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Bridge Constructor - Bridge Constructor walkthrough. Bridge Constructor Medieval: tips and tricks Walkthrough of the game bridges and construction

Bridge Constructor Medieval is a fun, physics-based bridge building game. In it, you build bridges using various materials so that they can withstand the weight of soldiers, carts and carriages passing over them. Sometimes your bridges are even in danger of being fired upon by a catapult - as you can see, anything can happen in the Middle Ages... We offer a few tips that will help you make the passage of Bridge Constructor Medieval easy and enjoyable.

Triangles provide stability. Just like with the original version of the game, any triangular structures will be much stronger than normal ones, so try to use them more often.

Use arches. Pay attention to the designs of real bridges - many of them rest on rounded arches formed from triangles. Build the same to maintain the strength of long bridges.

Red color means danger. If any parts of your structure turn red when people or vehicles are passing over the bridge, this means that the integrity of the bridge is at risk and it may collapse. If they turn red without any load, you shouldn’t even try to walk someone across it; you can redo the bridge right away.

Maintain the center. The central part of the bridge is the most dangerous, it is the one that may not withstand the weight of passing people or passing vehicles, so strengthen it first, and do not spare material for this.

Use stone supports. They are quite expensive, but very difficult to destroy, so sacrifice money for the strength of the bridge.

Study the design first. The task of some levels is to strengthen the bridge so that it can withstand a rockfall. To identify the weak points of the structure, lead a squad of soldiers along the bridge - you will immediately see exactly where the bridge needs to be strengthened.

Watch exactly where the boulders fall. Once you have tracked their trajectory, reinforce the areas of the bridge where they will fall.

Strengthen the roof. Sometimes you will have to build a roof for your bridge to protect soldiers and horses from boulders. Make it stronger, and do not forget that the best way to strengthen it is to use triangles.

Building a bridge cheaply is possible. If you want to get the title of the most economical builder, build bridges from ordinary wood, but use a lot of it, and, again, do not forget about the triangles, which will strengthen your structure.

Problems with connection? Use the "magnifying glass" option to zoom in on the junction of several parts. This option will be especially useful for those who play Bridge Constructor Medieval on a small screen.

Disassemble your bridge in one fell swoop. If you give up and are going to completely redo the bridge, don't worry - use the trash can icon to dismantle it all at once, and then start all over again.

This concludes our short educational program, we wish you success in completing Bridge Constructor Medieval!

A small fictional island nation. An earthquake that destroyed the connection between the islands. We need to correct the situation! This is exactly what we are asked to do in the game. Bridge Constructor. The plot is far from the main thing here, but it is there, and thank you for that. In game from Head Up Games you will have to strain not only your imagination and logic, but also remember a little the laws of physics, all in order to help the residents of Kamatuga restore bridges on their islands.

Let's get started. Before us are five islands that are waiting - they can’t wait for them to have communication with their neighbors. The walkthrough of Bridge Constructor is divided into the same five chapters corresponding to each island, so you will have to do everything in order. Each island will have a set of several missions, so the player gradually makes his way to a new piece of land. The first mission is educational; in the future, hints will appear periodically if necessary.

We proceed directly to the construction of the bridge. Before us are two banks that need to be connected. At first, the only materials available are wood, which somewhat limits the flight of imagination, but it certainly doesn’t make it any easier. Three more will become available in the future: steel, cables and concrete pillars. You'll have to break your head. The developers were able to make the construction process itself as convenient as possible for players. The entire screen is divided into a grid, with an even finer grid inside each square. We build with a simple movement: from one point to another. Initially, the dots are not highlighted; they appear during the process, indicating the junction of two blocks. The length of one block is, of course, limited, so it will not be possible to build a bridge by simply drawing a line from one bank to the other with your finger.

The construction of the bridge goes like this

In addition to technical limitations, there are also finances that will also have to be taken into account. A strictly defined amount is available for each bridge. You can't use all the money, you can't go over your budget. Having built the bridge, based on your considerations, click on the “Play” icon and immediately observe whether our structure will collapse under its own weight. The game has excellent physics, so don't be surprised. If the first check is successful, then to complete the mission it is necessary to launch the transport across the bridge. There are two types: cars and trucks. To complete the level, it is enough for cars to pass; to get bonus points, the bridge must withstand trucks, and this is more difficult. If the bridge you built has passed the vehicle test, then after summing up the results and scoring points, you can move on to the next construction.

