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The best windless bays of Sharm el-Sheikh. The most windless bays of Sharm el-Sheikh and the hotels we recommend Windless bays of Sharm el-Sheikh

I have devoted several previous stories to the bays of Sharm El Sheikh with beautiful underwater reefs and the most suitable places for snorkeling and diving:

When you write about this or that bay with an incomprehensible Arabic name, you always want to know how this name is translated into Russian.

Gardens bay is in English and translates as “Garden Bay”. By the way, the name is very consistent with the real underwater world. Here you can find whole rows of coral gardens made of soft and hard corals - after all, it’s not for nothing that the bay is called the Bay of Gardens! You get the impression that you are swimming in gardens of gorgonian sea corals, surrounded by the Madrepore Pyramids - these are areas of coral reefs that rise from the depths of the sea close to the surface and give the bay the appearance of a real garden.

Cozy and picturesque Ras Um Sid Bay ( Ras um Sid) translated from Arabic means "mother's cape". Previously, this place was the site of a military garrison, and later a Bedouin settlement. A cape topped with a lighthouse rises above the Strait of Tiran leading into it. Famous French explorer Jacques Yves Cust o included this bay in the list of ten most beautiful places in the world.

The next bay, about which I am now preparing a detailed story, is called Ras Nasrani. In Russian this does not sound very euphonious. When I started looking for a translation on Google, I accidentally came across a link that is not directly related to this story, but will certainly cheer you up:

In the harsh Russian winter, everyone wants to escape to the warm sea for at least a week. Egypt is the most accessible for this: the country's resorts are ready to receive tourists all year round. Comfortable hotels, inexpensive trips and a quick flight (from Moscow to Cairo about 4 hours, from St. Petersburg - about 5) make the destination extremely popular.

It is especially interesting in Egypt during the New Year holidays. Hotel workers decorate the Christmas tree, hang tinsel and garlands, organize exhibitions, hold themed evenings, competitions and other entertainment for tourists. Many hotels include gifts for children, greetings from Santa Claus and New Year's Eve celebrations.

Weather in Egypt in winter

The daytime air temperature is around 25-27 °C, which allows you to swim in the sea. It gets cooler in the evening.


Windless bays of Sharm El Sheikh

The windy season begins at the resort, which can significantly ruin your vacation. Suddenly the wind rises, the temperature drops to 5-10 °C, and sand flies. Of course, you can always move to the pools - from the beginning of December the water is heated to a comfortable temperature.

Compared to Sharm El Sheikh, Hurghada is about 2-4 °C colder.

Sharm El Sheikh

This resort is the undisputed leader in sales of winter tours and packages. In winter it is not hot here, it is comfortable, there are areas that are not affected by the windy season. The average daytime air temperature is about 26-27 °C.

Windless bays in Sharm El Sheikh:

  1. Naama Bay,
  2. Ras Umm Sid,
  3. Sharm El Maya.

Naama Bay

The resort town of Naama Bay is located in the old part of Sharm El-Sheikh, in a closed bay. There is everything for a comfortable stay: hotels and restaurants, discos and nightclubs, bars and shops. Fans of active nightlife are recommended to visit the Bus Stop and Black House clubs. A warm welcome and delicious food will be provided by the Panarama Cafe, Back in USSR.

There are clean beaches and a good, well-maintained entrance to the sea. In areas with coral reefs, pontoons are used. Like other resorts in Egypt, the underwater world is brightly and variedly represented here, a real haven for diving enthusiasts. Attention: only in Naama Bay you can ride water scooters, banana boats, etc. In other parts of Sharm El Sheikh these activities are prohibited.

Ras Umm Sid

Ras Umm Sid is located exactly halfway between Naama Bay and Sharm El Maya. This is a young, active, lively area that is constantly expanding and being built up. Local authorities focus on tourists, so there are many inexpensive hotels, banks, and entertainment complexes. The huge shopping area Il Mercato will provide ideal leisure time for shopping lovers, the 1001 Nights complex will open a real oriental fairy tale, and dolphinariums and water parks will give children a lot of impressions.

There are large coral reefs here, the depth begins immediately from the shore. The entrance to the sea in most hotels is not very convenient; we recommend purchasing special shoes. But all minor inconveniences are more than compensated by the incredible underwater world.

Sharm El Maya

Not far from Naama Bay is Sharm El Maya Bay. It is protected from the wind by mountain ranges on all sides, so it is almost always quiet and warm here. Clean, spacious beaches and a sandy bottom make the bay popular for families with children. There are also coral reefs here, but further, not in the beach area.

