawer to the loading platform at a height of 63 m. An overhead crane, located at a height of 385 m, lifts the drawers to another transfer site located at a height of 370 meters. Then the self-lifting crane, moving along the mounted drawers, installs the newly arriving drawers on top of each other.

The last, topmost link is lifted by the crane from its middle. To maintain the vertical position of the link, its lower end is artificially weighted.

From a height of 385 m, the ring tracks of ground cranes are visible. In the foreground of the photo you can see a tarpaulin “skirt” with a rope frame. Behind it there are suspended scaffoldings, from which work is carried out to secure the outer formwork and inspect the outer surface of the concrete.

Inside the tower.

During the fire of 2000, many ropes broke due to overheating, but the tower survived and did not collapse in sections.

  • The height of the concrete part is 385 m.

  • The height of the base above sea level is 160 m.

  • The depth of the foundation does not exceed 4.6 m.

  • The mass of the tower together with the foundation is 51,400 tons.

  • The conical base of the structure rests on 10 supports; the average diameter between the legs is 65 m.

  • The ring sections of the tower barrel are compressed with 149 ropes.

  • The total volume of premises and high-rise buildings is 70,000 m³.

  • The usable area of ​​the tower premises is 15,000 m².

  • The maximum theoretical deflection of the tower top at maximum design wind speeds is 12 m.

  • The main observation deck is located at an altitude of 337 m.

On August 27, 2000, a fire occurred at the Ostankino TV tower, which killed three people; broadcasting of most Russian television channels to Moscow and the Moscow region was suspended . "Amateur" recalls the history of this tower.

The Ostankino TV Tower is a television and radio broadcasting tower that is the fourth tallest free-standing structure in the world. The height of the Ostankino TV tower is 540 meters. At first it was called “All-Union Radio and Television Transmitting Station named after. 50th anniversary of the USSR". The Ostankino Tower today covers an area inhabited by more than 15 million people.

The TV tower was built by order of the USSR Ministry of Communications

The TV tower was built by order of the USSR Ministry of Communications. The decision to build the tower was made in 1957; construction began in 1963, and it was completed in 1967. Soviet builders needed to build a structure of unprecedented height. At first they planned to build a steel tower based on the principle of a power line mast, but the architect and designer Nikolai Nikitin proposed a different solution. His version was a monolith made of prestressed concrete. Architect N.V. Nikitin came up with the design of the Ostankino Tower in one night, taking as a model an inverted lily flower - a thick stem turning into powerful supporting petals. In the first version, the building had only four supports, and then their number was increased to 10.

The weight of the Ostankino tower was distributed between the base and the trunk in a strict proportion of 1:3. The center of gravity is located at a height of 110 meters, the diameter of the foundation is 63 meters. A trunk of this height must be stable and flexible, but even during strong gusts of wind it must not deviate from the central axis by more than one meter. Such conditions could be ensured by a reliable, strong foundation, which was achieved by tightening the base and boom of the trunk with many steel ropes.

The weight of the tower was distributed in a strict proportion of 1:3

The following people took part in the construction of the tower: chief designer N.V. Nikitin, engineers M.A. Shkud and B.A. Zlobin, chief architect L.I. Batalov, as well as architects D.I. Burdin, M.A. Shkud and L. I. Shchipakin. The artistic embodiment of the tower project was architect Leonid Batalov, who headed workshop No. 7 of Mosproekt.

During the construction of the Ostankino Tower, another innovative find was used - a relatively shallow foundation. Typically, during the construction of such high-rise structures, a deep foundation was used as a counterweight, and for the Ostankino Tower it had a depth of 3.5 to 4.6 m, less than that of a conventional factory chimney. The structure had to rest mainly on the ground, gaining stability due to the multiple excess of the mass of the base over the mass of the mast structure.

When constructing the tower, a shallow foundation was used

Preliminary calculations showed that in a strong wind such a structure has practically no chance of surviving. According to Canadian builders who built a similar tower at home, the foundation must be at least 40 meters high. But Nikitin and his associates managed to successfully solve this problem.

True, it took him ten years to defend his project. Moreover, the critics were stopped not so much by the height of the future tower as by the lack of the usual powerful foundation. The designer argued that the balanced tension of the ropes located inside the tower would connect the entire structure into such a reliable system that it would not be afraid of even the strongest wind. Nikitin said: “A person has an even smaller area of ​​support on his feet, but he doesn’t fall.”

