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About Armenia. Full description of Armenia In what part of the continent is Armenia located?

Armenia is a landlocked country in Transcaucasia. It is located in the north-west of the Armenian Highlands, also called historical Armenia, between the Black and Caspian seas, framed from the north and east by the ridges of the Lesser Caucasus. It borders with Georgia, Azerbaijan, the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, Iran and Turkey.

This article refers to modern Armenia, however, it is worth noting that Armenia often refers to the territories of the Armenian Highlands and Cilicia, which have been inhabited by Armenians since ancient times, but are currently part of Turkey. Armenians lived in these places for thousands of years until, as a result of the genocide policy launched by the Turkish authorities in 1915, the Armenian population was destroyed or expelled from this land. In addition to many historical monuments (the monastery on the island of Akhtamar, the ruins of Ani - the ancient capital of Armenia, etc.), Mount Ararat - one of the symbols of the Armenian people - also remains on the territory of Turkey.

Armenia is located in the Transcaucasus south of Russia between the Black and Caspian seas, occupying most of the area between the Kura and Araks rivers. The greatest length from northwest to southeast is 360 km, and from west to east - 200 km. The straight line distance to the Caspian Sea is 75 km, to the Black Sea - 145 km, from the Persian Gulf - 960 km.

Armenia borders in the north with Georgia, in the east with Azerbaijan and the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, in the south with Iran, in the southwest with the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic (as part of Azerbaijan), in the west with Turkey. The total length of the borders is 1254 km.


Armenia is the highest mountainous country in Transcaucasia. Over 90% of its territory, amounting to approximately 29,800 km2, is located at an altitude of more than 1000 m, about half is at an altitude of more than 2000 meters, and only 3% of the territories lie below 650 m. The lowest points of the relief are in the valleys of the Araks rivers ( in the south of the country) and Debed (in the northeast), their height above sea level is 380 and 430 m, respectively. The highest point, Mount Aragats, rises 4095 m above sea level.

Armenia is located in the northeast of the Armenian Highlands. The Lesser Caucasus mountain ranges bordering the country cover the north of Armenia, stretch to the southeast, between Lake Sevan and the border with Azerbaijan, then to the south, approximately along the Armenian-Azerbaijani border, all the way to Iran. Here the relief consists of medium-high mountain ranges separated by deep valleys, many of which are deep gorges. Thus, the mountains make communication between the north and south of the country very difficult. To the southwest of the Caucasus mountain ranges, the Eastern Armenian volcanic plateau begins, occupying about a third of the country's territory. It extends from the Javakheti Highlands in the northwest to the Karabakh Highlands in the southeast. Here, the dissection and slopes of the relief are relatively small; the main forms of relief are lava plateaus, erosion valleys, volcanic ridges (Gegham, Vardenis) and massifs. The largest of the latter, Aragats, is the highest point in Armenia.

To the south of the volcanic massif is the northern part of the Central Araks intermountain depression - the Ararat Basin, stretching east from the mouth of the Akhuryan River along the Araks River. The left bank part of the basin is located on the territory of Armenia.

It starts from the southern extremities of the volcanic plateau at an altitude of 1000-1400 m, with a slight slope it descends to the Araks, forming the wide Ararat Plain at an altitude of 800-900 m.

The south of the country is an area of ​​folded block mountains and deep river valleys. The characteristic features of the relief of this area are the high altitude of the ridges (the Zangezur ridge is the highest in the Lesser Caucasus), deep and dense dissection of the relief, pronounced altitudinal zonation and sparse vegetation.


On the territory of Armenia, 565 deposits of 60 types of minerals are known: there are deposits of all types of usable metals - ferrous (Fe, Mn, Cr), rare (Ti, Ni, W, Mo, Re), dispersed (Bi, Hg), non-ferrous (Cu , Pb, Al, Zn, Mg), precious (Au, Ag, Pt), as well as non-metallic minerals.

Among non-metallic minerals, the most significant are natural stones: tuffs, basalts, pumice, marble, onyx, etc.