When choosing winter tours to Egypt, carefully study the information about hotels. It is the level and furnishings of the hotel that determine the quality of your vacation. Pay attention to the availability of heated pools, air conditioning in the room, distance to the sea and food. If you want to stay for the holidays, check what is included in the banquet price, whether you can buy your own alcohol, etc.

The most accurate, verified data on resorts and hotels will be provided by the travel agency Amigo Tour NN.

Naama Bay is the tourist center of the resort of Sharm El Sheikh. Along the entire coast of Naama Bay there is a 3 km long pedestrian street with cozy restaurants, cafes, discos and shops. Naama Bay hotels are located in several lines along the bay. Vacationers here have access to tennis courts, gyms, bicycles, jeeps, schools and diving clubs, yachting, jet skis, windsurfing, parachutes and much more. The most convenient beaches in Sharm el Sheikh are also located here - in Naama Bay. The beaches are sandy, with a convenient entrance to the sea cleared of corals.

Sharks Bay is a new resort area known for its magnificent coral reefs.

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The golf club of the Movenpick Golf Hotel is famous not only in Sharm El Sheikh, but throughout Egypt. The luxury hotels located here are always happy to offer their guests a high level of service, excellent cuisine, and a lot of entertainment.

Ras Nasrani Bay- an ideal place for diving enthusiasts. Once you enter the water, you will see colorful corals.

El Nabq Bay soon promises to become famous: 29 hotels of the highest category are being built here. A distinctive feature of the bay is its gently sloping sandy shore; here, not far out in the sea, amazing corals grow and unusual, very beautiful fish live. Not far from the bay is the Nabq National Park with exotic plants, among which birds live in the wild.

Ras Um Sid Bay located a few kilometers from Naama Bay. The bay is rich in underwater coral gardens and unusual marine inhabitants. The most discerning clients will be satisfied with a first-class holiday at the luxurious Ritz Carlton and Amphoras Holiday INN hotels.

Sharm El May Bay is located near the center of the old city, where you can visit small shops, the oriental market with its unique flavor. This bay is also famous for its harbor, from where tourists go on boat trips to the Ras Mohammed nature reserve on yachts.

Winds in Egypt - an overview of windy weather in the most popular resorts in Egypt: Hurghada, Sharm El Sheikh, Taba and the Red Sea.

The winds in Egypt blow almost constantly, from April to early June they are stronger, and in the summer they weaken noticeably.

Throughout the year, the northeast wind prevails in Egypt, and starting in March, it changes to the southwest.

The winds in Egypt are the coldest in January!

The coldest winds in Egypt blow in the winter season, from December to February, they are especially cold in January - this is the coldest month in Egypt.

The winds in Egypt are strongest in the spring, from March to April!

If the Egyptian winds blow from the desert, then the mountains serve as a reliable barrier for them, but they are not available everywhere or are located far from the coast.

To understand which tourist destinations in Egypt the winds will blow stronger or weaker, you should look at the terrain map and look at the location of the mountains and desert.

Winds on the Red Sea.

On the surface of the Red Sea, winds can be quite long and strong, here everything depends on the time of year and a certain part of the sea.

The northeast wind in the southern part of the Red Sea prevails mainly in winter, and the southwest wind in summer.

The north wind is more typical for the central part of the Red Sea; it is more prevalent in the summer and passes through the entire sea.

In the morning the winds on the Red Sea are usually stronger than at night and in the middle of the day. Those who like to ride a board on the surface of the Red Sea, surfers and kiters, try not to miss the morning breeze.

The winds on the Red Sea blow stronger in winter than in summer.

In the spring, a very strong and hot wind from the Sahara Desert can come to the northern part of the Red Sea, which can blow for fifty days in a row, it is called khamsin (translated from Arabic - fifty).

Winds in Hurghada.

Let's look at the map of Hurghada, to view it we use a Yandex map in satellite mode (from space), and determine the relief of this area.

The map clearly shows that Hurghada, where the holiday hotels are located, is located on the deserted coast of the Red Sea, the mountains that should protect Hurghada from the winds are quite far away, more than 20 kilometers. This location of Hurghada in an open, desert area creates all the conditions for blowing winds.

The wind in Hurghada almost always blows, with an average speed of 4 - 7 m/s from April to October and 3 - 4 m/s from November to March.

In winter in Hurghada, the winds become colder, as the air in the desert has significant temperature fluctuations, especially in the evening and at night.

The Red Sea with its warmth warms the adjacent coast, where the resort town of Hurghada is located, and the cold winds blowing from the desert begin to blow away these warm layers of air, as a result of which, in the winter in the evening, it can quickly become colder, and at night even stronger.

In winter in Hurghada the evenings are cool!