As a result, the project was approved, and on September 27, 1960, construction of the Ostankino Tower began. The construction was completed by raising the multi-ton base of a metal antenna similar to a spike, its size was 148 meters, this event took place on February 12, 1967. The safety margin of the Ostankino TV tower allows it to withstand an earthquake of 8 points on the Richter scale and hurricane winds of 44 meters per second. At the time of construction, the Ostankino TV Tower became the tallest building in the world. In 1970, the main participants in the construction of the TV tower in Moscow were awarded various high government awards.

The safety factor of the TV tower allows it to withstand an earthquake of 8 points

Nikolay Nikitin (Doctor of Technical Sciences, author of the tower design), Dmitry Burdin (chief architect of the project), Moisey Shkud (chief engineer of GSPI), Boris Zlobin - chief engineer of the TsNIIEP project, Lev Shchipakin - director of the research enterprise Proektpromstalkonstruktsiya were awarded the titles of Lenin Laureates awards.

The technical characteristics of the Ostankino tower are as follows: height - 522 m (with a flagpole - 540 m), base height above sea level - 160 m, foundation depth - 4.6 m, weight of the tower with foundation - 51,400 tons. The conical base of the tower has 10 supports , the average distance between supports is 65 m. The maximum theoretical deviation of the top of the tower is 12 m. The main observation deck of the Ostankino Tower is at a level of 337 meters. The supporting area of ​​the foundation is 2,037 square meters. m, and the total usable area of ​​the premises located in the tower is 15,000 sq. m. m.

Let's tell you a little more about the structure of the Ostankino Tower. Up to a height of 385 meters, it is built from pre-stressed concrete. At the 63-meter mark, the diameter narrows to 18 meters, and the upper edge of the concrete part is 7.5 meters thick. Inside the trunk, steel ropes are stretched from top to bottom around the circumference, each of which is stretched with a force of 70 tons. The body of the Ostankino tower is compressed with a force of 10,500 tons, which reliably protects it from destructive external influences.

There are a total of seven elevators in the tower, but only five are currently operational. The speed of the elevators automatically changes depending on the signals from sensors that control the amplitude of the tower's deflection. Electricity is supplied to the elevator cabin by a contactless inductive method using the transformer principle. For this purpose, current collectors are attached to the elevator car, and elements of inductive energy transmission are located in the shaft.

At a level of 337 meters there is a circular observation hall, fenced with glass - from here a breathtaking panorama of Moscow opens. Before a fire broke out in the tower in 2000, the famous Seventh Heaven restaurant was located at an altitude of 328-334 m. It was located on three floors (gold, silver and bronze), each of which made circular rotations around its axis at a speed of one to two revolutions every 40 minutes. Over the course of 30 years, more than 10 million people have visited this restaurant and observation deck.

The building of the excursion building houses the Royal Concert Hall, as well as the directorate of the Moscow regional center of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting Network”. As a rule, the hall hosts concerts, various theatrical performances, conferences and seminars. The total number of seats in the hall is 750, of which 385 are in the stalls and 392 in the amphitheater.

The creators of the Ostankino TV tower prophesied its life for 300 years, and indeed, it withstood two severe hurricanes, but the fire that started on August 27, 2000 caused enormous damage to it. The outbreak was located at a level of 460 meters, three floors of the tower were completely burned out. During the liquidation of the disaster, three people died: fire crew commander Vladimir Arsyukov, who decided to personally climb to the height of the fire, elevator operator Svetlana Loseva, whom he ordered to go with him, and repairman Alexander Shipilin.

The creators of the Ostankino TV tower prophesied its life of 300 years

Feeders (transmission line, transfer line, electrical device through which the directional propagation of electromagnetic waves from source to consumer), which had external polyethylene shells, burned with great intensity. Burning drops of polyethylene falling down contributed to the outbreak of fires at other levels. When the temperature rose to approximately 1000 degrees Celsius, burning parts of the feeders began to fall down. Firefighters tried to isolate the lower areas with asbestos sheets, but the protruding structures of the Ostankino tower left gaps in them, through which the molten mass still fell down.

The total damage caused to the structure was as follows: out of 150 ropes of prestressed reinforcement, 121 were damaged, the elevator facilities were completely out of order, the power supply, ventilation, air conditioning, heat and water supply, communications and alarm systems were disrupted.

The restoration of the Ostankino Tower took seven years. As a result, the structure was again strengthened with cables, non-flammable cables were laid inside, elevators that could withstand very high temperatures, as well as other modern equipment were installed.