The temperature in Armenia depends mainly on the altitude above sea level. The mountains block the climatic influence of the Mediterranean and Black Sea, creating wide seasonal temperature fluctuations. In the Armenian Highlands, the average winter temperature is about 0 C and the average summer temperature exceeds 25 C. The average precipitation ranges from 250 millimeters per year in the lowest places above sea level in Armenia, that is, in the Araks River valley, to 800 millimeters per year in the highest points of Armenia. Despite the harsh winters, the abundance of volcanic soil made Armenia one of the earliest places of agricultural activity.

Water resources

The territory of Armenia belongs to the Kura and Araks basins. The Araks, the largest river in the country, the basin of which accounts for 76% of its area, forms the state border with Iran and most of the border with Turkey. Its largest tributaries are the border Akhuryan, flowing from Sevan Hrazdan, as well as the rivers Sevjur with Kasakh, Azat, Arpa, Vorotan, Voghchi. The northeastern part of the country mainly belongs to the basins of the Kura tributaries, the largest of which are the Debed and Agstev rivers.

Crossing mountain ranges, the valleys of these two rivers form the main routes connecting the center of the country with the north.

Of the total share of precipitation (15,000-18,000 million m3), 2/3 evaporates, and only 1/3 forms ground or underground runoff. The flow in different areas of the country is uneven: due to the porosity of volcanic rocks, underground flow predominates in areas with volcanic relief, while surface flow predominates in folded areas.

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Armenia is located in the southern part of Transcaucasia. Geographical region – Western Asia and the northeast of the Armenian Highlands.

It has no access to the sea. Administratively, Armenia consists of 10 regions, 48 ​​cities and more than 900 communities, mostly rural.

Largest cities: Gyumri, Vanadzor, Hrazdan, Armavir, Artashat, Kypan.

Capital of Armenia- Yerevan city.

Borders and area of ​​Armenia

Common borders with Georgia, Azerbaijan, Turkey and Iran.

Area – 29,800 square kilometers.

Armenia Map


Population of Armenia

3.25 million people. The majority (93%) are Armenians. Kurds (56 thousand), Russians (15 thousand), and other nationalities also live on the territory of Armenia. 69% are urban population.


The official language is Armenian. Russian is also spoken everywhere.


The majority of the population professes Christianity and are followers of the Armenian Apostolic Church.


The official currency is the Armenian dram. The change coins are called “luma”.

Medical care and insurance

The range of medications in pharmacies is poor, so stock up on the necessary medications before your trip.

Mains voltage

220 volt. Frequency 50 Hz.

International dialing code of Armenia

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Armenia on a geographical map

Note 1

The state is located in the northeast of the Armenian Highlands in Transcaucasia, between the Black and Caspian seas, but has no direct access to them.

Armenia's neighbors are:

  • Azerbaijan,
  • Georgia,
  • Iran,
  • Türkiye,
  • Nagorno-Karabakh Republic.

This state appeared on the Armenian Highlands in the second millennium BC. The region from the Kura River to the upper reaches of the Tigris and Euphrates was called Armenia. Later, Armenia became part of Media, and then became part of the Achaemenid Empire.

Armenia has not existed as an independent state since the 13th century. For four hundred years it was under the rule of the Persians and Turks, and its eastern lands became part of the Russian Empire in 1828. The western lands are under Turkish rule.

The 19th century became a testing period for the Armenians, when the Turkish authorities persecuted them, accusing the Armenians of wanting to unite with Russia. This difficult period of history for Armenians is called the “genocide of the Armenian people.”

Western lands were conquered from the Turks in 1920 and the country, called the Armenian SSR, became part of the Transcaucasian SFSR. Since 1936, Armenia was part of the USSR as one of the 15 union republics.

With the collapse of the Union, disagreements with Azerbaijan over Nagorno-Karabakh resurfaced. During the Union, it was annexed to Azerbaijan, despite the fact that it was inhabited mainly by Armenians. Karabakh's attempt to secede led to a protracted, bloody conflict that has not been resolved to this day.

Armenia lies in the zone of young alpine folding, so 90% of its territory is 1000 m above sea level. Mount Aragats, the highest point of the country, has a height of 4095 m.

Low areas lie in the valleys of the Araks and Debed rivers.

Armenia is surrounded by the chains of the Lesser Caucasus. Young folding and high relief forms make the country's territory seismically dangerous. 94% of all disasters that occurred on its territory were associated with strong earthquakes.