Therefore, when going for an evening walk around Hurghada in the winter, do not forget to take or put on warm clothes.

If the winds are strong during the day, and in order not to lose these valuable days on vacation in Egypt, it is better to visit exciting excursions around Egypt, for example to Luxor (there is real heat there in the summer at +40 ° C and above), or go shopping in the nearest shops around hotel in Hurghada.

The Red Sea coast, where Hurghada is located, protrudes into the sea, and it becomes even more open to winds not only from the desert, but also from the sea, so when choosing a hotel in Hurghada for a holiday, you should look at the map of its location.

Advice on choosing a hotel in Hurghada!

Are the bays of Sharm el-Maya and Naama the calmest?

Look at your future hotel where you plan to vacation on the Yandex map in satellite mode (from space), bring it as close as possible and pay attention to the Red Sea coast where the hotel is located, if you see many different boats or vessels in the sea off the coast of the hotel , this usually happens in Hurghada, which means that there is a possibility that you will swim among them, plus the smell of exhaust gases from running engines, which usually happens in inexpensive hotels.

Winds in Sharm El Sheikh.

Now let's look at the map of Sharm El Sheikh, this is a city of more expensive hotels in Egypt. We see that high mountains stretch along the Red Sea coast like a solid wall; they protect the hotels of Sharm El Sheikh from the winds from the desert.

The winds in Sharm El Sheikh blow weaker than in Hurghada!

In Sharm El Sheikh there is much less wind than in Hurghada, since the mountains are very close to the sea (but they are not as close as in Taba), which means we can conclude that the coastal area is more protected and the mountains serve as a reliable barrier to winds from the desert.

This location of Sharm El Sheikh in Egypt is more protected from the winds, which creates warmer weather there, 2 degrees warmer than in Hurghada.

The weather in Sharm El Sheikh is warmer than in Hurghada!

For the blowing winds in Sharm El Sheikh, there are only two options: the wind blows from the sea or blows along the coast, this gives a greater benefit compared to Hurghada, which is open on all sides to the winds.

Sharm El Sheikh has many quiet bays that are warmer and calmer, especially in winter, such as Naama Bay!

Winds in Taba.

Now let's look at the map of Taba, which stands on the shores of the Gulf of Aqaba; this resort is surrounded by very beautiful mountains in the form of rocks, which are close to the sea and stretch along the coast, so there is almost no wind here, especially in the winter season.

Rocky mountains on all sides protect the coast of Taba from the winds, creating warm and windless weather.

Here, from the shore of Taba, there is a beautiful view of Saudi Arabia and Jordan.

Wind and relaxation in Egypt.

When building hotels in Egypt, they try to take into account the discomfort from blowing winds. If you look closely at the location of hotel buildings, you can understand how this is done. In general, the majority of hotels in Egypt are located next to each other, which is also a big plus for protection from the winds. The internal territory of the hotel and its pools are blocked from the wind on three sides by buildings (usually the main building - the reception and rooms for vacationers), leaving only access to the sea to the beach unprotected. This arrangement of buildings allows you to relax comfortably in windy weather on the inside of the hotel, especially by the pool.

When choosing a hotel for a holiday in Egypt, during the cold season, you should choose a hotel with a heated pool, otherwise the water in the pool will be very cool.

In winter in Egypt, the mornings and evenings are cool and cold winds blow, and during the day the sun is very warm.

The Red Sea in winter in Egypt is always warm, its temperature does not drop below +20 °C, and you can swim in it comfortably!

If, when leaving the sea, after swimming in windy weather, you feel cold, dry yourself with a towel or wrap yourself in it for a short time, a little later you will feel warm again, the rays of the warm Egyptian sun will do their job.

If in windy weather you protect your sun lounger on the beach from the winds with special protective partitions (screens, usually made of rods), which are available in almost all hotels in Egypt, then you will be comfortable and warm.

Starting from mid-April, the winds begin to weaken and the weather in Egypt becomes sunnier, warmer and very comfortable for a beach holiday!

In the heat of summer, the blowing winds in Egypt create a light, refreshing breeze, which is especially felt when leaving the sea or the hotel pool, and it is refreshingly pleasant. But remember, this gentle breeze is dangerous in terms of tanning, you can quickly get sunburned without feeling the heat of the scorching sun.

The winds in Egypt are very popular among surfers and kiters, who come to their favorite places to ride from year to year. Egyptian winds on the Red Sea coast have a smooth and constant air flow, which is very important when gliding across the water. The resort of Dahab is especially famous among these lovers of catching waves. Thanks to its unique wind rose, it is considered the most popular place for skiing.

Relax in Egypt all year round, and the gentle sun will give you a cheerful mood and a warm sea!

