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Map of Beijing and description of city districts. Detailed map of Beijing - streets, house numbers, areas Less interesting places for tourism

When we went on vacation to Beijing, we took with us a map of the city in Russian-English and it was our mistake. In Beijing, almost no one knows either Russian or English. You must have a map with Chinese characters with you. For the trip, a map of Beijing in Russian and Chinese characters was more useful.

The map of Beijing is made in Google maps, since from here you can print it out or download it to your mobile phone and easily use it while traveling. The advantage of using Google maps is the ability to zoom in or out and build the necessary route with a description of how and where to get there.

All attractions indicated on the map are also indicated in the list below, the names of the objects are links, by clicking on which you will see more detailed information, mainly on Wikipedia.

For Beijing, we'll look at a map of attractions, a metro map, a map of where to eat, a map of hotels, and of course a map of Beijing markets. Links to Beijing subway map.

When going on a trip, check out and.

Our map of Beijing in Russian with descriptions of attractions, markets and train stations:

Beijing attractions:

Olympic Park - Olympic Park, built for the 2008 Summer Olympics

Summer Imperial Palace – (頤和園)Summer Palace is the summer residence of the emperors of the Qing dynasty on the outskirts of Beijing. The park with more than 3,000 buildings is listed by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.

Temple of Confucius – (北京市东城区国子监街13号) The second largest temple in China, built in 1302.

Beijing Zoo - Beijing Zoo (北京动物园).

Shichahai Park - The park, which has three lakes, houses Taoist and Buddhist temples and several imperial mansions and gardens (什刹海).

Beijing National Sports Palace - Palace of Sports.

Shijingshan Amusement Park - Beijing Shijingshan Amusement Park Shijingshan Amusement Park

St. Joseph's Cathedral - St. Joseph's Cathedral is also known as "Wangfujing Cathedral".

Tianning Temple - Tianning Temple is the largest Buddhist pagoda and the largest wooden structure in the world.

Museum of Weapons and Military Equipment - Large museum of weapons and military equipment.

Capital Museum - The museum has more than 200 thousand exhibits from the history of China.

Beijing National Museum - The most visited museum in the world, with 620 thousand items relating to the history of the state over a more than 5,000-year period.

National History Museum - National Historical Museum.

Museum of Art - National Museum of Art.

Happy Valley Amusement Park - Happy Valley Amusement Park Happy Valley 北京市朝阳区东四环小武基北路.

Botanical Garden - Beijing Botanical Garden A botanical garden with many beautiful plants. Great place for a walk 香山路, Haidian, Beijing.

Beijing shopping and markets:

Market (street) Wangfujing— Wang Fu Jing Da Jie Wangfujing Street is both one of the famous landmarks of Beijing and a market; more precisely, there are many shops, shopping centers, cafes, etc. on this street.

Silk Market – Silk Street – Silk Street is a market where you can buy everything in one place. There is almost everything here: clothes, shoes, bags, fabrics, bedding, souvenirs, etc. Foreign excursions are brought to this market; here you can meet both our compatriots and Europeans and Americans.

Yabaolu Market - Ya Bao Lu -(雅宝路) - a large market consisting of several buildings. There is almost everything here: clothes; shoes, fur coats, bags, etc. This is one of the places where Russian entrepreneurs buy clothes.

Pearl Market - Hongqiao Market Pearl Market - in addition to jewelry and pearl products, clothing is also sold here.

Bainaohui Electronics Market - Buynow Beijing Flagship Store specialized electronic market Bainaohui (百脑汇) - here you can buy: phone, tablet, computer, walkie-talkie, CDs for set-top boxes and much more. Brands on the market are both European and Chinese.

Photographic equipment market - Beijing Photography Qicaicheng is a specialized market for photographic equipment; it has everything for amateur and professional photography.

We present to your attention a detailed map of Beijing in Russian. On the map you will see areas, streets of Beijing, as well as metro stations and various objects.

Briefly about Beijing

Beijing is the capital and third largest city in China. It is considered the political and cultural center of the PRC. Beijing's population is about 18 million people, its area is approximately 16,000 square meters. km.

