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Population of Shikotan Island for the year. Shikotan Island. Kuril Islands, Shikotan Island. The vegetation of the island is a combination of incongruous

Extreme, lonely, beautiful. Such epithets come to mind when mentioning the island where the sun wakes up. The inhabitants of this piece of land are the first to greet the dawn among the entire population of our Motherland. Shikotan Island is a piece of land in the Pacific Ocean. This is the largest of all the islands of the Lesser Kuril Islands, its total area is 225 square meters. km. Part of the island has the status of a state reserve.

The ancient settlers, the Ains, called the island the Paradise Place. And the meaning of the phrase Shikotan from their dialect is translated as Big City or Big Settlement. The first researchers assumed that the base of the island was old extinct volcanoes, of which there are quite a lot in the Kuril ridge. However, it was later proven that this is the usual displacement of rocks with uplift at the junction of two lithospheric plates. You can go on foot across the entire territory of the island; the length of the most interesting section of the route is about 20 km.

What is unique about Shikotan?

The bizarre topography of the coastline creates interesting groups of coastal rocks and stone ledges in the sea - this cannot be imagined or invented, only nature can create such masterpieces. Rocky shores, uneven hilly terrain and a large number of miniature picturesque coves, which are rich in the shores of Shikotan, seem to be created for admiration and admiration. An interesting fact is that on the northern coast of the island there is a bay that allows large ships to moor right at the pier. There is no other place like this in the Southern Kuril Islands; Malokurilskaya Bay is one of a kind.

During the walking route, it is impossible to ignore Cape Voloshin and numerous small picturesque bays, so interesting and different - Otradnaya, Tsunamistovo, Krabovaya, Snezhkova and Bezymyannaya. And yet, the main attraction of the island is considered to be Cape World's End. Its decorations are straight, forty-meter-high rocks falling sharply into the water. The cape itself protrudes into the sea as a narrow strip. From its elevation, beautiful harsh landscapes open up - ocean blue, which has no boundaries. If you are lucky with the weather, then from the island you can admire the famous Tyatya volcano, it rises above the island of Kunashir 1819 m above sea level. Another attraction of the island is the Spanberg lighthouse. It adorns a deserted area, the easternmost part of the island - Cape Crab.

Population and infrastructure of the island

The entire population of the island is no more than 2,500 people, many people fled their homes after the tragic earthquake of 1994, which severely destroyed above-ground buildings and caused serious damage to Shikotan. Despite the fact that there are no volcanoes, the island belongs to a seismically dangerous zone. The main danger is that a tsunami is quite likely in this area.

There are only two villages here - Malokurilsky and Krabozavodsky. The majority of people work at the fish factory and in the service infrastructure of the area. Despite the asceticism and certain harshness of this area, people here do not stay isolated. They welcome guests and are very sociable - they will help, advise and guide, so tourists feel comfortable here, despite the harsh conditions and modest surroundings.

Who will like it on Shikotan?

Spoiled tourists have no place on Shikotan. The hardy and curious are held in high esteem here. The choice of places to stay is limited. Local hotels do not claim star rating, they simply provide a roof over your head and the opportunity to spend the night. There is a hotel with food in Krabozavodsky.

Even if you decide to stay at a hotel, you can only fully explore the island on foot. To do this, from the mainland you need to take a complete backpack with provisions (not everything can be bought on the island, it’s better to bring your own) and everything you need, as well as a tent. The terrain is not mountainous, smooth, and not too difficult to overcome.

Island climate - what to expect from the weather?

A garbage climate may well bring surprises. The weather on the island is very variable; rain and fog are not uncommon. Because of this, flight delays may occur and this must be taken into account when planning your vacation.

The vegetation of the island is a combination of incongruous

Subtropical vegetation complements the picturesque landscape. Tourists feel very comfortable on this island. There is no impassable taiga or dormant volcanoes here. The vegetation is represented by forest-steppe with soil densely planted with bamboo, among which hydrangeas burst forth. Acacias, firs, pines, birches, yews, wild grapes and larches are intricately combined in this area.

The animal world is completely friendly

Predators, which are quite numerous on the nearby islands, are absent here. There is no one on the island more predatory than the fox and the eagle. The only danger is the eastern dioidon. This is a snake that prefers to hide in the bushes of the coastal zone. Lots of talkative seagulls and other birds. The island contains endemic species of interest to zoologists.

When to go on a trip?

It is better to hit the road at the end of summer. This is the best time to travel. At the end of September, strong storms begin. Afterwards you can get stuck in a port or on an island.