The average water temperature in Sharm el-Sheikh does not drop below +23°C even in winter, which is facilitated by coral reefs. Rain in Sharm el-Sheikh is very rare, the air is dry and warm at any time of the year. The only thing that can ruin a winter trip is strong wind. Therefore, we suggest considering the most protected bays in order to plan your ideal and comfortable vacation.

Naama Bay

This is the most protected bay of the resort. There is a beautiful sandy, gently sloping entrance to the sea, a beach cleared of corals. Ideal for families with children, but young people and diving enthusiasts will also find something to do - there are coral reefs not far from the shore. In Naama Bay there is where to stroll in the evenings - a wide and long embankment with rows of restaurants, cafes, shops, the old town (Old Market) is within easy reach, as well as many clubs and discos (the famous Hard Rock Café is located in Naama). To the famous ultra-modern shopping and entertainment promenade SOHO Square – an entertainment center with clubs, hookah bars, bars and restaurants, sports entertainment, daily concerts on the largest stage in Sharm el-Sheikh, singing fountains and an amusement park for children only 15-20 km away. The airport is 10 km away.

  • Stella Di Mare Beach 5* Boutique hotel with a romantic atmosphere and a small area. Tourists with children are welcome, but the hotel itself is not very conducive to families with children.
  • Novotel Beach / Novotel Palm 5* Family hotel with ideal access to the sea.
  • Tropitel Naama Bay 5* Youth hotel, located across the road from the beach, in a cozy location and close to entertainment.
  • Movenpick Resort Sharm El Sheikh 5* The hotel has 3 beaches. Including sand and coral. Note: the hotel has a stepped area.

Sharks Bay

The beaches in this bay are amazing - coral plateaus start from the very shore and go far into the sea; most beaches are equipped with short pontoons. There are diving centers at every hotel; experienced instructors will teach you the basics of the skill and accompany you on the dive. You can literally dive from the shore, there are practically no currents, the average depth is about 20 m, visibility is excellent! Here you can see the corals up close, as well as admire a wide variety of fish.

  • Concorde El Salam Front Area 5* Near the hotel there is a sea with beautiful corals, entrance is via a short pontoon. The hotel is within walking distance from SOHO Square.
  • Hilton Sharks Bay 4* Youth hotel with good corals in the sea.
  • Savoy 5* Hotel on the 1st coastline, located directly on SOHO Square. It also has a short pontoon.
  • Sierra 5* Adjacent to the Savoy 5* hotel, located on the second coastline from the sea. Also located near SOHO Square.
  • Sultan Gardens 5* Luxurious hotel with a beautiful beach, good corals and a piece of sandy sunset for children.
  • SUNRISE ARABIAN BEACH RESORT 5* One of the best hotels in Sharm el-Sheikh at the moment, very beautiful and well-kept, located next to the Sultan Gardens 5* hotel.
  • Xperience Sea Breeze Resort 5* A small economy class hotel on the first coastline. Adjacent to Sultan Gardens.
  • Grand Rotana Resort & Spa 5* Very beautiful area. A little tired rooms and a traditionally beautiful reef. Ideal for a family holiday.
  • Four Seasons Resort SSH 5* The hotel is of a high level, does not operate on an all-inclusive system. Perfect, beautiful, elegant.

Sharm el Maya

Sharm el Maya Bay is located in the southwest of the resort and is protected from the wind on 3 sides. There is an Old Town with many shops and cafes, as well as a harbor where you can go on boat trips. There are some of the best sandy beaches with a gentle slope into the sea.

Best hotel in the bay:

  • Iberotel Palace 5* Hotel with good access to the sea and perfect sand on the beach.


This bay is located between Naama Bay and Sharm el Maya. Hadaba has wonderful deep sea, coral reefs, nightlife and shopping.

  • Monte Carlo Sharm Resort & Spa 5* Excellent youth hotel.
  • Sunrise Montemare Resort (Adults Only) 5* Newly opened hotel (closed for a long time). Adults only. Good level.

Ras Umm al-Sid

A cozy bay behind the mountains with beautiful coral gardens and lots of fish. It will be appreciated by lovers of snorkeling and diving. In Ras Umm al-Sid there are also diving centers and separate diving schools at almost every hotel.

