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Kazakhstani iron. Sale of train tickets in all directions of KTZ. Crossing the border with Russia

The railway complex of any country serves as the most important component of its transport system. Kazakhstan is no exception. Its transport system developed taking into account the formation of the most important sectors of the economy, including fuel and energy, construction, agro-industrial, mining and metallurgical and other sectors of the national economy. At the same time, it ensured the interconnection between all these types of production.

Current state

The most important industry in Kazakhstan has an extensive network of roads. The length of the country's railways is 15,341 km. Of these, 6 thousand are double-track, and about 5 thousand are electrified. The length of the main tracks of the Kazakhstan railway industry is 18.8 thousand km, and special and station tracks are 6.7 thousand km.

The importance of this industry is very great. And this is confirmed by the fact that the Kazakhstan Railway accounts for more than 68 percent of all freight traffic in the country and over 57 percent of its passenger turnover. Also, this industry employs about one percent of its residents.

Most of the networks are operated by the Kazakhstan Railways. And only a small share of them belongs to the oil and mining industries.

The beginning of a long journey

The Kazakhstan railway appeared in 1893-1894. It was during this period that a narrow-gauge line was built connecting Pokrovskaya Sloboda and Uralsk. Its length was 369 km, 113 of which ran through the territory of Kazakhstan.

190 km of the Trans-Siberian Railway were also carried through the country, in the Petropavlovsk region.
Nevertheless, the year of foundation of the Kazakhstan Railway is considered to be 1904. It was then that the first major construction of tracks in the country began. This was the Orenburg-Tashkent railway, put into operation in 1905-1906. The road connected Central Asia with European Russia.

Industrial centers and cities of Turkestan and Aktyubinsk, Aralsk, Novokazalinsk, Kyzylorda and many others grew along this railway line. The development of Kazakhstan's railway network continued during Soviet times. In 1964, the first electrified section appeared in the country between Karaganda and Tselinograd. In Stepnogorsk, a city train began transporting passengers.


The Kazakhstan Railway, which became independent in the 90s of the last century, began to experience some difficulties. After all, communication between its individual regions was difficult due to the need to cross Russian borders. In this regard, three sections of railway lines were built in the country, which were entirely located on the territory of the Republic.

In May 2013, a route from Kazakhstan to neighboring Turkmenistan was opened. In July 2012, the construction of two interstate highways began. The implementation of these projects made it possible to significantly reduce the distance from Zhezkazgan and Astana to the southwestern regions of the Republic.

Formation of the structure

On October 19, 1940, a joint Resolution of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and the Council of the People's Commissariat of Soviet Socialist Republics was issued, according to which a new enterprise was organized, called the Karaganda Railway. This document marked the beginning of the process of creating the structure of railway transport in Kazakhstan. A new Government Resolution was issued on July 1, 1958. According to it, the Kazakh Railway was formed, which was the largest on the territory of the USSR. Its length in those years was more than 11 thousand km, and the structure included 15 branches uniting highways connecting the republic with the Urals and Siberia, Kyrgyzstan, Central Asia and the Volga region.

The restructuring of the enterprise took place in April 1977. Then, on its basis, three roads were formed - “Alma-Atinskaya”, “Tselinnaya” and “West Kazakhstan”. But then they were united. As a result, a new republican state-owned enterprise arose, which was called “Kazakhstan Temir Zholy”. It was created in accordance with the Resolution, which was adopted by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan on January 31, 1997, No. 129. Its main issue was the reorganization of enterprises operating in the railway sector. The purpose of merging the Departments of three different roads was to optimize the structure managing the transportation process. At the same time, unnecessary links were eliminated, which led to the financial and economic recovery of the railway industry.

On March 15, 2002, a new Government Resolution No. 310 was issued. It marked the beginning of the creation of a closed joint stock company called the National Company Kazakhstan Temir Zholy. It was formed on the basis of the state republican enterprise of the same name.

On April 2, 2004, in accordance with the Law “On Joint-Stock Companies,” CJSC “NC KTZ” was re-registered. After that, it became known as NC KTZ JSC.

Owner and management

The company has one shareholder. This is “Samruk Kyzyna” - a national fund, one hundred percent of whose shares are under the control of the state. Having the legal authority to do so, the fund contributes to solving problems that increase the transparency of the JSC budget, as well as to implement better corporate governance. In addition, he manages the activities of KTZ through the board of directors. The operational work of the enterprise is not affected.

The work of KTZ is controlled by the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Kazakhstan. At the same time, it, being an authorized body, provides assistance in the implementation of Government policy in the field of railway transport. Together with the Samruk-Kazyna agency, which deals with regulating the work of natural monopolies, the Ministry of Transport approves the list of members of the board of directors, who, in turn, decide to appoint the chairman of this board of directors and accept annual reports. The president of the country proposes a candidate for this position. Since June 2009, this post has been occupied by Timur Kulibayev.

Kazakhstan's railway transport is managed using a vertical system. This allows you to significantly optimize material and technical supplies, as well as quickly manage all available production inventories. All this has a positive impact on the efficiency of transportation and its further optimization. Today, active work is being carried out to improve the organizational structure of KTZ JSC.

Board composition

The list of management of the Kazakhstan Railway includes:

  1. Askar Mamin. Since April 2008, he has held the position of Chairman of the Board, President of NC KTZ JSC.
  2. Ermek Kizatov, since 2008 - vice president.
  3. Erik Sultanov, since 2008 - vice president for support.
  4. Kanat Alpysbaev, since 2008 - Vice President for Finance and Economics.
  5. Askhat Akchurin, since 2008 - Vice President for Social Affairs and Human Resources.
  6. Erkhat Iskaliev, since 2011 - Vice President for Logistics.
  7. Beibit Zhusulov is a presidential adviser.
  8. Kanat Almagametov - chief of staff, managing director.
  9. Rustam Khasenov is a managing director dealing with legal issues.
  10. Almas Lepesbaev - Managing Director for Economic Affairs.
  11. Elena Lepskaya - financial managing director.
  12. Baurzhan Urynbasarov is the managing director in charge of operational work.


The railway infrastructure of NC KTZ JSC includes 13 branches. Their list includes the following:

  1. Akmola.
  2. Kostanay.
  3. Karaganda.
  4. Semipalatinsk.
  5. Almaty.
  6. Zaschitinskoe.
  7. Dzhambulskoe.
  8. Shymkantskoe.
  9. Kyzyl-Orda.
  10. Aktobe.
  11. Pavlodar.
  12. Ural.
  13. Atyrau.


The railway industry is one of the most important parts of the industrial infrastructure of Kazakhstan. The country does not have direct access to the sea. It is also characterized by the absence of navigable rivers. In this regard, and also due to the underdevelopment of road transport, railway transport has to solve the most important problems in the economic sphere of the entire country.

The main part of the tracks of NC KTZ JSC is located on the territory of the Republic. This is 97.5% of their total length. And only a small length of lines (2.5%) is located in the border areas with Russia.

Freight transportation

Today, among the main clients of the Kazakhstan railway are the largest enterprises included in the structure of the mining industry. It is their orders that provide 80% of KTZ’s freight volume. Such enterprises include such joint-stock companies as:

  • Tengizchevrostroil LLP.
  • "Kazzinc".
  • Kazakhmys Corporation.
  • "PetroKazakhstan".
  • "Aluminium of Kazakhstan".
  • "TNK Kazchrome"

All these enterprises operate in the Karaganda and Ekibastuz coal basins. According to data for 2010, the freight turnover of the Kazakhstan Railway amounted to 213 billion ton-kilometers. At the same time, the volume of transported cargo in 2009 reached 268 million tons. Thirty-five percent of this amount was exported. On interregional lines, freight traffic amounted to 53%. Import work was carried out with 6% of supplies. 6% of cargo also passed through the Republic in transit.