The observation deck was completely refurbished in January 2009 and opened for pilot tours in March. Now one-hour tours of the Ostankino TV tower are held daily. On weekends, ticket prices are higher than on weekdays. According to the requirements put forward by the Ministry of Emergency Situations, excursion groups can include more than 30 people. Of the three restaurants, only one is still open.

In the future, it is planned to increase the height of the Ostankino TV tower to 560 meters, thereby making it the tallest television structure in the world.

There are many interesting facts associated with the Ostankino Tower. Races are held along its stairs to a height of 337 meters. And on the 40th anniversary of the tower, base jumpers made their dizzying jumps from it. BASE jumping is one of the most dangerous extreme sports. Its name comes from the English abbreviation B.A.S.E - the first letters of the words building (building), antenna (antenna), span (bridge), earth (in this case - natural relief). It is from these four types of objects that basers jump. Jumping from buildings is the second most dangerous. The Ostankino TV Tower is also mentioned in literary works.

The Ostankino TV Tower is one of the most important architectural landmarks of Moscow and a symbol of Russian television. Thanks to this grandiose structure, television broadcasts are broadcast to almost the entire country. In terms of technical equipment, broadcasting power and some other characteristics, the television tower has no equal. In addition, it is considered the tallest building in Europe.

general characteristics

The area in Ostankino is more than 15 thousand square meters. meters. There is a whole complex of television studios, circular platforms and balconies. The volume of the tower is about 70 thousand cubic meters. The building consists of 45 floors. The height of the Ostankino TV tower is 540 meters. It ranks eighth in the world in terms of tallest free-standing buildings (currently the Burj Khalifa in Dubai). The first name of the tower is “All-Union transmitting radio and television station named after the 50th anniversary of the October Revolution.”

History of construction

Constant television broadcasting in the Soviet Union began in 1939. Initially, signal transmission was carried out using equipment that was located in (Shablovka). However, the increase in the volume and quality of broadcasting after World War II necessitated the construction of another television tower. At first it was built near Shukhovskaya, but soon the construction of a more modern television tower was still required.

The development of the project for the television and radio station in Ostankino was carried out by the Mosproekt organization. Construction of the Ostankino TV tower began in 1960. True, it was stopped very soon due to uncertainty that the foundation of the structure was designed reliably enough. Subsequently, the design of the television tower was entrusted to the Central Research Institute for the Design of Sports Buildings and Entertainment Facilities.

The design of the tower in Ostankino was invented by designer Nikitin in just one night. He chose an inverted lily as the prototype for the design - a flower with a thick stem and strong petals. According to the original plan, the tower was supposed to have 4 supports, but later, on the recommendation of the German engineer Fritz Leonhard (creator of the first concrete television tower on the planet), their number was increased to ten. The chief architect of the Ostankino TV tower, Leonid Ilyich Batalov, also supported the idea of ​​increasing the number of supports.

The final design of the building was approved in 1963. Its authors were architects Burdin and Batalov, as well as designer Nikitin. The specialists decided to significantly modify the previous project; in particular, the amount of equipment placed in the tower and its height were increased. Construction of the Ostankino TV tower took place from 1963 to 1967. In total, more than 40 different organizations took part in the construction of the television station. At that time, the Ostankino TV tower became the tallest building not only in Europe, but throughout the world.

Start of operation of the TV tower

The first broadcast of television programs from the Ostankino Tower was made in 1967. Despite the fact that this year the construction of the Ostankino tower was completed and the structure was officially accepted into operation, its refinement was carried out throughout the year. As a result, the first broadcast of a color image took place already in 1968. A 3-story restaurant with the symbolic name “Seventh Heaven” was also created in the tower. Most of the engineers who took part in the creation of this grandiose television center were awarded the Lenin Prize.

The meaning of telecentre

The Ostankino TV Tower became a unique structure of that time, having no analogues. In addition to the fact that for a long time it remained the tallest building in the world, its technical characteristics were truly impressive. After the completion of the tower, approximately 10 million people lived in the transmitter operating area, but now the television center covers an area with a population of more than 15 million people.

The station's equipment made it possible to simultaneously record from several different objects and broadcast. A special mission fell to the tower in Ostankino during the 1980 Olympics. They even placed special equipment for the CNN news channel here.