  • Albatros Aqua Blu Resort Sharm El Sheikh 4* Family hotel with a huge water park.
  • Albatros Aqua Park 5* A completely new family hotel with its own large water park, it is also possible to use the water park of the Albatros Aqua Blu Resort Sharm El Sheikh 4* .
  • Renaissance Golden View Beach 5* Excellent hotel for couples.
  • Faraana Reef 4*+ Economy class hotel with a very good reef.
  • Jaz Fanara Resort & Residence (ex. Iberotel Club Fanara) 4* A hotel that breaks records in popularity. Ideal entry into the sea (don't even need a pontoon). There is a beautiful reef nearby. Food, quality. There is a nuance in numbers.
  • Reef Oasis Beach Resort 5* Also a very popular hotel. Large, beautiful area. The rooms are a bit old.
  • Sentido Reef Oasis Senses Resort 5* The outer buildings of the Reef Oasis Beach Resort.

Gardens Bay

  • Hyatt Regency 5* An excellent hotel with beautiful grounds and excellent service.
  • Reef Oasis Blue Bay 5* Beautiful, large area. Family hotel for a relaxing holiday.

Ras Nazran

General characteristics of hotels in Egypt located in windless bays:

1. All 10 hotels are located on the 1st line, within walking distance from the sea.

2. All hotels have a developed tourist infrastructure - at least 3 a la carte restaurants, several swimming pools, several bars.

3. All hotels have an excellent animation program for both adults and children - evening shows, children's animation during the day, morning aerobics, various leisure activities, a mini-club.

4. All these hotels are located in windless bays. Sharm el-Sheikh, unlike Hurghada, is sheltered from the winds by mountains, but even here the weather is windy from 1.10 to 1.03. In these hotels you can relax comfortably even in the windy season.

1) Reef Oasis Beach Resort 5*/ Reef Oasis Beach Resort 5*

This is a decent hotel located in Ras Um El Sid Bay, 7 kilometers from the center of Sharm el-Sheikh, the Naama Bay discos and shopping area. The hotel itself is very clean and more reminiscent of European hotels. The hotel has 8 swimming pools, including 1 large heated one.

Pros: The area is very well maintained and large, but easy to navigate. A taf-taf minibus runs around the hotel. The main advantage of the hotel is the combination of a beautiful reef and a small cleared entry into the sea. Our tourists leave excellent reviews about the beach at the Reef Oasis Beach Resort 5*.

The hotel's beach is large, and there are no problems with sunbeds - there are enough for everyone.

Minuses: Lack of free wi-fi. The food at the hotel is good by Egyptian standards, but some tourists are not satisfied with the monotony of the menu.

2) Hilton Sharm Waterfalls 5*/ Hilton Sharm Waterfalls 5*

The hotel is conveniently located between the entertainment-packed Naama Bay area and the Old Town, next to the lively El Mercato promenade. The hotel area is medium in size, but very beautifully decorated, planted with greenery. There are several large swimming pools, including sea water. This is a nice property with beautifully landscaped grounds, a great reef and close proximity to entertainment. This is one of the best Hilton hotels in Egypt, which is confirmed by numerous positive reviews from our tourists and managers who visited the hotel.

Pros: The hotel has an excellent diving center and a stunning coral reef. In the evenings there are discos in a nightclub powered by an AI system. The hotel has easy access to Naama Bay or the nearby El Mercato shopping street. The hotel is located on a hill and offers a picturesque panorama.

Minuses: The hotel does not have a clear entrance to the sea, there are only two pontoons. The hotel has generally good food, but there are queues in the restaurant during high season. The animation in the hotel is soft, not very active. The location on the hill makes life difficult for mothers with strollers, as the hotel area is located on several levels.

3) Dessole Royal Rojana 5*/ Dessole Royal Rojana 5*

This hotel is conveniently located in Sharks Bay, a luxury hotel area close to Sharm el-Sheikh Airport and Soho Square. The hotel enjoys well-deserved popularity, as evidenced by numerous reviews.

Pros: One of the main advantages of the hotel is its vast green area. There are places to go for a walk with the children. There is even an artificial waterfall. This hotel is loved by tourists, including for the beauty of the underwater world. A big plus is the presence of a small cleared entrance to the sea. The hotel has two beaches - coral with a pontoon and a beach for children with a good entrance. Peace reigns on one beach, while young people are having fun on the other. The hotel has heated pools and water slides. The food at the hotel is quite worthy of 5*.

Minuses: To some, Royal Rodzhana 5* may seem too noisy. Life here is in full swing - excellent animation, disco, evening shows, competitions, all kinds of entertainment options for adults and children. The hotel has a lot of excessively drinking holidaymakers from Russia. Some tourists complain about the low level of service. There are also complaints about rooms with old furnishings. Therefore, Smart Tourists advise booking tours from Ufa to Dessole Royal Rojana 5* in advance. We recommend this hotel to lovers of active recreation.