Beijing and its surroundings have a huge number of attractions and architectural monuments, and even a whole book will not be enough to describe them all. So you'll have to inspect everything yourself. You already have a map of Beijing in Russian, all you have to do is buy a plane ticket and go to this city, interesting in every sense.

Interactive map of Beijing

Below is an interactive map of Beijing in Russian from Google. You can move the map left and right, up and down with the mouse, and also change the scale of the map using the “+” and “-” icons, which are located at the bottom on the right side of the map, or using the mouse wheel. In order to find out where Beijing is located on the world map, use the same method to reduce the scale of the map even further.

In addition to the map with the names of objects, you can look at Beijing from a satellite if you click on the “Show satellite map” switch in the lower left corner of the map.

Detailed map of Beijing in Russian

Below is another map of Beijing. To see the map in full size, click on it and it will open in a new window. You can also print it out and take it with you on the road.

You have been presented with the most basic and detailed maps of Beijing, which you can always use to find an object of interest to you or for any other purposes. Have a nice trip!

Beijing is the capital of the People's Republic of China. A satellite map of Beijing shows that the city has a ring structure: the city has now expanded to the Sixth Ring Road (numbering starts from the 2nd Ring Road). The area of ​​the city is 16,808 square meters. km.

Beijing is the cultural, political and educational center of China. Recently, the city has become a center of innovative entrepreneurship, taking over the status of an economic center from Shanghai and Hong Kong. Beijing's economy is based on the electronics and computer industries, real estate and pharmaceuticals.

Beijing is one of the four ancient capitals of China. In Russia, the city is called Beijing, although its modern name is pronounced “Beijin”.

Beijing business center

A Brief History of Beijing

In the first millennium BC. On the territory of modern Beijing there was the city of Ji - the capital of the kingdom of Yan. Then the Han and Jin dynasties included this territory in various districts.

Tang Dynasty - Headquarters of the military governor of northern Hebei Province.

755 - An Lushan rebellion, which led to the fall of the Tang dynasty.

938 (Liao Dynasty) - the city was renamed Nanjing, the second capital of the dynasty.

1153 (Jin Dynasty) - renamed Zhongdu, capital.

1215 - burned by the Mongols.

1267 – rebuilt a little further north.

Yuan Dynasty - became the capital and was renamed Dadu (Khanbalik).

1368 – Dadu is destroyed

1421 (Ming Dynasty) - rebuilt, renamed Beijing, capital.

Forbidden City

1860 (Qing Dynasty) – occupation by the French and British.

1900 - Siege and invasion by Western armies during the Boxer Rebellion.

1928 - the capital was moved to Nanjing, and Beijing was renamed Beiping.

1937-1945 - Japanese occupation during the Second Sino-Japanese War.

1949 - the communists came to power, the city was renamed Beijing (Beijing), the capital of the People's Republic of China.

National Center for the Performing Arts

Beijing sights

On a detailed satellite map of Beijing you can see the main attractions of the city: Tiananmen Gate and the square of the same name with the mausoleum of Mao Zedong, the Forbidden City (the residence of the Chinese emperors), the Temple of Heaven, the Summer Palace and the Badaling section of the Great Wall of China.

Sky Temple

In Beijing, worth visiting are the National Center for the Performing Arts, the Zheng Yiqi Peking Opera Theater, the Earth and Sun Temples, Wangfujing Main Shopping Street, the Ming Dynasty Tombs and the Planetarium. Also worth visiting are Beihai and Yuanmingyuan parks, the Beijing Zoo and the city's many temples.

Here is a complete guide to Beijing for 2019. In addition to reviewing the sights, we will find out whether you need a visa upon arrival in Beijing, how to get to the city from the airport, which transport is wiser to use, which hotel to stay in and what time of year is best to go. From today's article you will learn a lot of useful things about the capital of China. In turn, this guide is part of a large and useful guide to all of China.

Map of Beijing with attractions in Russian

On the map of Beijing attractions you can see the location of each place from the overview and, based on your preferences, create your own route.