Meanwhile, the television tower had other functions that were no less important. Its building housed a meteorological observatory, which was managed by the main meteorological center of the Soviet Union. The Ostankino station also provided television and radio communications between the country's main government agencies.

tourist attraction

Very soon the television center turned into one of the most popular tourist attractions in the capital. In 1982, a building was built near the tower that provided excursion activities. There was also a modern meeting room for 800 people. The Seventh Heaven restaurant has also improved. It is worth noting that it is located at an altitude of 334 meters (which is approximately the 112th floor of a residential building) and occupies three whole floors. Its windows offer an amazing view of Moscow. The peculiarity of the establishment is that it makes slow movements around its axis at a speed of one to three revolutions in 40-50 minutes. True, Seventh Heaven is currently closed for reconstruction, and nothing is known about the timing of its completion.

Unique panoramic platform

Meanwhile, most tourists are attracted by the observation deck of the Ostankino TV tower. In particular, there are four of them in the television center: open at an altitude of 337 meters and closed - 340 meters, as well as two lower ones at 147 and 269 meters. They work only in the warm season - from May to October. A tour group is usually limited to 70 visitors. The TV tower has 7 levels. The panoramic platform is located at the very last one. To better see all the interesting objects in the vicinity of the television center, tourists can also use binoculars. If the weather is good, you can see not only the capital, but also the surrounding Moscow region. It is worth noting that the floor on the observation deck is completely transparent (made of durable glass), which definitely stimulates the flow of an impressive dose of adrenaline into the blood of visitors. An excursion to the Ostankino TV tower is a truly impressive and spectacular event. It is noteworthy that over the 30 years of operation of the tower, more than 10,000,000 guests managed to visit it.

Visiting rules

Since July 2013, excursions to the Ostankino Television Center have been temporarily suspended due to reconstruction work. But at the moment, two observation platforms (337 and 340 meters) are again open to tourists! Please note: only tourists aged 7 to 70 years are allowed on the tour. Late pregnant women are also not advised to visit the tower. The tower management also prohibits visually impaired people or those who use a wheelchair or crutches from climbing to the observation decks.

Telecentre design

The observation deck of the Ostankino TV Tower undoubtedly deserves increased attention, but I would like to separately mention the design of the tower. This is, in fact, a huge elongated cone, the walls of which are made of metal-reinforced monolithic concrete. The roof of the television center is supported by 149 ropes, which are attached to the wall of the tower. In the center of this cone there are shafts for cables, stairs, elevators and pipelines. By the way, the building has seven elevators, four of which are high-speed. Not counting the foundation, the weight of the TV tower structures is approximately 32 thousand tons. The weight of the structure including the foundation is 55 thousand tons. The usable area of ​​the premises in the tower is 15,000 sq. m. m. At the maximum calculated value, the Ostankino TV tower (Moscow), or rather its top (spire), can theoretically deviate by 12 meters.

Technical rooms are isolated from visitors and have a separate entrance. The hall where all the main transmitters are located is located on the fifth floor. On the floor above there are technical rooms. Television center personnel are protected from powerful electromagnetic radiation using screens made of special materials.

Modern elevators

The television center houses four high-speed elevators that can reach speeds of up to 7 m per second. The last of them was launched in 2006. In particular, the observation deck, which is located at an altitude of 337 meters, can be reached in 58 seconds.

Fire at the Ostankino TV tower

in 2000, the television tower experienced a severe fire that took the lives of three people. After the disaster, Moscow and the Moscow region were left without television broadcasting for several days. The fire initially broke out at an altitude of 460 meters. As a result of the disaster, three floors were completely burned. Due to the high temperature of the flame, several dozen cables that provided prestressing of the concrete structures burst, but, contrary to fears, the structure still stood. This was another indisputable proof that the architect of the Ostankino TV tower and all the other specialists who worked on the building project were real geniuses. Later, all these cables were successfully restored.

According to firefighters, it was very difficult to extinguish the fire. In the process of extinguishing the fire, the fire department commander, Vladimir Arsyukov, died. He decided to climb to the source of the fire himself and gave the command to elevator operator Svetlana Loseva to go to a height of 460 meters with him. As a result, they both died. Another dead man was mechanic Alexander Shipilin.

According to experts, the cause of the fire was network overload. However, the equipment was installed in the shortest possible time, and broadcasting was also resumed at the same level. After the fire, large-scale construction and repair work had to be carried out to improve the territory and premises where excursions were held. By February 2008, everything had been restored and improved. After the disaster, the excursion to the Ostankino TV tower was now carried out in compliance with special requirements: the number of participants should not exceed 40 people.