Passenger transportation

On July 14, 1998, a subsidiary appeared in the structure of the state republican enterprise “Kazakhstan Temir Zholy”. Thanks to this, KTZ passenger transportation was transferred to independent operations. This subsidiary state enterprise was called “Passenger Transportation”. In 2002, in connection with the reorganization of KTZ, a joint stock company of the same name was formed on its basis.

In 2004, the provision and service activities of this joint-stock company were affected by further changes. As a result of the work done, some separation was carried out. This, in turn, resulted in a change in targeted subsidies for passenger transportation. His joint stock company began to receive money from local and republican budgets.

The restructuring program provided for the creation of seven joint-stock companies, which became part of Passenger Transportation JSC. Among them:

  1. Almaty Car Repair Plant.
  2. "Suburban transportation".
  3. "Station service".
  4. "Baggage transportation"
  5. "Vagonservis".
  6. "Passenger carriage leasing company."
  7. Zholserik-Almaty LLP, renamed in 2005 to Zholaushylartrans.

On December 25, 2004, the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan adopted a Resolution according to which Passenger Transportation JSC received the status of a national carrier.

Today, the structure of this joint-stock company includes four branches:

  1. "Express".
  2. "Northern".
  3. "West".
  4. "Southern".

It also includes three subsidiaries:

  1. JSC "Vagonservis"
  2. JSC Passenger Leasing Company.
  3. JSC Suburban Transportation.

All of them have a 100% participation in the activities of Passenger Transportation JSC.
It is worth noting: according to statistics for 2010, the passenger turnover of the Kazakhstan Railway amounted to 13.9 billion PKM.

Number of rolling stock

In 2003, the Kazakhstan Railway had 1,770 locomotives on its balance sheet, including 53 steam locomotives, 590 electric locomotives and 1,126 locomotives of special systems and diesel locomotives. The total power of this rolling stock was 6,450 thousand kW.

In addition, passenger and cargo transportation in the same year 2003 was carried out using 282 railcars, 135 luggage and 2,559 passenger cars. In addition, 70,366 freight cars that belonged to KTZ, as well as 18,360 privately owned ones, moved along the country's railways.

The rolling stock also included diesel trains, railcars and other self-propelled equipment.

Car repairs

The railway requires the constant presence of serviceable rolling stock necessary for the transportation of passengers and goods. To accomplish this task, Almaty Car Repair Plant JSC works. This is a technically advanced, modern enterprise. Its history began during the construction of Tursib. After the completion of the construction of the Turkestan-Siberian Railway in 1933, workshops engaged in the repair of wagons began to function in Alma-Ata. As the railway of Kazakhstan developed and the need for repairs of its rolling stock increased, a depot was created on the basis of the workshops.

Today it is a joint-stock company that provides a huge range of services. The plant carries out repairs of wagons, including major repairs, overhaul repairs and major repairs with service life extension. He is engaged in restoration repairs, as well as the production of components and spare parts for passenger cars. This allows us to ensure a high level of safety and quality, taking into account the rational use of resources.

Locomotive production

After the collapse of the USSR, Kazakhstan faced the problem of updating the fleet of rolling stock available in the Republic. To solve this problem, many options were considered, which included the purchase of new locomotives, modernization of existing ones, etc. After an analysis of the needs of the country, it was decided to launch a new production, which became Lokomotiv Kurastyru Zauyty JSC. It was a subsidiary of NC KTZ JSC and was opened on July 3, 2009.

The plant was one of the first signs, heralding the beginning of serious structural changes in matters of economic growth of the country. At the same time, he allowed us to move away from the focus on raw materials and began the history of heavy engineering in the Republic.

The main goal of this enterprise is to make a worthy contribution to increasing the competitiveness of the entire railway transport system of the country, as well as to its industrial and innovative development.

In 2006, specialists from NC KTZ JSC entered into an agreement with the American company General Electric and began work to develop the compliance of the Kazakh diesel locomotive with the climatic features of the region. At the same time, the width of the rail bed, the specifics of the transported goods and modern requirements for environmental friendliness and compliance with sanitary standards were taken into account. The result of the work done was the creation of the first mainline freight single-section diesel locomotive, which in its level belonged to the fifth generation. The assembly of this locomotive was carried out in Kazakhstan.

Today, these diesel locomotives continue to roll off the plant's assembly line. To assemble them, production uses equipment from leading leaders in the world machine tool industry.

At high speeds

In February 2011, a memorandum of cooperation regarding the construction of the railway was signed in Beijing. It was stated that the Astana - Almaty train will run along it at a maximum speed of 350 km/h. The memorandum was signed by the Ministry of Railways of China and KTZ.

Astana and Almaty are the two largest cities of the Republic. The main events of the country take place there. Of course, the distance between them is quite decent. It is 1200 km. That is why ordinary passenger trains cover it in only 18-20 hours. Of course, such figures do not correspond to the modern rhythm of life. However, everything changed after the implementation of the project, which began in 2011. Today, the Astana - Almaty train can cover the distance between cities in 4 hours. Three high-speed trains run on this line per day. This schedule was approved by Passenger Transportation JSC to meet customer demand.

However, the work to “reduce” the distance between cities is not completed. Currently, there is an idea proposing the construction of an even faster express train between megacities, capable of reaching speeds of up to 400 km/h.

The creator of this project, designer and architect Semyon Bolotnik, called it “Berkut”. And this is no coincidence. After all, this bird is a symbol of speed, strength and self-confidence. The designer decided to endow the train he created with the same qualities. The implementation of the project will reduce travel time between Astana and Almaty to 157 minutes. And this figure is decent even for Japan and Western Europe. True, the travel route will be somewhat shortened. It will be reduced from 1200 to 1050 kilometers due to the construction of a 5-kilometer railway bridge that will pass across Lake Balkhash. Traffic will be carried out along a separate line, which will allow express trains not to interfere with freight and passenger trains.

Kazakhstan’s partner in solving this ambitious task is still China. By the way, in the Celestial Empire, trains moving at a similar speed already exist and are very actively used.

Republic Landmark

Every resident of the Republic knows the Temir Zholy tower. This is the building of the Kazakhstan Railways, which has an original silhouette.

It is one of the high-rise dominants of Astana and is included in the list of the 12 tallest buildings in the Republic. This modern skyscraper is considered one of the landmarks of the metropolis. Its height is 175 m. The building includes a huge complex of office premises, which are equipped with the most modern technological equipment and utilities.


Of course, railway transport is a very complex production. It links together locomotive and track facilities, signaling, communications, etc. However, low tariffs and the ability to cover significant distances for transportation make it very attractive for the country.

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Just as Kazakhstan in its current form began as a territory between Russia and Central Asia, so the Kazakh railways began their history as a connecting link between the main part of the Soviet Union and its southeastern outskirts - both from the west, from the Urals and the Volga region, and from east, from Siberia and Altai.
The first railway on the territory of the Kazakh state within its current borders is the Ryazan-Ural Railway, which connected Uralsk with Saratov and Central Russia in 1893.

A little later, a section of the southern passage of the Trans-Siberian Railway was built, passing through Petropavlovsk in 1894.
However, in those years Petropavlovsk was not perceived as anything other than a part of Siberia, and even now the 200-kilometer segment looks very modest against the backdrop of the Kazakh expanses lying to the south.

And the first major railway that passed through the interior regions and through the original Kazakh lands was the Tashkent Railway, which by 1906 connected Moscow, Orenburg and the Turkestan capital, passing through Mugodzhary, the western part of the Turgai steppes, the Aral semi-deserts and along the Syr Darya.