About 9,500 rivers flow through Armenia and there are 100 lakes. The largest river is the Araks, and the largest lake and at the same time a source of fresh water is Sevan.

There are several climatic regions throughout the country:

  • dry subtropical in the southeast;
  • dry continental on the Ararat Plain and in the Arpa River basin;
  • moderately dry in the foothills;
  • moderately cold in the north of the country;
  • High in the mountains the climate is harsh;
  • above 3000 m – the climate of mountain-tundra landscapes.

The most common soils are mountain-brown and mountain-chestnut; in some places there are solonetzes and solonchaks. In the middle mountain zone there are mountain chernozems, and at altitude there are mountain meadow soils.

The most common plant formations are steppes and semi-deserts.

Oak, beech and hornbeam forests occupy 12% of the country's territory.

The most common mammals are wolf, bear, fox, roe deer, lynx, leopard, forest and jungle cats, jackal, porcupine, wild boar, etc.

Capital of Armenia

The largest cultural, industrial and transport center of the country is its capital - the city of Yerevan, located at the junction of the Ararat plain and the foothills. This city is young at heart, but with venerable age; it was provincial and provincial until the victory of Soviet power.

Modern Yerevan is a millionaire city. The Hrazdan River flows through a picturesque gorge through the city.

The first master plan for the development of the city, taking into account all natural features, belongs to academician of architecture A. Tamanyan in 1924. All subsequent ideas for plans continued Tamanyan’s ideas.

Note 2

Yerevan, one of the oldest cities in the world, was founded in 782 BC and was called Erivan for several centuries.

The city is often called "pink" because its buildings are made of pink tuff.

The heart of the city is a complex of buildings on Republic Square, where there is also a historical museum of the country and the famous singing fountains.

The capital has a rich history; even during the Urartian kingdom, its ruler built a fortress-settlement for captured soldiers. This page of history was recorded in cuneiform.

Today, the site of this fortress is located on the southern outskirts of the city.

The first Christian church of Peter and Paul in Erivan was built in the 5th century, but in 1931 the ancient temple was destroyed. The city gradually grew, and by the Middle Ages about 20 thousand people lived in it.

In 1387, Tamerlane’s troops came here - the city was destroyed and most of the population was killed.

By the beginning of the 19th century, the city had only three blocks, 1,700 houses, several mosques and caravanserais, 10 baths, 2 schools.

Large-scale reconstruction has been carried out in the city since the mid-1920s - electricity was installed, new streets were laid, new squares appeared, water supply and sewerage systems were created.

To prevent the capital from experiencing frequent dust storms, the surrounding hills were planted with trees.

One of the main streets of the city, named after G. Tumanyan, ends at the mountain slope, where the Grand Cascade was built back in the 60s. It consists of stands, seating areas, fountains and flower beds. The cascade offers views of the entire city.

Here, at the foot of the cascade, festivals and jazz concerts are often held. A private collection of sculptures by Colombian artist Fernando Botero is open at the base of the cascade.

The collection was donated to the city by an American businessman of Armenian origin, Gerald Cafesjian.

The Armenian diaspora around the world celebrates Genocide Remembrance Day on April 24. On the Tsitsernakaberd hill in Yerevan there is a memorial complex dedicated to this tragic page of Armenian history - a 44 m high memorial stele and an Eternal Flame.

Among the Armenian churches, the largest is the Cathedral of St. Gregory the Illuminator, built in 2001 to mark the 1700th anniversary of the adoption of Christianity. The complex includes several churches - St. Tiridates III and St. Queen Ashkhen, which helped Gregory the Illuminator in the spread of Christianity.

Traditions and life of Armenians

Armenia is one of the countries that follows true national wealth in its culture. The basis of the daily life of Armenians is reverence for elders, subordination in the family, neighborly and related mutual assistance, and hospitality.

Armenian families have many children, and the birth of a baby is considered God’s grace; children are loved and pampered, especially boys.

A clearly expressed feature of the nation is hospitality in the home; they will always share with the guest and will not let go until they have been fed. In addition to food, wine or cognac is offered as a drink, and refusal to sit at the table is regarded as a great insult.