Sports events

Concert hall

In the building of the excursion building of the Ostankino television center there is a concert hall “Royal”. As part of the excursion program, this room is used as a cinema hall to show films about the TV tower and Russian television. The Royal also now hosts many concerts, conferences, performances and other events.

An incredible monument to the era

The Ostankino television tower and all its equipment are constantly being improved. Due to the installation of several additional antennas, its height is now more than 560 meters (note that according to the original plan, its height was 520 meters). In our time, a television center is used for its main purpose - to receive and transmit various radio signals and as a place to house television studios for a large number of programs.

In addition, the Ostankino TV Tower (the photo of this structure is admirable) is the most important tourist attraction in the capital. A tour of the television center is something truly unforgettable. The overview of Moscow and its surroundings from the observation deck will be remembered for a lifetime.

The television center in Ostankino is rightfully considered a symbol of Russian television and one of the most amazing buildings on the planet.

The Ostankino TV tower was put into operation on April 30, 1967 and very quickly became one of the landmarks of the capital and one of its symbols. Next, we offer a look at how the construction of this unique structure, once considered the tallest building in the world, proceeded.

The design of the architectural and construction part of the television tower was developed by the Central Scientific Research Institute of Experimental Buildings and Sports Facilities. Team of authors: design engineer N. Nikitin, architects D. Burdin, L. Batalov, V. Milashevsky, design engineer B. Zlobin, plumbing engineer T. Melik-Arakelyan. Separate parts of the project were developed by Mosproekt-1 and 19 other design organizations. The general design organization is GSPI of the USSR Ministry of Communications. The technological part of the project is carried out by a team of authors under the leadership of engineer I. Ostrovsky.

The tower, which weighs more than 32 thousand tons, was erected on a monolithic circular reinforced concrete foundation with a width of 9.5 meters, a height of 3 meters and a diameter (circumscribed circle) of 74 meters. In the decagonal reinforced concrete strip of the foundation, using a system of ring-stressed reinforcement (it consists of 104 bundles, each bundle has 24 wires with a diameter of 5 millimeters each), a preliminary stress is created - each bundle is tensioned with hydraulic jacks with a force of about 60 tons.

The foundation is laid in the ground to a depth of 4.65 meters. It was assumed that it would settle by 3-3.5 centimeters. The tower's stability against overturning has a six-fold margin.

The reinforced concrete support of the entire structure is a thin-walled conical shell supported by ten reinforced concrete “legs” on the foundation benches. The diameter of the lower base of this shell is 60.6 meters, and at a height of 63 meters it is 18 meters. The upper part of the reinforced concrete shaft, starting from a height of 321 meters, is made in the form of a cylinder with an outer diameter of 8.1 meters. The thickness of the walls at the base of the tower is 50 cm.

In the center of the conical base, on a separate foundation (a round reinforced concrete slab with a diameter of 12 meters and a thickness of 1 meter), a reinforced concrete glass with a height of 63 meters and a diameter of 7.5 meters was erected. This glass contains high-speed elevators, power cables, communication cables, a shaft with water supply and sewer risers and an emergency steel staircase. The ends of the beams of fifteen interfloor ceilings rest on the glass; a staircase runs between the glass and the conical base. The construction of separate foundations for two independent structures - the tower and the glass - allows different pressures to be transferred to the ground when they are unevenly settled.

Under the influence of wind load, the upper part of the tower can oscillate, and the deflection of its top in strong winds can reach 10 meters. With winds that occur in Moscow quite often, on average once a week, visitors to observation decks and restaurants will feel the vibrations of the tower in approximately the same way as the rocking of a ship with an amplitude of 8 centimeters with a period of vibration of 10 seconds.

There is another “enemy” at the tower. This is the Sun. Due to one-sided heating, the trunk moves (from curvature) at the top by 2.25 meters, and at the level of the observation platforms - by 0.72 meters. To reduce deformations from wind loads and from one-sided heating, 150 steel cables were stretched at a distance of 50 millimeters from the inner surface of the barrel. Their total tension force is 10,400 tons, which is the weight of an ocean-going steamer. The cables will take on tensile forces and protect the concrete from cracks, and, consequently, the reinforcement from corrosion.

Several metal antennas with a total height of 148 meters are installed on the reinforced concrete part of the tower. The antennas are made in the form of steel pipes. There are rigid diaphragms inside the pipes. A special elevator is used to service antennas up to a height of 470 meters. To inspect and dismantle vibrators, as well as periodically paint the steel structures of the antennas, 6 platforms with railings are installed and cradles are suspended.