How to get to Shikotan?

The most convenient way to get to Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk is by plane. Afterwards, transfer to a motor ship, which makes a stop in the harbor of Shikotan, Malokurilsky Bay. He goes twice a week. Travel time is 36 hours. To travel, you need to take a pass to the border zone, it is issued by the appropriate authority in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. The main condition for a safe trip is good weather. During a long journey by water it can be a little boring, the only interesting thing is that during the trip you will see the shores of Japan on the horizon.

The pages of the site contain detailed information about Shikatana. Please note, everything is in one place. The idea of ​​creating a site came after searching for objective data about my second homeland. This site was created with love for my native land

Website for Shikotanians

History of Shikotan Island.

The island was discovered by the Second Kamchatka Expedition in 1733-1743. and named Fr. Figured. Shpanberg and Walton studied the Kuril ridge in 1739. Shpanberg's merits were appreciated in 1796 by Broughton, who named the island the name of the discoverer. Along with the name of Fr. Shpanberg, the ancient name of Fr. is also widely used. Shikotan.Russian navigators Rikord and Golovnin called him Fr. Chikotan. Until 1855, the island was part of Russia, then on February 7, 1855, according to the Japanese-Russian treaty on trade and borders (“Shimoda Treaty”), it was given to Japan along with the rest of the Southern Kuril Islands,In 1875, according to the Treaty of St. Petersburg, the Kuril Islands were completely included in Japan. In exchange for this, Japan recognizes Sakhalin Island as part of Russia (until 1875, Sakhalin was jointly owned). In 1905, after Russia’s defeat in the Russo-Japanese War, the Treaty of Portsmouth was concluded, according to which the southern part of the island of Sakhalin was ceded to Japan, the Kuril Islands were Japanese and remained Japanese, i.e. The Kuril Islands were never torn away from Russia by force.

In 1941, a Neutrality Pact was concluded between the USSR and Japan. The agreement was concluded for 5 years (from April 25, 1941 to April 25, 1946). In April 1945, the USSR announced the denunciation of the treaty with Japan, but according to paragraph 3, either party is obliged to warn the other party about the denunciation a year before the expiration of the treaty, i.e. the neutrality pact remained in force until April 1946.

On August 9, 1945, the USSR began a war with Japan, which de facto meant a violation of the neutrality treaty. The USSR explained its entry into the war with Japan by obligations to its allies given at the Yalta Conference in February 1945 in exchange for promises to transfer the Kuril Islands and South Sakhalin to the USSR. Point 3 of the Crimean Agreement contains text about the transfer of the Kuril Islands to the Soviet Union, but specific islands are not listed. Paragraph 8 of the Potsdam Declaration of the Three Powers (USA, England and China) dated July 26, 1945 reads: “ ....Japanese sovereignty will be limited to the islands of Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu, Shikoku and those smaller islands that we specify" The smaller islands were never listed later.

On August 14, Japan accepts the terms of surrender and informs the governments of the USA, England, China and the USSR. On September 2, 1945, the act of surrender was officially signed, but the act of surrender did not say anything about the ownership of the Kuril Islands.but in 1945, after the defeat of Japan in World War II, it was returned to the USSR.

Before the discovery of the island by the Russians, as well as after 1855, the Japanese raided there, using the local Ainu aborigines as slaves in the production of chalk and lime. In the end, the entire local population was exterminated. It is not correct to consider Shikotan a Japanese island! In 1951, the Allies and Japan signed the San Francisco Peace Treaty. Japan renounces claims to the Kuril Islands.In 1956, in the Joint Declaration of the USSR and Japan, Moscow agreed to the transfer of the islands of Shikotan and Habomai to Japan after the conclusion of a peace treaty. However, the Japanese government demanded the transfer of all 4 islands, as a result the signing of the agreement did not take place.

In Soviet times, fishing factories were built on the island of Shikotan, as thousands of people came to Bam, mostly women. A large volume of fish processing, mainly saury during the fishing season and also many other seafood. Today, two Ostrovnoy fish processing factories have survived and "Hydro Construction".

The year 1994 was devastating for Shikotan, an earthquake razed the city and village to the ground. All that remains of the buildings are wooden one-story houses. To this day, especially Malokurilsk, which turned from a city into a village, cannot fully recover. Many people left there this year. It was the 90s and money was allocated for the purchase of houses on Sakhalin; Instead, they were given shacks. Construction is currently underway until 2015, an initiative from the regional leadership to implement the federal program.