The state of Armenia is located on the Eurasian continent. It is located in the southern part of the geopolitical region. Which state territory of Armenia is almost 30,000 square meters. km. The population is about 3.3 million people. Armenia declared independence in 1991. It borders with 4 states: in the west - with Turkey, in the north - with Georgia, in the south - with Iran and in the east - with Azerbaijan. The state has no maritime borders. The capital is the city of Yerevan. The form of government is a republic.

It is located between the inland Caspian Sea and the Black Sea. In the north it reaches the ridges of the Lesser Caucasus. And its northeastern part is the territory of the republic. Armenia, however, like other states of the Caucasus, is a mountainous country. Naturally, this geographical location directly affects many factors. But you can find out which ones by reading this article.

Terrain features

Armenia, as mentioned above, is a mountainous country located on a young mountainous region, the process of formation of which has not yet been completed. The most important factor indicating the continuation of mountain building is earthquakes. Historically, it has been established that during its existence Armenia was subjected to destructive actions many times. Very often the force of the shocks reached 10 points out of a maximum of 12.

Earthquakes are due to the fact that the territory of Armenia is located in areas where tectonic faults pass: Garni, Akhuryan and Pambak-Sevan. It is in them that the centers of future tremors arise at a depth of 20-35 km. The last largest one occurred in 1988. The tremors reached 10 points and covered the entire territory of the country, and the shuddering wave went around the entire Earth. As a result of this natural disaster, many cities were destroyed and about 25 thousand people died.


The territory of Armenia is occupied for the most part and is considered a high mountainous country. More than 90% of the entire territory of the state is located at an altitude of about 1,000 meters. The lowest areas are recorded in the river valley on the south side (380 m above sea level). The highest peak in Armenia is the Aragats mountain range. It is located in the west of the country. This massif is a mountain chain of 4 high peaks with a total length of 40 km. The highest peak reaches more than 4 thousand meters.

Only 15% of the territory is occupied by plains. They have a small area and are represented mainly by intermountain basins and depressions. The largest plain in Armenia is Ararat, with an area of ​​3,300 square meters. km. It is located in the western region of the country. Despite their small area, the plains are of great importance for the life of the country. It was thanks to these areas that it became possible to develop agriculture.

Climatic features

The territory of Armenia is entirely located in the subtropical climate zone. But weather conditions in the country differ significantly by region. This depends largely on the heights at which a certain area is located. The country has 6 climatic zones. They are distributed in the direction of altitudinal zonality. The flat terrain is dominated by a subtropical climate with hot summers and warm winters with little snow. The higher the area rises, the hotter it becomes:

  • in the lowlands there is a dry climate with moderate winters and warm, comfortable summers;
  • in the middle mountains - moderate with warm summers and cold winters;
  • in the highlands the climate is temperate and cold with frosty winters and cold summers.

Precipitation also increases with altitude: from 350 mm in the plains to 900 mm in the highlands. Winds have a great influence on the temperature regime. In winter they come from the northern and western directions, in summer the southern and southeastern ones predominate.

The south of the country is an area of ​​folded block mountains and deep river valleys. The characteristic features of the relief of this area are the high altitude of the ridges (the Zangezur ridge is the highest in the Lesser Caucasus), deep and dense dissection of the relief, pronounced altitudinal zonation and sparse vegetation.

Armenia is a country with rich mineral deposits. In total, about 60 species have been explored and harvested. Among metallic minerals, there are deposits of aluminum and molybdenum ores, as well as deposits of gold and platinum. The mountainous territory of Armenia is rich in rocks. These are marble, pumice, tuff, dolomite, perlite, limestone rocks.

Inland waters

About 700 sources of underground mineral waters, which have a healing effect, have been explored throughout the country. All residents of the former Soviet Union know about the unique properties of this water. It is not for nothing that many people used to strive to come to Armenia in order to improve their health.

This country is rich in water resources. About 9.5 thousand rivers flow through its territory, and there are over 100 lakes. The largest rivers of Armenia are Akhuryan, Debed, Hrazdan, Arpa. The largest lake is Sevan.


For a long time, an ethnopolitical conflict lasted between the two states (Armenia and Azerbaijan). However, in the late 80s of the twentieth century it escalated with renewed vigor. In 1991, large-scale hostilities began that affected residents of both states. They lasted four years. In May 1994, a ceasefire document was signed, but to this day Nagorno-Karabakh is a disputed territory of Armenia and Azerbaijan.