During the construction of the tower, the latest advances in construction technology were widely used. A unique tower crane BK-1000 with a lifting capacity of 16 tons (with a boom reach of 45 meters) was used to assemble and install metal structures. The tower trunk was constructed using the world's only self-elevating unit weighing about 300 tons. Concrete was delivered to this unit by elevators.

At a separate site, sections of metal antennas were assembled using a SKG-100 crawler crane (with a lifting capacity of 100 tons). This was a control assembly. At the same time, equipment was mounted on the antennas and vibrators were installed. Then the antenna sections were disassembled again, and their individual parts - drawers - were transported by crane to the loading area at a height of 63 meters. Then, using a special crane installed on the tower trunk, the first drawers were lifted to the top of the tower and mounted so that they went 10 meters inside its trunk. And after that, the installation was carried out using a crawling crane.

After control assembly and adjustment of the antennas on the stand, individual mounting elements (tsents) weighing up to 25 tons are transferred by a crawler crane to the operating area of ​​the ring crane. It lifts the drawer to a loading platform at a height of 63 m. An overhead crane, located at a height of 385 m, lifts the drawers to another transfer platform, located at a height of 370 m. Then the self-lifting crane, moving along the mounted drawers, installs the newly arriving drawers on top of each other.

The last, topmost link is lifted by the crane from its middle. To maintain the vertical position of the link, its lower end is artificially weighted.

From a height of 385 m, the ring tracks of ground cranes are visible. In the foreground of the photo you can see a tarpaulin “skirt” with a rope frame. Behind it there are suspended scaffolds from which work is carried out to secure the outer formwork and inspect the outer surface of the concrete.

The Seventh Heaven restaurant at an altitude of 337 meters is ready to receive guests, 1967.

Workers service the high-speed elevator at the Ostankino TV tower, 1982.

On August 27, 2000, a fire occurred in the tower at an altitude of 460 m - then 3 floors were completely burned out. The premises were restored by 2008.

Over the 30 years of the tower’s existence, the observation deck and the Seventh Heaven restaurant have been visited by more than 10 million people.

Observation deck of the Ostankino TV tower.

View of Moscow from the observation deck of the Ostankino TV tower.

Everyone has tried to build towers. Some made from sand, some from bricks, some using construction sets. And I’ve probably seen more than once that it’s not so easy to build a tall tower, and even to have it stand for a long time.

Engineer N. Nikitin and architects L. Batalov and D. Burdin managed to build a very high tower, strong and reliable. They built it not from a construction set, and certainly not from sand, but from concrete; during construction, they used the idea of ​​​​creating a vanka-stand, that is, for stability, the tower has a recess and there is a load there.

Such a tall tower (540 meters) took a total of four years to build, with more than 40 design and research institutes and dozens of construction organizations involved. The weight of the tower is enormous - 51,400 tons (mainly concrete and reinforcement).

The project provides for the maximum possible deviation of the top of the tower from the vertical by 12 meters. If you follow all the rules for operating the tower, it can last 300 years.

Why was such a structure created? Just for beauty? No. Nowadays you won’t surprise anyone with TV. It is found in almost every house and every apartment. And in the last century, television was a rarity.

First, in 1922, the Shukhov television tower was built in the Soviet Union.

But when the rapid development of television began in the country, the tower could no longer cope with the transmission of the television signal. It was not possible to complete the Shukhov Tower. Thus, the need arose to build a new, taller television tower.

The modern Ostankino Tower is unique not only in its design, but also in the tasks it performs.

This includes broadcasting radio and television programs to a multimillion-dollar audience of television viewers and radio listeners, and the work of the meteorological center, which received a high-altitude weather station with the most modern set of measuring instruments.

Muscovites and tourists love to come here.

There are 7 levels on the Ostankino TV tower. At an altitude of approximately 350 meters there is an observation deck. There are two more sites at 147 and 269 meters. From the observation deck on the seventh level you can see the whole of Moscow and even the nearest Moscow region.

In good weather, the viewing radius is approximately 60 km. There are binoculars and telescopes on site. Part of the floor is made of especially durable glass - during the excursion you get the feeling of freely “floating” in the air.

There is a project to increase the height of the tower to 557 meters and then the Ostankino tower will become the tallest in the world.

Why was the Ostankino Tower built?