Beijing sights

I decided to start my review of Beijing attractions with places located in the city center. Step by step, we will analyze all the most interesting things.

List of attractions in Beijing:

Forbidden City China

One of Beijing's most iconic landmarks. The vast majority of tourists, first of all, come here. If you're wondering why the Forbidden City in Beijing is called what it is, the name goes back a long way. For many centuries, ordinary people could not visit the Forbidden City in Beijing; the emperor and his entourage lived here. That's why the Forbidden City began to be called that.

How to get there: Tian'anmen West Station (Line 1)

Opening hours and cost: from April to November from 8.30 to 17.00 (entrance ticket 60 yuan), from November to March inclusive from 8.30 to 16.30 (40 yuan).

Tiananmen Square in China (Tiananmen Square)

Located very close to the Forbidden City, Tiananmen Square is one of Beijing's most famous landmarks. Large, always crowded, it attracts the attention of thousands of tourists every year. When walking around the square, be careful and do not fall for the tricks of scammers. There have been numerous cases when tourists were approached by supposedly local residents who asked for a favor to practice their English. The tourists agreed and after a casual conversation, the newly made friends suggested going to the teahouse to have a cup of tea and cakes. Naturally, the scammers brought tourists to theirs, who eventually brought a check for several thousand yuan. If you find yourself in a similar situation, without paying attention to those around you, just get up and leave.

How to get there: Qianmen Subway (Line 2) or Tian’anmen East (Line 1)

National Museum Of China

The most visited museum in the world. A huge number of exhibits and a convenient location in the eastern part of Tiananmen Square. If you want to learn more about the history of China, it would be a good idea to come here.

How to get there: Tian'anmen East (Line 1)

Opening hours and cost: open all week, excluding Mondays, from 9.00 to 17.00. The ticket office closes at 15.30, admission is free.

Sights of Beijing. Liulichang Street

Not exactly an ordinary landmark in Beijing. If you love antiques and outdoor walks, Liulichang Street in Beijing should interest you. Here you can buy not standard boring souvenirs, but something really interesting as a keepsake.

Panjiayuan Lu Market

You can combine a visit to Liulichang Street with the Panjiayuan Antique Market in Beijing. These places are not located close to each other, but lovers of antiques should not be deterred by such little things as distance. Here you can find antique and unique items from Chinese craftsmen.

Directions and opening hours: Panjiayuan (Line 10). Open on weekdays from 8.30 to 18.00, on weekends from 4.30 to 18.00.

Sights of Beijing. Temple of heaven

Judging by the reviews of tourists, the Temple of Heaven is one of the most interesting and visited places in Beijing. Built back in the 15th century under the Ming reign, the Temple of Heaven includes several separate halls. If you don't know where to go in Beijing, this place can probably add to your list of Beijing attractions.

How to get there: in Beijing Temple of Heaven - Tiantan East Gate metro station (Line 5).

Opening hours and cost: halls are open from 8.00 to 20.00 (ticket 35 yuan), park area from 6.00 to 22.00 (15 yuan).

Gongwangfu (Prince Gong Mansion)

Another landmark of Beijing, located in the center of the capital of China. A beautiful palace with a vast park area, judging by the reviews of tourists, one of the most beautiful places in Beijing.

How to get there: Beihai North (Beijing Subway Line 6)

Opening hours and cost: open from 8.30 to 17.00, 40 yuan.

Temple of Confucius

If you love Chinese temples, you should like this place. Another fragment of the Ming Dynasty.

Schedule and price: from 8.30 to 18.00 (May - November), from 8.30 to 17.00 (November - end of April), 30 yuan.

Yonghegong Lama Temple

The Yonghegong Temple is beautiful, judging by the reviews of many tourists who visited this place. The advantage of the temple is its proximity to the Temple of Confucius and the Imperial Academy, so a reasonable solution would be to combine two attractions of Beijing at once.

Find: Lama Temple (intersection of metro lines 2 and 5).

Schedule and price: 9.00 - 16.00 (November - March), 9.00 - 16.30 (April - end of October), 25 yuan.