4) Hilton Fayrouz Resort 4* / Hilton Fayrouz Resort 4* and Hilton Sharm Dreams Resort 5* / Hilton Sharm Dreams Resort 5*

A complex of two Hilton hotels, which has a common infrastructure, is located in Naama Bay, where the main entertainment of Sharm el-Sheikh is concentrated. There are 8 swimming pools, including heated ones. Not far from the hotel, the busy Naama Street sparkles with lights, a concentration of cafes, restaurants, bars, clubs, hookah bars and shops. Hilton Fairuz 4* is built on the first line, and from Hilton Dreams 5* you will have to walk to the sea for about 5-8 minutes, since it is located on the second line right behind Hilton Fairuz 4*. The Hilton Dreams Resort 5* hotel has more vacationers with children and better animation. For those for whom the animation in the hotel is not enough, clubs, restaurants and bars are within walking distance.

Pros: The beach at these hotels is shared, with an excellent entrance and fine sand, suitable for families with children. It is considered the best in all of Naama Bay. Both hotels stand out from others with their green, well-groomed grounds and decent service.

Minuses: The hotel does not have a beautiful reef, which is quite typical for hotels in this bay. For some, the lack of an AI system (all inclusive) at Hilton Fairuz 4* is a drawback. Many tourists only take HB (breakfast). You can buy a tour to this hotel, taking HB (half board) or FB (board), but there are no problems with good cafes in the area. The food is generally good, but in recent years, tourist reviews of the food at this hotel have deteriorated significantly. The hotel rooms are satisfactory, but have not been updated for a long time.

5) Sheraton Sharm Hotel Main Building 5*/ Sheraton Sharm Hotel Main Building 5* and Sheraton Sharm Hotel, Resort, Villas & Spa 5*/ Sheraton Sharm Hotel, Resort, Villas & Spa 5*

The complex consists of two hotels. Sheraton Sharm Hotel Main Building 5* is a more expensive option for staying in the main building. Sheraton Sharm Hotel, Resort, Villas & Spa 5* is a more budget option for accommodation in bungalow villas.

Pros: The main building contains numerous shops, a pharmacy, a currency exchange office, a gym and a spa. The hotel infrastructure is well developed. The animation is active, there is a children's club, there is a wide range of entertainment, quite a lot of bars, a good selection of a la carte restaurants. The hotel complex occupies a very large area, conducive to walks among greenery and entire streets of bungalows. The beach at the hotel is very long, with fine sand. Snorkelers and diving enthusiasts leave rave reviews of the hotel's reef. The food at the hotel is varied, with a large selection of national cuisine, fruit and meat dishes. The rooms at the Sharaton Main Building 5* hotel are modern, beautifully furnished.

Minuses: The distance to the sea depends on where you live. From some Sheraton Resort, Villas & Spa 5* villas, the walk to the beach takes 10 minutes, but this is not a problem, since taf-taf mini-buses constantly cruise around the territory. Residents of the villas cannot visit the restaurant of the main building, where the food is somewhat more varied. The rooms in the bungalows are less comfortable than those in the main building and have not been updated for a long time. The rooms in the main building are better, but not all have a balcony.

6) The Grand Hotel Sharm El Sheikh 5*/ Grand Hotel Sharm El Sheikh 5*

Grand Hotel Sharm El Sheikh 5* is located in the center of Sharm el-Sheikh in the Hadaba area, in close proximity to the 1001 night entertainment complex. The lively El Mercato street with bars, restaurants and brand stores is a 15-minute walk away. The hotel is popular among connoisseurs of underwater beauty.

Pros: On the hotel beach there is one of the most beautiful reefs of the resort, conducive to active snorkeling. Numerous Europeans relax here, coming here for exciting diving. The beach is large, clean, and tourists have no problems with sunbeds. The hotel has a large area with beautiful walking alleys, flower beds and beautiful design of buildings. The food at the hotel is varied and quite appropriate for its level.

Minuses: There are a large number of stairs and slopes on the hotel premises, making it difficult for mothers with strollers to move around. There are many pools in the hotel, but they are not deep - about 140 cm. You can only enter the sea from a pontoon; there is no section of the beach cleared of corals. Some tourists write reviews about the hotel, where they point out outdated rooms that clearly have not been renovated for a long time. There are also complaints about the service.

7) Dessole Pyramisa Sharm El Sheikh Resort 5* / Dessole Pyramisa Sharm el Sheikh Resort 5*

The hotel is 4 km from Sharks Bay Airport and 8 km. from Naama Bay, where a free transfer is provided.