A trip along this line can now replace a full-fledged trip around Kazakhstan - the reality surrounding the railway tracks and dusty stations with beautiful train stations has largely not changed much over the past century.


Only pillars appeared in huge quantities, and the beautiful Kazakh cemeteries with the spread of modern brick probably became a little larger:


Such immutability of the landscape is not surprising if we consider that in the first Soviet decades, when the Kazakh economy, industry and, accordingly, the network of cities began to take shape, development still largely took place closer to the outskirts of the country, without moving away from the Central Asian mountains, oases and from the green plains and forests of the North.


The development of railways at the end of the 19th century and in the first decades of the 20th century was not limited to long main lines; In addition to them, several branches were put into operation, entering the borders of modern Kazakhstan from the adjacent Volga (Saratov - Uralsk), Ural (Chelyabinsk - Troitsk - Kustanai), Siberian (Petropavlovsk - Borovoe) and Altai (Kulunda - Pavlodar) lands.


Suffice it to remember that the capital of the Kazakh SSR was Alma-Ata, located on the southeastern outskirts of Kazakhstan; and new railway lines continued to be built as transit lines.


Following the Tashkent Railway, which connected European Russia with Tashkent, already in the 1910s, the adjacent Turkestan-Siberian Railway began to be built, designed to connect Central Asia with Siberia.
It was put into operation at the very end of the 1920s, providing modern transport to the new republican capital Alma-Ata and at the same time covering the south-eastern border of the Union, which was quite transparent in those years.
The third railway crossing the whole of Kazakhstan was built in the 1930s - 1940s. This highway, the shortest of the three, connected Western Siberia and the Trans-Urals with Central Asia, passing almost in a meridional (north-south) direction; starting in Akmolinsk/Tselinograd/Akmola/Astana, it joins the Turkestan-Siberian Railway at Chu station several hundred kilometers west of Almaty. During the war years, a railway line from the industrial Urals (Magnitogorsk) was brought to the then Akmolinsk, and the previously built Transsib line (Petropavlovsk) - Borovoe was continued to it. The construction of the Trans-Kazakhstan Railway was largely associated with the beginning of the industrial development of the interior regions of Kazakhstan, based on the development of mineral deposits of the Kazakh small hills, primarily in the Karaganda region. At the same time, the southern part of the Ural road passed through Western Kazakhstan, connecting new and old industrial centers to the east of the Ural ridge with mineral deposits in the area of ​​Aktyubinsk and Guryev/Atyrau. The construction of this railway was part of the organization of large-scale production in the rear during the war.
Thus, by 1950, the structure of the Kazakhstan railway network had developed - three main lines coming from the northwest, north and northeast and converging in Southern Kazakhstan.
Intra-Kazakh economic development continued and accelerated many times with the beginning of the development of virgin lands in the 1950s. Then the railway network of Northern Kazakhstan reached the density of the railway network of Southern Siberia or even the Urals: latitudinal lines were built/completed parallel to the Southern route of the Trans-Siberian Railway (Magnitogorsk - Tobol - Tselinograd - Ekibastuz - Pavlodar - Barnaul and Chelyabinsk - Kustanay - Kokchetav - Irtyshskoye - Karasuk - iron road Novosibirsk - Barnaul).


However, these lines also largely had a transit purpose, providing the shortest connection between the Urals and Kuzbass; in addition, until the 2000s, a significant part of passenger trains to Russian Altai traveled through Northern Kazakhstan.
Another significant event in the railway history of Kazakhstan during the development of virgin lands was the construction of a line from the Aktogay station on the Turkestan-Siberian road to the Dostyk (Friendship) station on the Chinese border. However, the Soviet-Chinese friendship soon ended, and the Kazakh railway network no longer acquired a transit function Union, and Eurasian scale was postponed for several decades.
In the late Soviet decades, the development of Kazakhstan's railways slowed down - as did the development of the entire country. The main object put into operation after 1965 was the transit railway in Western Kazakhstan (Astrakhan/Aksarai - Guryev/Atyrau - Beineu - Uzbekistan), which connected the railway network of European Russia and the European part of the USSR with the western part of Central Asia and the valley along the shortest route Amu Darya. However, by this time, domestic needs in Kazakhstan were already much more important in comparison with previous decades: this line serves oil fields in the lower reaches of the Urals and Emba (Guriev/Atyrau), a branch to Aktau/Shevchenko was built, providing high-capacity transport for the rapidly developing industrial complex of Mangyshlak .
It was planned to build another railway connecting Western Kazakhstan and Central Russia along the very, very shortest route - from the Beineu station it would continue the line from Uzbekistan to the northwest, and would approach the Aleksandrov Gai station in the Saratov region from the southeast. Construction in these places was carried out back in the 1910s - 1920s (the Algemba project), but was stopped, and in the late 1980s the section from Beineu to Inder (Inderborsky village) was built on the banks of the Ural River.
In the early 1960s, electrification of the Kazakhstan railway network began; however, the first electric railway line on the territory of the Kazakh SSR was the section of the Southern Railway of the Trans-Siberian Railway (Petukhovo - Petropavlovsk - Isilkul, 1961)
A little later (1964), a section of the railway in the interior regions (Tselinograd/Astana - Karaganda) was electrified; soon the main line from Astana through Tobol to Kartaly and Magnitogorsk was electrified. The Kazakh SSR was far from the last union republic to acquire electrified railways - they appeared in Uzbekistan, Latvia, and Lithuania later, but did not appear at all in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Moldova. But electrification covered only a small area in the north of the republic; Until the end of the 1970s, no new electrified sections were put into operation.


In the late 1970s - mid-1980s, electrification of the northern part of the republican railway network (Velinnaya Railway) continued.


At the end of the 1980s, electrification of the southern part of the Trans-Kazakhstan Railway (to Chu station) ended.


In the mid-1980s, Uzbekistan began electrification of the Turkestan-Siberian Railway; however, by 1991 it only reached the eastern border of the South Kazakhstan region (Tulkubas station).
In general, despite their large length and extremely important role in the connections of the main part of the country with Central Asia, the railways of Kazakhstan have never been among the busiest in the Union, and have rarely been the focus of attention of the Union Center - perhaps with the exception of Northern Kazakhstan. An indirect sign of this can be the low share of electrification: of the main roads, by the end of the Soviet period, only transit lines in the north, including the Southern Railway of the Trans-Siberian Railway, and part of the Trans-Kazakhstan Railway were electrified.


Suburban rail transportation has received relatively little development in Kazakhstan; Any significant volumes of electric train traffic are currently present only in the North.


However, Stepnogorsk in the vicinity of Tselinograd/Astana with its urban electric trains, the relatively frequent movement of which continues today, is one of the few examples of this type of transport in the post-Soviet space.
Despite the large number of intra-republican lines and the increasingly complex structure of the network, by 1991 the Kazakh railway network remained largely fragmented and incomplete, like the entire country. It was still based on trans-Kazakhstan lines; It was difficult to move within the country in a direction that did not coincide with the directions of these trans-Kazakhstan lines: to travel from Western Kazakhstan to Northern Kazakhstan or from Northern Kazakhstan to Eastern Kazakhstan, one had to go to adjacent Russian regions.
So, optimizing the railway network and increasing its connectivity was not the last point in the measures to consolidate the country taken by Nazarbayev; It is logical that the economic-geographical and natural differences between the West, North and East and South could not but be accompanied by socio-economic and ethnic differences, which Ukraine itself never dreamed of.
Thus, in the 1990s and 2000s, connections were built in Kazakhstan between the West and the North (Aktyubinsk - Tobol in the Kustanai region), the North and the East (Pavlodar - Semipalatinsk), the railway system in the Ust region was connected to the main Kazakh network -Kamenogorsk (from Ust-Kamenogorsk - Charsk station on Turksib).


