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Map of the best schools in Ukraine based on assessment results. Map of the best schools in Ukraine based on educational results Some schools have made a huge leap in the rankings

The Center for Quality Education has published results in seven academic subjects: Ukrainian language and literature, foreign languages ​​(English, French, German and Spanish), biology, mathematics. The 2018 ZNO results for other subjects will be known a little later.

The results of the 2018 ZNO are assessed based on the pass/fail criterion. Each subject has its own threshold test score, which is then converted to a scale of 100-200 points. Those who do not score the required number are considered to have failed the 2018 ZNO and are not eligible to enter the university.

Based on the results, the minimum passing score was determined, that is, a score that is sufficient to participate in the competition for admission to a university.

ZNO 2018: passing grade in Ukrainian language and literature

The test consisted of 58 tasks, for which you could get 104 points. Passing score - 23.

ZNO 2018: passing scores in other subjects

  • History of Ukraine - 26 points
  • Mathematics - 12 points
  • Geography - 29 points
  • Biology - 28 points
  • Physics - 15 points
  • Chemistry - 20 points
  • Russian language - 29 points
  • English language - 16 points
  • French - 14 points
  • Other foreign languages ​​- 13-17 points

This year, passing scores are 1 less than in 2017 (in all subjects except foreign languages. For foreign languages ​​- 5 higher). Education development expert Natalya Chuprina said that the passing score in each subject depends on the results of all students, that is, the higher the overall score in a particular subject, the better the level of applicants.

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But the president of the Ukrainian Students Association, Lydia Fesenko, believes that the passing grade in mathematics should be higher.

– The threshold of 10 points is the basic knowledge that every person should have. And this is objective. Don’t forget that this is training for higher education institutions,” she said.

Competitive points of the state order for admission to a higher education institution on a budget are determined by the formula:

(points of each EIT certificate + average certificate score + score for the competition of creative or physical abilities) × by weighting coefficients, the total amount of which is equal to one.

Participants can view their results on the ZNO tests on the information page, and a table for converting test scores into a rating scale can be found on the website

When will answers to ZNO assignments be published?

The very next day after external independent testing, the correct answers to the ZNO tasks will be posted on the UTSKO website. In this way, applicants will be able to test themselves.

Schemes for grading open-ended certification work assignments will be known three days after testing.

For each subject, a rating scale from 100 to 200 points will be compiled. And in the Ukrainian language, mathematics and history of Ukraine, the results will be additionally translated into a 12-point scale. Tables are published on the day the results of the external examination in a specific subject are announced.

Where to see the results of the examination

Each participant of ZNO-2020 will be able to view their results on information page. To do this, you need to go to the website, indicate the certificate number and PIN code. Please note that you can visit the page no more than 10 times a day.

The determination of the EIT results is carried out in several stages, and applicants will be able to find out their score in mid-June:

After reading all the data, you need to print the information card, which is an attachment to the certificate. Based on the results of the external examination, a ranking list of applicants for admission to the university is formed.

You can file an appeal from the moment the results of the external examination are officially announced.

Using the correct answers to test items, test participants have the opportunity to determine their own test score for all test items, except for open-form items.

The result of completing tasks No. 1-33 of the “Ukrainian language” part and No. 58 of the “Own statement” part will be counted as the state final certification in the Ukrainian language.

The results of completing the tasks of the entire test will be used by applicants when entering higher education institutions.

The maximum number of test points for completing the “Ukrainian language” part of the test is 68 test points.

The maximum number of test points that can be scored by correctly completing all tasks of the certification work in Ukrainian language and literature is 104 points.

When announcing the official results of the external examination in Ukrainian language and literature, two tables will be published: on a scale from 100 to 200 points and on a scale from 1 to 12 points.

Results on a scale from 1 to 12 points will be sent to schools to determine the grade of graduates for the state final certification in the Ukrainian language.

GIA participants who do not pass the threshold score determined by the expert commission on the results of the external examination in Ukrainian language and literature will be considered as having failed the test and will not be able to use the test result in the admissions campaign.

The marking scheme for the open-ended certification paper will be announced in a few days.

Registration for ZNO

1. If you can register for ZNO, if I:

  • Graduate of Tsyogo Roku School
  • Graduate of PTNZ, VNZ I-II r.a.
  • A graduate of past rocks

Registration for participation in the new independent assessment 2018 is due for everyone on February 6th and until February 19th. Changes are made before registration data - from February 6 to April 2, 2018.

The registration procedure for participation in the ZNO consists of several stages:

  • filling out the registration form on the UTsOJO website, from which a registration card is generated;
  • other registration card and update it in writing for the following points;
  • forming a package of documents and uploading them to the regional center for assessing the quality of lighting.