Pros: The hotel is distinguished by a creative approach to the design of the territory, beautiful flower beds and well-groomed trees. The territory is planted with bright flowers and numerous palm trees. On the beach you can take very beautiful photographs against the backdrop of palm trees and picturesque rocks. The hotel received excellent reviews for its reef rich in exotic life. The food at the hotel is of a high standard. There are Chinese, Indian and Italian a la carte restaurants with quality cuisine. For a holiday with children, this hotel provides everything you need - rich animation (games, competitions, evening shows), excellent staff attitude towards children, a good mini-club. Minuses: The hotel does not have a sandy beach or cleared entrance to the sea. Standard hotel rooms clearly require renovation and interior renovation. Family rooms, on the contrary, are new and spacious. The service at the hotel is normal, but there are also dissatisfied reviews about the level of service.

8) Sonesta Beach Resort & Casino 5* / Sonesta Beach Resort and Casino 5* and Sonesta Club 4* / Sonesta Club 4*

The hotel complex of two hotels was built in Arabic style and has a vast green area of ​​130 thousand square meters. km. On the first line is Sonesta Beach 5*, and on the second line is Sonesta Club 4*. If the price of a tour to the Sonesta Beach 4* hotel seems high, then you can buy a tour to the more economical Sonesta Club 4* located a little further from the sea.

If you want to be closer to the nightlife of Naama Bay, like to eat delicious food and are not demanding about the wealth of underwater life, then you should buy a tour to this hotel complex.

Pros: The beautiful area, common to both hotels, is conducive to walking. The hotel is located at the very beginning of Naama Bay, 2 km from the busy tourist street. The hotel mainly consists of cozy bungalows surrounded by picturesque vegetation. The beach, shared by two hotels, has a good entrance to the sea and is excellent for swimming children. The concept of the hotels is aimed at creating the most comfortable conditions for families with children. There is everything you need for children - from a children's menu to a mini club. A big plus is the numerous warm pools. The food is simply excellent for a hotel of this category. A good selection of dishes is available at the 3 a la carte restaurants. For some, the presence of Russian-speaking staff will be a plus. The service at the hotel is at a high level for Egypt. It is worth noting the presence of a good SPA center, which has received positive reviews.

Minuses: The hotel rooms, especially in the Sonesta Club 4*, are small and have not been updated for a long time. The coral reef near the hotel is poor, typical of Naama Bay.

9) Dreams Beach Resort 5* / Dreams Beach Resort 5* and Dreams Vacation Resort 4* / Dreams Vacation 4*

The Dreams Beach Resort 5* hotel is conveniently located in the Hadaba area between Naama Bay and the Old City. If the price of a tour to this hotel seems high to you, then you can stay at the Dreams Vacation Resort 4* hotel, located on the 2nd line, but having a common infrastructure with Dream Beach 4*. This hotel complex is suitable for everyone, but especially good reviews are left by those interested in diving and snorkeling.

Pros: The main advantage of the hotel is the beautiful reef. The beach is also wonderful - quite large and picturesque, with clean sand. It is convenient to enter the sea both through a cleared area and from a pontoon. On the vast territory, planted with exotic greenery, you can find many secluded corners, stairs, gazebos, passages and beautiful rocks. Most rooms have a beautiful view of the sea. The service at the hotel is worthy of all praise. The food also satisfies tourists - varied, high quality, with a good selection of meat dishes. The animation at the hotel is quite active, but if someone wants more fun, then a 10-minute walk from the hotel there is the 1001 Nights entertainment complex, shops and supermarkets.

Minuses: The hotel rooms are clean and comfortable, but the furnishings are old and they clearly need renovation. Not all tourists are satisfied with the variety of food, especially in the more economical Dreams Vacation Resort 4* hotel.

10) Royal Grand Sharm 5*/Royal Grand Sharm 5*

This is a good hotel with colorful architecture in the center of Sharm el-Sheikh in the Ras Umm Sid plateau area. You can buy tours to this hotel in Narm el-Sheikh at very competitive prices. Holidays at Royal Grand Sharm 5* can be recommended to both families with children and young people.

Pros: The hotel's beautiful reef receives excellent reviews from tourists. Those who want to see an even greater variety of underwater life can take a 10-minute boat ride to two of the most wonderful coral reefs on the coast. The hotel beach is spacious, there are enough sun loungers for everyone. The vast territory resembles a botanical garden and is suitable for leisurely evening walks. The advantage of the hotel is its spacious modern rooms with terraces. The food in the restaurant is quite varied and tasty - a good selection of fruits, meat dishes, national flatbreads by the pool. The animation in the hotel is active - a variety of evening shows, an entertainment program for children, competitions, aerobics, sports games. The hotel also offers easy access to Naama Bay's restaurants, clubs and shops.