The construction of these lines was also connected with the transfer of the capital to Astana - if from Almaty, from the south-eastern corner of the country, it was possible to optimally reach almost all Kazakhstan regions along existing railway lines, which, in fact, connected all parts of the country with the South , then from Astana it was no longer possible; to reach the Kazakh West or East it was necessary to overcome a huge extra distance. Largely thanks to the implementation of these projects, Kazakhstan has taken undisputed first place in the CIS in terms of railway construction volumes.
The only regional center, and now the territory of Russia is cut off from the main railway network of Kazakhstan, is Uralsk. However, Kazakhstan got out of the situation there using management methods: according to an agreement between the Kazakh railway operator Kazakhstan Temir Zholy and the Russian Railways, the section in the Sol-Iletsk area, connecting Uralsk with Aktobe, is controlled by KTZ, and the section of the Southern Railway of the Trans-Siberian Railway in area of ​​Petropavlovsk - "Russian Railways".
During these same years - albeit at a slower pace, given the sharp deterioration of the country's socio-economic situation - electrification continued; by the mid-1990s, electrification reached the Chu station from the west and Central Asia was finally connected by a high-capacity electrified railway to Russia. In 2001, the southern capital of Alma-Ata was finally provided with electric traction.


In post-Soviet times, the number of transit trains decreased, and in some places they disappeared completely - for example, on the North Kazakhstan transit lines. At the same time, the number of domestic trains has increased, the use of which has become much more justified after optimizing the structure of the railway network.


When compared with Russia, Kazakhstan has more connections between regional centers, without calling at the capitals, although the concentration of traffic in Astana and Almaty is also very high - about two-thirds of long-distance trains call either the southern or northern capital.


The country has become much more isolated from neighboring countries in terms of railway connections - now long-distance trains pass through 12 border crossings (9 with Russia, 2 with Uzbekistan, 1 with China), but mostly in small volumes. The only exception is the volume of passenger traffic to China, which is developing along with Kazakh-Chinese relations; Now there are trains from both Kazakh capitals to Western China's Urumqi. However, the outlying regions, which are superior in population and industrial potential to many of the internal regions of the country, are now gravitating towards the adjacent Russian regions; one of the signs of this is the still running long-distance trains connecting these Kazakh outskirts with neighboring, larger Russian cities (Atyrau - Astrakhan and Ridder/Leninogorsk - Ust-Kamenogorsk - Barnaul - Novosibirsk - Tomsk). In addition, there are still trains to Central Russia from both Kazakh capitals, as well as from Karaganda (from the latter there is also one train to Belarus).


In the 2010s, a new stage of railway construction began - these are lines in the interior of the country between Dzhezkazgan, Kzyl-Orda, Aktobe and Mangyshlak, designed to directly connect the center and the resource-rich west of the country, and reduce the size of the internal periphery remaining in the very center of Kazakhstan. In addition, a line to Turkmenistan was built along the eastern shore of the Caspian Sea. An additional connection with China has also appeared - almost directly from Almaty. With the advent of new latitudinal railways in the center of the country, the shortage of latitudinal connections (east - west) will decrease, and lines running closer to the northern and southern borders of the country will be somewhat relieved. If we speak in topological terms, then in Kazakhstan - if we compare the structure of the railway network now and in 1991 - most of the country's territory is covered by cycles of one tier of the railway network. Kazakhstan retains its leadership in the construction of railways in the post-Soviet space - at least if we talk about absolute indicators. In terms of the relative growth of the railway network, Kazakhstan may compete with neighboring Turkmenistan.
As for the prospects for the national railway network, they are quite optimistic. Infrastructure projects generally occupy an important place in Kazakhstan's economic planning; Despite the accelerated development of the road network in recent years, considerable attention is also paid to railways. After the commissioning of railway lines in the central part of the country, the mainline construction/framework of the Kazakhstan railway network is generally completed; most of the projects are dedicated to further electrification; first of all, this is the main line to China (Aktogay - Dostyk), the Turksib section connecting it with Southern Kazakhstan (Alma-Ata - Aktogay) and the segment between Turksib and the Trans-Kazakhstan railway (Aktogay - Balkhash - Mointy). The implementation of this project, like many trans-Kazakhstan transport projects, lies in line with one of the many projects to create additional connections between China and Central Asia and Europe.


Now the length of Kazakhstan's railways exceeds 15,000 km - 20th place in the world, 3rd place in the post-Soviet space; 6,000 km of railways are double-track.
Kazakhstani railways are electrified by a third (5,000 km, 16th place in the world and 3rd place in the CIS in terms of absolute length of electrified railways); on a global scale and by the standards of the post-Soviet space, this is an average.
At the same time, electrification is distributed extremely unevenly throughout the country - in the north and south, in some regions, more than half of the railways are equipped with electric traction, while in the west and east there are no electrified railways at all.


However, the lack of electrification on many main lines contributes to the fact that a train ride in Kazakhstan is more like a real journey, when you have time to photograph and even a little examine the reality passing by.


Currently, about 70 trains run on the Kazakh railway network, of which 42 are intra-Kazakh trains (only 1 of them partially runs along Russian Railways lines), 17 are transit.


The pride of the passenger service of the Kazakh railways is the Tulpar high-speed trains based on the Spanish Talgo 250 trains.


These trains run on 13 routes, connecting all major cities and major hubs of the Kazakhstan railway network.
They slightly reduce the huge distances in Kazakhstan, shortening the journey by an average of one and a half times.

In the outback, the railway and railway stations are often the center of life to a much greater extent than in Central Russia; With the arrival of the train, everything comes to life, the deserted sun-drenched platforms and station squares are filled with life.



It feels like the intensity of freight traffic in Kazakhstan is no less than on the main railways of Russia.



The Kazakh economy, which is based on large metallurgical enterprises and chemical enterprises and the extraction of minerals (coal, ferrous and non-ferrous metal ores, uranium), needs high-capacity transport, such as rail.


In recent decades, the country's busiest railway line with passenger traffic has become the middle Trans-Kazakhstan road; It is logical that after the capital was moved to Astana, the role of this line became even greater. Now up to 30% of all Kazakh long-distance trains pass through it.



And a new Nurly Zhol ("Bright Path") station is being built on the eastern outskirts of the city.
In general, there are many old stations in Kazakhstan only on the old Tashkent railway.



In Central Russia there would be nothing particularly surprising about them, but here, in a steppe country, where architecture began to appear in large quantities only during the era of virgin lands development and later, these stations look almost like churches of the pre-Mongol era here.
In the rest of Kazakhstan, train stations, at best, look something like this:


And more often like this:



The Chu station, where the Trans-Kazakhstan and Turkestan-Siberian railways meet, exceeds the Astana railway junction in terms of traffic volume, including due to the not very extensive railway network in Southern Kazakhstan - you can only get from both the east and the north of the country to the south through this station.

The next railway in Kazakhstan in terms of passenger traffic is the southern section of the Trans-Siberian Railway, which passes through the republic on a relatively short section; this is the only section of the national railway network where more than half of long-distance trains are transit; although here their number has decreased noticeably compared to the late 1980s.
Petropavlovsk, where the Trans-Kazakhstan Railway adjoins the Trans-Siberian Railway, is also one of the most significant railway junctions in Kazakhstan.
The old Tashkent railway on the section from Arys in the Chimkent region to Aktyubinsk is approximately the same as the Petropavlovsk section of the Trans-Siberian Railway.


Many Kazakh trains pass along this line, connecting the south of the country with the west, but there are also several trains from the European part of Russia to Central Asia, and one train from Russia to Alma-Ata.