Yiheyuan Summer Palace

The next two attractions of Beijing are located at a distance from the center of the capital of China. In Yiheyuan Imperial Palace, in addition to the magnificent elements of Chinese architecture, you will find places with scenic views of the lake and park. If you believe the reviews of tourists, the imperial palace is worth the time spent visiting.

Find: Beigongmen (Line 4, exit D).

Schedule and price: from 8.30 to 17.00 from April to November (entrance 30 yuan), from November to the end of March from 9.00 to 16.00 (20 yuan).

Today, the former summer palace is only ruins, by which one can judge the greatness of China of yesteryear. Nevertheless, going to the palace and the palace park will be interesting, especially since you can combine visits to two places at once. The old and new palaces are located in close proximity to each other.

Find: Yuanmingyuan Park (Beijing Subway Line 4).

Schedule and price: from 7.00 to 19.00 from April to November, from November to the end of March from 8.00 to 17.30. Entrance fee 25 yuan.

In addition to the sights of Beijing, which clearly show the history of China's development, you can also visit modern attractions. For example, there is a good zoo in Beijing.

Find: Beijing Zoo (Beijing Subway Line 4).

Schedule and price: 7.30 to 18.00 (April - October), 7.30 to 17.00 (November - March), 15 yuan.

Water park in Beijing (Water Cube)

Another place in Beijing where it will be interesting to relax with the whole family. Judging by the reviews of tourists, the water park in Beijing is in no way inferior to the water parks of other Asian capitals.

Find: Olympic Sports Center (Beijing Subway Line 8).

Schedule and price: from 10.00 to 21.00 daily. Adult ticket 260 yuan, children 220.

Purple Bamboo Park (Zizhuyan Park)

If you find yourself in the Beijing Zoo, there is a nice park nearby where you can while away the hours of your stay in the capital of China.

Find: National Library (intersection of Beijing Subway Lines 4 and 9)

Schedule and price: daily from 10.30 to 16.30.

Beijing TV Tower

Don’t know where to go in Beijing to look at the capital of China from above? Beijing TV Tower will offer a good view of the city.

Find: Gongzhufen (intersection of Beijing Subway Lines 1 and 10).

Schedule and cost: daily from 8.30 to 22.00, 70 yuan.

The great Wall of China. Badaling Great Wall

Probably the main attraction in all of China and a great place to see the Beijing area. The most popular section of the Great Wall of China, open to tourists. Badaling is located about 75 kilometers from Beijing, and there are always many foreign and Chinese tourists here.

Find: a train ticket from North Railway Station to Badaling costs 6 yuan. You can get to the station by metro, Xizhimen station (crossing Beijing metro lines 2 and 4).

Schedule and cost: from April to the end of October the site is open from 6.30 to 19.00, from November to the end of March from 7.00 to 18.00. Entrance fee 40 yuan.

Beijing Yabaolu Market (Shopping in Beijing)

If you come to Beijing not only for sightseeing, but also want to do some shopping, then you have a direct route to Yabaolu Market. There are a huge number of shopping centers concentrated here, the products of which are aimed at European buyers. Yabaolu Market may be the only place in Beijing where most of the sellers speak Russian. If you're interested in shopping in Beijing, you can buy almost anything at Yabaolu Market. There is a particularly wide selection of clothing, including large European sizes.

Find Yabaolu Market: Jianguomen (intersection of Beijing Subway Lines 1 and 2).

Beijing visa for Russians

If you are in China for an extended period of time to travel, you will need to obtain a tourist visa. As a rule, it is issued for a period of 30 days, but there are also longer ones. If Beijing is only a transit city on the way to a third country, you can use the right of 72 hour air transit. In this case, you can go into the city and stay in Beijing for no more than 72 hours, after which you can fly from the same airport you arrived at. In the case of Beijing, this is Capital International Airport. All the nuances of obtaining a visa to China are in the corresponding article.

How to get to the city from the airport

I wrote in detail about all the possible options for leaving the airport and getting to the city in an article about Beijing Airport. You can also find a lot of useful tips there. Where the luggage storage is located, what the map of Beijing airport terminals looks like, what hotels are nearby and you can even check the arrival flight board online.