At the moment, Shikotan is administratively part of Russia, the Sakhalin region, the South Kuril region and is disputed by Japan, which includes it in its Nemuro subprefecture of Hokkaido Prefecture. But local residents are loyal, some with approval of the idea of ​​​​union to Japan.


O. Shikotan is the largest island of the Lesser Kuril Ridge, although its length is only about 50 km. That's why tourists call it "an island for three days." If you are lucky enough to get there, you will be captivated by the beauty and splendor of the island. There are no predatory animals (like bears) here, flat terrain, completely different nature (unlike Kunashir) - soft, kind, calm. The highest mountain on Shikotan Island is Mount Shikotan, 405 meters high. There are no volcanoes or mineral springs on the island of Shikotan.


Unlike other islands of the Southern Kuril Islands, Shikotan is poorly bambooed, and the dwarf elfin wood that is encountered is easily passable.
The flora of the island is surprisingly diverse. Thickets of yew and wild grape vines are often found. On about. There are no bears in Shikotan, although they are quite common on neighboring islands. It is not uncommon to see a white-tailed eagle, but the most common birds are crows. Here I have seen a fox and many seals.

Shikotan Island. Cape "Edge of the World"

We left by boat at about 9 am (sail for 4 hours) to Shikotan. They almost imprisoned us again when they saw that we were a group of 12 people (conclusion: we need to approach 2-3 people separately). We arrived at 12.30 to the island of Shikotan. We were met in cars in Malokurilsk and taken to Dimitrov Bay (where we will spend the night). We drove for about an hour. We dropped our things and went to the side of Cape EDGE OF THE WORLD (Cape Edge of the World - the long and flat surface of the cape on three sides breaks into the ocean with 40-meter walls. From the upper platform there is a breathtaking view of the vast expanses of the Pacific Ocean, and the thought involuntarily comes to mind that you really are on the edge of the earth. The name was suggested by Yu.K. Efremov, the leader of the Kuril complex expedition in 1946) On the way we visited the Shpanberg lighthouse - it was built by the Japanese (Cape Crab), where they gave us a package of already boiled crabs (to be honest) -they don’t come anymore... however, like the fish. By the way, after this trip I didn’t eat fish or shrimp for a month...)! The weather is excellent, a little cloudy, but sunny.

Shikotan Island. Dimitrova Bay.

At 6 pm we returned to our bay and set up camp. At 7 pm the fire is burning, dinner is being prepared:) A lonely curious seal swims along the shore and looks at us:) The girls took a swim in the evening:)

Shikotan Island

August 16. It rained all night (not rain, just drizzled). It stopped in the morning and the weather was beautiful! Opposite there is an island with seagulls chattering there:) they have a bird colony there. We had breakfast, got ready, and headed out towards another beautiful bay. Here we have an overnight stay (and tomorrow we have a ship to Sakhalin). They set up camp and scattered in all directions. Someone went to the old Japanese cemetery (there are a couple of old tombstones there), someone went swimming, someone climbed up the slope to admire the views of the bay. We set dinner at 5 pm. And suddenly... our jeeps arrive and say that our ship has arrived and at 10 pm boarding begins!!! AMAZING! The ship was expected tomorrow morning! (with transport there is always an ambush - it will come or not; and if it comes, when will it come and go?):) We were lucky that the guys tracked this issue:) We collected tents and things in half an hour!:) It’s a pity, of course, that it didn’t There will be an overnight stay in such a beautiful bay... Motor ship Farakhutdinov. Boarding at 10 pm (the guys helped with tickets - here, of course, there are also difficulties - you have to sign up with the administration, and then it’s also not clear whether they’ll put you in prison or not...) The guys turned out to have an acquaintance with the captain :) At 12 at night we set sail. Calm. Ah! The guys also sold us a bag of the freshest smelt, hand-caught on the island of Shikotan and dried! Amazing! We drank beer with smelt. They must sail through Iturup and to Sakhalin.

You can plot a route for your car by entering the name of the place from where you want to leave and where to get there. Enter the names of points in the nominative case and in full, with the name of the city or region separated by a comma. Otherwise, the online route map may show the wrong path.

The free Yandex map contains detailed information about the selected area, including the boundaries of regions, territories and regions of Russia. In the “layers” section, you can switch the map to “Satellite” mode, then you will see a satellite image of the selected city. The “People's Map” layer shows metro stations, airports, names of neighborhoods and streets with house numbers. This is an online interactive map - it cannot be downloaded.