The southern section of Turksib does not lag behind this line - between Arys/Chimkent and Alma-Ata; This is where the flow from north to south passes, as well as most of the trains to Alma-Ata. However, with the gradual transfer of some trains to the new railway line Dzhezkazgan - Saksaulskaya - Beyneu, this segment may be somewhat relieved.
Almaty remains the third largest railway hub in Kazakhstan by traffic volume - about a third of long-distance trains running on the Kazakhstan railway network pass through the southern capital.
Turksib northeast of Almaty is noticeably less busy - there are much fewer transit trains from Russian Siberia to Central Asia (more precisely, there is only one left), and there have never been many internal ones, because the eastern outskirts of the country are quite deserted even by Kazakh standards.
The country's other major railway hubs are Arys, located at the junction of the Turksib and Tashkent railways, and neighboring Chimkent, the capital of Southern Kazakhstan, rivaling Astana for the title of the country's second most populous city.
The main railway junction of Western Kazakhstan is Kandyagash, located at the intersection of the Tashkent railway and the old Ural railway, which now carries trains to the rich raw materials of Atyrau and Aktau (Mangyshlak).
Eastern Kazakhstan is perhaps the poorest region in Kazakhstan for long-distance trains; the main junction here is Semipalatinsk, where the new railway from Pavlodar adjoins the Turkestan-Siberian Railway.
, whose main station is called "Zashchita" - a secondary hub, but busy thanks to the industrial power of the city; until recently - before the construction of the line to Turksib - it was generally isolated from the national railway network, communicating with it only through the Russian Altai Territory (Lokot station).


Over the past decades, the role of the North Kazakhstan latitudinal railway lines (Ural - Altai) has changed the most, where most of the trains were transit, and now there are none left there at all. There is now no through traffic on these railways, in some places there is no passenger traffic at all, all the remaining trains are connecting the new Kazakh capital Astana with the western and eastern regions of the country.
The situation with electric trains and with commuter trains in general in Kazakhstan is in many ways similar to the Russian one, only, perhaps, more severe: if in our country cases of complete cancellation of suburban traffic are not so frequent, then in Kazakhstan this occurs with greater frequency.


It can be said that suburban traffic on most Kazakhstani railway lines has never been particularly intense - after all, the population density in the country is very low.

But after 1991, commuter trains disappeared in many densely populated areas, especially in the south; Perhaps the most egregious situation has developed in the one and a half million agglomeration of Almaty, where until recently there was only one commuter train (not every day), but now, it seems, there are none left at all. Sections of the main railway lines electrified after 1991 generally do not have commuter service, which is quite unusual by the standards of our country, where commuter service on main electrified lines is usually the last to disappear.


Suburban electric trains remain in the north - Karaganda - Astana - Borovoye - Kustanay and Astana - Ekibastuz - Pavlodar, not counting the city electric trains of Stepnogorsk, also on the Trans-Siberian Railway, in the Petropavlovsk region, and also in the vicinity of Kustanay. Along with Astana, the main hub for suburban traffic is Karaganda, which has an extensive network of local lines, including one of two lines in Kazakhstan where only electric trains run (Kokpekty - Temirtau).


In the area of ​​Shymkent and Arys, locomotive-hauled commuter trains run along electrified sections; in other regions, commuter trains operate mainly in remote areas where the roads are worse, or where there are no long-distance trains.
Another interesting feature of the suburban railway service in Kazakhstan is that cross-border commuter trains remain here, unlike the Russian-Ukrainian and even Russian-Belarusian borders. On certain cross-border sections (Pavlodar - Kulunda, Tobol - Kartaly) they are the only representatives of passenger railway traffic, and in some places (Uralsk - Ozinki) they supplement long-distance traffic. Most likely, this is due to the same economic and geographical specifics of Kazakhstan, where the outskirts are more densely populated and more developed than the central regions, and gravitate toward large cities located across the border (Northwestern Kazakhstan - towards the Ural metropolis, Western Kazakhstan - towards Astrakhan , Northern Kazakhstan - also to the Urals, and to Omsk, Eastern Kazakhstan - to Barnaul and Novosibirsk, Southern Kazakhstan - to Tashkent). Border areas have been developed to a greater extent, and suburban transportation is more in demand here.

▼ ( lesion)
- 460.0 billion tenge (2015)

Number of employees

▼ 145,901 people (2015)

Parent company Affiliated companies

JSC "Almaty Car Repair Plant"
JSC "Militarized Railway Security"
JSC "Vokzal-service"
JSC "Kaztransservice"
JSC "Kaztemirtrans"
JSC "KTZ Express"
JSC "Lokomotiv"
JSC "Locomotive Service Center"
JSC "Remlokomotiv"
JSC "Passenger transportation"
JSC "Temirzholsu"
JSC "Transtelecom"
JSC National Company Aktau International Sea Trade Port,
JSC "Transport Service Center"
LLP "Lesozashchita"
JSC “International Center for Cross-Border Cooperation “Khorgos”,
Akzhaiyk-Zapad 2006 LLP,
LLP "Research Institute of Transport",
Repair Corporation Kamkor LLP,
JSC “Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications”,
Logistic System Management B.V. (LSM B.V.),
JSC "Lokomotiv Kurastyru Zauyty"
JSC "Doszhan Temir Zholy"
JSC "Temirzhol Zhondeu"
JSC "Kaskor-Transservice"

Auditor Website K:Companies founded in 1997

"Kazakhstan Railways"(Kaz. Kazakhstan Temir Zholy- Kazakhstan Railways) is the largest operator of the main railway network in Kazakhstan. Full name - Joint Stock Company "National Company "Kazakhstan Temir Zholy"". The main office of KTZ is in Astana.

Owners and management

The sole shareholder of the company is the Samruk-Kazyna national fund, 100% of whose shares belong to the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The post of Chairman of the Board of Directors of KTZ from June 21, 2015 to April 11, 2016 was held by the Managing Director of Samruk-Kazyna JSC N. T. Baidauletov. On April 11, 2016, Adamas Ilkevichyus was elected Chairman of the Board of Directors of JSC NC Kazakhstan Temir Zholy.

Board composition

  • Chairman of the Board, President of NC KTZ JSC - [Kanat Alpysbaev]
  • Vice President - Bauyrzhan Urynbasarov
  • Vice President for Support - Adelsha Ermukhanov
  • Vice President for Economics and Finance - Almaz Lepesbaev
  • Vice President for Human Resources and Social Affairs - Ermek Kizatov
  • Vice President of Logistics -
  • Ombudsman - Beibit Zhusupov
  • Managing Director Chief of Staff - Nurdaulet Kilybay
  • Managing Director for Legal Affairs - Rustem Khasenov
  • Managing Director for Operations - Oralkhan Kulakov

Asset structure

Currently, KZD has a holding structure. The company's asset portfolio includes 26 subsidiaries, affiliates and jointly controlled organizations with a geographical presence throughout Kazakhstan.


The railway industry in Kazakhstan provides employment to more than 156 thousand people. The company's activities are regulated by the laws of the republic “On railway transport” and “On natural monopolies and regulated markets”.

Performance indicators

The volume of capital investments in 2012 amounted to 499 billion 515 million tenge, which is 1.3 times more than in 2011. Freight turnover exceeded the 2011 level by 5.4% and amounted to 235.7 billion ton-km. At the end of 2012, passenger turnover amounted to 16.7 billion passenger-km, which is 14% higher than in 2011. Net income amounted to 116.7 billion tenge, which is almost 2 times the level of 2008. Labor productivity in 2012 reached 5.3 million tenge per person, which is 15.2% higher than in 2011.

Infrastructure and rolling stock

The length of the main railway tracks is more than 14 thousand km. The freight car fleet is more than 44,000 units, the locomotive fleet is more than 1,500 units. Traction rolling stock includes diesel locomotives, electric locomotives, electric trains, diesel trains, railcars, railcars and other self-propelled equipment. Non-traction rolling stock - various cars (passenger, freight, tank cars).