Graduates of the 2018 school graduates of PTNZ, VNZ I-II r.a., who compile the DPA from the Ukrainian language in the ZNO form, submit a package of documents before their completion.

Graduates of past rocks send a package of documents independently to the regional center.

Reporting information about registration can be viewed on the website of the UCNJO for this purpose:

2. How, if I find out that registration is required, where will the testing take place?

Confirmation of the fact of registration for participation in the current assessment and a Certificate that will be sent to you in an individual envelope along with the registration notification of the participant and the information bulletin “The world is not independently assessed. 2018 r_k". An individual envelope for school graduates of 2018 for graduates of PTNZ, VNZ I-II r.a., which is to put together the DPA from the Ukrainian language in the form of ZNO, which will be sent before graduation. For graduates of past rocks - follow the address for correspondence indicated at the time of registration. The addresses of the point of carrying out the assessment will be indicated in the crossing requests, which will be posted on the information pages of the participants created on the website of the UTCNJO until the 30th quarter of 2018.

3. What should I do if I show any exceptions in my data on the certificate?

In this case, you will need to contact the regional center for assessing the quality of illumination, which will allow you to register for participation in the ZNO.

4. How will it be possible to change the registration data or the subject of the ENA?

So. Changes can be made until the 2nd quarter of 2018. For this you need to go through the registration procedure again.

5. What should I do if I didn’t register before the main session?

Individuals who may have a DPA in the form of cancer, but due to important reasons were not able to register during the main registration period, can register to participate in the additional session of the cancer during the additional period (3–21 June). Such individuals can return only these items, the result of which insurance will be the assessment of the DPA. Also, the 2018 additional registration from 3 to 21 May 2018 will be available for residents of temporarily occupied and uncontrolled territories, as well as participants of the ATO.

Preparation before cancer

6.Which items can be exchanged, how many can be returned?

Each participant in the current assessment has the right to select tests from four primary subjects from the transfer: Ukrainian language and literature, history of Ukraine, mathematics, biology, geography, physics, Iya, English, Spanish, German, French language. You can return no more than 4 items.

7. How can I collect ZNO from 2 or 3 items?

So, you can stack 2 or 3 items, or at least 4 items.

8.Who is insured by the National Insurance Certificate as a State Podsumkova Attestation?

In 2018, the results of the current independent assessment of three primary subjects will be covered by the results of the current independent assessment for three primary subjects (order of the Ministry of Education and Science) Sciences of Ukraine dated June 31, 2017 issue No. 1103 “Nutrition activities carried out in 2018 of the current independent assessment of the results of research, produced on the basis of a full-blown, medium-lighted environment"):

1) Ukrainian language and literature (Ukrainian language);

2) mathematics or history of Ukraine (the period of the 20th century - the beginning of the 21st century) - at the choice of the graduate;

3) the initial subject of the choice of the graduate (mathematics, history of Ukraine, English, Spanish, German, French, language, biology, geography, physics, chemistry). We appreciate that to pass the DPA, you can use mathematics and the history of Ukraine.

Having undergone DPA in the form of malignancy with foreign language, graduates of high school in Zagalnosvetnyh in the beginning of 2018, who studied this foreign language:

  • on a par with the standard or academic level, base the grade for the national certificate on the results of academic assignments 1–32 and 49–59 (43 assignments);
  • on the profile level, calculate the score for the national certification based on the results of the successful test task (59 task).

The results of all certification tasks or parts of them (independently of the initial subject) will be covered by the assessment for the DPA.

Also in the 2018 year of the DPA in the form of knowledge from the Ukrainian language and literature (Ukrainian language) academics (hearers, students) of vocational and technical, higher initial deposits are undergoing, which in 2018 I'll go back to the middle of the light.

9.Where can I look at the nutrition for cancer? What about the evidence?

The knowledge of advanced sciences can be found on the website of the Center for Nuclear Weapons in the section “Subjects of cancer”. You need to check the item in the side menu “Robot Certification Form” and “Correct Types”.

10. If I am applying for an international certificate from a foreign language, can I not submit the required assessment and re-ensure the credits?

No, you can’t add up the ZNO. The international certificate is not insured as a result of an educational assessment.

11.What are the cost-free sites for preparing for cancer?

For preparation, the Ukrainian center will be familiar with skin cancer programs, the characteristics of certification robots, evaluation criteria and tests of advanced tumors. These documents are posted on the website of the Center for Nuclear Weapons in the section “Subjects of External Significance”.

12. What kind of changes will be made to the performed EMT?

It is clear to our minds that we will accept the results of the latest independent assessment of 2016, 2017 and 2018 to enter the largest initial mortgages of Ukraine. From English, Spanish, German and French countries we will accept the results from 2018.