Ostankino tower was built in 1960-1967. in Moscow as a center for television and radio broadcasting. It is assumed that it has an antenna installed on it, which receives and transmits television and radio signals over long distances, in other words, without such a tower, Moscow residents could not watch TV.

Features of the Ostankino television tower
The total height of the Ostankino tower is about 540 m, today it is the tallest building in Europe and the second largest in the world (first of all, it is the television tower in Canada - 550 m). The tower was built according to the design of engineer N.V. Nikitin and architects L.I. Batalov, D.I. Burdin. Like the Eiffel Tower in Paris, Ostankino was built from reinforced concrete and metal. Such a large structure weighs about 55 thousand tons!

To be more stable, a special recess in the tower is weighty, but still the vibration amplitude with the bell reaches 5m. The tower can pass 14 point wind, which is in a strong hurricane. In working conditions it can be 300 years.

What's inside the tower

The entire building is divided into the eleventh level.

At lower levels there are studios for various television channels. Television shows broadcast on national channels are recorded here.

On the seventh level, at an altitude of 337 meters, there is an observation deck and the Seventh Heavenly restaurant with three rotating rooms. The observation deck offers a breathtaking bird's eye view of Moscow.

In clear weather, using binoculars, you can clearly see what is within a 60 km radius around the tower. The next four levels are television equipment, antennas and transformers.

The tower also has time-keeping instruments to receive VHF signals. The building has four fast elevators where you can quickly rise to any height and compete every year to climb the stairs to the observation deck.

Ostankino tower

Ostankino TV Tower - an exceptional creation of the 20th century

This is a television and radio tower located in Moscow. The tower was built in 1968 at VDNKh in Ostankino with a height of 540 meters, almost 300 meters above the Moscow State University building on the Lenin Hills and 215 meters above the Eiffel Tower in Paris.

It is the second largest building in the world on the CN Tower in Toronto. Ostankino TV Tower is a full member of the International Association of High Heights Councils.

Chief engineer - Nikolai Nikitin. Architects - L. Batalov and D.

Burdin. The tower was built from 1963 to 1967. At that time it was the largest building in the world.

The Ostankino TV tower was created at the request of the USSR Ministry of Communications. The original plan was to build a telescope-type steel tower with a longer horizontal arm.

Designer Nikitin proposed an unexpected design. Its tower is a monolith of prestressed concrete. The builders had to first raise the reinforced concrete structure to great heights in the sky. The silhouette of the tower appeared to Nikitin in the form of a lilac flower with a strong stem and four trusted leaflets facing down.

Construction of the tower lasted 4 years. The establishment included more than 40 design and research institutes, dozens of construction and installation organizations, enterprises producing non-standard equipment from various ministries and government services.

On November 5, 1967, an act of the State Commission was signed on the entry into operation of the first stage of construction of the tower. The Ostankino television tower began broadcasting four television and three programs. It is equipped with powerful Uragan-1 and Uragan-3 and Len-8 and Len-11 transmitters, which provide reliable reception of programs at a distance of 120 km from the tower.

Until this day, there are almost two months until two gas stations are operating - Shabolovka and Ostankino, until everyone who receives antennas on the roofs of houses in Moscow has turned towards the Ostankino television tower. But in fact, construction on the television tower continued until December 26, 1968, when the act was signed by the state commission for commissioning the second stage of construction.

Meanwhile, in addition to the existing ones, the fifth Ladoga-33 television transmitter and three FM-VHF FM transmitters have already been put into operation. The Hurricane transmitter of Channel 1 began broadcasting a color image. Finishing work has been completed on three floors of the Seventh Paradise restaurant.

The first tourists went to the tower.

In the Ostankino column there are many programs and channels for television and radio antennas of television programs and radio stations. Laboratories and halls occupy three quarters of all internal spaces. The trunk of the Ostankino television tower also has water, sewerage and telephone lines. Seven huge elevators, including 4 high-speed elevators, take passengers higher. At an altitude of 337 meters there is a round observation deck surrounded by glass, from which a panorama of Moscow opens.

Below the viewing platform is the "Seventh Heavenly" restaurant with three rooms located below the other. The tables in the halls stand on a round platform with glass fences. The slowly rotating platform is an hour after an hour.