And his first test

Glasses have been mentioned more than once. They are given for completing a mission with some success. They are needed only for ratings and receiving achievements in Game Center. By the way, these achievements are very diverse. For example, if the vehicle almost passed the bridge, and it began to collapse, but the car still managed to overcome it, then you will receive the “Defective Bridge” award, the mission will be counted, but it is better, of course, to re-pass it. The game is very addictive, although it seems very simple at first glance. It is really difficult to successfully complete some levels and more than once you will have to use the time return key to change the design.

Checking the bridge with trucks...

The controls have already been mentioned above; we can add that the camera zooms in and out freely, so that even iPhone owners can easily build bridges. The rest of the interface is also simple and clear, and only facilitates the passage. The accuracy of clicks can be determined without problems. The graphics in Bridge Constructor are excellent and, most importantly, perfectly complement the gameplay and make it more convenient. There is nothing bad to say about the sound. Good, unobtrusive melodies accompany the construction process and do not distract the player from thinking.


I tried for a long time to find at least some noticeable disadvantage of the game, but I couldn’t. Exciting gameplay, easy controls, excellent graphics and sound. There is even a free version with a limited number of levels. Those who may not like the game are those who don't like puzzles, but everyone else will probably quickly warm up to this game. There's a lot to think about in Bridge Constructor.

Please rate it.

Task 01

Double click on all the elements (these are transformable boards) to take them into your inventory. Click the button on the left edge of the screen. Next, click once on the nodes to which the dotted lines lead to install all the boards. After that, click on the horizontal planks with LMB once at a time to transform them into asphalt (road). After that, at the bottom of the screen, click on the “Drive” button.

Task 03

In this activity you will learn about ropes. Build a bridge from pipes, transform them into a road, and then tie two ropes as the game shows. Start the vehicle to find out about the deadly liquid.

Build a bridge from above, then tie it with ropes to two knots on the right and left. You need to connect any top nodes to all three nodes of the bridge (road). See screenshot.

Task 04

Here you will learn about paired portals - two portals connected to each other will be the same color. As you can see, the yellow portal will lead you to the purple one, and from there you will be taken straight to laser beams that will destroy the car. For this reason, first build a bridge to the blue portal, remembering to transfer it to the road and hang it on two ropes. After this, create a four-piece path from the blue portal in the top left room to the red portal in the bottom left corner of the same room. Be sure to hang it on the ropes by all three knots.

You need to create a perfectly flat slope so that the car accelerates and, flying out of the red portal in the lower right room, flies through the pool of deadly liquid and gets to the pipe.

Task 05

Next, you will learn how to create bridges if there are no support points or nodes from which the bridge can be suspended by ropes. In such cases, the bridge is attached to arc arches. Create two paths where there are none, transform them into asphalt. Next, use the pipes, making triangular posts out of them. At the same time, pay attention to the fact that the pipe must be installed so that the dotted line indicates to you the possibility of installing another pipe nearby that will connect to the bridge. Don't forget that the tops of all these arches must be connected by the top pipes. The pipes of such a support do not need to be transformed into a road!

Task 06

In this task you will be asked to do everything yourself. You will also understand for the first time that passing with one car and in a convoy are completely different tasks. To pass through an entire column, more fine tuning is required.

In the upper left room you need to install part of the bridge at the upper right blue portal and one part of the bridge at the bottom left, to the road leading to the blue button and the yellow portal. Hang both parts by rope to the highest point.

In the lower room, again, the path from the yellow portal to the purple one does not need to be connected. From the upper purple portal you need to install another path, maybe even the entire length, but at the same time tilt it slightly down. So that cars moving from the yellow portal diagonally to the left and down do not hit the constructed part of the road. To support the road, install a support underneath it. To walk in a column, do the same, but play with the length of the bridges and their inclination.

Task 07 - Lunge

Need acceleration - build another part of the road to the blue portal, add supports. Build two or three sections of the road on the right side. You will have to create the same complex system of supports as on the left side of the screen. See screenshot.

- this is a very fun and exciting game in which you need to build and reconstruct reliable bridges. In the game you need to go through 5 different chapters. In each chapter you have to go through very planned and difficult levels, which makes the game very interesting.

bridge free walkthrough– for Android you are given a certain amount of building material to build and reconstruct a bridge. You must use your construction resources wisely, since resources are given to you in limited quantities in the game. After you build your bridge, trucks and cars must travel across your bridge. If your bridge can withstand this load from cars, then you will move to the next level.

bridge free – In the game you will see and hear beautiful graphic and sound effects. And of course, for such games it is very important to have realistic physics, which is present in the game Bridge Constructor FREE, and will greatly delight you with beautiful effects when different parts of the bridge are destroyed. The game is very similar to the famous game