Transport in Beijing (subway, buses, taxis)

Beijing is one of the largest cities in Asia and it is very important to quickly figure out which transport to use upon arrival. Let's look at the three main types of transport in the capital of China.

Beijing Metro

In the Beijing metro map below you can see how extensive the network of metro lines is in the city. There are 17 metro lines in Beijing, as can be clearly seen in the diagram. The fare ranges from two to ten yuan, depending on the distance. The Beijing metro map clearly shows that using this type of transport, you can get to almost any attraction in the city.

"Beijing subway map"

Buses and trolleybuses

Also very popular modes of transport, but due to high traffic congestion, they are not the most reliable. Beijing has huge problems with traffic jams and when traveling by bus or trolleybus, you can lose a lot of time. The fare is usually 1-2 yuan.

Taxi in Beijing

In the capital of China, you will constantly see many taxi drivers. A taxi in Beijing is not expensive; you will pay 10 yuan for boarding and the first three kilometers, and three yuan will be added to the meter for each subsequent kilometer. Be sure to tell the driver that you want to use the meter.

Beijing Hotels

There is a separate article on the blog about hotels in Beijing. It listed specific places where you can stay upon arrival in Beijing. Both the most budget hostels and 3-5 star hotels were considered.

Weather in Beijing

The weather in China's capital varies greatly throughout the year. A detailed review for each individual month is also included in a separate article. Read about the weather in Beijing.

Beijing is the capital. It is one of the four cities under central control of the People's Republic of China. It is considered the third most populous city in the world.

Located in East Asia, in the northeastern part of China, 150 km west of Bohai Bay, which belongs to the Yellow Sea. A Russian map of Beijing shows that the city is a key transport route connecting the country's northern provinces to the rest. Despite its significant size, Beijing is considered the political and cultural rather than the economic and industrial center of China.

Beijing on the map of China: geography, nature and climate

Beijing occupies an area of ​​16,801 km², thus being the third city in terms of this indicator not only in the country, but also in the whole world. From north to south it stretches for 170 km, and from west to east - almost 150 km. Beijing on the map of China is located as an enclave inside the Hebei province, only in the east having 2 small (about 20 and 30 km, respectively) sections of the border with Tianjin, which is another city of central subordination. The territory of Beijing is divided into 14 districts and 2 counties. However, less than 5% of the capital’s population lives in 4 northern districts and counties, which together occupy half the city’s area.

The street map of Beijing clearly demonstrates the main distinctive feature of the city - a clear checkerboard structure combined with the presence of 6 ring roads. However, these roads fit into the cross-cutting character of the city and are shaped like truncated rectangles. This structure of the city is facilitated by its flat location. The maximum height of its central regions does not exceed 43 meters above sea level. But in the sparsely populated northern and northwestern parts of the city, mountain ranges and ridges begin. The highest point in Beijing is located here - Mount Dongling (2303 m).

Despite the fact that Beijing is located away from the country's largest rivers, a number of deep rivers flow through its territory. The largest of them are the Chaohe, Chaobaihe, Baihe, Wenyuhe, Beiyunhe and Yundinghe rivers. However, the most important waterway in the region is the world's largest and oldest hydraulic structure - the Grand Canal, which originates in Beijing and extends 1,782 km to the south. In addition, the city has several lakes, but almost all of them are of artificial origin. The largest lake in the central part of Beijing - Kunminghu - is about 2.2 km 2 and does not exceed 2 meters in depth.

Beijing climate

Beijing is located at the junction of not only geographical but also climatic regions. In general, the city lies in the monsoon continental climate region, but human activities significantly influence the weather in the city. Due to soil erosion in northern China, Beijing is subject to regular sandstorms during the dry winter season. The average summer temperature ranges from 24-28°C. At the same time, in winter the thermometer can drop to -3-5°C, but frosts down to -10-15°C are also not uncommon. The amount of precipitation in the region is low - about 550 mm per year. Up to 60% of them fall during July and August, and during the three winter months not even 10 mm of precipitation may fall.