Large projects

The large industrial projects implemented by KTZ include two transit highways of strategic importance (Khorgos - Zhetygen and Uzen - the state border with Turkmenistan) and four large engineering enterprises (locomotive assembly plant, electric locomotive assembly plant in Astana, passenger car production plant in Astana and freight car assembly plant in Ekibastuz). On July 3, 2012, the construction of two new intrastate highways began in Kazakhstan: Arkalyk - Shubarkol (214 km) and Zhezkazgan - Saksaulskaya (517 km) - Shalkar - Beineu (496 km). Construction of the lines was completed in August 2014.

High speed movement

In February 2011, a memorandum of cooperation in the construction of the Astana-Almaty high-speed railway between KTZ and the Ministry of Railways of the People's Republic of China was signed in Beijing. The estimated speed of the train is 350 km/h. Construction of the line is scheduled to begin in 2014. Currently, work is underway on a feasibility study.


The Kazakhstan railway borders:

  • With Privolzhskaya Railway Russia (in the west):
    • according to Art. Kigash - on the line (Volgograd) - Aksarayskaya - Makat,
    • according to Art. Ozinki - on the line Saratov - Ershov - Uralsk;
  • With South Ural Railway Russia (in the north):
    • according to Art. Iletsk-1 - on the line Orenburg - Iletsk - (Kandagach),
    • according to Art. Nikeltau - on the line Nikel - Nikeltau - (Kandagach),
    • according to Art. Tobol - on the line Kartaly - Tobol - Yesil - Astana,
    • according to Art. Kaerak- on the line Chelyabinsk - Troitsk - Kaerak - Kostanay,
    • according to Art. Presnogorkovskaya - on the line Kurgan - Presnogorkovskaya - Novoishimskaya,
    • according to Art. Petropavlovsk - on the line Kurgan - Petropavlovsk - Omsk;
  • With West Siberian Railway Russia (in the northeast):
    • according to Art. Kulunda - on the line Barnaul - Kulunda - Pavlodar,
    • according to Art. Lokot-Altaisky - on the line Barnaul - Rubtsovsk - Lokot - Semey (Semipalatinsk);
  • With Lanxin Railway (China)(in the east):
    • according to Art. Dostyk (Friendship) Dostyk (Friendship) - Alashankou on the line Aktogay - Dostyk (Friendship) - Alashankou - Jinghe (PRC),
    • according to Art. Korgas - at the Korgas - Khorgos cross-border crossing on the Zhetygen - Altynkol - Korgas (ROK) - Khorgos (PRC) - Jinghe line (this new cross-border crossing opened on 12/22/2013);
  • With railway of Kyrgyzstan(in the southeast):
    • according to Art. Lugovaya - on the line Lugovaya - Kaindy - Bishkek - Tokmak;
  • With Uzbekistan Railway(on South):
    • according to Art. Sary-Agach - on the line Arys - Sary - Agach - Tashkent,
    • according to Art. Oasis - on the line Makat - Beyneu - Oasis - Kungrad;
  • With Turkmen railway(in the South-West):
    • according to Art. Bolashak - on the line Zhanaozen - Bolashak (Kazakhstan) - Serhetyaka (Turkmenistan) - Kyzylkaya - Bereket - Etrek (Turkmenistan) - Gorgan (Iran) of the Kazakhstan-Turkmenistan-Iran railway corridor.

The Kazakhstan section of the Zhanaozen - Bolashak - state border (with Turkmenistan) of the Kazakhstan-Turkmenistan-Iran corridor was opened in May 2013. As of January 1, 2014, the entire railway corridor from Kazakhstan to Iran has not yet been opened.

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  • [schedule.kaz/station/Schedule of electric trains of the Republic of Kazakhstan]


An excerpt characterizing Kazakhstan Railways

The deacon went out to the pulpit, straightened his long hair from under his surplice, holding his thumb wide, and, placing a cross on his chest, loudly and solemnly began to read the words of the prayer:
- “Let us pray to the Lord in peace.”
“In peace - all together, without distinction of classes, without enmity, and united by brotherly love - let us pray,” thought Natasha.
- About the heavenly world and the salvation of our souls!
“For the peace of angels and the souls of all incorporeal creatures that live above us,” Natasha prayed.
When they prayed for the army, she remembered her brother and Denisov. When they prayed for those sailing and traveling, she remembered Prince Andrei and prayed for him, and prayed that God would forgive her for the evil that she had done to him. When they prayed for those who loved us, she prayed for her family, for her father, mother, Sonya, for the first time now understanding all her guilt before them and feeling all the strength of her love for them. When they prayed for those who hated us, she invented enemies and haters for herself in order to pray for them. She counted creditors and all those who dealt with her father among her enemies, and every time, when she thought about enemies and haters, she remembered Anatole, who had done her so much harm, and although he was not a hater, she joyfully prayed for him as for enemy. Only during prayer did she feel able to clearly and calmly remember both Prince Andrei and Anatol, as people for whom her feelings were destroyed in comparison with her feeling of fear and reverence for God. When they prayed for the royal family and for the Synod, she bowed especially low and crossed herself, telling herself that if she did not understand, she could not doubt and still loved the ruling Synod and prayed for it.
Having finished the litany, the deacon crossed the orarion around his chest and said:
- “We surrender ourselves and our lives to Christ God.”
“We will surrender ourselves to God,” Natasha repeated in her soul. “My God, I surrender myself to your will,” she thought. - I don’t want anything, I don’t desire anything; teach me what to do, where to use my will! Take me, take me! - Natasha said with tender impatience in her soul, without crossing herself, lowering her thin hands and as if expecting that an invisible force would take her and deliver her from herself, from her regrets, desires, reproaches, hopes and vices.
Several times during the service, the Countess looked back at the tender, sparkling-eyed face of her daughter and prayed to God to help her.
Unexpectedly, in the middle and not in the order of service, which Natasha knew well, the sexton brought out a stool, the same one on which kneeling prayers were read on Trinity Day, and placed it in front of the royal doors. The priest came out in his purple velvet skufia, straightened his hair and knelt down with an effort. Everyone did the same and looked at each other in bewilderment. It was a prayer just received from the Synod, a prayer for the salvation of Russia from enemy invasion.
“Lord God of hosts, God of our salvation,” the priest began in that clear, unpompous and meek voice, which is read only by spiritual Slavic readers and which has such an irresistible effect on the Russian heart. - Lord God of hosts, God of our salvation! Look now in mercy and generosity on your humble people, and kindly hear, and have mercy, and have mercy on us. Behold, the enemy has troubled your land and, although he has left the entire universe empty, has risen up against us; All these lawless people have gathered together to destroy your property, to destroy your honorable Jerusalem, your beloved Russia: desecrate your temples, dig up your altars and desecrate our shrine. How long, Lord, how long will sinners be praised? How long to use illegal power?
Lord God! Hear us praying to you: strengthen with your power the most pious, autocratic great sovereign of our Emperor Alexander Pavlovich; remember his righteousness and meekness, reward him according to his goodness, with which we, your beloved Israel, protect us. Bless his advice, undertakings and deeds; establish his kingdom with your almighty right hand and grant him victory over the enemy, as Moses did against Amalek, Gideon against Midian, and David against Goliath. Preserve his army; put the bow of the coppers on the armies that have taken up arms in your name, and gird them with strength for battle. Take a weapon and a shield, and rise up to help us, so that those who think evil against us will be ashamed and put to shame, may they be before the face of your faithful army, like dust before the face of the wind, and may your mighty angel insult and persecute them; let a net come to them that they do not know, and let their catch, having hidden it, embrace them; let them fall under the feet of your servants and be trampled underfoot by our howls. God! You will not fail to save in many and in small; You are God, let no man prevail against you.
God our father! Remember your generosity and mercies, which have existed since time immemorial: do not cast us away from your presence, abhor our unworthiness, but have mercy on us according to your great mercy and, according to the multitude of your generosity, despise our iniquities and sins. Create a pure heart in us, and renew a right spirit in our womb; Strengthen us all with faith in you, confirm us with hope, inspire us with true love for each other, arm us with unanimity for the righteous defense of possession, which you and our father gave to us, so that the rod of the wicked does not ascend to the lot of the sanctified.
Lord our God, we believe in Him and we trust in Him, do not disgrace us from the hope of your mercy and create a sign for good, so that those who hate us and our Orthodox faith will see, and be disgraced and perish; and let all countries know that your name is the Lord, and we are your people. Show us, Lord, now give us your mercy and your salvation; make the hearts of your servants glad because of your mercy; defeat our enemies, and crush them quickly under the feet of your faithful. For you are intercession, help and victory for those who trust in you, and we send glory to you, father and son and holy spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen".
In the state of spiritual openness in which Natasha was, this prayer had a strong effect on her. She listened to every word about the victory of Moses against Amalek, and Gideon against Midian, and David against Goliath, and about the destruction of your Jerusalem, and asked God with that tenderness and softness with which her heart was filled; but she did not understand well what she was asking God for in this prayer. She participated with all her soul in asking for a right spirit, for the strengthening of the heart with faith, hope and for the inspiration of their love. But she could not pray to trample underfoot her enemies, when a few minutes before that she only wished to have more of them, to love them, to pray for them. But she also could not doubt the correctness of the kneeling prayer read. She felt in her soul a reverent and trembling horror of the punishment that befell people for their sins, and especially for her sins, and asked God to forgive them all and her and give them all and her peace and happiness in life . And it seemed to her that God heard her prayer.