The greatest changes occurred in the structure of tests from foreign languages ​​- the main part of “Audiation” was achieved. Demonstration tests from foreign languages ​​are posted in the section “Knowledge Subjects/English Language/French Language/German Language/Spanish Language/Registered Certified Work” on the UCNJO website.

Trial ZNO

13. How long will it take to test the ZNO and how to register?

Registration for participation in the trial of the new independent assessment will be carried out from 9 to 31 June 2018 on the website of the regional center for assessing the quality of light.

A trial independent assessment of Ukrainian language and literature will be carried out 24 years ago, from the history of Ukraine, mathematics, biology, geography, physics, chemistry, English, Pan, German, French language - 31 bereznya. On the day of the trial skin registration test, the participant can combine the test from one initial subject.

14. Why obligatory є test for cancer?

No. The trial independent assessment is carried out with the aim of making everyone aware of the procedure for carrying out the independent assessment, the structure and location of the test area, the procedure for access to the testing point and the work place.

15. How can I find out the results of a trial malignancy test?

The results of the test in Ukrainian language and literature will be published in the participant’s office of the trial assessment created on the website of the regional center, 30 Bereznya, for other subjects – 6 quarters.

16. How can I integrate the results of the trial malignancy test on a basic basis?

No, don’t get involved. The results of the trial external independent assessment will not be covered as assessments for the state certification and will not be eligible for participation in the competitive selection until the end of the final deposits.

Please note that registration for the trial test does not automatically translate into registration for the main session of the current independent assessment.

Testing and results

17.How do you take the test? What can you do during testing, and what not?

The date, place and hour of the test will be indicated in the request-transmission. You need to take with you a document that represents the person on which the registration was carried out (original), a certificate (original), a completed request for passage, a pen (or 2) in black color, water in the clear dance without a label and a sign nnya. Phones, headphones, flash drives and other technical devices will be left in the home. If the participant discovers them during the test, the test work will be assigned, and the result will be cancelled. The participant's report at the time of the assessment will be indicated in the information bulletin, which participant receives upon successful registration. It’s important to get to know him respectfully.

18.What should I check before testing for an additional metal detector and what else is needed?

During testing, a check may be performed using a metal detector. This verification is carried out in order to ensure the safety of equal minds for all test participants.

19. How do I get information about cancer results?

The results of the current independent assessment will be posted on the information pages of applicants after their processing is completed. You will need to create and separate an information card with the results of your information page.

20.How do I get a ZNO certificate?

The participant withdraws the certificate once he has successfully registered for the ZNO. For graduates of schools in 2018, it is necessary for graduates of PTNZ, VNZ I-II r.a. to form the DPA from the Ukrainian language in the form of ZNO, which will be sent before graduation. For graduates of past rocks - follow the address for correspondence indicated at the time of registration.

21. What should I do if I show exceptions to my data in the ZNO certificate?

If an amendment is found in the certificate, you will need to contact your authorized regional center before the 2nd quarter of 2018.

22.How can I file an appeal based on the results and in what manner?

If you doubt the complete objectivity of the certification assessment, you may have the right to file an appeal against the results of the new assessment. You can submit a valid application within five calendar days from the date of the official announcement of the results of the new assessment of the main subject. The review of such applications must take place within fifteen calendar days from the date of their occurrence.

23.What is the threshold “slav/not slav” and how is it determined?

The threshold score is the number of TEST scores that an applicant can obtain with minimal preparation.

The threshold score will be determined after completing the testimonial forms for all participants. To evaluate the results of the 2018 independent assessment, a “threshold score” will be set for the skin object, so that the number of test scores that an applicant can receive is minimally prepared. Test participants who do not meet the “threshold” will not be able to obtain the result of the current assessment of this item for entry to further initial deposits. All applicants whose results are not lower than the “threshold score” will receive a score on a scale of 100–200 points and will be eligible to take part in the competitive selection upon entering the beginning.

24. What should I do if I couldn’t pass the test on the day?

If, due to important reasons, you were unable to take part in the main session of the current independent evaluation, you can submit an application to pass the current independent evaluation during the hour of the additional session. Such an application must be submitted before the regulatory commission at the regional center for assessing the scope of the study within five working days after the main session of the current assessment of the main subject. Before submitting your application, please add documents that confirm the reasons why it was impossible for you to complete the current assessment of the line.

25. How can you re-submit a ZNO if the result is not correct?

No, the refolded ZNO is not repackaged with regulatory documents.

26. If I don’t take a test in one subject, will the test results in others be valid?

The results of malignant neoplasms do not lie one way at a time. If you do not show up for one test, the results of others will be valid.