Nearest airports

When is it more profitable to fly? Chip flights.

You can choose one of the nearest airports and buy a plane ticket without leaving your seat. The search for the cheapest air tickets takes place online and the best offers are displayed to you, including for direct flights. As a rule, these are electronic tickets for a promotion or discount from many airlines. Having selected the appropriate date and price, click on it and you will be taken to the company’s official website, where you can book and buy the required ticket.

There is a piece of land in the Pacific Ocean, which is the extreme south-eastern point of Russia: a place whose inhabitants are among the first in our country to greet the sunrise. Here, clear mountain streams flow over mossy rocks, and ocean waves crash on the shores of bays and peninsulas surrounded by fantastic cliffs. Here the time difference with Moscow reaches 8 hours. There are no asphalt roads here, there are warships in the port of Malokurilsk, and the shores are still bristling with the barrels of turret guns. It was here that the famous Soviet film "Robinson Crusoe" was filmed.
This is the island of Shikotan. And it is from here, on the south-eastern side, that Russia begins.

A cyclone will follow the cyclone... But as soon as the weather subsides,
Again the waves, sighing tiredly, bow to the red rocks.
Again the water in the bays is brightening and eagles are soaring over the cliff,
And the ships go and go from the shining bays of Shikotan...

V. Bogdanov

Shikotan Island is the end of the world. Just 10 km from the village of Malokurilskoye, behind a small pass, lies its main attraction - Cape World's End. Dropping into the ocean with 40-meter cliffs, the cape stretches from the shore in a rather narrow kilometer-long tongue and leaves a very strong impression.

From the top platform there is a stunning view of the vast expanses of the Pacific Ocean, and it seems that there is really nothing further. Although, in fairness, it should be noted that a little to the east is Cape Crab, on which the Spanberg lighthouse is located.

The name “Shikotan” (in Japanese Sikotan) comes from the Ainu words “shi” - large and “kotan” - settlement, city. This is the largest island of the small Kuril ridge. It stretches from northeast to southwest for 27 km, the width of the island is 5 – 13 km, and the area is about 225 square kilometers. The highest point is Mount Shikotan (412 m). It is partially included in the territory of the state natural reserve "Small Kuriles".

The world learned about this wonderful island thanks to the Second Kamchatka Expedition, which took place in 1733-1743. Its first name is Figurny, it very accurately reflects the characteristic rugged coastline. Subsequently, this small piece of land began to bear the name of its discoverer, the Russian navigator M.P. Shpanberg. Today it is better known as Shikotan Island, which means “best place” in the local language.

Sea of ​​Okhotsk near Kunashir Island, c. Tyatya.

Considering the favorable strategic position of this territory, the “struggle” for it is being waged between two countries: Russia and Japan. The Land of the Rising Sun has been trying to return the Kuril Islands for more than half a century. Shikotan Island already belonged to her from 1885 to 1945. Another important historical milestone is the strong earthquake of 1999, after which a large number of the local population left these lands. Today the situation has been adjusted.

Spanberg lighthouse

Islands in the waters of Shikotan

Aivazovsky Island is an uninhabited island located in Tserkovnaya Bay on the island of Shikotan. The name is given in honor of the Russian painter Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky.
Alexey Gnechko Island is an island (rock) 50 meters from the northeastern part of Shikotan Island.
Griga Island
Dalniy Island is an uninhabited island in Dimitrova Bay.
The name is based on the location of the island at the far edge of the bay.
Ninth Val Island is an uninhabited island in Tserkovnaya Bay (Aivazovsky).
The name is inspired by Aivazovsky’s famous painting “The Ninth Wave”.
Igor Farkhutdinov Island - an island (rock) near Mayachnaya Bay.
Sergei Kapitsa Island is an island near Mayachnaya Bay.
Sredny Island is an uninhabited island in Dimitrova Bay.
The name is associated with its location in the bay.

Island bays

A map of Shikotan Island clearly shows how often the coastline is indented. Therefore, among the attractions for which it is famous, numerous bays are included in a separate group: Malokurilskaya. It is considered the most “convenient”, since the gentle shore allows ships to moor directly at the pier. Lush taiga vegetation, which is characteristic of this region, is widespread here.

Dolphin. This bay is named after the ship of the same name, on which exploration of this territory was carried out at the beginning of the 20th century. It is famous for dangerous stones blocking the entrance of ships, and a picturesque lagoon formed at the mouth of the Ostrovnaya River. The bay is covered in ice during the winter months, which sets it apart from the rest.