TV tower structure:

  • Height 540 m (initially the height of the tower was 533 m, then the flag was completed).
  • The height of the concrete part is 385 m.
  • The height of the base above sea level is 160 m.
  • The depth of the base does not exceed 4.6 m.
  • The weight of the tower together with the base is 51.4 thousand tons.
  • The conical base of the structure is on 10 supports; The average diameter between legs is 60 m.
  • The ring parts of the tower are glued together with 149 ropes.
  • The total volume of buildings and high-rise buildings is 70,000 m.
  • The useful area of ​​the tower is 15,000 m.
  • The largest theoretical deflection of the top of the tower at the highest wind design is 12 m.
  • The main observation deck is located at an altitude of 337 m.
  • The tower has 5 freight and 4 passenger elevators.

The fire was at an altitude of 460 m. 3 floors were completely burned. Before this, no one thought about how the Ostankino tower was.

Well, an antenna and an antenna. But after the fire, when part of the population lost not only their source of information, but also their free time, people suddenly noticed that there were no towers.

During the fire, several dozen cables passed through from the fire, which placed a pre-load on the concrete structure of the tower, but in contrast to justified fears there was a tower.

In the process of extinguishing the fire, fire commander Vladimir Arsyukova, elevator operator Svetlana Loseva and assistant engineer Alexander Shipilin were killed.

After a fire in 2000, plans were made to renovate the tower along with renovations and once again become the tallest in the world.

In November 2007, the Ostankino Tower turned 40 years old.

Ostankino TV tower

Today I want to tell you about the Ostankino TV tower and, most importantly, show it in all its glory.

After all, probably each of us has heard about this famous building across the country at least once. The Ostankino Tower is located in the center of the Russian capital, Moscow. Now the Ostankino Tower creates an honorable fifth place at the level of independent structures.

1. And it began on July 15, 1955, the government decided to create a program television and radio center, the design of such a large center was not limited to the construction of a “big” tower, since the project included the construction of eleven studios and a powerful television station with new radio and television sensors.

Thus, construction began on September 27, 1960, but construction soon stopped due to "lack of confidence" in the reliability of the tower's foundations.

2. And so the final design was founded in 1963 and it looked like this: the tower is the shape of an inverted lily, initially it was going to put 4 petals on the tower with a fairly shallow base, and then the amount of support was increased to 10.

The building is made of special reinforced concrete (it is more resistant to cracks and more resistant to deflections), which is compressed by strong cables. The author of the Ostankino Tower is the talented architect and designer Nikitin Nikolai Vasilievich.

3. Nikitin came up with a complete grandiose project for the remains of the tower in one night. The remains of the Ostankino tower are located at a depth of only 4.6 meters at the base.

The stability of the tower is ensured by the multiple excess weight of the base over the weight of the lifting part. The Ostankino Tower is a truly unique pearl of Soviet architecture. During construction, the Ostankino Tower was the tallest building in the world.

By the way, the building on the Ostankino Tower 288 meters away is the Burj Khalifa.


Some features:

  • The height of the tower is 540 meters.
  • The volume of the entire structure is 70,000 cubic meters.
  • The total weight of the tower is 51.4 thousand tons.
  • The useful area of ​​the tower is 15,000 m².
  • Theoretically, the largest peak of the tower can deviate by 12 meters.
  • The open viewing platform is located at an altitude of 340 meters.
  • The closed area is 337 meters.
  • There are 5 elevators at the top of the tower, 4 of which are high speed.

The construction of the tower took 4 years, the tower was completed in 1967, but there is still one year left to decorate the tower. During construction, the tower's sensor population included 10 million residents, and the television tower has now expanded to 15 million people.

Now the tower broadcasts all the largest television channels in the country, such as Channel One, Russia 1, Russia 2, STS and others.

6. Ostanka Tower - Moscow tourist center. Of course, the main task of the tower is to perform the functions of television and radio stations, but not only. The tower has a conference hall for 800 people, and the main and most popular place in the tower is the Seventh Heaven restaurant.

The restaurant is located at an altitude of 328-334 meters and occupies three floors. A special feature of the restaurant is the fact that the restaurant makes circular movements around its axis; one deviation takes about 40 minutes.

The restaurant leaves an unforgettable impression! After all, with glasses in a restaurant, Moscow is visible because it is in the palm of your hand.

8. Unfortunately, the restaurant is not open as it was during reconstruction. The fact is that in 2000 the tower was on foot and was almost completely destroyed.

Today the Ostankino TV Tower does not lose popularity and is even very interested in tourists. The tower has an unusual competition, a race to a height of 337 meters. Recording continues uninterrupted for 11 minutes and 55 seconds.

10. One of the attractions of Moscow is the Ostankino Tower. Also worth a look is the Sydney TV Tower.