Knowledge from foreign languages

27. How are we going to test with foreign languages ​​in 2018?

At the points where the ZNO is carried out, it’s the same as other tests. The structure of tests from foreign languages ​​yielded the main part of “Audio”. 30 funds were allocated for the final task of this part. Participants will be instructed to listen to a series of audio recordings that last for 10 seconds to 3 minutes, and then listen to a variety of topics, working in the field. The task is to check the validity of your understanding and select the necessary information from listening texts. Audio recordings are made by two people. Participants spend an hour (up to 10 minutes) to transfer their responses to the next part of “Intelligible language by ear (auditing)” on form A. The final challenge of working with the foreign language test is 150 minutes.

28. Is it true that the test will be conducted on 2 levels? How can I get what I need?

All participants of the ZNO will take a one-level test for entry to the VNZ.

For those who study foreign language at the academic or standard level and the insurance result of the DPA, the score on a scale of 1-12 is determined on the basis of 43 tasks, and for those who study at the professional level, 59 -ti.

To enter before VNZ, the result is virahovuvatimetsya with all 59 tests. Rhubarb is not included in the ZNO certificate.

29.Where can you look at the butts of the tests?

Applications of tests can be viewed on the website of the Ukrainian Center in the section “ZNO Subjects”.

30. How many people are required to undergo cancer testing with a foreign language in 2018?

No. English language is one of the subjects of the participant's choice.

31.The text for audio will be listened to with audio and read by the teacher?

The audio file will be published using an additional audio source. The sound can be adjusted depending on the participant. At the ZNO testing site, there will be provision for clear recording of audio recordings.

Secret information and benefits

32. Once I have folded the ZNO torik, before I enter into the final fate, do I need to fold the ZNO again?

When entering before VNZ, in addition to the results of 2018, the results of the 2016 and 2017 rubles are valid. (outside foreign languages).

33. What will be the 2018 ESC for 9th grade graduates?

In 2018, there will be no independent assessment for 9th grade graduates. Advanced cancer testing in 9th grade will be carried out in 2027 children.

34.Where can I look at the latest list of regional centers for assessing the quality of lighting?

The list of regional centers is posted on the website of the Ukrainian Center

35.How can I find out what functions a mobile app has?

Access to the mobile add-on function is possible after entering the number and PIN code of the ZNO participant certificate. The add-on can be purchased as quickly as possible:

Among the main functions of the add-on:

  • Information about the place and the hour of conducting the ENL test on selected subjects;
  • recording the ZNO test to the system calendar of the mobile device;
  • daily fortune-telling about nearby tests;
  • notifications about news and changes in the carried out diagnostic testing;
  • notifications about the presence and presentation of test results.

36. What are the benefits for cancer for whom?

No. Pilg is silent.

37. If I have a disability, how can I create the necessary resources for the development of cancer?

All special requirements that are necessary for a participant to enter the ZNO must be indicated in the document that must be submitted to the regional center along with a set of registration documents. You can familiarize yourself with the order “About the actions of nutritional participation in the current independent assessment of individuals who are susceptible to illness and/or pathological conditions, disability” by sending: z1707-16

38. What should I do if I don’t want (for example, for religious reasons) to have a bar code on my documents?

Before completing the registration form, you can select the “Without barcode” option.

39. Who can fail to test for cancer?

Individuals whose diagnoses are specified in the instruction “About the actions of nutrition and participation in the current independent assessment of individuals who are susceptible to illness and/or pathological conditions, nist" z1707-16

The best school in Ukraine is located in Lviv

Graduates of the Lviv Physics and Mathematics Lyceum-Boarding School of LNU named after. I. Franko showed one of the best results. This school has been ranked first for the second year in a row. The average score of this year's graduates increased by 4 points.

There are six Kyiv schools in the top ten schools

Natural science lyceum No. 145 last year was in 9th place, this year it is in 2nd place. The Intellect lyceum lost silver to school 145, receiving bronze.

In the top ten there are only two Dnepropetrovsk schools (in 2017 there were three) and one Kharkov physics and mathematics lyceum No. 27. It moved from 21st place in 2017 to 4th.

Some schools have made a huge leap in the rankings

For example, Odessa Gymnasium No. 2 rose from 394 places to 80, and Rivne special school "Center of Hope" - from 1,040 to 162.

But there are more impressive records. Sychan secondary school took 175th place, and was in 9,976th place (it’s even difficult to pronounce). Next on the list, in 172nd place, is the Grigorievskaya School of the Starokonstantinovsky District Council of the Khmelnitsky Region - moved from 8,049th place.

These are the best schools in the country. But if one of them is located in your city, this does not mean that you don’t have to worry about the future of the city’s children. Because Ukrainian education is hopelessly outdated: school does not provide knowledge, demotivates learning, and the “scoop” is still in the minds of many teachers, as well as parents.