From the day when Pierre, leaving the Rostovs and remembering Natasha’s grateful look, looked at the comet standing in the sky and felt that something new had opened up for him, the question that had always tormented him about the futility and madness of everything earthly ceased to appear to him. This terrible question: why? for what? - which had previously presented itself to him in the middle of every lesson, was now replaced for him not by another question and not by an answer to the previous question, but by a presentation of her. Whether he heard or carried on insignificant conversations, whether he read or learned about the meanness and senselessness of people, he was not horrified as before; did not ask himself why people were fussing when everything was so brief and unknown, but he remembered her in the form in which he had seen her for the last time, and all his doubts disappeared, not because she answered the questions that presented themselves to him , but because the idea of ​​her transported him instantly to another, bright area of ​​mental activity, in which there could be no right or wrong, to the area of ​​beauty and love, for which it was worth living. No matter what everyday abomination presented itself to him, he said to himself:
“Well, let such and such rob the state and the tsar, and the state and the tsar give him honors; and yesterday she smiled at me and asked me to come, and I love her, and no one will ever know this,” he thought.
Pierre still went out into society, drank just as much and led the same idle and distracted life, because, in addition to those hours that he spent with the Rostovs, he had to spend the rest of his time, and the habits and acquaintances he had made in Moscow , irresistibly attracted him to the life that captured him. But recently, when more and more alarming rumors came from the theater of war and when Natasha’s health began to improve and she ceased to arouse in him the former feeling of thrifty pity, he began to be overcome by a more and more incomprehensible anxiety. He felt that the situation in which he found himself could not last long, that a catastrophe was coming that would change his whole life, and he impatiently looked for signs of this approaching catastrophe in everything. Pierre was revealed by one of the Freemason brothers the following prophecy regarding Napoleon, derived from the Apocalypse of John the Theologian.
In the Apocalypse, chapter thirteen, verse eighteen, it is said: “Here is wisdom; Let those who have intelligence respect the number of animals: the number is human, and its number is six hundred and sixty-six.”
And of the same chapter in verse five: “And a mouth was given unto him, saying great things and blasphemous things; and he was given the domain of creation for a month of four to ten and two.”
French letters, like the Hebrew number image, according to which the first ten letters stand for units, and the rest tens, have the following meaning:
a b c d e f g h i k.. l..m..n..o..p..q..r..s..t.. u…v w.. x.. y.. z
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160
Having written the words L "empereur Napoleon [Emperor Napoleon] using this alphabet in numbers, it turns out that the sum of these numbers is equal to 666 and that therefore Napoleon is the beast about which was predicted in the Apocalypse. In addition, having written the words quarante deux using the same alphabet [ forty-two], that is, the limit that was set for the beast to say great and blasphemous, the sum of these numbers depicting the quarante deux is again equal to 666, from which it follows that the limit of Napoleon’s power came in 1812, in which the French emperor turned 42 This prediction greatly amazed Pierre, and he often asked himself the question of what exactly would put a limit to the power of the beast, that is, Napoleon, and, based on the same images of words with numbers and calculations, he tried to find the answer to the question that occupied him. Pierre wrote in the answer to this question: L "empereur Alexandre? La nation Russe? [Emperor Alexander? Russian people?] He counted the letters, but the sum of the numbers came out much more or less than 666. Once, while doing these calculations, he wrote his name - Comte Pierre Besouhoff; The sum of the numbers also did not come out far. He changed the spelling, putting z instead of s, added de, added article le, and still did not get the desired result. Then it occurred to him that if the answer to the question he was looking for lay in his name, then the answer would certainly include his nationality. He wrote Le Russe Besuhoff and, counting the numbers, he got 671. Only 5 were extra; 5 means “e”, the same “e” that was discarded in the article before the word L "empereur. Having discarded the "e" in the same way, although incorrectly, Pierre received the desired answer; L "Russe Besuhof, equal to 666 ti. This discovery excited him. How, by what connection he was connected with that great event that was predicted in the Apocalypse, he did not know; but he did not doubt this connection for a minute. His love for Rostova, the Antichrist, the invasion of Napoleon, the comet, 666, l "empereur Napoleon and l "Russe Besuhof - all this together was supposed to ripen, burst out and lead him out of that enchanted, insignificant world of Moscow habits in which he felt himself captive, and lead him to great feats and great happiness.
Pierre, on the eve of that Sunday on which the prayer was read, promised the Rostovs to bring them from Count Rostopchin, with whom he was well acquainted, both an appeal to Russia and the latest news from the army. In the morning, having stopped by Count Rastopchin, Pierre found him having just arrived a courier from the army.
The courier was one of the Moscow ballroom dancers Pierre knew.
- For God's sake, can you make it easier for me? - said the courier, - my bag is full of letters to my parents.
Among these letters was a letter from Nikolai Rostov to his father. Pierre took this letter. In addition, Count Rastopchin gave Pierre the sovereign’s appeal to Moscow, just printed, the latest orders for the army and his latest poster. Having looked through the orders for the army, Pierre found in one of them, between the news of the wounded, killed and awarded, the name of Nikolai Rostov, who was awarded the 4th degree by George for his bravery in the Ostrovnensky case, and in the same order the appointment of Prince Andrei Bolkonsky as commander of the Jaeger regiment. Although he did not want to remind the Rostovs about Bolkonsky, Pierre could not resist the desire to please them with the news of his son’s award and, leaving with him the appeal, poster and other orders, in order to bring them to dinner himself, he sent a printed order and a letter to Rostov.
A conversation with Count Rostopchin, his tone of concern and haste, a meeting with a courier who carefreely talked about how badly things were going in the army, rumors about spies found in Moscow, about a paper circulating in Moscow, which says that Napoleon promises to to be in both Russian capitals, the conversation about the expected arrival of the sovereign the next day - all this with renewed vigor aroused in Pierre that feeling of excitement and expectation that had not left him since the appearance of the comet and especially since the beginning of the war.
Pierre had long ago had the idea of ​​entering military service, and he would have carried it out if he had not been hindered, firstly, by his belonging to that Masonic society, with which he was bound by an oath and which preached eternal peace and the abolition of war, and, in secondly, the fact that, looking at the large number of Muscovites who put on uniforms and preached patriotism, he was for some reason ashamed to take such a step. The main reason why he did not carry out his intention to enter military service was the vague idea that he was l "Russe Besuhof, having the meaning of the animal number 666, that his participation in the great matter of setting the limit of power to the beast, which says great and blasphemy, it was determined from eternity and that therefore he should not undertake anything and wait for what must happen.