Egypt has long been the most popular destination among tourists. The prices there are quite affordable, and the service is getting better every year. In addition, the flight is not far and the sea is warm enough for swimming even in winter. You just need to choose the right place. The weather in the winter months is sunny with temperatures around 25 degrees during the day, but cold winds blow. Therefore, it is so important to choose a place where the beach is protected from the wind by a rocky coast. The largest number of such places in Sharm El Sheikh.

SO, Sharm El Sheikh: The warmest and windless place can be considered

Al Fanar Bay (aka Ras Umm Sid):The following hotels have the beach in this bay:

Iberotel Club Fanara & Residence 4*, Reef Oasis Beach Resort 5*, SENTIDO Reef Oasis Senses Resort 5*, Club El Faraana Reef 4*

Also, if you look on the map a little to the left of El Fanar there is another one most favorable for winter

Sharm El Maya Bay:

Sharm El Maya Bay

In the bay there are 4 1st line hotels Beach Albatros Sharm 4*, Dessole Seti Sharm Resort 4*, Iberotel Palace 5* and Turquoise Beach Hotel 3* and one 2nd line Albatros Aqua Blu Sharm 4*. Also in the bay there are several beaches of city hotels and a couple of public beaches. Near the bay there is a market - Old Market.

Naama Bay- the most famous Sharma Bay and naturally it leads in the number and variety of hotels suitable for winter holidays, not only because it is windless, but also because the main entertainment areas are located there, and this is very useful in winter, when daylight ends at five in the evening .

The arrow on the map shows the direction of the wind. Therefore, Movenpick Sharm El Sheikh Resort Naama Bay 5* can be considered the most protected from the wind
Another plus is that there are practically no reefs in this bay; the beach is sandy everywhere, with the exception of a few hotels along the edges of the bay. At the same time, the southern region and the hotels located there are ventilated. Stella Di Mare and Halomi Beach are at risk. The Moevenpick Hotel has the most ideal location. Among the hotels worthy of attention are Sonesta Beach & Club, Marriott Resort & Marriot Mountain, Novotel Beach & Novotel Palm, Hilton Sharm El Sheikh Fayrouz Resort (not open for all), Hilton Sharm Dreams, Gasala Beach & Gasala Garden, Maritime Jolie Ville Resort & Casino, Iberotel Lido. Naama also has many inexpensive hotels of dubious quality, located far from the sea and without their own beach.

White Knight Bay also suitable for winter holidays.

In the bay there are hotels Royal Savoy 5*, Island View 5*, Conkorde El Salam, Hilton Sharks Bay and Siva Sharm Resort & Spa 5* (formerly Savita)

Between the hotels of the 1st and 2nd lines is the Soho esplanade - a modern shopping alley with fashionable restaurants, shops and entertainment centers. Here you can even go ice skating on an indoor skating rink.

Hotels can also be classified as “winter” Sharks Bay

Dessole Royal Rojana Resort 5* and AA Grand Oasis Resort 4*.

Melia Sinai 5*, located in Ras Nasrani Bay, can also be considered relatively windless. But Melia Sharm, as you can see in the picture below, is not like that.
In the Gulf El Basha Bay windless hotels Reef Oasis Blue Bay Resort & Spa 5*, Continental Plaza Beach Resort 5* and Sharm Grand Plaza Resort 5*.

Well, the last one Coral Bay.

It is almost completely occupied by the Domina complex. The most windless Domina hotels are located in the northern part of the complex. These are Aquamarin Pool, Sultan, Elisir, King's and Prestige cases.
And also the Sinai Grand Resort Valtur 4* hotel, but it is impossible to get into it from Russian tour operators.

What absolutely should not be considered for a winter holiday is the Nabq area. Here the winds and currents are always strong and there are waves even in summer. Another disadvantage is the fact that in Nabka there is no entrance from the shore - a coral slab, and through it long pontoons and piers beyond the edge of the reef. The length of the pontoons/piers in some places is more than 500 meters.


Hurghada has a wonderful windless area in Makadi Bay.
Excellent windless hotels Fort Arabesque 5* and children's Sunrise Select Royal Makadi Resort 5*. In addition - Makadi Spa 5* and Sunwing Waterworld Makadi 5* And between them and Arabesques - a thin strip almost perpendicular to the sea - Prima Life Makadi Resort 5*. Makadi also includes the Al Nabila Grand Bay 5* hotel - the beach there is also well protected from the wind. Although the hotel itself is located far from the entertainment and infrastructure of Makadi.
Hotels in the central part of Hurghada can also be classified as windless. But there is nothing for lovers of the underwater world to do there; the reef is mostly dead. But these beaches are suitable for families with small children, because... have a gentle sandy entry into the sea.

We will be happy to tell you about all other areas and hotels not included in this article in our office. Come!