Crab. Here, as in other coastal areas of the island, Far Eastern crabs and saury are harvested. Its depth reaches 15 meters, which makes it a transit point for all fishing vessels. There is a lighthouse in the bay, named after the discoverer of the island.

the agates of their Agatova Bay are similar to the gloomy sky of Shikotan

Church. This is the most attractive place for lovers of seascapes. Proof of this is its other name - “Aivazovsky Bay”.

in the sea off the coast of Shikotan you can find floating jellyfish

Capes of Shikotan Island

Numerous sharp protrusions of land are also unique attractions that characterize the island as one of the most picturesque.

Cape World's End in the north of Shikotan Island

Cape World's End is tall, wavy and long, like an unrolled scarf. A 20 minute walk and... the Pacific Ocean stretches out. That's it, Russia is over. Further – beyond 8 thousand km of water – there is only America. Underfoot, at the bottom of a sheer 50-meter abyss, heavy waves crash against the rocks. The damp wind tears clothes and thoughts. Amazing place.

They say that there is very strong earthly magnetism here - the Kuril Islands are located on the crest of a giant underwater ridge, once squeezed upward during the collision of tectonic plates, and nearby is the deepest ocean trench with the Mariana Trench. Seismic activity is still very high, and there is so much oxygen in the air that you are constantly in a state of extreme euphoria, although for this, a visual perception of the nature of the islands would be enough.

Cape Voloshin

This is a very picturesque cliff composed of rocky rocks. It was named after a Russian watercolor artist who, at the beginning of the 20th century, created a shelter for creative people in crisis. Even today, the Kuril Islands are a place of pilgrimage for famous “masters of the brush”, who draw inspiration from a unique source of natural beauty.

Previously, it was believed that the Shikotan Mountains were volcanoes destroyed by time, of which there are many in the Kuril Islands. It has now become clear that these are simply rocks forced upward during shifts of lithospheric plates.

Shikotan is located at latitude 43 degrees. The climate here is monsoon, the vegetation is subtropical, but the weather is changeable - rain and heavy fog are frequent.

The proximity of the ocean has an effect. In good weather, the active Tyatya volcano (1819 m) on the neighboring island of Kunashir is clearly visible from the island. And Cape Voloshin (66 m), Otradnaya, Bezymyannaya, Snezhkova, Krabovaya and Tsunamisov bays are also worth a look.

The 1994 earthquake caused significant damage to the island, after which most of the population abandoned it. Shikotan Island seems to have been created for tourists - it has a soft, smooth topography, instead of the harsh taiga there is forest-steppe. There are no bears or other predatory animals, which are quite common on the neighboring islands. There are no volcanoes, the nature is calm, and the island itself looks like an amazing botanical garden, where acacia and spruce, birch and yew, hydrangea and fir, wild grapes and larch coexist.

The villages of Krabozavodskoye and Malokurilskoye are all the populated areas of the island. They are connected by a road. The vast majority of the island's population is engaged in fishing and processing of fish, mainly saury. The workshops of ZAO Rybokombinat Ostrovnoy are located in Malokurilsky, and the workshops of ZAO Gidrostroy are located in Krabozavodsky.

Malokurilskoye village, Malokurilskoye population - 1200 people.

church in the village Malokurilskoye in the village of Shikotan

"Ostrovnoy Fish Processing Plant" is located on the island of Shikotan (Kuril Islands). The company was created in 1999 on the basis of the production facilities of the former Fish Canning Plant No. 24, which was seriously damaged during the 1993 earthquake.

The main product of the enterprise is canned saury. Saury is a fish of the mackerel family. Its meat is an important source of protein, fat, minerals, and essential amino acids. Saury contains taurine, a very rare amino acid that lowers blood cholesterol levels. "Ostrovnoy Fish Processing Plant" is the only coastal enterprise in the world located in the saury fishing area.

Not far from Malokurilsky, 15 minutes along a gravel road, after a short climb in a four-wheel drive vehicle, you can find the Malokurilsk tank hill... Here, on the Shikotan tank hill, tanks from the Great Patriotic War are rusting ingloriously. Considering that these tanks were produced until 1946 inclusive, the tanks are almost 70 years old in any case. Antiques right in the fighting position...

The beauty and splendor of Shikotan Island is simply enchanting. Those who have visited these places at least once will be drawn here again and again. They will never forget this amazing land, the eastern region of Russia, the edge of the world, the land where the dawn is born...