KTZ tower among new buildings

"Kazakhstan Railways"(Kaz. Kazakhstan Temir Zholy- Kazakhstan Railway) - operator of the main railway network of Kazakhstan. Full name - Joint Stock Company "National Company "Kazakhstan Temir Zholy"". Headquarters - in Astana.

The Republican State Enterprise “Kazakhstan Railways” was created by Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 31, 1997 No. 129 “On the reorganization of railway enterprises of the Republic of Kazakhstan” by merging three RSE: the Office of the Almaty Railway, the Office of the Tselinnaya Railway and the Office of the West Kazakhstan Railway roads. The purpose of the merger was to optimize the management structure of the transportation process and eliminate unnecessary links, as well as the financial and economic recovery of the railway industry.

By Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 15, 2002 No. 310 “On the creation of the Closed Joint Stock Company “National Company “Kazakhstan Railways””” CJSC “National Company “Kazakhstan Railways”” was formed by merging the RSE “Kazakhstan Railways” with its subsidiaries . One of the differences between a RSE and a joint stock company is that a (Z)JSC can have a profit and pay dividends, while a RSE operates at break-even. In the case of KZD, the company pays dividends in favor of its sole shareholder - Samruk-Kazyna - and the national fund pays dividends to the republican budget.

On April 2, 2004, in accordance with the Law “On Joint-Stock Companies” dated May 13, 2003, CJSC NC KTZ was re-registered into JSC NC KTZ.

Owners and management

The sole shareholder of the company is the Samruk-Kazyna national fund, 100% of whose shares belong to the Republic of Kazakhstan. The fund solves problems of improving the quality of corporate governance, increasing budget transparency, manages the activities of KTZ through the board of directors, without interfering in operational work.

The activities of KTZ are controlled by the Ministry of Transport and Communications, which, as an authorized body, ensures the implementation of state policy in the field of railway transport, as well as the state Agency for the Regulation of Natural Monopolies.

Samruk-Kazyna approves the company’s board of directors, which in turn approves the company’s president and annual reports. The candidacy for the president of the society is proposed by the president of the country.

Since June 2009, the post of Chairman of the Board of Directors of KTZ has been occupied by Timur Kulibayev.

Board composition

  • Chairman of the Board, President of NC KTZ JSC - Askar Mamin (April 2008)
  • Vice President - Ermek Kizatov (2008)
  • Vice President for Support - Erik Sultanov (2008)
  • Vice President for Economics and Finance - Kanat Alpysbaev (2008)
  • Vice President for Human Resources and Social Affairs - Askhat Akchurin (2008)
  • Vice President for Logistics - Erkhat Iskaliev (2011)
  • Advisor to the President - Beibit Zhusupov
  • Managing Director, Chief of Staff - Kanat Almagambetov
  • Managing Director for Legal Affairs - Rustem Khasenov
  • Managing Director for Economics - Almas Lepesbaev
  • Managing Director for Finance - Elena Lepskaya
  • Managing Director for Operations - Baurzhan Urynbasarov

Asset structure

Currently, KZD has a holding structure. The company's asset portfolio includes 26 subsidiaries, affiliates and jointly controlled organizations with a geographical presence throughout Kazakhstan.


Railway transport is the most important component of the industrial infrastructure of Kazakhstan. Due to geographical features - the lack of direct access to the sea and navigable rivers, the vastness of the territory, the raw material structure of production and the location of productive forces, the underdevelopment of the road transport infrastructure - railway transport plays an extremely important role in the country's economy.

The railway industry of Kazakhstan is a fast-growing market, the production and technical potential of which has been steadily increasing recently [ When?] and provides employment to more than 140 thousand people.

The company's activities are regulated by the laws of the republic “On railway transport” and “On natural monopolies and regulated markets”.

Performance indicators

Freight transportation

In 2010, freight turnover amounted to 213 billion t km. The total volume of cargo transportation in 2009 amounted to 268 million tons, of which 35% was in export traffic, 53% in interregional traffic, 6% in import traffic and 6% in transit traffic.

Passenger Transportation


The Kazakhstan Railway borders on the Volga Railway (at Ozinki and Aksarayskaya stations) in the west, with the South Ural Railway (at Iletsk-1, Nikeltau, Tobol, Presnogorkovskaya, Petropavlovsk stations) in the north, and with the West Siberian Railway (along Kulunda and Lokot-Altaisky stations) in the northeast, with the Lanxin Railway (China) along the cross-border crossing Dostyk (Friendship) - Alashankou in the southeast and (Korgas station on the Zhetygen - Korgas highway) in the east, with The Uzbekistan railway (via Oasis and Sary-Agach stations) in the south, with the Turkmen railway (via Bolashak station on the Uzen - state border with Turkmenistan highway) in the southwest.


The electric locomotives used to pull the Spanish Talgo 200 high-speed trains between Astana and Almaty may be good, but the Spanish cars included are worse than compartment cars (made in Russia or the Soviet Union). I was convinced of this from December 14, 2012 to December 15, 2012 (landing at 20.00 in Almaty (station - Almaty-2), arriving at Karaganda on March 6). The carriage is very noisy, like a tin can, shaking and swaying all over, I very much regretted that I did not travel in an ordinary compartment carriage. The price for a seat cost me 18,800 tenge. By plane it would cost an average of 15,000. You have to try very hard to fall asleep in such a noisy carriage. The compartment room has a radio station (from the 70s) - why???, there is no TV, but there is a proud inscription above the ceiling - Wi-Fi. The dispenser installed at the beginning of the car is so wobbly that it seems like it will fall in the aisle; disposable cups are rolling around on the shelf next to it, but I never saw a trash can for their disposal. There are no seats in the restaurant, the impression is that everyone is hungry. My neighbor was brought a drink to his room without a glass. The impressions from the trip in the Spanish carriages of train No. 001 remained negative.


  • Kazakhstan: results of railway transport in 2006


  1. Bond price information on Kazakhstan Temir Zholy Finance B.V. 6.375% 06/10/2020 (ISIN XS0546214007). (Russian) (Retrieved July 16, 2011)
  2. Eurobonds “Kazakhstan Temir Zholy Finance B.V.”, 05/11/2016, 7.0% (ISIN XS0253694755). (Russian) (Retrieved July 16, 2011)
  3. Consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2010 and independent auditors' report, pp. 6, 10, 30, 43, 54. (Russian) (Retrieved May 4, 2011)
  4. Annual report 2009, p. 53. (Russian) (Retrieved May 4, 2011)
  5. Group structure (Russian) (Retrieved May 4, 2011)
  6. Charter of the joint stock company “National Company “Kazakhstan Temir Zholy”” (Russian) (Retrieved May 4, 2011)
  7. According to the company's charter, the official name in Russian is JSC National Company Kazakhstan Temir Zholy (sic).
  8. (Russian) (Retrieved May 26, 2011)
  9. (Russian) (Retrieved May 26, 2011)
  10. Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 26, 2010 No. 239 (Russian) (Retrieved May 26, 2011)
  11. (Russian) (Retrieved May 26, 2011)